Author Topic: Boston Marathon Terrorism  (Read 28370 times)

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #260 on: April 26, 2013, 06:44:52 AM »
Go back a little further and see why Owebama loves him his Lincoln comparisons.  Lincoln illegally suspended the rights of habeus corpus during The Civil War, locking in jail or St. Elizabeth's (a mental hospital in D.C.) many not convicted of anything or merely criticizing the government.

And let's not forget the first progressive president was a Republican, Big Stick himself.  He opened the door to taking over vast tracts of land by the government, another wonderful precedent.

Then comes the racist Wilson, with Big Stick's cousin imitating the dictators we faced in WWII.  Next Johnson and his Great Welfare Society.  Now Owebama and, well, everything he does.

Offline Libertas

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #261 on: April 26, 2013, 07:17:04 AM »
Pan closed her post above with the teaser "There's intelligence Obongo and his thugs don't want the rest of us knowing." and it bears comment.

I find it easy enough as it is to jump into the conspiracy mindset, especially given the level of mendacious progressive filth contaminating this Regime, but part of me would still rather have our civil rights elevated above national security expediency.  This little bastard is a naturalized citizen, right wrong or indifferent, and the making of exceptions is what begins the erosion of civil rights...the state will always keep seeking to establish a new and wider boundary for itself until one day no boundary exists at all.  I can relate to the hindsight IDP described about the Patriot Act etc, because I too had a fair measure of law-and-order conservatism left in me.  And yeah rolling in this judge and cutting off the intel gathering from this muzzie bastard looks bad and the motivations of the Regime cannot be trusted, but perhaps in the end the right thing happened for the wrong reasons.  Taking the worst case scenario into consideration, if the Regime is looking to quash inside info of a larger conspiracy I suspect it is of the "other muzzie collaborators"  variety (like the Saudi) and not the direct Regime involvement people want to find.  Did Regime actions, incompetence and bias toward muzzies influence elements of the acts surrounding these muzzie douchebags?  Sure.  But somehow I find it difficult to believe if there is a true wider conspiracy at play that more face time with muzzie douchebag #2 was going to break it open.  Unless we are talking about waterboarding his ass...but that avenue was cut off right away when the Feds decided he would not be tried as an enemy that argument is over.

Kinda fits -

"Battlefield America"

« Last Edit: April 26, 2013, 07:29:51 AM by Libertas »
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #262 on: April 26, 2013, 09:16:41 AM »

That's a fine point. It doesn't free me from responsibility for failing to see that Bush was doing the same damn thing, and supporting him when he did.

I am guilty as charged as well. The patriot act made me nervous, but I figured it had an expiration date, and the Liberals hated it so much, it was sure not to be renewed then the Dems got the levers of power. 

 No, I didn't understand liberals then, as well as I do now.. I had not yet reached the conclusion that they will side with evil each and every time, and was still unwilling to accept they had no principles at all-  Hell I was still arguing with them until a few years ago.  My epiphany came when I realized I was arguing in an attempt to discover and prove the truth and they were arguing to deflect people from it, including themselves.  That they argued to feel self-righteous and superior and demonstrate linguistic cleverness ( if they possessed it)

My error in judgement was in not seeing what the liberals would do down the road, thinking the Patriot act would be temporary. . Thinking that liberals hate war, and so on. The only thing they hate is not being in charge. Their only principle is power.  Its no wonder they were shrieking about Bush as if he were Hitler. They knew what THEY  would do with that power ( what Obama is doing now)  and assumed GWB was like them, and would use it to persecute and imprison.

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #263 on: April 26, 2013, 09:28:48 AM »
Go back a little further and see why Owebama loves him his Lincoln comparisons.  Lincoln illegally suspended the rights of habeus corpus during The Civil War, locking in jail or St. Elizabeth's (a mental hospital in D.C.) many not convicted of anything or merely criticizing the government.

And let's not forget the first progressive president was a Republican, Big Stick himself.  He opened the door to taking over vast tracts of land by the government, another wonderful precedent.

Then comes the racist Wilson, with Big Stick's cousin imitating the dictators we faced in WWII.  Next Johnson and his Great Welfare Society.  Now Owebama and, well, everything he does.

