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You celebrating or weeping?

I had not seen a concise description of what happened before.
Burning people alive kicked things into high gear.
NAZIs values are not nice. Who knew?
The US coup and resulting civil war will leave Ukr a wasteland.
Taiwan is next.


Nazi's in Taiwan, you heard it here first, folks!

As for reliving the past over and over and over again...I see no point to it.

Just enjoy the show dude, nothing you can do about it...

I recall Lt. Calley said he had to destroy the Vietnamese village in order to save it?

The US will destroy Taiwan in order to save it. Nothing to do with NAZIs.


Good link. Many good comments under Vox Day.
How Civilization Ends

Tucker Goodrich is not optimistic, based on his experience with working on engines and machine shops.

1/2 This is how civilization ends.

"Due to the dwindling supply of quality machine shops and very poor quality aftermarket parts as well as a lack of people interested in learning the engine building and machine shop trades, I regret to inform our many followers and current as well as past customers that we will no longer be taking on any new engine build orders unless it is for a car we are restoring.  Since Covid, we have had to do rework on multiple engine builds due to poorly manufactured parts that failed during break in or machine work that was below our standards due to all the old farts like me dying off with no younger workers interested in taking their place.
World/Foreign Affairs / Re: China
« Last post by patentlymn on Today at 05:44:54 PM »

Chinese love wavng this bloody shirt. I recall the bombing was an accident.
World/Foreign Affairs / Re: Last straw for NATO to exist?
« Last post by patentlymn on Today at 05:40:52 PM »
I was half asleep. I may summarize later.
 Ukraine is Collapsing and NATO Will Fall Apart | Col. Larry Wilkerson
Dialogue Works

130K subscribers
72,714 views  May 8, 2024  Interviews
Col. (ret.) Lawrence Wilkerson's last positions in government were as Secretary of State Colin Powell's Chief of Staff (2002-05), Associate Director of the State Department's Policy Planning staff under the directorship of Ambassador Richard N. Haass, and member of that staff responsible for East Asia and the Pacific, political-military and legislative affairs (2001-02).

Corrupt cash-stashing hate-filled arrogant demonazi thinks she is immune from accountability!

World/Foreign Affairs / Re: Gaza & Hamas vs Israel
« Last post by Libertas on Today at 09:56:01 AM »
Well, how much of this is the POS wanting to further appease the pro-terrorist trash having violent meltdowns on leftist campuses and winning the terrorist vote in Minneapolis and Dearborn and how much of it being his Obamian handlers experiencing more Netanyahu Derangement Syndrome and how much is Obama's desire not see to Hamas wiped out, who knows...

...but sh*t cannot stop being sh*t.


Like whacking pestilent rodents.  Happy hunting!

As for these UNRWA criminals...

...declare them what they are - a terrorist supporting/aiding/abetting and even participating in terrorism outfit and treat them accordingly!
World/Foreign Affairs / Re: China
« Last post by Libertas on Today at 09:22:02 AM »
Butthurt little panda still carrying a grudge...

"This we should never forget. The Chinese people cherish peace, but we will never allow such tragic history to repeat itself,"

Hey asshole?  How's the Uyghur atrocity going for ya?

Jackass just proved two points - 1) He lumps all American's into Clinton's guilt and 2) lusts like a MFer for blood.

This we should never forget!  So, all Chinese bear Xi's sins (and everybody's going back to that POS Mao!) and lusting for their demise is OK.
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