Author Topic: Dollar Being Isolated  (Read 45175 times)

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Offline Libertas

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2012, 07:18:00 AM »
Read that ZH article this AM, sounds like to me the thrust of this debate indicates something is going on, but nobody can agree what exactly it is or why.  Something just just doesn't smell right to me about this...
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Offline Libertas

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2012, 07:21:14 AM »
Brazil is upping the ante.  I would expect more nations feeling the sqweaze to adopt similar strategies, and the pace will quicken.
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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2012, 01:49:27 PM »

Colombia’s central bank is also working for the peso.
It's also buying dollars.

"Currency war, anyone?"

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2012, 03:32:10 PM »
There's thjat word again...inflation.  Apparently the PTB's in this nation do not know what it is.  They will know for sure as they are dragged out into the streets.
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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2012, 08:42:16 PM »

There's a clip of Ron Paul with Ben Bernanke in which he delicately states
that we are 9% inflation right now.  It is a very recent clip, if I find it I'll
post it.

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Offline Libertas

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #25 on: March 05, 2012, 06:58:07 AM »
The only way the CB's can reintroduce sanity into the system is to raise rates, but it will constrain growth and kick the stock market in the balls so there is no chance in hell they do it.  They've cornered themeselves.  Now would be a good time drive stakes into their hearts, but there is no will to do the dance continues...grab a partner...
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #26 on: March 05, 2012, 09:13:30 AM »
The only way the CB's can reintroduce sanity into the system is to raise rates, but it will constrain growth and kick the stock market in the balls so there is no chance in hell they do it.  They've cornered themeselves.  Now would be a good time drive stakes into their hearts, but there is no will to do the dance continues...grab a partner...

 The stock market isn't real anyway.  Te real thing prevents them from raising rates is the deficit. The "twist" put most of the debt back into long term- very low interest debt, ( The clinton "surplus" was largely the result of an opposite twist)  but if rates rise  then the deficit itself becomes quickly unsustainable.  The Fed can't raise rates, and they can't lower them any further.  They have no choice but to issue more debt no one will buy and then print money so they can buy it.  A lot of that inflation gets exported to China and the other dollar holding nations, and they are getting pissed .. but that has more to do with Oil rising than anything else. In terms of Gold, oil is pretty cheap (historially speaking)  at the moment.  Add in all of the dollar swaps we are doing to keep the EU afloat and its easy to see how this stuff goes abroad first.   I gotta love the folks who say leave America. Americans are going to be the most hated and persecuted people worldwide when this falls.


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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #27 on: March 05, 2012, 10:35:02 AM »
I gotta love the folks who say leave America. Americans are going to be the most hated and persecuted people worldwide when this falls.

Yeah, one might be OK in Taipei or Bern other than that it'll be "Get Peachy".

Offline Libertas

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2012, 11:17:32 AM »
The only way the CB's can reintroduce sanity into the system is to raise rates, but it will constrain growth and kick the stock market in the balls so there is no chance in hell they do it.  They've cornered themeselves.  Now would be a good time drive stakes into their hearts, but there is no will to do the dance continues...grab a partner...

 The stock market isn't real anyway.  Te real thing prevents them from raising rates is the deficit. The "twist" put most of the debt back into long term- very low interest debt, ( The clinton "surplus" was largely the result of an opposite twist)  but if rates rise  then the deficit itself becomes quickly unsustainable.  The Fed can't raise rates, and they can't lower them any further.  They have no choice but to issue more debt no one will buy and then print money so they can buy it.  A lot of that inflation gets exported to China and the other dollar holding nations, and they are getting pissed .. but that has more to do with Oil rising than anything else. In terms of Gold, oil is pretty cheap (historially speaking)  at the moment.  Add in all of the dollar swaps we are doing to keep the EU afloat and its easy to see how this stuff goes abroad first.   I gotta love the folks who say leave America. Americans are going to be the most hated and persecuted people worldwide when this falls.

The word "unsustainable" comes to mind.

"Reality is not optional." -- Walter E. Williams.   ;)
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Offline Libertas

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #29 on: March 05, 2012, 11:20:21 AM »
I gotta love the folks who say leave America. Americans are going to be the most hated and persecuted people worldwide when this falls.

Yeah, one might be OK in Taipei or Bern other than that it'll be "Get Peachy".

Like this guy?
It says "...a native of Demopolis, Alabama" but he hauled ass to Asia (Singapore I think)...that pasty white bastard will stike out like a sore thumb!  Good luck, Jim!

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #30 on: March 05, 2012, 11:28:43 AM »

Yeah, He and the city he lives in were in the top ten bugouts at a site linked from AoSHQ.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #31 on: March 05, 2012, 01:34:07 PM »

Like this guy?
It says "...a native of Demopolis, Alabama" but he hauled ass to Asia (Singapore I think)...that pasty white bastard will stike out like a sore thumb!  Good luck, Jim!


