Author Topic: BENADOR: IMPEACHMENT! Hussein Obama Tyranny and the Rise of Sub-Human Species  (Read 757 times)

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Offline jpatrickham

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  • "No morn ever dawned more favorable than ours did;
Friday, 28 October 2011 00:00

by Eliana Benador

"Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil"
 Thomas Mann  

"Ever since the events at Tahrir Square in Cairo, last February, the Obama Administration has anxiously looked at the developments in the Muslim world under the uplifting brand of "Arab Spring.”

Springtime follows winter, it brings warmth, sun and light to the world...  But, has the Arab Spring actually been the Springtime of the Muslim world or, for that matter, of the world at large?

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Despite the manipulations of MSM by whoever is now controlling the internet and the printed, audiovisual media, the daily dose of terror and horror has increased, even if they are no longer easily found on the “search” front pages.  They have managed to render it difficult if not almost impossible, to find the massive news of Muslim terror attacks on any front page.  A certain Saudi Prince may have had something to say about it...

When the American people decided they had enough of President Bush, they went ahead and elected Hussein Obama, blindsided by hate to a president with mixed reviews, but who in hindsight was not as bad as the current one.  Mind you, none of them has been good -but the latter could get this time, a well deserved, another Nobel Prize as the worst President ever, intentionally-wanting to harm America.

Just as Obama took over the presidency, he lost no time to begin the dismantlement of capitalist America and, somehow, Americans are showing an astounding indifference to the magnitude of the silent attack on their economy, national security and the defense of the country made by none other than the man who they elected to protect and defend them.

Looking at the large picture of events worldwide, we are witnessing a vast Left-Muslim conspiracy for world domination.

This is not only happening in America, but also throughout the world, and that could help explain why Obama took our troops to Libya, with no Congress consent, to place our military as partners of America’s arch-enemy Al Qaeda terrorists.  

Obama and his Leftist and Muslim cohort are intent in obeying "higher" powers, such as the United Nations, the King of Saudi Arabia and more of the same....

In Libya, Muslim terrorists, caught Gaddafi.  And, after a week, Colonel Gaddafi was butchered in the most bestial manner, as a horror video documents (was Gaddafi sodomized?) the savagery that Hussein Obama’s friends perpetrated against the former dictator."
"Remember this quote?  Tell me who your best friends are, and I will tell you who you are."


Offline Libertas

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So that explains why I would like to see he and his friends vanquished for all time?!  Thanks!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline jpatrickham

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  • "No morn ever dawned more favorable than ours did;
So that explains why I would like to see he and his friends vanquished for all time?!  Thanks!


Me thinks it is time for The United States Of America to take a "Cleanse!" In layman's terms, a ginormous enema is needed. While were at it, lets deposit it's
excrement on China and Russia.

PS, if asked to run for president I will not run and if drafted, will not serve. Thank you, thank you very much! ::cool::

Offline Libertas

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So that explains why I would like to see he and his friends vanquished for all time?!  Thanks!


Me thinks it is time for The United States Of America to take a "Cleanse!" In layman's terms, a ginormous enema is needed. While were at it, lets deposit it's
excrement on China and Russia.

PS, if asked to run for president I will not run and if drafted, will not serve. Thank you, thank you very much! ::cool::

Oh, we'll make sure you serve!  Who else will give me a shot at decapitating the IRS and colon-clense the rest of the Treasury Dept?!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline jpatrickham

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  • "No morn ever dawned more favorable than ours did;
So that explains why I would like to see he and his friends vanquished for all time?!  Thanks!


Me thinks it is time for The United States Of America to take a "Cleanse!" In layman's terms, a ginormous enema is needed. While were at it, lets deposit it's
excrement on China and Russia.

PS, if asked to run for president I will not run and if drafted, will not serve. Thank you, thank you very much! ::cool::

Oh, we'll make sure you serve!  Who else will give me a shot at decapitating the IRS and colon-clense the rest of the Treasury Dept?!

Glad to and remember, BO stinks! ::thumbsup::