Author Topic: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine  (Read 97379 times)

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #2000 on: March 11, 2024, 10:17:32 AM »
A debate on Ukr?
I have noticed that the pro Ukr war people almost never talk  about people, just boundaries.
What do the people in the areas currently being fought over want?
If they were honest they would say they do not care if they are all slaughtered.
What would have happened if Russia had not invaded?
I have heard the Kiev faction soldiers say they were shelling the east to drive the subhuman Russian off their sacred land, meaning the civilians. Apparently because Lenin named the SSR Ukraine means that only Ukrainian speakers can live there.

I am ignorant about Kosovo and the history there. I do not want to see them all slaughtered or driven off the land and I am not a fan of the Albanians and hear that they like to burn Christian churches. Most people in US feel the same way.

The US govt and MSM almost never talk about what the people in the Donbass or Crimea want even though the data is available.

This war would not have happened if people in Ukr were allowed parental choice in language for  children and use in govt , maybe by region, local elections for governors etc, freedom of religion, and swear off NATO. Much of that is required for EU members and was the status quo before the Ukr govt drank the NAZI cool aid.

This is the first war I recall where social media was everywhere. I used to pay attention to what people in all factions said. IMO the Kiev faction have very vile racial superiority thoughts and actions toward Russians going way back.

For the DeepState to whom they are beholden to their borders matter way more than ours...that's all you need to know...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #2001 on: March 11, 2024, 10:24:28 AM »
🇫🇷🇲🇩 FRANCE SIGNS DEFENSE DEAL WITH MOLDOVA, TO "SUPPORT IT AGAINST RUSSIAN AGGRESSION" - announces mainstream media (article above), claiming deal comes amid Russian threats such as Russia-aligned region of Transnistria asking for Moscow’s protection (

With Macron's warmongering Russia reaching madness levels (, deal will include deployment of French military in Moldova, as well as training and weapons programs, to "unwaveringly support independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity” of country. 🤔

Paris will also invest in Moldovan energy projects and natural resources.

Hmm, sounds like Neocolonialism, but go on.  🤑🤑

The impetus to suck Europe and by extension NATO into this sh!tshow is being accelerated by the failure of Western funds and equipment resulting in nothing but waste and failure is a lot bigger than you think...everything being done will guarantee the sh!t gets worse and has great potential to grow very hot...

The wisest move we could make is to negotiate directly with Moscow and GTFO NATO or at the very least amend the NATO Charter to make Article Five voluntary and not mandatory...but the respective DeepStates will not ever allow any of that happen...they would rather see the world incinerated than admit failure or complicity...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #2002 on: March 11, 2024, 10:26:34 AM »

I wonder why CNN is reporting this now? Not anti Russian. Not sure the summary matches the language.
You can find lots of similar examples going way back but never shown on western TV.
"They are hiding behind the backs of civilians": CNN was unexpectedly told the truth about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

An American journalist talked to civilians in the city of Chasov Yar, who said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces were approaching houses and using civilians as human shields. Another person admitted that his relatives live in Russia.

The reporter came to the conclusion that that the people living in the town are “ok that Russia comes”.

That network is the propaganda arm of Foggy as merely part of their CYA/Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #2003 on: March 11, 2024, 10:30:25 AM »

I have seen maybe 50 videos like this but seldom post them. Ukr troops staying in a school. If Russia kits them they ignore the troops part and report on the school as a war crime.
🇺🇦 Another school occupied by Ukrainian Nazis for personnel accommodation

And then Ukrainian fighters whine that they are being hit with Kalibrs and Geraniums.

Some Canadian merc fought for Kiev. He said he was glad he was not fighting Americans because they rode in trains with civilians and bunked in a church.

Wise people call this "The JIhadi Terrorist Method" which currently Hamas is fully engaged in....
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #2004 on: March 11, 2024, 04:50:37 PM »

I get the Baltics mixed up.Estonian govt says Russia bombed them 80 years ago, city of Talin. Says Russian tactics have not changed.