And this one:

Its all fine and well for those with millions to go buy 3000 acre ranches in Argentina and a private army to defend them, but Doug Casey is obviously oblivious to what the little guy can do.  You can't just "go on vacation" and not come back. That makes you an illegal alien wherever you went, and in most countries (not ours)  that is considered a crime, and they really won't have tolerance for it after the dollar collapse causes serious hurt.  Same with expatriation of assets and cash. The little guy can't afford the armies of lawyers  and the bribes it takes to buy real estate or move  and then protect large amounts of wealth to/in another  country, much less actually doing what is required to become a citizen in that destination. In many countries, you can't own real estate or even a bank account without citizenship, and you are forced into trusting someone in-country to own things for you. "internationlizing" assets is NOT an easy task.  Sure it can be done, but after the collapse I wouldn't expect foreign people, nor their justice institutions to have a lot of sympathy for the ex-pat American, especially a poor one. You will be discriminated against, and shamelessly. Only in America is discrimination against somone based on race or nationality considered "wrong" -in the rest of the world, that is just the way its done.

Offline Libertas

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #32 on: March 06, 2012, 06:46:15 AM »
Yeah, if these fatcats think they can just set up a compound in someone elses country and rest easy is insane.  If the gobal economy crashes, angry mobs with shotguns, pistols, axes, shovels and clubs will descend upon you and no matter how good your compounds defenses are, you will get overrun.

Plus, timing political stability in times of rampant instability?  Really, for a rich guy he is mighty dumb.  I guess he figures he can grease enough of the right palms.  Hope you got lots of grease, payola has a tendency to grow exponentially.

Silly bastard!

Now, if he were to say learn the language and go native and carve out a hole in the jungle somewhere, at least that would have made more sense.  Go under the radars!
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #33 on: March 07, 2012, 10:13:44 AM »
To further carry the point:comments from this ZH article ( which is good in its own right)

"oldman" obviously feels the culture he lives in now is superior and lauds the natives for being so much better for being more primative and "human" ( and for some people that probably is better)- but better is always a matter of opinion, and I did chuckle at his assertion that Galts are stupid because culturally South Americans take care of each other, while simultaneously admitting they have women who have to whore in order to survive, and that foreigners are not much liked.

 However, the point I am trying to make is that American expats we would be the damn aliens coming in and F'ing up the culture elsewhere   in the world.  Most conservatives get it: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.  Liberals, being Narcisstic, selfish, and 5, and who will desert this country in droves like rats from a sinking ship,  and will, like the locusts they are ( sorry about the mixed metaphor) go forth  and destroy any place that has greater prosperity.  If you are going to move, you need to do it now, before the collapse, and do what is required to ingratiate yourself with the locals and win friends. Even then, the locals will probably hate you once the droves of refugee American's arrive.

Language Warning!

Hugo Chavez:

I am just gonna leave the country someday. Pretty young putas beckon me in south america. I can be a super duper sugar daddy with a thousand dollar a month allowance. I kinda like feudalism if I am the lord.

I can already get a retirement visa for most countries down there past the age of forty five. As soon as i get my kids thru college I am going galt. I dont even f**kin recognize the ussa any longer. For real freedom and a little chaos (gotta take the good with the bad) head south.


I don't know if you've ever lived outside of the US. There are a lot of things, both cultural and not, that you are going to have to get used to very quickly. I don't know anything about you, but before you move south I strongly urge you to consider the East, or at least go there for an extended vacation before you make up your mind, if you haven't already.



If you bring generosity and culture(read as GRACE), you will be OK, but not welcome here. Most of the US citizens that have come over the last four years are basically poor white trash with what is left of the proceeds of a lucky real estae sale.

The locals are sick of these rednecks because they are trying to run their games of greed and fear on a culture that lives day to day and now cannot even afford to rent a place to live because the yankees have driven rents so high.

I am back in a village that I lived in for a couple of years 15 years ago and my friends who were born here are forming 'Defensa de la Cultura' comites to save what remains of the local culture. I saw this happen 18 years ago in another South American village and it only stopped with the killing of a foreign friend of mine.

Anyway, this is just a note to let you know that all is not as it seems. A local friend of mine asked recntly, 'Viejo, why don't the 'americans' change, don't they know how disliked they are?'

I told her the truth, 'They just won't---they don't care whether anyone likes them or not, they are that drunk on their own 'power and wealth.'

I don't know if this is true or not, and certainly not all who come here are in that category, but most are. They refuse to learn the language, respect the customs, or the religious beliefs, and constantly haggle over pennies. These are not nice people, and, in the US, are people I would only nod or wave a hand at, not open a conversation as they have nothing to say except to parrot the last thing they read on the web or saw on fox or cnn.

We have too many Galts here alredy with their arms, water, food, survival sh*t----all unneccesary in this culture where no one has ever been allowed to starve for lack of a helping hand from one of us. This culture is deep in compassion and and sympathy. For me, it reminds me of the US about forty years ago.

