Topics > Entertainment

Trap's Movie Thread

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We’ll definitely be on the lookout for that one.

This will be an easy one to boycott...

Ameriphobic Hollywood cuts US flag and communion out of their "First Man" flick, sanitizing America and Jesus Christ from actual history.

The battle rages on...and Hollywood favors the Devil and his world.

Heh!  Suck it Ameriphobes!

Technically not a movie but just started watching Last Man Standing on Hulu.

Holy shizzle is this show funny.  It's basically just Home Improvement with new trappings.  And despite the word of mouth, it's not very political.  Mostly man vs women stuff.

Pablo de Fleurs:
It didn’t get “rave” reviews - but I just finished watching Denzel’s ‘Equalizer II’ . . .

. . .  I wept, openly, @ the end.


...a beautiful, elegant ending (one can only imagine Mueller, Comey, McCabe & Strzok buying it in such stylized fashion).


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