It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Politics/Legislation/Elections => Topic started by: Libertas on January 29, 2014, 08:02:37 AM

Title: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on January 29, 2014, 08:02:37 AM
Once more the typical GOP asshat reveals its true colors... (

Voting is stupid, pointless and only postpones the sick of this...
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: whimsicalmamapig on January 29, 2014, 11:33:08 AM
I have been a little enheartened by the rising number of milenials who are realizing that a more conservative agenda will provide them with a better opportunity for their future. perhaps they will have some input into what the rino's have to offer.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on January 29, 2014, 11:50:18 AM
RINO/AINO's have nothing to offer...DIABN (Democrats In All But Name)...just ensure more of the same... (

( (

Exactly...what   ::cussing::  difference does it make?
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Glock32 on January 30, 2014, 09:56:09 AM
I have for some time now been cynical about the prospects of voting our way out of this mess. I am now past the point of mere cynicism about the corrupt, rigged nature of the process. At this point it almost seems that continuing to participate in the process gives it a legitimacy it does not deserve. The tyranny is going to continue unfolding all around us regardless of which party is in power. Might as well deny it the phony legitimacy that it gain from a rigged electoral system.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: benb61 on January 30, 2014, 10:21:51 AM
Since the GOP can not sue on the grounds of election fraud why can't the people?  Isn't it obvious that when 124% of registered voters in a given precinct vote for oblowme, doesn't that prove fraud?
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Pandora on January 30, 2014, 10:26:15 AM
I have for some time now been cynical about the prospects of voting our way out of this mess. I am now past the point of mere cynicism about the corrupt, rigged nature of the process. At this point it almost seems that continuing to participate in the process gives it a legitimacy it does not deserve. The tyranny is going to continue unfolding all around us regardless of which party is in power. Might as well deny it the phony legitimacy that it gain from a rigged electoral system.

This is right where I am as well.  I will not help *them*.

I told friends that recently and their response was "do you actually want to help Hillary get elected?"  Same BS every election; vote for whatever R crap sandwich that's put up or the communist wins.  Feh.

Let it burn.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on January 30, 2014, 11:07:12 AM
Since the GOP can not sue on the grounds of election fraud why can't the people?  Isn't it obvious that when 124% of registered voters in a given precinct vote for oblowme, doesn't that prove fraud?

You speak like you have standing.  The Ruling Class judges disagree.  You cast your vote, regardless if it was counted or not, or diluted by fraud, deception or neglect...tough crap...move along peasant!
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on January 31, 2014, 08:39:02 AM
In a microcosm of why it is so hard to get real conservative liberty-loving candidates on the ballot in Minnesota.

We are faced with the decision as to who is best to take on the idiot Al Franken.

There are 5 people vying for the GOP endorsement:

Two relative unknowns Monti Moreno who is a St Paul guy and Chris Dahlberg who I believe is from the Duluth area.

One relatively known State Senator from Carver County who is still a long shot for the nomination and whom I know very little about other than she rose to be Dpty Majority Leader when Amy Koch resigned as Majority Leader.

The two frontrunners are Mike McFadden a local lawyer-trained investment banker and Jim Abler who I know more about (see below).

Now, there are none here that I would describe as meeting our criteria for who we would like to see in a leader...another Ted Cruz these people are not.  I am inlcined toward McFadden but that cannot be described as a ringing endorsement as I have my doubts about his stance on some issues and I am not sure he has what it takes to stand up not just to Democrats but idiots in the GOP that are mucking things up on a regular basis in the Senate!

Abler I know and have met several times.  Personable guy, says and writes the right things...but he is a true blue died in the wool ruling class pragmatic republican and really the Senate is already loaded with too much of this stuff aleady!  Jim will say what he needs to in order to survive, but his voting record reveals who he really is.  He can be really wonkish on fiscal policy and government budgets, but he is too accomodating to party leaders and the opposition and will give only mouth service to conservative and Tea Party concerns.

Right now None Of The Above is my leading choice.

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: rustybayonet on January 31, 2014, 09:10:29 AM
Not in your area so totally different people here and having the same questions, but IMO a full trash can, or a full babies diaper would be better than Al Franken --- all three are so full of sh*t they need changing.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Glock32 on January 31, 2014, 10:12:41 AM
I really wish somebody would change their legal name to Stuart Smalley and run against him.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on January 31, 2014, 11:43:55 AM
That would be good.

I would also like to see a sweet young virgin (I know, it's California, but we can accept imports for House races as long as they relocate, right?) to run against Sandra "the Slut" Fluke if she decides to run for the Waxman seat! (

Oh, and FWIW - this massive boat anchor must be hung around every progressive's neck!  Even those in the GOP! (
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: oldcoastie6468 on January 31, 2014, 12:53:30 PM
Oh, and FWIW - this massive boat anchor must be hung around every progressive's neck!  Even those in the GOP!

As Coast Guard Veterans, Rusty and I will be happy to supply those anchors. Concrete blocks would do, also.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: LadyVirginia on January 31, 2014, 06:35:01 PM
finding it hard to work up any interest
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on February 06, 2014, 08:06:41 AM
Yeah, me too LV!

In our recent caucus night activities, the expected occured - Tom Emmer is by far the favorite to replace Bachmann as our Rep, which is good.

But for Senate the Ruling Class choice (Abler) won a clear majority...not a very good sign at all. 

And for Gov it is a 3 person race and undecided came in 4th with 15.57%, so there is little to be thrilled about here.

As it stands right now I might just vote for Emmer and then walk out...
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on February 11, 2014, 02:35:33 PM
Could be too little too late...but what the heck, eh?!  Gotta entertain ourselves somehow! ( (

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Pandora on February 11, 2014, 03:57:07 PM
None of the above (

The productive populace is abandoning many cities and some states, leaving behind reservations of net consumers skilled in grievance politics and efficiently sopping up unearned benefits. Growth in these places is reckoned in numbers of the demanding and civic-minded, meaning they're professional voters rounded up and trotted to the polls, the trip-lever that releases goodies into the trough with promise of more to come. There's a reason it works like this.

No longer allowed to make natural adjustments, even on common ground, the cities and states have self-segregated, partitioning themselves into fiefdoms whose first duty is to menace and loot the others. DC actually prefers to have spoon-fed inmates stumbling around in a fogbound maze, wasting their lives fighting each other. DC simply won't allow the rest of us to make real changes in their cities and states. No, they're not our cities and states. Ask 'em. They'll show you cities and states and courts are their wholly owned subsidiaries art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif. They tip their hand every time some Mother Jones-appointed federal judge nullifies a state referendum or DC withholds funds to kill a constitutional state law.

It doesn't actually matter to a holding company which of their franchises a customer chooses. It only matters that it be important to us. Every few years well-rehearsed dimwits parachute in from the Emerald City and put on their Punch and Judy show, cheering and scolding and imploring us to elect this or that wizard and subwizard. They do this as if their seating arrangement should matter to us, which is all that's being decided. Voting itself changes nothing because elections change nothing, just as a crew change doesn't mean the train's going somewhere the tracks don't go. What really matters is the turnout. It matters to DC, not to the voters, it's their sole remaining claim to legitimacy.

True legitimacy comes only from the consent of the governed. Bait and switch is not consent. Gerrymandering and vote-rigging is not consent. Imported electorates are not consent. But voluntary turnout at the polls is consent. We've seen this before. In the Soviet Union, where ordinary conversation was also a prosecutable offense—they invented political correctness—turnout was 99%. Simulated democracy was the first step in Marx's communism. Contrary to Cold War propaganda there was some turnover in the Politburo, more turnover than in the US Congress it's claimed, but the direction was just as pre-decided and nonnegotiable. High turnout was taken as consent, and consent legitimized their license as owner-operator.

Voters aren't innocents, they know they're co-conspirators in a criminal enterprise. There is but one legal strategy remaining to honest Americans. Withhold your vote. Withhold your vote and you withhold consent. Withhold your consent and you withhold legitimacy. The surest route to change is empty voting booths. Stay home on election day. Not only is it your civic duty, you aren't really missing anything. Your vote counts for nothing and it changes nothing. If it did it would be illegal.
How has voting worked for you so far? Abandoning their dog'n pony show is what really scares 'em, they don't know what you're up to. Noncompliance worries DC. You may be using your time to prepare for the coming Troubles.

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Glock32 on February 11, 2014, 05:23:11 PM
Good find Pan. The bolded section in particular addresses a concern I frequently have, i.e. how much longer will people allow themselves to be fooled by the phony legitimacy of "well, the people had their say and this is what they chose", or what the article succinctly terms "simulated democracy"?
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on February 12, 2014, 07:31:55 AM
Our problem is deeper than simulated democracy, that condition aptly describes the practical effect of voter participation - the "Hey, shut up and obey, you had your say, and you lost, get over it!" element lending pretense to living in a so-called free society, but it does not go far enough to describe the level of corruption, cronyism and criminality being perpetrated by all three no-longer co-equal branches of government, by the banking cabal running monetary policy and controlling the flow of capital or the systematic indoctrination of new generations to acceptance of the status quo as well as the further dumbing down to the next lowest common denominator rung by the Ruling Elite and their institutions and PR ambassadors and disseminators in the MFM and Entertainment consortium.  What we have is simulated democracy in a simulated republic comprised of many societal factions that make it easy for the Ruling Elite to manipulate.  We are in a simulated nation among many simulated nations.  What was once the last bastion of freedom and liberty in the world has descended into nothingness...there is no longer a nation astride a white horse to show the people of the world what liberty looks like...we are all left to our own devices and beliefs as our guide as we enter this potentially final phase for mankind.  May God have mercy upon us...but for the enemies of liberty...there will be no mercy.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on February 13, 2014, 07:38:22 AM
Heh!  This is good.  Maybe another case of too little too late, but who knows, maybe we can see him kicked out on his butt, that would at least be enjoyable to see! (
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: richb on February 13, 2014, 02:37:53 PM
The only interesting thing of this coming election is "how badly are Republicans going to do". 

This should be a huge year for the Republican party.   The ruling party is mired in several major and minor scandals,  is very unpopular, and the economy is still in the toilet.    They should win big by default.............  It could be like Reagan's election if they wanted and worked for it,  when even blue states vote Republican.

But yet,  nothing will really change.   Yeah,  they will probably still pick up a few seats here and there in the House and maybe even take a small majority in the Senate.    However they have shot themselves in the foot,  snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, and for what? 

Because party leaders don't like the tea party for some stupid reason.   They have rejected the first truly grassroots citizens movement in decades.  These are people that don't even litter because they don't want to cost taxpayers.    And for a sizable majority that would likely last decades,  all they ask, is to stop spending taxpayers money like a drunken sailor (apologies to drunk sailors).   All they have to do is ditch a few RINO's and you get the House, Senate and White House. 

Conservatives are the majority in this country.   I know looking at elections and media that doesn't seem so but it is.   We do need to take control and clean up this mess, but have no one to vote for.   
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on February 13, 2014, 03:38:01 PM
The only interesting thing of this coming election is "how badly are Republicans going to do". 

I predict that this will be recorded as the year that the GOP was no longer a force in American politics.  They can go the way of the Whigs  before them.
Let. It. Burn.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on February 14, 2014, 07:39:16 AM
The only interesting thing of this coming election is "how badly are Republicans going to do". 

This should be a huge year for the Republican party.   The ruling party is mired in several major and minor scandals,  is very unpopular, and the economy is still in the toilet.    They should win big by default.............  It could be like Reagan's election if they wanted and worked for it,  when even blue states vote Republican.

But yet,  nothing will really change.   Yeah,  they will probably still pick up a few seats here and there in the House and maybe even take a small majority in the Senate.    However they have shot themselves in the foot,  snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, and for what? 

Because party leaders don't like the tea party for some stupid reason.   They have rejected the first truly grassroots citizens movement in decades.  These are people that don't even litter because they don't want to cost taxpayers.    And for a sizable majority that would likely last decades,  all they ask, is to stop spending taxpayers money like a drunken sailor (apologies to drunk sailors).   All they have to do is ditch a few RINO's and you get the House, Senate and White House. 

Conservatives are the majority in this country.   I know looking at elections and media that doesn't seem so but it is.   We do need to take control and clean up this mess, but have no one to vote for.

Apology accepted.  It's also why I favor the term "spend like drunken dictators".   ;D
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on February 14, 2014, 07:41:22 AM
The only interesting thing of this coming election is "how badly are Republicans going to do". 

I predict that this will be recorded as the year that the GOP was no longer a force in American politics.  They can go the way of the Whigs  before them.
Let. It. Burn.

Yup.  Rove, McConnell, Boehner...they are all going to lead the GOP into oblivion...and sadly it is happening far too late in the game...

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AmericanPatriot on February 14, 2014, 07:48:34 AM
I don't listen to Rush a lot but heard some yesterday.
He's claiming that if the election were today, Pubs would increase the house and take over the Senate.

He's basing it on polls.
Except for a few Dem core groups, nobody likes anything that's going on.

Of course, if the Pubbies win, we do we win?
It's a lot like wishing in one hand and crapping in the other.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on February 14, 2014, 08:06:04 AM
I don't trust polls...not those doing them, not those in them...none of fact I myself will give answers contrary to my intent just to dick with them and I doubt I am alone.

If the Pubbies win we lose, just slower.  Does a Hell of a lot for motivation, doesn't it?

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: oldcoastie6468 on February 14, 2014, 11:45:53 AM
"Believe no poll." That's my motto.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on February 17, 2014, 11:19:22 AM
This pretty much sums up the GOP... (

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Pandora on February 18, 2014, 03:54:57 PM
Porretto too ...... (

Gerrymandering, party kingmakers capable of dictating who will be allowed to contest for a seat, subtle measures of sub rosa dissuasion, and open vote fraud and voter intimidation have created a state of affairs in which a sitting legislator who stands for re-election has a 95% chance of returning to his seat. The remaining 5%, however animated, can do little against that mass of veterans, sealed into power by seniority rules and a well-cultivated ability to garner special-interest support through judiciously awarded privileges, subsidies, and subventions. More, in the preservation of their status and perquisites, the veterans enjoy cross-aisle support.

We no longer have a "two-party system." We're down to one party:

The Incumbent Party

Whose side is it on? Why, its own, of course -- and it will brook no opposition to its agenda.

Go ahead and vote, if it makes you feel better. It won't have any other effect.

And I had the same argument, yet again, last night with the "if you don't vote Republican, the commies win" folks; the "if he votes with us only 51% of the time, it's good ..." folks.  I keep telling 'em our votes don't mean anything except legitimacy for an illegitimate regime and I AM NOT giving it to them.  I also heard "it's because of people like you that Obongo got elected".

Errr ......... NO, it ain't.  Or ....... maybe it is; I voted for Romney.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Glock32 on February 18, 2014, 05:47:42 PM
The "if he votes with us 51% of the time" crowd offer no way out of this cyclical routine of dining on Turd Sandwich time and time again. In fact, their acceptance of that sort of electoral blackmail is precisely what guarantees Turd Sandwich will be on the menu morning, noon, and night.

They may counter with "and your attitude of giving up enables even worse!", but I no longer believe that is true. The only meaningful choice I have left is the choice of whether or not to grant legitimacy to this fraud. The sooner the fraud is no longer able to hide behind some phony legitimacy the sooner we can begin talking about doing away with it.

Have you ever been in a position where you tell somebody what they want to hear, either to avoid conflict or so they'll just leave you alone for a while? Usually this results in a situation where their transgressions continue to irritate and gnaw at you, breeding resentments, and when you finally broach the subject they hit back with this indignant surprise, citing your own previous failure to say anything as proof that you were just fine with whatever state of affairs has just erupted. In this moments you realize the far better thing would have been to make your displeasure known from the beginning, and to avoid placating the unacceptable just for some temporary peace.

I am done with pretending this is anything but a giant fraud. I am done with the false dichotomy. It doesn't mean I have the answer, but it does mean I am calling bullsh*t on the question.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AmericanPatriot on February 18, 2014, 08:36:39 PM
I have a dilemma that I'm considering.
I received a postcard inviting me to a petition signing breakfast on Saturday.
It's by Republicans and for Cong. Mike Kelly, my local Rino and my State Rep and the State Rep from the next district.

Kelly has done nothing to stop government incursions on liberty, stop Ocare, reduce government spending and almost always votes Boehner.
About the only time I saw him was in the last debt limit vote.
He voted No.
Probably because he wasn't needed and was allowed to so he could say he voted against it.

I'm tempted to go and ask him why I'm better off with him than if we had elected the Dem he defeated; Dahlkemper.
And ask him how he has stood up for smaller government.
He has never come out against amnesty

I'll probably get thrown out but I've been thrown out of better joints than that
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: IronDioPriest on February 18, 2014, 08:46:15 PM
I have a dilemma that I'm considering.
I received a postcard inviting me to a petition signing breakfast on Saturday.
It's by Republicans and for Cong. Mike Kelly, my local Rino and my State Rep and the State Rep from the next district.

Kelly has done nothing to stop government incursions on liberty, stop Ocare, reduce government spending and almost always votes Boehner.
About the only time I saw him was in the last debt limit vote.
He voted No.
Probably because he wasn't needed and was allowed to so he could say he voted against it.

I'm tempted to go and ask him why I'm better off with him than if we had elected the Dem he defeated; Dahlkemper.
And ask him how he has stood up for smaller government.
He has never come out against amnesty

I'll probably get thrown out but I've been thrown out of better joints than that

I'd be interested in your report, if you decide to attend.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AmericanPatriot on February 18, 2014, 09:05:05 PM
Part of the dilemma is that the weather is finally breaking and it will be around 50.
I have to decide whether to harass Kelly or butcher a dozen chickens that are eating me out of house and home
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: trapeze on February 18, 2014, 09:42:25 PM
I am done voting for people I don't believe in just because they aren't the democrat. I just won't vote for a RINO anymore.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AmericanPatriot on February 18, 2014, 10:25:57 PM
I wouldn't be voting for him, Trap.
Just pi**ing him off
I voted 3rd party last time.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: ChrstnHsbndFthr on February 18, 2014, 10:43:33 PM
I stand on the logic....not the emotion.  Millions, if not tens of millions, will DIE if we come to open civil war. This is proven, just run the numbers on the civil war. Yes, I think there were people TRULY fighting for freedom on BOTH sides....but a high percentage of both sides DIED.  IF there is ANY way to let all live, is that not the higher and better way? I do not wish to condemn my sons to death. I wish to stand for their liberty, true, but I do not wish to needlessly condemn ANYONE to death. That is a judgment we cannot draw back from.

So, logically speaking, if I am winning the majority, the chairmanships, even with some leftist wack-jobs like McCain in the vote, who had put men like Jesse Helms in power, do we slow the decline? Do we give ourselves more time to reclaim our birthright? I saw good men at the helm of IMPORTANT Senate committees, with the votes of men like McCain, Chafee, Roth, and others. And good things were accomplished.

I have made progress since then. Others are more prepared. And the longer the left goes, the worse their condition, as they grow dependent on the government that will collapse. 

But, if we hasten the day of reckoning, by voting for evil rather than against it, we take part it in just as much as if we voted for it. 

Yes, I am one who believes, like Reagan, that the man who votes with me most of the time, is not my enemy as much as the man who ALWAYS votes against me.  I DETEST McCain. I see better strategy from McConnell and would oppose EITHER in the primary. But, in the question of whether I would replace EITHER with an Obama Clone, I see it as a no-contest vote. The destroyers must not be allowed power to prevent the imperfect from having a vote. 

Now, do what you must, I have spoken for what I see as logic and hope, rather than seeking to rush our destruction.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Pandora on February 18, 2014, 10:56:07 PM
I stand on the logic....not the emotion.  Millions, if not tens of millions, will DIE if we come to open civil war. ... I do not wish to condemn my sons to death. I wish to stand for their liberty, true, but I do not wish to needlessly condemn ANYONE to death. That is a judgment we cannot draw back from.

This is not logic, it is emotion.  Two opinions, three wishes.

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: trapeze on February 18, 2014, 10:57:53 PM
I used to believe that but I'm just tired of being had. These guys swear up an down that they believe a certain way, that they will vote a certain way and then they brazenly betray the people who supported them. McCain is only the most blatant example of a backstabbing RINO...

McCain TV Ad: "Complete The Danged Fence" (

It needn't come to violence and I hope that it does not. But I would choose action over subjugation if it came down to it. Some things are worth sacrificing for.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: ChrstnHsbndFthr on February 18, 2014, 11:09:18 PM
It is indisputable that Clarence Thomas has been a GREAT supreme court Justice in the cause of liberty. Look how many squishy GOP Senators voted for him.  Men like, McCain, Roth, Mack, Lugar, (okay not a man, but) Kassenbaum, McConnell, Cohen, Danforth, Rudman, D'Amato, Packwood, Hatfield, Specter, Chafee, Hatch, Jeffords, Kasten and Simpson!!

And he won really by one vote. in a 52 48 confirmation, he would have lost if two votes had gone differently. 

And I can name issues that I disagree on all of those named Senators on.  But, if only two of them were not there, we would be in far worse shape now. The second amendment would be gone, among other things. And MILLIONS of guns have been purchased since he was confirmed. Do not surrender, do not give up, but for God's sake do not commit suicide.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Pandora on February 18, 2014, 11:14:18 PM
It is indisputable that Clarence Thomas has been a GREAT supreme court Justice in the cause of liberty. Look how many squishy GOP Senators voted for him.  Men like, McCain, Roth, Mack, Lugar, (okay not a man, but) Kassenbaum, McConnell, Cohen, Danforth, Rudman, D'Amato, Packwood, Hatfield, Specter, Chafee, Hatch, Jeffords, Kasten and Simpson!!

And he won really by one vote. in a 52 48 confirmation, he would have lost if two votes had gone differently. 

And I can name issues that I disagree on all of those named Senators on.  But, if only two of them were not there, we would be in far worse shape now. The second amendment would be gone, among other things. And MILLIONS of guns have been purchased since he was confirmed. Do not surrender, do not give up, but for God's sake do not commit suicide.

Good God, Dave, one vote?  Yer making my case for me.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: ChrstnHsbndFthr on February 18, 2014, 11:19:31 PM
You note I posted EIGHTEEN votes that you would have willing given to people who would vote against YOU 100% of the time.  I DO think we should primary them, I do think, especially in conservative states like South Carolina we should fight tooth and nail to replace a 51% Senator with a 100% Senator, who stands for truth, justice, and the American way. What I do NOT think is that it is BETTER to have Democrats rushing our country to destruction than someone who is not always wrong.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Pandora on February 18, 2014, 11:26:42 PM
You note I posted EIGHTEEN votes that you would have willing given to people who would vote against YOU 100% of the time.  I DO think we should primary them, I do think, especially in conservative states like South Carolina we should fight tooth and nail to replace a 51% Senator with a 100% Senator, who stands for truth, justice, and the American way. What I do NOT think is that it is BETTER to have Democrats rushing our country to destruction than someone who is not always wrong.

What you pointed out was that he won appointment by ONE VOTE, squishes notwithstanding.  And we are still stuck with a split USSC, with Kennedy as the swing vote and Roberts as who-knows-f**k-all.  'K?

Your 51% theory?  It depends on WHICH 51% of the vote they're for us; not doing us much good ::snort::   if they vote with us on the nominal stuff and stab us in the crotch on the vitals, which they are prone to do.

Debt ceiling much?

The Democrats cheat; the Republicans won't fight.  Neither cares about the country, they just care about their sinecures and next the election.


