Topics > History

June 6th 1944

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A good article, should be read and discussed in every classroom in the nation today -

What's in my local papers?  Let's see!

St.Paul -

OK, good.  But nothing local?   ::whatgives::

Minneapolis -

AP's "Easy Co" article, nice, nothing against Easy Co, but jurnolistically it is the easy way out to just put something in there...again, no local angle.   ::whatgives::

And the insults get worse1

Obama?  Nope, stiffs vet's for the 3rd straight year!


And Google?  More important to honor the Drive-In instead of D-Day.



To my Uncle who fought from Normandy to Germany and to all friends and family who gave life and blood in service of our nation, my eternal gratitude and thankfulness!

 ::USA::   ::USA::   ::USA::   ::USA::   ::USA::   ::USA::   ::USA::

Alphabet Soup:
Thanks for all the links. I mentioned elsewhere that my pop took part in the D-Day landings (something I didn't know about until only a few years ago). thank God for courageous men who gave their all so that we could be free.

Oh, and screw Gargoyle  ::evil::

The greatest generation!  ::USA::


Thanks Libertas, we shall never forget.  ::thumbsup::

A cousin of mine went in at Normandy also.   
Thanks and blessings to all the brave, tough
men who went in and came home and bless
all those souls who gave it all.


My granddad was not at Normandy, but he was in the Navy and piloted amphibious landing craft all over the Pacific theater. He described the sound of machine gun bullets cracking as they went past his head just missing by feet or maybe inches.  He described the bow of the craft dropping open to let the Marines out, and how they would just start immediately falling over from machine gun fire.

He was being marshaled around Saipan when they dropped the A-bombs and ended the war. They were being marshaled for an invasion of the Japanese mainland, casualties estimated at 1 million. Thank God for the bomb. I want to curbstomp people who say it was a war crime to use those bombs. F them.

Definitely a generation of heroes.

ETA - most of these troops at Normandy were probably around 18-24 years old.  They were old enough to grab a toehold on Hitler's Fortress Europe and push the Nazi war machine out of existence, but in 2012 the Democrat party considers them "children" for health insurance purposes.


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