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The American Revolution Begins April 19th 1775


Minute Men met British forces at Lexington Green and Concord Bridge on this day in 1775 beginning the American Revolution . Long live The United States of America !  ::USA::


And if they saw what their descendants were going to do with it 238 years later, they'd probably have decided they may as well remain part of the British Empire. The Crown wasn't nearly as intrusive into the average person's day to day life as this federal government.


--- Quote from: Glock32 on April 19, 2013, 11:55:47 PM ---And if they saw what their descendants were going to do with it 238 years later, they'd probably have decided they may as well remain part of the British Empire. The Crown wasn't nearly as intrusive into the average person's day to day life as this federal government.

--- End quote ---

None of the Founders had high hopes for this even lasting 50 years.  Ben Franklin's first statement was "A Republic, if you can keep it" - admitting form the outset that keeping a republic would be difficult. Adams and Jefferson gave it 50 years, and by his death Jefferson was convinced the  check on the judiciary had failed to function as desired ( and he was right.  Marbury vs. Madison is arguably the first act of "judicial Activism" - ruling  on a case they declined to actually adjudicate.) 

The Founders would have said the 100 year run we got till the Civil War was a good one, and would have recognized Lincoln as the end of their republic. Lincoln essentially formed a new Republic modeled on the old one, but in which States had less power, and that lasted another 50 years till the New Deal. FDR  Founded yet another Government based on the old one , but established that growing corn on your own land for your own cows was within the Federal Jurisdiction, thus completely limiting the Fed from any checks on its power. At the moment, America became a Oligarchy with a democratic veneer... and now those in power are done with the veneer.

Knowing all of this the Founders would still have fought , I think. 50 Years of freedom and prosperity is better than increasing tyranny under the English crown - and YES it was sure to increase.  The Tyrants of any age are the same- if they "get away" with something, they push for more. Even if they don't get away with it ( as the Dems didn't this week with the Gun Bill)  they will still push for more.  They are sure they are "right" you see, and are therefore justified in hurting robbing, raping, pillaging and killing anyone who gets in their way.

Our Founders would be shocked and angry with what people let happen, but when they reviewed the "how" they would say "we warned you, and you did not listen".


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