Author Topic: Alexander on the Resurgence of the American Socialist Movement  (Read 639 times)

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Alexander on the Resurgence of the American Socialist Movement
« on: October 13, 2011, 01:50:36 PM »
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Alexander's Essay – October 13, 2011

Obama's Red October Uprising

The Resurgence of the American Socialist Movement

"We must make our election between economy and Liberty, or profusion and servitude."
Thomas Jefferson

"By now, you're aware that the seeds of socialist dissent are being sown across our great nation, mostly within the fetid soil of urban centers, where cadres of activists coalesce under the aegis of "Occupy [fill in the blank]." It would be difficult to avoid the fanfare, given the amount of Leftmedia coverage (read: promotion) that these protests receive.

According to my colleague Brent Bozell at Media Research Center, the protests were the subject of "more broadcast network stories in the first nine days than the Tea Party drew in the first nine months."

Typical of the adoring coverage was this missive from ABC's Diane Sawyer, who claimed the occupiers "have spread to more than 250 American cities, more than a thousand countries -- every continent but Antarctica." (Seriously, this drama queen actually said "more than a thousand countries.")

In stark ideological contrast to the Tea Party Movement, which seeks to restore Liberty and Rule of Law as enshrined in our Constitution, the socialist "Flea Party" movement occupying city blocks across our nation is composed of the latest generation of useful idiots and debauched opportunists.

Conservative political observers have uniformly written off these protests because they're populated by the usual suspects -- a mix of leftist protagonists supported by Ivy League ignorati, collegiate lemmings, paid union thugs, the socially disenfranchised, and a handful of unwitting poor folks. Though these protestors exhibit limited "intellectual occupancy," I would caution that underestimating the threat to Liberty that these Occupier protests pose is a serious error.

Reputable polling firms find that more than 35 percent of likely voters support the protests.

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Just who is behind the Occupiers?"

Here's the short answer: Barack Hussein Obama and his socialist bourgeoisie.