It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Economy => Topic started by: AmericanPatriot on November 11, 2012, 04:55:28 PM

Title: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: AmericanPatriot on November 11, 2012, 04:55:28 PM
Ann in 8 parts (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 12, 2012, 09:05:21 PM
OK, I'm finished with all these, ufda, what a ride!

Encourage all to watch, for those who haven't the time here is my summary -

Pt1-Mostly into stuff, what money is, what "fiat" means and what real custody of wealth is.  (Hint - it is not ones & zeros or any other easily devalued/taxed/destroyed medium)

Pt2-More on the preceding these, nice dig at Ron Paul & Paulbots - "Gold standard is still fiat", pop go the heads!

Pt3-Dude comes into the bank to get a loan wearing a t-shirt that says "What are you looking at dickface?", pretty much sums up who banks are forced to lend to by government force.  Doesn't matter where you bank at, the risk is systemic and pervasive, when runs hit nobody will have anything.

Pt4-Debt & GDP: "Economic treason", criminal meet wall and firing squad. Massive deleveraging is coming in one form or another.

Pt5-Deleveraging/ZIPR conundrum, the Cloward-Piven uptick timebomb-either ZIRP forever (good luck with that) or deleveraging and GDP crushing rate increases.  The criminal wealth transfer of ZIRP by "oligarch class" can only be defeated by default, secession or war (and any combination thereof), US is likely balkanization candidate.

Pt5 to Pt6-JPMorgan/GoldmanSachs CDS insurance scheme - Sell CDS to Bank A for 1% premium. If default JPM/GS gets bonds (salvage value), the SWAP (proxy put option).

JPM/GS protection racket-Bribes ISDA to never declare bond defaults, thus ensuring the premium whores keep the scheme going.  The forced government/bank extortion of the taxpayer is perpetuated by bank agents going to Central Banks to urge bailouts and stop defaults.  Doesn't buy into Paulbot "Rothschild" style conspiracy theories, sees them as a distraction from what is really going on.

REPOs-MF Global (psycho criminal Corzine)-Buy Nation A's national debt @ discount via 3rd party nation (everybody owns everybody's sh*t paper) so nation A can have fast cash and avoid bank runs, nation A agrees to buy back paper at full price (with newly printed fiat of course), so MFG gets juice on both ends.  Same applies for reverse REPOs.  MFG went apesh*t with reverse REPOs (GAAP allows them to be carried "off balance sheet", legalized fraud) and when collateral calls hit (like margin calls) time to pony up, but alas, no cash!  Corzine used customer account cash to payoff and this rat bastard roams the streets a free man when he should be convicted and shot at sunrise.  Corzine then goes to Fed discount window for ZIRP (0% cash) and uses it to buy more REPOs.  MFG gets CDS via JPM/GS making 2-4% spread.  (ZIRP: 90 day UST Bill was 5.11% 1/07, is 0.03% 1/12)

Pt7-CDS market:

JPM $1.8T assets with $78T CDS = 43x's leverage (at $15.5T GDP, leverage is 5x's GDP!)
Citi $1.2T assets & $56T CDS = 47x's leverage (3.6x's GDP)
BoA $1.5T assets & $53T CDS = 35x's leverage (3.4x's GDP)
GS=US Govt (Fed/Treas Agent) $89B assets & $48T CDS = 545x's leverage (3.1x's GDP)
Top 25 US $8.3T assets & $249T CDS = 30x's leverage (a6x's GDP)
Global CDS market = $1.5 quadrillion!
Not enough "haircuts" possible to reduce this much risk!

Where is the wealth?

*HFT (High Freq Trades aka Algo's) do 70% of all transactions & 99.9% of quotes (NANEX), they can go in & out in milliseconds (when we see flash crashes etc w/little or no volume it is the bots at work).  Can you survive in this environment?  EXIT NOW!

*Liquidity is dependent upon Algo's!

*Market breaks - A Balck Swan shocks result in Algo's putting the breaks on, basically there is no "market" or what Ann calls a "no bid" scenario, in seconds.  Envision a bank locking its doors.  NO MARKET!  GTFO NOW!

*Solution? - Open outcry execution, go back to electronic trades having to hit "the pits" with humans, and if you want to engage in arbitrage, get your qass on the floor and do it in person!  (Sensible, won't happen now, but a note for the post-collapse "rebuild" effort more than anything for her including it here.

Goes onto the whole unfunded liabilities issue ($222T on a 75 year horizon) and this is only growing worse.  Static? Ha!  Massive hyperinflation (tax) risk!  Critical mass.

Some discussion of healthcare, suggests a catastrophic/high deductible insurance only environment, POP price issue, allowed deductible plans to drive costs up.

Pt8-Whoa!  Goes off on pol's, mostly R's since the D's are complete asshat write offs anyway, she places a lot of blame on enablers in the other party, and I cannot discard that even though I may not agree 100%, still 75%-85% is still too damn high!

Basically all pol's suck, all are psychopaths...after this last election I cannot discard that out of hand either...

*Paul Ryan plan - no cuts (cuts in growth "he's lying!") and 5% GDP for 30 years?  

*Palin - Blew a great opportunity to use her pulpit, instead we got reality TV shows.

*Ron Paul - King of tokenism (my summation) - gold standard is still fiat and a distraction from core issues, and he's a antisemitic "batsh*t old man!".

*Bachmann- Raised $20m in campaign cash and was running for POTUS as a dual citizen (Switzerland).

*Allen West - Wants to raise a lot of cash and get wealthy, voted for: debt ceiling, Pigford, NDAA, Internet Kill Switch & monitoring, Libya arms for MB/AQ scheme.

Big finale - Bail on markets - inflation (tax) & confiscation coming, don't be a debt slave of the state.  Objective?  Wealth preservation (PMs).  Relocate?  Where?  NO place to run.  ChiCom plans to seize Aus/NZ after US collapse (I would argue our island holding, Hawaii et al too!).  An new "dark age" is coming.

What should we have?  Land, PMs, livestock, firearms, ammo, firearms, ammo, firearms, ammo, food, water & fuel.

Quo Vadis?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: charlesoakwood on November 12, 2012, 09:20:39 PM

Very interesting, thanks for the rundown.
Got me thinking on that "where to" question.
Mountains are good, natural water supply a
must and not cattle but ... goats. 
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on November 12, 2012, 09:34:24 PM
Thank you, Libertas, for doing this.

Two questions:

What is ZIPR?

What is PMs?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 12, 2012, 09:50:14 PM
ZIRP is Zero Interest Rate Policy - Fed discount window for banks at 0% interest.

PMs = Precious metals.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: warpmine on November 12, 2012, 11:14:56 PM
Took exactly 100 years for this to happen when central banking usurped the responsibilities of the Congress. ::laserkill::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: AmericanPatriot on November 12, 2012, 11:52:35 PM
Just finished this and Libertas is 100% on with his summary.

I'm a little overwhelmed.

Hard to be Pollyanna after watching this and knowing how true it is
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on November 13, 2012, 12:37:51 AM
Just finished this and Libertas is 100% on with his summary.

I'm a little overwhelmed.

Hard to be Pollyanna after watching this and knowing how true it is

Whulp, no problem with the Pollyannas -- they just refuse delivery of the information.  I'm seeing it with my own eyes.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 13, 2012, 06:27:34 AM
Took exactly 100 years for this to happen when central banking usurped the responsibilities of the Congress. ::laserkill::

Yes, and the Fed became the dominate entity after the 1951 Accord "The Accord" - (

Oddly enough Martin screwed Truman over and refused to keep monetizing debt (printing, what we now call "Ctrl-P"), from 1913 to 1951 the Fed was primarily concerned about interest rates and inflation, after Martin took over the added concern of "economic stability" was added to the mandate.  This should have been our first clue that somewhere down the line the uncontrollable beast would refuse its masters orders.  And the BS about the Fed being answerable to Congress not Presidents is laughable!  Where is the last independent audit of the Fed?  I have no idea?  Is there any gold left in Ft.Knox?  Nobody is saying?  Gold at 33 Liberty?  No depositor (I think Germany was the last to ask) has been granted physical access TO THEIR OWN ASSETS. (

Treasury is the Fed's beoch and the Fed answers to no one except nominally to Presidents and the Senators who confirm their terms...not exactly stand up people, know what I mean?

This little farce can only end one way, and they are not going to deviate from the script.  The level of pain coming cannot be understated, it will be globally epic and if we fare better than the Romans did when they fell I would be truly amazed.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 15, 2012, 02:34:39 PM
Ever since the election the sucking sound has increased in decibels... (

As Slim Pickens said in Dr. Strangelove "Yeeee Haaaaaaaa!"!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: charlesoakwood on November 15, 2012, 02:52:50 PM

"No depositor (I think Germany was the last to ask) has been granted physical access TO THEIR OWN ASSETS."

Jawohl, there is a big push by the Bosch to inventory
all their gold, they have repatriated some from England
and talking of same from the US.  Krauts are getting itchy.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 03, 2012, 07:58:21 AM
So, will we be like Argentina?  Zimbabwe?  Something worse? (

It's not that they are out of bullets per se, it's that the bullets carry less and less weight...

Reality is not optional, and it is riding a pale horse!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: charlesoakwood on December 03, 2012, 11:33:25 AM
Something's coming, that's for sure.  As far a "shadow banking" ... heck, it's difficult enough to understand what's going on with official banking.

Tags: Just commodities (,913.400.html)
   "Fiscal cliff" - "Walk Away" Gaining Steam (,7281.0.html)
   Time to Move On From the GOP?  (,7188.160.html)
U.S. Embassies under attack -- UPDATES (,6732.0.html)
Obama Regime Sends US Troops to Jordan/Syria Border! (,6931.20.html)

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 07, 2012, 11:37:11 AM
Fed/Treas - Making that balance sheet more toxic every second!

MOAR!!!   ::evil:: (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: TeachX3 on December 07, 2012, 01:22:44 PM

What should we have?  Land, PMs, livestock, firearms, ammo, firearms, ammo, firearms, ammo, food, water & fuel.

ugh.  I need money.  My husband is right now on his way to the IRS office, to hand over an extremely large check for last years taxes that we have been saving all year long to pay.  MAN!  I sure would love to not give them that check.   ::gaah::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: TeachX3 on December 07, 2012, 01:50:06 PM

ugh.  I need money.  My husband is right now on his way to the IRS office, to hand over an extremely large check for last years taxes that we have been saving all year long to pay.  MAN!  I sure would love to not give them that check.   ::gaah::

HAHAHAHA!  So, he walks into the office.  There is NO other people in there but the two men workers.  He walks up to the desk and is told he has to take a number and sit down.  He does so and sits and listens to the two men talking about their plans for this evening... one is going out to dinner with his family, the other, going home and relaxing.  Minutes later, one of the men YELL "number 900!"  ROFLOL  My husband said, "I was sitting right in front of him and the ONLY one in there!  Still he felt in necessary to scream out my number"    ::cussing::  government workers.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: LadyVirginia on December 07, 2012, 04:24:05 PM

ugh.  I need money.  My husband is right now on his way to the IRS office, to hand over an extremely large check for last years taxes that we have been saving all year long to pay.  MAN!  I sure would love to not give them that check.   ::gaah::

HAHAHAHA!  So, he walks into the office.  There is NO other people in there but the two men workers.  He walks up to the desk and is told he has to take a number and sit down.  He does so and sits and listens to the two men talking about their plans for this evening... one is going out to dinner with his family, the other, going home and relaxing.  Minutes later, one of the men YELL "number 900!"  ROFLOL  My husband said, "I was sitting right in front of him and the ONLY one in there!  Still he felt in necessary to scream out my number"    ::cussing::  government workers.


I once watched 5 DMV employees "move" a hanging sign that read "Line forms here".  Actually one guy moved it and the others watched including one guy who got up from his desk to join them.  I also saw 6 state highway employees fill one pot hole.

When things get really bad I don't think these people will be able to even function.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on December 07, 2012, 05:15:00 PM

ugh.  I need money.  My husband is right now on his way to the IRS office, to hand over an extremely large check for last years taxes that we have been saving all year long to pay.  MAN!  I sure would love to not give them that check.   ::gaah::

HAHAHAHA!  So, he walks into the office.  There is NO other people in there but the two men workers.  He walks up to the desk and is told he has to take a number and sit down.  He does so and sits and listens to the two men talking about their plans for this evening... one is going out to dinner with his family, the other, going home and relaxing.  Minutes later, one of the men YELL "number 900!"  ROFLOL  My husband said, "I was sitting right in front of him and the ONLY one in there!  Still he felt in necessary to scream out my number"    ::cussing::  government workers.


I once watched 5 DMV employees "move" a hanging sign that read "Line forms here".  Actually one guy moved it and the others watched including one guy who got up from his desk to join them.  I also saw 6 state highway employees fill one pot hole.

When things get really bad I don't think these people will be able to even function.

I'm almost sorry to say it, but GOOD.  What we'll not need if things go bad is a bunch of people, milling around, not knowing what to do to help themselves, complaining because no one else is doing it ala Katrina.

Long time ago, before my brother opened his own auto-repair shop, he worked as "maintenance" for a north-Jersey school system.  He ended up having to quit because the other guys went to the boss and complained my brother was making them look bad -- he was doing the job.  The teachers loved him because the repair and maintenance work got done and the light bulbs got changed and they didn't have to wait weeks for it to happen.

I was listening today to a podcast that included a newsclip of the people in Staten Island reaming out FEMA because in spite of the promises made, FEMA has been pretty much missing in action.  Also included was the fact that Staten Island NY reliably votes Republican, which goes some way to explaining to me why they've been left hanging by the Thug From Chicago.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 08, 2012, 11:27:23 AM
We'll be yelling "NEXT!" as a spent shell is ejected.  Last word.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: charlesoakwood on December 11, 2012, 07:36:35 PM
OK, I'm finished with all these, ufda, what a ride!

Encourage all to watch, for those who haven't the time here is my summary -


Where is the wealth?

*HFT (High Freq Trades aka Algo's) do 70% of all transactions & 99.9% of quotes (NANEX), they can go in & out in milliseconds (when we see flash crashes etc w/little or no volume it is the bots at work).  Can you survive in this environment?  EXIT NOW!

*Liquidity is dependent upon Algo's!

*Market breaks - A Balck Swan shocks result in Algo's putting the breaks on, basically there is no "market" or what Ann calls a "no bid" scenario, in seconds.  Envision a bank locking its doors.  NO MARKET!  GTFO NOW!


  An new "dark age" is coming.

What should we have?  Land, PMs, livestock, firearms, ammo, firearms, ammo, firearms, ammo, food, water & fuel.

Quo Vadis?

A Five Minute Example of HFT Shenanigans or
SkyNet for $$$$.
[/i] (
Some serious issues are highlighted in these few minutes of activity:

1) Inability for market participants to access a quote.

2) Excessive quote pollution as HFT algorithms battle each other.

3) Market fragmentation can lead to inferior execution.

4) HFT penny jumping can discourage market liquidity.

I think this is an understatement.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 12, 2012, 06:42:26 AM
It is an understatement.  Best place to be is not there!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: charlesoakwood on December 13, 2012, 02:09:19 PM
More of the same: (

there were numerous algo-inspired flash-crashes this morning right before the open... HPQ (traded down to $3 from $14 in about 100ms), S (from $5.50 to $2.75 in 150ms), GS (from $117 to $94 in 45ms) and C (from $36.00 to $20.00 in 90ms) are among the NOT fat-finger moves we saw as the charts below show.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: charlesoakwood on December 14, 2012, 11:08:24 AM (

Credit Suisse ...released a report titled "High Frequency Trading - Measurement, Detection and Response" in which the firm - one of the biggest flow and prop traders by equity volume in both light and dark venues - ... [stated] that  high frequency trading [HFT] is a predatory system which abuses market structure and topology, which virtually constantly engages in such abusive trading practices as the Nanex-branded quote stuffing, as well as layering, spoofing, order book fading, and, last but not least, momentum ignition.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 15, 2012, 11:28:03 AM
But 70% of the bots control 99% of the quotes, what could go wrong?

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 02, 2013, 11:36:46 AM
Putting everything else aside...

That the markets rely so heavily on the action of jackass politicians who can't blanace a budget (or even make one), can't stop spending and can't raise taxes fast enough...ought to augment the deep concern everybody should have in even participating in these rigged circuses! (


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: charlesoakwood on March 06, 2013, 12:37:40 AM (

Crap, I just reread this, this is the move,
they are going to own us.  This move illustrates
the difference between a third world shark sucker
and a shark.  Way to go slick, save us again.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 06, 2013, 07:06:16 AM
All competition to and hinderences of orchestrated activity is to be destroyed.

The puppetmasters know their efforts must end in nothing but total control over all information, all resources, all prices, all demand...everything.

We are witnessing the prelude to the big finale.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: warpmine on March 08, 2013, 02:12:16 PM
Wait 'til lead poisoning begins to be serious consideration. They will then wished they f**ked with somebody else.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Dan on March 08, 2013, 07:11:35 PM
Good God, CO, that made my stomach turn! I mean, literally, like a shot in the gut. These people are serious about their power-play.

This is also from the same site... (

Any day, now...
Any day.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: charlesoakwood on March 09, 2013, 08:38:33 PM

And when that wave crashes...

[blockquote] (Reuters) ( The New York Stock Exchange is readying plans to be able to operate without human traders in case another disaster, such as Superstorm Sandy, forces the shutdown of its historic trading floor in downtown Manhattan, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Never let a crisis go to waste.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 10, 2013, 02:54:56 PM
I prefer "never fail to waste a crisis monger".  ;)
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: charlesoakwood on March 10, 2013, 03:18:59 PM

Getting those pesky people out of the way and taking
more direct control of the market would suit his
highness just fine.  A weather event would provide
a perfect scenario for an intervention.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 20, 2013, 11:36:27 AM
Who dat stealin' from us?!

( (

Close that curtain!  Security?!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 22, 2013, 07:00:47 AM
You like numbers?  Yeah, I do, and these kind of breakdowns always put a good perspective on how truly fvcked we are!  Too many of us allowed them to get away with it too, but that bill will be paid in due course.

The following is the global financial pyramid scheme by the numbers...

-$9,283,000,000,000 - The total amount of all bank deposits in the United States.  The FDIC has just 25 billion dollars in the deposit insurance fund that is supposed to "guarantee" those deposits.  In other words, the ratio of total bank deposits to insurance fund money is more than 371 to 1.