I'm not having it.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: ChrstnHsbndFthr on February 18, 2014, 11:43:13 PM
The "we all die" plan sucks. I am sorry, but it just SUCKS. How about we look to a plan where we all live? Or if not all, at least most? You did not address what happened in the civil war. Would anyone really endure that again?  Look at percentages. How many would die today if the same percentages were killed? God forbid. And I suspect this will be far worse. Did we not do BETTER confirming Clarence Thomas than confirming Ruth Ginsberg???? That should be obvious...she has NEVER voted with the American people. What about Justice Kennedy? I do not trust him, I do not like him, etc.....BUT, he voted with us on the Second Amendment, and various other things that support liberty. True, he has made bad votes. Name, if you can, a democrat appointed Justice who is considered to vote with us even HALF the time, not even MORE THAN HALF, as Justice Kennedy has done?
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Pandora on February 19, 2014, 12:01:41 AM
The "we all die" plan sucks. I am sorry, but it just SUCKS. How about we look to a plan where we all live? Or if not all, at least most? You did not address what happened in the civil war. Would anyone really endure that again?  Look at percentages. How many would die today if the same percentages were killed? God forbid. And I suspect this will be far worse. Did we not do BETTER confirming Clarence Thomas than confirming Ruth Ginsberg???? That should be obvious...she has NEVER voted with the American people. What about Justice Kennedy? I do not trust him, I do not like him, etc.....BUT, he voted with us on the Second Amendment, and various other things that support liberty. True, he has made bad votes. Name, if you can, a democrat appointed Justice who is considered to vote with us even HALF the time, not even MORE THAN HALF, as Justice Kennedy has done?

Die I write the "we all die" plan, hmm?  More emotion, Laddie (no)WillPower.  Neither will we not all live, no matter what happens; mortality is a built-in.  It's how we die that counts, and you know that.

Thomas squeaked by by one vote, AS YOU WROTE, and since then, the Republicans have regularly voted in the worst cabinet appointees and judges on the grounds that the president is entitled to his nominations.  Kennedy has voted against us more often than with us and the marriage issue will be coming up in short time.  What do you think we're gonna get with that, particularly after Roberts sold us out.  NSA much?

You want to keep insisting that the ballot box still has relevance and I disagree, as well as more than a few of us here.  Let's just say we are a little ahead of the wave.  More and more are coming to this opinion.  There's nothing more to say, really.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: ChrstnHsbndFthr on February 19, 2014, 12:11:01 AM
There's nothing more to say, really.

Agreed, but sadly so.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Pandora on February 19, 2014, 12:12:03 AM
No moping.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AmericanPatriot on February 19, 2014, 04:57:12 AM
CHF, when those you mentioned vote "with us" it is of matters of small consequence.
They always vote against Liberty and for bigger government
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on February 19, 2014, 07:45:36 AM
People are growing more and more fed up with the choice being one of a hard progressive agenda or a soft progressive agenda or nothing.  If anybody can argue that is a valid set of choices I'd love to hear it.  And this dynamic will not change one iota until a fourth way is found.  I'd love to see that fourth way be peaceful, I'd love to see a restoration of the Republic our Founders established...but please, show me a realistic path (that does not include in any way continued reliance upon the rotting carcass of the GOP) in a realistic time frame (one that can beat our inexorable economic ruin) and by God Alimighty I will jump in with both feet.  To date I have not seen this plan.  MacWell's effort, and others like it, are a step in the right direction.  Even though I fear the time factor may be too long for it to reach fruition, these efforts are important in highlighting our enormous differences with our anti-Republican anti-Founders Ruling Class enemies in BOTH major parties.  Our enemies must know we will not go down without a fight, that we will not go quiet and that we will always stand up for what we believe in and that we will not stop highlighting their treachery and wickedness!
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: ChrstnHsbndFthr on February 19, 2014, 12:16:46 PM
If the civil war was fought today, and the percentages of the population dying remained the same, SEVEN MILLION AMERICANS DIE!!  Consider that the government weaponry is much better now than it was then. The disparity between federal weapons and civilian weapons is huge.  Sure, in that day the average citizen did not own a cannon or a mortar, but they could build them. Today, the weaponry at hand for the government will be tanks, machine guns, fighter helicopters, fighter planes, and even nuclear weaponry.    I think much more than 2.5% of the population will die in the next civil war, should there be one.  That is almost unthinkable.  Far better for us to fight in the polling booth, fight in the primaries, run for office ourselves if need be, but God forbid it comes to open warfare. It would be the end of freedom, not the beginning. Those who are willing to wage war on the people who elected them will kill any number necessary to maintain their power.  And they will win.  The only hope would be that some soldiers, and pilots, and generals, etc...might balk at killing their own people.  But, they will be lied to, deceived on the deepest levels, and probably fooled, at least those who do not join willingly in the slaughter.  And even those suspected of sympathizing with the American public will be killed quickly, culled before the serious war on us begins. 

God help us all if we cannot maintain our liberty at the ballot box.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on February 19, 2014, 12:41:49 PM
It will be no less than three times that amount CHF, let there be no illusions.

And we are today seeing state military power unleashed upon its own citizenry under the auspices of combatting terrorists (, and if you have any doubts the terrorists are those people who desire to be independent and free...not too dissimilar to our yearnings here, eh?  And yes we are not Ukraine...yet.  The it-will-never-happen-here crowd better wake up and take note.  We have already documented numerous instances where government agencies and the military consider us potential "terrorists" and are conducting exercises along those lines.  The Fedcoats I am sure are using those millions of rounds of hollowpoints for peaceful training purposes.  The Prism spying, drones over our cities...being ordered to cower in your home and having all rights suspended and violated at state whim is all for our protection and the continuance of our constitutional name only.

Yes, God help us.  Our ballot box is corrupt and failing fast.  The time of the ammo box is ascending.

Win or lose, there is a right and wrong side.  I am perfectly willing to die fighting on the right side.

Liberty or Death!

Our Founders choice will become our decision...we either renew the pledge or live on our knees in servitude to the state.

Do what you will in the interim, but that choice is coming...there is no soul that can avoid it.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on February 19, 2014, 01:32:19 PM
Those who are willing to wage war on the people who elected them will kill any number necessary to maintain their power.  And they will win.  The only hope would be that some soldiers, and pilots, and generals, etc...might balk at killing their own people.  But, they will be lied to, deceived on the deepest levels, and probably fooled, at least those who do not join willingly in the slaughter.  And even those suspected of sympathizing with the American public will be killed quickly, culled before the serious war on us begins.  .

Soon as the begin "culling" the fighting starts - they can't kill 100,000 people "quietly"
They have fighters, and tanks  and whatever. So what?  Are they going to launch rockets at suburban homes?  Did you see what is going on in the Ukrane?
We have Military Vets to train the civvys, and we are educated and can make bombs and other weapons as well.
A bunch of towel heads are still over there fighting our jets and tanks, and doing so effectively
The Machines need fuel, the troops need food,  and they will have saboteurs  everywhere  and a population of spoiled, unruly porch monkeys to control. Cut off the water, the fuel the sewers to the cities. They have bigger problems immediately. Yes - our fellow citizens suffer, but since 80% of the people in the cities are the enemy, the other 20% will just have to get out or weather the storm.

They will not "win" without using WMD  - if only 3% resist - that is 9 MILLION  people.  We have them outnumbered, and probably outgunned. As long as we don't concentrate in any one spot they have no targets to hit.  We just shoot anyone comes round in a uniform and run.   We don't even really have to co-ordinate with each other.  They will loose if 3 Million just wait for the SWAT team at their house.  As long as you take one with you, they run out of people long before we do. But yes I am expecting 200,000 dead.  But I would rather be DEAD than knuckle under. Liberty or Death, and Death isn't exactly plan A.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Glock32 on February 19, 2014, 01:59:37 PM
What's the option then? We have to tolerate a pseudo-tyranny or else they'll take the gloves off and become a full tyranny? This is the problem with accepting things on the basis that they're marginally better -- it creates the very conditions in which that marginally better thing is now the default option.

While playing the "Republicans at least aren't as bad as the Democrats" game for all these decades, we have nevertheless had the entire culture pulled ever leftward. How do you stop that? Maybe if people had gotten serious about primarying statists in the GOP 30-40 years ago, but any effort to change the GOP from within is always met with leadership's long knives. It's more than just a political fight now, because the entire system has become institutionally Leftist. You're fighting not just to win votes in a rigged electoral process, but against the inertia of a system that has been engineered to always move Left.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: ChrstnHsbndFthr on February 19, 2014, 02:16:17 PM (  I found the discussion interesting and thought others here would too. 

I cannot express the depth of my sadness at what has become of my country, but I really dread what may come of open warfare. Better to tone our political prowess, win the defense  of the true vote, convince others of the need to fight for liberty in the ballot box, and then WIN.  But, my position is still that the path to winning is 50% plus one. If we throw over board everyone who is imperfect we end up standing alone. We are all individuals and have slightly different views. In our current situation, building coalitions, not destroying them, is the route to victory. I can say clearly, that I think McConnell's time for replacement has come, but with Bevin, NOT with Grimes. Grimes will be 100% against us. McConnell has been less than perfect and flat wrong on some issues. But not even 50% of the time.  Let us win in the primary.  Let Bevin beat Grimes, but we must not stand idly by, and allow McConnell to win the primary and then vote for Grimes or fail to vote. And the same scenario plays out across the country.  The path to victory is not purity, but majority.  THEN we can get the majority in our own party. Then we can get wins for liberty. That strategy will win, and no one dies.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AmericanPatriot on February 19, 2014, 02:30:07 PM (  I found the discussion interesting and thought others here would too. 

I cannot express the depth of my sadness at what has become of my country, but I really dread what may come of open warfare. Better to tone our political prowess, win the defense  of the true vote, convince others of the need to fight for liberty in the ballot box, and then WIN.  But, my position is still that the path to winning is 50% plus one. If we throw over board everyone who is imperfect we end up standing alone. We are all individuals and have slightly different views. In our current situation, building coalitions, not destroying them, is the route to victory. I can say clearly, that I think McConnell's time for replacement has come, but with Bevin, NOT with Grimes. Grimes will be 100% against us. McConnell has been less than perfect and flat wrong on some issues. But not even 50% of the time.  Let us win in the primary.  Let Bevin beat Grimes, but we must not stand idly by, and allow McConnell to win the primary and then vote for Grimes or fail to vote. And the same scenario plays out across the country.  The path to victory is not purity, but majority.  THEN we can get the majority in our own party. Then we can get wins for liberty. That strategy will win, and no one dies.

I would also wish that it could be played out peaceably.
However, your scenario relies on time that I don't think we have.

You only turn over 1/3 of the Senate every 2 years.
Something like 90% of incumbents get elected so not even the house will change much.
2010, although not unique, was quite rare.

I did, today, read an email from the Sovereign Man that talked about some of these very things.

I quote it below:

It's pretty ironic that I have two visitors right now in my home-- one from Ukraine and the other from Thailand.

 Both of their countries are in the midst of chaotic turmoil right now, characterized by riots and violent clashes between protestors and police.

 It reminds me of the old quote from Louis XVI upon being informed in 1789 that the French people had stormed the Bastille. The King asked, "Is it a revolt?" 

 "No, sire," the duke replied, "It is a revolution."

 People in both of these countries have reached their breaking points. In Ukraine especially, economic conditions have deteriorated in almost spectacular form. 

 History is packed with examples of how people rise up in the streets whenever economic conditions deteriorate.

 The French Revolution in 1789 is one famous example; the French people finally reached their breaking points after nearly starving to death. 

 The 2011 Egyptian Revolution and entire Arab Spring movement is a similar example.

 In fact, a 2011 study from the New England Complex Systems Institute showed a clear statistical correlation between social unrest and (specifically) food prices. The higher food prices get, the greater the chances of riots and revolution.

 This is not a condition exclusive to the developing world; it is a fundamental human trait to provide for one's family. 

 And while human beings will take a lot of crap from their governments-- stupid regulations, higher taxes, erosion of freedom, and even inflation-- the moment that a man is no longer able to put food on the table for his family, revolution foments.

 Europe and the US are not immune to this. And with deteriorating wealth gaps, 50%+ youth unemployment, unchecked government power, and a system that disproportionately favors the elite, the conditions are ripe.

 The main difference is that Westerners have been brainwashed into believing that the civilized people voice their grievances in a voting booth rather than doing battle in the streets.

 It's a false premise. Unfortunately, so is violent revolution.

 As my dictionary so perfectly defines, "revolution" has two meanings.

 First, it can denote an overthrow of a sitting government, whether violent or 'bloodless'.

 But in celestial terms, 'revolution' denotes a complete orbit around a fixed axis. In other words, after one revolution, you end up right back where you started. 

 So whether violent or non-violent, or whether in a voting booth or on the streets, revolutions put a country right back where it started.

 In the French revolution, people traded an absolute monarch in Louis the XVI for a genocidal dictator in Robespierre for a military dictator in Napoleon.

 In 1917, the Russians traded Tsarist autocracy for Communist autocracy.

 In 2011, Egyptians traded Hosni Mubarak for Mohamad Hussein Tantawi (who subsequently suspended the Constitution), for Mohamed Morsi (who as President awarded himself unlimited powers), for yet another coup d'etat.

 All of this is because of a knee-jerk reaction-- 'if our country is having major problems, we should throw the bums out and let the man on the white horse take over.'

 This creates a never-ending cycle in which the fundamental problems perpetuate.

 It's not about any single person or group of people. It is the system itself that needs changing. 

 In our system we award a tiny elite with the power to kill, steal, wage war, educate our children, and conjure unlimited quantities of paper money out of thin air. 

 This is just plain silly. And antiquated. We're not living in the Middle Ages anymore where we need kings to tell us what to do, knights to keep the peace, and serfs to do all the work (and enrich the nobles).

 Yet this is not too far from the system we have today.

 The real answer is within ourselves. As Ron Paul told our audience in Santiago last year, become less dependent on the government and more self-reliant. 

 This idea is beginning to resonate with more and more people who are increasingly disgusted with the system... and all parties.

 With our modern technology, transportation, and access to information, we have all the tools available to do this.


Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on February 19, 2014, 03:03:41 PM

I would also wish that it could be played out peaceably.
However, your scenario relies on time that I don't think we have.

Agreed. The dollar will be done and there will be no food on the table within the next ten years.
Again I challenge anyone to tell me how they could fix it even if I made them king with absolute (but not magical)  powers  today.
The point of no return is passed.  Starvation and violent conflict in some form are assured and the ball is in our government's court.

Thay may either attempt a full police state before the dollar goes, or they can just abdicate power along with the dollar as it collapses. 
If they can't pay anyone, they can't enforce anything.  If they can't engender the required fear to keep the citizens in line, as the Soviets did and other despotic dictators do,  then they will be ignored.  And we are still armed, and angry. I am not fearful. I am content to die fighting for my liberty. The  Second Amendment is our ace in the hole, as it was intended to be.

Attempting to disarm us starts a war.  Attempting to force a police state upon us starts a war - and they are both wars fought on the home turf of people in their homes - by people willing to die.  What are the people on the side of the govt fighting for? More citizen snacks? The right to enslave their fellow man and live off their produce as some sort of house slave?  How inspiring.  I am sure they will find lots of folks willing to risk dying to kill the very people they need for that to happen.

 Or the politicians simply watch the whole thing disintegrate as people refuse to pay taxes, and the feral pack of  of non-contributing dogs  they bought and paid for with citizen snacks  turns on them, riots and turns the cities into flaming cesspools of crime.

NOTHING CAN STOP THIS.  It will be one or the other form of Chaos. 

Frodo: I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you were also meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought.

Like our forefathers, we will have to put our faith and trust in God, that he will not let Freedom perish from the earth, and fight for what we know is right, by all means available to whatever end that leads us.( and that includes political, perhaps a different group could change the degree of the disaster even if it cannot be avoided, my doubts aside. )   We know it is coming, so we do what we can to prepare. Become as self-sufficient as you can. Get ready to resist and fight - mentally and physically- for a peaceful  solution is impossible. 

Sons of Gondor! Of Rohan! My brothers. I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of Men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the Age of Men comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!

Famous Speeches: Aragorn at the Black Gate (

Revolutions often do not turn out well, but we are unique in that we have the tradition spawned by the first revolution in history to not go tyrannical. The first in which the man in power - George Washington,  Voluntarily stepped down and threw the ring of fire into the fires of Mount Doom.   That set a precedent with those fighting for freedom, and any man who leads this fight and wins and who  doesn't follow in Washington's lead will probably be turned on by his own men and quickly.

Fixed the youtube url. - P.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Pandora on February 21, 2014, 12:44:51 AM
The Rise of the Praetorian Class

By Pete Kofod

Much attention has been paid to the “disappearing middle class” and the “vanishing American Dream.” While the observations are largely accurate, they are also misleading. The traditional three-tier model of the upper, middle and lower class broadly categorizes people according to income and net worth. One significant problem with this model is that membership in any particular class is very much in the eye of the beholder. One man’s “scraping by” is another man’s “opulent living.” This subjective and arbitrary grouping and boundary assessment inevitably gives rise to the simmering class warfare that is starting to rear its ugly head in many Western countries. Such categorization is therefore meaningless at best, if not outright deceptive as it conflates a variety of economic actors.

The chief fallacy of this model rests in the fact that it focuses on how much those actors are compensated, as opposed to how and why they are compensated. A far better perspective is perhaps gained using two classes, the Political Class and the Economic Class, with a third class emerging.

The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker – The Economic Class

The Economic Class, at least in the United States, has historically been the numerically dominant group, although in recent decades its dominance has noticeably waned. The economic class would traditionally be called the Private Sector, but even that term has become misleading for reasons we will delve into later in this article.

Members of the Economic Class provide goods and services that are voluntarily sought by consumers and paid at rates that the market will bear. In an unfettered environment, the economic class would count farmers, engineers, coal miners, artists, physicians, janitorial staff, security guards, merchants and company executives among its membership. They participate freely and competitively in the market place, using the economic principles of Division of Labor and the Law of Comparative Advantage to increase the wealth of society as well as improve their personal position. Capital, entrepreneurial and human resources are brought together collaboratively to meet the needs of the market place. This is standard Economics 101 fare and hopefully generates little controversy among the readership. The important factor defining Economic Class membership is not the amount of money a person earns but rather their participation in the free and open market.

The Lazy Highwaymen – The Political Class

Like the Economic Class, members of the Political Class are not properly defined by their wealth but rather by how they exert influence in the market place. Whereas members of the Economic Class engage the market openly and voluntarily, members of the Political Class employ coercion and deceit to achieve their economic objectives. The coercion and deceit may either be exerted directly or, as is increasingly observed, through a variety of proxy agents. The most obvious members of the Political Class are, unsurprisingly, politicians. This group includes elected individuals at every level of government as well as various appointed officials.

In addition to this primary membership category, a second distinct group exists within the Political Class. It consists of various advocates including lobbyists, influence peddlers and miscellaneous other supplicants of government cheese. These creatures exist to serve as envoys for the third distinct group, which is made up of a patchwork of commercial entities that have learned that employing a politically well-connected pitch man replaces the need for an effective sales and marketing organization and in some cases even the requirement to have a desirable product.

Furthermore, it is commonly observed that members of the Political Class routinely migrate between the three aforementioned groups. An unfortunate consequence of allowing these economic actors to “cut in line” is that the rewarded event becomes the prevailing trend. Because of that, there is virtually no industry that has opted out of the rent-seeking game. From the military-industrial complex to agricultural subsidies, to the utterly corrupt banking system, the Political Class is inexorably claiming an increasing share of the world’s economic activity, a highly disturbing trend indeed.

Subsidized inefficiency, intentional destruction of productive assets and confiscation of property are but some of the effects that are observed when the Political Class employs force to serve those that are “more equal than others.” The arrangement can be summed up by saying that economic activity within the Economic Class places the bargaining power in the hands of the buyer whereas the economic activity within the Political Class places the bargaining power in the hand of the seller. This gives rise to dislocations in the free exchange of goods and services as well as widespread misallocations of capital as businesses adjust their practices based not on the normal mechanics of supply and demand but rather based on the dictates of the Political Class. Over the years, the scale of the intrusions of the Political Class into economies around the world, and very definitely here in the United States, has grown to the point where truly free markets are now the exception and not the norm.

Because the Economic Class operates in the realm of voluntary exchange whereas the Political Class employs force to achieve its objectives, many of which are anathema to the Economic Class, it follows that a significant amount of resources must be dedicated by the Political Class to the enforcement of their objectives. This role has traditionally fallen on the wide array of military and law enforcement organizations as well as numerous regulatory agencies and departments.

From the US military’s role in protecting the Political Class’s global interests and the IRS keeping the Treasury full, to the FDA serving “Big Pharma” and various law enforcement agencies maintaining a low-level chronic fear in the populace, the level of physical control that the Political Class needs to extend over productive resources is staggering. And in lockstep with the virtually unchecked growth in the Political Class, so has grown the size and scope of the enforcement branch deployed to protect its interests.

Paradoxically, for reasons I’ll touch on momentarily, the allegiance of this enforcement branch belongs to neither the Political Class whom they serve nor the Economic Class whom they “service.” In time, their level of influence grows to the point in which they become a class of their own. They are the Praetorian Class.

Legions and Lictors – the Praetorian Class

The Praetorian Class includes members of the Armed Services, federal, state and local law enforcement personnel as well as numerous militarized officials including agents from the DEA, Immigrations, Customs Enforcement, Air Marshalls, US Marshalls, and more. It also includes, although to a lesser extent, various stage actors in the expanding security theater such as TSA personnel. The main mission of the Praetorian Class is to keep the order of the day. This requires displaying an intimidating presence in their interactions with the Economic Class.

As the Praetorian Class ascends, the clear, albeit unstated, message that emerges is that actions and events in the Economic Class only occur with its tacit consent. Whether driving on roads, traveling in the air, visiting public land, walking down the street or even living in your own home, every action you take is predicated on its permission. By preconditioning the populace to enforcement of its edicts, most of which are completely arbitrary, the Praetorian Class sets itself up for a high degree of autonomy in its actions. This is confirmed by the fact that consequences for malfeasance within the Praetorian Class are almost never observed, and when it happens, it typically becomes a grotesque spectacle in which one of their own is sacrificed as an example, so as to keep appearances of effective internal controls.

Members of the Praetorian Class are typically recruited from the Economic Class and usually from the lower socio-economic spectrum, which offers them an opportunity for personal and professional gain that otherwise might be out of their reach. Early on in the training and indoctrination process, a strong emphasis is placed on teamwork and advancing the welfare of the team above the individual. While independent thought is never overtly discouraged, the fact is that questioning authority and failing to display complete loyalty to the team results in censure, shunning and even expulsion. Naturally, the recruit learns in short order which behavior is rewarded and responds accordingly. This forges a lifelong, unbreakable bond between the brothers-in-arms. This bond can be observed when people proudly display unit insignia and decorations decades after their departure from service.

As they serve in their martial role, members of the Praetorian Class learn to despise members of the Political Class and to view the plight of the Economic Class with detachment or even contempt. Law enforcement and military personnel will converse behind closed doors about the most horrific injustices and brutalities with cavalier amusement. While perhaps natural, their training for violence and teamwork is a fundamental cause for why members of the Praetorian Class abandon their roots and in time come to view their peers “back on the farm” with contempt. Likewise, the steady displays of the craven and treacherous character of the Political Class causes the Praetorian Class to privately disavow emotional allegiance to their masters, usually early in their service.

Naturally, as the members of the Praetorian Class socially distance themselves from both their origins and their masters, even though they are paid to do their bidding, a new group identity among them emerges. Adoption of this group identity, forged by the training, indoctrination and work, defines membership in the Praetorian Class. Some of the characteristics of this identity include:

    Viewing everything and everyone according to a perceived threat posture. The members’ thought processes, beliefs and actions center on viewing the world through a paradigm of a graduated conflict spectrum and how to posture themselves accordingly. Even in the most mundane settings, their conversations tend to be awkward if not centered on their martial duties.

    Tight internal socialization. Because they view life through a martial paradigm, members tend to socialize almost exclusively amongst themselves. Immediate family members are expected to do the same, which naturally occurs anyway as they can share experiences that external relationships simply are unable to address.

    Loyalty is the highest honor. Whether referred to as the blue wall of silence or the brotherhood in arms, even the most egregious transgressions are buried. If the misdeeds are internal, meaning member versus member, the justice is handled internally. On the other hand, external missteps are typically swept under the rug and significant chicane is experienced by outsiders who seek to learn the truth.

In a relatively free and peaceful society, members of the communities that form the Praetorian Class lead a discrete existence. Members of the military commute to and from their place of work and are largely invisible to both the Political and Economic Class, certainly in communities that are not “Praetorian” communities. Attendance at cultural events in uniform is frowned upon, if not explicitly forbidden. During these times, members of the military and law enforcement are expected to live and operate outside the perception of other members of society, their purpose and function regarded with a sense of detachment and perhaps even subtle curiosity.

