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F-22 goes to EAU

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F-22 leads Air Armada assembling in the EAU, ten minutes from Iran.

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The fighters join a growing naval armada that includes Navy carriers, submarines, cruisers and destroyers plus patrol boats enhanced with the latest close-in weaponry." 

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F-22 Raptor In Action. Weapons Hot!!

having seen these in action on the range in hawaii, i cant imagine there being a much better choice for preparing for any situation. being able to travel thousands of miles in such a short amount of time at speeds mach 1.5 and up and making such precise strikes that they can land a 2 foot thick missile in a 2.5 foot wide window. these thing are power incarnate. enemies beware, you are about to be blown away.

Here's another video. Sorry, not youtube.

--- Quote ---This video was created to commemorate the 67FS winning the 2011 Raytheon Trophy for outstanding aerial achievement, given to the top air-to-air squadron in the USAF.
--- End quote ---

Nearly ten minutes of high def video shot by Sony Handycam and GOPRO by the pilots, themselves.

I can watch watch fighters all day.  And I have on more than one occassion.

F-15's speciality is going verticle after takeoff.

F 15 Eagle vertical take off

Always impressive.

But the F-22 has sick ability.  True, fancy low-altitude low-speed manuevers like at airshows won't be going on in combat situations, but the nimbleness of the bugger is jaw-dropping.

I like this footage from San Diego of a couple years ago, at my old base (Mirimar "Fightertown, USA") that the Marines now operate.

2010 MCAS Miramar Air Show - F-22 Raptor Arrival/Practice (Great Vapor!)

Still, too bad most people outside of the military never get to experience a true supersonic flyby.


Hey, Trap, It's official, it's up on Drudge.

US deploys F-22 fighter jets to UAE...

Hey, I went dyslexic on the title, heh heh.


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