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Fred Thompson on Perry: Not enough time to think

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Perry should have known better, he saw what happened to Thompson. Just showing up is no guarantee of the brass ring. Now, if Perry shot his wad, I suggest he go quietly into the night. These are very troubling times, and we need a leader that can lead.

Seemed like Perry was ready for the Macy's Day Parade, but not the down and dirty. Don't much care for Romney but, you must admit he is a trench fighter. We all know what the Democrats are willing to do, and that is why I think battle scared Sarah Palin in the end would come out on top.

If Perry is a prima donna, and it's really to early to tell, then we need a STRONG replacement. One with the tenacity of their convictions, and the guts of a Lion. To me, only one exists, and she is still waiting in the wings. Maybe she is looking for an invitation? Maybe, all we needed was to ask?


--- Quote from: AmericanPatriot on September 28, 2011, 01:53:33 AM ---I think his wife wanted it more than he did.
She's probably the one who should have run,
Seemed like the smarter of the two
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--- Quote from: jpatrickham on September 28, 2011, 10:55:22 AM ---Perry should have known better, he saw what happened to Thompson. Just showing up is no guarantee of the brass ring. Now, if Perry shot his wad, I suggest he go quietly into the night. These are very troubling times, and we need a leader that can lead.

Seemed like Perry was ready for the Macy's Day Parade, but not the down and dirty. Don't much care for Romney but, you must admit he is a trench fighter. We all know what the Democrats are willing to do, and that is why I think battle scared Sarah Palin in the end would come out on top.

If Perry is a prima donna, and it's really to early to tell, then we need a STRONG replacement. One with the tenacity of their convictions, and the guts of a Lion. To me, only one exists, and she is still waiting in the wings. Maybe she is looking for an invitation? Maybe, all we needed was to ask?

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If her strategy is to wait and swoop in just before primaries kick off, so be it, but jumping in early makes no sense unless you have no national structure in place to help advance you.  She is one of the few who has time on her side.


--- Quote from: Libertas on September 28, 2011, 11:20:59 AM ---
--- Quote from: jpatrickham on September 28, 2011, 10:55:22 AM ---Perry should have known better, he saw what happened to Thompson. Just showing up is no guarantee of the brass ring. Now, if Perry shot his wad, I suggest he go quietly into the night. These are very troubling times, and we need a leader that can lead.

Seemed like Perry was ready for the Macy's Day Parade, but not the down and dirty. Don't much care for Romney but, you must admit he is a trench fighter. We all know what the Democrats are willing to do, and that is why I think battle scared Sarah Palin in the end would come out on top.

If Perry is a prima donna, and it's really to early to tell, then we need a STRONG replacement. One with the tenacity of their convictions, and the guts of a Lion. To me, only one exists, and she is still waiting in the wings. Maybe she is looking for an invitation? Maybe, all we needed was to ask?

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If her strategy is to wait and swoop in just before primaries kick off, so be it, but jumping in early makes no sense unless you have no national structure in place to help advance you.  She is one of the few who has time on her side.

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Sarah Palin has been true to her word. She said I will wait and see who and how the Candidates react to the will of the people. She has, she will, and we will all be better for it! ::thumbsup::


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