As the Political Class increasingly calls upon the Praetorian Class to ensure their order, however, their martial nature becomes more visible in the fabric of day-to-day life. This serves several purposes. For one, it allows the Political Class to demonstrate its willingness to use unlimited force to achieve its objectives, something that was always the case but is now made publicly visible. Rationalizing the increased public profile, a stream of honorifics is bestowed upon the Praetorian Class so that they may be presented as defenders of the Economic Class. This is accomplished through the time-tested use of pageantry, pomp and circumstance.

Over time, additional perquisites are bestowed upon the Praetorian Class including preferential treatment in both private and public facilities. Preferred air travel accommodations for uniformed personnel, including dedicated lines at TSA checkpoints and preferential boarding, have recently emerged as cultural standards that further distance the Praetorian Class from the masses.

Another clear change is the physical appearance of members of the Praetorian Class. The uniforms transition from relatively inconspicuous attire to “battle uniforms” such are those now standard issue to both the military and law enforcement personnel. These optics reinforce the position of the Praetorian Class as maintainers of public order, convey a message of physical dominance and establish chronic low-level fear among the masses. Sometimes referred to as the militarization of the police force, this characterization traditionally refers to the increasing firepower in even municipal police departments. Frequently lost in this observation, however, is the psychological impact that such a heavily armed police presence has on the “civilian” population – specifically that it further separates the Praetorian Class from the Economic Class.

As the influence of the Praetorian Class grows, so do the resources it consumes. This is manifested in the form of continuous “equipment” upgrades, training budgets and costly “interagency collaboration” in addition to the usual staff augmentation. This, of course, has the ancillary benefit of directing resources to equipment and service providers that are favored by the Political Class and in some cases may in fact be the primary purpose.

Perhaps less obvious is the need to constantly keep the Praetorian Class on the march. A bored Praetorian is a dangerous creature that will start looking for things to do. In order to keep the Praetorian Class engaged, they must be fed a continuous source of adversaries that they in turn actively engage. In “peace time,” actual engagement is replaced by training and rehearsing the defeat of the adversaries.

While the Praetorian Class emerges as its own entity, with allegiance only to the members' peers, the most senior of the Praetorians are eventually invited to join the Political Class. Prior to that occurring, they are vetted for suitability, after which they become “made men.” Consider the long list of senior military officers and police chiefs that joined the ranks of the political elite. It is a sight to behold, their new-found support of the Political Class, a class they had silently held in contempt until their recent assumption. Metropolitan police chiefs, district attorneys and joint chiefs of staff are selected for political compatibility, not conviction of character.

How Does It Play Out?

History does not keep a flattering record of societies that allowed the Praetorian Class to rise. The Roman Empire’s decline from splendor to squalor extended for two centuries whereas the Nazi Third Reich collapsed in less than two decades. The continuous drain on productive resources, continuous warfare against new foes, abrogation of human rights and liberties and a pervasive culture of fear inevitably send the society into a tail spin. Some societies are able to observe the retreat of the Praetorian Class, but it is usually a function of economic necessity and often after a great price has been paid by the general population.

Unfortunately, as the tragedy unfolds, the Economic Class often tries to ride out the calamity. This is understandable, since people have a limited capacity to internalize long-term trends. In fact, because people adjust to new circumstances relatively quickly, it is almost impossible for them to compare the condition of life in the present versus the past. The common vernacular for this concept is “the new normal”, which upon the slightest reflection represents an obvious paradox, since the word normal implies a historically stable trend.

The Third Reich as a Textbook Example

History books are filled with examples of societies that have seen the rise of the Praetorian Class, followed by their own subsequent collapse, ranging from the Roman Empire to the Soviet Union. Of all the examples, however, none seems more instructive than the rise and fall of the Nazi Third Reich in Germany.

Over a period of two decades, starting with the collapse of the Weimar Republic and the end of World War II, Germany saw the rise of a charismatic demagogue, the rise of police and paramilitary forces, the development of a military-industrial complex, the assumption of industry by the State, the demonization and persecution of scapegoats finally resulting in widespread warfare and societal ruin. Because the timeline is relatively compressed compared to other historical examples, spanning a single generation, the Third Reich serves as an excellent example of the broader consequences a society experiences when we observe the rise of the Praetorian Class. Furthermore, by virtue of its recent occurrence, many cultural and technological parallels serve as clear milestones.

Call to Action for the Economic Class

In order to evade the inexorable path to ruin, two critical actions must be taken. First, it is imperative to understand historically how events play out, identifying key milestones along the process. Some milestones may include the level of military spending, such as the $700 billion that the United States spends annually on defense. Consider the escalating threat propaganda. Leading up to the war with Iraq in 2003, a common justification heard was “We gotta fight them there, so we don’t have to fight them here.” Apparently that strategy didn’t work, since the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act declared the United States part of the global battlefield. Is it the increasing monitoring and control exerted over the media, including the subpoena and detention of free-speech activists? Or perhaps it is the tortuous argument that the private minting of silver coins bearing no resemblance to US legal tender currency represents domestic terrorism. 

As the saying goes, “History does not repeat, but it does rhyme”, which is to say there are events that have played out universally in the past and are likely to do so again. An implied task that emerges is the need to be an avid student of history. Usurpations of power observed today have historical precedents in some form or another and therefore serve in some instances as predictable milestones.

Second, identify the milestone that defines the “point of no return,” at which point taking no action is likely to have very adverse consequences. This is a very difficult task emotionally as it usually requires taking drastic action before circumstances clearly warrant it. It may involve winding down business and social commitments while conditions on the surface still seem fine. This, of course, represents a personal balancing act. While there is merit in the saying that it is better to be a month early than a minute late, there is a practical limit to the value of that axiom. Predicting a financial collapse twenty years early, and making adjustments accordingly, results in significant opportunities lost, both personally and professionally.

In Summary

The emergence and rise of the Praetorian Class is a common observation in societies that have transitioned from market-based meritocracies to societies governed by coercive syndicates formed by the Political Class. The Praetorian Class is formed and grown to defend the Political Class and in time becomes the dragon that rules its master. It represents a highly disturbing trend because it foretells the decline, not the advance, of a society. In some instances, the decline is peaceful, clearing the path for an improved future. Unfortunately, in many instances that is not the case. The Political Class leverages the full force of the Praetorian Class representing significant loss in wealth, personal freedom and, in many cases, human life. For this reason, it is critical that productive members of society take steps to protect themselves.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on February 21, 2014, 09:18:28 AM
People need to start thinking about the unthinkable more, the warnings to prepare mind body and soul and provision accordingly is not ridiculous, but it will be tragic for those caught in that minute after, now won't it?
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on February 21, 2014, 10:03:40 AM
People need to start thinking about the unthinkable more, the warnings to prepare mind body and soul and provision accordingly is not ridiculous, but it will be tragic for those caught in that minute after, now won't it?

Shut up. Everything is Awesome! (

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on February 21, 2014, 10:12:08 AM
People need to start thinking about the unthinkable more, the warnings to prepare mind body and soul and provision accordingly is not ridiculous, but it will be tragic for those caught in that minute after, now won't it?

Shut up. Everything is Awesome! (

Why yes, yes it is!   ;D
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on March 05, 2014, 11:45:32 AM
Speaking of awesome...


Great Weeping Carrot - Headed for easy reelection, top priority is amnesty, not repealing Obamacare. (

People of Ohio's 8th Congressional District sure are some seriously stupid fothermuckers!
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on March 12, 2014, 07:36:10 AM
People making a big deal about this... (

... the Anti-ObamaCare candidate won, huzzah!

Yeah, well...that's all well and good, maybe enough of them get together they can toss the Great Weeping Carrot aside and defund that crap!

But what else we know about this guy?  A Repub District and you only finish 2.2% ahead of the DemonRat?  What am I missing here?

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Pandora on March 12, 2014, 07:48:10 AM
People making a big deal about this... (

... the Anti-ObamaCare candidate won, huzzah!

Yeah, well...that's all well and good, maybe enough of them get together they can toss the Great Weeping Carrot aside and defund that crap!

But what else we know about this guy?  A Repub District and you only finish 2.2% ahead of the DemonRat?  What am I missing here?

The "Libertarian".
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on March 12, 2014, 09:43:19 AM
People making a big deal about this... (

... the Anti-ObamaCare candidate won, huzzah!

Yeah, well...that's all well and good, maybe enough of them get together they can toss the Great Weeping Carrot aside and defund that crap!

But what else we know about this guy?  A Repub District and you only finish 2.2% ahead of the DemonRat?  What am I missing here?

The "Libertarian".

Throw the 4.8% he got into the margin and we have 7%...still, not exactly a resounding victory is it?

I bet the Ruling Class masters in the GOP see this as a great portent of a ginormous GOP sweep this fall...with no help of Tea Party types and pesky principled conservatives required...more of the "what are they gonna do, vote for the democrat" thinking to be cemented into their demented heads...

I guess I really don't care what they think or do anymore.  Take us for granted again, see what kind of tsunami hits you this fall...
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: ChrstnHsbndFthr on March 13, 2014, 07:34:37 PM
ONE more vote in the Senate, from ANY Republican, since ALL of them voted against it, would have stopped Obamacare for example.

I acknowledge the point about the 51% having to be the right votes, not just numerically.  But Obamacare is a perfect example. The whole spectrum of Republicans voted against it.  Any one of those who were sacrificed at the altar of the false god, because he or she was not with us 100% of the time might have stopped this fiasco and saved billions of dollars and an unknown number of lives. We must not sacrifice the ability to improve because we cannot attain perfection. We will never find perfection in a politician and therefore we will never improve if we run that course. 
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on March 13, 2014, 10:43:33 PM
ONE more vote in the Senate, from ANY Republican, since ALL of them voted against it, would have stopped Obamacare for example.

I acknowledge the point about the 51% having to be the right votes, not just numerically.  But Obamacare is a perfect example. The whole spectrum of Republicans voted against it.  Any one of those who were sacrificed at the altar of the false god, because he or she was not with us 100% of the time might have stopped this fiasco and saved billions of dollars and an unknown number of lives. We must not sacrifice the ability to improve because we cannot attain perfection. We will never find perfection in a politician and therefore we will never improve if we run that course.

You didn't have one more vote in the Senate BECAUSE the RINOs in those places betrayed their VOTERS one too many times. They do that by design so that Democrats win and win big every couple of cycles.  The GOP isn't the STUPID PARTY - because NO ONE IS THAT STUPID. They don't strike when the Democrats are on the run because they ARE DEMOCRATS.

If there had been enough GOP in the Senate to turn the tide you can bet your wealth, your house, your wife and your children that the Democrats would have bribed, threatened, extorted and killed to get one of them to turn - just like they turned Roberts. Perhaps even that wouldn't be necessary because they know their jobs hinge on playing the part of Obi Wan Kenobi - our last hope - who secret power is getting chopped in half and coming back as an advice giving ghost.

 It is naive to think that one more GOP in the senate would have stopped it.  But had it come down to that, you can bet one would have been ordered to fall on his sword, and he would have done it gladly.
 Establishment Republicans are Democrats who couldn't make it as democrats, so cross the aisle, lie to us, and pretend to be the lesser of two evils.  Their allegiances are OBVIOUSLY - OBVIOUSLY! - just look at Orange Man and Ryan!   to the Big Government Agenda of Democrats , and if  they can provide a foil for the Kabuki theater, a  boogyman for the Democrats, well that is even better.  There is NO CHANCE. NO CHANCE AT ALL.  That a Republican will come through for us  when we really need them to.  Doubt it? Well I can't prove a negative.  Perhaps someone can provide an example where they ACTUALLY PUSHED BACK SOMETHING THE STATISTS DID BY REPEALING IT. Not fixing it. Not compromising.  Simply doing away with it. Its never happened.  They provide the illusion of resistance, but really they are just the click,click ,click  of the ratchet providing leverage for the next Statist push. And that is granting the very dubious idea that there is such a thing as a fair election in this country anymore. This administration won't prosecute voter fraud, they accept donations from overseas,  they sue states to prevent them from purging the roles of the dead.. the Dem Machine cheats and it cheats big. 108%  big.

LET IT BURN.  There is nothing ANYONE can do to save it now.  The Money is too far gone. The government is far too corrupt and the populace far too ill educated, and too entitled .  Again I ask, if I made anyone here King- what would you do that would save it at this point? What would the plan be? 

You cannot save this mess. You cannot turn it around. And the ESTABLISHMENT GOP DOESN'T WANT TO, and will pay the idea only lip service and as little action as they calculate they can get away with.  Delaying the fall by voting for the lesser evil only give the Statists  MORE TIME to implement the police state - just lets them reset the ratchet -because the GOP governs stupidly on purpose ---more time  to let this no good,know nothing, hope'n'change generation replace the last of the patriots.  And then not only does America fall, but the very idea of freedom does.  LET IT BURN. MAKE IT BURN FASTER. The only thing that will stop these tyrants (of both the Democratic and Republican persuasion - for there is no difference) now is the economic collapse of their own making.  Deprive them of a scapegoat. Make them own it for once, and show no mercy when it is (finally) time.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on March 14, 2014, 07:26:45 AM
I think maybe the Ruling Class punks like McConnell and their chief strategists like The Butthead have to remind those damned principled conservatives, Tea Party types and sundy Libertarians to STFD STFU and accept second-tier status and play ball or else it will be their damned fault that nobody but Democrats will rule everyone!  Yes, given recent history if we had all Democrats and nobody else...we would still have a rubber-stamp Congress and a Progressive President...still have ObamaCare...

I guess Weisshaupt is right, there is no difference after all between Ruling Class Republicans and mainstream Progressive Democrats...except maybe some use of language, what their pet projects are for the ever-expanding bureaucracy...and biggest of all the pace of hope & change.

Yes, STFD STFU and accept your destiny!  Resistance is futile.  Resisting will only make it hurt more.  Give in, here, I'll help, here is a little something to ease your pain...there there now, that's a good serf...Everything is Awesome.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AmericanPatriot on March 14, 2014, 08:10:13 AM
In my congressional district (Pa3) I see no difference between the present R, Mike Kelly, and the previous rep, Katherine Dahlkamper.

She was a Blue Dog Democrat who voted for Ocare, he may as well be a Blue Dog Democrat.
He has done nothing to stop it and is Boehner's lackey with Boehner's Blue Dog agenda
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on March 14, 2014, 08:49:53 AM
I think maybe the Ruling Class punks like McConnell and their chief strategists like The Butthead have to remind those damned principled conservatives, Tea Party types and sundy Libertarians to STFD STFU and accept second-tier status and play ball or else it will be their damned fault that nobody but Democrats will rule everyone!

Now is it me, or does that sound like a threat? The E-GOP thinks they can extort your vote - otherwise you let "the other guys" win - but once in office the E-GOP really and truly never does ANYTHING to harm the Dems agenda. Just a bit of token resistance and bluster. Enough to keep of the illusion that they a "fighting" but they will NEVER choose a hill to die on and they will never win a battle. The Dems always walk away with something they wanted, and the E-GOP claims it a victory that they didn't give them EVERYTHING they wanted.  The GOP incompetence at this point can only be deliberate, and their hostility towards the Tea-Party movement  is proof positive that they don't want to obstruct the Statist agenda of the Democrats any more than they have to.

 The simple fact that they are threatening to crush  the Tea Party  -- not compromise, not negotiate, as they would with a Democrat,  demonstrates who they think the enemy is.  Once elected will they help or work with people who they see as a even bigger enemy and threat than the Left?  No! and you are fool if you think that one more vote of this kind can make any difference. If the Democrats fortunes are down, they back off - because they ultimately WANT  the Statist agenda to succeed.

The E-GOP is threatened by the Tea Party because the Tea Party wants to change the status quo, and end the corruption,  corporate welfare, and corrupt old boys club aristocracy  that the E-GOP has worked so hard to forge and create hand in hand with the Democrat party.. Their job was and is to prevent the outrage and anger of the people from turning into any real resistance in a govt chamber, to soak up and mute those votes,  and they have excelled at this task -

The GOP  are only a shield for the Statist agenda, and attached firmly to the arm of the Democratic party - the party of the Aristocracy, the party of totalitarians thieves-  the shield serves only  push liberty lovers back  and hold them at bay while the Statist  Agenda advances. How can anyone not see it?  Do you think you can successfully attack our foe using his own shield as a weapon?

To quote Paul Maud'Dib, "He who can destroy a thing, controls a thing" - this small minority of principled conservatives and libertarians can ensure that no E-GOP  candidate ever gets elected again. The Tea Party can destroy the GOP, and it must. For if this bent and twisted tool cannot be forced to serve Liberty  and actually ADVANCE the goal of freedom, it is useless.   We don't need a shield that at best can blunt and slow the enemy advance, we need to STOP IT and MAKE THEM RUN.  And there is no point in voting for any candidate or any organization who will not do that, especially the GOP - which has proven time and again that they are too cowardly and passive to  advance upon the enemy and consider those who expect them to the real danger to them. Who have proven time and again that they work for themselves, and their own power and they know that will be advanced by working in league with Democrats and the Statist Agenda- for the Tea Party, should they win, would only remove the  opportunities for graft and corruption afforded them by Big Government, and they don't want to loose those. We must destroy the enemy's shield if we hope to stop them, and that shield is the GOP. 

And for those who worry that there isn't time to form a new party, or  that the Statists may destroy America if you don't vote GOP , can rest assured SHE HAS ALREADY BEEN DESTROYED. You cannot save her and all you can seek now in her name is vengeance. Lady Liberty is now surrounded and you must stop the enemies advance. You must turn them back, or Lady Liberty will also die, and with her mankind's last best hope.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Pandora on March 14, 2014, 09:33:20 AM
People making a big deal about this... (

... the Anti-ObamaCare candidate won, huzzah!

Yeah, well...that's all well and good, maybe enough of them get together they can toss the Great Weeping Carrot aside and defund that crap!

But what else we know about this guy?  A Repub District and you only finish 2.2% ahead of the DemonRat?  What am I missing here?

The "Libertarian".

Throw the 4.8% he got into the margin and we have 7%...still, not exactly a resounding victory is it?

I bet the Ruling Class masters in the GOP see this as a great portent of a ginormous GOP sweep this fall...with no help of Tea Party types and pesky principled conservatives required...more of the "what are they gonna do, vote for the democrat" thinking to be cemented into their demented heads...

I guess I really don't care what they think or do anymore.  Take us for granted again, see what kind of tsunami hits you this fall...

Mark Levin explained it a little better:  Boehner's office sent to Jolly a demand for support for Boehner should he win the election.  The first two times, Jolly said "no"; the third time he conceded, but the die was cast at that point.  The eGOP not only withdrew monetary support -- Jolly had blown his wad in the Republican primary and had little left for the main election -- but "leaked" trash-info to Politico, which they published in a piece the Friday before the election. (

Politico piece here: (

ONE more vote in the Senate, from ANY Republican, since ALL of them voted against it, would have stopped Obamacare for example.

I acknowledge the point about the 51% having to be the right votes, not just numerically.  But Obamacare is a perfect example. The whole spectrum of Republicans voted against it.  Any one of those who were sacrificed at the altar of the false god, because he or she was not with us 100% of the time might have stopped this fiasco and saved billions of dollars and an unknown number of lives. We must not sacrifice the ability to improve because we cannot attain perfection. We will never find perfection in a politician and therefore we will never improve if we run that course.

You're wrong.  You're wrong every time you write or say this because it stands for hope over history.  Weisshaupt is right.  Every single damn time it looked like we may have a victory in the offing, one of them, most often McCain, steps in with his Gang of Whateverthehell number -- "bipartisan" reaching across the aisle -- and derails whatever goal looked within reach.  The eGOP actually -- hear me now -- partners with the opposition to thwart any progress WE might have made through the work of the conservatives in Congress.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: ChrstnHsbndFthr on March 14, 2014, 10:44:31 AM
Hold it!
The next man makes a move, the nigger gets it!
Hold it, men. He's not bluffing.
Listen to him, men. He's just crazy enough to do it.
Drop it! Or I swear I'll blow this nigger's head all over this town!
Oh, Lordy, Lord, he's desperate! Do what he say! Do what he say!
Isn't anybody going to help that poor man?
Hush, Harriet. That's a sure way to get him killed.
Help me, help me...
...somebody help me!
Shut up!
Oh, baby, you are so talented.
And they are so dumb!> (

OUR enemies will merely shoot us or watch us shoot ourselves, again. This strategy will not work for the good in a real life situation, no matter how many times someone says it will.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Glock32 on March 14, 2014, 10:45:42 AM
I think we are way past the point where elections could fix anything, but I guess I maintain an interest in it like the football fan who simply has to watch his team even though they're mathematically eliminated from playoff contention.  So I will weigh in on this too.

I think maybe the Ruling Class punks like McConnell and their chief strategists like The Butthead have to remind those damned principled conservatives, Tea Party types and sundy Libertarians to STFD STFU and accept second-tier status and play ball or else it will be their damned fault that nobody but Democrats will rule everyone!

This is exactly their argument, and it has been for generations now. It's an argument that most of us begrudgingly accepted for the longest time, but things are palpably different now. You can chalk that up to a few different factors, but I think time has been the biggest one. Time. Time that the Left's agenda was allowed to cement itself into every facet of the culture, because our nominal opposition refused to resist in any meaningful way. And the fools think they can continue to threaten us with the old "vote for us or else those other statists, the ones with the D after their names, will win"? What, like those other statists haven't been winning all along, even when the Republicans are supposedly in power?

A lot changed with Bush II. We saw the Republicans control the White House and both Houses of Congress. They had the White House for 8 years, and I think Congress for even longer right? Can someone tell me what sacred cows of the Left got sent to the abattoir during that time?  Bueller?  Bueller?

The GOP has to be destroyed because they're not simply an ineffective vehicle for our goals, they are in fact an active opposition.  They always remind me of those Scottish aristocrats in Braveheart who try to attach themselves to Wallace's popular appeal but keep him at arms length while subtly undermining him behind the scenes, and when finally forced to sh*t or get off the pot they made deals with the English enemy for their own personal benefit.  And so the Republican Party was born.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on March 14, 2014, 10:52:31 AM
Every single damn time it looked like we may have a victory in the offing, one of them, most often McCain, steps in with his Gang of Whateverthehell number -- "bipartisan" reaching across the aisle -- and derails whatever goal looked within reach.  The eGOP actually -- hear me now -- partners with the opposition to thwart any progress WE might have made through the work of the conservatives in Congress.

Yeah and who does the E-GOP want sitting in the Big Chair - a McCain - who had to pull in Palin just to mkae it look like he had a chance - and admit it - every damn person who voted for McCain hoped he would be assassinated so Pialin would be in charge.  And who to run after Obamacare passed - the VERY MAN WHO FAILED TO STOP IT IN HIS OWN STATE - Romney.  Why? Because they were the only "electable" candidates.  Did they win? No? Then I guess they weren't electable -- and they weren't electable because they are back stabbing shills for the Statists, and quite frankly I am late to this party.  Conservatives started to quit voting for these jerks back in 2008.  IN 2012 a complete failure was re-elected in an bad economy- partially because of Democrat cheat but also because Conservatives stayed home and said "Let it Burn!" - this trend is already in motion in such numbers to loose elections - especially elections in which the Dem margin of cheat is 108% - and 2014 and 2016 will be no different.

The E-GOP has decided to play chicken with its base and with the entire nation- DARING US to let the Dems win vs supporting their lackluster protection of the Status Quo. Putting their own Careers before nation and principle and trying to force themselves down our throats just as the DEMS do vs. simply bending  to their base  and actually opposing the statist agenda.  Ryan- A "Tea Party Candidate"  - is actively trying to pass amnesty. Did someone get to him? Was NSA info was used to blackmail him? Was he bribed to turn on the very people who elected him over an establishment candidate? Or did the establishment plant him there as a Manchurian candidate? (aren't they all now?)
Does it matter?  He was elected to do a job and he not only isn't doing it - he is actively helping our would-be oppressors.  The isn't going to be a political solution : the economy is to fragile and the populace too brainwashed.
Prepare accordingly.  If it makes you feel better to vote e-GOP go right ahead - but know I will be voting for a 3rd party or none-of-the above.  So lets play our own game of extortion shall we?  Either join me in my 3rd party vote or let the Dems win, for I will not support any candidate that is beholden to , gets money from, or is dependent in any way on  the e-GOP..
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on March 14, 2014, 11:04:21 AM
Hold it!
The next man makes a move, the nigger gets it!
Hold it, men. He's not bluffing.
Listen to him, men. He's just crazy enough to do it.
Drop it! Or I swear I'll blow this nigger's head all over this town!
Oh, Lordy, Lord, he's desperate! Do what he say! Do what he say!
Isn't anybody going to help that poor man?
Hush, Harriet. That's a sure way to get him killed.
Help me, help me...
...somebody help me!
Shut up!
Oh, baby, you are so talented.
And they are so dumb!> (

OUR enemies will merely shoot us or watch us shoot ourselves, again. This strategy will not work for the good in a real life situation, no matter how many times someone says it will.

