Author Topic: Boston Marathon Terrorism  (Read 28368 times)

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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #40 on: April 16, 2013, 11:09:01 AM »
I'm going on record right now saying I think this is the government's false flag. The April 15th Tax Day Tea Party Terrorist Attack. Axelrod is out there claiming Obama thinks it.

Its also Patriots Day in Massachusetts to commemorate the battles of Lexington and Concord.

Real or no, this is the meme they will push. We know liberals could care less what the truth is. Persecute the Bitter Clingers! They are already starting to call this the Boston Massacre. More than likely this was a probing event. Can we get away with shutting down cell phone service? What will the reaction be?  Can we get away with implementing Martial Law in a metropolitan area? They are trying out the police powers and seeing how they go.

Seriously, though, the Boston Marathon? If/When the revolution starts I guarantee the Patriots will not be bombing crowds. You don't attack a govt by attacking  the people who support it.  You attack the government by turning people against it--demonstrating it is unable to serve them or keep them safe while it takes ever more from them to support itself.  Its not just the left who can Cloward-Piven a system.

Flood them with paperwork,  sabotage infrastructure, drive up costs etc. A properly done attack means its not even apparent there WAS an attack. Downed Powerlines, utility room fires, broken water mains, broken vehicles. It won't be showy. It will just put more strain on resources till they simply can't cope.  Who did they blame for Katrina and Sandy? The government - for their poor response.  Granted, it wasn't covered as well, but Sandy relief was as bad if not worse than Katrina's.  Heck, the revolution may have already begun, but you can bet the MSM isn't going to mention it. You can be assured the White House will say nothing.  We know Powerlines are already going missing.  

Offline Libertas

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #41 on: April 16, 2013, 11:35:21 AM »
Damn right Weisshaupt, the we the Left hates so much hasn't fired a shot or committed any overt act...yet...and they are tired of waiting for us...they will gin-up whatever the have to, say whatever they have to, do whatever they have to in order to get the sheeple to think we are the bad guys not them.

To Hell with them and their plans, they better be careful what they wish for, when it all goes sideways, like Weisshaupt says...ain't seen nuthin' yet.

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #42 on: April 16, 2013, 11:39:54 AM »
“quiet and clean”

Uhh huh, and not a white bitter-clinger...that doesn't add up.

The c*******er weighs in with his seering intellect - "No tax cut would have helped us deal with this or will help us recover. This is very expensive."

What is truly costly is letting libiot douchebags anywhere near actual power and pursestrings!

More to feed the false flag fears -

"Hooded man", when was the last time we heard that phrase?  OK City!
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #43 on: April 16, 2013, 12:24:54 PM »
Know what a real attack would look like?
Like this

Other reports said no unexploded devices had been found. A reported fire at Boston’s John F. Kennedy Presidential Library turned out to be the result of an electrical problem and was unrelated to the marathon bombs, according to Boston police.

Also very disturbing is the fact that they are denying that they knew about or had received threats, but had the bomb team with dogs at the Start and Finish lines - apparently with enough force  it required announcements to explain their presence. . someone is lying about something, but I am sure the MSM will follow up ..

UPDATE: they are now saying that the Bombs were "pressure cooker" bombs of the type commonly used in Iraq by AQ. Problem is, my understanding  of these bombs is that they are chemical in nature - You set up a reaction that fills the vessel with pressure- and when the vessel fails the bomb explodes.  - Getting the timing to within seconds on that sort of device would be difficult. Ammonium Nitrate with a Fuel set on fire seems to be the popular choice for the reaction..

« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 03:33:07 PM by Weisshaupt »

Offline Glock32

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #44 on: April 16, 2013, 01:10:29 PM »
What it again proves is that crude, relatively simple devices can be put together and are capable of causing carnage. And they can be small enough to be stashed just about anywhere.

If they really wanted to create havoc, they could have seeded dozens of fake devices all over the place. Combined with the knowledge that at least some are real, it would turn each one of them into a nightmare for the emergency services.
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Offline trapeze

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #45 on: April 16, 2013, 02:03:24 PM »
I could be wrong but I do not believe that this is a "false flag." I do not believe that this bombing was a government conspiracy. Conspiracies are rare because by their very nature they are almost impossible to keep a lid on. Textbook example: Watergate. Getting caught (which is inevitable) is not worth the risk.

It could have been perpetrated by a domestic terrorist. Left wing terrorists (Earth First and ELF come to mind) have been completely fine with collateral damage in their crimes but they don't have anything like a public attack on civilians in broad daylight to date and it is difficult to imagine them starting to do so now. So-called "right wing" terrorist attacks have almost exclusively followed a pattern of attacking government facilities such as the Murrah building in Oklahoma City or the IRS office in Austin. The one exception that I can think of is Eric Rudolph who bombed the Olympic Park (among other places). That was a soft target. I guess what I'm saying is that the record for domestic terrorists of all political leanings in the US is to almost exclusively avoid soft targets and instead target things...symbols.