-$10,012,800,000,000 - The total amount of mortgage debt in the United States.  As you can see, you could take every penny out of every bank account in America and it still would not cover it.

-$10,409,500,000,000 - The M2 money supply in the United States.  This is probably the most commonly used measure of the total amount of money in the U.S. economy.

-$15,094,000,000,000 - U.S. GDP.  It is a measure of all economic activity in the United States for a single year.

-$16,749,269,587,407.53 - The size of the U.S. national debt.  It has grown by more than 10 trillion dollars over the past ten years.

-$32,000,000,000,000 - The total amount of money that the global elite have stashed in offshore banks (that we know about).

-$50,230,844,000,000 - The total amount of government debt in the world.

-$56,280,790,000,000 - The total amount of debt (government, corporate, consumer, etc.) in the U.S. financial system.

-$61,000,000,000,000 - The combined total assets of the 50 largest banks in the world.

-$70,000,000,000,000 - The approximate size of total world GDP.

-$190,000,000,000,000 - The approximate size of the total amount of debt in the entire world.  It has nearly doubled in size over the past decade.

-$212,525,587,000,000 - According to the U.S. government, this is the notional value of the derivatives that are being held by the top 25 banks in the United States.  But those banks only have total assets of about 8.9 trillion dollars combined.  In other words, the exposure of our largest banks to derivatives outweighs their total assets by a ratio of about 24 to 1.

-$600,000,000,000,000 to $1,500,000,000,000,000 - The estimates of the total notional value of all global derivatives generally fall within this range.  At the high end of the range, the ratio of derivatives to global GDP is more than 21 to 1.

Are you starting to get the picture?

There is no way that the global financial pyramid scheme is going to be able to hold up for too much longer.  At some point it is going to totally collapse.  When that happens, will you be ready? (

Jeff Beck and Rod Stewart - People Get Ready (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on March 22, 2013, 01:52:48 PM
Maybe the reason they haven't used the WMD is because they realize that even the rich will be affected, and you might as well squeeze out as much high times good fun as you can before the end.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Dan on March 22, 2013, 02:40:36 PM
And Ryan thinks rearranging the deck chairs will help!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 27, 2013, 07:42:27 AM
Let's just get to #8 already!!! (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on March 27, 2013, 07:58:27 AM
YOUR SCARY ASS CHART OF THE DAY, plus a question: (


“If consumers, who account for 71% of the economy, aren’t spending, and small business owners, who do 65% of all the hiring in the country, are petrified with insecurity, why is the stock market hitting all-time highs and the corporate media proclaiming happy days are here again?”
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on March 27, 2013, 08:50:31 AM
Inflation hedge.  WalMart survives inflation.  Grandma's $25,000 nest egg doesn't.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 27, 2013, 11:27:25 AM
Why is the market hitting highs?

The Fed, of course!  Ctrl-P to infinity, and beyond!


And on that note . . . (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: charlesoakwood on March 28, 2013, 11:37:12 AM
Why is the market hitting highs?

The Fed, of course!  Ctrl-P to infinity, and beyond!


And on that note . . . ( (
Click select all, copy and paste to word pad or your word processor of choice and save.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on March 29, 2013, 09:50:46 AM
Sowell on Cyprus (

One of the big differences between the United States and Cyprus is that the U.S. government can simply print more money to get out of a financial crisis. But Cyprus cannot print more euros, which are controlled by international institutions.

Does that mean that Americans’ money is safe in banks? Yes and no. The U.S. government is very unlikely to just seize money wholesale from people’s bank accounts, as is being done in Cyprus. But does that mean that your life savings are safe? No. There are more sophisticated ways for governments to take what you have put aside for yourself and use it for whatever politicians feel like using it for. If they do it slowly but steadily, they can take a big chunk of what you have sacrificed for years to save before you are even aware, much less alarmed.

Of course, that assumes that this administration wants to keep things as stable as possible and not stick thier finger in the eye of the American people, you know, because they have an excuse to do so.  They have already floated the idea of "privatizing" Social Security by forcing all IRAs into you SS "account"  which of course won't ever be available to you as anything other than an annuity, that starts when you are 78.

They probably  won't outright "tax" the wealth in bank accounts. The Scum marxists in this country have such mega egos they always have to be able to couch thier thefts, murders, and rapes in nicer terms.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 29, 2013, 11:20:10 AM
As long as the printers keep churning out fiat we have been and continue to be robbed blind every second of every day.  Sowell makes good points, but applying the word "unlikely" to the type of asshats running things now here at home is not advisable.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: charlesoakwood on May 03, 2013, 02:53:07 PM

HFT, amazing. (

Nanex ~ Order Routing Animation ~ 02-May-2013 ~ JNJ (

It speaks of jamming J&J but I can't find it. 
Or are all of the trades expressed for J&J?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 05, 2013, 01:25:46 PM
Looks like a global nuclear exchange and everybody but J&J is moving at warp speed, clear indication that the inside players are using overpowering digital power to profit from speculation on every legitimate trade.  If that isn't smoking gun evidence of market manipulation then I have a bridge spanning two NYC burroughs for sale.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Glock32 on May 05, 2013, 04:59:25 PM
Nothing is real. It's all an elaborate fiction. The firms who run these high frequency trading algorithms, they even go so far as to put their data centers as physically close to the trading floor as possible because having just a few nanoseconds shaved off the data transmission time gives them an advantage over the other HFTs.

It's definitely nothing like my 9th grade civics class where every student bought pretend stock and tracked it throughout the semester. The individual is nobody.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on May 09, 2013, 09:53:16 AM
It might be all Gold-bug hype , but  it would appear the physical Gold market is squeezing the COMEX towards default

FACT #2: One of the largest European banks, ABN Amro, defaulted on their gold contracts and informed their clients that they would only settle their gold bullion contracts in cash and not in physical. So much for the supposed legality of financial contracts as a “binding” contract. So whether Fact #1 caused Fact #2 or vice versa is irrelevant. What IS apparent is that the level of trust in bankers to safekeep physical gold and physical silver is disappearing, as it should be, and as it should have already been for years now. But truth always takes some time to catch up to banker spread lies and that is what is happening now. I have been warning people never to trust bankers in deals involving gold and silver for years now, as in this article I wrote nearly four years ago informing the public that the SLV and GLD are likely a banker invented scam as well.

One of the comments I think is spot on.

goldenkrab says:
May 9, 2013 at 7:51 am
What is happening now is that the banks knew they didn’t have the bullion they were supposed to be holding in safekeeping for their clients. So in order to settle the accounts, they told their clients they would only settle in cash to clear the account. well if they drove down the price of gold and then settled the accounts how much money do they save. once they clear the majority of accounts with cash and get the bullion calls off their books, they will let the price semi-float again to lessen the overall demand.

this is a clearing mechanism to save the big banks money and it seems to be working …. for them now.

it could also backfire, if enough people start suing for the bullion they have stored and all the storage fees charged.

we’ll see.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 09, 2013, 10:17:38 AM
Caught with their rehypothication in the zipper.  Yeah, that's a shame...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on May 09, 2013, 10:33:17 AM
Like the precincts that voted  100%   for Obama, The Banks aren't even trying to hide the sham anymore (

Earlier it was Bank of America reporting a perfect trading quarter, with profitability on 60 out of 60 trading days, and now it is JPMorgan's turn. Moments ago, Jamie Dimon's firm filed a 10-Q in which, among other things, it announced than in the quarter ended March 31, it was profitable on 63 out of 63 trading days and had one day in which it gained more than $200 million, or said simply another case of trading perfection unmatched anywhere in the known universe except perhaps by sellers of newsletters on Twitter. It was not immediately clear why JPM got a freebie of three extra profitable trading days in the quarter compared to BofA, although we suspect Jamie Dimon's presidential cufflinks may have something to do with it. What is clear is that the probability of one firm trading without error for an entire quarter, let alone two (and soon more as other banks file their 10-Qs) is slim to quite slim. Although not nearly as slim as whoever the hot chick is on Dancing with the Stars this season, which we are confident is the only thing the bulk of the population cares about. For everyone else, there's E(rror free)-trade.

Because the Casino Owner ALWAYS makes a profit- because all games are designed to pay over time  to the house.

But don't take my word for it, listen to Dallas Fed head Richard Fisher (

when Santelli asks him  about the Fed's exit that things get a little uncomfortable, "no central bank anywhere on the planet has the experience of successfully navigating a return home from the place in which we now find ourselves." When pressed he exposes the flaw (much to the chagrin of Kuroda and Bernanke we suspect), "somewhere we have to have practical limits as to where we can build the balance sheet. We're moving in the direction of a $4 trillion balance sheet. We know we can't go on forever."

Critically, much as we have pointed out numerous times, Fisher reminds his audience that, "[the Fed] is buying a little more than 90% of new gross mortgage backed security issuance," and it is there that Mr. Fisher explains his preference for tapering the MBS purchases since "we have had a rebound in housing."

Sorry CO.  The Point of No return has been reached. Even if we were suddenly free and secure and able to produce without the weight of the bureaucracy , the FEDERAL RESERVE has no idea how to stabilize the currency we use for such transactions. Someone. Somewhere. Doesn't. Get. Paid.  A partial default is inevitable. Either Social Security and Medicare are effectively abolished,  the Foreign Debt is reneged on causing worldwide dollar dumping, or the dollar is inflated to worthlessness. The Dollar itself is locked into a death spiral  which no politician, banker, economist or bureaucrat can stop.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 09, 2013, 10:46:08 AM
Yes, the sheer size of the debt ensures whole institutions (especially those pyramid schemes fraudently sold from inception!) will disappear and entire swaths of wealth will be nationalized (that would be stolen for the lay reader) and just about anything will cause the currency wars to go nuclear and nobody is going to win that war.  The global collapse is going to be epic...biblical even...and it is very likely that real shooting wars and civil wars will ravage the planet...

All I know is I come across anybody asking "Who did this?" or "Why did this happen?" or utter any other unsane remark will have self-identified themselves for immediate removal from what is left of the gene pool!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 23, 2013, 07:48:14 AM
Call it "the Bernanke effect"...scare them into demanding for pump-priming... (

I'm sure the bogus claim numbers and such will stem some of the hemorrhaging...and Saint Ben will ride to the rescue with more market-stabilizing  ::hysterical:: heroics!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on May 23, 2013, 08:12:30 AM
Funny, Japan going Full Retard is imploding in their faces.  I always saw this as an admission that their people are no longer buying up all the debt Japan is issuing.  It sure didn't take long for it to start unraveling.

7.3% in one day.  Pump baby, pump.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 28, 2013, 06:49:48 AM
Fed gonna pump the market today baby!

On a more serious of the better lists of why the Obama must and will hit the fan - (

Keep in mind though most if not all of this was planned by Big Government forces with many "d's" and quite a number of "r's" after their nefarious names!

History will not be kind to perpetrators or lemmings!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on May 28, 2013, 10:48:18 AM
Fed gonna pump the market today baby!

On a more serious of the better lists of why the Obama must and will hit the fan - (

Keep in mind though most if not all of this was planned by Big Government forces with many "d's" and quite a number of "r's" after their nefarious names!

History will not be kind to perpetrators or lemmings!

Wow, the trolls are out in that comments section. Lot of interesting ones though..
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 28, 2013, 11:29:56 AM
Doesn't take much most days...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on May 29, 2013, 10:13:04 AM
Sallie Mae "Firewalls" student debt (
Nothing to see here. Move along.

new jcaz

Oh look- they think of themselves as "a business"-

That's so precious.....

Don't worry kids, all will be forgiven (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: charlesoakwood on May 29, 2013, 10:53:47 AM

A sly way, those dimmies did, to extend compulsory education.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 29, 2013, 11:44:25 AM
Why do we choose to pay taxes?  Yes, I do mean choose!, (,
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 05, 2013, 06:55:19 AM
Hindenburg Cluster - (

OK, now does the Kabuki market react as in the past or have additional puppet strings altered fate?

Either way...whatever...

Cluster away!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 07, 2013, 06:55:11 AM
More good news...(well, the guy is from the "Economic Collapse blog!), but still, some sobering numbers...combined with the Hinderburg Cluster and recent market melt...we could be in for a dip. (

On the positive side maybe gas prices will dip too?!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 12, 2013, 07:21:01 AM
I'm waiting for the giant sucking sound... (

Mutually assured economic's the bomb!

These asshats are all boxed in, the end ain't gonna be pretty and it is not going to exempt anyone.

Brace for it.

Nervous markets...they ain't seen nervous...yet! (

Breathlessly awaiting the Fed...


Enjoy the impact.

FYI - Slew of bullsh*t numbers coming out today...perfect lead in for Friday's tone...

Date Time  Release Impact For Actual Expected Prior 
Jun 13 8:30 AM  Initial Claims  06/08 - 345K 346K 
Jun 13 8:30 AM  Continuing Claims  06/01 - 2973K 2952K 
Jun 13 8:30 AM  Retail Sales  May - 0.3% 0.1% 
Jun 13 8:30 AM  Retail Sales ex-auto  May - 0.3% -0.2% 
Jun 13 8:30 AM  Export Prices ex-ag.  May - NA -0.5% 
Jun 13 8:30 AM  Import Prices ex-oil  May - NA -0.2% 
Jun 13 10:00 AM  Business Inventories  Apr - 0.2% 0.0% 
Jun 13 10:30 AM  Natural Gas Inventories  06/08 - NA 111 bcf (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 26, 2013, 07:27:44 AM
If these stats are even close to right...the zombie apocalypse could be close at hand...and the impact could be more depserate from the get-go than we think. (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on June 26, 2013, 07:48:00 AM
If these stats are even close to right...the zombie apocalypse could be close at hand...and the impact could be more depserate from the get-go than we think. (

Yeah, that house of cards definitely is wavering back and forth. Home mortgage  Interest rates shot up-- and that s a biggie.  If the capital can't go into real estate its going to form a bubble somewhere else.  Should be gold, but won't be.  Of course this could be a timed failure to cover the final leg of Obama's take over - immigration and the take over of the energy sector via carbon  regulation.  After the collapse any liberal that complains it getting a good punch in the face- and an exclamation - "You voted for this you fascistic narcissistic thieving ahole."

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 26, 2013, 11:34:25 AM
If these stats are even close to right...the zombie apocalypse could be close at hand...and the impact could be more depserate from the get-go than we think. (

Yeah, that house of cards definitely is wavering back and forth. Home mortgage  Interest rates shot up-- and that s a biggie.  If the capital can't go into real estate its going to form a bubble somewhere else.  Should be gold, but won't be.  Of course this could be a timed failure to cover the final leg of Obama's take over - immigration and the take over of the energy sector via carbon  regulation.  After the collapse any liberal that complains it getting a good punch in the face- and an exclamation - "You voted for this you fascistic narcissistic thieving ahole."


Or hold their faces in a puddle till the bubbles stop...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 11, 2013, 07:26:12 AM
Today could be a good indicator if the puppetmasters are still in control or if its the Rise of the Puppets...

10yr yields break higher and perhpas the Fed is losing its voodoo...10yr breaks higher and gold busts over $1300 they are in trouble...if 10yr, gold & crude (closer to $110) and it could be ankle-grabbing time...

And there is the slew of bullsh*t numbers to contend with too...the realist in me sees an opportunity for the PTBs to manufacture just enough noise to fool the puppets and keep the kabuki going a bit longer...

What a sorry-assed world we live in...Neo-Keynesians and their crony-capitalist butt-buddies are ensuring when the bow breaks the baby is sure to be vaporized...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on July 11, 2013, 08:33:56 AM
What a sorry-assed world we live in...Neo-Keynesians and their crony-capitalist butt-buddies are ensuring when the bow breaks the baby is sure to be vaporized...

This is going to keep going as long as they can make it last, and I fear that is going to be quite some time.  The Collapse depends upon the sheep figuring out what is up and heading for the exit.  And the Sheep's capacity for denial and normalcy bias is simply staggering.  No one wants it to end, so if we just ignore the elephant everything will be fine.  But the elephant has already crushed the buffet table, spilled the punch bowl and crapped on the dance floor. Band is still playing though, so everything is fine. If it wasn't the band would have stopped playing. Right?

Using the reserve status we have pushed our inflation to the rest of the world first, and they have responded by using the dollar less and less. They are even arguing over who gets to cuddle up with China to provide Yuan exchanges in Europe.  There is a slow but very steady migration from the dollar to the Yuan, but since the US is still a huge chunk of China's trading,  the whole thing is still interconnected.  The inflation and resulting recession in China  can be seen clearly[ulr=] looking at China/US trading data . [/url]

Because no one (important to the sheep) is willing to stand up and call shenanigans, so the sheep will not panic. No panic and no sudden collapse.  The longer, slower, more painful and far more devastating  collapse by stopping the Engine of the World   is preferred.  It gives us more time to prep. It gives them more time to try and get the police state firmly entrenched. I am thinking it may be as long as 5 more years, though the probably that a black swan event ( civil war caused by the encroachment of the police State or a simple race war)  goes up the worse things get.  This summer is still in the Cards IMO as well.  The Fed can't loose its voodoo. Their cronies will be given the money to buy the issues.  They will expend every effort to make that auction  look legit to the very, bitter, bitter, end. They have the tools required to keep that kabuki performance well lit and with the illusion of participation  for years to come- even if there isn't a single real investor watching it any more. .  Meanwhile ZIRP depletes everyone's savings, and the muppets put money into ever riskier investments just to try and tread water over inflation. And Obama keeps coming at us with more energy regs, more rights violations, more govt targeting and murder, the pardoning and govt  subsidization of criminal, and voter fraud . At some point, I think something just breaks. Wish I could tell you what,and I fear that it may be nothing. That somehow this decline into abject poverty is peaceful and controlled and in the end we look like the USSR or Cuba. There are still people talking about elections like they matter. Voter fraud was in clear evidence (  Glad  they were all arrested for it.. . LOL.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 11, 2013, 11:21:14 AM
It is hard to tell what theater is going to catch fire first...then race to the bottom will only see the biggest loser set all the other losers on fire...the the inevitable traffic jam at the exits mean in practicality there is no exit...then we get to have a personal reminder of what the stoneage was like...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 11, 2013, 11:34:15 AM


H/T - ZeroHedge (

"Where's my X-wing fighter, damnit?!  I got a DebtStar to obliterate!"
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 15, 2013, 07:55:40 AM
Retail sales in the pooper...makes sense though, all I have been buying "retail" is ammo... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on July 21, 2013, 11:04:17 AM
As at Zerohedge, Presented without commentary (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Glock32 on July 21, 2013, 12:12:21 PM
Wait. I thought the US economy was recovering. It's not?