You've actually seen that movie in full right?

The real bad guy harassing the town is out there and through corrupt and evil means  has APPOINTED this sheriff - without the consent of the town,  and with the intent of making him ineffectual and useless in the town's protection.
Of course the town doesn't like him because of "Racism!"TM and only comes to like him and begins to support him  after HE STARTS FIGHTING BACK and wins a battle - something the E-GOP will NEVER DO.

In other words, you need someone from the outside ( like the Frisco Kid)  to help a a candidate that refuses to play along with the schemes of the evil men who appointed him.  Our e-GOP is that appointed sheriff and unlike the protagonist of this movie, is entirely in agreement with the plot and unwilling to do anything to defend the town. He arrives in town and announces he  opposes the people who want the town defended. Instead he promises to CRUSH THEM, and then, when they don't buy it,  he starts threatening to shoot the nigger - the Country., if we don't let him go.   The man threatening to shoot the country if we don't accept him  is the e-GOP.  I say call his bluff. Let him shoot himself. Because there is no drunk Frisco Kid waiting in the jail and this sheriff wants Hedley Lamarr to get what he wants.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: ChrstnHsbndFthr on March 14, 2014, 11:14:04 AM
There are CERTAINLY people who have run under the GOP flag who have done that. The past governor of Florida comes to mind. He really was a dem, though slightly better than the dem who preceded him. But, there are others who are not.  I think we need to be active, win primaries, and take back our party. But destroying the last defense is dangerous. You all know my belief that millions will die if we let them have complete control. Stalin did it. Mao did it. Hitler did it. And more through history.  And most of those societies never recovered. They never became a free country again. 

My fear is that we will not either. Once these people have unchallenged power they will kill and destroy to maintain it.  And they will win. Our best and bravest will die quickly, like the Polish Calvary did when facing German tanks. And we will have a hide or die strategy. Freedom will become a whispered word, meaningless to most survivors.   

We need a different path. This one leads to destruction.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on March 14, 2014, 11:47:31 AM
There are CERTAINLY people who have run under the GOP flag who have done that. The past governor of Florida comes to mind. He really was a dem, though slightly better than the dem who preceded him. But, there are others who are not.  I think we need to be active, win primaries, and take back our party. But destroying the last defense is dangerous.

The Party as it exists now is not our last defense. Its not even "ours" Its a shield for the Statists.  It cannot be taken back, because as you say they " will kill and destroy to maintain it"  - Trying to "take back" the GOP is like trying to take the enemies shield  during a battle, and you won't do that without a weapon of your own.  The e-GOP is doing everything it can to STOP the right candidates from winning primaries, cutting off funding, leaking (NSA) information, sabotaging  the efforts of patriots at the primary level. And if patriots spend all of our time and resources fighting that battle,  when  we do face our real opponents we are already exhausted - out of money and out of energy. .  That is because the e-GOP works for our enemy.  You want to win? You need a party apparatus that lets you engage the real enemy and skirt around his shield - HIS e-GOP.  You think its better to take "our party" back and then try to take "our country back"  - or is it simply better to take our country back and let "our party" die in the bed it made for itself? There is nothing preventing the formation of a 3rd party but the reluctance of some to let the old useless one die.  The GOP ITSELF is a THIRD PARTY formed because the Whigs, like the e-GOP today,  refused to fight.

You all know my belief that millions will die if we let them have complete control. Stalin did it. Mao did it. Hitler did it. And more through history.  And most of those societies never recovered. They never became a free country again. 
My fear is that we will not either. Once these people have unchallenged power they will kill and destroy to maintain it.  And they will win. Our best and bravest will die quickly, like the Polish Calvary did when facing German tanks. And we will have a hide or die strategy. Freedom will become a whispered word, meaningless to most survivors.   

So we don't fight like the poles.There are numerous examples of smaller, less equipped forces taking on better prepared armies and winning - our own revolution being one of them. You want to call it Hide or Die, that is fine. its 4th Generation Warfare, and if the uneducated jihadists  can do it, then  we sure as hell can too.
We differ from the Russians, the Chinese and the Germans because, at the moment,  WE ARE ARMED.  You speak of the last defense being the GOP and you are wrong.  It is in our hands and in our hearts.  It is our battle cry of Liberty or Death, meant and held sincerely, and backed up actions in the real world. .

We need a different path. This one leads to destruction.

THEY ALL DO - don't you see?  MILLIONS WILL DIE REGARDLESS OF WHAT WE DO, and no politician can stop it now, because they will simply bribe, blackmail, or if they have to , kill, anyone who stands in their way. If I gave you complete control over EVERYTHING -If I made you KING - what would you do to fix it?   The status quo is simply beyond repair. Something new will come to take its place - be it a Statist/Socialist hell of poverty or a new Republic or a balkanization,   and that WILL, of its nature,  involve great turmoil and suffering.  Its time to take heads out of the sand and deal with it, because it is upon us.
So are you going to waste time trying to take back "our party" or will you forge a new and loyal weapon and  fight the real enemy?

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on March 14, 2014, 02:04:18 PM
I heard Rush talk about Beckel today, once again the threat is "You better not run just on an anti-ObamaCare campaign, or you guys will never win another election again!" and dutifully the GOP is proudly saying the recent Florida race was won not just because of ObamaCare as an issue!  See, we (the GOP) is just like you (the Dem's), we know what it takes to win! (Please love and adore us now!)

Everything is Awesome!  (Just trust us one more, pretty please!)

f**king makes me ill!

The GOP does NOTHING but threaten, bully and badger Conservatives, the Tea Party and like-minded Libertarians.  They treat US like Dem's and treat the Dem's how we should be treated!  They are totally assf**kingbackards POS's and it is beyond insane to reward this dysfunction any longer!

The problem is no longer them, we know they are assholes who will never change, the problem in recent years is US!  And by the millions we are starting to walk away from them.  Let them threaten an empty room!  Let them bully the moon and badger the sun for existing!  See if I give a flying f**k!
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Glock32 on March 14, 2014, 02:21:11 PM
The problem is no longer them, we know they are assholes who will never change, the problem in recent years is US!  And by the millions we are starting to walk away from them.  Let them threaten an empty room!  Let them bully the moon and badger the sun for existing!  See if I give a flying f**k!

Bush "Fool Me Once..." (
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Pandora on March 14, 2014, 02:35:57 PM
"Fool me once", indeed, 'cause I held my nose when I voted for him his second term.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on March 14, 2014, 02:37:52 PM

The GOP does NOTHING but threaten, bully and badger Conservatives, the Tea Party and like-minded Libertarians.  They treat US like Dem's and treat the Dem's how we should be treated!  They are totally assf**kingbackards POS's and it is beyond insane to reward this dysfunction any longer!

But they are fighting for you.. they got the sequester done!  - it reduced the Year over Year spending growth to 6% instead of 8% . You see, the Democrats didn't get EVERYTHING they wanted - we kept them from spending another 2% ! Victory. 

Of course the Dems wanted 6%, which is why they asked for 8%  so they could give their partners in crime a Pyrrhic victory to brag about to their base.  Victory means NEGATIVE "growth" in spending .  Victory means the repeal of every single entitlement program. Victory means returning the govt to the size and scope that we originally agreed to and if it needs to be bigger, MAKE THE DEMS GO GET AN AMENDMENT TO DO IT as they should have in the first place. The GOP will never deliver.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Glock32 on March 14, 2014, 03:23:21 PM
Everything Is AWESOME!!! -- The LEGO® Movie -- Tegan and Sara feat. The Lonely Island (
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Pandora on March 14, 2014, 03:34:51 PM
Case in point: TEA Party "win"; corrupted or co-opted, makes no difference.

Ellmers interview with radio host Laura Ingraham is one of the least effective pro-amnesty performances from a Republican this Congress since the debate took off following the 2012 elections. (

Under fire on amnesty from calm but insistent questioning from Ingraham, Ellmers called her host “small minded,” “ignorant,” and claimed to be the author of a ubiquitous immigration talking point, adopting the third person to say “Renee Ellmers thinks for herself.”

In Her Own Words:

"I do not plan on making this my lifelong career. I want to come, be effective, help get things stable and then pass the job to someone else." (

Yes, thank you for helping us get rid of Bob Etheridge, but we don't want things stable, i.e. the status quo, so you can look forward to passing the job onto someone else, Miss Amnesty.

BTW, did she run on being pro-amnesty?

She says she's all for repealing Obongocare, but she's taking her taxpayer-supplied subsidy allocated for Congressional medical plans.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: ChrstnHsbndFthr on March 14, 2014, 05:45:18 PM
The Jihadists die in MASSIVE numbers. Our soldiers have relatively few casualties by comparison.

And were I King, I would announce a new constitution, restoring the old one, as it was years ago. I would maintain SOME of the amendments, but not the 16th through the 21st.  I would also delete amendment 23, and I would add an amendment prohibiting serving more than two terms to each federal office, and prohibit serving in more than two federal offices, add an amendment prohibiting spending beyond what had been received in taxes the previous year, .  I would have to appoint nine new supreme court justices, no more than three of which would be serving on the current court, but likely less than that dismantle public education, add an amendment that if one makes money from government, they lose their personal vote, restore our borders, remove the power to borrow from the federal government, restore the gold standard, and probably a few other things like those before I oversee an election in which all offices were newly elected after which I would abruptly resign and hope and pray we could go another 200 years before having to reset everything.

Let me know when you want me to start.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on March 14, 2014, 06:22:14 PM
The Jihadists die in MASSIVE numbers. Our soldiers have relatively few casualties by comparison.

And were I King, I would announce a new constitution, restoring the old one, as it was years ago. I would maintain SOME of the amendments, but not the 16th through the 21st.  I would also delete amendment 23, and I would add an amendment prohibiting serving more than two terms to each federal office, and prohibit serving in more than two federal offices, add an amendment prohibiting spending beyond what had been received in taxes the previous year, .  I would have to appoint nine new supreme court justices, no more than three of which would be serving on the current court, but likely less than that dismantle public education, add an amendment that if one makes money from government, they lose their personal vote, restore our borders, remove the power to borrow from the federal government, restore the gold standard, and probably a few other things like those before I oversee an election in which all offices were newly elected after which I would abruptly resign and hope and pray we could go another 200 years before having to reset everything.

Let me know when you want me to start.

Okay so Right after you abolish amendments 16-21,  you have announced to the world that the US Government  will default on its debt obligations, having given up its right to collect taxes on income and is therefore restricted to using  tariffs in an already faltering trade deficit economy. This causes a massive worldwide panic as the US Treasury Debt is sold in massive quantities and foreign bank accounts are emptied looking for any place to spend the cash.  Americans have larger effective comes and add to the spending spree and hyperinflation sets in.  You move to implement a gold standard and discover that Fort Knox is empty and the gold at the New York Fed gone - lacking actual gold with which to back your currency, your move to restart the currency fails.

The Hyperinflation leads farmers and other producers to sell at the last moment possible,, and shipments to the cities of food , water and needs supplies is sporadic at best.  Sanitation and water  engineers and other public utilities walk off their jobs because they have also not been paid by their local governments.  Disease and famine become rampant.
Meanwhile 25 Million women and looters, angered at being disenfranchised  start retaliating in millions of ways, small and large causing great civil unrest.  As the hyperinflation sets in millions more join them, as their EBTs and Social Security payments become meaningless  and cannot be raised because of the spending limitations imposed.  With our finances so hindered, foreign powers move against our allies knowing that America cannot financially fight a war and would be restricted from spending the additional money by that amendment even if it were available.  Race Hucksters and other opportunists whip up hatred against "the other" - blaming them for the problems that plaque them.  Race wars break out in some places,  and totalitarian regimes in others. The federal govt lacksany power to fund the states and projects, formerly provided by their control of income taxes and the dollar, the United States Balkanizes.  The Hyperinflation is worse day by day, and without the printing press and ability to borrow , large numbers of Law enforcement and military  walk off their jobs as they haven't been paid in weeks.  Mexican drug lords and other racially motivated groups size huge areas of the Southwest and  secede. You are powerless to stop them.

Millions die in conflict war and famine.

Game Over.

Thanks for playing.  Please try again!
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Dan on March 14, 2014, 08:19:19 PM
CHF for pres!
I think, weisshaupt, that most of those things you fear ae all but inevitable at this point anyway. Heck, we have a several threads and a couple topics that discuss just that.

The only thing, CHF, that I would reword is the part about "making money from the government" and change it to "taking". I believe contractors and suppliers, so long as they can't kick-back any money via campaign donations, serve a useful purpose. I mean, we don't want the gov "owning" food processing, paper mills, power generation, and all those things to keep a going concern going in THEIR hands!
Sit on your indolent ass, live at the expense of others,,and you surrender some part of your autonomy and liberty. Charity is different and should be privatized again.
Career politicians should never again have any sort of control.
Beauraucrats should be easily removed by a congressional committee, or at least have far more oversight and far less power to adjudicate than they currently do. THAT should be the main concern of congress.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on March 14, 2014, 08:23:49 PM
CHF for pres!
I think, weisshaupt, that most of those things you fear ae all but inevitable at this point anyway. Heck, we have a several threads and a couple topics that discuss just that.

I agree. Its not that CHF's ideas are wrong or bad, only that there is no path from here to there that doesn't result in huge pain, turmoil, suffering and death, and the "right" politicians aren't going to change that..
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Glock32 on March 14, 2014, 09:01:59 PM
Case in point: TEA Party "win"; corrupted or co-opted, makes no difference.

Ellmers interview with radio host Laura Ingraham is one of the least effective pro-amnesty performances from a Republican this Congress since the debate took off following the 2012 elections. (

Under fire on amnesty from calm but insistent questioning from Ingraham, Ellmers called her host “small minded,” “ignorant,” and claimed to be the author of a ubiquitous immigration talking point, adopting the third person to say “Renee Ellmers thinks for herself.”

In Her Own Words:

"I do not plan on making this my lifelong career. I want to come, be effective, help get things stable and then pass the job to someone else." (

Yes, thank you for helping us get rid of Bob Etheridge, but we don't want things stable, i.e. the status quo, so you can look forward to passing the job onto someone else, Miss Amnesty.

BTW, did she run on being pro-amnesty?

She says she's all for repealing Obongocare, but she's taking her taxpayer-supplied subsidy allocated for Congressional medical plans.

Yep.  I actually donated to her campaign.  I donated to a lot of campaigns during the 2010 season, when there was that groundswell of Tea Party revolt.  I guess I stupidly believed the GOP would be on Cloud Nine to have inherited a genuine grassroots phenomenon.  Instead they immediately set about destroying it (after using it to elect their cronies, of course).

She was one of the first to be co-opted.  I am not even sure co-opt is the word for it, because she seemed pretty damned eager to ingratiate herself with the E-GOP.  And no, she didn't run on any of that crap.  How would it be worse to have Etheridge's gin-soaked ass still there?

I'm done with them.  Done like dinner y'all.  I don't even want to hear that my strident attitude will be responsible for empowering Democrats.  No.  I like so many others made a good faith effort to work within the framework of this party for my entire adult life.  The only ones responsible for empowering Democrats will be the GOP for declaring open and total war against its own base.  The only thing I want to hear from GOP pols is the snapping of their necks when the ropes go taut.  How's that for "tone"?
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Dan on March 14, 2014, 10:31:00 PM
And I've withdrawn my consent, G.
Anybody running now, to operate under the current system, is suspect.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Glock32 on March 15, 2014, 09:41:50 AM
Also, I do completely get where you are coming from CHF.  I know we have a moral imperative to exhaust all peaceful options, otherwise the righteousness of future "extracurricular" action might be questionable.  You rightly want to avoid what is necessarily going to be terrible when and if it comes to pass.  It has been said that the first casualty of war is innocence, and I appreciate your cautionary stance even if I believe it has, unfortunately, become futile.

Where I think a lot of us differ with you on this subject is in the assessment of those remaining peaceful options.  A lot of us believe that those terrible circumstances you warn against are coming regardless.  Either they are successful in completing their fundamental transformation, which will usher in a period of Red Terror, or the existing order will finally collapse -- but before their transformation is complete -- and we end up with something akin to the immediate post-Roman times when assorted barbarians asserted themselves in that vacuum.

We are approaching one of those times that will define the boundary between two distinct epochs.  Plan and prepare accordingly.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: ChrstnHsbndFthr on March 15, 2014, 05:26:00 PM
Also, I do completely get where you are coming from CHF.  I know we have a moral imperative to exhaust all peaceful options, otherwise the righteousness of future "extracurricular" action might be questionable.  You rightly want to avoid what is necessarily going to be terrible when and if it comes to pass.  It has been said that the first casualty of war is innocence, and I appreciate your cautionary stance even if I believe it has, unfortunately, become futile.

Where I think a lot of us differ with you on this subject is in the assessment of those remaining peaceful options.  A lot of us believe that those terrible circumstances you warn against are coming regardless.  Either they are successful in completing their fundamental transformation, which will usher in a period of Red Terror, or the existing order will finally collapse -- but before their transformation is complete -- and we end up with something akin to the immediate post-Roman times when assorted barbarians asserted themselves in that vacuum.

We are approaching one of those times that will define the boundary between two distinct epochs.  Plan and prepare accordingly.

I appreciate the understanding, and I do respect the majority view here. I admit, that I have some hope still in avoiding this, and I pray for that outcome. But, Currently I weep for our nation. If we get what we deserve, NONE of us will survive it. It is true that God is merciful and has always maintained a remnant.  I guess we can hope to be part of that.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Pandora on March 16, 2014, 09:32:14 AM
CHF, nobody gets out alive anyway.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on March 16, 2014, 10:19:03 AM
I appreciate the understanding, and I do respect the majority view here. I admit, that I have some hope still in avoiding this, and I pray for that outcome.

In avoiding what?  From your words, I believe you speak of the  Declaration of Martial Law and a near inevitable Stalinistic attempt at purging the population of dissent? I don't know we can say with any certainty the the vermin  in charge will go that route , but I admit its certainly a non-negligible risk --but  the build up of weapons, ammo and powers we see may seemly be a vain and futile attempt to maintain order during an economic collapse and depression that they KNOW is coming.. Nor can we say with any certainty that the US Military and Law Enforcement Bodies will actually comply with such an order without causing a split in their own ranks. But lets presume that TPTB have this goal  and have a large enough force willing to comply.

Let us also presume that elections aren't rigged to the point that they are useless, and that we can elect enough decent leaders using the corrupt and backstabbing GOP  (both dubious assertions  IMO)  in 2014 - and that these new leaders are so clean and pure that  they cannot be turned using the usual methods of bribery and blackmail, and exist in such numbers that they can't all meet with accidents. What do you think this group of new leaders  would do? If they did any  of the things you want to do as King, it would create the civil unrest required for that declaration of Martial Law AND provide a group  in power  to blame for the problem.

But lets further presume this wise group of incorruptible men  implement an unseen path to reform that none of us have considered,  that somehow cuts government spending without  triggering the financial collapse of the intuitions and industries addicted to the govt O.P.M.  and without causing such turmoil to the entitled 47% that they don't riot and provide an excuse  for Martial law. Lets say they make real progress, and not only stall the enemies agenda, but actually succeed at turning it back.

 Obama is already ignoring the laws regarding welfare, Obamacare and border security he doesn't like.  What would prevent him from ignoring any new ones from these leaders? Say we have enough votes  you impeach him, do you think Biden will do otherwise? How long would it take to impeach him as well.  And the the Orange Man - really think he is not a Statist when he has REFUSED to engage them on anything? But perhaps we have a new Speaker, and he is one of this new perfect politician class, and he is about to take power and really damage the agenda.

Why would a  Tyrant(s) hell bent on a police state and purge,  and with a  military force loyal enough  to follow unconstitutional orders and keep a Nation in line allow the congress and this new president  to   turn back their agenda?   Wouldn't they  just execute General Order 66?  Wouldn't they just drop the curtain on the Kabuki Theater, end the charade, and dissolve the Senate and the Congress by force? If they  are  willing to incarcerate without trial, re-educate and kill millions of Americans, would killing those American's loyal representatives be somehow beyond them?

I don't say these things to be a Dick CHF ( but I am a Dick, so don't hesitate to think that or call me on it) and I care for everyone here including you and yours. The time that is coming requires that none of us be in denial, and all of us clear eyed and  ready to deal with it.   I personally think your scenario is unlikely - because I doubt they have a force capable of controlling such a large,  heavily armed  country.  I do think that there will be Military and Law Enforcement  assets brought to our side, and that casualties will not be so lop-sided as you fear, but I admit that such lopsided results are certainly possible. If they use WMD - chemical or biological,   they might very well "win"  if "winning" can be defined as ruling over 10% of the former population as  survivors and living at medieval levels of technology (as you killed most of  the people required to keep things running).  But I don't think either of us has a clear picture of how far they will go, or even if that is their goal. (If they are already planning on using WMD, why not just get on with it and blame "terrorism"? )
They may merely want the United States to fragment and balkanize so we can no longer interfere with the rest of the world, and will simply leave the stage and let us rot, hands at each other's throats.  I think the ONLY thing that is certain is the Fragility of the economic system and its inevitable collapse - which may be still 10 years out. Perhaps even more, but I think that very unlikely given current  world events. A world War may start (and is indeed likely to start if the lead up to WWI and WWII are any guide)  We are waiting for a  Princip. ( but really any number of things could bring a Black Swan event that end this economic  system, and any number of things can happen before or after that happens. I don't profess to know what we are really  in for, or what form the destroyer will take,  only that we are beyond the point of avoiding it.
Prayer and hope are  the best weapons in our arsenal, but they need to be used on a battlefield we see clearly and rationally.  A  Miracle never goes amiss , and if you pray for one in the form of  a peaceful takeover of govt by the forces of good,  that is fine and noble.  However, I think that would be an unwise place to put your hope. God didn't help to peacefully avert our first revolution and the suffering we bore, and I suspect he will not Avert this one either.  Sometimes the best way to teach a child is to let them bear at least some of the the consequences of their actions alone - and in truth, children value more what they have worked and suffered for.  God is a loving Father, and he takes his parental duties seriously. He came to the rescue of our Founders on numerous occasions, we can only hope he helps to rescue those of us who have not forgotten what they, and those that came after actually fought for. We must trust that God will help those that help themselves, and protect those that serve him.  No one on this forum would call me a good Christian or close to God, but I can tell you with certainty that this coming storm has made ME  move closer to Him, and perhaps that too is an encouraging thought. 

But please do not put your hope in Miracles, be they in elections or on battlefields. Your attention  has to lie on a realistic assessment of current conditions and likely events given our history as a race. Your hope must lie in your own preparations. I think it would be very unwise, at this juncture, to not prepare for the worst and hope for the best, as the saying goes, and to pursue  mental  acceptance  and a clear picture of what is likely to come, even if it doesn't materialize. To be ready to do what we will be asked to do, and to put our resources where they will do the most good in that situation.   If we get your miracle, and somehow all that we fear doesn't come to pass, you can look at that big bag of beans and shelf of ammo with joy that it won't be used. But if you instead spend that time, money , effort and mental energy  on trying to get a politician elected, or allowed your hope in him to placate your fears and thus quell your efforts on this front,   I fear you will regret it when you have an empty shelf or lack a skill you need when the battle is joined. Perhaps both can be done, but I do not think help  is  likely  from that Quarter. Congress and our Govt is like Sarumon, set there to protect us from evil, but it has betrayed us.   

Frodo: I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.
Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you were also meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought.

