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One of those MFM stories sure to get your blood pressure dangerously high

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A year later they admit the attack was terrorist led and that the Obama Regime lied its ass off...

 ::cussing::  liberal media!

When the shyt hits the fan these assholes will be as hunted as the trash they cover for!

Well, well.  The Presstitutes finally catch up to what we all knew; people died, Obongo lied.

They knew all along. The acknowledgement of the truth now is calculated to some effect that furthers the Leftist cause.

Perhaps they're hoping that people feeling vindicated over a crime that the general public has forgotten ("What do you think about Benghazi?" "Ben WHO?") will lead to emboldened displays of behavior they can exploit as "Right-wing extremism". Perhaps the Leftist power-players want Hillary Clinton out of the picture. Perhaps they want the agitation of the person responsible for Benghazi being elected president despite the information being available in the MSM.

I have no idea, but I will not allow myself to believe that CBS is suddenly pursuing their journalistic duty without concern for how it affects the overall Leftist agenda.

Yeah, and didn't Candy Crowley pull the patented MFM fait accompli tactic during that debate? Basically "you know what, this controversy is such a non-issue that -- ta da! -- we're not even going to discuss it"? And the GOP response is always "Excuse me, Ma'am? Your foot only got the left one, you missed the right one. Would you like a re-kick?"

IDP is right of course. Nothing is accidental with these people. They've calculated this many layers into the future. If they pin it on Hillary it's because they want her out of the way for some other Leftist; if they pin it on Obama it's because they want to absolve Hillary for 2016.

When this political and economic house of cards does finally teeter over, the MFM should be the very first ones lined up against a wall.


--- Quote from: Glock32 on October 28, 2013, 01:56:59 PM ---When this political and economic house of cards does finally teeter over, the MFM should be the very first ones lined up against a wall.

--- End quote ---

So say we all.


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