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Jesse Jackson Stages Huge Father's Day Protest At Detroit Area Shooting Range

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In the spirit of this year's OWS movement...

--- Quote ---Jackson’s so-called rally at the Action Impact gun range did have an unintended effect. He actually brought the so-called divided people - whites and blacks - together to mount a counter-protest. Jackson’s designated minion, the Operation Push Detroit Chairman, and two other people doubling as props were given a most proper reception from about 50 freedom and gun loving folks of all hues.
--- End quote ---

Jackson was not present for the massive three person demonstration. Rumors suggest that he spent Father's Day attempting to acquire a STD with one or more of his Rainbow Push Coalition provided concubines.

Good times, good times.

Hilarious, Jesse the race-baiting pimp is a no show to the event he shouted about, and only 3 puny minions show up.  Awesome!

And the gun rights folks are not having any of it anymore..."No longer are citizens content to let out-of-touch and out-of-town race-baiters divide us from each other and our firearms."

Amen, brothers & sisters!


This may be the affect of the OWS movement evaporating...the lack of interest in wasting one's time protesting (or supporting) something demonstrably stupid. The OWS fade is further compounded by the WI recall.

The left is losing a LOT of influence with the usual participants that they count on.

Should be an interesting Democrat convention in NC coming up.

Alphabet Soup:

--- Quote from: trapeze on June 19, 2012, 09:10:05 AM ---This may be the affect of the OWS movement evaporating...the lack of interest in wasting one's time protesting (or supporting) something demonstrably stupid. The OWS fade is further compounded by the WI recall.

The left is losing a LOT of influence with the usual participants that they count on.

Should be an interesting Democrat convention in NC coming up.

--- End quote ---

Yes it will.

I'm not really a pessimist so much as a cynic. So when I say that I'm cautiously optimistic I know that you're already applied a few grains of salt. But I am cautiously optimistic. Not because "we" are doing much of anything right (because we mostly aren't), but because Øbozo & Co are doing so much so spectacularly wrong.

Everyone (and I do mean everyone) looks at Biden and sees a court jester. Nothing new there. But increasingly people are seeing that Øbozo is giving biden a run for the money in the fool department. His petulance and disdainful regard for the American people is unmistakable. It is nakedly apparent in every public appearance. The most partisan president has no time or patience for us and everyone knows it. The bloom is decidedly off the rose.

OWS had the potential to cause real problems for us (normal people). It still could, but the threat is hugely diminished. They shot their wad - and it was mostly blanks. They could still reconstitute this summer but (sorry BB) the thrill is gone. Any scrap of net positive that they might have been able to squeeze out of their foolishness has long since dissipated, leaving only the piles of garbage and unpleasant memories.

JJ and sharpton  -AKA the Just-Us Bros - are old-school hucksters whose shtick is threadbare. Let's face it - they wore the lettering off their race cards. If they wanted to boost "their people" they could start by taking Øbozo out behind the toolshed and cluing him in to the reality of the moment. Why? Because he did two (only two?!) things that hurt his standing with Blacks. First, he did his idiotic "I stand with the faggots" deal. That offended traditional Black Christian families. Then he extra-legally decided to ignore his oath ot office and give illegals the green light to compete, on an uneven field, for jobs that many Blacks - especially younger Blacks - desperately need.

So he offended a sizable segment of his core constituency in order to pander to people who are unable to vote for him. and he doubly offended that huge segment in favor of an insignificantly small one (the homo vote). Sheer brilliance.

They thought it amusing to have holder act like a world-class azzhole in his Congressional hearing appearances. That only plays to a tiny bunch of sycophants you guys! Most people prefer their chief law enforcement officer to act like an adult. More people offended and alienated. the jury is still out on whether Issa will catch that particular eel, but if anyone can my money is on him!

And all of this melodrama serves only as a backdrop to the economy. People are hurting. Lives have been altered and sometimes ruined. "The economy is doing fine" - yea his personal economy is going great guns. The rest of us lost ~30 percent Øbozo! You can go ahead and blame Bush all you want but I BLAME YOU (you bastard!).

So yea - cautiously optimistic. Because I remember what my dear ol pappy taught me, "Hope for the best; prepare for the worst".

I'm ready either way.

Most excellent post 'Soup!



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