This time is begin given to our generation - to prepare, and to do, like Frodo, what must be done. - and Maybe Frodo is out there with the Ring and maybe ultimately our hopes rest on a miracle from God,  but the Men who marched upon the Black Gate knew NOTHING of Frodo's errand, and still they marched. They did what they could even though it was very likely it meant their doom. As did every Founding Father that Stood in defiance of the English Crown.  As every Solider who stormed the beaches in Europe and fought against Hitler.  IN that war Britain wanted to appease and disarm before the Nazis. They wanted to vote for the "peaceful solution"  when they should have been preparing for war.

I only know I don't have the ring. I know that my likely part in the events to come is to stand before the Black Gates in defiance. But because of that defiance, the miracle arrived for them. I declare  Liberty or Death, prepare for that end,  and trust to God that is enough.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: ChrstnHsbndFthr on March 16, 2014, 01:30:01 PM
Weisshaupt, There are several points to be addressed there. First, I am not now nor will I ever be King.  That was a theoretical discussion in response to what I took purely as a theoretical question.  Elected leaders could not accomplish much of anything from that list. Even winning a majority would not pass laws. It still requires the President to sign, or a two-thirds majority, both of which are equally unlikely.

I do like the quote, which expresses a truth. We have been brought to a time and place and given certain knowledge, and each will decide what to do along the way.  Is it fair to say I want to drag my heels and not go, while at the same time admitting to myself that I will do what must be done when it must be done?  For now, that means voting as best I can. Later it may mean something else. And I will feel that I have no choice, just as you feel you have no choice now. The fact is, we do have choice, we just do not like the choices.

I do think that open revolution, results in many deaths.  I do not want that choice.
I think that continuing on the way we are going results in a totalitarian, all powerful government, which always results in the deaths of millions. I do not want that choice.
Doing nothing perpetuates that and even speeds it in coming. I do not want that choice.
Voting for someone who helps slow the move or stop the move, toward totalitarian government, while preparing all other options, is the best of my bad choices.

I do think repealing the income tax COULD be done if we had enough of a majority. I do not think it will be, but I also do not think it would create civil problems.

I too agree that the economy is headed for collapse. Let us prepare accordingly. 

Your Christianity is unquestioned, at least by me. But, each comes to his own knowledge of Christ and in his own time. Revelation is a letter to the Christians, from John, of the vision he was given by Christ. It describes the coming destruction of Jerusalem which has been fulfilled, and it is a warning to RUN! This vision could rightly be called a was direct intervention by the deity, to preserve His people and punish the wicked. (The Jews who had killed the prophets and even Christ himself.) Many times God has intervened in the lives of men and punished some and protected others. I do not think it foolhardy to hope and pray for that.  The problem is, we may not like the way it comes.  And inevitably, innocent people do die in these upheavals.  God even used the wicked to punish those He loved. My fear is that may be our situation here. We may have become such an evil society, that He will use even more wicked countries or even wicked leaders to punish us. I see no harm in praying for our country, counseling repentance, and hoping for mercy.

And nice to meet you Dick. My late wife's pet name for me was "Asshole!"  (I have gotten a little hard of hearing so I am not sure what my new wife calls me now, usually she just stops talking to me for a couple of hours.) Seriously, I do not consider this conversation to be you as a dick and me as the hero. We are often blunt here. Do not worry about it, just give me your view points. I am here talking to you and others because I WANT to be here and WANT to talk to you.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on March 16, 2014, 02:23:28 PM
Case in point: TEA Party "win"; corrupted or co-opted, makes no difference.

Ellmers interview with radio host Laura Ingraham is one of the least effective pro-amnesty performances from a Republican this Congress since the debate took off following the 2012 elections. (

Under fire on amnesty from calm but insistent questioning from Ingraham, Ellmers called her host “small minded,” “ignorant,” and claimed to be the author of a ubiquitous immigration talking point, adopting the third person to say “Renee Ellmers thinks for herself.”

In Her Own Words:

"I do not plan on making this my lifelong career. I want to come, be effective, help get things stable and then pass the job to someone else." (

Yes, thank you for helping us get rid of Bob Etheridge, but we don't want things stable, i.e. the status quo, so you can look forward to passing the job onto someone else, Miss Amnesty.

BTW, did she run on being pro-amnesty?

She says she's all for repealing Obongocare, but she's taking her taxpayer-supplied subsidy allocated for Congressional medical plans.

Yep.  I actually donated to her campaign.  I donated to a lot of campaigns during the 2010 season, when there was that groundswell of Tea Party revolt.  I guess I stupidly believed the GOP would be on Cloud Nine to have inherited a genuine grassroots phenomenon.  Instead they immediately set about destroying it (after using it to elect their cronies, of course).

She was one of the first to be co-opted.  I am not even sure co-opt is the word for it, because she seemed pretty damned eager to ingratiate herself with the E-GOP.  And no, she didn't run on any of that crap.  How would it be worse to have Etheridge's gin-soaked ass still there?

I'm done with them.  Done like dinner y'all.  I don't even want to hear that my strident attitude will be responsible for empowering Democrats.  No.  I like so many others made a good faith effort to work within the framework of this party for my entire adult life.  The only ones responsible for empowering Democrats will be the GOP for declaring open and total war against its own base.  The only thing I want to hear from GOP pols is the snapping of their necks when the ropes go taut.  How's that for "tone"?

Pretty damn good I'd say.


I'm reading "Common Sense" for the first time in eons...I figure once a good primer for the first justified war for independence, ought to be just as justified for the next.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on March 16, 2014, 05:51:42 PM
Voting for someone who helps slow the move or stop the move, toward totalitarian government, while preparing all other options, is the best of my bad choices.

Not if doing so gives the enemy time to solidify his advantage and ensures a stronger hand for him when it is time for that totalitarian government to emerge.. every day the enemy grows stronger, and anyone in office who only slows his advance, but doesn't turn him, is helping him.. and that is the best we can hope for politically.

Each day the population population that remembers freedom grows older. Each Day more children are indoctrinated with Socialism and Police State obedience.  Each day more people grow dependent upon the Federal Teat. If the enemy had the time - just another 10-15 years, just another generation, they would win  without a shot fired.

What is the point?  Fighting now vs. fighting later?

Victory will only be had by pressing the enemy before they are ready .. and due to the nature of Liberalism, their Hubris  will lead to their undoing as they arrogantly press themselves to attack ,  if we simply leave them in power. Slowing them down HELPS them.  It lets them slow boil the frog.. and should that happen, all will be lost, just as all would have been lost if Aragorn remained in Minas Tirith and waited while Sauron licked his wounds. Is not that I discount God's providence,  rather I am depending upon it.  I simply know that delaying the inevitable will not help the cause.  It will be soon  time to ride before the Black Gate, and we must be ready to do so mentally and physically and we won't be if we still hold out hope that we will not have to. Even if you get your wish, and the politicians delay the advance,  then we simply ride 5-15 years hence when the enemy is ready for us.

No. I don't like the choices before me. But The fight is coming no matter what we do to delay it.  We will not be stronger in 10 years - they will be.

And actually  repealing income tax isn't the problem - the problem is that is how our debt is funded. If that goes away or creditors will sell and destroy the dollar. Even if it did not, and we replaced it with a "fair tax" or whatever and limited us to spending only what was collected..   1 Trillion of borrowed money ( i.e. not paid in taxes)  would disappear from GDP overnight.. over 6% - sending the country in to a massive recession ( what you see now is nothing - I am talking 5-+% real unemployment) -- at the same time, Benefits would need to be cut for 47% of the population,  all while this massive recession is going on.  That will almost certainly result in a massive increase in crime and social unrest., and that problem only gets worse with each passing day.

Kick the can as a strategy isn't going to work here.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on March 17, 2014, 07:10:45 AM
To paraphrase Captain Kirk "How on Earth can history let alone the GOP get past people like me?"!
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on March 17, 2014, 11:53:35 AM

Rick Perry...

...what a fracking dumbass! (

We're running low on dunce caps but not dunces!

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on March 19, 2014, 06:52:51 AM
Here we go...cliaming victory before accepting the inevitable defeat...

RNC Grand Poohbah is predicting a "tsunami" of GOP victories in the mid-term elections this fall, is promoting year-round politicking (WTF we have now?) and thinks Immigration Reform is a swell idea if they define it properly (!



Good luck with that LOSER strategy!


There is only one way to defeat the requires purging your own ranks of the decaying filth within first, then putting up candidates against the Dem's that actually a) have principles, b) fight for those principles with actions, not just words, and c) take the fight to the Dem's instead playing rope-a-dope and forgetting about the rope!

Fools!  They are destined for extinction!

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on March 19, 2014, 03:23:08 PM

There is only one way to defeat the requires purging your own ranks of the decaying filth within first, then putting up candidates against the Dem's that actually a) have principles, b) fight for those principles with actions, not just words, and c) take the fight to the Dem's instead playing rope-a-dope and forgetting about the rope!


York is a modest little city in Southern Pennsylvania not too far from Baltimore and right in the heart of Dutch country. It’s not the sort of place where political revolutions are found.

But Republican state Senate nominee Ron Miller may think differently this morning because he just lost a special election to a write-in Tea Party candidate, Scott Wagner.

“With 100 percent of precincts reporting Tuesday night, write-in votes totaled 10,595, or 47.7 percent, to Miller’s 5,920, or 26.6 percent. Democrat Linda Small of New Freedom nearly edged out Miller with 5,704 votes, for 25.7 percent,” according to the York Dispatch.

Pennsylvania is a place where it can sometimes be difficult to tell the Democrats from the Republicans, at least at the state level.

Wagner, who owns a trash compactor business, ran on a typical Tea Party small-government/fiscal conservativism ticket.

He attributed his win in great part to the relentlessly negative attacks on him by the local and state GOP party establishments.

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on March 20, 2014, 07:02:41 AM

There is only one way to defeat the requires purging your own ranks of the decaying filth within first, then putting up candidates against the Dem's that actually a) have principles, b) fight for those principles with actions, not just words, and c) take the fight to the Dem's instead playing rope-a-dope and forgetting about the rope!


York is a modest little city in Southern Pennsylvania not too far from Baltimore and right in the heart of Dutch country. It’s not the sort of place where political revolutions are found.

But Republican state Senate nominee Ron Miller may think differently this morning because he just lost a special election to a write-in Tea Party candidate, Scott Wagner.

“With 100 percent of precincts reporting Tuesday night, write-in votes totaled 10,595, or 47.7 percent, to Miller’s 5,920, or 26.6 percent. Democrat Linda Small of New Freedom nearly edged out Miller with 5,704 votes, for 25.7 percent,” according to the York Dispatch.

Pennsylvania is a place where it can sometimes be difficult to tell the Democrats from the Republicans, at least at the state level.

Wagner, who owns a trash compactor business, ran on a typical Tea Party small-government/fiscal conservativism ticket.

He attributed his win in great part to the relentlessly negative attacks on him by the local and state GOP party establishments.

No shyt?!


You don't say?!

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Glock32 on March 23, 2014, 02:42:25 PM
Case in point: TEA Party "win"; corrupted or co-opted, makes no difference.

Ellmers interview with radio host Laura Ingraham is one of the least effective pro-amnesty performances from a Republican this Congress since the debate took off following the 2012 elections. (

Under fire on amnesty from calm but insistent questioning from Ingraham, Ellmers called her host “small minded,” “ignorant,” and claimed to be the author of a ubiquitous immigration talking point, adopting the third person to say “Renee Ellmers thinks for herself.”

In Her Own Words:

"I do not plan on making this my lifelong career. I want to come, be effective, help get things stable and then pass the job to someone else." (

Yes, thank you for helping us get rid of Bob Etheridge, but we don't want things stable, i.e. the status quo, so you can look forward to passing the job onto someone else, Miss Amnesty.

BTW, did she run on being pro-amnesty?

She says she's all for repealing Obongocare, but she's taking her taxpayer-supplied subsidy allocated for Congressional medical plans.

Here's some more from Ellmers:

Video of Renee Ellmers Berating Anti-Amnesty Constituents (

Renee Ellmers claims constituent is stereotyping (

Renee Ellmers Turns Away Constituents (

Renee Ellmers arguing more....."You don't have any damn facts" (

Renee Ellmers Arguing with constituents (

From a vaunted "Tea Party" candidate.  NSA must have had some juicy recordings of her.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on March 24, 2014, 07:31:21 AM

Is there a pill people take to be so stupid?  Are Boehner and McConnell handing them out on orientation day?
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on March 27, 2014, 07:14:30 AM
I sure could stand to see more ads along these lines... (!

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: richb on March 28, 2014, 12:26:33 AM
Obamacare is so huge,  the BULLETS don't even go all the way through it!!!   UNBELIEVABLE!!
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on March 28, 2014, 07:17:40 AM
And I sure as heck wish people would get on the stick about the real end game here!

The real goal was, is and always will be single payer and Federal Government control over ALL aspects of human activity!  Under the aegis of "health care" there will be nothing stopping the Fedcoats from regulating caddle-to-grave activity of every soul it can find, and under that "health" provision will come all manner of atrocity like Chi-Com style mandatory abortions, euthanasia...gun confiscation...institutionalization/rehabilitation...the whole nasty bag of evil!

And with articles like this - ( - it is clear that the real unspoken (openly) intent is to help the Feds cut down private insurers and make the day come quicker that single payer comes to fruition.

It will be hailed as a signature moment in human history, the greatest act of noble social welfare any state has ever given its people...and it will be the single greatest fraud and the most evil device ever unleashed upon the American people!

And it will destroy the nation utterly.

Perhaps it was always meant to die in flames in the end...
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Glock32 on March 28, 2014, 10:25:16 AM
Oh absolutely.  I know people enjoy making fun of the seeming incompetence of its roll out, and the purely asinine degree of byzantine regulations, but never take your eyes off the ball.  Everything that has transpired has been by design, no matter how supposedly embarrassing it is for Democrats.  As Libertas points out it is designed to be an abject failure.  It's designed to subject people to a lot of pain in their lives so that in a few years hence they can roll out their shopworn solution of outright government health care.  They don't give a sh*t how many people suffer in the meantime, or how many low level Dems get tossed out in a midterm election.

Government medicine is the anchor point for the whole constellation of left wing statism.  They are willing to pay any political price to plant that seed and protect it just long enough for it to germinate.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on March 28, 2014, 10:41:44 AM

Government medicine is the anchor point for the whole constellation of left wing statism.  They are willing to pay any political price to plant that seed and protect it just long enough for it to germinate.

No F'ing way that will happen.  They are outta money and they are soon going to be outta time.   They can't pay for single payer, and as in Europe, the whole thing is going to implode on itself. The left wing media here has precious little to say on Europse these days, haven't you noticed? They are 2-4 years aheads of us and are also now directly tied to the dollar via dollar swaps.  Russia and China are salivating.. they know there is nothing to be done to save the United States Federal Government.

If they had a another 10-20 years, maybe.. but the finances are already bad.. doing single payer, if they get the chance before collapse, will simply increase govt spending to the point where the dollar has to be dropped.

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on March 28, 2014, 10:54:13 AM

Government medicine is the anchor point for the whole constellation of left wing statism.  They are willing to pay any political price to plant that seed and protect it just long enough for it to germinate.

No F'ing way that will happen.  They are outta money and they are soon going to be outta time.   They can't pay for single payer, and as in Europe, the whole thing is going to implode on itself. The left wing media here has precious little to say on Europse these days, haven't you noticed? They are 2-4 years aheads of us and are also now directly tied to the dollar via dollar swaps.  Russia and China are salivating.. they know there is nothing to be done to save the United States Federal Government.

If they had a another 10-20 years, maybe.. but the finances are already bad.. doing single payer, if they get the chance before collapse, will simply increase govt spending to the point where the dollar has to be dropped.

I'm not saying they have another 10-20 years, they most certainly do not...but do not underestimate how long a corpse can survive as a zombie!  Look at Greece.  Look at Spain!  My God, Spain is in deplorable condition, they were deplorable 3 years ago, and now it is much worse, yet they have not yet collapsed, people aren't hunting government officials down and slaying them in the long as states can print money, rob their neighbors and keep the circus going they will...and they'll promise anything and do anything to stave off the ravenous hoard...that is anything but what should be done.

Look at the Rooskies now, they are bypassing the credit markets and propping themselves up because nobody wants their sh*tty bonds...

The dead will walk long after the host has deceased...we are nowhere near that "Shyt, where did everything go?" moment yet, and our morons will go for broke before admitting ANY failure!
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on April 01, 2014, 08:03:32 AM
Conservative critics of government are “freaks,” are “in for a pretty rough ride,” and “will need their Kevlar,” i.e., bullet-proof vests.

These statements didn’t come from the Obama administration or some radical leftwing organization.  They are Facebook posts of a Republican elected official in Virginia’s Fauquier County.  
Establishment Republicans will assuredly continue asking conservatives to donate to their campaigns.  They may be disappointed to hear that we’ve spent that money buying our Kevlar. (

The GOP must be destroyed, there is NO salvaging this necrotic host, it must perish!

Here's to their demise and our wiser investments!   ::beertoast::
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Glock32 on April 01, 2014, 09:52:24 AM
We're not dumb enough to waste our time and money on kevlar.  What you really want is a plate carrier with AR500 steel plates.  Heavier, more cumbersome, but unlike kevlar it will stop rifle rounds.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on April 02, 2014, 11:18:31 AM
But a lot of people sure are dumb enough to screw up a no-brainer...GOP does it every election cycle... (

...and I don't epect this one to be any difference...chickens only produce chicken shyt!
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on April 08, 2014, 11:36:53 AM
Landrieu and all these Dem's should be bounced out on their asses...

Should... (
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Pandora on April 08, 2014, 12:50:59 PM
Landrieu and all these Dem's should be bounced out on their asses...

Should... (

The Post also pointed to the irony of the Senate Majority PAC, which it said was heavily financed by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, would complain about organizations being bankrolled by billionaires.

Not just the Dems either; McConnell has been fingered for running false -- read: lies -- ads against Matt Bevin.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on April 09, 2014, 07:18:25 AM
No!  A Ruling Class E-GOP stalwart lying!   ::speechless::   :o


Tinder for the pyre that lights all progressives on fire as far as I am concerned...
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on April 16, 2014, 11:36:25 AM
In a sane would need nothing else for a successful campaign...


H/T - (
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on April 17, 2014, 08:26:00 AM
Heh, this is pretty good! (

Heard this one on the radio this morning... (

...of course the Dummies, Fools and Losers are already denouncing it and saying facts are wrong about, are DemonRats really sensitive about that demonic act!
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on April 18, 2014, 08:06:28 AM
Dems advised to drop anything to do with "Recovery" this election cycle... (

...gosh, their crony-capitalist payoffs and boondoggles, EO schemes, ObamaCare etc have paid off so can hardly point at anything positive in this economy anywhere...

...and yet the GOP and their useless dead-fish Ruling Class candidates will fritter that battleground away as many hills, none to die on...
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on April 18, 2014, 11:25:36 AM
And hey, what's with Ann?  Abandoning the Ruling Class?  Sneaky way of worming her way into the bosom of the Tea Party?   ::whatgives:: (
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on April 18, 2014, 11:31:08 AM
And hey, what's with Ann?  Abandoning the Ruling Class?  Sneaky way of worming her way into the bosom of the Tea Party?   ::whatgives:: (

Ann has always been a Cheerleader for the establishment GOP. If she is changing that its because the winds of change are blowing
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on April 22, 2014, 07:37:12 AM (



If the E-GOP has anything to do about it none of those candidates opposing ObamaCare will make it to the general election if they are not ordained by the E-GOP Poohbahs!  So, Tea Party, Libertarians, Extreme Constitutional Conservatives need not attempt to run, or you will be crushed!
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AmericanPatriot on April 22, 2014, 09:02:50 AM
Heard somebody talking yesterday.
May have been the guy filling in for Rush.

In Kentucky, many real conservatives will vote for McConnell because they're afraid Bevin won't beat the Dem
And Mitch isn't that bad
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on April 22, 2014, 11:35:36 AM
Heard somebody talking yesterday.
May have been the guy filling in for Rush.

In Kentucky, many real conservatives will vote for McConnell because they're afraid Bevin won't beat the Dem
And Mitch isn't that bad

Neither was Neville Chamberlain.

Oh, wait...
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AmericanPatriot on April 22, 2014, 12:23:50 PM
To clarify, this isn't my position.

And Mitch isn't that bad

I think Mitch needs to go back in the swamps with the rest of the turtles
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on April 22, 2014, 12:59:23 PM
To clarify, this isn't my position.

And Mitch isn't that bad

I think Mitch needs to go back in the swamps with the rest of the turtles

I knew that, never meant to imply otherwise.   ::thumbsup::
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Alphabet Soup on April 22, 2014, 03:17:14 PM
And my clarification would be that Mitch was largely a reliable foot-soldier but betrayed us as a leader. (A leader he isn't!)
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on April 23, 2014, 07:01:52 AM
And my clarification would be that Mitch was largely a reliable foot-soldier but betrayed us as a leader. (A leader he isn't!)


But I find it hard to believe that at some points in his pre-leadership role he didn't screw us by being a party to a backroom deal or two, people usually don't rise into Ruling Class leadership positions without playing ball with other minions...
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on April 28, 2014, 11:41:27 AM
More Obama dirty tricks at work...just like IRS, only non-Dem's ever get targeted... (
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AlanS on April 28, 2014, 04:59:41 PM
Grimm, 44, “deliberately lied to every taxing authority to evade taxes and keep more money for himself from the lying, cheating bastards in Albany and D.C.,” Brooklyn U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch said today.

Nobody cheats a cheater.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on April 30, 2014, 07:52:47 AM
Speaking of cheats... (

...cannot believe this crap is cruising to anything other than oblivion!

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on May 05, 2014, 11:50:50 AM (

 ::praying::  for a miracle!!!

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on May 06, 2014, 11:58:23 AM
And...I'm just gonna say it...this clown should not be breathing...certainly not in our country anyway! (

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AmericanPatriot on May 06, 2014, 12:05:10 PM
My predictions:
Boehner wins big.
The NC Neocon/establishment guy may not avoid a run off but he's the ultimate winner.

If voting really mattered they wouldn't allow it
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Pandora on May 06, 2014, 10:50:11 PM
GodDAMMIT!  Renee Ellmers kept her House seat.

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: IronDioPriest on May 06, 2014, 11:30:07 PM
I just read on facebook from someone in Ohio that turnout for the primary was only 18%.

This country is gone. If people can't care now, it'll take living hell before they do.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Glock32 on May 06, 2014, 11:51:04 PM
I didn't vote in the primaries.  Had to go in early to work, blah blah blah.  Plus, honestly, "what difference -- at this point -- does it make?"
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on May 07, 2014, 07:04:10 AM
On the plus side it should speed the GOP's demise and bring us closer to a more definitive breaking point.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on May 07, 2014, 08:04:53 AM
Its all rigged folks - its all part of the Kabuki Theater.   Its time to arm up, become self-sufficient as you can, and get you mind in the right place to resist.
Let them pass whatever illegitimate crap they want.  They still have to send a foot soldier to my door to make me.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on May 07, 2014, 10:27:15 AM
Cool Hand Luke - Failure to Communicate (

Drowning Pool- Let The Bodies Hit The Floor - Lyrics (
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on May 21, 2014, 06:55:49 AM
More proof we are royally f**ked!

"I'm conservative, but I think most of the tea party people are a little too extreme," (

What a damned shyt-brained asshole!

You ain't seen extreme yet, idiot!  But it's coming!  Ruling Class pricks like McConnell will ensure the progressive Democrats will be even more assertive in Congress ( and in White House ( than they already fricken have been!  I mean, what have these Ruling Class pricks like McConnell DONE to STOP ONE DAMN THING?!

Politics is dead, people like this Kentucky asshole guarantee it!

Prepare for BITS (you can only be with us or against us!) or prepare to be fodder, those will be your only options!

About all the Tea Party should be doing now is running in the general elections as independents...if people want to screw up, they can waste votes on the Ruling Class asshat and ensure a libiot is elected, if we crash and burn better to have it crash & burn on their full watch!  Tied of false choices...time to get to the rat-killin' already and be done with it!