Its a Big Seat, and the decisions are hard.  (You know, unless you don't take them seriously like Borat. )

I have read Lincoln's letters and papers. I don't think he was a bad or evil man at heart.  I think he was trying very hard to do what was right and to preserve the Nation. He didn't- what came after the civil war was significantly different in character than the old republic.  He sowed the seeds of destruction, but it was a choice of destruction then or destruction later.  Most humans given that choisce , choose later.  That is why we can depend on Helicopter Ben to deliver.

 I think GWB did something similar with the Patriot act  and Medicare expansions.  The path to tell is paved with Good Intentions.  I Don't (yet)  believe Bush was an evil man, who deliberately acted to harm us, but harm us he did, and we sat by and let him.  The sad thing is we sit here and feel guilt and remorse over our mistake, while the liberals who were Right about the Patriot Act ( as a broken clock is right - their protest was based on politics not principle) are now cheering those same measures wielded by a man who IS deliberately using them to harm us, our liberty and our country.

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #264 on: April 26, 2013, 10:11:06 AM »
It is so clear to me now, how important it is to hold the principles of constitutional rights as the only standard above all other concerns, including safety. There is no "balance". The constitution has to win every time, or it is meaningless.

But if I'm honest with myself about myself and other conservatives, I must look at what I and others have done to bring us to this point.

I made arguments for the Patriot Act and warrantless wiretap. I didn't speak out against the TSA or the DHS when they were being conceptualized and implemented in the wake of 9/11, while government was telling us it was to "keep us safe". I wanted to be "patriotic", and patriotic meant loving America, trusting our military and first responders, and protecting our people from terrorists. Bush was being attacked by the Left, and my response was to defend him, and give him the benefit of the doubt. I ridiculed Leftists and libertarians who railed against his post 9/11 agenda.

That was as wrong then as it is now. We should have demanded that our 9/11 response was constitution first - no justifications for safety's sake. I wish we all knew then what we know now. Bush kicked the door open for Obama, and while some tried to slam it shut, I was there helping to hold it open.
Don't be ridiculous, Wilson kicked in the door and Roosevelt propped it with with a steel bar. We have little to be pissed about other than those that came before us to purposely let the genie out of the bottle. Most of what's wrong today started back in 1913 with the 16 and 17th phony ratified amendments. Without them, nothing could have ever passed.

That's a fine point. It doesn't free me from responsibility for failing to see that Bush was doing the same damn thing, and supporting him when he did.

You are no more in control of the political landscape than the guy in the 7th row back of the rollercoaster ride. We're all a captive audience. Which is why it is only frustrating as long as you continue to delude yourself into believing in it. I can't tell you how liberating it is to recognize what a POS this nation has become and to say that I withdraw my consent.

In some ways I've always lived as an outsider, if not outlaw. As a practicing conservative I understand the need for the rule of law. I also understand that unconstitutional law must not be obeyed and that despotism must be opposed.

I did speak out - with my tiny mouse-like voice - against the Patriot Act. Not because it was bad, but because I recognized that it could be manipulated and used in bad ways by bad people. For the sake of intellectually consistency and honesty I had to conclude that it wasn't good if it held the potential to be used against us instead of for us. My voice didn't count then just like it doesn't count now.

Oh, and for what it's worth...Lincoln did nothing to sow seeds of destruction. He did what was necessary to hold our nation together. And he wasn't the architect of any transformation of America - the reconstructionists who came to power in the wake of Lincoln's assassination were responsible for reshaping much of our nation and setting its new course. Our first prog prez was Jefferson.

Edited for clarity

Offline John Florida

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #265 on: April 26, 2013, 10:16:20 AM »
Go back a little further and see why Owebama loves him his Lincoln comparisons.  Lincoln illegally suspended the rights of habeus corpus during The Civil War, locking in jail or St. Elizabeth's (a mental hospital in D.C.) many not convicted of anything or merely criticizing the government.

And let's not forget the first progressive president was a Republican, Big Stick himself.  He opened the door to taking over vast tracts of land by the government, another wonderful precedent.

