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MIA Vietnam Soldier Laid To Rest 36 Years After Disappearance


First sensible thing I've seen from HuffPo. ::USA::


It's okay for them now - the man has been long dead and no longer threatens their anti-war "ideals".


--- Quote from: AlanS on May 28, 2012, 09:46:13 AM ---First sensible thing I've seen from HuffPo. ::USA::

--- End quote ---

Might be the last too, who knows?  But at least they got one right.

I watched a show a week or two ago, sorry, forget what it was called or what station...but it was about finding the missing pilots from the Korean War.  Time is really ticking for that generation, and there have long been rumors and bits of info about some of the odd 30 or so never accounted for being shipped off to Russia.  Anyway, there are family members still fighting to find out what happened to their fathers and husbands.  I thought there was one where they identified some dna from the crash site, but the Nork's grow hot & cold on allowing teams in their territory.

And now with the Vietnam generation growing older the clock begins to move faster for those relatives too.

I hope more can get the closure they need while there is time remaining.



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