Primary results here if you want a gander (
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on May 29, 2014, 07:20:27 AM
Well...Democrats will be Democrats...nothing to see here, certainly nothing to prosecute and nobody to arrest... (
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on May 30, 2014, 07:43:32 AM
DemonRats are dispatching asshats and Federal booty stolen from taxpayers to buy electoral help in vulnerable states... (

...but what can Pubbies do?

What they are good at...pissing, moaning...nothing.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on June 06, 2014, 02:12:05 PM
FWIW...Joni still has one more hog to castrate... (

Happy snipping!

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on June 19, 2014, 08:48:18 AM (

GOP internal polling...

Yeah, that's never failed

Yeah, it's just a message issue is all...

Principles are for pussies!
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on July 10, 2014, 12:10:43 PM
And now for something completely different from Dem's...


Wez gotsa gin up the racial stuff or we could seez a drops in munoridy peeples at the poles and looze our cushy phoni-baloni jobbz!!! (

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on July 30, 2014, 07:40:28 AM
If I didn't have my district to live in, I guess being in the same part of Montana as this guy wouldn't be a bad choice... (

...need more of this kinda guy around all of us...

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on August 13, 2014, 11:55:11 AM
Yeah, Hollyweird coming out for DemoProgs as usual, jeesh, what a shocker!!! (

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on September 03, 2014, 11:16:21 AM
Not quite the Victoria Treatment... (

...too modest an attempt to push back IMO at this late stage of things...
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on September 22, 2014, 11:40:55 AM
GOP sets agenda again to commit suicide... (

...I mean this is more than wishful thinking by libiot WaPo jurnotards...Portman is quoted with that compassion and expanding beyond the base bullsh* that right or did the WaPo misquote him?  And Scott is pandering for Hispanics...I've seen neither clown cry foull, so...

But sure, they will have to move beyond their base when Pubbies far and wide have told their former base numerous times over many years and many elections to f**k OFF!!!

Same to you pals, same to you!
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on September 25, 2014, 07:31:48 AM
Ken Cuccinelli, the newly elected president of the Senate Conservatives Fund, says the GOP is blowing “enormous sums” of money to prop up “dead-weight” Republicans who don’t stand for anything. (

The linked article - (

So, Ken...or should I call you Captain Obvious...what is your point again?
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Glock32 on September 25, 2014, 12:50:13 PM
The NRSC is sending out scare email warning that the projected takeover of the Senate is now "slipping away" and please send us money, blah blah blah.  And I am in zero mood to be lectured about how holding the GOP to a purity test means it will be "our fault" when Dems win.  All the Ds and Rs do is hold each other out as a bogeyman to keep their bases on the plantation.

At this point I don't think there is a political or electoral solution to all that ails this country, because the core problems are more cultural than political. But if there were to be an electoral solution, it's damn sure not going to come in the form of "vote for us because we make a few token overtures to your values, otherwise the much worse Democrats are going to win!"
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Pandora on September 25, 2014, 01:17:10 PM
If the eGOP wins the Senate, they'll take it as an endorsement (by Conservatives) of their bullspit.  If they lose, they'll blame the Conservatives.  It's a lose-lose.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on September 25, 2014, 06:09:08 PM
Setting the Bar even lower in Colorado (

Truthfully Calling Udall a career politician from a family of career politicians is now a vile below the belt attack that Dems thing requires an apology.
But then I do agree the ad is offensive. Gardner calls Udall a nice guy and the guy as a sociopathic asshole who will shamelessly  lie, cheat and steal to remain in office and should be tried and hung for treason. Udall is NOT a nice guy.

Not that I think Gardner will actually do anything but pretend to be on our side. But seriously the Kabuki theater is plumbing new depths.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AlanS on September 25, 2014, 08:34:42 PM
If the eGOP wins the Senate, they'll take it as an endorsement (by Conservatives) of their bullspit.  If they lose, they'll blame the Conservatives. It's a lose-lose.

But only for the RINO's. Most conservatives have given up hope on fixing the country's ills politically.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on September 26, 2014, 07:33:41 AM
The only race that matters is survival, and these clowns are among those who won't for very long...

ETA - NRSC email I just received...

After months of predicting GOP victory, the Washington Post's statistical model now shows a 51 percent chance that the Democrats hang on.

The answer is simple - the Democrats are spending over $40 million more than the Republicans in battleground races. For weeks, our candidates have been holding on, despite a relentless barrage of negative ads - but we need your help now or it's over.

 I know that times are tough, that's why we're fighting so hard to bring new leadership that will turn things around. But, if we don't rally together now - as a team - then we will lose as individuals.
Can we count on you?  

No, I can't count on you, so why would you want to count on me?  See my previous comment about survival...y'all continually kick me in the nuts and ask me if I would like some more?

I am not a battered spouse, I hit back!

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Glock32 on September 26, 2014, 10:36:44 AM
That's the exact same email I got from them.  Like an abject fool I once gave them a donation.  It was during the 2010 campaign when we gave them a huge push, and they in turn gave us a huge push right over the edge of the cliff.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Alphabet Soup on September 27, 2014, 12:28:15 PM
My brother is thoroughly disgusted with me. (what else is new?!)

He's still heavily involved in the local pubbie party. A couple of days ago he invited me to take part in a district event that promised fireworks between a couple of the party heavyweights. Like a fool I said sure and attended. I will say that the roast beef was pretty good. The rest of it stunk.

There were no fireworks. Our illustrious ex-mayor emceed the thing. This is the pubbie who talked conservative and ruled center-left. He brought us MAIG. He introduced us to Agenda-21. He planted traffic-cams all over town. And then when he decided to retire, he endorsed a democrat over a conservative to replace him. My animus toward him is pretty well-known.

So our new mayor, who ran as a *wink-wink* republican (the mayoral race is supposed to be non-partisan) but is in truth a democrat refused to attend (no surprise there - at least to me). The fireworks were supposed to come from two opposing candidates for state legislature - both running as pubbies. The stealth leftist plant was a no-show as well. Yet this POS ex-mayor still lends his seal of approval (because he intensely dislikes the incumbent).

Turns out the event was a fund-raiser. They featured an auction where you could bid too much money on something that you had no interest in (and would likely never use). Almost nothing went for the opening bid. In most cases the items went dirt cheap after much pleading on the part of the auctioneer and emcee.

They raised some money but not very much. They got nothing from me because I refuse to fund the party - I'll only give to individuals.

The following day we recapped the event and both spoke of our disappointments. My brother sees the pointlessness of continuing a losing battle but doggedly refuses to concede. "So what are you gonna do?" he asks.

"I'm going to continue to do what I've been doing, which is giving up and going Galt." "I'm weary of chasing good money after bad, supporting and electing people who in turn abandon me."

"But if you give up they win!" he says with alarm.

"they've already won. Not only am I forced to fight 100% of the left, I find myself fighting 90% of the so-called right."

Every day I discover another betrayal by people who purport themselves to be conservative. The latest is by our county prosecuting attorney who has come out in favor of ban against private sales of guns (sale and transfer would have to be processed through a FFL dealer - for a fee). I'm sick of it and I'm sick of hypocrites.

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: fporretto on September 28, 2014, 06:02:14 AM
Unfortunately, abstaining from the process won't change anything. There's Say's Law to deal with. Also, remember who controls the reportage of the election returns. They can make the final tallies look like any percent of the electorate turned out they think is credible.

There are a few alternatives worth trying:

1) Agitate for a strong version of a "None of the Above is Acceptable" choice on every ballot: One in which if NOTA "wins," the office goes unoccupied and its powers go unexercised until the next general election (probably requires a state constitutional amendment, but that's a lot easier than amending CONUS);

2) Mass takeover of local GOP chapters, that more freedom-minded persons become the candidates available to us to vote for;

3) Absolute refusal to donate to the campaigns of unsatisfactory candidates or to "general" campaign-funding institutions such as "national" Republican Congressional or Senatorial campaign committees.

Down here in NY's 1st Congressional District, we have a choice between a nebbishy Republican and an openly corrupt Democrat. The turnout for that election might not reach 20%...but one or the other of them (probably the Democrat) will occupy the seat anyway. Only taking over the local GOP chapter could have produced a better candidate. The question that would leave us is whether such a candidate can win in NY Metro or its suburbs. But it's a question that deserves to be answered.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Alphabet Soup on September 28, 2014, 10:35:24 AM
Nebbish - an excellent term!

I find myself surrounded by nebbish people (Its hard to soar like an eagle when your surrounded by turkeys ;')  I want - and do - encourage them but they are so timid and tenuous that it's positively painful.

I long for the strong confident assertive types to run. I know they're out there - they just have no interest in public service.

We actually have one guy that's a good candidate. Too bad he's going to lose. "Gary" is running for office for the first time. He has good motives and a clear conscience and all that. The only problem is he picked the wrong race. Instead of a water district position or city councilman for his first time at bat, he chose to take on the sitting dhimmicrat speaker of the house. Now this guy needs to be taken out in the worst way, but Gary simply lacks the horsepower to git er done. My brother tried to point him in another direction but he was steadfast.

At primary day he came in second (naturally) and actually showed very well. Gary was hugely disappointed and my brother tried to pump him up about finishing so strongly. He actually thought he was going to garner more votes and refused to listen to any of the mechanics (like my brother).

The thing I worry about is that Gary will become so disappointed when he loses that he never runs again.

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Glock32 on September 28, 2014, 11:15:05 AM
My main problem with the current state of electoral politics is that this "lesser of two evils" racket is like some perverse form of calculus, where the limit of the function is a near indiscernible parity between the two parties, each of them calling themselves the lesser of two evils.

Without a way to punish the GOP for consistently failing to represent us, I don't see what is to be gained by continued participation.  The very reason they fail to represent us is because they have (so far correctly) calculated that we will always hold our noses and vote for them.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on September 28, 2014, 12:26:11 PM
My main problem with the current state of electoral politics is that this "lesser of two evils" racket is like some perverse form of calculus, where the limit of the function is a near indiscernible parity between the two parties, each of them calling themselves the lesser of two evils.

Without a way to punish the GOP for consistently failing to represent us, I don't see what is to be gained by continued participation.  The very reason they fail to represent us is because they have (so far correctly) calculated that we will always hold our noses and vote for them.

That's it for me, I refuse to stand and take kick after to kick to the groin and pretend to be happy the lesser of two evils triumphed.  Step out of that line!
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on September 28, 2014, 09:08:09 PM
Unfortunately, abstaining from the process won't change anything.

Abstaining  will change how much aggravation I feel while having ZERO effect on the final outcome.
It will also ensure that the GOP gets less money to work with and that Demcrats stay in charge so they collapse it faster.
At this point giving them MORE time is a bad idea.
Let it Burn
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on September 29, 2014, 07:34:16 AM
One of the few bright spots is gaining traction... (
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: warpmine on September 30, 2014, 09:25:51 PM
Anyone looked at this guy before? Ryan Zinke running in Montana.

Ryan Zinke for Congress: Montana's SEAL (

Lookiing for campaign money naturally but seems like the people we want in Congress.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 01, 2014, 07:25:49 AM
Yeah, looks like a straight-shooter, I've been getting e-mails from a lot of former Military folk and others running for office, this chap stands out.  Reminds me, I gotta pull together my list and see who gets a piece of my October contributions.  Thanks for the reminder Warp!

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: warpmine on October 01, 2014, 07:12:56 PM
Yeah, looks like a straight-shooter, I've been getting e-mails from a lot of former Military folk and others running for office, this chap stands out.  Reminds me, I gotta pull together my list and see who gets a piece of my October contributions.  Thanks for the reminder Warp!

My pleasure Libertas. I donated as I too thought he was a straight shooter. Love to find a long distance shooter and donate to him as well.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 02, 2014, 06:49:24 AM
Yeah, looks like a straight-shooter, I've been getting e-mails from a lot of former Military folk and others running for office, this chap stands out.  Reminds me, I gotta pull together my list and see who gets a piece of my October contributions.  Thanks for the reminder Warp!

My pleasure Libertas. I donated as I too thought he was a straight shooter. Love to find a long distance shooter and donate to him as well.

I'll keep my eyes open...   ;)
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 02, 2014, 07:12:22 AM
Meanwhile, back in the Asylum...Nasty Pelousy threatens Pubbies - "Their days are numbered." (

We need a smiley doing an obscene gesture...the one where you tell someone they're a jerk-off...

I got news for all y'all...y'all's days are numbered!!!   ;)
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 03, 2014, 12:00:32 PM
Michigan is a turd...if Dem's can ruin the state and obliterate its largest city without suffering any political repurcusion...I'm sorry, that state by any definition is lost, gone...toast. (

“It’s time for him to apologize to America,”


Yeah, right!  He is apologizing to every foreign assclown on the planet on behalf of an America he blames for every ill in the world, he will not rest until this nation is as big a shythole as anything anywhere else in the turd world!

Stupid people!  Some deserve the pain and suffering caused by these assholes!

Wake me up when it's Go Time!
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: IronDioPriest on October 03, 2014, 12:37:33 PM
The only apology I'm inclined to accept is a constitutional trial for treason and a subsequent firing squad.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 03, 2014, 02:47:14 PM
The only apology I'm inclined to accept is a constitutional trial for treason and a subsequent firing squad.

I sooooo want that honor!   ::whoohoo::
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: warpmine on October 06, 2014, 06:20:56 AM
The only apology I'm inclined to accept is a constitutional trial for treason and a subsequent firing squad.

I sooooo want that honor!   ::whoohoo::
Take a number, so do I ;D
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 06, 2014, 07:04:34 AM
The only apology I'm inclined to accept is a constitutional trial for treason and a subsequent firing squad.

I sooooo want that honor!   ::whoohoo::
Take a number, so do I ;D

Hey I drew #1 pal, form up behind me!   ;D
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 06, 2014, 07:18:36 AM
I'm not taking anything away from this other than the fact that it is fun watching the libiots piss on each to how that translates into anything come November...the average America IQ being that of a Canoli and what has transpired over the past several decades leaves me feeling mostly so-what-ish... (

This asshole is probably right though...choosing to nationalize local elections is probably the singe dumbest thing O'Bongo could have done... (

...but the Pubbies will screw the pooch anyway...either their underwhelming hand-picked Ruling Class candidates fail spectacularly at the ballot box or the halls of Congress...either way failure is baked into the equation and cannot be extracted until people worth a damn extract themselves from a decomposing body...
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 07, 2014, 11:38:01 AM
Savage says this election is the last chance to avoid a civil war... (

...umm, Michael?  If you have to pin your hopes on a uselss GOP and an always titlted/gamed "election"...guess what?  You ought to be preparing for civil war...any other action is a stupid and pointless waste of time!

"Though he described the Republican Party as 'tepid,' Savage said 'they’re the only chance we have.' "


 ::facepalm::   ::outrage::


Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 07, 2014, 11:48:37 AM
Staffers for Kentucky Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes admit she will target the coal industry for termination the minute she is elected..."She’s going to f**k em as soon as she gets elected." (

Now watch, even with this out there...the dipsh*t will still get in...Kentucky being more blue than red...

I hope all those unemployed coal miners know who to kick the sh*t out of...
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 08, 2014, 01:06:35 PM
Since someone mentioned Zinke, I stumbled across this following article. (


By Chuck Baldwin
October 9, 2014

Republican hacks are famous for promoting the “lesser of two evils” mantra. The idea goes something like this, “No matter how bad or evil a Republican candidate might be, the Democrat candidate is always worse, therefore, in order to keep the worse candidate out of office, meaning the Democrat, one must vote for the “lesser of two evils,” meaning the Republican candidate. Obviously, the only way one can buy that philosophy is he or she must accept the premise that the Democrat candidate is ALWAYS worse than the Republican candidate; however, this premise only makes sense in the smoke-filled back rooms of Republican Machiavellians such as Karl Rove and John Boehner--and in the closed and shackled minds of their slavish GOP robots.

The idea that the Republican Party is a “good” party and the Democrat Party is a “bad” party is just so much horse manure. The fact is that BOTH major parties in Washington, D.C., have routinely turned their backs on the American people, the Bill of Rights, individual liberties, State sovereignty, and constitutional governance for most of the last half-century. And when it comes to building a universal Warfare State abroad and a ubiquitous Police State at home, the Republican Party in Washington, D.C., is far, far worse.

For example, the American people lost far more liberties under President G.W. Bush (a Republican) than we have under President Barack Obama (a Democrat). Bush gave us the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, the indefinite detention provision of the NDAA, and the Department of Homeland Security, and the preemptive war doctrine, just to name a few. Yes, these egregiously tyrannical acts continue under Obama, but he is simply perpetuating what Bush began. Obama may be driving the tank now, but Bush designed it, built it, and test-drove it.

Furthermore, big-government Republicans are the ones who have mostly created this phony, albeit expensive, “war on drugs.” Between the Democrats’ “war on poverty” and the Republicans’ “war on drugs” and “war on terrorism,” our country is financially--not to mention morally--bankrupt. And don’t think for a second that Nancy Pelosi or Obama want to give amnesty to illegal aliens any more than John McCain, Lindsey Graham, or John Boehner do, because they don’t. The only ones inside the Beltway who oppose amnesty for illegals are the Tea Party Republicans.

Come on, folks, think! If electing Republicans was all that was necessary to keep out the bad guys, why does Karl Rove and John Boehner, et al. spend millions of dollars trying to DEFEAT INCUMBENT Republicans such as Congressman Justin Amash in GOP primary elections?
Here are proven vote-getters, proven winners, sitting congressmen, incumbent Republicans, and the GOP leadership in Washington, D.C., spends millions of dollars trying to defeat them. The Republican leadership spends millions of dollars trying to defeat REPUBLICANS!
See one story: Rebel Leader Justin Amash Wins Big In Michigan

This proves that the GOP leadership in Washington, D.C., has much more in common with Democrats than it does with constitutionalist members of its own party. It also shows that the GOP establishment is much more concerned about maintaining the big-government status quo of Washington, D.C., than in defending the Constitution or in representing its own stated platform.

In truth, the GOP platform means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to the GOP leadership. It is just liturgy to deceive rank and file Republicans into believing that their national party truly represents them. It doesn’t. It represents the same Big Government, Big Business, globalist elite that the Democrat Party represents.
In fact, if you want to have some fun with your spare time, just spend a couple of hours researching just how many former congressmen and senators from both major parties went on to become lobbyists for FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS after leaving Congress.

In reality, both Republicans and Democrats in Washington, D.C., have been fighting a “war on liberty” for decades.
To say that Republican candidates are automatically and always “less evil” than Democrats is a joke. Yes, the Democrats seem obsessed with redefining marriage; saving spotted owls, wolves, and swampland; giving out Welfare checks and food stamps; and implementing nationalized health care. But, when it comes to building a Warfare State and Police State, Neocon Republicans are FAR WORSE than Democrats. Far worse!

If voting for “the lesser of two evils” is your thing, and you must choose between a Democrat and a Neocon Republican, the Democrat (not the Republican) is usually “the lesser of two evils.” And, sadly, that is exactly the choice that the people of the State of Montana have to make in their lone U.S. House seat next month.

The Democrat candidate is John Lewis. Lewis is, well, a Democrat. The Republican candidate is Ryan Zinke. Zinke is a big-government, pro-war, pro-Police State Neocon. Not only is Zinke not a conservative, he isn’t even much of a Republican.

While a State Senator in 2009, Zinke had a score of 65% from NARAL, one of the country’s most outspoken pro-abortion organizations, meaning he voted WITH pro-abortionists far more than he voted against them. He voted against the interests of the Montana Family Foundation in 1 out of every 3 votes. He voted against educational choice and voted with the Montana Education Association-Montana Federation of Teachers 73% of the time. Zinke is so weak on the Second Amendment that the NRA Political Fund graded him with a C in 2008. He is on record as saying “civilians” should not be allowed to possess .50 caliber rifles. Of course, now that he is a candidate for the U.S. Congress, and given that Montana is one of the most pro-gun states in the country, Zinke has recanted his no .50 caliber rifle position and touts himself as being solidly “pro-gun.”

One of Zinke’s former colleagues in the Montana legislature, Ken Miller, said, “Senator Zinke claims to be for job creation and natural resource development in Montana but has an established history of supporting radical far left groups that fight hard to keep good paying jobs out of Montana.”
In fact, Zinke has changed so many of his positions during this campaign that Ken Miller said Zinke has “asserted himself as a John Kerry protégé flip-flop-flip-flop-flip-flopper.”

But it is Zinke’s ethics that has raised the most questions about his fitness to be elected to Congress. Miller notes: “Senator Zinke was a founder and chairman of SOFA, a ‘Super PAC,’ gathering large out of state, special interest money. He was a major leader and fundraiser for SOFA up to his candidacy. Now SOFA is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars promoting his candidacy.”
Miller goes on to say that Zinke’s congressional campaign “has raised more than 80% of its funds from outside of Montana, with much of it coming from Wall Street fat cats and DC insiders.”

And let’s not forget that Zinke is a co-owner of a drone manufacturing company. But we can expect him to vote pro-liberty in the war against the proliferation of the government usage of drones to spy on American citizens, can’t we? Yeah, right!

Here is the Vote Smart tab sheet on Ryan Zinke: Ryan K. Zinke’s Ratings And Endorsements
Furthermore, according to Navy SEAL commander, Larry Bailey, Ryan Zinke “tries to rewrite his personal history in order to achieve political office.” In other words, Zinke is lying about his military record. Captain Bailey went on to say this about Zinke, “Ryan’s ambitions will not stop here. He has shown by his dissimulation of facts regarding his career that he is willing to do whatever it takes to reach the next level.”
See the report: Controversy About Ryan Zinke, Montana Candidate For Congress

Zinke is trying to obfuscate his dismal voting record in the Montana Senate by constantly touting an exaggerated military record as a U.S. Navy SEAL. Every commercial, advertisement, and periodical produced by his campaign brags and brags on him being a SEAL.

Ladies and gentlemen, military service, by itself, neither enhances nor diminishes a candidate’s fitness for high public office. If service in the U.S. military was strategically important to elected public office, why hasn’t it been made a requirement for elected public office? Many of America’s most notable political figures had ZERO military service. I’m talking about men such as John Adams, Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, John Hancock, etc. Are we to think that men such as these were less than qualified for political office because they did NOT participate in military service? Absurd thought!
A local online Republican hack likes to tout Zinke’s military record while noting his Democrat opponent has no military record--jumping to the sophomoric conclusion that the Republican Zinke is better qualified (and more patriotic) than his Democrat opponent due to this one fact. That is so stupid!

There are military veterans serving on both sides of the political aisle on Capitol Hill. According to the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs website, there are 20 Democrats and 69 Republicans serving in the 113th Congress who are military veterans. And according to, in the 111th Congress (the latest report I found), of the number of military veterans who were serving in the U.S. Senate, 15 were Democrats (including the late Senator Ted Kennedy), and 12 were Republicans.

To say that we should vote for Ryan Zinke simply because he is a military veteran is ludicrous. If that’s the case, the next time there is a political race in which the Democrat candidate is a veteran and the Republican candidate is not, we should automatically vote for the Democrat, based solely on that fact, right? You’ll never hear one of these Republican hacks draw that conclusion. No. They only want it one way. And the reason we only hear Zinke bragging (and exaggerating) about his military record in his campaign commercials is because he doesn’t want the voters of Montana to become aware of his voting record.
Again, if you want to use the hackneyed cliché that we must vote for “the lesser of two evils,” then the Democrat John Lewis is your man, because Ryan Zinke--like the rest of these big-government, pro-war, pro-Police State Neocon Republicans--is definitely the GREATER EVIL.

As for me, I don’t vote for “the lesser of two evils.” But, I can tell you this: the Republican Ryan Zinke scares me a whole lot more than the Democrat John Lewis. And that’s a fact.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 08, 2014, 01:55:52 PM

Huh.  Well, I didn't see much of that in the Pro-Vet mailings I get...I guess they left that stuff out...can't imagine why.


But I haven't been tuning into the races no surprise there is contrarian info out there...

That latter quip might be a bit much, but the point is taken, well, if I can trust a Pastor...I mean Jesse & Al call themselves Reverend's, you just don't fricken know!!!



If somebody tells me Joni Ernst is a big goobermint clone I'm gonna fricken flip out!!!
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 08, 2014, 04:01:38 PM
if I can trust a Pastor...I mean Jesse & Al call themselves Reverend's

I like Chuck Baldwin's bona fides.
I believe he has been in a real church
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Pandora on October 08, 2014, 04:21:26 PM
If somebody tells me Joni Ernst is a big goobermint clone I'm gonna fricken flip out!!!

