Topics > Military News/Veterans

Despicable Obama - Forst, cuts combat pay, now, cut health care bene's!



I'm telling ya, the purge is on!   ::outrage::

"The Obama administration’s proposed defense budget calls for military families and retirees to pay sharply more for their healthcare, while leaving unionized civilian defense workers’ benefits untouched."
 ::cussing::   ::outrage::   ::cussing::   ::angry::   ::cussing::   ::gaah::

I just hope those being forced out realize who the real enemy within is and they come to our side!


--- Quote from: Libertas on February 28, 2012, 08:07:24 AM ---I just hope those being forced out realize who the real enemy within is and they come to our side!

--- End quote ---

I also hope the active duty members keep this on their mind when

I think the "when" is getting closer.  Come to us, all ye who are tired of being robbed, repressed, marginalized and demonized.  If you thirst for liberty and freedom, foundational principles and beliefs, we welcome you to the right side of history.



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