It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => World/Foreign Affairs => Topic started by: Libertas on February 25, 2019, 07:25:38 AM

Title: Csar Vlad seems to be embracing Chi-Com business practices quite well
Post by: Libertas on February 25, 2019, 07:25:38 AM




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The bizarre phenomena has caused dozens of demonstrations across Siberia against polluters which has seen president Vladimir Putin's support waning.

It comes after a series of separate protests across more than a dozen Russian cities against plans to send Moscow's trash to poorer - and often pristine - northern areas.

The first major trash protests took place outside Moscow last winter, when several children were hospitalized with poisoning linked to a local landfill. 

Moscow had been frantically trying to deal with rubbish of 13million people after residents of a suburb connived Mr Putin to close a gigantic tip there dubbed 'waste Everest'.

Locals in nearby cities complained about toxic fumes that caused headaches and noise bleeds after lorries began ferrying waste to dumps in their areas.

Environmentalists and even authorities have called the idea 'immoral' and urged officials to invest in waste separation and recycling operations instead. 

In an annual address on Wednesday, Mr Putin hit back at 'shady firms...dumping rubbish wherever and however they can'.

Despite addressing the issue, last months trust in the president fell to a record low of 33 per cent.

Oh man, is this hilarious!  I don't know what is more gut-busting silly, people thinking Putin can be connived into anything or Putin throwing companies owned by Oligarchs he is deep in bed with under the bus?!  I declare it a tie.  Truly, the Russian people and their President and his Sino-Rus partners all deserve each other.