And that'd be a new thing .... how?   ::evilbat::
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 09, 2014, 06:46:56 AM
if I can trust a Pastor...I mean Jesse & Al call themselves Reverend's

I like Chuck Baldwin's bona fides.
I believe he has been in a real church


Not pickin' on your guy AP, just that IIRC Rev. Jeremiah "God Damn America!" ran a "church" too.

Most churches aren't what they used to be...

But I'll take your word on your guy, that's good enough for me!   ::thumbsup::
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 09, 2014, 06:48:22 AM
If somebody tells me Joni Ernst is a big goobermint clone I'm gonna fricken flip out!!!

And that'd be a new thing .... how?   ::evilbat::

 Well, Mei know how it goes...   ;)
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 09, 2014, 07:09:19 AM
Got a point Libertas.

I don't read everything he writes but at least glance at it.
But, what I've seen, he's a solid freedom-loving pastor.

But, let's not focus on the messenger but, whether the message is correct
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: trapeze on October 13, 2014, 01:58:19 AM
In Colorado there is a Senate race between BO incumbent stooge Mark Udall and Congressman Cory Gardner.

How bad is it for Udall (who should be coasting)? Mega bad.

The Denver Post ( just endorsed Gardner. It has been said that Udall is being referred to as Mark Uterus because of his single issue (war on wymens) attack on Gardner and the Denver Post underscores that in their endorsement.

And, epically tone deaf Udall is currently running a tv ad ( that boasts/brags of his support for the shockingly successful embarrassing bombing strategy against ISIS. Given recent events that ad is hilariously mis-timed. I got to see this multiple times this evening before I got tired of watching Philadelphia butt stomp the NY Giants. Curiously, the ad was featured on youtube but has been yanked from youtube this evening. Perhaps it will be back on but for right now someone decided to pull it.

I'm thinking that Gardner might just win the CO Senate race.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 13, 2014, 06:46:31 AM
We have that asshat Franken apparently cruising to an easy win because Minnestupid's GOP is old, dying, clueless...basically no competition whatsoever.

And the pill-popping mushy-mouthed jackwagon we have for a Governor is the weakest, dullest most unispiring nothing to come along in quite a while (and that is saying something for this state!) and that suttering mumbling idiot will probably win by default again...
I have to admit, I am suffering a pretty potent case of can't-get-excited/don't-give-a-sh*t-itis...many a time I saw a no-brainer get pooched by E-GOP spin doctors or the candidate themselves...or as is too many cases by the party just being the party...

If something good happens I'll take the surprise, beyond that I cannot be disappointed...

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: warpmine on October 13, 2014, 07:43:25 AM
Feel that I was suckered regarding Ryan Zinke but that's about normal these days as you/we can't trust anybody.  ::facepalm::

The news regarding Frankendouche is news I could live without. ::rockethrow::

I can expect another solid case of I'll sit this one out because the candidates stand for squat like they did in '12. Looks like I was right, you ain't changing sh*t without going to war first though I was praying that I was wrong. Wait, no I wasn't I was praying for the civil war as deep down I know, God knows his children need one to clean out the drain that would normally allow unbelieving Marxist turds to be flushed. I continue to look to the Bible and all the history of the Hebrew Torah for the lessons that back my assertion up. Will continue to stock up on arms and await the signs. ::exitstageleft::
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 13, 2014, 07:55:06 AM
warpmine, don't feel that way.

All of us were taken in and that's what Rinos do.
They pretend to be conservative but really aren't
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 13, 2014, 08:03:42 AM
I agree AP, screw them, let us go about our business, that is where our focus should be, we cannot get too invested in a world about to go away...
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Glock32 on October 13, 2014, 11:21:12 AM
It's pretty much the same scenario in every state.  Here in NC our Senate race is also E-GOP vs. Dem.  I will vote against Kay Hagan, not for Thom Tillis.  I also realize it's not going to accomplish much of anything.  It's more a pride thing, because this state is more conservative than our current Senate delegation reflects.

It shouldn't even be a contest, but you know how the E-GOP fumbles the ball every time the voters snap it to them.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 13, 2014, 01:17:25 PM
Yeah, you lose to Obola twice, get scores of little Obola's elected to Congress and Governorships....

Thinking the E-GOP will ever get a clue as to why they keep getting their asses handed to them and rediscover limited government and principles on the Founders model is like expecting an ugly old donkey to materialize into a beautiful young Unicorn...(or AP getting to hook up with Jennifer Lawrence!).


(Sorry AP!  Although in this comparison you probably stand a better shot!)  ;D
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 13, 2014, 05:16:43 PM
Thinking the E-GOP will ever get a clue as to why they keep getting their asses handed to them and rediscover limited government and principles on the Founders model is like expecting an ugly old donkey to materialize into a beautiful young Unicorn...(or AP getting to hook up with Jennifer Lawrence!).

Hey, I resemble that remark.

Who knows?

She might really be into ugly old fat men.

And Pubs just might figure it out
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AlanS on October 13, 2014, 06:42:46 PM
And here in LA-LA Land, we have Mary (Louisiana Purchase) going toe to toe with 2 GOP candidates. Rep. Bill Cassidy (eGOP) and newcomer Rob Maness. Maness is a retired Air Force Colonel. Doesn't have much creditials, but so far seems to be the real deal.

For what it's worth.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: trapeze on October 13, 2014, 11:51:41 PM
Maness is a retired Air Force Colonel. Doesn't have much creditials, but so far seems to be the real deal.

For what it's worth.

Thought I heard Mark Levin endorse him tonight.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 14, 2014, 06:50:46 AM
Thinking the E-GOP will ever get a clue as to why they keep getting their asses handed to them and rediscover limited government and principles on the Founders model is like expecting an ugly old donkey to materialize into a beautiful young Unicorn...(or AP getting to hook up with Jennifer Lawrence!).

Hey, I resemble that remark.

Who knows?

She might really be into ugly old fat men.

And Pubs just might figure it out

Heh, so in the words of Lloyd Christmas "So, I (We) got a chance!"!   ::hysterical::
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 14, 2014, 06:55:50 AM
Maness is a retired Air Force Colonel. Doesn't have much creditials, but so far seems to be the real deal.

For what it's worth.

Thought I heard Mark Levin endorse him tonight.

Lemme guess...

The E-GOP stooge has already pre-blamed Maness for getting Mad Mary re-elected, right?  It is entirely impossible that the E-GOP stooge is the one polluting the electorate, right?

So sick of this BS! 

As LA is just a southern version of Minnestupid, I know there are plenty of idiots willing to buy both E-GOP slop as easily as Prog, I'd pull the lever for Maness and let the chips fall where they may.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 14, 2014, 07:22:49 AM
Yeah, this is hilarious...

Kansas Senate candidate Greg Orman who says he is an Independent...getting a fundraiser hosted by Jonathan Soros, son of none other than George "Darth" Soros! (


Next thing you know they'll be telling us Obama is a Christian!   ::hysterical::
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AlanS on October 14, 2014, 09:16:38 AM
Maness is a retired Air Force Colonel. Doesn't have much creditials, but so far seems to be the real deal.

For what it's worth.

Thought I heard Mark Levin endorse him tonight.

Lemme guess...

The E-GOP stooge has already pre-blamed Maness for getting Mad Mary re-elected, right?  It is entirely impossible that the E-GOP stooge is the one polluting the electorate, right?

So sick of this BS! 

As LA is just a southern version of Minnestupid, I know there are plenty of idiots willing to buy both E-GOP slop as easily as Prog, I'd pull the lever for Maness and let the chips fall where they may.

That's my plan. Plus investments.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AmericanPatriot on October 14, 2014, 10:36:37 AM
My boy, Tommy Corbett is heading for defeat.

I don't give a rat's patootie.

The local Tea Party group is freaking out.
Corbett screwed everyone over property tax reform
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 15, 2014, 11:19:47 AM
Pryor is a liar! (

But hey, there are plenty more where this asshat comes from and they get a pass too!
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 15, 2014, 11:38:16 AM
And, about the only real sign you'll ever see in any race that somebody is in trouble... (

And this one isn't necessarily good news...not that Moonbat ALG is better than Mytch...just that full-crap and mostly-crap isn't anything to get jazzed about...

ETA - Umm, ahh...Hitlery to Alison's rescue? (


And, another nothing refuses to acknowledge voting for Obola! (

Obola the Toxic!   ::hysterical::

More, please?!   ::evil::
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: ToddF on October 17, 2014, 09:34:25 AM
One bright spot in a pretty dismal state. (

Stuart Mills up by 8.  I'm pretty surprised by that, actually. 
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 22, 2014, 08:11:28 AM
Kay Hagan a debate no show...

( (!


What a loser!

ETA - Speaking of losers...

Whose more toxic?  Wasserfatass or Obola? (

Ha! Trick question!   ::hysterical::

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 23, 2014, 12:02:04 PM
I think Levin is pretty spot on, on everything...perhaps a little too obvious in his hopefulness of a "conservative" president coming out of the GOP in 2016, but, on Fox wtf else he gonna say? 

• Mark Levin • Countdown To Election Day • Hannity • 10/21/14 • (

"...rub the Democrats face in their real history"

Yeah, Amen.  But from the GOP?  Yeah, a little more wishful thinking, but it is important to call for it.  If an E-GOPer tries to skwirm out of stuff with a "Gosh, nobody ever asked/told/inquired about x,y or z before" we can nail 'em between the eyes and say "That is why I left your stupid party!"!

"kick their butts"?  Yeah, have at it.  But an anti-Obama/Dem vote giving the GOP a win and maybe control of Congress is not going to usher in responsible government, it hasn't in any recent time and is unlikely to do so under   ::facepalm::  McConnell & Boehner!!! 
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AlanS on October 23, 2014, 03:21:31 PM
"...rub the Democrats face in their real history"

Yeah, Amen.  But from the GOP?

A sternly worded letter.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 24, 2014, 06:51:25 AM
"...rub the Democrats face in their real history"

Yeah, Amen.  But from the GOP?

A sternly worded letter.

Uh huh...

Well, all that is good for is...well, when I run out of this...

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 24, 2014, 07:34:35 AM
Hey, get a load of this! (

He got a Rocky Mountain Hitch for Udall! 

 ::hysterical::   ::rolllaughing::   ::laughonfloor::
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 27, 2014, 12:03:22 PM
We need more little Operation Chaos efforts... (

...Obama, please...PLEASE come to Minnesota!!!!!!!


Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on October 27, 2014, 12:57:11 PM
Speaking of Sociopath Udall (

HE comes clean on what he really believes

    “I’m so proud of our country,” Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO) said as he introduced First Lady Michelle Obama at a campaign event on Thursday. “We showed that Dr. Martin Luther King [Jr.] had it right. Which is that in America, at our best, we judge people by the content of their color.”

    Udall quickly corrected himself.

    “The content of their character, not the character of their skin,” he said.

    “I got it right. I got it both ways!”

    “We judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.”

Yep both ways- the way he believes and the way MLK believed.

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 28, 2014, 07:51:33 AM
MLK's legacy was hijacked by the race-baiting's no accident that turdwipes like Jesse Jackson started hanging around the guy and wanted to be close to the martyrdom that they knew was coming...these jackals may or may not have been part of the plot, but they certainly wanted to be around him and be seen as a disciple, so they could go off on their tangent!

Udall is a good white boy, he toes the party line, he pays obedience to the Grand Wizards of the PC/Diversity/Multi-Culti Cult!

And he shares their fate.  But, frankly, this pathetic nothing is of no consequence, he is but a minor cowardly figure he will propbably die of shock should he live long enough...

He isn't worth stepping on or scraping off the bottom of my shoe...
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 28, 2014, 08:15:21 AM
Back on the campaign trail...

Check out this confident GOPer (, he must be new to the planet, surely he has missed the many times the GOP once given power has pee'd it all away.

But this [url]chicken ad in Iowa[/url] made me cackle!


Meanwhile, the Dark Lords of the Proglodte Consortium want to pad their retirement accounts befire being flushed... (

...whatever, fleece your flock, see if I care...


And Walker is making a huge mistake here, I would tell this fat traitor ( to keep the Hell out!  It's like Barry visiting a Dem, this is a death-knell!

I just hope is Royal Fatness is too late to taint!
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 28, 2014, 11:43:29 AM
Another kiss of death surfaces in IA senate race (

Hey, is this idiot standing?  I can never tell, he's like a dwarf without the smarts or the anybody can listen to this fool and not laugh their ass off has to be near clinically brain-dead...

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on October 28, 2014, 01:25:27 PM
Y'all may have already seen this, but here goes... (
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 29, 2014, 07:25:19 AM
Gee Pab' many mean Uncle Tom's!


These people get it, the others helped create, well, stuff like this -


When these people can take an American city and turn it into a craphole people can confuse with the worst hellholes around the world...

...why would anybody listen to these destroyers?

Wish there were more like these guys.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: ToddF on October 29, 2014, 07:51:09 AM (

There's your 2014 election.

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 29, 2014, 09:35:13 AM
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on October 30, 2014, 07:42:45 AM
Scott Brown is shocked to discover Shaheen & George Streptococcus ties from the Clinton years (, yes, shocked SHOCKED I say to find progressives conspiring and cheating and lying!!!  Why, it is unheard of!!!


Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: AlanS on November 02, 2014, 06:57:09 AM
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on November 02, 2014, 10:14:51 AM
Meet "The Stupids"!

Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: IronDioPriest on November 02, 2014, 05:43:36 PM
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on November 03, 2014, 06:47:16 AM
Our parents and grandparents knew...



...but too many failed to listen and understand!
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on November 03, 2014, 07:40:57 AM (

Ernst still pulling ahead, which is nice, should offset Minnestupid returning a useless rubber sex puppet, er rubber stamp (Stuart Smalley) back to DC!

 ::unknowncomic:: (

Some states going back to paper ballots, probably not those states with machines functioning normally and casting all ballots for DemonCraps...

But even there the cheating will be of the old school "look what I found in my trunk!" variety...

Oh, and it is hilarious to see Dem's like Plugs Biden pushing for "Bipartisanship" ( in the face of apparent overwhelming contrast to their own "We won, you lost, we call all the shots!" history.  But the message is not to the Pubbies, it is targeted for the MFM to run with, they are the Red Hammer to beat any mandate into mush.

Title: Today's the day
Post by: AlanS on November 04, 2014, 07:02:07 AM
Get out there! Vote early and vote often. It's the New Orleans way.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on November 04, 2014, 07:25:40 AM
And here we are, election day...

Will it be fair?  In many areas, as history shows us repeatedly and we've already documented here ( and here (, the answer is no.

Will enough surpass the fraud threshhold to push candidates over?  In places, sure, even some libiot outlets are predicting 95% chance the Pubbies take the Senate.  Sure, seeing Dingy Harry out of the majority will be swell, but the libiots aren't going anywhere, and neither are many feckless Pubbies, so take any victory with a grain of salt and realize it is a holding action at best.  There will be no miracle, no sudden spine-growing moment where the GOP grows a pair and rolls back ObamaCare et al.

But, there is some interesting developments...

The Dem's made up issue, the War on Wymens, is fizzling, non-libiot ladies are ascending ( and I especially look forward to what Ernst might bring to that stuffy old Senate chamber.

And seeing the Dem's eating each other ( and questioning the Dear Leader ( is morbidly entertaining.

But evil still lurks among us, and one of the Dear Leader's most wicked minions is stirring up trouble at the polls in 18 states: ( Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, North Carolina, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin.

If you see any of Holder's Henchmen about, be sure to stare at them with pure loathing and hatred and watch their every move!

In fact, complain to local election officials you find Federal interference in local elections unconstitutional and report them to the local sheriff, tell them we don't stand for illegal interference into local affairs and reject their heavy-handed approach to influence or intimidate people!  Tell them to go to North Korea if they like that sh*t!

And if you see any UN assclowns about, for sure kick that trash out immediately!

Anyway, do your thing, pray your vote counts and don't get overly confident or excited...what will be will be.
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Weisshaupt on November 04, 2014, 07:39:33 AM
I am not sure a "holding action" is prudent at the moment.
It simply holds off the inevitable and allows the enemy to retrench out of the spotlight, while encouraging the executive to go full despot.   - Of course if his results in any sort of collective sigh and people spending money again it will probably trigger massive inflation as the money velocity picks up...

We all know that they won't attempt a  Obamacare  repeal, and that a GOP controlled congress won't even take a stand against Obama's illegal executive amnesty.  No, they can't win, so why force Obama to veto stuff? ( Because it forces him to be on record vetoing stuff. you Democrat Lite go along to get along Status Quo maintaining  useless Liberal lite sociopaths..)

Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: robins111 on November 04, 2014, 07:39:37 AM
I hope you have a great day, and a new beginning...  For the whole US.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Libertas on November 04, 2014, 07:45:43 AM
Do the bars open up early in Louisiana?

Uhh, stupid question, right?   ;D

I could use a shot or two to vote for some of these clowns!!!   ::unknowncomic::
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Glock32 on November 04, 2014, 10:07:43 AM
I went and participated in the charade this morning.  Regardless of how it turns out, the DC insiders win. Just like they always do. And all indications are that the E-GOP is prepared to seize on their likely victory not as a repudiation of the Democrats, but as a repudiation of the Tea Party / conservative wing of the GOP.

I'm sure the coming weeks and months will be filled with sound bites that make me regret voting for this sh*tpile of a party.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: AmericanPatriot on November 04, 2014, 10:22:48 AM
I'm probably going to miss this one.
I think this is the first general election I've ever missed and been voting since 1972.
Still had to be 21 then.
I have too many important things to do today.

Voting doesn't seem to be as high a priority
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Libertas on November 04, 2014, 11:32:55 AM
Well, the Progs have been infesting/stealing things in PA just like they're doing in OH and other places too, so can't blame ya.

Outside of my US Rep (Emmer should take the Bachmann seat) I am not too jazzed by the other races, nor do I see complete sacks of crap like Dayton and Franken being defeated, not even in a fair election...and other morons in the Dummies Fools & Losers party will likely win...the same old crap of scaring seniors into believing the other guys will end Medicare if they're elected (even if it has never been attempted), scaring women into the return of back alley abortions (even though it has never been attempted) or any of the other lies...

It will be a quick in and out for me...

Politics is dead, time we get to other means to this end...
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on November 04, 2014, 11:54:28 AM
I am not sure a "holding action" is prudent at the moment.
It simply holds off the inevitable and allows the enemy to retrench out of the spotlight, while encouraging the executive to go full despot.   - Of course if his results in any sort of collective sigh and people spending money again it will probably trigger massive inflation as the money velocity picks up...

We all know that they won't attempt a  Obamacare  repeal, and that a GOP controlled congress won't even take a stand against Obama's illegal executive amnesty.  No, they can't win, so why force Obama to veto stuff? ( Because it forces him to be on record vetoing stuff. you Democrat Lite go along to get along Status Quo maintaining  useless Liberal lite sociopaths..)

Get a load of this moron! (

Save?  SAVE?!

No, idiot.  I'll tell you what you and the Weeping Carrot should do and then I'll tell you what you will do, then let's see who is up to saving what?  OK?

What you should do -

Reporter - "So, Senator McConnell, as the new Senate Majority Leader in the next Congress, what are you going to do to reach out to the President and the Democrats in Congress and work together and compromise and get things done that need to get done, like comprehensive immigration reform?"

McConnell - "Well, this election shows the American people repudiate the Obama/Democrat agenda, and in the absence of one iota of compromise by the Democrats on any issue the past eight years they've controlled the Senate and the four years they've controlled the House, so your preposition is DOA.  The democrats war of class division, failed.  The democrats war on women, failed.  The democrats rule by executive fiat, rejected.  The tolerance of this Administrations abuse and usurpation of power, repudiated.  And I would remind you recall what the President said to us when we expressed our concerns and desire to work with him in our first joint budget meeting with him following his first election?"

Reporter - "Ahh, umm...I don't see where that is germaine, can we can back to your refusal to work with..."

McConnell - "No, don't get to steer this debate for your pals, not this time.  I'll remind you what the President said at that meeting, he said 'I won', well, guess what, 'We won', so y'all better get lined up and come to us, it's not going to other way.  We're done here, I have a mandate to execute, good day, sir."

What will happen -

Reporter - "So, Senator McConnell, as the new Senate Majority Leader in the next Congress, what are you going to do to reach out to the President and the Democrats in Congress and work together and compromise and get things done that need to get done, like comprehensive immigration reform?"

McConnell - "Well, this election shows the American people repudiate the Obama/Democrat agenda, and in the absence of one iota of compromise by the Democrats..."

Reporter - "So you intend to shut down the government again and try to enrich your wealthy benefactors and the nation and the economy because of your hated of Obama and the Democrats and your complete indifference to everyday working people?"

McConnell - "Umm, I am not saying that, that is not right."

Reporter - "What are your intentions?  Obstruct the President, ignore the pressing issues of the day?"

McConnell - "Umm, well, no actually..."

Reporter - "So you think the American people put you in power because the want to see more rancor and partisanship?

McConnell - "Well, that's an unfair characterization.  I don't know where you're getting this stuff from?"

Yadda, yadda, yadda...blah, blah, blah...


PS - We'll skip saving and get to starting over soon enough!
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Libertas on November 04, 2014, 05:20:19 PM
Just got back from the polls, that feeling I had as a young adult of feeling good about my participation I think has gone completely away.  It actually was more akin to "they can't blame me, it's not my fault" in the post-Reagan years (with a brief resurgence of optimism in '94) back to "not my fault!" when Pubbies choked and pretty much plateaued there until nosediving after the 2010 Tea Party was betrayed and after today I am more indifferent than ever.  Honestly, a DOA POTUS nominee in 2016 could see me punt for the first time in 38 years.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: trapeze on November 04, 2014, 05:52:49 PM
mrs. trapeze and I early voted by mail a couple of weeks ago.

I will take great pleasure in any and all Democrats who are defeated. I will take almost no pleasure at all in Republican wins because of reasons we need not discuss again. But seeing BO take hits for being a dick will be good. Seeing HRC and her male prostitute husband take hits will be nice, too.

So, generally speaking, I will be watching the returns this evening so that I can take pleasure in other people's (leftist's) misery. I would feel bad about that except that these jackasses have gone out of their way to screw with me so, tough.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: trapeze on November 04, 2014, 06:02:19 PM
FNC just called the turtle to win in Kentucky.

So that's one down.

The Virginia senate race is too close to call. That wasn't supposed to happen. It was supposed to be a walk for Warner. That's interesting.

Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: benb61 on November 04, 2014, 06:13:43 PM
Politico is calling both South Carolina and Kentucky as Repub wins.  N.H as partial 60% for Brown.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: trapeze on November 04, 2014, 06:37:10 PM
Yeah, that 60% Brown in NH was with 5 votes in. Now that 2% are in Shaheen is way ahead. That one could take a while to call. These are absentee votes...polls close soon.

Predicted senate win in SC for Capito (R)
AoSDD is calling Virginia for Warner (D)
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: benb61 on November 04, 2014, 07:04:38 PM
Politico has Virginia 52% for Gillespie and 45.5% for Warner.  just sayin

I see N.H. has switched.   >:(
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: IronDioPriest on November 04, 2014, 08:14:13 PM
Joe Trippi just made a pretty convincing case that Gillespie isn't making enough inroads into Virginia's population centers, and that he'll fall short.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: John Florida on November 04, 2014, 08:14:59 PM
  We did the deed last Weds. Now I just pace.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: IronDioPriest on November 04, 2014, 08:17:55 PM
I haven't been able to get onto AoSHQ for the past hour or so. I wonder if they're under attack.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Glock32 on November 04, 2014, 08:27:43 PM
Looks like Kay Hagan is going to keep her Senate seat in NC
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: AlanS on November 04, 2014, 08:43:19 PM
  We did the deed last Weds. Now I just pace.

I voted a couple weeks ago. No need in pacing. Nothing about this election will change diddly squat. It's not like the GOP has any brass ones. Or has any at all.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Glock32 on November 04, 2014, 09:22:12 PM
Looks like Kay Hagan is going to keep her Senate seat in NC

Maybe I spoke too soon.  With 83% reporting, she's down about 42,000 votes.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: trapeze on November 04, 2014, 09:36:34 PM
NC senate could go R. Maybe.

