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Portland Rent-A-Cop to little girl: Begging OK, selling verbotten!

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Just read about this at Breitbart.  Some of the comments ::shaking head::  ..... people actually defending "the rules".


--- Quote from: Pandora on December 03, 2013, 12:22:56 PM ---Just read about this at Breitbart.  Some of the comments ::shaking head::  ..... people actually defending "the rules".

--- End quote ---

That's what bugs me about the "law & order" breed of conservative. I've alluded to these people before, the ones who might disagree with all the Left's policies but scoff at any notion that it represents an unfolding tyranny because elections!!!111!!

Likewise to these people, rules are rules are rules, and they should be obediently observed until such time as our bureaucrat overlords grant a dispensation.  They lack the fire and indignation of the Founders.  They represent the inertia on our side that is largely responsible for the "not the hill to die on" mindset, and now here we are with hardly any hills left.  They'd probably have criticized the original Boston Tea Party on the basis that those taxes were duly enacted by Parliament.

These people are going to be worse than useless when things go extracurricular.


--- Quote from: Glock32 on December 03, 2013, 12:54:56 PM ---
--- Quote from: Pandora on December 03, 2013, 12:22:56 PM ---Just read about this at Breitbart.  Some of the comments ::shaking head::  ..... people actually defending "the rules".

--- End quote ---

That's what bugs me about the "law & order" breed of conservative. I've alluded to these people before, the ones who might disagree with all the Left's policies but scoff at any notion that it represents an unfolding tyranny because elections!!!111!!

Likewise to these people, rules are rules are rules, and they should be obediently observed until such time as our bureaucrat overlords grant a dispensation.  They lack the fire and indignation of the Founders.  They represent the inertia on our side that is largely responsible for the "not the hill to die on" mindset, and now here we are with hardly any hills left.  They'd probably have criticized the original Boston Tea Party on the basis that those taxes were duly enacted by Parliament.

These people are going to be worse than useless when things go extracurricular.

--- End quote ---

Here's the way it goes with them:  "we all/they had to jump through hoops/follow the law, so why shouldn't this girl/that boy have to as well?" and becaaaaaause "the rules are there for a reason".

Hippie, please.  Whatthehell.  Instead of coming out against overweening strangulation imposed on *everybody* by the bureaucracy, they want to make sure *nobody* escapes.

If "the rules are there for a reason", who is asking the reason?  Few, because it seems obvious; the rules are needed to keep out the riff-raff, keep people in line, impose order -- to do all the things we as a society used to do by and for ourselves.  Once upon a time, we didn't need no stinkin' formal rules because most everybody knew what was expected .... and what would be forthcoming by way of social opprobrium -- that'd be your family and neighbors -- against transgressors.  Er .... that old-fashioned and outdated community standards thingie.  Quaint, hunh?  But the sixties rolled by, "judging" became "judgmental" because "who are you", and so "the rules", imposed by our betters filled the vacuum where our common sense once existed.  Zero tolerance means no exceptions because discrimination.

Alphabet Soup:
Ă˜bamacare is a law and it's there for a reason so I need to STFU and obey it then....right? (stop giggling at me!)



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