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on July 22, 2013, 07:24:07 AM
When out to look at the "Debt to  the Penny " Treasury website to see if we are still tracking NO spending.. and the website ( and in fact the entire treasury website)  appears to be off the air.. (

Can anyone else confirm? Or is this specific to me somehow?

UPDATE: Nope its just me  and Verizon. Alternate Internet didn't have the problem..
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 22, 2013, 07:35:45 AM
Seems to be up.

And this never stops running - (

I bet Ben has that one on his desktop...likes all the pretty numbers growing larger and larger...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on July 22, 2013, 07:54:10 AM

I bet Ben has that one on his desktop...likes all the pretty numbers growing larger and larger...

Nope, the numbers aren't growing at all according to Ben and the Treasury.


Inter government debt doesn't grow- because SS is now paying out more than it takes in.  You can plainly see where "extraordinary measures" ( went into effect.  These include payouts from Fannie Mae and simply theft from the pension funds of government employees.

the reported debt is 16,738,168,990,385.79- held close to the vales determined by the "suspension of the debt ceiling"  which was really just a deal to raise the debt ceiling by however much it went up during the suspension. See the GOP didn't cave. They just said spend and much as you want though May 18th.  As if we needed more proof of whose side the GOP is on .  

"Its not fascism- because we don't call it that." - Gerald Broflovski

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 22, 2013, 08:36:21 AM
So, we are back to technically being over the statutory debt limit and commiting pension liabilty fraud that usually lands private sector managers in Federal Pound-it-in-the-ass prisons.

Fascism?!  No?!?!


Yeah, business as usual...and the opposition party is opposition in name only.

Please God, send the asteroid to DC now!!!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 23, 2013, 07:20:46 AM
Oil, higher and going to remain high seems to be in the offing.

On a more troubling note is the SEC wanting to do something about shoring up the REPO market...good luck with that! (

Backing paper up with more paper (which may be claimed by more than one party - "rehypothication")...whattatheygonnado?  Make them a collateral offer they cannot refuse?  What's that gonna be?  Procedures?  Bwuuuhaahaa!  They're killin' me!  Does a crow need a procedure to feast on carion?

Derivative implosion could suck what remaining life there may be in more mainstream investments and...well, it doesn't matter...if the rupture is severe enough ain't nothin' gonna stop global financial meltdown...people and nations will be set to killin' each other in no time...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 23, 2013, 07:33:19 AM
This is hilarious...Stymie's numbers tanking mostly due to horseshyt Obamaconemy...but McClatchy paper citing it's own McClatchy-Marist poll has to couch it so that it is clear the GOP and Congress still rank lower! (

Not to defend or apologize for the GOP or Congress...but saying Stymie stinks less than they is not the same as saying he don't stink at all!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 29, 2013, 08:00:02 AM
In shocking news...the BEA is set to restate GDP going back to 1929... (

OK, maybe not so shocking...Neo-Keynsian statists have been re-writing and revising on a monthly and yearly basis...sometimes your low-life scumbag has to go back a bit further in order to sprinkle of little more candy on top of that big steaming turd.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 14, 2013, 07:03:00 AM
More Hindenberg sightings... (

Ends the phoney tappering talk, Helicopter Ben will to tape down the Ctrl-P keys again.

Hope there is still some physical PMs to get so I can lose it in a boating accident!

Jeez - Up to 6 sightings now...oh the humanity! (

Sometimes hot air is let loose slowly...other times...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 19, 2013, 07:22:54 AM
The past couple weeks all eyes have been on 10YR Treasury yields...this article is about that and about chaos engulfing the could be that there is some real differences in opinions as to what they should be doing...but they are all arguing over the wrong choices and in the end perhaps karma will have its say. (

And FWIW I think Obama's gonna make Yellin the new FedHead...she's a woman (I hear she is straight) and she favors pump priming...and Obama wants the easy money train to continue.  Sooner or later though the stuff is gonna hit the fan, I just as well would like to have done with it!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 21, 2013, 07:42:12 AM
Pretty good explanation of how the PTB's have ginned up growth to mask our decline...only it's been exacerbated by Obamanomics and forced the Fed to grossly manipulate things to where there is bubbles everywhere. (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: trapeze on August 21, 2013, 08:49:25 AM
I will never regret spending money on extra food, surplus ammunition and other essentials. Working now on restoring my Jeep CJ7 as a go anywhere vehicle.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on August 21, 2013, 11:33:59 AM
That's what I keep telling myself, too, and anybody else I can get to listen.  Money will be worth nothing soon; might as well invest what we can in material goods while we can.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 21, 2013, 11:35:22 AM
I got a small windfall coming in November...hopefully I can effect that transfer quickly!   ;)
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on August 22, 2013, 12:35:47 PM
" Nasdaq halted trading in all securities Thursday until further notice due to a problem affecting quote dissemination.

Dozens of publicly traded companies, including high-profile companies such as Apple, Microsoft and Facebook, were showing their shares halted. The Nasdaq status message was time stamped at 12:14:03 ET.

Dow Jones reported at 1:06 pm ET that trading would resume "shortly," though the exact timing was not clear.

Despite the freeze, Nasdaq that it will not cancel orders. "Nasdaq will not be canceling open orders on the book. Customers who wish to cancel their orders may do so and any customer who wishes to not participate in the re-opening should cancel their orders prior to the resumption of trading," said a spokesman.

A spokesman for the SEC said, "We are monitoring the situation and are in close contact with the exchanges."

The Nasdaq options markets also issued a "system update" saying they were recommending firms route all open orders elsewhere.

 The New York Stock Exchange said it had halted trading in all Nasdaq securities at its request and was cancelling orders. The NYSE otherwise declined comment. The CME said that it was seeing 'no impact' from Nasdaq's trading halt.

(Read more: 'Knight-mare': Trading Glitches May Just Get Worse)

"You can't trade if you can't get the quotes out," said Rich Repetto of Sandler O'Neill Partners.

"They want everybody else to shut down Tape C trading so they can restart over at the Nasdaq and until they do they can't restart", said CNBC contributor Pete Najarian. Tape C refers to any securities traded over the Nasdaq.

"When everyone comes back online at the same time that's when even more dangerous things can happen in the marketplace," said Sal Arnuk, the co-founder of Themis Trading.

"If I was back in the days of 10 years ago managing 300 traders I'd put the directive out to every one of them 'we don't put any orders in at the open' ... no one trades for 60 minutes," said Joe Terranova, chief market strategist for Virtus Investment Partners and a CNBC contributor.

Despite the quote problem, stocks overall were up in the early afternoon." (

H/T FM radio news report, then Drudge.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 23, 2013, 02:37:11 PM
There are no free markets...there is only the illusion of free markets.  That part about not cancelling the orders kills me...given intervening price movements some people may not be able to alter their orders, so they'll be officially bent over...but the HFT algos I'm sure covered the right side of that glitch.  Silly peasants!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: warpmine on August 25, 2013, 08:39:00 AM
There are no free markets...there is only the illusion of free markets.  That part about not cancelling the orders kills me...given intervening price movements some people may not be able to alter their orders, so they'll be officially bent over...but the HFT algos I'm sure covered the right side of that glitch.  Silly peasants!
..........The stock market is for uber wealthy.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 25, 2013, 12:39:11 PM
There are no free markets...there is only the illusion of free markets.  That part about not cancelling the orders kills me...given intervening price movements some people may not be able to alter their orders, so they'll be officially bent over...but the HFT algos I'm sure covered the right side of that glitch.  Silly peasants!
..........The stock market is for uber wealthy.

And even then it's dog-eat-dog.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 26, 2013, 06:45:15 AM
Oh lookie, it's the Euro's turn to slam on the brakes. (

And the FedBeast Jackson Hole comfab came up with bupkiss!  LOL!  Don't know how to unwind? unwinding, just crying!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 19, 2013, 07:55:32 AM
So, the Fed blinks and backs off tapering and stawks go nuts, PMs go nuts, oil and coffee and lumber and wheat...oh wait, stimuflation...hmm, oh yeah dollar getting creamed...but treasuries are saved and the equity markets are happy growth targets have been missed!  Did I miss anything?


Anything we can do to make the impact hurt more once over the cliff...I guess that's the plan...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 23, 2013, 07:28:08 AM
Greenspan is off his rocker...or meds...or both!  First, he says politics is riping the country apart and then disparages the Tea Party for polarizing politics while at the same time decrying the evils of deficit spending?  How the hell can deficit spending be done away with if Tea Party candidates are discarded in favor of the very same RINOs who pal up with the Dem's and bloat government more and more each year and pile up more deficits and add to the national debt?!

What a jackass!!! (

Greenspan can KMA!   ::mooning::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on September 23, 2013, 08:42:27 AM
Greenspan is off his rocker...or meds...or both!  First, he says politics is riping the country apart and then disparages the Tea Party for polarizing politics while at the same time decrying the evils of deficit spending?  How the hell can deficit spending be done away with if Tea Party candidates are discarded in favor of the very same RINOs who pal up with the Dem's and bloat government more and more each year and pile up more deficits and add to the national debt?!

What a jackass!!! (

Greenspan can KMA!   ::mooning::

The most infuriating thing about lefties is that the refuse to acknowledge  the Tea Party is a reaction to them. They refuse to admit they are the bullies telling other how to live.
How dare we not accept their tyranny cheerfully.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 23, 2013, 11:19:28 AM
Greenspan is off his rocker...or meds...or both!  First, he says politics is riping the country apart and then disparages the Tea Party for polarizing politics while at the same time decrying the evils of deficit spending?  How the hell can deficit spending be done away with if Tea Party candidates are discarded in favor of the very same RINOs who pal up with the Dem's and bloat government more and more each year and pile up more deficits and add to the national debt?!

What a jackass!!! (

Greenspan can KMA!   ::mooning::

The most infuriating thing about lefties is that the refuse to acknowledge  the Tea Party is a reaction to them. They refuse to admit they are the bullies telling other how to live.
How dare we not accept their tyranny cheerfully.

The Dem lefties realize is why they cozy up to RINOs and ask them wtf is wrong with that Tea Party clown...the lefties really refusing to acknowledge the Tea Party reaction as reflective upon they and their treachery is the leftiest in the GOP!

And neither brand says bullying is fine...   ::speechless::  The one is the bully all the fricken time and the latter is a battered spouse too punch-drunk and delusional to know they are being bullied!

Yes, how dare we not accept ANY of their tyranny cheerfully!  But I will cheerfully defy them...and I'll tell ya another thing that will make me even more cheerful...but that will have to be in a PM! 
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 04, 2013, 06:49:54 AM
Another for the "Hmmm...what to they know that we don't?" files - US Banks loading ATMs with 20-30% more fiat (

Que ominous soundtrack...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 10, 2013, 07:04:05 AM
It was always going to be's all over but for the screamin'...and cryin', and starvin', and bleedin' and dyin'. (

Print and buy your won paper, print and buy, print, buy, print, buy, print...


Finalize your SHTF plans...once the Pubbies cave on ObamaCare, Spending and the Debt ceiling all the pieces will be in place to really pump this bubble beyond its breaking point!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 11, 2013, 11:40:11 AM
Obama...doing for America what has been done to the WH gift shop... (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: warpmine on October 11, 2013, 03:43:32 PM
Perhaps if they sold more things that We the People wanted such as Obama targets along with all the regime's notable scum, they could make big bucks. However as it stands today, I despise them for allowing an obvious American hating presidential usurper to stay in the Spite House unencumbered by the vast destruction in his wake. Shove it!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 15, 2013, 07:23:34 AM
Perhaps if they sold more things that We the People wanted such as Obama targets along with all the regime's notable scum, they could make big bucks. However as it stands today, I despise them for allowing an obvious American hating presidential usurper to stay in the Spite House unencumbered by the vast destruction in his wake. Shove it!

 ::hysterical::  Pull!

Oh, and BTW...thanks to the SCoaMF and his merry band of wealth-destroying fanatics...looks like a real Bah-Humbug of a Christmas season is in the offing! (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: warpmine on October 17, 2013, 09:58:26 AM
Perhaps if they sold more things that We the People wanted such as Obama targets along with all the regime's notable scum, they could make big bucks. However as it stands today, I despise them for allowing an obvious American hating presidential usurper to stay in the Spite House unencumbered by the vast destruction in his wake. Shove it!

 ::hysterical::  Pull!

Oh, and BTW...thanks to the SCoaMF and his merry band of wealth-destroying fanatics...looks like a real Bah-Humbug of a Christmas season is in the offing! (
Guns and related components will be the new "thing" for Christmas and who could blame us.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 17, 2013, 11:27:28 AM
Perhaps if they sold more things that We the People wanted such as Obama targets along with all the regime's notable scum, they could make big bucks. However as it stands today, I despise them for allowing an obvious American hating presidential usurper to stay in the Spite House unencumbered by the vast destruction in his wake. Shove it!

 ::hysterical::  Pull!

Oh, and BTW...thanks to the SCoaMF and his merry band of wealth-destroying fanatics...looks like a real Bah-Humbug of a Christmas season is in the offing! (
Guns and related components will be the new "thing" for Christmas and who could blame us.

Been that way for me the past few need to change now!   ::thumbsup::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 18, 2013, 07:36:24 AM
Peter Schiff, I love his warnings and I-told-you-so's!

Janet "Capt. Kangaroo in Drag" Yellen - The Bubble Queen: (

This idiot in combination with unlimited debt ceiling granted to Treas/Fed by Congressional surrender-monkeys will assure that our failure truly is gradual and then all of a sudden!!!

Prepare ye, for the hour cometh soon when all shat shall hit fan!!!

ETA - Dollar hit the crapper over night...renewed calls by China to replace the dollar as world reserve currency with their renminbi...lokks like Obama's Cloward-Piven destruction of America model is working too well, eh?  I suppose nobody told Dear Leader that if the US losses world reserve status that his spendaholic days are really numbered!  It's like telling a money-launderer he is stuck with one buyer and the denominations are going Zimbabwean! ( (

Yeah, this is so not going to end well.

Seriously, how we survive the remainder of SCoaMF's reign is beyond me...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 22, 2013, 07:38:31 AM
Peter Schiff is right again! (

There is no taper, no unwinding...the Fed is baxed in and especially so with Yellen waiting in the wings.

There is no sign fo growth and it is getting harder for the kabuki masters to manufacture even sorta plausible happy happy bullsh*t.

There is no sign of fiscal responsiblity in DC and hasn't been any for decades.

And two other things to keep an eye on respecting gold: Inventory levels (especially in GLD holdings) and central bank purchases will be key flags to watch for if the green lijght comes on and stays on for gold.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on October 23, 2013, 09:36:36 AM
Saudis are done (

You can bet that if this course continues their backing for the Petrodollar will be done as well.  Seriously, who can doubt the motives of Obama at this point? Alienating the main power in the Middle East we MUST  have on board to maintain reserve status.  There is a lot going on that suggests the End Game is upon  us.  The Mid-Nov date is looking more and more plausible.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Dan on October 23, 2013, 10:02:34 AM
Not sure how I feel about this actually...
I know how important the relationship has been and, in many ways, should be, but seriously, short of oil, which we should/could supply ourselves, they only serve themselves by importing radical Islam into small town America.
And if they're so concerned about Syria, why the f**k don't they take some of those billions of defense dollars we send them and handle it themselves?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on October 23, 2013, 10:11:39 AM
Not sure how I feel about this actually...
I know how important the relationship has been and, in many ways, should be, but seriously, short of oil, which we should/could supply ourselves, they only serve themselves by importing radical Islam into small town America.
And if they're so concerned about Syria, why the f**k don't they take some of those billions of defense dollars we send them and handle it themselves?

Because if they stop selling Oil to the Rest of the world in Dollars, then dollars will not be in demand and come back here.  The end of the petro-dollar is the end of the dollar.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on October 23, 2013, 10:12:07 AM
Not sure how I feel about this actually...
I know how important the relationship has been and, in many ways, should be, but seriously, short of oil, which we should/could supply ourselves, they only serve themselves by importing radical Islam into small town America.
And if they're so concerned about Syria, why the f**k don't they take some of those billions of defense dollars we send them and handle it themselves?


This bit stood out:

"'Saudi doesn't want to find itself any longer in a situation where it is dependent.'"

O rly?

"The United States and Saudi Arabia have been allies since the kingdom was declared in 1932, giving Riyadh a powerful military protector and Washington secure oil supplies."

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: RickZ on October 23, 2013, 10:16:20 AM
And if they're so concerned about Syria, why the f**k don't they take some of those billions of defense dollars we send them and handle it themselves?

You can't fight what with the muslim ennui of insh'allah.  But I hear the evil Blackwater is available, and hiring mercs is more the Sowdis style.

I have to say, though, I would be more than happy for the Sowdis to cut diplomatic ties (they haven't done so yet, but are threatening to do it).

Watching the Carny Barker spin that would be damn funny.  Same for Barry.  I mean, he bowed to their friggin' king, FFS.  How dare they dis President Hissy Fit?

I never thought I'd root for any particular Sowdi action, yet here I am, rooting for a severance of diplomatic ties.  It would be one more distraction.  And we need all the friggin' distractions we can get to keep Barry stumbling around like a drunken sailor on leave (without all the charm a drunken sailor on leave has).
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 23, 2013, 11:51:58 AM
Not sure how I feel about this actually...
I know how important the relationship has been and, in many ways, should be, but seriously, short of oil, which we should/could supply ourselves, they only serve themselves by importing radical Islam into small town America.
And if they're so concerned about Syria, why the f**k don't they take some of those billions of defense dollars we send them and handle it themselves?

Because if they stop selling Oil to the Rest of the world in Dollars, then dollars will not be in demand and come back here.  The end of the petro-dollar is the end of the dollar.

So, Obama & Co's game is a two-fer power-play of ubber-demonic Machiavellian proportions never seen before in the annals of modern human history - the end of the dollar so that a) all debts turn to sh*t and b) America can finally be converted into the fascist state the radical progressives have been longing for?!

