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Entertainment / Re: The "I Saw This Funny Thing On The Net" Thread
« Last post by Libertas on Today at 09:00:03 AM »
OMG, I haven't laughed this hard in a while!!!

 ::hysterical::   ::rolllaughing::   ::laughonfloor::
World/Foreign Affairs / Re: Russia
« Last post by Libertas on Today at 08:38:43 AM »

Here is a link on decolonizing Russia. Why do it out in the open? You think Russians can't read? The US corrupt FJB Regime & UniParty trash says were are no threat to Russia.


And...remember way back when, on several threads...I said "they (demonazis & cucks aka UniParty) will go to any lengths" to justify their narratives and retain their power and positions "even if it means plunging the world into WWIII"?  The same MFer's who want to make a martyr of Trump because they are unwilling to see their own destruction?  This is on THEM, not us or the US in the plural...this is rogue star chamber sh*t.  And I refuse to be lumped in with them, everybody should.  Does that mean I should embrace Putie?  No.  It means I am independent of both their bullsh*t.  The focus should be in overthrowing the scum in our midst without making it easy for our tormentors to point and scream traitor & Putin stooge!  Why make it easy for them?  I despise them for who they are and what they do, period.

The Founders warned against foreign entanglements...and those entanglements can be self-inflicted if one becomes too much of a fanboy/fangirl of foreign characters.
World/Foreign Affairs / Re: Russia
« Last post by Libertas on Today at 08:26:36 AM »

I did not read the ISIS lists. Sometimes random locals will claim they are members of iSIS or AQ to gain street cred.
I still think that ISIS is often used by the US. I think the Taliban went after ISIS in Afghanistan.

My point was that Taliban back then had likely never traveled far from their villages and were ignorant about the outside world. . Now they are better educated.

World/Foreign Affairs / Re: Russia
« Last post by patentlymn on Today at 12:00:48 AM »

Here is a link on decolonizing Russia. Why do it out in the open? You think Russians can't read? The US says were are no threat to Russia.
Entertainment / Re: What are you watching on TV, Internet?
« Last post by patentlymn on Yesterday at 04:51:23 PM »

I have a dog a blue heeler border collie mix. I can see the border collie more now after watching these videos. Their hair is not long, similar to mine who has even shorter hair..
My body my choice alive and well in the abortion world. Sue? She'll be dead
Unbelievable. Coming soon to law school exams near you.
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