Topics > Radical Islam/GWOT

"Cats Unbagged"

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--- Quote ---It would appear that world Islam has decided it can safely and profitably take off its "religion of peace" mask:

    * Saudi Royal Offers Bounty to Catch Israeli Soldier
    * Iran Demands Apology From U.S. Over Claims It Was Involved in Plot to Kill Saudi Ambassador
    * Libya's Prime Minister Confirms Presence of Chemical Weapons
    * Egyptian Jailed over Coptic Clashes
    * Egyptian Christian Murdered For Refusing To Remove Crucifix

...and let's not forget the little contretemps at Catholic University, or the course of recent events in Norway and Sweden.

(Are Muslims in France still buring cars every night?)

I can imagine two alternative reasons for this casting-off of the pretense of tolerance. First, it may be that militant Muslims, a group whose numbers will surely swell in the immediate future, believe that their numbers, their distribution, and their preparations are sufficient to win any arbitrary clash with non-Muslims. Second, it may be that due to the Internet and the greater attention being paid to the words and deeds of Muslims by us "infidels," they've decided that the mask has worn transparently thin, so why bother to pretend any further?

In either case, the mass and velocity of events have grown too great for anyone who's paying attention to kid himself any longer. Dar al-Islam is at war with the rest of the world. It means to have its way with us; our preferences are of no moment.

For the First World, the alternatives remain what they've always been. "Take your choice; there is no other -- and your time is running out."
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Fran Porretto

We will have to destroy the liberalism that infects the West like a cancer before we can properly deal with any other threats. Liberalism has taken a West that stood astride the world like a colossus, and uploaded into it a cultural virus so pervasive that it no longer has any sense of itself, to the point that it will soon be at risk of falling to the leftovers of a medieval world.

Liberals did this. They are the architects of the West's suicide. At some point the culpability will be ours though, for allowing them to continue poisoning the drinking well.


Just like we need to purge the GOP of Ruling Class idiots before we can fully take on the Left, so must we purge Liberalism so that free people have a chance at survival in the face of the cultist threat of Isslam!

Can't say I disagree with anything that's been posted on this thread to date...


--- Quote from: Glock32 on October 31, 2011, 01:43:20 PM ---We will have to destroy the liberalism that infects the West like a cancer before we can properly deal with any other threats. Liberalism has taken a West that stood astride the world like a colossus, and uploaded into it a cultural virus so pervasive that it no longer has any sense of itself, to the point that it will soon be at risk of falling to the leftovers of a medieval world.

Liberals did this. They are the architects of the West's suicide. At some point the culpability will be ours though, for allowing them to continue poisoning the drinking well.

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