Syrian guy read up and said 750 people died from that Soviet bombing and that the Allies also bombed them. Says 1.5 M died in Leningrad and 3.5 M to break the siege. . Germans occupied Estonia at the time. Not sure what percent helped the Germans. It was the first German conquered territory to be officially Judenfrei.  I think the locals helped out.

Brief video on Leningrad siege.

Time lapse map, Jan 1944 was a real rout.

Germans in Talin.

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #2005 on: March 11, 2024, 04:53:47 PM »

I heard that the UK govt wants Germany to send them Taurus missiles then UK will send Ukraine Storm Shadows.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #2006 on: March 11, 2024, 06:20:06 PM »
I am so old I remember when the USSR used to jam western signals. RFE and VOA The US/West did not jam USSR signals which showed our superiority.  These Baltics are so petty and do things that will have zero effect on the war. People call them Chihuahuas/ankle bitters.  Some are deporting pensioners who cannot pass the local language test, including one 75 year old blind woman.  I am told it takes 10 years to learn their difficult, non Slavic languages. Russians takes that long also. I recall there are 14 different forms of the word "you."

🇱🇻 In Latvia, a television technician has been arrested for helping local residents tune into Russian channels blocked in the country, as reported by Delfi citing local police.

Police conducted searches at the suspect's place and seized equipment for receiving and transmitting television signals. According to the authorities, a man born in 1975 provided services to at least 181 residents of Latvia.

He is facing charges under Article 280 of the Latvian Criminal Code, which relates to engaging in entrepreneurial activity subject to special restrictions. He could be sentenced to up to three years in prison.

Those who had Russian channels installed by him could face fines of up to 700 euros.

In 2022, all Russian television channels were banned in Latvia until "Russia returns the Ukrainian territories."
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #2007 on: March 11, 2024, 08:06:53 PM »

Here it is

??The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine will allocate 152 million hryvnia to block television and radio signals from Russia, Belarus and Transnistria.

The equipment should be installed in nine regions, including Odessa, Kharkov and Kiev regions, by May 1.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #2008 on: March 12, 2024, 09:02:07 AM »
A constant in war for the second straight century my friend.

Now, this is something, see this?

The new head of the Ukrainian army, Oleksandr Syrskyi, is known as “the butcher” by his own troops, and there are fears his aggressive style will lead to massive losses for Ukrainians in the east on top of already high casualties.

While President Zelensky claims that Ukraine has suffered only 31, 000 soldier deaths, most analysts, and those in Ukraine, know that number is far from reality. In fact, Ukraine’s ally, the United States, estimates that Ukraine had lost 70,000 men already last summer, on top of many more severely wounded or psychologically traumatized. The number of missing also remains high.

In a new interview with Politico, one soldier who wished to remain anonymous warned about the 58-year-old Syrskyi, saying: “He will kill us all.”

Politico reports that Ukrainian troops reportedly refer to the new commander of Ukraine’s ground forces as someone willing to put his troops in harm’s way to achieve his goals. Syrskyi, who was born in central Russia, is known for his “hard-driving Soviet-style” tactics.
He is filling in the shoes of the former commander of Ukraine, Valeriy Zalushny, who is still well-loved by the troops and who is said to have placed their safety as one of his top priorities.
Syrskyi reportedly gained his reputation as a “butcher” due to his willingness to hold the city of Bakhmut against Russian forces at nearly any cost, leading to high Ukrainian casualty rates. U.S. intelligence had long advised that Ukrainian forces should abandon the town, while Syrskyi kept sending more men into the war-torn city.

Zelensky said the city must be held at all costs, which put him at odds with the former General Zalushny, who advocated a withdrawal.

Ukraine reportedly lost a large number of well-trained troops in Bakhmut, while Russia lost large numbers of former convicts who conducted “human wave” assaults on the city.