Then comes the racist Wilson, with Big Stick's cousin imitating the dictators we faced in WWII.  Next Johnson and his Great Welfare Society.  Now Owebama and, well, everything he does.

Its a Big Seat, and the decisions are hard.  (You know, unless you don't take them seriously like Borat. )

I have read Lincoln's letters and papers. I don't think he was a bad or evil man at heart.  I think he was trying very hard to do what was right and to preserve the Nation. He didn't- what came after the civil war was significantly different in character than the old republic.  He sowed the seeds of destruction, but it was a choice of destruction then or destruction later.  Most humans given that choisce , choose later.  That is why we can depend on Helicopter Ben to deliver.

 I think GWB did something similar with the Patriot act  and Medicare expansions.  The path to tell is paved with Good Intentions.  I Don't (yet)  believe Bush was an evil man, who deliberately acted to harm us, but harm us he did, and we sat by and let him.  The sad thing is we sit here and feel guilt and remorse over our mistake, while the liberals who were Right about the Patriot Act ( as a broken clock is right - their protest was based on politics not principle) are now cheering those same measures wielded by a man who IS deliberately using them to harm us, our liberty and our country.

  Not that I'm defending what Lincoln did but one thing has to be said and that's that Lincoln was in uncharted territory.
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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #266 on: April 26, 2013, 02:44:35 PM »
I do not want my position on this misunderstood; I am not for giving the Feds any leeway as far as detainment and prosecution go. 

As far as I know, Bomber #2 could have clammed up right from the start and insisted on a lawyer; he would have been well within his rights to do so and that has to be respected.

Unless I'm mistaken, roughly, the "Miranda" ruling resulted in a suspect self-incriminating because he either didn't know his rights or was bullied into disclosing that which was used in trial against him. That cannot be the case now; the law is, and the FBI knows, that anything self-revealed cannot be used against the accused pre-Mirandizing OR if the accused demands a lawyer and refuses to speak to them.

The Fifth Amendment reads, in part:

"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise *infamous crime*, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising ..... when in actual service in time of War or public danger ....... nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law ....."

I believe the "national security" exception/issue was carved out of the "public danger" part of the Amendment.

As far as treating Bomber #2 as an enemy combatant, for all the calls to do so from Senators and those who should damn well know better, Congress itself, in 2002, passed a law whereby ties to AQ or another terrorist group must be present for the classification to legally apply.  Which is what the FBI was trying to ascertain, I'm guessing, before the dhimmi judge showed up with her phalanx of terrorist-defending lawyers.

"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #267 on: April 26, 2013, 03:05:16 PM »
Anyone watching the performances of this media darling can only come to a couple of conclusions: She’s been lying through her teeth that her “good kids” had nothing to do with the Boston terror attack and it’s probably a safe bet she put the elder son up to it. We had seen stories where she was the domineering influence in the family (Uncle Ruslan said as much), and she sure is well-versed in the art of deception.

    Russian officials warned authorities in the United States about the mother of the bombing suspects in 2011, and she was also added to a terror watch list, according to CNN.

    The FBI interviewed Zubeidat Tsarnaeva about concerns that her son, Tamerlan, was taking a radical turn, but cleared both of them.

    She lashed out Thursday, saying she’s sorry she ever brought her family to the United States. She also said she wants proof that the attack wasn’t “staged.”

She wants proof it wasn’t staged. So this nutcase makes wild allegations and now it’s our duty to disprove her. Um, OK. Likely aware she’d be picked up at Logan on the outstanding warrant for shoplifting, she and her husband are now delaying their trip to American to pick up son Speedbump. That and she probably would be allowed to fly anyway.

    The Tsarnaevs are originally from the embattled Russian republic of Chechnya but fled from the brutal wars there in the 1990s. The two brothers were born in Kyrgyzstan and moved at different times to the United States.

    Zubeidat Tsarnaev and her older son were both added by U.S. authorities to the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, or TIDE, database in 2011 — a collection of more than a half million names maintained by the National Counterterrorism Center, an intelligence official said.

Meanwhile, Howie Carr asks a very interesting question nobody else has wondered about.

