Author Topic: Pushing Us Ever Closer to the Edge  (Read 1978 times)

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Offline Glock32

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Pushing Us Ever Closer to the Edge
« on: March 17, 2013, 01:30:38 AM »
I found links to this post at Sipsey Street Irregulars, Western Rifle Shooters, and a couple of other places. Figured I'd share the link here, because I know you will identify with the sentiment expressed.

Pushing Us Ever Closer to the Edge


Enemies of We the People and the Constitution of the United States of America to which we swore an unbreakable oath: You are entering territory that is not uncharted, you would know if you’d ever bothered to take a break from licking each others balls and read a few books, but it is fraught with danger, horror, tragedy and pain. You will not emerge from that territory unscathed and, if G-d be truly on our side, you will not emerge at all except to be hanged from the nearest utility posts.

And when we say “you”, we would like to remind you that we mean all of you. You, ProgNazi reading this while laughing to yourself at the bluster and bravado of this silly Internet blowhard, may think yourself safe, ensconced behind all of the paramilitary protection that the Enemy Occupation Force that you’ve built can provide. But can you say the same about everybody that you love and care about? Can you say the same about everything that you love and care about? And can you even say that said wall against the inevitable consequences of your own lust for power that obviously overrides the oath that you, with lies in your heart and treason on your mind, made when you made it to DC, that said wall can protect you 24/7? Every minute of every day for the rest of your lives.

Can you? Because if you think you can, then you’re deluding yourself.

You see, you don’t understand how this whole “asymmetric warfare” thingamajig that you love to talk about on TeeVee to sound smarterer than the proles really works. You think that it’s just a domestic version of the grand battles that you’ve read about in history books about traditional wars and that you’ll be safely hidden behind your lines with the enemies on the other side of those line. Those are international wars, and they bear no resemblance whatsoever to an intranational war, which is what you’ll be facing.

There are numerous examples to choose from, but we’d suggest that you just pick up a book about the Balkans. That describes it quite well. Or you could pick the Revolutionary War, but it’s obvious to us by now that you really couldn’t care less about that particular war which birthed a Constitution that you swore, impatiently, an oath to during a lot of pomp and circumstance, wishing that they’d just get it over with already so you could get on to taking bribes and sodomizing underage interns.

Here are a few pointers, just to get you started:

1) You won’t know who is your enemy and who is your friend. The person who might put a bullet in the back of your head tomorrow could be your neighbor or could be standing in line ahead of you, right now, at the grocery store.

2) Even if you yourself are safe, those you care about won’t be. Ironically, the more solidly you build the wall to protect yourself against the consequences of your own treason, the more likely you make it that retaliation will strike somebody else that you love. If we can’t get to you, then we’ll get to somebody or something you love.

3) Everything you depend on in your daily life, right down to stuff you don’t even think about right now, everything, was either built by or maintained by people who might just hate your guts. You like to have the lights on in your house? Don’t count on it staying on. The people who built the power plant know how to destroy it. The car you drive? The mechanic fixing it might just be a patriot adding a few “extra features” to it before he hands you back the keys. Just a few examples. We’re sure you can come up with many more if you sit down and think about things that you depend on others to provide for you. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE MIGHT BE SOMEBODY WHO WANTS YOU DEAD. Actually, you might not want to think about that at all. But you should.

4) Your enemies, We the People, those of us who believe in the Constitution and know our responsibility to it, are far more numerous than you think. And we’re everywhere. And we don’t wear uniforms so you can easily identify us. Nor will we identify ourselves. No, we will NOT allow ourselves to be gunned down in encounters we cannot possibly hope to prevail in. Instead, we will “meekly submit” for the cameras and then go home to plot your destruction. And we will do so. The more you stump on us, the more you force us to endure humiliation in order to live to fight another day on OUR terms, the deeper our hatred will burrow and the less of a f**k we will care when an opening presents itself to make you wish that you had never been born.

5) A lot of us went through military training. We are MUCH better equipped, mentally, to handle the kind of situation that you’re FORCING upon us than your mall ninjas, no matter how much you try to buy up all of the “latest and greatest” military equipment for them. Equipment alone doesn’t win the battle. Look up “Afghanistan: The Soviet Invasion of” if you doubt us. Moreover, we’re all bound to an oath that we, unlike you, took seriously when we made it. We’re all trained, finely honed, to focus on the mission and our honor, second to absolutely nothing else. And we’re supremely well equipped to train those of our fellow patriots who didn’t go through that. Just ask the Egyptians, Syrians et al how they fared about the Israelis in 1947 when the pisslamists were armed to the teeth against a bunch of rag tag Jews. Or ask, if you could, our Founding Fathers who went up against, and DEFEATED, the world’s most preeminent military power with “nothing but a bunch of armed peasants.”