Yeah...sadly, I cannot say I am able to reject such a motivation, given who these fricken people are!!!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on October 25, 2013, 08:02:22 AM
And the Rich are out of the pool. (

Which means they know the casino is about to belly up. Again, more evidence that November is the Month.  Crap. I am really not ready for that .

 also More on Saudis and Petrodollar...  (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 25, 2013, 08:11:00 AM
And the Rich are out of the pool. (

Which means they know the casino is about to belly up. Again, more evidence that November is the Month.  Crap. I am really not ready for that .

 also More on Saudis and Petrodollar...  (

Yeah.  Equity bubble might be coming, but with "Yellen and Printin' wit both hands!" coming online at the Fed the easy money might prop that up some more...but dollar slams have been often.  And that preto-dollar cannot end, unless the Saud finds a new dance partner with a military at its disposal and a thirst for its black gold...but China seems to fit the bill, so keep an eye on those two!  With their gold reserves China and its renminbi could be the next reserve currency.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on October 25, 2013, 08:29:50 AM
but China seems to fit the bill, so keep an eye on those two!  With their gold reserves China and its renminbi could be the next reserve currency.

The US is a net exporter of Oil. So why do we buy it from the Saudis? This is why.  This is why Obama had to try to take the US into  a war with Syria. And this is why, in a few months or maybe a few years, there will be an announcement that OPEC will now accept Yuan/Renminbi  - which will be backed partially (10% of value maybe)  by a  basket of Gold, Silver, Rare Earths and OPEC Oil.  All China has to do to get the reserve at this point is offer a better deal than the US.   Saudi Arabia will then, of course, wage a covert war in Syria using Chinese troops and weapons.  WE won't hear much about it in the US of course, because we will be too busy with a Civil War and a famine to care.  Go Leftists. Go get your free lunch... while it lasts.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 25, 2013, 08:43:43 AM
but China seems to fit the bill, so keep an eye on those two!  With their gold reserves China and its renminbi could be the next reserve currency.

The US is a net exporter of Oil. So why do we buy it from the Saudis? This is why.  This is why Obama had to try to take the US into  a war with Syria. And this is why, in a few months or maybe a few years, there will be an announcement that OPEC will now accept Yuan/Renminbi  - which will be backed partially (10% of value maybe)  by a  basket of Gold, Silver, Rare Earths and OPEC Oil.  All China has to do to get the reserve at this point is offer a better deal than the US.   Saudi Arabia will then, of course, wage a covert war in Syria using Chinese troops and weapons.  WE won't hear much about it in the US of course, because we will be too busy with a Civil War and a famine to care.  Go Leftists. Go get your free lunch... while it lasts.

I'm looking for a flaw in this but I can't...all I can do is quibble over the "when"...which will likely be when the ChiComs are damn well ready...might be one Neo-Keynesian beat-down of gold away...load up on more cheap wealth courtesy of your suicidal foe...maybe finish their string off pearls to secure oil shipping lanes...cut the deal with the Saudi's and Shazamm!  They're Numero Uno!

Damn, that looks pretty easy to pull off too!

You would think the Illuminati in the Regime (if they really exist) see this either they don't exist, or they are already booking their suites in Beijing, because if they wanted to see America survive and remain the sole superpower...well, no way in heck would they have let 0'Zer0 get the Big Chair!!!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 04, 2013, 07:36:40 AM
The Fed is boxed in...all their own doing...I get a chuckle out of people when they talk about "not tapering" will be harmful!  What a joke, these clowns can only keep printing and shoring up debt with purchases...otherwise their parasitical ruling class elites will be starved of blood and sack the fools who stopped the raping and pillaging. (

Bubblelicious...keep blowing, that'll work!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 18, 2013, 12:10:27 PM
If this trend continues it is going to be harder for progressives to spend like drunken dictators without the Fed monetizing more paper and expediting the fiat crash!!! (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: warpmine on November 18, 2013, 03:29:31 PM
If this trend continues it is going to be harder for progressives to spend like drunken dictators without the Fed monetizing more paper and expediting the fiat crash!!! (
See, you did find a bright side to this shyt. ::thumbsup::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 19, 2013, 07:37:59 AM
If this trend continues it is going to be harder for progressives to spend like drunken dictators without the Fed monetizing more paper and expediting the fiat crash!!! (
See, you did find a bright side to this shyt. ::thumbsup::

Aye, plan accordingly, the shyt should hit the fan sooner than we think.

More proof?

How's this...first part of FY'14 and poof, another trillion in new debt! (

Now, remember...raising the debt ceiling will not increase our de...umm...ahh...strike that!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on November 19, 2013, 09:52:52 AM
Now, remember...raising the debt ceiling will not increase our de...umm...ahh...strike that!

No its true. Raising the debt limit will not raise our debt.  I have Credit Cards with ceilings higher than I would ever possibly need. I do not acquire more debt. Raising the debt ceiling will not create more debt.  Giving control of the spending to self-serving, narcissistic, hateful, arrogant,  elitist lefties like Borat will.

Its true in the same way that it is the insurance companies cancelling their polices -- the fact that  self-serving, narcissistic, hateful, arrogant,  elitist lefties are coercing  such behavior through  regulations doesn't matter you see.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on November 19, 2013, 10:15:59 AM
Banks planned to make SS payments? (

I know for a fact some banks actually refused to release funds from some of these accounts during the shutdown..  but say its true.. What then is the difference between the treasury and these big Crony banks in league with the FED?   If the treasury won't pay the bills, then the banks will using loans directly from the Fed?
Really? THAT is the plan to extend and pretend this? Will we pay taxes directly to the banks too?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 19, 2013, 11:26:22 AM
Now, remember...raising the debt ceiling will not increase our de...umm...ahh...strike that!

No its true. Raising the debt limit will not raise our debt.  I have Credit Cards with ceilings higher than I would ever possibly need. I do not acquire more debt. Raising the debt ceiling will not create more debt.  Giving control of the spending to self-serving, narcissistic, hateful, arrogant,  elitist lefties like Borat will.

Its true in the same way that it is the insurance companies cancelling their polices -- the fact that  self-serving, narcissistic, hateful, arrogant,  elitist lefties are coercing  such behavior through  regulations doesn't matter you see.


The wink-and-nod inside-the-beltway speak is one thing, reality quite another...I just hope I get to personally witness some of these perpetrators and enablers getting their just reward.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 19, 2013, 11:33:54 AM
Banks planned to make SS payments? (

I know for a fact some banks actually refused to release funds from some of these accounts during the shutdown..  but say its true.. What then is the difference between the treasury and these big Crony banks in league with the FED?   If the treasury won't pay the bills, then the banks will using loans directly from the Fed?
Really? THAT is the plan to extend and pretend this? Will we pay taxes directly to the banks too?

We were not meant to peek behind this curtain...pretty much speaks to the worst fears of the rabidly anti-Fed anti-Treasury anti-WallSt anti-Bank zealots at ZeroHedge, and in this respect the wicked cabal is exposed for all to see and they can justly proclaim "See, I told you so!".

This is a nightmare in scope, besides the obvious it also gives the elite a voice in picking winners and losers come a crisis...but I think they unwittingly would seal their own fate in an extended crisis...unless their Fedcoat allies agree to roll in armed personnel, how could peace be maintained (even the fleeting appearance of peace!) and hoped to be contained from spreading?  I think these clowns just stepped on their own dicks and guaranteed a little crisis can become a great big fugly one.

Bring it!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 27, 2013, 07:13:31 AM
If you've had your fill of bad news, take a pass, otherwise this is one of the better comprehensive efforts to illustrate how crazy things are across the globe...I kinda like the hand-written comments, being a sometimes margin-scribbler myself... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 13, 2013, 06:55:37 AM (

Can't wait for the next 200...

...days, not years...

...seriously I don't know how the Fed is going to keep a lid on things once the chain-reaction of total system collapse begins...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 16, 2013, 07:31:57 AM
Peter Schiff slams jackass politicans in latest rant. (

God Bless Peter!  If only more of the great unwashed would open their ears and minds perhaps we wouldn't have so many spineless mindless asshats running things into the dirt!

Oh well, if if's and but's were candy and nuts everyday would be Christmas!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: oldcoastie6468 on December 16, 2013, 08:08:27 AM
...seriously I don't know how the Fed is going to keep a lid on things once the chain-reaction of total system collapse begins...

Storm troopers would be their only chance, and then the real war would begin.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 16, 2013, 11:41:53 AM
...seriously I don't know how the Fed is going to keep a lid on things once the chain-reaction of total system collapse begins...

Storm troopers would be their only chance, and then the real war would begin.

Goes sideways hard enough some of those caped clowns could be more worried about protecting the family and homestead than try to save the bacon of some rich bankers and asswipe politicans...

Here's hoping most of them are married with kids!


(Assuming the statists haven't gotten around to Stalineque threatening of family...)
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on December 30, 2013, 10:22:23 AM
Get Your Rose colored Glasses on!

This year, however, all should give thanks! Not just the 1%, but anyone that owns a house, an IRA, a 401(k), a pension plan, etc., because household net-worth is at all-time highs of $129 trillion. Further, the Wilshire 5000, which is roughly equal to the market value of all U.S. equities, is valued at $19 trillion versus its 2009 low of $7 trillion, which has an extremely positive “wealth effect” on consumption for the American consumer. This is a huge positive, as is the dramatic decline in gasoline prices. Obviously, this is a “feel good” accelerator for the American public. As my friend Barry Ritholtz writes, “The pessimists overlooked three big news stories this year.

Americans' debt burdens are as low as they've been in a generation.

Health care cost growth has plunged.

The federal budget deficit has fallen off a cliff.”

Additionally, Federal outlays have declined by 1.4% m/m in November and have been flat for nearly five years, Federal tax receipts have surged by 2.8% m/m, and personal income and corporate profits have soared. The federal deficit has narrowed to less than 4.0% of GDP, and the CBO is estimating it will narrow to 3.3% in 2014. (

Gas Prices? (

Hooray! They are down to just over $3! At a time of year when they are historically low! They wouldn't increase in the spring would they? I mean like they have ever year since they started keeping charts.

And real estate was better than expected?  (

Wow. Amazing recovery.  Hey I have a guess as to why "debt burdens are down"

Its  because people have gone bankrupt moron, 20% of the population is unemployed, and no one is GIVING LOANS anymore, and that is killing new ventures -be it buying a new house or starting a business.   That was money lost out of the system, and really its the only thing keeping the Fed Printing in check

And  The growth in health care costs plunged? ( We are looking at plunges in derivatives because absolutes show growth still? Let me guess, you don't suffer from intellectual integrity?

But hmm, why would cost no longer be "rising" as much- Could that have anything to do with people no longer being insured? Or do you think its just because so many Doctors are either leaving the profession,  or simply refusing to take Medicare/medicaid? Oh, and this is all based on "projections" from a council directly under Obama's control.  Not hard data. But trust us. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance you can keep your insurance.

And finally the federal deficit is "improving!' because Obama pushed 300 Billion out of the last Fiscal year and into this one, and changed how we actually measure GDP so the GDP number looks bigger. Or did you forget that the Federal government pretended to not spend a penny for 6 months? WOW! MANIPULATIVE MATH IS FIRM PROOF THINGS ARE BETTER. Meanwhile, the Gov's own projections still have us at over 100% of GDP even with the new methods. The debt for the Fiscal year(Began Oct 1)  is ALREADY 486 Billion as of today - more than ANY yearly deficit GW Bush Ran, and we have 9 More months of spending to add. But don't worry, It will be fine. They have fallen of a cliff. Or the economy will.

Its all sunshine from here on out folks!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 30, 2013, 04:51:19 PM
It's all unicorn's and skittles!   ::whoohoo::

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on December 31, 2013, 11:14:31 AM
Doing the math (


EPS is "Earnings per Share" for the uninitiated..

Stock market is up! Good times are Here Again!  And its all printed money.
Seriously, if you are invested in stocks, you are first in line for the money. Rpvoded of course you get out AND spend it before the collapse.
 Think how much you could have made  just investing in an index fund since 2007 when the Dow was at 6500 - it will be 17000 before the years is out ( providing the collapse doesn't come before then)  - The stock market continuously went up in Weimar.. but the earning per share will be ever smaller, because the companies you are invested in will have an ever harder time making it in the inflationary environment .  We aren't there yet, and EPS will appear positive for a while - as long as costs and  prices can keep up with inflation.  At some point, they can't.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Glock32 on December 31, 2013, 05:07:26 PM
It's all unicorn's and skittles!   ::whoohoo::


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 01, 2014, 01:18:34 PM
Yup, buy the hope...there is no downside...until...well, why ruin the surprise?!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 04, 2014, 11:49:25 AM
Effin' Yellen could be in for one heck of a rocky ride as FedHead!

The Big Boys are bailing! (

Soros dumping bank stocks?  Damn, that is just a bit ominous!  And consumer staples?  Things people need to live...they think they'll be less demand for some reason...could be anything from a severe economic downturn to war and BITS!

2014 gonna be a beginning of the end, just like a lot of folks have been predicting?  We make it to the 3rd quarter before everything unravels I guess I'd be surprised....
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: oldcoastie6468 on January 04, 2014, 11:59:15 AM
2014 gonna be a beginning of the end, just like a lot of folks have been predicting?  We make it to the 3rd quarter before everything unravels I guess I'd be surprised....

I'd be shocked.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 07, 2014, 07:10:53 AM
More shocking news...

Ruling Class Progs confirm fukkin' Yellen as Fed Chair. (

And insult to injury -

U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Vice Chair of the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee (JEC), released the following statement after the Senate voted to confirm Janet Yellen to serve as the next Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System:


“Janet Yellen’s wealth of experience directing policy at the Federal Reserve and her longstanding reputation as one of the country’s most highly esteemed economists make her well-qualified to serve as Federal Reserve Chair, and as the first woman to hold the post she will also be an inspiration to young women everywhere. I look forward to working with her as we focus on strengthening our economy.”

 ::puke::   ::gaah::   ::bigpuke::   ::cussing::   ::effu::

And a commenter found this gem -


Benny Yellen!   ::hysterical::

Also, "it's Pat!" works!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: rustybayonet on January 09, 2014, 06:55:01 AM
More indications of coming implosion - last nights local news; Compass [a banking & loan] in Birmingham, AL area to lay off 400-600 {after a small increase, a drop in local housing and buiilding is triggering the move}.  Then this morning on the net; Macy's to lay off 2,500.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 09, 2014, 07:14:17 AM
If the marketing campaigns for HARP are as voluminous and annoying elsewhere as they are here I am taking that as a sign that their not-so-secret desire to shore up shaky assets on their books isn't the big life-saver it was meant to be...all ostensibly to benefit the poor underwater mortgage holder of course!  There could be another wave of distressed banks hitting the skids...certainly the lackluster retail housing market indicates that, but the commercial market has been a pig sty for some time too.  2014 gonna be just a swell year, eh?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ChrstnHsbndFthr on January 09, 2014, 05:59:37 PM
More shocking news...

Ruling Class Progs confirm fukkin' Yellen as Fed Chair. (

And insult to injury -

U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Vice Chair of the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee (JEC), released the following statement after the Senate voted to confirm Janet Yellen to serve as the next Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System:


“Janet Yellen’s wealth of experience directing policy at the Federal Reserve and her longstanding reputation as one of the country’s most highly esteemed economists make her well-qualified to serve as Federal Reserve Chair, and as the first woman to hold the post she will also be an inspiration to young women everywhere. I look forward to working with her as we focus on strengthening our economy.”

 ::puke::   ::gaah::   ::bigpuke::   ::cussing::   ::effu::

And a commenter found this gem -


Benny Yellen!   ::hysterical::

Also, "it's Pat!" works!

I say it's a match!!  (What I do not understand is that I had heard Benny was dead?)
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 10, 2014, 07:19:16 AM

And a commenter found this gem -


Benny Yellen!   ::hysterical::

Also, "it's Pat!" works!

I say it's a match!!  (What I do not understand is that I had heard Benny was dead?)

Maybe just recycled?!   ;D
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on January 10, 2014, 09:34:07 AM (

So how bout that recovery! Aren't the stock prices amazing!

Record Tax Revenues, Record Profits,  record index prices are all easy to achieve when  you have record prices on food, gas, fuel  and record breaking levels of corruption and cronyism. Wiemar also enjoyed a boom in stock market prices..while the companies they represented got less and less profitable under the hyper inflationary conditions.  Stocks will be a great way to at least keep pace with inflation -- till, you know, they suddenly aren't. Its Vegas Baby!
Have fun gambling! You know, if you aren't one of the people who can't get a job...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 10, 2014, 11:48:34 AM
It's like Reagan - Bush II never ocurred!

Welcome to the National Socialists States of Abject Misery, our chief steward is his Royal Highness Barack WhoSane? Obama Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.  Step forward and be branded a serf.

SSDD - (

The beatings will continue...until nobody is employed or seeking employment...perfect zero!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: BigAlSouth on January 12, 2014, 07:39:22 AM
This morning, I signed up at ZeroHedge. I strongly suggest that everyone here at IAL do the same.

Also, I plan to spend more time at this Topic than I have in the past. Check out a new thread I  am starting: "Assuming the Collapse, I Plan to . . ."

The sh!t  is coming folks. It will be worse than the thirties because the politicians in power, mostly Democrats, but a surprising number of Republicans, are strong enough to make the correct fiscal decisions. Too many Pubs are scared that the media is going to call them bad names if they don't go along to get along. In any event, the tipping point is here, it really ain't gonna matter.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 13, 2014, 08:01:39 AM
Indeed, the end game is approaching fast.

There are some things to be aware of at ZeroHedge - Their penchant for Jew-bashing (some are gratuitous, others more specific/less broadly condemning), favoring the young vs the old (they have a visceral hatred of the boomers...some may distinguish they are not all a bunch of progressive fools or red-team dupes, not always recognizable though), their general beleif that people of faith (Spaghetti Monster in the Sky) are fools, their belief that Ron Paul is as near a living immortal as one can find, their Code Pink type hatred of any warlike action and outdated belief in the Military-Industrial Complex makes them out to be pacifists, their general belief in just about every urban legend on the planet - especially 911 trutherism, their beleif in the loving Muslim, etc etc...but the economic analysis is worth the clutter, they are a treasure trove of information, but they have their favorites within the economic collapse theorist crowd, any one of which may be right or wrong, but the general consensus is obvious - things cannot and will not continue as they are.  Currencies, debt,'s all about to hit the mother-of-all fans.  Preparing for the inevitable is sensible, and chief among that is orienting for a barter economy because once the waves of violence and panic end that will be the only kind of economy to be had.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on January 13, 2014, 11:21:27 AM
Indeed, the end game is approaching fast.

