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Freedom Failed: England No Longer Prevails
« on: December 07, 2011, 01:10:12 PM »
Racist British Woman on the Tram - Full Video!!

Emma West will spend Christmas in jail. Her child will be in state custody, instead of anxiously anticipating the opening of presents nestled safely under the tree and the arrival of Santa at their home.
21st Century England: No crime here when it's a white person be attacked.

Meanwhile, a gang of Black girls (Muslims from Somalia for those counting at home) will be free to roam England like Morgan Freeman's character Azeem in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves after participating in a racial beat down of a white girl (while her boyfriend watched):

    A gang of Muslim girls who repeatedly kicked a young woman in the head walked free from court after a judge heard they were 'not used to being drunk' because of their religion.

    The group screamed 'kill the white slag' while kicks raining in on 22-year-old Rhea Page as she lay motionless on the ground, the court heard.

    The attackers - three sisters and their cousin - were told by a judge that normally they would have been sent to jail.

    However, he handed the girls - all Somalian Muslims - suspended sentences after hearing that they were not used to alcohol because their religion does not allow it.

    Their victim was left with a bald patch after they pulled a chunk out of her hair during the attack on the High Street, Leicester.

    Ambaro and Hibo Maxamed, both 24, their sister Ayan, 28, and cousin Ifrah Nur, 28, attacked Rhea, a care worker, as she walked to a taxi rank with her boyfriend after a night out.

    The victim, a support worker, was left so traumatised that she lost her job following repeated absences with stress and flashbacks, Leciester Crown Court was told.

    The charge - assault occasioning actual bodily harm - carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison.

    James Bide-Thomas, prosecuting, said Ambaro Maxamed, who started the violence, had called Miss Page a 'white bitch' during the incident.

    The women, who are all Somalian Muslims, were not charged with racial aggravation.

'White bitch' and "kill the white slag" are no longer considered evidence of racial hate in England, because the government of that nation is actively trying to import a new people (if you recall the admission that the Labor Party was actively promoting mass immigration there).

Much as the Democratic Party is abandoning the white working class vote in America, every party in England has abandoned any hope of defending the English people. Emma West is in prison for words; a gang of Black Muslims from Somalia are free to roam England after beating a native Englishwoman.

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Re: Freedom Failed: England No Longer Prevails
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2011, 01:19:37 PM »

Postcards from Hell.

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Re: Freedom Failed: England No Longer Prevails
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2011, 02:06:39 PM »
Burn hell out...
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Freedom Failed: England No Longer Prevails
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2011, 02:40:27 PM »
"That's the way the empire ends - not with a bang but a whimper"

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Re: Freedom Failed: England No Longer Prevails
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2011, 03:58:51 PM »
It is time to end all this PC garbage and expel them from our shores before we end up like England. 

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Re: Freedom Failed: England No Longer Prevails
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2011, 06:52:49 PM »
We only have these conditions because of liberalism. Liberalism is the true enemy. Liberalism is the real virus infecting Western Civilization. If not for that malignancy, these other problems would be sorted in short order.

I'm actually still sometimes surprised at how much more strident I have become just in the past 2-3 years. Maybe it's a case of projection (though I don't think it is) but I have to believe my own experience is just a microcosm, and if that is indeed the case then the Left is going to inherit the winds of retribution. I loathe them utterly for what they have done to our culture, to our very civilization.
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Re: Freedom Failed: England No Longer Prevails
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2011, 03:56:40 AM »
If Rhea Page were my sister , there'd be some dead wogs in London .

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Re: Freedom Failed: England No Longer Prevails
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2012, 10:45:58 AM »

The English bulldog is on its last legs.

England and the rest of the UK are increasingly becoming mirrors of the capital. London is splitting into a land of surly immigrants and the governing-media-celebrity class of the well-shod who insulate themselves from everyone else and thus don’t care what is going on. The working and middle class have been left to their own devices as they contend with absurd levels of taxation, decaying schools, horrific crime, and cultural devaluation. Try as Britain might to make 2012 about the queen and Lord Sebastian Coe (its chief Olympics cheerleader and gold medalist runner), its more relevant faces are Liam Stacey and Rhea Page.

Liam Stacey, 21, until recently a biology student at Swansea University, is currently a guest of Her Majesty’s prisons. His crime was to get drunk and send racist tweets about a soccer player, Fabrice Muamba, a black man who suffered a heart attack and collapsed during a game. (He has since recovered.) Stacey’s tasteless Twitter remarks earned him eight weeks in prison. Tweeting stupid and insensitive off-the-cuff thoughts that one may later regret may be an unfortunate trend, but by placing Stacey in prison the UK proved it is in an era in which the State must set aside prison beds and iron bars to punish thoughtcrime.

