Topics > Media Bias/Media War

LA Times will no longer publish letters to the editor questioning Global Warming

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This could have also gone in the Weather/Climate section, but I think it more properly belongs under Media Bias since that's the real story here. Anyhow, the LA Times has announced that it will no longer accept letters to the editor that challenge manmade Global Warming. You know, the global warming that has not been happening for the past 2 decades.

You see, they have decided that there is no debate anymore. It's the classic exercise of the fait accompli by the praetorian media. Nevermind the fact that observed, empirical data disprove the climate models on their face, nope, the IPCC report has spoken and it is so.

Now of course, as an ostensibly private enterprise they have the right to publish or not publish whatever they want, but that's not really the point either. Just from the few slips of light that occasionally get through the curtain, we already have ample evidence at just how coordinated the media outlets are in setting and disseminating Official Truth. They largely accomplish this by taking advantage of their status as information gatekeepers. If they don't report it, it didn't happen; and the slant under which they do report things matters more than the who/what/where.

So what I'm getting at here isn't exactly a new revelation on this forum, but just a reiteration of the fact that these people are active enemies. In the grand scheme of things what they do isn't much different than throwing actual bombs. They are the enemy, and they will have to be dealt with alongside all the other forces that are working to corral humanity into a new techno-feudal serfdom.

Pablo de Fleurs:
This is one of the catalysts for provoking generally good natured people to thoughts of striking back in some tangible fashion. Cutting off debate and ending discussion on volatile topics with potential legislative outcomes that genuinely f*ck up our day-to-day lives.

Differences of ideology is one thing; dictating another. Of course we all see the trajectory's the solution that evades.

A natural progression...

The Idiots Guide to How a Libiot Wins a Debate -

1)  Lie

2)  Lie some more

3)  Personally attack your opponent and disparage their message and sources

4)  Remume lying

5)  In the case of unrelenting opponent declare the debate over and the issue settled and walk away

6)  Resume lying and attacking opponents ad hominem in propaganda releases

7)  Kill your opponent

See, we are only one step away from 100% fascism.

you are forgetting the new phrase "settled law"


--- Quote from: whimsicalmamapig on October 15, 2013, 03:44:23 PM ---you are forgetting the new phrase "settled law"

--- End quote ---

I wouldn't say forget...ignore and ridicule it, but never forget! 

Any scientist of integrity knows that declaring anything "settled" or "final" or "absolute" is an absurdity and those making such pronouncements are a complete and utter fraud!

There is scientific inquiry...naysayers and skeptics get their say!

There is scientific theory...if your theory has some bumps, guess what?  Back to the drawing board and try again!

If there is anything close to unsettled and non-absolute it is all of the bullsh*t ideas spawned from climate change!

Somebody wake me up when these clowns understand the full dynamics of the oceans and the sun.

(I'm in for a long sleep!)


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