Topics > The "Educators"

Bully Pulpit.

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Its okay to be a Bully if you are a liberal . After all, its for your own good. They are  making you a better person.

You see if you were   bullied for being gay as a child, its okay as if you return as an adult and bully Christian kids.

Because obviously just feeling homosexuality is a sin is "bullying", but an adult telling children that their religion is evil, that's okay.

The lack of self-awareness is always stunning. However this is just one more data-point that the Gay movement has nothing to do with equality or fairness and everything to do with satisfying a childish need for  revenge. They want to force people to accept them, to like them, to love them. All this guy did was prove that everything he ever got as a child, he deserved.

Sometimes I can't believe how cold I have become, but I swear I won't feel a thing watching these people starve, or even wince when I pass by them lying injured in a street somewhere.  You brought it on yourselves. You have reaped what you have sown. I wil just stay out of the way as you collect your harvest.

What are the odds that this Super Fabulous speaker would have cited the Koran, and launched into a verbal assault on Islam? Yeah, zero. Why? Because Muslims make good on their threats. That's why they're ascendent all over Europe. They can scarcely believe the enfeebled, emasculated civilization at their feet.

Obama endorsed, Militant homo Dan Savage discusses bible denounces Christians at High School Journalism convention


--- Quote from: Weisshaupt on April 28, 2012, 08:32:26 AM --- ...has nothing to do with equality or fairness and everything to do with satisfying a childish need for  revenge. They want to force people to accept them, to like them, to love them.

--- End quote ---

That's it in a nutshell.


--- Quote ---Tuttle said that he “felt duped” by the event. “There were Christian schools who went to the conference. To have this happen was disappointing and shocking.”

The NSPA said they should have done a better job preparing schools for what to expect.
--- End quote ---

Duped? Preparing schools?  Oh for Pete's sake, it's the disgusting pig that is DAN SAVAGE.  What he said is exactly what to expect.  What the hell is wrong with the parents that allowed their teens to attend such a thing in the first place?  Any seminar/speech/presentation that focuses on "anti-bullying" is always -- always -- about teh gayz and their "victimhood".

"His husband" the article stated.  Unh hunh.  No, his partner in sodomy.

There's an Amendment on our primary ballot in a couple weeks that would affirm marriage as between one man and one woman and, as you could imagine, discussions are nasty.

In advocating for the Amendment, I did not refer to the Bible; I spoke of the inevitable societal damage while barely referring to homosexuals at all, and yet, I was told by an opponent that he hopes my "homosexual hatred keeps me warm at night".

We can't live and let live with these people; they simply will not allow it.


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