6) A lot of us, don’t you just love “The Melting Pot?”, come from countries where we experienced just what you are trying right up front and personal, and we experienced it at the hands of tyrants who were a heck of a lot more experienced and powerful that you are, yet they still failed. They’d memorized and internalized everything there is to know about how to subjugate and enslave a people while you idiots were still jacking off to Saul Alinsky, yet they still failed. You think you’re better than them? Best of luck. You read the book, they WROTE IT. Your systems will be undermined by people much more experienced than you from day one, f**k we’re already doing it right now because we know where this train is headed, and you dilettante f**kheads can’t come up with anything that we haven’t seen a hundred times worse before. Yet we’re still standing, aren’t we?

Those are just a few bullet points. There are many, many more.

Full post:
"The Fourth Estate is less honorable than the First Profession."

- Yours Truly

Offline AmericanPatriot

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Re: Pushing Us Ever Closer to the Edge
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2013, 07:46:41 AM »
I read that elsewhere.
Good read

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Pushing Us Ever Closer to the Edge
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2013, 11:11:17 AM »
LC Sir Rurik, K.o.E. growls and barks:
March 13, 2013 at 13:45
LC Ogrrre @ #47:
You just gave me a really good idea. There’s going to be some serious residual national debt to be paid off – even after confiscating the possessiobns of the Obammeroids and thier mewling minions (the OWSers). So … lets auction off the rights to serve on firing squads, or as hangmen. High bids get first pick. I know I’d enter thre bidding.

Misha, see your jar -urgent.

I really hope these folks in the comments are right.. about a lot of things.

One fellow suggested TX might be the first place they attack, because TX and places like it are passing laws to nullify the Federal ones.  But  I doubt that will make them first. - I think they will start with the ones they almost have - like Colorado, where the laws already passed. And when open violence erupts here, that will create the spark lighting the rest up. Colorado is no Blue State. The California locusts came, and they got control as they always do, but they didn't change the hearts and minds of the natives.. and specific counties have  a  high percentage of ex-military .  And the locusts aren't fighters- if they were, they wouldn't have packed up and moved so quick.  When they are being shot at in the street, you can bet they will decide they don't like Colorado much anymore and move on. Our County  LEOs ( except City) are already standing up and telling the Liberal Asshats they aren't risking their lives enforcing the law against people wouldn't hurt anyone if left alone.   Asshat response?  Trying to link Pay increases to law enforcement efforts  to enforce the tyranny.

No one will obey the laws. The Local  LEOs won't enforce them. The State House becomes impotent, and so what next?  Yeah, that is right.  National Guard or Army.  Probably from another state. Predominantly Black units only. And then the shooting starts.  Those assholes really are going to do it-- because they really don't see us as a threat.  Meanwhile everyone is preparing, arming themselves, and getting ready for the fight mentally.  We won't act alone, but enmass, and like the author speculates, there will be no mercy for any collaborator.

Offline Libertas

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Re: Pushing Us Ever Closer to the Edge
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2013, 11:34:54 AM »
I am trying hard but coming up short on anything to disagree with here.  Heck, any one of us could have written this piece or the comments to it.

We've been warning the asshats a long time to be careful what they wish for, but they are deaf to our warnings, their indifference to us and our "liberty or death" devotion to Founding Principles is more than indifference, it is openly hostile, so in return my heart is hardening ever deeper and gives not the slightest damn about them.  Their actions are sealing their fate.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Pushing Us Ever Closer to the Edge
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2013, 12:02:13 PM »
We've been warning the asshats a long time to be careful what they wish for, but they are deaf to our warnings, their indifference to us and our "liberty or death" devotion to Founding Principles is more than indifference, it is openly hostile, so in return my heart is hardening ever deeper and gives not the slightest damn about them.  Their actions are sealing their fate.

And they will Cry out "Our Intentions were good! We Care! We just wanted to help! If you just waited you would see it would have been better. You would have accepted our noble plan. Why are you doing this to us?!? Why do you hate us so?!?"

Why indeed.  Perhaps if you had tried listening you would know. That time came and went and you told me to talk to the hand. I am not going to explain it now. Your life is forfeit. Now suffer and die.

