Author Topic: Molon Labe - a Novel by Boston T. Party.  (Read 690 times)

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Offline Weisshaupt

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Molon Labe - a Novel by Boston T. Party.
« on: October 12, 2013, 07:58:48 AM »
The graying babyboomers- who will not begin to die off until the year 2024, and half of them will live until 2035- will do anything necessary to ensure their monthly Social Security Checks, including the increased wage slavery of thier children and grandchildren. The means that Social Security  will not only remain a politically untouchable issue for at least the next 30 years, it will also, at minimum , double in size during that period. And you believe some political party will be able to reduce, privatize,  or eliminate social security and Medicare in our lifetimes? Hah! They don't call SS a "third rial" issue for nothing. Touch it and you're fried. Point being, it is a political and social impossibility to convert the United States of America into a Libertarian Nation. It would be like trying to Christianize Iran. America simply does not want to go there, and since we do not believe in using force as a political instrument we cannot drag the country there kicking and screaming. Neither will we win by education and by argument because we have no access to media and academia, and we likely never will.  Perhaps after the Social Security collapse and the demise of the elderly Baby Boomers a third party may have a chance to lead from the chaos , but for the next generation or two  the USA will continue to be run by some variant of the DemoPublicans. Them's the facts.

If we do not start making visible and dramatic gains somewhere, libertarians and conservatives will not be galvanized into further action. We are tired of losing across the board. Lets pick one winning horse and place all our bets on it

Conservatives generally just want to be left alone to live thier own lives, and liberals quite literally hate them for it-James Wayne Preston, Journals

Jimmy, a woman will walk over, around, or through any  man better looking  or more wealthy if you know how to dance

When men reduce their values to the approximate, then evil acquires the force of an absolute; when loyalty to an unyielding sense of purpose is dropped by the virtuous , it's picked up by scoundrels - and you get the indecent spectacle of a cringing, bargaining, traitorous good and a self-righteously uncompromising evil. -Ayn Rand

we are now involved in a war in this nation, a last-ditch struggle in which the other side contends only the King's men are allowed to use force or the threat of force, and that any uppity peasant finally rendered so desperate as to use the same kind  of armed force routinely employed by our oppressors must surely be  a "lone madman" who "snapped for no reason." - Vin Suprynowicz, The Ballad of Carl Drega

So the United States Government and its insiders have a problem. They have killed the goose - patriotism - which laid the golden eggs of voluntary enlistment, and they can't resuscitate it. Patriotism, like innocence or virginity, can never be reclaimed. Their reward will be an increasingly sullen and unfaithful populace. A saturnine military with a correspondingly declining ability to project force.  In their eternal quest to absorb the country , this is what governments have never learned: if patriotism is destroyed, government will fall. Tamper with the love of country , and you've lit the fuse of revolution or devolution

When words loose their meaning, people loose their liberty -Confucius

Cowardice (and its first cousin apathy) creates the same hell on earth as does evil. It just takes a bit longer, that's see evil is the default of all humanity. It is the spiritual force of gravity. It is always present and always to be resisted.

Our Rulers left one crucial element out of their vast equation. Desperation. They disregarded Sun Tzu's wise council about always leaving a way of escape to a surrounded enemy. Average people sentenced to what is effectually life imprisonment will begin to realize they have nothing to lose.

American only in the geographic sense, the man was consumed with crating a one-world government to rule over deflated nations ( and thus powerless peoples) He has actively conspired to deliver us over to jurisdiction of the UN. The arrogant evil of the man was quite insufferable to me. His body will never be found. It will probably take several days for anyone to be sure of whom it is I have described. So, meanwhile, please do a bed check. One of your globalists is missing

None of us is immoratl. None of us is free. We really have nothing to loose by at last going on the offensive. Claire Wolfe once wrote, "America is at that awkward stage, it's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards." Obviously I think it is high time we shoot the bastards, but everyone runs on a different calendar. My fight was over, and I was pleased to get in a few good punches before I left the ring. Who knows what it will take to knock out the giant? Lets find out! Get in there and do him some damage! I have proved, twice, that it can be done.  Pick targets who are truly deserving of your attention, but be sure nothing personally links you to them. Do not, for example, choose the prosecutor who sent your brother up the river for tax evasion. No, chose a public figure whose treason to America and the Bill of Rights is well-known, but unconnected with you and yours

Offline Libertas

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Re: Molon Labe - a Novel by Boston T. Party.
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2013, 07:22:22 AM »
I say just git some and be done with it.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.