Topics > World/Foreign Affairs

ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...

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Heh, I'd go for any ratio above 3:1 for screw up's on landing vs any other mishap!

The Chinks are about to find out that a flight deck is one of the most dangerous places in the world .

Hu spouting off about South China Sea again, damned Imperialist swine...this territory belongs to the people's republic...all the natural resources are rightfully ours...blah blah blah...sounds like fricken Tojo, remember him Hu?  Oh wait, you are probably one generation removed from the "rape of Nanking", eh?




Navy, yes they will need many vessels to occupy all the ports they will controll.
China continues to add pearls to its string of bases.

China said Tuesday it is considering an offer from the Seychelles to host Chinese naval ships in the Indian Ocean island nation, highlighting the increasing global reach of a navy that recently launched its first aircraft carrier.

The Indians are aware of China's intent. 
Will the US wake up to China before they
control the shipping lanes from the China
Seas to the mouth of the Suez?

The brass is aware of it, getting The Regime and Capitol Hill to wake up is a much more difficult task.

And as far as Seychelles is concerned, they are a socialist state, so...figures!


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