Ah, but at least Britain is stamping out racism, right? Actually, no. That brings us to Rhea Page, a 21-year-old white care worker who while walking to a taxi stand in the city of Leicester was stomped, beaten, and kicked by four black Somali women who screamed such remarks as “kill the white slag” and “white bitch.” The judge in the case told the four attackers that he was very, very disappointed in them. “Those who knock someone to the floor and kick them in the head can expect to go inside,’ he said, but not this time. The judge reasoned that the women, who said they were drunk and that, as Muslims, were especially unused to the effects of alcohol, might have felt threatened by Page’s boyfriend as he tried to defend her. The judge set all four attackers free, giving them a six-month suspended sentence. One of the attackers later was asked by a reporter if she wanted to apologize. Her reply was, “What, to the public? I really don’t care.”

Nearly every week adds another horrifying chapter to a tale of a land unable and unwilling to defend its values from the simultaneous left-wing onslaught of political correctness and the right-wing non-response of hand-wringing embarrassment. London’s hard-left former mayor Ken Livingstone, who today is neck-and-neck in the race to oust the incumbent Boris Johnson, recently declared, at a radical mosque with terrorist ties, that he would make London “a beacon” for the teachings of Mohammed. He is only two points behind in a recent poll. This week the Sunday Times estimated that some 100,000 Muslim women and girls in Britain have been subjected to genital mutilation. Calling around to a few doctors (and even a dentist), reporters found many Muslim professionals willing to perform the barbaric and illegal practice.

If this comes to pass (and I have no doubt that it will - the collapse of the UK I mean) will that finally open the eyes of people here in the US?

Meh, I have my doubts. If anything those that turn a blind eye to the political class that wields so much power over their lives, indeed their very existences will continue to yawn, roll over and go back to sleep. If anything all this will do is embolden leftists and strengthen them. After all, all of this same stuff is happening right here in America...we just haven't progressed quite to the point that the UK has; but we aren't terribly far behind.

Some days are better than others I guess. But really I see us riding the bullet train to the next US civil war and I think it's going to happen in the next 10-20 years, if not sooner; assuming we aren't embroiled in a world war ignited by Iran first. I guess a world war could usher in an age of nationalism here in the US and possibly derail the leftists and reverse much of what they have done these last few decades, thereby avoiding a violent civil war here.

Guess we'll see.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Freedom Failed: England No Longer Prevails
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2012, 12:02:42 PM »

Some days are better than others I guess. But really I see us riding the bullet train to the next US civil war and I think it's going to happen in the next 10-20 years, if not sooner; assuming we aren't embroiled in a world war ignited by Iran first. I guess a world war could usher in an age of nationalism here in the US and possibly derail the leftists and reverse much of what they have done these last few decades, thereby avoiding a violent civil war here.

Guess we'll see.

In many ways Japan was goaded by the US into its attack during WWII. Because of the Treaty, Germany certainly was.  Same could be said of WWI- the lead up of which was way more like what we are seeing now. I will not be surprised if they get a war started. Its gets all of those young people off the streets and into the front lines, gives them an excuse for rationing and austerity measures, and allows them to clamp down internally, and create a squeal on your neighbor ethic.  Given History, the collapse will be pre-empted/interuppted by a war.

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Re: Freedom Failed: England No Longer Prevails
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2012, 01:23:50 PM »

During a recent interview (full transcript) for a University of Oxford project, BBC director general Mark Thompson provided the most in-depth admission yet of the BBC’s double standards with respect to faith. Christianity, he explained, receives less sensitive treatment because it is “a broad-shouldered religion, compared to religions which in the UK have a very close identity with ethnic minorities.” Specifically, Islam in Britain is “almost entirely a religion practiced by people who may already feel in other ways isolated, prejudiced against, and where they may well regard an attack on their religion as racism by other means.” Thus, when asked whether the BBC would run a Muhammad-mocking program on a par with the Jesus-ridiculing Jerry Springer: The Opera, which it aired over Christian protests in 2005, Thompson answered that it would not. Depictions of Islam’s prophet, he maintained, could have “the emotional force” of “grotesque child pornography” for Muslims.

Concern about Islamist violence undergirds BBC self-censorship, as evidenced by Thompson’s citations of the Salman Rushdie affair, which he described as “an absolute watershed,” and 9/11. “A threat to murder … massively raises the stakes,” Thompson pronounced. “‘I complain in the strongest possible terms’ is different from ‘I complain in the strongest possible terms and I’m loading my AK47 as I write.’” Jonathan Neumann of Commentary observes, “The lesson the BBC appears to be teaching — a lesson we always knew and apparently is also policy — is that complaints get more credence if they are backed up by force.”

Of course, once the Muslims get their way they'll get busy really applying force what with all the beheadings and whatnot. The trouble with appeasement is that in the end, all you've accomplished is aiding your enemy in your destruction. Appeasement spelled a different way: S-T-U-P-I-D-I-T-Y.
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