Offline Libertas

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Re: Pushing Us Ever Closer to the Edge
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2013, 12:25:17 PM »
We've been warning the asshats a long time to be careful what they wish for, but they are deaf to our warnings, their indifference to us and our "liberty or death" devotion to Founding Principles is more than indifference, it is openly hostile, so in return my heart is hardening ever deeper and gives not the slightest damn about them.  Their actions are sealing their fate.

And they will Cry out "Our Intentions were good! We Care! We just wanted to help! If you just waited you would see it would have been better. You would have accepted our noble plan. Why are you doing this to us?!? Why do you hate us so?!?"

Why indeed.  Perhaps if you had tried listening you would know. That time came and went and you told me to talk to the hand. I am not going to explain it now. Your life is forfeit. Now suffer and die.

Their pleadings are futile.  Actions have consequences, maybe their last conscious thought will be recognizing that inescapable truth, or not, I really don't care anymore.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: Pushing Us Ever Closer to the Edge
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2013, 10:38:57 AM »
Heard a discussion on the local radio this morning...hosts were challenging callers what to do in the face of so much tyranny and lawlessness going on, committed by R's as well as D's...asked people if they trust any level of government.  Once caller I agree with to a point, the more local the more responsive to the people, so while we may trust them more it is not a blanket trust, it is a wary trust...a trust easily broken as the latest scandal du juor is exposed.  Another said "take to the streets"...and do what?  "Protest!"  Yeah, been there done that...they still don't get it and don't care!  They do not fear us, the fear should be them of us, not us of them!  "Violence?"  Denounced as "too extreme!", yeah, too extreme, the British thought that of the Founders and all colonial Patriots who dared fight back against the shackles of tyranny, so what's your point?  I only have one element that gives me pause, especially in the light of Prism et all...they might want violence in the streets...the excuse to implement their Allinsky-Cloward/Piven "final solution"and usher in a full totalitarian regime.  If true then the OWS/Hardcore PaulBot/anarchist types pose the greatest threat to enact that scenario and it may indicate the better option is to postpone the revolution until the system itself suffers full collapse, rendering any dictatorial actions counterproductive for them...making the Galt option the preferable Phase I action we should all be taking.  Thoughts?
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Pushing Us Ever Closer to the Edge
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2013, 11:55:43 AM »
I only have one element that gives me pause, especially in the light of Prism et all...they might want violence in the streets...the excuse to implement their Allinsky-Cloward/Piven "final solution"and usher in a full totalitarian regime.  If true then the OWS/Hardcore PaulBot/anarchist types pose the greatest threat to enact that scenario and it may indicate the better option is to postpone the revolution until the system itself suffers full collapse, rendering any dictatorial actions counterproductive for them...making the Galt option the preferable Phase I action we should all be taking.  Thoughts?

The colonists had to wait for  for the British to March on Concord, and that didn't happen till after Boston was place under Martial law, troops quartered in people's homes, and the harbor blockaded.  Acting now would make Patriots seem the aggressors. They must be made to initiate the event.  Trying to enter Homes in Texas instead of Boston.  A family with children gunned down in their own home  because they resisted an illegal search and seizure,  an actual widespread attempt to confiscate guns, and so on.   Otherwise, its the work of "terrorists" (and I am sure they will try to call the family killed just that- and make up some terror cell association for them)  They will get their MEME out- but the question is if it will be believed - and the less credence they are given the better.  As a result, I see the line being drawn at driveways and front doors.  Ann Barnhardt had a recent repost I think is instructive:

And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward. -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

We must meet them when they come to us, and not fire till we see the White's of their eyes.  They can put whatever BS they want on the front pages about all of the evil Tea-Party terrorists and the need to go door to door to disarm them,  but if they can't find people to do it,  then it will not happen.
Meanwhile you keep the powder dry, establish and control a perimeter. Prepare places to hide, and surprises for intruders. Become as self-sufficient as possible. Form relationships with such neighbors as you can.   Form a C-corporation and start looking to the govt like the fat cat for the serf ( but never the middle class) and  develop the skills you will need if things go as badly as we fear.  Use the company car ( a depreciated asset)  and allow the company to give you all of the legal perks you can (Mandatory yearly  Board meeting in in Hawaii this year you know, and you are on expenses. ).  Manage income streams to lower taxes, and speed up the implosion. If your ethics allow it, go on the dole as the serf and get some of the money back they have collected from you all of these years with no return and no possibility of ever receiving one.

 In the next few years they will move against us personally and we fight back on our own land, and in our own homes, or they do nothing and the economics reduce them to irrelevancy.  The only real danger occurs when we fail to fight back when they are physically at our doors.