    If the Tsarnaevs were so persecuted in Kleptostan that they needed “asylum,” how come all of them fly back and forth to that Third World hellhole like they’re jumping on the Red Line to Park Street? {And where are they getting the money? - P}

Excellent point. If these grifters came here seeking asylum, why the hell are they back in their sh*thole? Are the mean streets of Dagestan actually an upgrade from Cambridge?

Link, within the text is a link to (Boston).

H/T Gateway Pundit.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #268 on: April 26, 2013, 06:08:07 PM »
I do not want my position on this misunderstood; I am not for giving the Feds any leeway as far as detainment and prosecution go. 

As far as I know, Bomber #2 could have clammed up right from the start and insisted on a lawyer; he would have been well within his rights to do so and that has to be respected.

Unless I'm mistaken, roughly, the "Miranda" ruling resulted in a suspect self-incriminating because he either didn't know his rights or was bullied into disclosing that which was used in trial against him. That cannot be the case now; the law is, and the FBI knows, that anything self-revealed cannot be used against the accused pre-Mirandizing OR if the accused demands a lawyer and refuses to speak to them.

The Fifth Amendment reads, in part:

"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise *infamous crime*, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising ..... when in actual service in time of War or public danger ....... nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law ....."

I believe the "national security" exception/issue was carved out of the "public danger" part of the Amendment.

As far as treating Bomber #2 as an enemy combatant, for all the calls to do so from Senators and those who should damn well know better, Congress itself, in 2002, passed a law whereby ties to AQ or another terrorist group must be present for the classification to legally apply.  Which is what the FBI was trying to ascertain, I'm guessing, before the dhimmi judge showed up with her phalanx of terrorist-defending lawyers.

It's clear that we have lost the war with words ..........."enemy combatant" is a legal term used when nations areat war with one another. Bomber 2 was an illegal enemy combatant meaning he isn't a soldier in a recognized army therefore, he hasn't any rights whatsoever.
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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #269 on: April 27, 2013, 07:21:53 PM »

WASHINGTON (AP) — Russian authorities secretly recorded a telephone conversation in 2011 in which one of the Boston bombing suspects vaguely discussed jihad with his mother, officials said Saturday, days after the U.S. government finally received details about the call.

Define vaguely.

        faith leaders werebanned from the trauma scene. As individuals lay on the ground maimed and suffering from unimaginably-dire wounds, nearby clergy were not allowed to enter to give last rights or even to comfort the victims.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 07:25:11 PM by Charles Oakwood »

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #270 on: April 28, 2013, 04:15:25 AM »
Go back a little further and see why Owebama loves him his Lincoln comparisons.  Lincoln illegally suspended the rights of habeus corpus during The Civil War, locking in jail or St. Elizabeth's (a mental hospital in D.C.) many not convicted of anything or merely criticizing the government.

And let's not forget the first progressive president was a Republican, Big Stick himself.  He opened the door to taking over vast tracts of land by the government, another wonderful precedent.

Then comes the racist Wilson, with Big Stick's cousin imitating the dictators we faced in WWII.  Next Johnson and his Great Welfare Society.  Now Owebama and, well, everything he does.

Its a Big Seat, and the decisions are hard.  (You know, unless you don't take them seriously like Borat. )

I have read Lincoln's letters and papers. I don't think he was a bad or evil man at heart.  I think he was trying very hard to do what was right and to preserve the Nation. He didn't- what came after the civil war was significantly different in character than the old republic.  He sowed the seeds of destruction, but it was a choice of destruction then or destruction later.  Most humans given that choisce , choose later.  That is why we can depend on Helicopter Ben to deliver.

 I think GWB did something similar with the Patriot act  and Medicare expansions.  The path to tell is paved with Good Intentions.  I Don't (yet)  believe Bush was an evil man, who deliberately acted to harm us, but harm us he did, and we sat by and let him.  The sad thing is we sit here and feel guilt and remorse over our mistake, while the liberals who were Right about the Patriot Act ( as a broken clock is right - their protest was based on politics not principle) are now cheering those same measures wielded by a man who IS deliberately using them to harm us, our liberty and our country.

