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Bob Costas is a big fat liar

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In the middle of my Sunday Night Football game, Bob Costas felt it was important to convince the viewing public to deprive me of my right to own a handgun. He stated (granted he claimed to be quoting a KC newspaper columnist) that handguns do not make America safer and that "had he not owned a handgun, Jevan Belcher would be alive today". He also mentioned that situations like the shooting in Miami would not have escalated if only there were laws making handguns illegal.

I know I'm preaching to the choir on this forum, but I still think it's important to remind ourselves about the absolute falseness of these lies.

First of all, do we need to prove again that the states with the largest percentage of gun owners are the safest in the nation? And the states with the most onerous gun laws are the most violent and dangerous? Of course not. Everyone knows that guns in the hands of responsible citizens are used properly for self defense and are extremely effective deterrents. We also know that the truth has absolutely no bearing on the liberal propaganda machine. Which is why we must continue speaking the truth; if for no other reason than to make it harder to cover up.

Secondly, would Jevan Belcher really be alive today? Perhaps in the same way that OJ Simpson is alive today? Did the gun really empower the linebacker for the KC Chiefs to kill his girlfriend? Is the argument truly that he was angry enough to shoot her but not angry enough to punch her? One punch would have done the job. And then Jevan Belcher could have sat in jail for the rest of his life. Is that a happier ending to the story? The gun is only the issue in this story because of its propaganda value.

Propaganda? How about this: the national papers were swimming with the story of the black teenager who was shot in the convenience store parking lot. Ostensibly because his music was too loud. Although, being in the back seat, I suspect the boy who was shot had nothing to do with the volume of the music. I suspect he escalated the situation with his mouth and then was terribly surprised when he got shot. But that's not my point and I'm certainly not defending the actions of the man who did the shooting. I hope we hear the whole story someday.

No, here's my point: I live 2000 miles from Miami and yet I know about this shooting. People in my state are going to be influenced to take away my gun rights because of the national coverage of the story. The story seeks to prove that all gun owners are maniacs waiting for a chance to kill. But I know another story that none of you have ever heard.  When I was stationed in Hawaii, one of my soldiers was beaten into a brain dead coma in the parking lot of a convenience store by four men while his wife and infant son sat in the car and dialed 911. They never caught the four guys and the story didn't even make the local paper. Very bad for tourism. Hawaii has very strict gun laws. I never think of that incident without thinking that any armed person could have saved his life. With any caliber. The four Hawaiian men simply thought the soldier had cut them off on the freeway. Going by the wife's testimony. It would have been easy to dissuade them.

I heard Jevan Belcher's murder-suicide described on the football pregame show as a "horrific tragedy". But it's not. Nazi concentration camps are a horrific tragedy. The slaughter of innocent millions in Cambodia, Czechoslovakia, Russia, Iraq; those are horrific tragedies. Jevan Belcher was just a poor mixed up athlete who suddenly couldn't cope with life. It happens every day in a thousand different ways in a thousand different places. What worries me is that the liberals think they are responsible for preventing bad things from happening. They will try to legislate all of us until tragedy, heartbreak and maybe unhappiness and disappointment are gone from the world.

It reminds me of the old Army joke: the beatings will continue until morale improves. 

My message to the liberals: stop thinking you're God. You cannot be responsible for every sparrow that falls. And it's insulting and irritating to the rest of us when you try.

Predator Don:
I heard costas,,,,,,,,and I turned the channel. Can't get away from the left.....but I can turn them off.


--- Quote from: 21stCenturyThinker on December 02, 2012, 10:40:41 PM ---My message to the liberals: stop thinking you're God. You cannot be responsible for every sparrow that falls. And it's insulting and irritating to the rest of us when you try.

--- End quote ---

Bush is responsible for every sparrow that falls. And Cheney loaded the handgun and gave it to Belcher.

It's probably a good thing the game last night was between two losing teams, outside of Philly and Texas the rest of the country largely did as I did and paid it no attention.

But I had not heard Costas make an completely moronic statement like that before, if there isn't an instance of brain trauma to account for it then it appears this fool had a momentary lapse of honesty and people got a glimpse of the real moonbat leftist lurking inside.

Good posting 21CT.  Perhaps if we beat Costas enough his attitude will change?  Nah, doubtful.

Mr. Costas, meet Mr. Foot.


"Nothing Costas says in this clip is new or even terribly interesting — Kansas City Chiefs player Jovan Belcher used a gun to kill his girlfriend Kasandra Perkins and himself, so no one should own guns — but the context of his anti-Second Amendment rant was incredibly bizarre, and not just because it came in the middle of a halftime show with “God Bless America” playing in the background:

Bob Costas on Gun Control following Jovan Belcher tragedy Sunday Night Half-Time Show Tribute

Why bizarre?  Well, if you watched NBC’s Football Night in America last night, you’d already know that the broadcast team could barely even mention the fact that Belcher committed murder. 

Before and during the game, they used phrases like “lost her life in this tragedy” to describe what happened to his victim and other non-judgmental phrases.  Into that context comes Costas to blame … the gun.  It was surreal, an experience only interrupted in the post-game show when Rodney Harrison appeared to get a little angry and remind everyone that Belcher killed someone else besides himself.  And while I didn’t watch the earlier games during the day, NBC’s crew was not really an exception in how they approached the Belcher murder-suicide story.

From the comments:

"On the same day, A member of the Cleveland Browns grounds crew killed himself at their practice facility. He hung himself in a utility shed. Why did he not call for the banning of rope?? If someone wants to kill others or themselves, there are plenty of ways to do it that do not involve firearms and it happens everyday."

Attention Bob Costas:  Molon Labe.


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