There are some things to be aware of at ZeroHedge - Their penchant for Jew-bashing (some are gratuitous, others more specific/less broadly condemning), favoring the young vs the old (they have a visceral hatred of the boomers...some may distinguish they are not all a bunch of progressive fools or red-team dupes, not always recognizable though), their general beleif that people of faith (Spaghetti Monster in the Sky) are fools, their belief that Ron Paul is as near a living immortal as one can find, their Code Pink type hatred of any warlike action and outdated belief in the Military-Industrial Complex makes them out to be pacifists, their general belief in just about every urban legend on the planet - especially 911 trutherism, their beleif in the loving Muslim, etc etc...but the economic analysis is worth the clutter, they are a treasure trove of information, but they have their favorites within the economic collapse theorist crowd, any one of which may be right or wrong, but the general consensus is obvious - things cannot and will not continue as they are.  Currencies, debt,'s all about to hit the mother-of-all fans.  Preparing for the inevitable is sensible, and chief among that is orienting for a barter economy because once the waves of violence and panic end that will be the only kind of economy to be had.

I actually find Zerohedge has a nice mix.. definitely tend to lean Ron Paul big L libertarian ( anti religion, anti war) and there is a fair contingent of Info-wars folks,  and of course you got your trolls, but many of the comments are insightful - even from those I disagree strongly with.  Enough that I have to sit there and figure out  why they are wrong if I disagree or modify my thinking if I can't. Just ignore the trolls ..

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 13, 2014, 12:00:22 PM
Indeed, the end game is approaching fast.

There are some things to be aware of at ZeroHedge - Their penchant for Jew-bashing (some are gratuitous, others more specific/less broadly condemning), favoring the young vs the old (they have a visceral hatred of the boomers...some may distinguish they are not all a bunch of progressive fools or red-team dupes, not always recognizable though), their general beleif that people of faith (Spaghetti Monster in the Sky) are fools, their belief that Ron Paul is as near a living immortal as one can find, their Code Pink type hatred of any warlike action and outdated belief in the Military-Industrial Complex makes them out to be pacifists, their general belief in just about every urban legend on the planet - especially 911 trutherism, their beleif in the loving Muslim, etc etc...but the economic analysis is worth the clutter, they are a treasure trove of information, but they have their favorites within the economic collapse theorist crowd, any one of which may be right or wrong, but the general consensus is obvious - things cannot and will not continue as they are.  Currencies, debt,'s all about to hit the mother-of-all fans.  Preparing for the inevitable is sensible, and chief among that is orienting for a barter economy because once the waves of violence and panic end that will be the only kind of economy to be had.

I actually find Zerohedge has a nice mix.. definitely tend to lean Ron Paul big L libertarian ( anti religion, anti war) and there is a fair contingent of Info-wars folks,  and of course you got your trolls, but many of the comments are insightful - even from those I disagree strongly with.  Enough that I have to sit there and figure out  why they are wrong if I disagree or modify my thinking if I can't. Just ignore the trolls ..

Yup.  On more than one occasion I've followed a link in a comment that intrigued me and was surprised what I found...sometimes following the crumbs leads to a crank site, but such is the digital age and people...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on January 14, 2014, 08:51:01 AM
I think this one is right on the money (

the government will demand and the Fed will acquiesce in even further expansions to the money supply via direct purchases of these government bonds, formerly held by our overseas trading partners. This will produce even higher levels of inflation, of course. Then, in order to prevent the loss of purchasing power by politically connected groups, the government will print even more money to fund special payouts to these groups. For example, government will demand that Social Security beneficiaries get their automatic increases; likewise for the quarter of the population getting disability benefits. Military and government employee pay will be increased. Funding for government cost-plus contracts will ratchet up. As the dollar drops in value overseas, local purchases by our overextended military will cost more in dollar terms (as the dollar buys fewer units of the local currencies), necessitating an emergency increase in funding.

The Wage-Price spiral will be started not by employers upping wages, but by the government upping entitlements and Government unions forcing pay increases, and state and local governments being bailed out..  The EBT cards and social security checks will go up - that is the wage increase part of the equation..  in response to foreigners abandoning the dollar.  These bailouts and increases are  paid for by still more debt- which causes more foreigners to dump more dollars. Rinse, repeat. Of course foreigners want the best value for the dollars they have that they can get, so they will drag that process out..selling a little at a time ( you know, exactly unlike these mysterious gold traders who are under such pressure to sell gold, that they ROUTINELY  drop huge sell orders on the exchange when it opens, dropping the price by $20-40 and loosing millions instead of selling a little at a time to keep the price high..but there is no manipulation there.. )

(I suspect that is exactly what foreigners are exchanging dollars for - Gold. It might even be a deal State made with China for not destroying the dollar right away-- we will rig the system to keep gold prices at $1200 - and you can buy it with those dollars you don't want! Just keep reporting  that you have them in your reserves... )

There may never be a sudden and mass stampede for the door. Just a long slow steady decline in which the Fed buys ever more of our debt back.. and the foreigners  immediately turn around and try to spend those dollars in the US, driving up prices more and feeding this death spiral.

Yes the fed could stop it by allowing rates to rise, but that would, as the article points out, send us into a recession and makes the interest on the  governments debts ever harder to pay ( without borrowing/printing even more from the Fed)  With the Dem's obvious vote rigging and in-pocket media,  just don't see anything changing politically - it will be kick the can till we can't.

Shadow Stats ( has inflation running at near 8% using the 1980s method of calculating it


and 6% using the methods used in the 90s


Are your "investments" providing you with a 6%  return? Did your wages increase by 6%. If not you lost money this year.
Hey maybe you should try that HFT casino called stocks! ( ( worth clicking on for the propaganda aspect. Not one mention of QE or the Fed ( except in the comments)  - but they were sure to put in the chart of Gold and bonds falling...)

Yes folks, the stock market in Wiemar Germany was hopping too. Its hard to say how much longer it will last.. There are certainly some money to be made, but if you need at least 6%  with taxes on top of it,  you need those 28%  returns the Market indexes have been providing of late.  And they will continue to provide... till they don't. Talk about gambling.  Sometimes I wish I had done it and dropped a bunch in back when the DOW was 7000. But I think how much I would have been willing to gamble at the time.. It wouldn't have been more than $10K (I am not a bet it all on Black kind of guy.. ) . So I would have $20K now.  No, I will take the piece of mind I got from having a prepped place to run to...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 14, 2014, 09:16:36 AM
By the time the sheeple feel will be so far past too fricken late it won't be funny.  It'll be BITS!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on January 16, 2014, 08:28:25 AM (

This system is failing. Its collapse will be messy.

There is no need to fret over debt or the monetary system, or the Feds economic and monetary “models”. There is no need to grouse about their manipulations. These things are destined to fail and are already doing so. What we will do in the aftermath of their complete failure, however, is probably of utmost importance."
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 16, 2014, 11:41:54 AM
Get ready for Bartertown.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: BigAlSouth on January 18, 2014, 08:29:55 AM
There is a product that can be made by just about anyone with the desire, and readily tradable when the show drops.


Now is the time to experiment with the type you want to brew, ferment or distill. An added benefit for distilled spirits is that it has medicinal value as an antiseptic and pain killer.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on January 18, 2014, 10:22:08 AM
There is a product that can be made by just about anyone with the desire, and readily tradable when the show drops.


Now is the time to experiment with the type you want to brew, ferment or distill. An added benefit for distilled spirits is that it has medicinal value as an antiseptic and pain killer.

And as a fuel.

way ahead of you.. (

Make sure you get a Fuel license do the feds don't hassle you. 

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: trapeze on January 18, 2014, 10:39:08 PM
Oh, boy. Just what I need...another hobby/project. preps are kicking ass. I must have enough food/water now to last six months.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 19, 2014, 03:57:03 PM
Gosh, nice design they got there!  ::thumbsup::

I might have to get into to this!  Brewed beer, think alcohol might be the way to go though.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: oldcoastie6468 on January 19, 2014, 10:52:15 PM
A couple of my buddies make home brewed alcohol. Not beer, but alcohol. Tastes great and it is really  s-m-o-o-t-h
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: trapeze on January 20, 2014, 12:32:36 AM
Having reviewed the information I think that a home built unit is the way to need to be on anyone's radar. They have a link to a page where you can get complete (and perfected) plans. ( I have no doubt whatsoever that I can build this.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 20, 2014, 07:29:36 AM
Good point Trap, and if soldering is the hardest part, heck, I might even be able to do this.  I'll have to look these plans over in detail, my BIL is handy and could assist.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on January 20, 2014, 08:40:25 AM
Good point Trap, and if soldering is the hardest part, heck, I might even be able to do this.  I'll have to look these plans over in detail, my BIL is handy and could assist.

Yeah, I have tried soldering, and I suck at it. Plus a lot of this stuff is hard to source.. article basically admits of it. Yes, you can build one: moonshiners and farmers did it for decades.  When the Model T came out it ran on both alcohol and gasoline, because alcohol was the more plentiful fuel

For   the Stainless Steel models ,  you are looking at $400-$700 based on size.  I own one of this guy's earlier units ( and seeing the newer stuff almost makes me want to buy another..), and I can attest to the build quality. These are well made. You are almost certain to spend more than $400 on just parts, throw in your labor, and these things are a pretty good deal in comparison, especially because you get those weekends back to spend on something else.


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: trapeze on January 20, 2014, 08:59:20 AM
Yeah, but I don't want to be on anyone's list of equipment owners. This fine print quote from the products page caught my attention:

Under regulations in part 29 of title 27, Code of Federal Regulations, TTB has the right to require manufacturers of stills to give the name and address of each customer.

I agree that I will almost certainly pay more to make my own but I can't put a price on anonymity and being free of federal scrutiny. Once they start looking it is sort of difficult to get them to stop.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 20, 2014, 09:31:07 AM
Yeah, I don't like that either Trap...and I haven't found a way to get my McLovin' ID yet...don't suppose they'd just take my word for what I give them and have them drop it off to an address in the middle of nowhere and accept my envelope of cash, eh?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on January 20, 2014, 10:44:13 AM
Yeah, but I don't want to be on anyone's list of equipment owners. This fine print quote from the products page caught my attention:

Under regulations in part 29 of title 27, Code of Federal Regulations, TTB has the right to require manufacturers of stills to give the name and address of each customer.

I agree that I will almost certainly pay more to make my own but I can't put a price on anonymity and being free of federal scrutiny. Once they start looking it is sort of difficult to get them to stop.

Nah. You look like a liberal hippie to them. Apply for a small scale fuel license.  I suppose there is some small chance they would audit you and show up to make sure you had denatured the alcohol you produced. Bottom line, if they want to hassle you, they will find a way to hassle you.  Make your own and they raid you its just that much easier to do it.  And trust me,  I am sure they already  have you on a list just for keeping food, participating in  this forum and having a history of voting. If they decide its time to give you a hard time, it won't be because you purchased a still.  Yeah, I suppose they could use it as an excuse, but if you don't give them that excuse they will make up another. After all  they are illegally pulling people over for having a CCW in another state. . there is no rule of law, and they ony excuse the police need now is "we wanted to."
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: trapeze on January 20, 2014, 11:31:05 AM
If I could go to their location, pay cash and walk out...then fine. But they also say that they do not have a store front...only that you can place an order (which implies giving them your personal data) and make arrangements to pick the unit up. I would assume that, like buying a firearm from a dealer, they have federal requirements about record keeping.

And trust me on this one: I don't look like a liberal hippie to anyone.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Alphabet Soup on January 20, 2014, 11:52:42 AM
Identification isn't much more than a bump in the road. The expedient way is straw purchase. Harder is fake ID. I've got the ID but I've been reluctant to actually establish credit with it (haven't figured out the legal consequences yet). Right now I've used it to establish a "Christmas Club" savings account with a modest balance.

The intent is not to defraud anyone - it is for self defense against a runaway government. So while I recognize that my actions are likely illegal my motives are good and my conscience is clear.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: trapeze on January 20, 2014, 02:23:32 PM
Unfortunately, that doesn't work out so well in a community where almost everyone knows you on sight and by name.
Identification isn't much more than a bump in the road. The expedient way is straw purchase. Harder is fake ID. I've got the ID but I've been reluctant to actually establish credit with it (haven't figured out the legal consequences yet). Right now I've used it to establish a "Christmas Club" savings account with a modest balance.

The intent is not to defraud anyone - it is for self defense against a runaway government. So while I recognize that my actions are likely illegal my motives are good and my conscience is clear.

Unfortunately, that doesn't work out so well in a community where almost everyone knows you on sight and by name.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: benb61 on February 05, 2014, 10:19:24 AM
Get a P.O. box for 3 months and pay with a Money Order.  For the P.O. box they will ask for a residence, give them any address (they don't check, best is the address of an apartment complex and any unit number) no ID required for a Money Order.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 05, 2014, 11:24:49 AM
Get a P.O. box for 3 months and pay with a Money Order.  For the P.O. box they will ask for a residence, give them any address (they don't check, best is the address of an apartment complex and any unit number) no ID required for a Money Order.

If I try that and get busted will people visit me?!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Alphabet Soup on February 05, 2014, 11:33:36 AM
Unfortunately, that doesn't work out so well in a community where almost everyone knows you on sight and by name.
Identification isn't much more than a bump in the road. The expedient way is straw purchase. Harder is fake ID. I've got the ID but I've been reluctant to actually establish credit with it (haven't figured out the legal consequences yet). Right now I've used it to establish a "Christmas Club" savings account with a modest balance.

The intent is not to defraud anyone - it is for self defense against a runaway government. So while I recognize that my actions are likely illegal my motives are good and my conscience is clear.

Unfortunately, that doesn't work out so well in a community where almost everyone knows you on sight and by name.

It will be a chapter in my sad saga (to be published at a later date) but the short version: my official address is a drop box in a town 35 miles from where I live. when I rented the box I gave the postmaster an address so rural that she exclaimed, "Oh you can't get mail there!" I nodded yes and she gave me the box for free. Everything including my driver license, vehicle titles, utility bills, and taxes come here. I make a trip once a month to pick up mail. The postmaster "knows" that whatever job I have takes me on the road most of the time so she looks out for me to make sure I don't lose any mail.

No one in town knows me except the postmaster and she doesn't know what she thinks she knows. I am for all intents and purposes transparent - if I turn the right way I disappear altogether ;')

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: benb61 on February 05, 2014, 12:32:24 PM
Unfortunately, that doesn't work out so well in a community where almost everyone knows you on sight and by name.
Identification isn't much more than a bump in the road. The expedient way is straw purchase. Harder is fake ID. I've got the ID but I've been reluctant to actually establish credit with it (haven't figured out the legal consequences yet). Right now I've used it to establish a "Christmas Club" savings account with a modest balance.

The intent is not to defraud anyone - it is for self defense against a runaway government. So while I recognize that my actions are likely illegal my motives are good and my conscience is clear.

Unfortunately, that doesn't work out so well in a community where almost everyone knows you on sight and by name.

It will be a chapter in my sad saga (to be published at a later date) but the short version: my official address is a drop box in a town 35 miles from where I live. when I rented the box I gave the postmaster an address so rural that she exclaimed, "Oh you can't get mail there!" I nodded yes and she gave me the box for free. Everything including my driver license, vehicle titles, utility bills, and taxes come here. I make a trip once a month to pick up mail. The postmaster "knows" that whatever job I have takes me on the road most of the time so she looks out for me to make sure I don't lose any mail.

No one in town knows me except the postmaster and she doesn't know what she thinks she knows. I am for all intents and purposes transparent - if I turn the right way I disappear altogether ;')

You are my hero.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 06, 2014, 07:21:22 AM
No kidding, wish I could do that.  But I doubt I could find a place in the state that would give me a box without asking for ID of some sort or another...Big Brother is alive and well in these parts...and it's not considered Minnesota Nice to not behave like a domesticated animal...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Alphabet Soup on February 06, 2014, 02:56:36 PM
No kidding, wish I could do that.  But I doubt I could find a place in the state that would give me a box without asking for ID of some sort or another...Big Brother is alive and well in these parts...and it's not considered Minnesota Nice to not behave like a domesticated animal...


You're not taking the more creative long range view. When I opened my PO box my DL address pointed to an address that I had never actually lived. But even that's not the point. Just like prepping, you gotta start somewhere, have to have a goal in mind, and some idea of how you want to get there. My goal was to be as shadowy as possible, on a shoestring. It meant that I would have to execute a number of moves, all meant to leave false trails while allowing time to erase the real ones.

I've studied the state RCW's and, outside of a few technical fouls, I'm still inside the letter of the law (even if I've trampled all over the spirit of the law). The applicable RCW states that it is "criminal to obtain a motor vehicle license for fraudulent purposes". Since I have not attempted to use the alternate ID I'm in a gray area regarding intent. My only ambition is to defend myself. I may become an outlaw but I don't consider anything I've done - or contemplated as criminal.

Besides, if Øbozo can have multiple birth certificates, why can't I?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 07, 2014, 06:59:27 AM
No kidding, wish I could do that.  But I doubt I could find a place in the state that would give me a box without asking for ID of some sort or another...Big Brother is alive and well in these parts...and it's not considered Minnesota Nice to not behave like a domesticated animal...


You're not taking the more creative long range view. When I opened my PO box my DL address pointed to an address that I had never actually lived. But even that's not the point. Just like prepping, you gotta start somewhere, have to have a goal in mind, and some idea of how you want to get there. My goal was to be as shadowy as possible, on a shoestring. It meant that I would have to execute a number of moves, all meant to leave false trails while allowing time to erase the real ones.

I've studied the state RCW's and, outside of a few technical fouls, I'm still inside the letter of the law (even if I've trampled all over the spirit of the law). The applicable RCW states that it is "criminal to obtain a motor vehicle license for fraudulent purposes". Since I have not attempted to use the alternate ID I'm in a gray area regarding intent. My only ambition is to defend myself. I may become an outlaw but I don't consider anything I've done - or contemplated as criminal.

