It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => General Board => Topic started by: Libertas on December 09, 2011, 12:23:06 PM

Title: SCoaMF & Hanukkah
Post by: Libertas on December 09, 2011, 12:23:06 PM
He is the POSOTUS! (

He is so thoroughly disgusting...

Title: Re: SCoaMF & Hanukkah
Post by: Pandora on December 09, 2011, 12:30:45 PM
His gestures of "respect" demonstrate, instead, nothing but contempt.  I hope Jewish folks are becoming more aware of the monster they helped create because I want them helping us destroy it next November.
Title: Re: SCoaMF & Hanukkah
Post by: LadyVirginia on December 09, 2011, 01:13:50 PM
Yup, the smartest man strikes again.
Title: Re: SCoaMF & Hanukkah
Post by: charlesoakwood on December 09, 2011, 01:18:49 PM

They are a stiff necked bunch. 

Title: Re: SCoaMF & Hanukkah
Post by: Alphabet Soup on December 10, 2011, 01:19:13 AM
Is it possible that SCoaMF deliberately dissed the Jews?

Obama Moves Hanukkah Celebration to the Anniversary of the First Intifada

This is from the “you gotta be kidding me” file. President Obama, who decided that the official White House Hanukkah celebration would come two weeks earlier than the actual start of the Jewish holiday, held the ceremony on December 8th…the 24th anniversary of the beginning of what’s now called the First Intifada – a tidal wave of violence by Palestinians against the State of Israel. The Intifada would end up costing thousands of lives, both Israeli and Palestinian (a great many Palestinian victims were killed by their own people as “collaborators”). The Intifada would bring waves of suicide bombings by Palestinian terrorists, and, these days, it is remembered with pride by those who seek the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews. (

I despise this creature with every fiber of my being...
Title: Re: SCoaMF & Hanukkah
Post by: BigAlSouth on December 10, 2011, 06:58:05 AM
Here is the problem with my Progressive Jewish-American friends:

They see Barry light a Minora and hear the Prez say "The United States will always stand with Israel."

This is true, my little misled friends. What your butt-buddy Barry means, however, is that his administration will always stand with Israel as long as they are standin' back in those pre-1967 boundaries.

No greater blindness than a man who will not see . . .
Title: Re: SCoaMF & Hanukkah
Post by: IronDioPriest on December 10, 2011, 10:37:49 AM
You can hardly place a dagger in someone's back unless you're standing with them.