Looks like Roberts might be a hold in KS. Maybe.

I wonder what's going to happen in AK?
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Glock32 on November 04, 2014, 10:32:32 PM
Joni Ernst wins in Iowa, and Kay Hagan went down in North Carolina.  So far a net gain of 7 seats for the Republicans in the Senate, which they will now control.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Pandora on November 04, 2014, 10:56:16 PM
And it's bye-bye, Harry Reid, as Senate Majority Leader.  I hope he chokes on the news.

On the other hand, these assholes in my county elected a race-card thrower to the BOE over a hard-working normal woman who'd been attending, regularly, school-board meetings and disseminating good and pertinent info about the proceedings; and tossed out two of the three Republican BOC favor of the Regressives.  With these sorts in charge last time, we had a County Obesity Director in East Bumf**k North Carolina, population sparse.  I see a rise in property taxes coming, among other crap.

What the HELL is the matter with people?  TWANLOC.

Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Glock32 on November 04, 2014, 10:58:04 PM
When the new Senate session begins, I want to hear "Elections have consequences."
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Weisshaupt on November 04, 2014, 11:18:19 PM
When the new Senate session begins, I want to hear "Elections have consequences."

Get used to wanting.  NONE OF THIS MATTERS.  THE GOP WILL DO NOTHING BUT ABSORB THE ANGER the Dems created and hold the status quo till the next turn of the ratchet.  The economic collapse and civil war will proceed as scheduled. 

And Yes, tomorrow  I will link over to the Ann Barnhardt rant that is sure to be posted along those lines, because she is going to say it way better than I can.

The Dems got everything they wanted and they have lost nothing, and they gained a scapegoat. You can be sure you will hear nothing but the words "obstructionist congress" till 2016 WHILE the petulant child occupying the White house throws a tantrum - allows 30 Million new Democrats voters into the country with their third world ethics by fiat, nukes Israel ( or gets them nuked by others ) and then goes golfing in some private resort for two years while the ebola plague he worked so hard to bring here runs rampant. I expect scorched earth policy from the Dems now. If it will hurt you and hurt them less , they will do it.

Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: trapeze on November 05, 2014, 12:10:18 AM
Maybe a win in AK that put the Rs up to 8

Likely a win in LA that puts the Rs up 8 or 9

In either case that is a wave. The only question is an 8 or a 9 wave. If NH had gone R then no one would be questioning whether this was a wave. It would be down to how big a wave.

Nevertheless, it is a wave. The MSNBC people are in desperate spin control mode.

Walker is in a very good position for the nomination for 2016. As is Cruz.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: trapeze on November 05, 2014, 12:44:51 AM
So...the Rs take over the senate in January. That leaves the lame duck congress to mess things up. That includes "comprehensive immigration reform" aka amnesty. Also the minimum wage non-issue. Also "fixing" DumbassCare.

The turtle will be all about compromise. His victory speech all but indicated a willingness, an eagerness, to "get things done" with the Democrats. Makes me ill just thinking about what will happen.

BUT...tonight it's all about the sweet, sweet tears of Democrat loss.

And for now, that's enough. That'll do. That will do.

(Hoping AK will come in because I know that LA will)

Unfortunately, BO will not change. He will still be an obstinate and stubborn dumbass. A truly brain-dead chief executive. Sad? Pathetic, really. But he will persist because he is flat out too stupid to change. He cares not what the people want.

And we will NOT impeach the fag. No. We are stuck with this idiot. That is our doom.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Libertas on November 05, 2014, 06:48:46 AM
A Pubbie wins in WV, and a woman at that?

A Pubbie wins in SC and he's black?

Pryor goes down, as does Hagan, and the Pubbies pick up seats in IA, SD & MT and are set to control the most House seats since the Truman Administration?

And pick ups in state houses and legislatures too.

Normally this would be cheerful news, but we still have the same tired old backstabbing, ankle-grabbing useless no-hill-worth-dying-on leaders to f**k everything up.

There will be no impeachment, though it is more than warranted.  There will be no ObamaCare rollback, though it is more than warranted.  There will be no reduction in the size or scope of government, though it is more than warranted.  There will be no action taken when Amnesty is declared, though a Civil War be more than warranted.

We'll get more of this...

"We are humbled by the responsibility the American people have placed with us, but this is not a time for celebration," House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said in a statement. "It's time for government to start getting results and implementing solutions to the challenges facing our country, starting with our still-struggling economy." (

 ::facepalm::   ::unknowncomic::

Enjoy the defeat of DemonRats, but beware, they're like cockroaches, they'll be back, GOP idiocy guarantees they'll be back in control again.

PS - How did that bucket of swill Landrieu win again?  Bloody cheating swine!   ::gaah::

And Succubus Shaheen, jesh!  I guess MN (Franken) is not alone in being totally batsh*t effing insane!

Hey MNHawk, what happened to Mills?  Was all that crap about leading the polls, just that, crap?  Little rope a dope by lapdog MeDiUhh?

And is the VA race going into recount?  Kicking that stooge Warner out would be nice, that that this Gillespie clown is anything to cheer this the one time Bush RNC head?


Since I am in a generous mood...shouldn't we all send a bucket of KFC to this bloated ball of hate ( as a post-election "Thank You"?!
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: ToddF on November 05, 2014, 07:34:36 AM
"Hey MNHawk, what happened to Mills?  Was all that crap about leading the polls, just that, crap?"

KSTP missed that one by 10 points.  I guess the same Minnesota people who sent back an Islamist with 71% of the vote were also moved by the dumbest campaign commercials in history.

On a brighter note, barely, Minnesota's experiment with Full Retard state government came to an end with a Republican House.

That being said, I feel nothing, this morning.  At most, the all out assault on our constitution will be delayed a couple of years.  My plans to bug out are still proceeding.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: IronDioPriest on November 05, 2014, 07:55:58 AM
PS - How did that bucket of swill Landrieu win again? 

Doesn't Louisiana go to a runoff?

ETA: Yup. (
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Libertas on November 05, 2014, 08:17:00 AM
"Hey MNHawk, what happened to Mills?  Was all that crap about leading the polls, just that, crap?"

KSTP missed that one by 10 points.  I guess the same Minnesota people who sent back an Islamist with 71% of the vote were also moved by the dumbest campaign commercials in history.

On a brighter note, barely, Minnesota's experiment with Full Retard state government came to an end with a Republican House.

That being said, I feel nothing, this morning.  At most, the all out assault on our constitution will be delayed a couple of years.  My plans to bug out are still proceeding.

Aye, cannot argue with any of that.  God helps those who first help themselves.   ::thumbsup::
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Libertas on November 05, 2014, 08:18:42 AM
PS - How did that bucket of swill Landrieu win again? 

Doesn't Louisiana go to a runoff?

ETA: Yup. (

Oh good, don't screw up a second chance!  (I wish we had those in Minnie!)  Dayton!  Franken!  My God these people are devoid of sense!!!  ::unknowncomic::
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: IronDioPriest on November 05, 2014, 08:55:48 AM
The Slut loses bid for California state senate (
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: trapeze on November 05, 2014, 09:17:39 AM
The Daily Caller compiles fairly good number ( of distressed comments from the DU.

My biggest disappointment from last night: Hickenlooper is still the CO governor.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: trapeze on November 05, 2014, 09:19:11 AM
The Slut loses bid for California state senate (

Loses big, too. It's also laughable that she thought she could win a race for the US House and had to be strong armed by the party into a state race.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: trapeze on November 05, 2014, 09:21:10 AM
PS - How did that bucket of swill Landrieu win again? 

Doesn't Louisiana go to a runoff?

ETA: Yup. (

Oh good, don't screw up a second chance!  (I wish we had those in Minnie!)  Dayton!  Franken!  My God these people are devoid of sense!!!  ::unknowncomic::

The Louisiana race should be in the bag. There will be a lower Dem turnout and doing the math on the two R challengers from last night...she needs to be thinking about putting that DC house on the market pretty soon.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: AlanS on November 05, 2014, 09:50:49 AM
The Louisiana race should be in the bag. There will be a lower Dem turnout and doing the math on the two R challengers from last night...she needs to be thinking about putting that DC house on the market pretty soon.

Not that it matters. The only true conservative of the bunch (Maness) got 14%. Senator Sister Mary Landrieau and Bill Cassidy (RINO) pretty much split the rest (43% to 41%).

If you add the disgruntled (Maness) to the RINO's votes, it should go as planned. But I (among many others) are sick and tired of voting for the lesser of 2 evils. I will vote, but I also suspect more than a few will just sit this one out.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Weisshaupt on November 05, 2014, 10:18:50 AM
The Daily Caller compiles fairly good number ( of distressed comments from the DU.

My biggest disappointment from last night: Hickenlooper is still the CO governor.

Margin of Cheat in the non-secret-ballot, vote as many times as you bother to dumpster dive election. That is why the Demos in this state voted in that law.

Accutally I found some of those comments at DU to be spot on

I honestly am terrified that we’re living in the decline of the Weimar Republic and the rise of the Reich.”

DebJ: “Tonight doesn’t make me wish I had quit smoking. An early death would be merciful compared to a long slow one with insufficient nutrition and no health care, which is what is coming up. I’m torn, can’t decide in which order to cry and vomit and get sick.”

If you’ve been to Asia and witnessed the slums and factory farms filled with impoverished workers, the US has just taken another step in that direction tonight.

This election shows that a great many people in this country … are actually either morons, or they are evil.”

The only sad part is that think that its conservative, freedom based  polices that lead to these results  - and not the Big Govt/Big Business Fascist partnership that both parties stand for.. and that they actually support.

Yes you will starve because eventually  you run out of other people's money, and more government  power means more opportunities for graft and corruption.
I can't wait till this finally collapses  ( which they will of course, blame on the GOP having control of the Congress, because it could NEVER be anything they have done or supported)  In some ways I wish they didn't get the scapegoat this go round, and they are going to go full tyrant from now to 2016 - by which time it may all be moot.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: LadyVirginia on November 05, 2014, 10:42:01 AM

The only sad part is that think that its conservative, freedom based  polices that lead to these results  - and not the Big Govt/Big Business Fascist partnership that both parties stand for.. and that they actually support.

I remember the midterm election when R's took over 2 years after Reagan was elected I was having lunch with a dem friend the next day. Oh, boy was he ever sure we were going to go down the tubes and none of the problems he thought we had were going to be fixed, only made worse. I just looked him in the eye and said: You guys have held power for something like 40 years, how is it that you never fixed anything? You had 40 years! He never brought up politics with me again.

Most of the policies the dems run against are never tried so we're stuck with the same old same old but the liberal voter thinks all the trouble lies with the fact that the other side wants to try new policies. So yes, big government policies encourage the mess we have but somehow in their fuzzy thinking libs think because we don't support their views the policies don't work as perfectly as they imagine they should.

Actually you can look at WI where Walker has shown that budget planning actually works. Needless to say the liberals are beating the drum there about how republicans don't care but they the liberals do. To read the libs' articles is kind of funny---Walker and his  party is saving taxpayers money and lots of it but they just don't care about the (insert downtrodden group here). They can't admit his policies are working.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Libertas on November 05, 2014, 11:26:28 AM
The Daily Caller compiles fairly good number ( of distressed comments from the DU.

My biggest disappointment from last night: Hickenlooper is still the CO governor.

Awesome.  Some people really have to work very hard to achieve this level of stupidity and ignorance and still give the vague appearance of being a semi-functional ambulatory human being...others achieve this naturally and/or as a result of DemonRat spawning.

 ::hysterical::   ::rolllaughing::   ::laughonfloor::
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Libertas on November 05, 2014, 11:29:50 AM
The Louisiana race should be in the bag. There will be a lower Dem turnout and doing the math on the two R challengers from last night...she needs to be thinking about putting that DC house on the market pretty soon.

Not that it matters. The only true conservative of the bunch (Maness) got 14%. Senator Sister Mary Landrieau and Bill Cassidy (RINO) pretty much split the rest (43% to 41%).

If you add the disgruntled (Maness) to the RINO's votes, it should go as planned. But I (among many others) are sick and tired of voting for the lesser of 2 evils. I will vote, but I also suspect more than a few will just sit this one out.

Sad but true.

Hey, about that DC house, what gets rid of whore-smell?
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Libertas on November 05, 2014, 12:33:58 PM
Keeping your perspective...


While walking down the street one day a Corrupt Senator was tragically hit by a car and died.
His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.
"Welcome to heaven," says St. Peter. "Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We
seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we're not sure what
to do with you."
"No problem, just let me in," says the Senator.

"Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from the higher ups. What we'll do is have you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you can
choose where to spend eternity."
"Really?, I've made up my mind. I want to be in heaven," says the Senator.
"I'm sorry, but we have our rules."
And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell.  The doors open and he finds himself in the
middle of a green golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him.  Everyone is very happy and in evening dress. They run to greet him,  shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people. They played a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster, caviar and the finest champagne.
Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly guy who is having a good time dancing and telling jokes.  They are all having such a good time that before the Senator realizes it, it is time to go. 

Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises.
The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens in heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him, "Now it's time to visit heaven...”
So, 24 hours passed with the Senator joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns.  "Well, then, you've spent a day in hell  and another in heaven. Now choose your eternity."
The Senator reflects for a minute, then he answers: "Well, I would never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in hell."
So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell...
Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage. He sees all his friends,
 dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulders.  "I don't understand," stammers the Senator. "Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and danced and had a great time. Now there's just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable. What happened?"
The devil smiles at him and says, "Yesterday we were campaigning, Today, you voted.." 
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Pandora on November 05, 2014, 03:03:50 PM
According to NCN News, (AM radio station), Republicans "seized" control of Congress last night.


No a-hole, they were given control.

I'm having a day so ...... I give the hell up.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: IronDioPriest on November 05, 2014, 03:42:04 PM
According to NCN News, (AM radio station), Republicans "seized" control of Congress last night.


No a-hole, they were given control.

I'm having a day so ...... I give the hell up.

Yup. And if it was Democrats, they'd be saying, "Voters overwhelmingly entrusted Democrats with moving the country in the right direction" or some such blather.

As I stated elsewhere, I awoke this morning to Yahoo News claiming that the REAL big winner of last night's GOP massacre was Hillary Clinton.

I am not hopeful that the GOP will do any good in the next two years. But watching the media trip over itself trying to rewrite the narrative as it unfolds is infuriating. It almost makes me want to root for the GOP.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Weisshaupt on November 05, 2014, 03:57:38 PM
And Yes, tomorrow  I will link over to the Ann Barnhardt rant that is sure to be posted along those lines, because she is going to say it way better than I can.

and now as promised, the Barnhardt rant (

and a spoiler

You can tell me about how there is hope for America when there are dead bodies of these oligarchs hanging from the lampposts after their trials and executions for crimes against humanity with full due process in accord with the Rule of Law.

You want to know what the first glimmer of hope will look like?  Something like this:


Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Pandora on November 05, 2014, 04:09:03 PM
Yah, thanks for that link, Weisshaupt.  One good thing is a certainty with Ann, she always is who she is.

Look, things went south in my county, so I'm pissed about that, and I'm almost 100% certain the Republican majority is fixing to screw us -- again -- "to show they can govern"; to "make government more efficient"  (I've actually heard those words), so the only small modicum of joy I'm getting is schadenfreude:  Dirty Harry is out of the Big Boy Seat, regardless of the crap alternative of McConnell's probable ascension.  For me, it's come to this, happiness from the small blow of a karmic boomerang.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Libertas on November 05, 2014, 08:54:01 PM
Pubbies see governing as being the better manager of the status quo, while that may not overtly move us more to bigger government per se it does have the effect of cementing progressive gains. Example A - ObolaCare, anybody see that being repealed?  Just like Pubbies let the heart of the New Deal to survive and LBJ's Great Society welfare expansion to march on, so will government meddling in healthcare continue.  And they get pissy when we ask them how this essentially differentiates them from the Democrats in practical effect?!  They as a whole and in parts are cowards, expecting anything different from them makes you the fool.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: AmericanPatriot on November 05, 2014, 08:56:47 PM
That was rather subdued for an Ann rant
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: trapeze on November 05, 2014, 10:14:21 PM
Link to "The Harry Reid Song" ( from this morning's Glenn Beck Show. It was funnier live but it's still good on replay.

“Harry Reid has lost his job! It’s because he is an evil slob. Harry Reid has lost his job. He’s the world’s most evil slob!”
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Libertas on November 06, 2014, 07:28:27 AM
Let's see how well this goes over with the stale old GOP leadership that hates anything and everything that smacks of the Tea Party, authentic conservatism, principled confrontation of enemies, common sense...

Senators Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), David Perdue (R-Ga.), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), and Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) all ran on a platform of repealing Obamacare. (

Good luck with that!  Unless you are prepared to overthrow Team McConnell and Team Boehner, you have ZERO chance of even getting a bill voted on...

I can hear the chicksh*ts allready clucking and scampering about in a panic!  "We cannot do this!  It will be vetoed anyway?!  Why do these people not understand we have to work with Obama?  Why can't they be reasonable and play along and get along!  Why must the rock they boat?"

Oh, gosh, I dunno, where to start? 

1) It is an unconstitutional law, no matter what the Dread Traitor Roberts said, penalty/tax, pah, mere semantics, Constitution be damned, eh?

2) It was passed illegally in the dead on night in violation of congressional rules.

3) It punishes people for not contracting a service the government orders it to contract, if that is not cause for repeal then it will become cause for open rebellion and bloodshed.

4) It punishes those with means and benefits those who are professional parasites that prey upon others.

5) It sets people against each other.

6) Fighting it is right on principles.

7) Fighting it is right on justice.

8) Fighting it is what the American people demand.

9) Not fighting it makes you an enemy of the Constitution, Our Founding and the people.

But hey, it just isn't the pragmatic political thing to do in the 21st century, so...they'll go ahead and risk rebellion and bloodshed.

Fine with me.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: rustybayonet on November 06, 2014, 09:14:18 AM
I am in shock ---- last night on "the five" good old 'Bob-the token liberal' made the only statement I have ever agreed with --- "Instead old the old guy [McConnell] as Majority leader of the Senate, they should vote for Sen.Ted Cruz,,,". 

IMO --- At least Cruz has the guts to try something new, and the b*lls to stand up and fight for the people, while following the Constitution......
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Libertas on November 07, 2014, 07:22:47 AM
One must be in compliance with the Constitution to be one with the Constitution...

But no matter, as I said before, a non-E-GOP candidate has zero chance of getting the GOP nomination.

In other post-election news...y'all seen/heard this I reckon - (

Yeah, uhh huh, I am supposed to equate chatter with...what?  The crazy notion that suddenly the press will flip to our side and start covering us fairly and prog's unfairly?  Yeah, heh, now that is funny!

Sometimes monkey's just throw sh*t at themselves, ya know?
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Weisshaupt on November 07, 2014, 08:54:00 AM
via instapundit

ED DRISCOLL: The Rise Of The John Birch Left. (

    The modern left is built around a trio of laudable principles: protecting the environment is good, racism is bad, and so is demonizing a person over his or her sexual preferences. (In the chapter of his book Intellectuals titled “The Flight from Reason,” Paul Johnson wrote that “At the end of the Second World War, there was a significant change in the predominant aim of secular intellectuals, a shift of emphasis from utopianism to hedonism.” ) But just as the Bircher right began to see communists everywhere, the new Bircher left sees racism, sexism, homophobia, and Koch Brothers everywhere.

    They’re lurking around more corners than Gen. Ripper imagined there were commies lurking inside Burpelson Air Force Base. They’re inside your video games! They own NFL teams! They’ll steal your condoms! Disagree with President Obama? Racist! (That goes for you too, Bill, Hillary, and your Democratic supporters.) Not onboard for gender-neutral bathrooms? Not too thrilled with abortion-obsessed candidates like Wendy Davis and “Mark Uterus”? Sexist! Disagree with using global warming as a cudgel to usher in the brave new world of bankrupt coal companies and $10 a gallon gasoline? Climate denier!

    And as with the original Birchers, don’t get ‘em started on fluoride.

    The original Birchers weren’t bad people, but their Cold War paranoia got the better of them. Similarly, as Charles Krauthammer famously said, “To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil,” which illustrates how a John Birch-style worldview can cause the modern leftists to take an equally cracked view of his fellow countrymen, to the point of writing off entire states and genders.

I think a growing number of conservatives are beginning to realize that Dems are both stupid AND evil.  40% of Dems would give Obama a 3rd term if they could (
Because they ENJOY  watching their ideological enemies suffer. They like watching Obama stick it to us, and they are willing to sacrifice government legitimacy, the rule of law, economic prosperity  and risk Civil war to do it. That is not just stupid. Its also Evil.

Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Glock32 on November 07, 2014, 10:58:25 AM
Yes.  Krauthammer's observation may have been true in the world of conventional American politics, but we're in the new phase now.  The liberals have let their mask slip enough times, especially over the past 10 years, that I've seen enough of their ambitions to realize they're from the same mold as the Bolsheviks in 1917 Russia, the Che Guevara execution squads of late 1950s Cuba, and the Khmer Rouge of 1970s Cambodia. The feeling of "they're evil" is mutual.

And of all this talk about the John Birch Society and Sen. McCarthy, well, how wrong were they really?  It seems to me that McCarthy was actually pretty on the money with his assessment of Cultural Marxism and its preponderance in media, academia, and bureaucracy.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Weisshaupt on November 07, 2014, 11:32:01 AM
Yes.  Krauthammer's observation may have been true in the world of conventional American politics, but we're in the new phase now.  The liberals have let their mask slip enough times, especially over the past 10 years, that I've seen enough of their ambitions to realize they're from the same mold as the Bolsheviks in 1917 Russia, the Che Guevara execution squads of late 1950s Cuba, and the Khmer Rouge of 1970s Cambodia. The feeling of "they're evil" is mutual.

And of all this talk about the John Birch Society and Sen. McCarthy, well, how wrong were they really?  It seems to me that McCarthy was actually pretty on the money with his assessment of Cultural Marxism and its preponderance in media, academia, and bureaucracy.

When the soviet Union fell  and their archives were opened to us, it proved McCarthy was right and that most of the people he named were in fact on the Soviet Payroll.  Not that facts matter or anything.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Libertas on November 07, 2014, 11:47:48 AM
Yes.  Krauthammer's observation may have been true in the world of conventional American politics, but we're in the new phase now.  The liberals have let their mask slip enough times, especially over the past 10 years, that I've seen enough of their ambitions to realize they're from the same mold as the Bolsheviks in 1917 Russia, the Che Guevara execution squads of late 1950s Cuba, and the Khmer Rouge of 1970s Cambodia. The feeling of "they're evil" is mutual.

And of all this talk about the John Birch Society and Sen. McCarthy, well, how wrong were they really?  It seems to me that McCarthy was actually pretty on the money with his assessment of Cultural Marxism and its preponderance in media, academia, and bureaucracy.

When the soviet Union fell  and their archives were opened to us, it proved McCarthy was right and that most of the people he named were in fact on the Soviet Payroll.  Not that facts matter or anything.

Yes, and since Prog's are real big on beating the living sh*t out of the current generation for the sins of their ancestors...turnabout demands they all be hunted down and slaughtered.

It's OK, it'll happen sooner rather than later, they are ensuring it by increasing the hate against everyone not like them.

Just make sure I don't miss the dance!
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: IronDioPriest on November 07, 2014, 12:03:59 PM
I guess Alask'a official now... (
Title: Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
Post by: Libertas on November 07, 2014, 01:50:38 PM
I heard Mr Ed conceded VA to that feeble old Warner, so that stays in libiot that idiot cacks before the next 6 years are up though...he is of the type that wants to be carried out feet first....


Of those 29 who voted for ObolaCare that got their asses booted...we could raise that to 30, right?  I mean Begich took over from Murkowski, who voted for that illegal crap, so seeing no difference between this idiot and that idiot...

I like that tally Rush had, 3 dead (Inouye, Lautenberg, "Sheets" Byrd), 5-6 retiring so as to avoid disgrace, the rest of the ObolaCare voters beaten like baby seals...


I never get tired of hearing that...especailly the cacked ones...
