Topics > 2nd Amendment/Firearms

For ‘A Well-Regulated Militia,’ What Firearms, Gear, and Skills Should You Own?


I found this to be an exceptionally good article. A no nonsense explanation of what the 2nd Amendment really means, and the ever-relevant rationale behind its adoption.

For ‘A Well-Regulated Militia,’ What Firearms, Gear, and Skills Should You Own?

Indeed, this is a well thought out fact based Op-ed. I would like to stress that the founders never wanted to see our population subjected to a tyrannical government that they themselves were brow beaten thus they installed this little insurance that our own government would think twice before it would subject the population to unconstitutional lawlessness which exactly what they're doing and have been for the last 100 or so years. It's just that in the recent age that we've fully recognized the danger for what it is, a twisting of it by devious entities laced in our own government.

It was very wise for the progressives to move slowly behind the scenes hidden in the shadows only occupied by roaches and other creatures of low regard until the time was right to trip the wire that enslaved the rest of us. If we fail in our resolve to correct this by even extreme methods of revolt than we must accept the new title of slave and master from the government.

Folks, our own police forces are already and will be used in the immediate future to put down our liberty because those that occupy these forces are the very ones that were indoctrinated by the leftist public education systems all across the nation. Very few of the new recruits will be able to see what's constitutional and what isn't nor will they even care as it's a pay check to most. ::dueling::

Since the Left is all about shredding the constitution on deep-sixing the principles of the declaration, perhaps we need to start referring to ourselves as We the Militia just so they know we won't make it easy for them.


--- Quote from: Libertas on December 23, 2012, 12:34:27 PM ---Since the Left is all about shredding the constitution on deep-sixing the principles of the declaration, perhaps we need to start referring to ourselves as We the Militia just so they know we won't make it easy for them.

--- End quote ---
Damn fine idea.


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