Nevertheless, Syrskyi can boast some serious victories, including his pivotal defense of Kyiv along with the lightning blitz seen in Kharkiv that drove out Russian forces in the area.

He seems nice...   :o
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #2009 on: March 12, 2024, 09:44:10 AM »
This snippet 34:18 and runs through 37:55 on the weaponizing of the dollar is good -

The rest is Cuomo being well, Cuomo being Cuomo...

First, Tucker is the only person -beside myself- who I have seen accurately outline the cause and consequence of the Russia sanction regime.  Why hasn’t Tucker expanded on this in granular detail?   The issue is much, much larger, than just simple sanctions.  There is a global agenda afoot, an intentional global cleaving, which was predicated by that specific sanction regime.

Second, he knows.  You can tell by the way Tucker frames the “I don’t know what’s really going on” aspect, that he really does know…. but he’s scared.  Tucker is scared of the consequences if he outlines in detail how the USIC and by extension the entire USA governmental system, is using Russia as a tool toward a larger corporate/globalist agenda.

It is annoying, albeit somewhat understandable in the larger picture, to see important voices who have reach – recoil and self-censor because they are fearful of the personal consequences.   Things are about to get very ugly. The Western dollar-based financial system is being weaponized against liberty. The American people are about to discover the scale and scope of consequence behind this intent, and the American people deserve to know the details of how and why this global cleaving is being pushed.

And Tucker is wise to get on record not wanting to be imprisoned as a political prisoner given the actions of the demonazis in Congress, the Administration and the sundry Soros-funded stooges in Judicial circles.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #2010 on: March 12, 2024, 07:20:00 PM »

Had anyone explained why the sanctions did not work?  Vox Day said it was because free trade is harmful.

Navalny was a nobody who should have stayed out of the country. The US builds him up.  IMO he was guilty of lots of bad stuff.

Sanctions kinda are the opposite of free trade. Maybe free trade is bad for an economy.I liked this book and it made sense. As I recall, there are lots of somewhat hidden secondary effects of free trade. The sanctions on Russia ended the bad effects of free trade.

I watched too many telegram videos early in the Ukr war. Also some ride alongs by Patrick Lancaster with the DPR militia. That region did not deindustrialize. The former jobs of the DPR militia people were industrial and hard core. Also, USSR and likely Russia only have a small pct go onto a 4 year university and only if they can pass tests. I recall they might get slotted for vocational school in 8th grade.
Free Trade Doesn't Work: What Should Replace It and Why, 2011 Edition Paperback – February 17, 2011
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #2011 on: March 12, 2024, 07:37:23 PM »
Matthew Hoh: PRESTO - New Found Money for Ukraine
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #2012 on: March 12, 2024, 07:46:45 PM »
I recall this lawsuit a while back and previously heard about this Canadian Prof who wrote a book.
 Ukrainian Court Admits Massacre at Maidan Was ‘False Flag,' US Media Ignores Explosive Report

BreakThrough News

659K subscribers

Mar 12, 2024  #breakthroughnews
In an explosive revelation, a Ukrainian court recently determined that the 2014 Maidan massacre in Ukraine, which led to then-President Viktor Yanukovych’s ouster, was a false-flag operation. The court’s verdict concludes that far-right forces carried out the massacre of over 100 Maidan activists that the Yanukovych government was falsely blamed for, in order to orchestrate regime change. Ivan Katchanovski, a Ukrainian and Canadian political scientist at the School of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa, says that the media is deliberately burying this story, which he investigated using publicly available information, due to the profound implications these findings have in the world’s knowledge of the true origins of the Russia-Ukraine war.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2024, 12:25:58 PM by patentlymn »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #2013 on: March 13, 2024, 08:30:06 AM »
Assuming that is correct...then these also must be true...

*The ease with which it was successful shows how weak the Yanukovych government apparently was and also how apparently riddled with opponents/sympathizers of opponents it was to be oblivious of the actions of a band of (gasp!) "far-right forces" within their midst.