Besides, if Øbozo can have multiple birth certificates, why can't I?

I can't argue with any of that, and I admire the creativity!  I must ponder some things and see if I can incorporate a similar attempt into my plans.  As it stands I am in a bit of a limbo regarding my BOL, but one way or another I have a pretirement step I am approaching, and you gave me good stuff to think about!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 07, 2014, 07:01:39 AM
BOT - Re:Implosion...

If auto sales are any indication... (

...comparable to Venezuela?

How many more indignities do we have to suffer under these proglodyte fools?!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 05, 2014, 06:44:09 AM
Wow. (

Screwed glued and tattooed! 
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on March 08, 2014, 08:54:33 PM
Missed this last week somehow..  Russia Threatens to Dump US  Treasuries if sanctions imposed (

John Williams concurs
John Williams ( Shadowstats) chimes in here and suggests this could cause other nations to follow suit.  (
Guess this is what Soros was betting on when he started shorting dollars.  This could be the black swan event that starts all of the foreigners running for the doors.  The Fed of course will buy everything Russia dumps, and Russia will take those dollars and spend them right away. Probably in ways  that will maximize inflation in the US...

Why do I feel like I am in a roller coaster  (the really really high wooden one at Cedar Park that sways in the wind at the top)  and we are just about to reach the peak.. Clik Clik Clik Clik..

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 10, 2014, 07:06:59 AM
I thought I linked the first one, heck I can't remember where, that was so last week!   ;D

I remember pooh-poohing it though.  Everybody holds everybody elses crap, dumping one will cause all to dump theirs so they can in turn (just as you point) out buy their own.  We'll have worldwide inflation...and the Yuan would win the currency war probably by default.

But we'll test that Mutually Assured Destruction compact as we go down the rollerocaster...if the tracks collapse at the botton then we'll know for sure, eh?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on March 14, 2014, 06:35:36 PM
Don't look now but  Foreigners are dumping treasuries  ( - probably at Russia's threat to do so. Get in before the rush while the prices are high folks!

The Mutually assured destruction pact only works till someone stops playing.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on March 16, 2014, 08:47:33 AM
Don't look now but  Foreigners are dumping treasuries  ( - probably at Russia's threat to do so. Get in before the rush while the prices are high folks!

The Mutually assured destruction pact only works till someone stops playing.

That's OK.  We'll just instruct the right hand of government to buy up more of what the left hand is issuing.  We are already literally printing our entire deficits, now.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 16, 2014, 01:40:44 PM
Kinda reminds me of the books my little nephews read when they were potty-training..."Everybody Poops".

Yup, let the pooping commence.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on March 21, 2014, 08:59:48 AM
This will tighten your sphincter.

Russia and China in talks over Natural Gas deal (

Russia is preparing the announcement of the "Holy Grail" energy deal with none other than China, a move which would send geopolitical shockwaves around the world and bind the two nations in a commodity-backed axis. One which, as some especially on these pages, have suggested would lay the groundwork for a new joint, commodity-backed reserve currency that bypasses the dollar, something which Russia implied moments ago when its finance minister Siluanov said that Russia may regain from foreign borrowing this year. Translated: bypass western purchases of Russian debt, funded by Chinese purchases of US Treasurys, and go straight to the source.

And hence Putin's threat to trash the dollar.  I don't think this gas deal by itself will get it done, but if Russia and China become true trading partners and allies,  in the sense that the US and Europe have been,  the combination will be pretty unstoppable.  The question really is how far are they down that road?

Neither country alone is ready to back a true money currency ( which they can, at a later date, revert to fiat as the United States did)  but together, they have the gold reserves and natural resources to do so. This means that they may be able to avoid a costly war with each other as the West declines and the scramble for Western controlled areas begins. They may decide that Western Europe belongs to Russia, and the Pacific  rim belongs to China.- with expansion into India a possibility. 
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: rustybayonet on March 21, 2014, 09:20:24 AM
And both countries have us to thank for saving their asses during and after WWII.  Russia always has, and now China is considering turning.  Had a teacher many years ago that served in Korea, and he told us to be fearful of China, looks like he was a profit. -- Thanks to the current 'puppet assh*le' we have at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.,  it is coming faster the last 6 years than in any period since the 50's, and I hope it's not to late - WAKE UP AMERICA"   ::pullhair::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 21, 2014, 11:26:56 AM
Yeah, well..only a fool thinks a Rooskie-ChiCom deal would hold some point (once all other rivals are gone) the more populous partner would inhale the smaller.  Then again Putin and Russia are just crazy enough to think they can survive their partner.


Russians never realize they achieve more looking West than East (or inward), screw it, in the end I don't care what happens to either of 'em.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on March 21, 2014, 11:29:29 AM
Yeah, well..only a fool thinks a Rooskie-ChiCom deal would hold some point (once all other rivals are gone) the more populous partner would inhale the smaller.  Then again Putin and Russia are just crazy enough to think they can survive their partner.


Russians never realize they achieve more looking West than East (or inward), screw it, in the end I don't care what happens to either of 'em.

They just need to agree to split the world in half. ...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 21, 2014, 11:35:46 AM
Yeah, well..only a fool thinks a Rooskie-ChiCom deal would hold some point (once all other rivals are gone) the more populous partner would inhale the smaller.  Then again Putin and Russia are just crazy enough to think they can survive their partner.


Russians never realize they achieve more looking West than East (or inward), screw it, in the end I don't care what happens to either of 'em.

They just need to agree to split the world in half. ...

Don't want either one, would rather this act, if it is to be so, that it be literal.  ;)

ETA - Weisshaupt, check this out... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on March 21, 2014, 02:08:21 PM
OMG. (

With Bernanke gone, the remaining Fed members knowing full well they will be crucified, metaphorically of course (if not literally) when it all inevitably comes crashing down, are finally at liberty with their words... and the truth is bleeding out courtesy of the president of the Dallas Fed:

Which incidentally coincides with Bernanke's heartfelt "admission" that "my natural inclinations, even if it weren’t for the legal mandate, would be to try to help the average person." As long as helped to boost the wealth of the non-average billionaire., all is forgiven.

Yes. I will boost wealth by printing more money.  Hey I know, lets make tree leaves legal tender. We will ALL BE FANTASTICALLY WEALTHY THEN..
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: LadyVirginia on March 21, 2014, 03:48:10 PM
Chinese have been moving into Russia esp Siberia. At some point I can see China moving to "protect" their people.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 24, 2014, 07:46:24 AM
Chinese have been moving into Russia esp Siberia. At some point I can see China moving to "protect" their people.

They'll have to uncouple from all that hugging first... (

The old gambit returneth.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 07, 2014, 02:30:55 PM
Hilarious! (

Peoples are in worse shape than gubmint...well, gubmint just hides it better in plain sight!


Embrace the, gloom!   :o
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 09, 2014, 06:43:03 AM
And the list of names shouldn't be a surprise here...Wells maybe (wonder if they're in too deep in student loans and bad mortgages?)...;_ylt=AwrTWf1KpERTUVkANhbQtDMD (;_ylt=AwrTWf1KpERTUVkANhbQtDMD)

...but if these trip over the dumbed-down benchmarks, you know the situation is actually is the list of those in trouble yet not yet publicized...

Probably see Bastard Son of TARP or some such being drummed up as the next "too big too fail" campaign...


ETA - The graphics alone are worth the time with this one! (

Clearly we have to be in the "delusion" zone!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 10, 2014, 07:53:40 AM
Another of the "list" postings, good rundown though, nice snapshots of how unprepared most really are... (

..the number of zombies is going to be in the mega-legion range...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 11, 2014, 07:30:24 AM (

Off in his timing, not off in his reasoning.

At some point very soon the wheels are going to fly off the cart...I think the public awareness that things are not as good as the Masters of the Universe say is starting to take root, I think the level of confidence people have in institutions, regulators and leaders in public and private sectors is sagging...the Kabuki with the dollar and manipulating markets is about played out...things are going to start to unbuckle, and when it starts its going to be hard if not impossible to arrest the momentum...

I keep looking at the late September to October period as being a key indicator.

Tick, tock...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on April 11, 2014, 09:24:30 AM
I keep looking at the late September to October period as being a key indicator.

Tick, tock...

I think I have convinced the wife this the is year we really empty the IRA completely ( and build a barn with the money)
I was way off on the timing before because I vastly overestimated average human intelligence and vastly under-estimated the resilience of normalcy-bias and the human tendency to stick with the Status Quo.  I wrongly assumed that because I was willing and bale to head of the well trodden stock path, the rest of the herd could to.  I was wrong.

This is coming, but I am now a proponent of the long slow, but punctuated slide scenario.

So yes,  a stock collapse (Dow down over 2000 - perhaps back to 7-8000) is likely this year -  if the Market was left to itself.  But its not. If a "crash" begins you can bet there is a Fed sponsored HFT machine that will simply bid it all back up with printed money , and continue to do so..( In the end don't be surprised when the Fed announces the US Government owns, via various cronies, majority shares in every major international and US company)

There will only be a "crash" if TPTB decide one would be politically beneficial.  In an election Year, I find this doubtful.  Or at least not till after the first week of November. Of  course their hold on the election cycle may be so secure, it  isn't even a concern.. but rest assured that the collapse will occur ONLY when TPTB determine  the chaos could be used to advance their agenda. But they need controlled chaos - so they will drop everything by stages  if they can... So a 4000 point drop in the Dow- causing an "emergency" in which they force all IRAs to be converted to MyRAs. (the "MY" indicating the Govt's ownership.  Gotta love Orwell)  They then pump up the Stock market again using QE.  And people will buy it because they are so invested in the status Quo they will do and accept ANYTHING to continue it for another year, another month, another day.  As that is the case, we will be killed slowly and over time by the inevitable corrosive effect of inflation.  Even if all of the dollars came home to roost, you can bet that the US Government will sell assets and do everything it can  to grab and sequester that money. ( A 200% tax on foreign acquisition of US Assets perhaps) - But even if they managed to grab all of it , you still don't have enough to pay the debt, but you have enough to buy more time, and so on..

Every year or two we will have a "crisis" in which they push in new regulations, steal more property, deprive us of more rights,  and the inflation will just get worse and worse, till we are living at 3rd world standards..  At some point it will collapse outside of the TPTB's ability to stop it, or there will be outright rebellion and successions,   but at that point, it may not be very far to fall - because as long as there is a semblance of the Status Quo people will do anything to maintain it. Its going to have to get a lot worse before it gets better.
Plan accordingly.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 14, 2014, 07:33:23 AM
Everybody speculating the tech bust...if it is that common knowledge the real players have already made their moves, the rest is scripted chaos...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 17, 2014, 08:18:30 AM
Pretty good definition of "unsustainable"! (

86 for 148...1.72 deadbeats for every worker...and the former is decreasing daily and the latter increasing daily and can only accelerate under more progressive rule...

Yeah.  We getting close...all we really need is a loss of confidence in Unca's ability to pay his bills on time and POOF!  The shat will hit the big fan!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 22, 2014, 07:06:53 AM
Never really dropped much since FDR (a blip here or there under JFK & Reagan)...but Obama needs to lock rates in becuase cutting spending means cutting welfare and cutting welfare means pain at the polls so...

Bleep it, break the damn thing already! (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 02, 2014, 07:30:27 AM
This is a nice rundown... (

...but no, if pain is involved, there will be no unwinding, no decoupling of casino capitalism or crony capitalism...the Fed, all the PTBs are locked on one course, they dare not cause much pain or they'll be suicided...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on May 02, 2014, 08:49:49 AM

Yeah.  We getting close...all we really need is a loss of confidence in Unca's ability to pay his bills on time and POOF!  The shat will hit the big fan!

Unca' will always pay his bills.  He has a printing press.  I am beginning to think there are very few events that would cause a catastrophic loos of confidence. The smart people with dollars won't panic anyone, because they want to ensure they get to head to the lifeboats  peacefully and without getting trampled. The Dance band keeps playing and will - even when the icy water is lapping around their ankles. Confidence is high-  the US Economy is unsinkable after all.

But I suspect the water will creep in slowly - and not suddenly, unless a war rips a hole in the side of the ship (which it may)
War gives them excuses to issue ration books, detain people without trial, set up internment camps and implement a police State.
They want a war. I am not sure Russia or China will oblige however - they know Obama is too cowardly to attack them.. now attacking Americans - thats different.  So False flags are possible.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 02, 2014, 11:41:03 AM
Eventually though Ponzai schemes always collapse, we already see evidence that it is running out of hiding room, and everytime more people get crushed out of the middle class the PTBs magic number of days left to survive dwindles...when enough people have been forced to accept being wards of the state or revolt, the additional numbers added to the victim pool ensures revolt comes eventually.  So you could be right the actual collpase might be slow and drawn out, but the very forces contributing to that contribute to speeding their own demise as well, and it could be a cascade kicks off that turns into a big rip.  I think we'll be set at each others throats or in the throes of some sort of choas one way or another...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 05, 2014, 02:21:11 PM
Oh oh!!!

If you aren't out soon...may be in for a real rocky ride!

This Coppock thing is spooky!

 ::exitstageleft:: (

30% would be optimistic... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 07, 2014, 11:41:55 AM
If you are not a crony of statists strong or lite...your just another loser... (

More class warfare called for?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 08, 2014, 07:07:24 AM
Yellin is screaming for more pumping!

Sounds dirty...and really, it really is! (

Yes, keep expanding the bubble, that always works.


The Bernanke sure got out at a good time...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on May 08, 2014, 10:25:21 AM
One of the better analysis papers I have seen  ( on where we are, how we got here, and why there is no escape.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 09, 2014, 08:06:24 AM
"If the State fails to satisfy enough of the citizenry's demands, it risks social instability."

No shyt?!

But to satisfy the FSA the middle class must be crushed, there is nobody left to loot, as the elite become more and more concerned with protecting what they have instead of staving off disaster by increasing investment, but what Captain of Industry wants to invest in something the state has to destroy in order to satisfy the parasitical masses?  The whole the political-economic scheme is self-defeating, and this is why we DO NOT have capitalism, because capitalism can only thrive when all who participate in it value work, value achievement and value reward for risk and achievment.

This can and will only end in blood.  The progressive's made sure of it.

ETA - Oh, and this does nothing at all to help the situation...unless by help you mean push it harder into the toilet... (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on May 09, 2014, 09:47:02 AM

Hey Remember when Jesus told you to take up your sword and go to your neighbors house, take his wealth, cutting his throat if he attempts to stop you, and then taking that wealth to go do good works?  Yeah, neither do I.  Had a libtard take exception when I said that once. Told me that in the old testament "charity" is derived from Justice and that Jews had some sort of mandatory collection for the poor as a form of "justice" ( Yep, thats right. Social Justice)  Completely lost on this jerk were the facts that  1) New Testament and Jesus used :Charity" as derived from the word "love" 2)  That they obviously on't give a crap about the separation of church and state when they are trying to impose the laws of a religious sect on everyone.

But we all knew that Leftism is a religion.

  The whole the political-economic scheme is self-defeating, and this is why we DO NOT have capitalism, because capitalism can only thrive when all who participate in it value work, value achievement and value reward for risk and achievment.

I would go further.  In Capitalism VALUE is what is traded..  The value of something is determined by the individual, and it must be traded voluntarily. If we didn't value what others have more then what we have,  then no trade would occur.

Any system in which the symbols of value (money) is  corrupted is not capitalism
Any system in which transactions concerning value are coerced isn't capitalism
Any system in which those who corrupt the symbols of money or coerce trades are not punished, isn't capitalism

Who is against Capitalism then?
Those who produce noting or little of value to others, and who wish to consume more than they produce.
They therefore must survive by  begging, lying, tricking, stealing or killing others for what they produce, and therefore advocate debasing currencies and corrupting govt systems so that they aid in coercing trades, rather than in preventing that behavior.

They will of course tell you its for "your own good",  they will tell themselves its because "they care", but in the end it ALWAYS boils don to this : They are worthless parasites who wish to leech off of others and consume more value than they produce.


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 09, 2014, 11:42:17 AM

Hey Remember when Jesus told you to take up your sword and go to your neighbors house, take his wealth, cutting his throat if he attempts to stop you, and then taking that wealth to go do good works?  Yeah, neither do I.  Had a libtard take exception when I said that once. Told me that in the old testament "charity" is derived from Justice and that Jews had some sort of mandatory collection for the poor as a form of "justice" ( Yep, thats right. Social Justice)  Completely lost on this jerk were the facts that  1) New Testament and Jesus used :Charity" as derived from the word "love" 2)  That they obviously on't give a crap about the separation of church and state when they are trying to impose the laws of a religious sect on everyone.

But we all knew that Leftism is a religion.

  The whole the political-economic scheme is self-defeating, and this is why we DO NOT have capitalism, because capitalism can only thrive when all who participate in it value work, value achievement and value reward for risk and achievment.

I would go further.  In Capitalism VALUE is what is traded..  The value of something is determined by the individual, and it must be traded voluntarily. If we didn't value what others have more then what we have,  then no trade would occur.

Any system in which the symbols of value (money) is  corrupted is not capitalism
Any system in which transactions concerning value are coerced isn't capitalism
Any system in which those who corrupt the symbols of money or coerce trades are not punished, isn't capitalism

Who is against Capitalism then?
Those who produce noting or little of value to others, and who wish to consume more than they produce.
They therefore must survive by  begging, lying, tricking, stealing or killing others for what they produce, and therefore advocate debasing currencies and corrupting govt systems so that they aid in coercing trades, rather than in preventing that behavior.

They will of course tell you its for "your own good",  they will tell themselves its because "they care", but in the end it ALWAYS boils don to this : They are worthless parasites who wish to leech off of others and consume more value than they produce.


I quite naturally approve of your additional definitions.

And I gotta remember that Leftist Jesus quote!  That'll spin some gourds!   ::whoohoo::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 20, 2014, 07:42:31 AM
"The oligarchs count on the fact math challenged, iGadget distracted, Facebook focused, public school educated morons will never understand the impact of inflation on their daily lives."

Aye, full steam ahead! (

There will be a high price paid for being stupid and unprepared for what's coming...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Glock32 on May 20, 2014, 11:02:22 AM
I read somewhere last year that average income had regressed to 1992 levels, and needless to say a dollar in 1992 was worth quite a bit more than a dollar today. So it has declined not only in absolute terms, but the relative value has declined even more.