  Not that I'm defending what Lincoln did but one thing has to be said and that's that Lincoln was in uncharted territory.

But thanks to him, we now have a precedent for our current leaders. ::outrage::
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Offline John Florida

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #271 on: April 28, 2013, 09:15:18 AM »
Go back a little further and see why Owebama loves him his Lincoln comparisons.  Lincoln illegally suspended the rights of habeus corpus during The Civil War, locking in jail or St. Elizabeth's (a mental hospital in D.C.) many not convicted of anything or merely criticizing the government.

And let's not forget the first progressive president was a Republican, Big Stick himself.  He opened the door to taking over vast tracts of land by the government, another wonderful precedent.

Then comes the racist Wilson, with Big Stick's cousin imitating the dictators we faced in WWII.  Next Johnson and his Great Welfare Society.  Now Owebama and, well, everything he does.

Its a Big Seat, and the decisions are hard.  (You know, unless you don't take them seriously like Borat. )

I have read Lincoln's letters and papers. I don't think he was a bad or evil man at heart.  I think he was trying very hard to do what was right and to preserve the Nation. He didn't- what came after the civil war was significantly different in character than the old republic.  He sowed the seeds of destruction, but it was a choice of destruction then or destruction later.  Most humans given that choisce , choose later.  That is why we can depend on Helicopter Ben to deliver.

 I think GWB did something similar with the Patriot act  and Medicare expansions.  The path to tell is paved with Good Intentions.  I Don't (yet)  believe Bush was an evil man, who deliberately acted to harm us, but harm us he did, and we sat by and let him.  The sad thing is we sit here and feel guilt and remorse over our mistake, while the liberals who were Right about the Patriot Act ( as a broken clock is right - their protest was based on politics not principle) are now cheering those same measures wielded by a man who IS deliberately using them to harm us, our liberty and our country.

  Not that I'm defending what Lincoln did but one thing has to be said and that's that Lincoln was in uncharted territory.

But thanks to him, we now have a precedent for our current leaders. ::outrage::

 If you believe that our curent leader wouldn't do it anyway.
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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #273 on: April 29, 2013, 07:44:22 AM »
That mom is a full-blown moonbat 7th Century Savage bitch!

She can come die.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #274 on: April 30, 2013, 05:59:08 AM »
That mom is a full-blown moonbat 7th Century Savage bitch!

She can come die.
There we have it folks, she had every opportunity to shed this barbarism but instead she's actually embraced it instead. War against Islam? Not at all, war against evil and Satan's minions.
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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #275 on: April 30, 2013, 07:41:27 AM »
Not sure how you tell pre-bomb-explosion DNA from post-detonation DNA...but if they can conclusively trace to another of this extended clan of savages, so be it...

...but of more consequence might be the news I heard on the radio that Djoker has a new high-profile death-penalty-dodging attorney...not sure if that is a good thing or not?

Oh, and the state of Massachusettes coughed up $100k in bene's to this murderous clan...nice, huh?

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #276 on: May 01, 2013, 10:23:17 AM »
The 24 48 72 96 Hour Rule still in effect

 Reuters US News @ReutersUS

Boston Police say three additional suspects taken into custody in Boston Marathon bombing investigation #breaking

Offline Libertas

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #277 on: May 01, 2013, 11:33:11 AM »
The 24 48 72 96 Hour Rule still in effect

 Reuters US News @ReutersUS

Boston Police say three additional suspects taken into custody in Boston Marathon bombing investigation #breaking

Obama, Holder & Nappy Janet?!?!?!?!   ::praying::

ETA - Crap!  Disappointed again!   ::gaah::
« Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 11:49:29 AM by Libertas »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #278 on: May 01, 2013, 01:01:06 PM »
Mr. Terrorista #1

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Boston Marathon Terrorism
« Reply #279 on: May 03, 2013, 10:34:09 PM »
Seen those comments where they said they didn't hear anyone complaining about the Martial Law in Boston?  Yeah, here they are.  Oh, and its infowars. Anyone see anything similar anywhere else?

Thought not.

Exclusive: Victims Of Boston Bombing Police State Lockdown Speak Out