*The ignorance of Russian intelligence which had no intel whatsoever of these forces and had given their friendly neighbor no heads up as to any possible schemes afoot.  Especially interesting given the fact that those promoting CIA-driven regime changes, color revolutions and the like that toppled governments everywhere else and who profess this was all known to be true immediately by people smarter than Western leaders...were completely snookered by an outfit that can't ever tell what other nations are up to with any credibility to its own citizens and leaders.

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #2014 on: March 13, 2024, 08:38:14 AM »
This is hilarious...a CIA report sourced by CNN...can it get anymore BS than that?

I deem this total BS and an obvious PR campaign to influence retarded people to support wasting more funds and ammo on the Ukrainian quagmire.  If the DeepState and retarded politicians et al want to support war - volunteer your funds, your lives, and the lives of your children...I mean it, get your effing asses over there right now if it so important to you!!!

Otherwise, go outside and play hide and go bleep yourself.

So sick of this BS!

As for this...they can do little else...

But this had to make me chuckle a bit -  "The settlement of Tyotkino in the Kursk region is entirely under the control of Russian liberation forces,"

Uhh, you are in previous long-established Russian territory...this statement makes it sound like you lost it all and it had to be cannot liberate what was never taken, Ivan! 

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #2015 on: March 13, 2024, 12:32:12 PM »
Ukraine-based groups identifying themselves as the Freedom of Russia Legion and the Siberian Battalion

I recently heard some former US military who named the US general who went to Syria and said US arming ISIS or AQ was bad PR so he named them the "Free Syrian Army."
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #2016 on: March 13, 2024, 12:50:44 PM »

Had Duran on. France and Baltics proposed sending their troops to the Ukr rear to borders with Belarus or Odessa to free up Ukr troops for the front.

Belarus has been complaining that NATO is trying to encircle his country. This backs that up.

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #2017 on: March 13, 2024, 01:17:29 PM »
Ukraine-based groups identifying themselves as the Freedom of Russia Legion and the Siberian Battalion

I recently heard some former US military who named the US general who went to Syria and said US arming ISIS or AQ was bad PR so he named them the "Free Syrian Army."
RU POV: Russian soldiers parody the soldiers from the RDK and say that they are leading into battle in Kiev.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #2018 on: March 13, 2024, 07:18:14 PM »
Some French document got leaked on the hopeless situation for Kiev in Ukraine. One officer said against the Russians the French would be an army of cheerleaders. Fall of 2023. then later more recent.
Link to 13 min. Less than 10 min

Kiev needs 35K men per month but recruits less than half of that. 2023 offensive destroyed half of Kiev's tactical brigades. We can't #D print men. Grance could send troops to the rear.

Battle of Adveeka was a rout.
Putin, vampire ball is ending. France leaked docs; Ukraine can't win. Biden, Orban dictatorship

Kiev tries a PR stunt during the RU election. Invading near Belgorad and Kursk.
Armchair Warlord
The only win Ukraine's gotten all week.

Only cost them hundreds of dead soldiers, hundreds of pointlessly-expended drones, and about a battalion of armor they could have probably used to keep the front line from caving in elsewhere but hey, gotta prioritize!

Armchair Warlord
Apparently there's been some huge psyop going on all day where the Ukrainians have been claiming to be invading Russia from basement sound stages in Kiev.

Meanwhile the Russian MoD is posting footage left and right of them getting blown up... across the border in Ukraine.


Switzerland is considering taking $8B in frozen RU assets in their banks. Gee what could go wrong?  It's not like they rely on international banking and trust. /s
« Last Edit: March 13, 2024, 07:44:36 PM by patentlymn »
When the law becomes a ruse, lawlessness becomes legitimate. -unknown

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #2019 on: March 14, 2024, 08:55:40 AM »
Kinda surprised the desperation hasn't kicked in for DeepState/FJB regime...

But, no HR2 action for the funds...

Too bad so sad...
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