Topics > Radical Islam/GWOT

I think we found an easy way to clean up some trash


I say let 'em all in, but only if were are prepared to drop a net on the whole bunch and take 'em out over shark-infested waters.

Now that's what I call "catch & release"!


I wonder if Duh Wun will invite them over for...tea...?!

He [Anjem Choudary] hit U.S. headlines just two weeks ago after his furious exchange with Mr Hannity on Fox News. The presenter became so enraged with his anti-American comments he ended the interview by calling him a 'sick, miserable, evil S.O.B'.

And that I am guessing is Hannity holding back, he never fully unloads on those who deserve it, much to my own dissatisfaction.

But this Choudary is deserving nothing but a quick exit from this earth!

I hope he and ilk are not allowed in here.  We don't need him stirring up The Natives.

If they keep him out the natives will be stirred anyway.

But he only reason to let any of that ilk in is the gather all the scum in one location and nail 'em!


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