Topics > Radical Islam/GWOT

John Bolton Advocating War with Iran

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The US knows Tehran is a terror sponsor that ignores sanctions. So only military action can stop its nuclear weapons programme.

--- Quote ---The unpleasant reality is that the only alternative to a nuclear Iran is to break Tehran's program through the targeted use of military force, either by Israel, the United States or both. This is, to be sure, a risky, unpleasant and unattractive option. It is, nonetheless, far preferable to the only existing – and rapidly approaching – alternative, which is Iran with nuclear weapons. Although unwilling to say so publicly, Saudi Arabia and other Arab states have long privately hoped for leveling Iran's nuclear program. With the Iranian assassination plot now public, they might even smile publicly.

--- End quote ---

I like John and he's right it sucks but sometimes you gotta do what needs to be done. ::dueling:: ::cussing::

I agree - at some point the world has to realize that a terrorist state is about to have or already does have the ability to make atomic weapons and once that genie's out of the bottle there's no going back. Boots on the ground is about the only way to stop it. At some point, and I don't think that point is too terribly far in the future, war in Iran is going to be unavoidable. The question is, will the world act before or after Iran touches off a nuke somewhere?

Let's not give the Chimp-n-Chief any bright ideas.

Besides, why would he want to topple Iran? They already ARE a radical Islamic theocracy.

There comes a point that endless wars have to stop
I'm hardly a dove but Iran should have been right after Afghan, possibly before Iraq


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