Topics > Politics/Legislation/Elections

Perry won't be going away quietly

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And apparently his numbers got better AFTER his recent poor debate performance.

Perry Q3 fundraising: $17.1 million - in only 49 days out of 92

That's a juggernaut of reality that will likely smack Herman Cain and his supporters upside the head when his Q3 fundraising numbers are released.

How can Perry's poll numbers be tanking while his donations are increasing? I smell a cognitive dissonance; probably among all the pollsters.


There was a blurb yesterday about him losing the Tea Party, which seemed odd.
Those individual donations smell like a lot of tea.

I would believe cooked polls over cooked donations...nothing in the statutes preventing the former from being manipulated!

Beck had Cain on to start his show today, pretty good discussion.  If he can hang in there it might come down to him, Perry & Romney.  Of those three I prefer Cain by a healthy margin.


Unless something happens to the applecart it is Cain, Romney, and Perry.
Of course, we are in an era of the unexpected.

Saw a clip of Cain on Hannity walking that effluent rock all the way back, said he was referring only to the word and
spoke well of Perry and his family.  It may not be over but it's over between him and Perry.


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