The article bemoans the destruction of the saving mindset. Who would "save" money today? I think the last piece of junk mail I got from my bank advertised a savings account that bears something like 0.15% interest. When you can't get an interest rate that at least matches the inflation rate, you aren't "saving" jack sh*t. Everything thus converges on the stock market as the only investment vehicle that can actually beat inflation, and the wizards of smart trumpet this like it's proof that all is hunky dory in the economy.

How much longer can this go on?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 20, 2014, 11:37:06 AM
It will continue until something happens that permanently changes the status a successful replacement of the dollar as world reserve currency...and the curtains behind the Fed get thrown wide open for all to see...then maybe the fan-shatting will go parabolic...


As long as the Fed and its banking and brokerage minions, the Ruling Class politicos, the MFM and crony capitalists act to calm the sheeple, then there will be no stampede and no revolution in the streets...

Unless a structural shattering event they cannot control or hide comes as usual...

But in the long run this much erosion in the quality and quantity of jobs, earnings and overall standard of living cannot go on forever, so if the major shocks are controlled, there will have to be a WTF moment that awakens most of the sheeple....

But predicting sheeple awakening is not anything I care to prognosticate on...there track record to date being what it is...they'll remain stupid up until the point the are walked into the slaughterhouse...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on May 20, 2014, 01:53:48 PM

As long as the Fed and its banking and brokerage minions, the Ruling Class politicos, the MFM and crony capitalists act to calm the sheeple, then there will be no stampede and no revolution in the streets...

This is the one I think you should bet your money on..  They will simply allow a long slow slide into 3rd world status - impoverishing everyone as best they can, until finally we reach a point where they can't print enough money to make the EBTs work -- then there will be a war.  This will allows the govt to seize and ration food for "the war effort"  - to be taken seriously by the American people they will allow  (or create)  a Nuke strike somewhere, and possibly an EMP- but I doubt it.. unles Alex Jones is right and we are completely co-opted by Illuminati/NWO forces. But then if that is the case, and wholesale slaughter of 90% of the American people is in the cards,  then  you aren't going to be able to fight that-- be it by EMP or Disease, or just plain old Nukes,  they will get it done, and you can't stop it, and probably don't want to survive it.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 21, 2014, 06:56:47 AM

As long as the Fed and its banking and brokerage minions, the Ruling Class politicos, the MFM and crony capitalists act to calm the sheeple, then there will be no stampede and no revolution in the streets...

This is the one I think you should bet your money on..  They will simply allow a long slow slide into 3rd world status - impoverishing everyone as best they can, until finally we reach a point where they can't print enough money to make the EBTs work -- then there will be a war.  This will allows the govt to seize and ration food for "the war effort"  - to be taken seriously by the American people they will allow  (or create)  a Nuke strike somewhere, and possibly an EMP- but I doubt it.. unles Alex Jones is right and we are completely co-opted by Illuminati/NWO forces. But then if that is the case, and wholesale slaughter of 90% of the American people is in the cards,  then  you aren't going to be able to fight that-- be it by EMP or Disease, or just plain old Nukes,  they will get it done, and you can't stop it, and probably don't want to survive it.

I say push them, hard!  Either they back down or it all burns...I would rather it all burn than have the only part of humanity that survives be statist trash.  At some point it will be put to the much longer people like us supposed to take this shyt sitting down?  We already see people trying to fight back at Bunkerville and elsewhere...critical mass could be coming...and I say making the statists show their true nature on a larger scale has benefits.

Did you see this news? (

I expect your first impression might be a lot like mine...just which side is doing this test?

And if there is a widespread pushback on statists, it will have to come from the people, politics is dead, this stupid primary news proves it yet again (!

We will have BITS!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 21, 2014, 01:37:44 PM
FOMC bullsplatter... (

Complacency?  Huh, what?  Yeah I got bored a long long time ago... (

Inflation is tame - All Is Well, Everything Is Awesome!


They do have a dark sense of humor, don't they?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 22, 2014, 07:40:50 AM
More good news...

...well, good in the sense that is, progressive good news... (

Look for that percentage to really spike in the coming months...

Earnings - (

...we can call that one another Obama Effect.

Homeownership, what is the goal again?  Nevermind, if your servicer eff's up, too bad, no bitching! (

...don't sign that shyt!  And, umm, know what you are signing!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 23, 2014, 08:35:56 AM
In the world of phoney-baloney numbers and rampant cornyism and corruption...we cannot be too far behind these monkeys (, can we?

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 27, 2014, 08:05:02 AM
Retail has been suffering for a while now, people are no longer spending willy-nilly, the good times are over...people just trying to get by, and the increase in outsourcing to low-labor nations will continue to squeeze the life out of domestic (largely union-driven) will be a slow ride down I think, commercial real estate has been flat for some time, the jobless/incomeless (cough!) recovery (bullsh*t!, cough!) and everything is awesome facade will come down, and this could be what kicks it all off for everything (!  Short-term gimmicks to gin up the flow of cheap goods...and as soon as the Fed is forced to raise rates or continue the devaluation of the dollar...well, Bass thinks the Fed will be beholden to acting on the magical 6% U3 unemployment rate...which I find high-larious...and raise rates...I call BS on that, they may be paralyzed with fear first, neither raising rates or going beyond the norm with QE efforts...and cross their fingers...but I think the slide into the pooper in an election year will cause the wires from the White House to the Fed and from the Cronys on Wall St to the Fed will glow red with pleas of "save us! save us!" that would be better off told to bugger off.

Should be a good show anyway...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on May 27, 2014, 08:14:18 AM
Bass thinks the Fed will be beholden to acting on the magical 6% U3 unemployment rate...which I find high-larious...and raise rates...I call BS on that, they may be paralyzed with fear first, neither raising rates or going beyond the norm with QE efforts...and cross their fingers...but I think the slide into the pooper in an election year will cause the wires from the White House to the Fed and from the Cronys on Wall St to the Fed will glow red with pleas of "save us! save us!" that would be better off told to bugger off.

Yeah, they aren't going to touch QE policy till November at the earliest. A rise in the rates would instantly kill Housing and destroy a lot of people barely on the edge. That is why they delayed all of the Obamacare regs as well.  No point in seeing that U3 unemployment rate spike till after the midterms, and they know perfectly well that the decreases in U# have been from people leaving the workforce altogether (long term unemployed no longer looking) , not from people finding jobs.  They have the churn set now so its a very slow bleed. They aren't going to mess with it. 

Damned if you do. Damned if you Don't.  Point of no return was passed quite some time ago.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 27, 2014, 08:43:57 AM
Bass thinks the Fed will be beholden to acting on the magical 6% U3 unemployment rate...which I find high-larious...and raise rates...I call BS on that, they may be paralyzed with fear first, neither raising rates or going beyond the norm with QE efforts...and cross their fingers...but I think the slide into the pooper in an election year will cause the wires from the White House to the Fed and from the Cronys on Wall St to the Fed will glow red with pleas of "save us! save us!" that would be better off told to bugger off.

Yeah, they aren't going to touch QE policy till November at the earliest. A rise in the rates would instantly kill Housing and destroy a lot of people barely on the edge. That is why they delayed all of the Obamacare regs as well.  No point in seeing that U3 unemployment rate spike till after the midterms, and they know perfectly well that the decreases in U# have been from people leaving the workforce altogether (long term unemployed no longer looking) , not from people finding jobs.  They have the churn set now so its a very slow bleed. They aren't going to mess with it. 

Damned if you do. Damned if you Don't.  Point of no return was passed quite some time ago.

Yup, and this also makes it more likely if another element of the global economy gets zapped that their response will be totally inadequate to alleviate it.  Instability and uncertainty will rise, and that causes the sheeple to be more prone to panic and if they lose them they are really screwed.  They have to do whatever it takes to keep the illusion of prosperity going no matter who is harmed along the way.

It's hard not to see the mother-of-all-boomerangs coming...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on May 27, 2014, 09:36:56 AM
It's just not the areas hit by e-commerce, either.  It's bread and butter (literally in some instances) retail.  WalMart, Target, Kohls and the like.

Retailmageddon is how I've seen it portrayed, in the past.  Yes, people have seen this coming.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 27, 2014, 11:24:41 AM
Another odd sign too, not sure if it is indicative of another sector that spoiled brat American's view as beneath them and their degrees in gender studies that was somehow going to give them a 6-figure salary fresh out of Anyrinkydink University or what...but in my area it seems like a lot (sometimes a clear majority) of the employees in these stores are from Russia and Eastern Europe...


But hey, at least they are working!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on May 29, 2014, 08:08:02 AM
GDP Revised.  -1% for 1Q2014 (

And that is the new calculation ( which does not yet include black market items and hookers..)

More fun numbers:
Deficit so far in this fiscal year is  756,774,038,248.17 - this includes that push forward from the "shutdown" so call it 600 billion.  Annualized rate will be 900-Billion - 1 Trillion.  They are suggesting our 1Q2014 annualized gdp was 17.100 trillion.  So 5% of current GDP is simply BORROWED MONEY.  Federal Budget is about 3.7 Trillion - or 21% of GDP. Total Govt spending at all levels  is 6 Trillion  - or around 35% of our GDP. And you know, the GDP - even with all of that phony - non-private sector spending - most of which was a handout to someone for creating NOTHING OF VALUE -  we are STILL posting 1% LOSS in 1Q2014

Tick Tock.  Tick  Tock.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 29, 2014, 08:41:53 AM
Screw it, time to push past ludicrous speed! (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on May 29, 2014, 09:01:34 AM
Funny, no one is reporting our economic numbers other than Fox.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on May 29, 2014, 09:06:25 AM
Don't forget to add the Obamacare discount! (

Without Obamacare the economy would have contracted by 2%
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 29, 2014, 11:30:35 AM
Without any Obama period it would have expanded a real 10-12% + overnight!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: warpmine on May 29, 2014, 11:35:06 AM
Don't forget to add the Obamacare discount! (

Without Obamacare the economy would have contracted by 2%
I thought Obamadontcare was supposed to reduce cost of healthcare by X%
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Glock32 on May 29, 2014, 01:00:08 PM
These numbers are always revised a few months later. Unemployment figures, earnings, whatever. Wasn't it originally reported as a dismal +0.15% or something like that?  I knew even that was bogus and that it would later come out that it was in fact negative growth. And the -real- numbers are even worse than the official figures.

As always, the real story is that we have no media. There's no one there to question the official narrative or point out inconsistencies. The media exist only to promote the agenda of the Democrat party, that's it. They breathlessly repeat these figures, then a few months later when they're quietly revised the media will spit out some perfunctory blurb about it like it's not big deal.

They know exactly what they're doing too, and that is why they must pay when things go extracurricular.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on May 29, 2014, 02:51:02 PM
Still more (

Personal income tax receipts in April were below year-ago levels in 27 of 32 states where data were available, Reuters reported. The average decline was 12.4%. Tax planning ahead of the ’13 federal tax hikes, like booking capital gains at the lower ’12 rate, helps explain the drop. Some states expected as much, but others like N.J. are now faced with budget cuts.

Meanwhile business starts are falling, exits increasing ( Brookings)


But everything is Awesome!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 30, 2014, 06:43:51 AM
It's the's Republican''s a SNAFU by some minor's's NEVER THEM!

They're all gonna pay G, every damn one of way or another...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 30, 2014, 07:59:07 AM
 ::saywhat:: (


Everything is awesome!

I mean it would be, if not for weather (humans), Republicans (humans), the Tea Party (humans), capitalists (humans)...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 30, 2014, 08:09:45 AM
Oh, and how Britain calculates hooker activity...

60,879 Prostitutes x 25 Clients Per Week x £67.16 Per Visit (


That's a little over $112/client serviced at the current exchange rate.  I have no idea how that compares to average rates for our hookers, perhaps it is a bit cheap, but given the state of dental care there...say our girls are worth $150/client...we have to have a boatload more working girls than they...say 250k...assume the same visit per week number...that's $937.5m/week - $48.75B/year!  That's some boost!

Wait, places like Nevada though where it is legal must already be reported, so the number actually would be less for us...still, hookers,'s the GDP's future!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: warpmine on June 01, 2014, 09:20:40 PM
::saywhat:: (


Everything is awesome!

I mean it would be, if not for weather (humans), Republicans (humans), the Tea Party (humans), capitalists (humans)...
Paging Professor Paul Krugman, pink courtesy phone errr second noose on the right.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 02, 2014, 10:02:37 AM
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 05, 2014, 07:26:03 AM (

Layoffs surge...certainly this has to be trumpeted as a complete success by the PTBs!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 06, 2014, 12:55:42 PM
92 million not working... (

...sustainable?  Sure, what's the worst that could happen?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on June 16, 2014, 05:20:33 AM
Confirmed in FT Story - Central Banks invested (at least ) 29 Trillion in stocks  (

So there is another Confirmed Conspiracy Theory Fact.
Of course the ZH crowd comments go all Aelx Jones - blaming the cabal of bankers that a re maliciously trying to "own everything"
I doubt the rule of law survives the upheaval  of the currency collapse -- "owning" will only have meaning if you (or your personal private army)  can stand over it with an AR..and armies have to be paid with something..

I think its more likely that the the Banksters and other politicians and cronies  know the end is coming, so they are just being more brazen in their looting - to get as much as they can and help their own before the bottom falls out. If I gave you a credit line with the fed - one you knew would never come due..because the Fed considered you Too Big Too Fail,   what would you be doing with that 0% interest loan?

So you will continue to see company earnings continue to fall, and company stock evaluations continue to rise. Yes the banks will "own everything" including a lot of worthless paper of equity in defunct companies. Its all extend and pretend.

There was a bit of a comment war if shorting the inevitable collapse is wise (yeah a bunch of people are trying to make money this way still)  Its going to go up, till it doesn't, and its a big crap shoot when, but I will "make money" just as money becomes worthless by shorting. Though I guess you could pay off dollar denominated debts with it if you were in the know. ..

Tick Tock.  Tick Tock.

I do wonder how long we have.. saw one comment on a PJ Media article suggesting that collapse won't happen till 2050-2080, because we can sell 200 trillion in US Assets ( Federal Land, Offshore drilling rights )  -  . As Michelle pointed out to me: If a farmer owes you a debt, and he sells his tractor to make a payment, does that give you more or less confidence he can make the next one?  Argentina tried that and they collapsed again a few years later.. and now own none of their natural resources. .. not to say it won't happen here as a kick the can measure.. but again there is that - "who will buy it and how will they assert they own it when rule of law fails?" problem .. I just don't see it buying decades.  If it doesn't completely spook everyone and cause a watershed panic , it would buy time, but it won't address the underlying issues - the debt will get bigger, 250 Trillion in CDS overhang would still be there, GDP will continue to fall, and foreign powers will continue to drop the dollar as a means of international trade.

I am still betting on 2-5 years before another "Lehman" magnitude event - confiscation of 401Ks, Capital controls, introduction of blue dollars/SDRs or whatever.. .  The whole system may not collapse - on paper anyway - till 2050 or even 2080, as after all the whole point is presenting the illusion of a working system..and people are pretty stupid, and may continue to believe  in it that long. But over time more and more people- especially foreigners who have minimal investment in the status quo,   are quietly following Neo  and  leaving the matrix... and at some point the matrix just doesn't matter anymore with so few paying attention. The real point is the  average American will have no savings and be reduced to  living a 3rd world lifestyle within the decade.  So when do we say  the "collapse" happened?  I am still going with 2008  - and its all been smoke and mirrors since then.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 16, 2014, 07:42:13 AM
I think its more likely that the the Banksters and other politicians and cronies  know the end is coming, so they are just being more brazen in their looting - to get as much as they can and help their own before the bottom falls out.

Yup, they'll manipulate and fleece till they day they die.

So you will continue to see company earnings continue to fall, and company stock evaluations continue to rise. Yes the banks will "own everything" including a lot of worthless paper of equity in defunct companies. Its all extend and pretend.

Yup, Kabuki all the way down.

There was a bit of a comment war if shorting the inevitable collapse is wise (yeah a bunch of people are trying to make money this way still)  Its going to go up, till it doesn't, and its a big crap shoot when, but I will "make money" just as money becomes worthless by shorting. Though I guess you could pay off dollar denominated debts with it if you were in the know. ..

This is called the "Catch a falling turd" strategy.  Those employing it must truly love sh*t!

I am still betting on 2-5 years before another "Lehman" magnitude event - confiscation of 401Ks, Capital controls, introduction of blue dollars/SDRs or whatever.. .  The whole system may not collapse - on paper anyway - till 2050 or even 2080, as after all the whole point is presenting the illusion of a working system..and people are pretty stupid, and may continue to believe  in it that long.

I agree on the timing for the next Lehman event, but I would suggest that clock started in 2012, so ti could come as early as this fall.  Total system collapse not until 2050?  I think that is a boatload of candy-sprinkles...even in a time when people are growing exponentially dumber by the second there is too much linkage and dead-weight to postpone the inevitable...we make it to 2025 intact I will be shocked.

So when do we say  the "collapse" happened?  I am still going with 2008  - and its all been smoke and mirrors since then.

Sure, the elevation of the Manchurian Candidate Barrack Hussein Obama, aka "The Destroyer of America" was the final piece to the nefarious effort to subvert and suborn America on an irreversable course to self-destruction...

I'd say that year was our Rubicon.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 17, 2014, 07:02:40 AM
CNBC...NY Slimes...pointy-headed libiot prof's...   ::mooning:: ( mention of John Corzine?

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 17, 2014, 11:52:41 AM
How's that go again...

"Everything is...umm...awesome?!"

Yeah, right...

Getting harder to hide the BS in the goobermint CPI (

Housing starts worst since '08 collapse (

Hourly wages dip some more (

Capital controls for bond market?  Sure, just a corrupt SEC stamp away! (

Yeah, awesome...if you're an idiot!

Need more Obamunism!  More Neo-Keynesianism!  More cronyism!  More Kabuki, damnit!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 18, 2014, 08:24:53 AM
Everything is...ahh... (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on June 20, 2014, 08:17:10 AM
De-dollarization continues.. with the UK joining the Mix. (

Yeah, thats right. The UK.  You know, our closest allies no longer find it compelling to insist on doing trade in dollars.

