It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Politics/Legislation/Elections => Topic started by: richb on January 12, 2015, 09:01:28 PM

Title: Vengeful outgoing Illinois Democrat Governor Quinn does it one last time
Post by: richb on January 12, 2015, 09:01:28 PM
Vengeful outgoing former Illinois Democrat Governor Quinn gives his last f*** you to the new Republican Governor Rauner and taxpayers. 

After a really nasty campaign that kicked former Governor Patt Quinn to the curb (in a rare sane move by Illinois voters).   His class warfare campaign was a complete disaster, as the new governor is a "rich" evil businessman.   On his last day in office he did a large amount of dirty work for his replacement to undo. (

Typical Democrat when they lose.  In some ways I wish Republicans had the stones to do it back. 

All this for a Republican governor few of us here will like much (we will be calling him a RINO I am afraid to say).  Bruce Rauner has quite a mess to pick up,  as Illinois is bankrupt.
Title: Re: Vengeful outgoing Illinois Democrat Governor Quinn does it one last time
Post by: Libertas on January 13, 2015, 07:15:59 AM
Someone with a real set would declare Quinn a terrorist and a fugitive and put a bounty on his ass and on the asses of all his minions and have them rounded up, prosecuted and strung up.

Yeah, fat chance of that!

Back to the Karazzians or Dancing with the Dolts, er whatever...
Title: Re: Vengeful outgoing Illinois Democrat Governor Quinn does it one last time
Post by: ToddF on January 13, 2015, 07:53:19 AM
Serves FIBs right, for electing a Democrat piece of garbage in the first place.