So, if you are looking for 'Pretty young putas'. please stay home and f**k your daughter.

We have enough locals who can only 'PAY for a piece', to take care of our pretty young putas who only work because they have children to feed and no social assistance.

And if you have a lot of good ideas for the local folk---keep them to yourself because our people have the same ideas and dreams as everyone else. It is their nation that I am a guest in for 'indefinitely', as it says on my ID card and visa, and while they welcome what little financial support that I can afford to give them, they just need my support to correct the deficiencies of the governments they vote in and then throw out----these are real people and I love them.

The chaos you mention is the result of true democracy and free expression here. And yes, we are occasionally punished for our rashness, and----------------------so what?

I see you have 15 greens and this is why I have taken the time to comment to yours---and the 15 greens-----you are buying trouble for yourselves by coming here with the attitude posted above, and I say, 'f**k you and anyone else who believes the myth you wrote.

We don't want the type you describe in our society---we are already full up!

Respectfully,        om


i feel the same way about the illegal aliens moving here to the us



Thank you because I am an immigrant here in South America.

And I also, now, understand what this means, personally.

There is a big difference, however, when immigrants who 'retire' in another country as GUESTS elect to compete with locals in a nation whose average income is under $500 per month in a dollarized economy where foreign exchange in surplus is required to manage the economy.

The problem here is, if I can explain it properly, that US citizens come in with pensions, support from family members, and saved funds to BID UP rents and property prices dislocating the sons and daughters of the locals. Then they open little bizinesses without permission or work without work permits(most come in as 'tourists)----and they do business with the other foreigners, draining the locals' opportunities and paying slave wages.

Now, this is true in the US---we do to our own! How many US cops, firemen, teachers, not to mention more poorly paid servants and wage slaves can live in the communities in which they work; it is the same f**king snake! The difference here is that people will only tolerate this to a certain extent before striking out at the perceived source of the problem. We are not sh*t-eaters; we have thrown out a number of presidents in my time here by going to streets and not to work until there was a new government. When I say 'we', I do not mean that I am leading the charge or even on the street; this is not my country and I am a guest here, but I do give what funds I have available, buy food, and provide a place for others to meet. South Americans are intelligent and courageous enough to run their own country, with or without a foreigner's approval or broken dreams that never worked in their own country.

I have spent twenty years of my life here in flower----an oldman blooms every year in this environment----and these have been the finest years of my life. I still am affected by the lifelong conditioning I received; I cannot deny this, but only be aware and laugh at this oldfool when he falls on his own sword. This happens often, but the people here just smile and put my faux pas aside; they know that I am a foreigner and can expect no more.

This used to be true more than now, and it is simply because there are too many people from the states fleeing the fear they have created by being stupid enough to trade life for a sofa and a tv

sh*t, how I wish it was different----yeah, I am one of the people who sees how easy it might be if each of us only be responsible for 'the one'---a dreamer/realist who was fortunate to be born white, anglo, christian, male in the most powerful and wealthiest nation in the history of humanity---a complete 'accident of birth'. This oldman now realizes, though he has no beliefs, he was born in a 'state of grace'.

That is why he is so grateful for this life------accident of birth, no more   om

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #35 on: March 26, 2012, 11:35:58 AM »
Another BRICS in the wall...
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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #36 on: March 26, 2012, 11:42:40 AM »

"The move is set to challenge the supremacy of the US dollar. This, experts say, is the latest salvo in the greatest worldwide currency war since the 1930s"

How'd that work out for ya?

"The five-member nations have collectively called for an end to the tacit agreement between the US and Europe that ensures that the head of the World Bank is an American citizen, and the International Monetary Fund head is European"

Time to end the World Bank.

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #37 on: March 26, 2012, 11:47:57 AM »
And end the IMF and every other alphabet soup outfit meant to funnel our wealth to foreigners!
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #38 on: March 26, 2012, 11:52:27 AM »
I missed this one...

Listening to Lindsey Williams in crazy town..  or at least I really hope Alex is Crazy.

He says Saudis to trade oil with China Directly.  Claims no collapse will be allowed before June - apparently because they want to create such massive debt because they want control. Just like they did to Greece.  Just like they did to Argentina. 50% payback? That is fine. As long as we tell you what to do and get unrestricted access to your natural resources.  He says the financial collapse will be upon us when the derivatives market crashes...

Can't really confirm the Saudi info.. best I can do...

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #39 on: March 26, 2012, 12:04:04 PM »
So, apparently this means the ChiCom's aren't interesting in being paid back and instead think we'll be too weak to respond militarily if we are too busy killing each other in the streets, leaving them as top dog on the world stage.  If true, I am compelled to think some of that contains a grain of truth, but it is not a given we wouldn't act and it is not given what China's fate might truly be.  In the end one should be careful what they wish for, they may get it, or worse yet, they may get it in a form they didn't expect.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.