Jihadis, on the other hand, go after soft targets almost exclusively. They have a very long track record going back many decades of killing innocents to advance their cause.

So...based on target selection I think that this is very likely a jihadi attack.

Next is the method. Drudge had up a headline this morning that linked to a story where an inside source claims that the bombs were put into 6-liter pressure cookers and then further hidden in duffle bags. Left on the ground. Here is a quote from that story:

These types of pressure cooker explosives have been used in Afghanistan, India, Nepal and Pakistan, according to a July 2010 joint FBI and Homeland Security intelligence report. One of the three devices used in the May 2010 Times Square attempted bombing was a pressure cooker, the intelligence report said.

If there is one thing that jihadis have gotten very skilled with it is the construction of IEDs and these bombs appear to be of that type. So...based on method used I think that this is very likely a jihadi attack.

Regarding the Saudi national in custody: I would not be at all surprised if the guy is innocent. He was supposedly tackled by a civilian running from the scene. Well, just about everyone was running from the scene. Plus, he was injured with shrapnel. Why would the bomber hang out long enough to get injured? If he was a suicide bomber then why wasn't he killed? Clearly, he wasn't a suicide bomber. Okay, so at least he was a Saudi. But this being Boston there are a lot of Saudis in the area and it is not unreasonable or even statistically significant that one might be in attendance at the marathon. He could turn out to be involved but, given the limited and untrustworthy info that has come out so far, for now I will say that he probably wasn't involved.

The professional law enforcement types will have it mostly sorted out within the next 12 to 24 hours. They won't tell us anything until they catch someone but you never know. Until then we have speculation based on known information, reason and common sense.
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Offline Glock32

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #46 on: April 16, 2013, 02:10:42 PM »
Well then what I want to know is, why can just anyone waltz into a store and buy a pressure cooker? Are the laws in this country so lax that bomb making materials are freely available?

At the very least we should have microstamping on ball bearings and a registry of people buying assault cookware.
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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #47 on: April 16, 2013, 02:18:50 PM »
It was, I suppose, a large version of a pipe bomb. What will be interesting is if this turns out to be another Adam Lanza type person who decided to use explosives to carry out his killing.

Just as kind of a reminder to some and an FYI to others: The largest single death toll at a US school was in Bath, Michigan in 1927. Thirty eight children and six adults were killed by one man who never fired a shot. He blew them up with dynamite and would have killed more if only his other bombs had gone off as planned.

Obviously, regardless of who is to blame for yesterday's bombing, more gun control would not have prevented this crime.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #48 on: April 16, 2013, 03:33:58 PM »
New York goes Full Police State too

Everybody smile. You need to get used to this.

Offline Libertas

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #49 on: April 16, 2013, 06:17:02 PM »
Bloomie is a shameless statist hack, I ignore everything he says beyond ridiculing the asshat, he is a total prick.

The large pipe-bomb theory seems accurate here, my lack of knowledge along these lines (I suppose a good thing) makes me wonder if a chemical style bomb can be triggered to do that "mix" remotely by cell phone?  It seems an added level of sophistication I would not associate with a typical pipe-bomb level bomb maker, maybe I am overthinking it, I clearly was wrong about the Saudi.

What I don't get it is how far behind the ball the authorities are, I mean they appear to be soliciting help, issuing pics of the before/after of the one suspected bomb, asking people if they know anything about these bags placed to look like throw-out crap next to garbage cans.  It still has the primary hallmarks of a jihadi terrorist attack, but the lack of any leads makes my sniffer itch and I cannot completely rule out a false flag, as that fits one reason why the trail could go so cold.  If a true black bag mutli-cut-out op the authorities might not have anywhere to go.

AQ has promoted targeting sporting events for some time and as pointed out the use of pressure cookers in constructing devices.

I am more unsettled in where this is all going than I was yesterday when things were still extremely fluid.

ETA - Oh, and can someone on the Hill please ask Mr. Tax Day why he slashed the living sh*t out of domestic security (I say somewhat tongue in cheek) well before any sequester horror?

I guess Mr and Mrs. President f**kstick saw funding their lavish vacation lifestyle ahead of everybody else.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 06:20:30 PM by Libertas »
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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #50 on: April 16, 2013, 08:24:07 PM »

Assuming they want the culprit and not a herring it is possible they are herding him with the dribble of information.  They had that photo of the pressure cooker yesterday when it was mentioned, this afternoon it was released. Drip, drip.   

I think the bomb was on the sidewalk between the viewers and the storefronts.  There was no blood or parts on the storefronts if the bomb had been on the curb there would have been.

Offline trapeze

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #51 on: April 17, 2013, 12:17:51 AM »
HotAir has a news video that shows a before and after picture of one of the bomb blast areas. The first pic shows what is probably the bomb.
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Offline Libertas

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #52 on: April 17, 2013, 06:54:34 AM »
The longer this drags out...

The more likely statists like this fascist douchebag at Salon may get their wish...

