Author Topic: "Progressives" and the Art of Civility  (Read 573 times)

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"Progressives" and the Art of Civility
« on: October 12, 2011, 11:21:44 AM »
Wednesday, 12 October 2011 05:45 Tom DeWeese    
“Let's take these S.O.B.s out!”    

"When concerned Americans objected to Obama's health care scheme and turned out at town hall meetings in strong opposition, they were called racists and fringe radicals. The Department of Homeland Security then released a report calling those Americans who opposed Obama's policies “potential domestic terrorist.” As more and more Americans took up the protests against an ever growing federal government, the “Progressives” took to the CNN/MSNBC/New York Times media cabal to accuse the growing Tea Party of violence and then called for “civility” in political debate.

That of course meant NO DEBATE. Its got to be their way or ... as Teamster leader James Hoffa put it... ”Let's take these sons of bitches out.”

Nice, very civil. If we said it we would be accused of promoting violence. But these are the compassionate progressives, not the racist, violent Tea Party. Following are more of their compassionate, civil quotes and actions, just for the record.

“It's a fight literally for our right to exist. Don't misunderstand what this is. Don't misunderstand – not a joke, not a joke, not an applause line. You are the only folks keeping the barbarians from the gates... You are the only non-governmental power...The only one who has the power and capacity to stop this onslaught...You know, to state simply what I stated two years ago...the other side has declared war on labors house and it's about time we stand up!” Vice President of the United States Joe Biden, speaking to the same Teamster labor Day rally with James Hoffa. Hoffa also publicly told Biden that the teamster army is ready to march for Obama.

Also on Labor Day a major video game producer (StarvingEyes Advergaming) released their new product called – “Tea Party Zombies must die.” The game features several different levels where the only objective is to mercilessly slaughter everyone on the screen, from Fox News stars, or Americans for Prosperity employees. IN the game you can brutally kill Sarah Palin, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Michele Bachman, Glenn Beck and many more conservative leaders. The head of the company, Jason Oda, said “the game was just a personal project. I am not worried about it affecting business.” Pretend to kill a lousy conservative – business as usual. “Progressive civility.”