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Our Modern Navy



“…without a Respectable Navy, Alas America!” —Captain John Paul Jones, 17 October 1776

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…liberals have stumbled upon the most effective way of forcing the military to lean toward the left. You simply remake the armed forces into a trendy, liberal environment from within.
Under Mabus and Obama, our Navy has shrunk to World War I levels, women are serving on submarines and we are spending untold millions or billions on “greening” the navy. The Marine Corps is about to be cut massively and the navy’s shipbuilding program is being delayed, resulting in a force that may be over-stressed or even incapable of doing its job in the next crisis. Right now we have more admirals than ships.[/quote] [/blockquote]

Delta Force:
This administration is doing the same thing to our military the government did right after WWII and Vietnam.  They claim because we are no longer at war we do not need the military at its current levels.  Another statement comes to mind.  "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."  It seems our country will never learn from its mistakes as we continuously repeat them.  All levels of government in this country believe they can always balance their budgets on the backs of the military, police, and fire fighters.  When will they learn? ???

It seems like a long time , to me anyway , since the highest ranking officer in the army was wearing a C.I.B. ( Combat Infantryman's Badge ) . Instead they all seem to be sporting management and ticket-punching decorations , the real warriors being retired or denied meaningful promotion . If the liberals in Stymie's administration can't get them out one way then they "McChrystal" them using their media snitches . It's a sorry state of affairs .


--- Quote from: Delta Force on February 25, 2012, 06:02:23 PM ---  All levels of government in this country believe they can always balance their budgets on the backs of the military, police, and fire fighters.  When will they learn? ???

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The believe  no such thing. They just know those are the only services taxypayers are willing to pay for, to they try to extort more money by threatening to cut them, rather than cut budgets that provide largess and handouts that get them re-elected.

The selection process for advancement for all the branches has grown more Byzantine and as a result it is much much more political.  We are fortunate that our technology has not been treated with the same level of disrespect, but this cannot continue without incurring serious leadership dieback that causes us to lose effectiveness, readiness and will to act, and to have wisdom in our actions and the advise we provide the CiC.  Every branch has had its purges.  This needs to be reversed.  In a world filled with perils we need more Halsey's, Patton's, Puller's & Boyd's, but the enemy within is doing more damage than any external threat could have hoped to accomplish.


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