"If recent history is any guide, if the bomber ends up being a white anti-government extremist, white privilege will likely mean the attack is portrayed as just an isolated incident — one that has no bearing on any larger policy debates. Put another way, white privilege will work to not only insulate whites from collective blame, but also to insulate the political debate from any fallout from the attack."

That may just be the biggest load of manure I have ever read!  This propagandist knows full well if the perp is manufactured to be a "white anti-government extremist" it will legitimize everything Obama & the rest of the fascists have done and will do!  What a demonic little tool!  There is your unbiased media, right there, spreading disinformation on a daily basis.

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Offline Libertas

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #53 on: April 17, 2013, 07:06:33 AM »
They are saying here what I heard earlier and couldn't confirm at the time - that the bomb maker used smokeless powder, the earlier report I heard on the radio said that if the powder was tamped down better that the destruction would have been a lot worse than it was.  Small consolation for the dead and crippled, but those who justy barely survived may not have survived at all if not for incompetence in our enemy.
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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #54 on: April 17, 2013, 07:53:27 AM »
The longer this drags out...

The more likely statists like this fascist douchebag at Salon may get their wish...

"If recent history is any guide, if the bomber ends up being a white anti-government extremist, white privilege will likely mean the attack is portrayed as just an isolated incident — one that has no bearing on any larger policy debates. Put another way, white privilege will work to not only insulate whites from collective blame, but also to insulate the political debate from any fallout from the attack."

That may just be the biggest load of manure I have ever read!  This propagandist knows full well if the perp is manufactured to be a "white anti-government extremist" it will legitimize everything Obama & the rest of the fascists have done and will do!  What a demonic little tool!  There is your unbiased media, right there, spreading disinformation on a daily basis.

White privilege my ass, okay?  Sick of it.  "White privilege" is one of the Left's latest ploys to disguise the failure of their social engineering policies for their pet minorities.  The worse and more obvious the failure, the more they point the finger at us.

And, yes; they'll blame it on our "group" collectively while a jihadi or person/s of any other favored group will be the beneficiaries of "lone wolf, not representative of the group" bullspit.
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Offline Libertas

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #55 on: April 17, 2013, 08:32:20 AM »
The urge to shove faces in puddles until the bubbles stop...this Salon trash is but one of so many worthy candidates for puddle-stuffing!   

So bloody sick of this racial crap!  It is ALL THEY SEE!  ::gaah::

Maybe if I rip their eyes out...  ::thinking::

Nah, they'll hear race! 

Rip their ears off too!

Nah, they'll smell race!

Tear their noses out!

Nah, they'll feeeel race!


Well, that answers that!
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #56 on: April 17, 2013, 08:54:56 AM »

I love this bit fomr the Salon article:

Though FBI data show fewer terrorist plots involving Muslims than terrorist plots involving non-Muslims,

Yeah, I think there may be an itsy bitsy problem with the classification system whren a Man yelling Allu Akbar is killing people at Fort Hood and its NOT considered Islamic Terrorism.  And then, from the link given as "evidence" classifies Joesph Stack as a right wing terrorist - who just happened to be a lefty politically. (and here I thought the link would actually take me to the FBI statistics- vs an article at ThinkProgress) But wait!, that article has a link to a "report" lets take a look at that! Oh, not FBI either. No, its from the Muslim Public Affairs Council.

The “DC Snipers” and Derrick Shareef are placed as an addendum for three reasons. First, both cases were
treated as terrorism cases; therefore we include it in our database. Second they are categorized as non-Muslim,
because the perpetrators of both plots were members of the Nation of Islam. Unlike radical Muslim groups,
according to the Wall Street Journal, the Nation of Islam is, “…an eccentric American sect that focuses on
racial (black) rather than religious supremacy.” The Southern Poverty Law Center also classifies the Nation of
Islam as a “Black Separatist” group in its database of US domestic hate groups.

Got that? NOI is NOT Muslim, so those acts go in a different bin. But you see it s was complied from FBI data to that makes them FBI stats.

Okay, lets see if I can find the FBI Reports. Hmm, no Terrorism report since 2008. Domestic report doesn't seem to have Terrorism or Man-Made-disasters as a category.

Besides its unfair to blame Muslims as a group! So lets blame white's as a group! Them and their awful freedom loving, law abiding, Bible Thumping , gun loving  culture.

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #57 on: April 17, 2013, 09:28:05 AM »
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline trapeze

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #58 on: April 17, 2013, 09:30:38 AM »
Interesting photo that I can't get directly off of the site. Shows two guys dressed similarly with backpacks.
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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #59 on: April 17, 2013, 09:42:34 AM »
Interesting photo that I can't get directly off of the site. Shows two guys dressed similarly with backpacks.

Not only dressed similarly but the backpacks look large enough to hold a 6 liter device.  Also notice in the top photo they are both touching their ears as if trying to push/cover a hearing device in their ears (possibly because of crowd noise).  Who uses those types of ear buds?  Do I smell a conspiracy/red flag event? 
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