Topics > The "Educators"

'Relocating children'

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This week brings another example of complete disregard for parental rights, this time from Grove High School in Delaware County, Oklahoma.  

--- Quote ---Grove High School transported 699 kids away from school property without first notifying parents of their intent to do so, nor obtaining the parents consent.  Parents were only told, by way of this nondescript robo-call, that there would be a "drill":

    "This call is to inform you that Grove P    ublic Schools will be conducting an emergency exercise on Tuesday, March 27, 2012.  The drill's purpose is to extend the school's preparedness in the event of a real emergency.  Please be aware, this is only a drill. Thanks and have a good evening."

    A short article also appeared in the local paper to inform of the drill, but made no mention that kids would be transported away from school grounds.  The Grove Police Chief himself stated that they were trying to "get the word out to parents" about the drill:
    "Which ever site it takes place at, there will be a tremendous amount of emergency vehicles and we need to get the word out to parents that this is a drill. The exact location of the drill will be released early that morning. This allows us to better prepare in case of an actual emergency."

A pair of videos, made by, chronicle the approximately two hour exercise where 14 buses were used to move 699 students and 50 staff members to a regional civic center.  Logistically speaking, moving this many bodies is a considerable task.  That fact notwithstanding, the need to obtain parental consent to transport these students away from school grounds was not even considered by the district.

I have (lawfully) obtained recorded audio of a conversation between a concerned parent  and the district Superintendent.  The Superintendent was asked if the district should have obtained parents' permission for their kids to participate in the drill:

    "No, because, um, if it were a true emergency, you know, we have to evacuate.  Uh, I guess if there's a parent out there that doesn't want their child to be prepared and practice for a drill, then they can send in a note and I'd send the child to another campus or something during the drill."
    "We are not taking them out of town, they are going to be on school buses and school property, so no, no I don't think we have to have parent consent to practice a drill."

Apparently, this Superintendent believes that because the students remained on the school's buses (but not on school grounds) that it was not necessary for their parents to know their whereabouts.  To think that this is even remotely acceptable defies comprehension.

Student relocation drills such as this are taking place in many other districts throughout the U.S., but Grove High School (hopefully) appears to be unique in neglecting to inform parents of what it is they are doing.  Parents should never be made by a public school to wonder where their children are.
--- End quote ---

Related article:

Kids All Over America Are Being Put On Buses And Sent To Alternate Locations During School Terror Drills

--- Quote ---All over the United States, school children are being taken out of their classrooms, put on buses and sent to "alternate locations" during terror drills.  These exercises are often called "evacuation drills" or "relocation drills" and they are more than a little disturbing.  Sometimes parents are notified in advance where the kids are being taken and sometimes they are only told that the children are being taken to an "undisclosed location".  In the years since 9/11 and the Columbine school shootings, there has been a concerted effort to make school emergency drills much more "realistic" and much more intense.    

Unfortunately, the fact that many of these drills are deeply traumatizing many children does not seem to bother too many people.  Do we really need to have "active shooter" drills where men point guns at our kids and fire blanks at them?  Do we really need to have "relocation drills" where kids are rapidly herded on to buses and told that they must surrender their cell phones because they will not be allowed to call anyone?  Our schools more closely resemble prison camps every single day, and it is our children that are suffering because of it.


For example, check out the tone in the following excerpt from a school newsletter from one school in Pennsylvania....

    "As mentioned in a separate letter in our CB Electronic Envelope last Wednesday, our school will be involved in an Off-Site Relocation Drill. This practice opportunity will sharpen our skills and provide us with the chance to review important safety procedures in the event of an emergency. This Relocation Drill is scheduled for Friday, December 16, 2011. Here are some very important reminders for all parents and families:


    In every classroom, teachers will prepare students for this activity. To ensure that every child and adult arrives safely to the relocation site, no child will be released for any reason during this practice activity or real emergency. All parents are asked to review the detailed letter explaining the official steps for such drills and practice activities."

No child will be released for any reason?

What if there is a family emergency?

What if a child becomes very ill?

Our schools are becoming way too militarized.  It really is quite frightening to see what is happening to us.
--- End quote ---

There is more at the link.  In case you need the BP bump.   ::saywhat::


Without written consent schools have no authority to do this.
If something terrible happens the children are to be sent home
or otherwise returned to parents or responsible family.

This isn't militarization as much as ownership; they are breaking
the familial bond.  This is one more step establishing in the students
mind the superior authority of the state and most of the parents
are too ignorant and pacified to understand it.


--- Quote from: Charles Oakwood on March 30, 2012, 01:44:11 AM ---
Without written consent schools have no authority to do this.
If something terrible happens the children are to be sent home
or otherwise returned to parents or responsible family.

This isn't militarization as much as ownership; they are breaking
the familial bond.  This is one more step establishing in the students
mind the superior authority of the state and most of the parents
are too ignorant and pacified to understand it.

--- End quote ---

Obviously, the schools hav decided written consent is not required.  Yes, it is ownership; once the schools have their grasping mitts on your children, THEIR consent is needed to get them back.

I've never understood the lack of absolute determination of parents to regain custody of their children in the case of lockdowns -- "do not come to the school; your children are safe and under lockdown until a time as it is considered safe to release them".  Oh. BULLSHT.  I will come to the school -- are there shooters?  You better fix it before I get there to GET MY KIDS!

Nah.  My kids would not be under governmental supervision 8 hours a day.  Moot point.

It is mind-boggling how many parents accept this ownership over their kids....

If I dared to tell my friends this is one more reason I'm glad I homeschool they would think I was sheltering my kids and being neglectful in not preparing them for the real world...

afterall the schools caaare about their kids...

By the way, what emergency would require them to take the kids to another site?  If there's a shooter they won't be herding them to buses.  By the time they get all the buses to the school and loaded I'm thinking the emergency is over.  PLUS in that time frame most parents could probably pick up their kids.

BS as usual.


--- Quote from: LadyVirginia on March 30, 2012, 10:07:37 AM ---If I dared to tell my friends this is one more reason I'm glad I homeschool they would think I was sheltering my kids and being neglectful in not preparing them for the real world...

--- End quote ---

Imagine if the worst came to pass, and Obama planned an actual takeover. How easy would it be to have your kids gone before you even got home from work. Oh, you want to see them again? Fall in line.


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