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Does This Change YOUR Mind About Gov. Rick Perry?

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September 29, 2011 at 11:09am

--- Quote ---"Does the below video change your mind about Gov. Rick Perry?
--- End quote ---


[Video running time 5:24.]



They use the false term "anti-immigration," instead of pointing out what we really oppose which is ILLEGAL immigration. This video just confirms what I already had concluded. Perry is pandering to the illegals, to get their votes, and this video promotes the same rhetoric and policies that the pro-amnesty people promote. We are not going to stop the flow of illegals across the border by giving them more reasons to come here illegally. the failure to enforce immigration laws is what has led to this problem, and we can't solve it by continuing to do that.


If Texas does not increase its Republican Latino vote it will go Democrat. 
If Texas goes Democrat that gives the presidential candidate 38 more electoral votes. 
Roll Florida and Ohio it will be over.


Pandering to illegals and to their legal family members helps us how? 

I'm tired of being cast as the bad guy because I expect people to obey and enforce the law, uphold the Constitution and leave me the hell alone.


--- Quote from: Charles Oakwood on September 29, 2011, 12:09:43 PM ---
If Texas does not increase its Republican Latino vote it will go Democrat. 
If Texas goes Democrat that gives the presidential candidate 38 more electoral votes. 
Roll Florida and Ohio it will be over.

--- End quote ---

Not according to the video. According to the video there are already enough Republican Latinos in Texas.

The case being made is that Republicans don't want to alienate Latino voters by being "anti-immigrant," and their idea of NOT being "anti-immigrant" is pandering to illegals and enacting policies that encourage more illegals to cross over into Texas.

In the same breath that Rick Perry is ripping on the federal government for failing to enforce the law, he is promoting policies that encourage more "immigrants" to break the law. Please explain to me how this is a winning strategy for the problem of ILLEGAL immigration. 


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