Tick Tock. Tick Tock.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 23, 2014, 07:19:57 AM
A friend in nominal terms, yes, they are further down the progressive and muzzie appeasement rat hole than we, but yeah...when long time allies say "screw your fiat" the handwritting on the wall should be glowing in capital letters...

All that is missing now is repudiating US bonds/bills...then we could see some panic...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on June 25, 2014, 07:59:26 AM

Revised 1st quarter "growth"

Have a nice day.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on June 25, 2014, 08:11:45 AM

Revised 1st quarter "growth"

Have a nice day.

Original Estimate Off by SIX standard deviations! (

Everything is awesome 1 Hour Verison (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Dan on June 25, 2014, 08:22:37 AM
Holy crap!
A citizen would be in jail if they accounted in such a manner.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 25, 2014, 09:46:59 AM
As an accountant...I can state that much of what the government does violates several laws that would put mere private individuals behind bars...

Unless of course you are John Corzine and cozy with other low-lifes in high political/bureaucratic places...

And as I alluded to back in the middle of this month ("getting harder to hide this crap!") and Weisshaupt so starkly points out (6 SD miss!)...this one wasn't even close...the wheels could be starting to fly off the cart...and these idiots aren't strong-bodied sprinters who can run and hold that cart up while trying to put the wheels back on...

This could be going tragically hilarious...

ETA - Man, I can't keep being so right, eh? (



Goldman sees 1Q as a fluke, which it was intended to be, but Goldman misreads why and doubles down and INCREASES 2Q from an insanely rosey 3.8% to a certain to miss in spectacular fashion 4%!!! (

 ::laughonfloor::   ::rolllaughing::   ::hysterical::

Hey pal, how'd those durable goods sans trans do? (

Whatchya gonna drive those estimates up to for 2Q?!


Another ETA -  This is good!

"Yellen's 'Noise'!"  Remember that phrase!!! (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 30, 2014, 07:54:22 AM
Math-challenged ABA Pushes Unreality -

( (

I matter how hard I try, that just doesn't add up to a whole dollar...I guess they are adding in inflation with all the *Ctrl-P going on at the Fed...

(I think that last guy, visually-speaking, was supposed to be 10 cents...)

And only 30 cents per *dollar needed to pay bills for shelter, food, insurance, gas, utilities, clothing, etc?   ::hysterical::  What do they think we are, part of the Ruling Class?

And where are taxes?  Is that part of the so-called "charity"?  That not chairity in my dictionary, that is theft!

Saving and investing?   ::hysterical::  In this bogus economy?  People are just trying to get by!

Seriously stupid on so many levels...and this from the official trade journal of the banking industry...

You know what they say..."crack don't smoke itself"...

I guess soon we'll see if cronys of every stripe can run faster than angry mobs...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 02, 2014, 07:44:33 AM
Trump basically saying it will all go sideways once the debt gets downgraded... (

...sure, that could do it, but we already have evidence The Regime and the rest of the PTBs will strong-arm the rating agencies...but one will break ranks...


ETA - The "Death Cross" is a nice omen too... (

Time for a climb though...then...

I wonder if anyone would honor my short plays?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 03, 2014, 06:54:14 AM
Look at all the BS to be released today before people skitter out of town...

Date   Time      Release   Impact               For   Actual   ExpectedPrior
3-Jul   7:30 AM      Challenger Job Cuts   Jun   -20.20%   NA   45.50%
3-Jul   8:30 AM      Nonfarm Payrolls      Jun   -   230K   210K
3-Jul   8:30 AM      Nonfarm Private Payrolls   Jun   -   220K   213K
3-Jul   8:30 AM      Unemployment Rate   Jun   -   6.30%   6.30%
3-Jul   8:30 AM      Hourly Earnings      Jun   -   0.20%   0.20%
3-Jul   8:30 AM      Average Workweek   Jun   -   34.5   34.5
3-Jul   8:30 AM      Initial Claims      28-Jun   -   315K   315K
3-Jul   8:30 AM      Continuing Claims      21-Jun   -   2570K   2580K
3-Jul   8:30 AM      Trade Balance      May   -   -$44.5B   -$45.2B
3-Jul   10:00 AM   ISM Services      Jun   -   56.5   56.5
3-Jul   10:30 AM   Natural Gas Inventories   28-Jun   -   NA   NA

Maybe we should start an over/under on how many get restated and by how much?  The U3 and claims have been a naked lie forever!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 03, 2014, 07:48:51 AM
Hooolie Mooolie... (

What a shocka!  Everything is awesome!!!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on July 03, 2014, 08:55:55 AM
From a ZH comment

Our fiat,

Which art in dollars,

hollow be thy worth.

Thy stocks go up,

thy vix be down

on CBOE as it is on Wall Street.

Give plebes this day their daily crumb of bread

and deliver us thy dividends,

as we distribute to the one percent.

And lead us not into recession,

but deliver us more POMO,

for the kingdom and the power.

and the glory resides at the Fed.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 03, 2014, 09:27:12 AM
Clever, scary and upsetting all at once...

I think it hit a nerve...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 03, 2014, 11:59:38 AM
And the real reason the U no's are so record number reached for those out of the work force! (

Just the cost of transforming America bitches, get used to it!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on July 03, 2014, 01:21:15 PM
I read elsewhere full time work was down 523,000, replaces by 799,000 part timers.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on July 03, 2014, 01:23:06 PM (

And the A/P and CNBC are spinning this as BOOM!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 03, 2014, 02:03:48 PM
I read elsewhere full time work was down 523,000, replaces by 799,000 part timers.

Yeah they seasonally adjusted a real 450k loss for a 288k gain!  I bet those seasonally adjusted feel fanfrickstastic about it too!

/ (

Comments -
Dumpster Fire - 799 - 523 <> 288.  What gives?

DeadFred - Close enough for government work

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 03, 2014, 02:11:41 PM (

And the A/P and CNBC are spinning this as BOOM!

More serfs!  Good news for Progs!

All by design.

BITS coming a street near you!

Speaking of stuff to be hitting the pavement soon...did ya see this article over there? (

I think this comment by cowdiddly nails it - Think of all the cool Gopro videos of the pavement rushing up when the jumping out the windows start

There's your BOOM!

Oh...and since the EuroTards are just a bit further down the sh*tter than we are...more theft to look forward to here soon... (

Maybe an EU in open rebellion will inspire some back can only hope...the path to unsustainable is only getting deeper and deeper...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 07, 2014, 08:06:06 AM
Goldbug Maloney sets the clock...says the dollar will cease viability in six years...right in time for the final leg of Hitlery's first term, eh? (

Could be right, could be early, could be late...but we keep doing what we are doing and we might not make it out of the O'Bongo reign of terror...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on July 07, 2014, 08:35:50 AM

Could be right, could be early, could be late...but we keep doing what we are doing and we might not make it out of the O'Bongo reign of terror...

Right down the middle I expect. I personally think 2-10  years.  Two seems short. 10 Seems long.  seems pretty damn likely but we might not notice because the civil war may start well before.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 07, 2014, 11:32:27 AM

Could be right, could be early, could be late...but we keep doing what we are doing and we might not make it out of the O'Bongo reign of terror...

Right down the middle I expect. I personally think 2-10  years.  Two seems short. 10 Seems long.  seems pretty damn likely but we might not notice because the civil war may start well before.

I think I am indifferent as to what happens first, both are unavoidable...but my wrath at the perpetrators and enablers has not ebbed, if anything it has increased with each insult we've been subjected to...

You see this? (

This shift will get worse and worse...making Reckoning Day that much closer...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 08, 2014, 11:52:22 AM
If there is one business group constantly in the Obama/Democrat/Progressive crosshairs its small business... (


...not done testing new lows I think...

...stawks yields down...

...ain't seen nothing yet!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 09, 2014, 07:35:30 AM
Fricken Yellen...on "popping the bubble"...BIS wants to, Yellen saying bubble-popping not her job...but...

"We could take all of this at face value if we chose:  The BIS playing hawk, and the Fed playing dove.  And that might well be the case — as to some extent Yellen is still something of an unknown entity.  But there is one more twist to the puzzle:  Yellen has openly stated that she would not be offering clear guidance to the market as her predecessor had advocated.  The age of Fed-glastnost is apparently coming to an end.  So indulge us for a moment as we present another possibility:  Yellen is going to orchestrate a controlled collapse.  Or, at least one which we hope is controlled.  So just maybe the Fed fully intends on heeding the advice of the BIS, and is strategically positioning itself as a stalwart dove to shield itself from the public fallout of it’s orchestrated financial calamity.   A particularly sound play from a political perspective in the event that things don’t go as smoothly as planned." (

This could be really fugly...

Every hear the term "timing the market"?  It's hard for people in the know...try managing all the rings of the circus gone mad...

Yeah, this could be interesting...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 15, 2014, 08:08:05 AM
Another good Santelli rant...poor guy gonna blow a gasket one day...then CNBC will be 100% oblivion... (

Can't wait to see what BS spews from Yellen's yap when she goes to bamboozle Congress...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on July 15, 2014, 10:58:50 PM
I can't tell you how many articles I have seen in the last year claiming the dollar CAN'T loose the reserve currency status - and then to prove it must stay that way because its the reserve now and list a bunch of metrics on how the dollar is dominant - then they suggest there is no viable alternative  for international trade - as if it were IMPOSSIBLE to provide one- ever.  This is usually followed by the argument that the US Dollar "sucks the least" of all of the currently available fiats.

SO that is your Bar - establishing the mechanisms for international trade and sucking the least. Back your bank just 1% with something that isn't a printing press ( gold, silver, oil)  and you already suck the least.

Witness the new BRICS bank   (

Initial capital for the BRICS Bank will be $50 Billion - paid in equal share among the 5 members (with a contingent reserve up to $100 Billion) and will see India as the first President. The BRICS Bank will be based in Shanghai and chaired by Russia. Simply put, as Sovereign Man's Simon Black warns, "when you see this happen, you’ll know it’s game over for the dollar.... I give it 2-3 years."

You don't say...

Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa working together on a joint international bank to serve as an alternative to the Western controlled and Dollar Centric IMF. Together they account for about 20% of wolrd GDP compared to the United States at 22%  ( if any GDP number is to be believed)

Yes the US Dollar is the most commonly held reserve currency, but when its held as reserve that doesn't mean its being USED in international trade - in fact we have been running trade deficits based on the fact that the dollars don't come home and become part of these reserves-- but at what point  do countries accept dollars into reserves because they have no choice - no one wants them ( but the US) and too much too fast crashes the value?  How many dark trades occur and how much of the reported reserve numbers are lies?  ( My guess?  The Reserve numbers are about as reliable as  the number reported for Fort Knox gold deposits)
The shift is happening, and if OPEC starts trading directly with the BRICs for energy, this game is over.  Those reserve dollars find their way home - maybe not all at once - as each player spending them slowly to get maximum gain ( unlike those single put   1.6 Billion dollar Gold sells on Monday morning at US Open)   but the dollars  will come home.  No one else wants or needs them anymore - and given 70% of all of the US Dollar that exist, exist in accounts overseas,  it will flood us and inflation will ramp, and ramp and ramp.  We are coming to the end folks.  2-10 years before the US is fully a 3rd world nation.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 16, 2014, 07:17:59 AM
I can't tell you how many articles I have seen in the last year claiming the dollar CAN'T loose the reserve currency status - and then to prove it must stay that way because its the reserve now and list a bunch of metrics on how the dollar is dominant - then they suggest there is no viable alternative  for international trade - as if it were IMPOSSIBLE to provide one- ever.  This is usually followed by the argument that the US Dollar "sucks the least" of all of the currently available fiats.

SO that is your Bar - establishing the mechanisms for international trade and sucking the least. Back your bank just 1% with something that isn't a printing press ( gold, silver, oil)  and you already suck the least.

Witness the new BRICS bank   (

Initial capital for the BRICS Bank will be $50 Billion - paid in equal share among the 5 members (with a contingent reserve up to $100 Billion) and will see India as the first President. The BRICS Bank will be based in Shanghai and chaired by Russia. Simply put, as Sovereign Man's Simon Black warns, "when you see this happen, you’ll know it’s game over for the dollar.... I give it 2-3 years."

You don't say...

Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa working together on a joint international bank to serve as an alternative to the Western controlled and Dollar Centric IMF. Together they account for about 20% of wolrd GDP compared to the United States at 22%  ( if any GDP number is to be believed)

Yes the US Dollar is the most commonly held reserve currency, but when its held as reserve that doesn't mean its being USED in international trade - in fact we have been running trade deficits based on the fact that the dollars don't come home and become part of these reserves-- but at what point  do countries accept dollars into reserves because they have no choice - no one wants them ( but the US) and too much too fast crashes the value?  How many dark trades occur and how much of the reported reserve numbers are lies?  ( My guess?  The Reserve numbers are about as reliable as  the number reported for Fort Knox gold deposits)
The shift is happening, and if OPEC starts trading directly with the BRICs for energy, this game is over.  Those reserve dollars find their way home - maybe not all at once - as each player spending them slowly to get maximum gain ( unlike those single put   1.6 Billion dollar Gold sells on Monday morning at US Open)   but the dollars  will come home.  No one else wants or needs them anymore - and given 70% of all of the US Dollar that exist, exist in accounts overseas,  it will flood us and inflation will ramp, and ramp and ramp.  We are coming to the end folks.  2-10 years before the US is fully a 3rd world nation.

Good analysis Weisshaupt, and I agree, the timing of the end could be up for debate because there is just so much that is intertwinned, interdependent and volatile...but the more a group like this can sever connections safely without setting another tripwire off and eventually isolate the US and the EU and insulate themselves the more rapid the balance of economic power will shift...but those intertwinned, interdependent volatile variables can get out of hand and I have no faith in any one or group of mortals who think they can control them all...this economic war could just as easily spin off into another World War in a heartbeat...

The PTBs here and across the pond forget that the dollar knocked off the pound, which knocked off the real, which knocked off the gulden...

Well here, check out the history for yourself (

Point is, EVERYTHING ends.  Any construct by man is almost hard-wired to end at some point, like nature, there is always something, bigger, better, badder, cooler...whatever...

And history also shows us many times how economic war can lead to real shooting wars and one or the other or both can change societies, systems, borders...everything.

There is one posssibility the US survives still means the end of the US as we know it now and as we once knew means adopting the Russian template, prop your nation up by being the preeminent provider of sin and vice - sell arms, nuclear technology, drugs, hookers, whatever you have to..and be controlled by an oligarchy comprised of statist pols, crony capitalists and crime lords...

I say throwing all the trash out at the most opportune time, retaining (somehow) a credible nuclear deterent and isolating ourselves from the rest of the world and relearning to be self sufficient as a people, as families, as communites and a whatever "nation" construct might mean is the better way to go...

ETA - And on the general theme of this sh*t cannot and will not go on much longer...

Market rigging explained, well, can be hard to follow the technical aspects, but basically HFTs are used to swindle people... (

...and there is a direct correllation between this theft and the next link, as the PTBs know their time is running short and they are sqweezing whatever they can wherever they can however they can! (

And this last chart really should illustrate for everyone just how unsustainable and vulnerable these masters of the universe have made things!


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 17, 2014, 08:02:45 AM
I'm not buying this...maybe a small token increase in FF rate...but not to the extent that would encourage investment and savings and prop up the dollar at a time when the BRICS have it in their crosshairs...propping up equities and keeping debt cheap to fund seems to be the unshakable plan for whoever runs the I am really skeptical of talk of higher rates... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 17, 2014, 08:22:31 AM
See... (

Saw... (

Everything is Awesome!

You may now return to your regular routine of of pain, misery and despair...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 23, 2014, 07:59:57 AM
Jeez, get a load of this!

Only in Crony Capitalist Kabuki World can someone warn of dire straits ahead for the market on one hand and then spin it off into an infomercial for a master of the universe to pimp his sure-winner schpiel to profit even in a down market! (


Just put that sheeple back into the shearing line!  We'll get the rest of the wool of that bastard!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 24, 2014, 07:52:02 AM
Gates, runs, fees...oh my! (

Disengage from the system as best you can, prepare ye the coming of chaos!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Dan on July 24, 2014, 09:03:06 AM
 "...considering that the entire rally since 2009 has been on the back of the Fed and the primary dealers, with virtually none retail participation,..."
This part grabbed my attention.
The whole things nuttin but a house of cards.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 24, 2014, 11:15:51 AM
What was said is not so much a surprise, that it gets voiced clearly and openly and still is unheard/ununderstood by millions illustrates how dumb most of the herd really is...

Kabuki is all they have, and they are running out of options/victims to fleece...the end (of it all) is in sight...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on July 30, 2014, 11:35:49 AM
US GDP Growth at 4%! (

Wow I am glad that is over the the recovery is finally here!
Looks like we were all wrong guys, and 4% will just keep up forever and everything will be fine.

Everything is AWESOME!

oh wait, there are details NOT in the headline..

The US economy grew at an annual rate of 4% during the April-to-June period, latest figures released by the US Department of Commerce have shown.

Consumer spending - which makes up over two-thirds of US economy activity - grew by a robust 2.5%.

Business spending increased by 14% in the world's largest economy, as businesses restocked inventories.

The growth during the second quarter reverses the contraction seen earlier in the year.

Measured on a quarter-on-quarter basis, GDP grew by 1%.

In the previous quarter, from January to March, the US economy shrank a revised 2.1% on an annualised basis, as a result of harsh winter weather.

However, even with the rebound, the winter is likely to mean overall growth this year will be only 1.6% - less than in 2013.

That could cause the Federal Reserve - which ends a two-day meeting on Wednesday - to continue to keep interest rates low for an extended period into 2015.

Seriously - they are highlighting  the bogus expected annual numbers  instead of  the actual quarterly and Year to date?
Real growth in the US economy is currently negative.  They had to change how GDP was calculated to hide that fact - and still had to admit that was the case last quarter.  And Business Spending was up 14%? They are BUYING BACK THEIR OWN STOCKS! That is apparently called "restocking" now.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 30, 2014, 11:41:12 AM
All ur numberz b-long tu us!


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Glock32 on July 30, 2014, 05:13:23 PM
Plus even this bullsh*t will be quietly revised in a few months time, no doubt in a Friday document dump.

Everything Is AWESOME!!! -- The LEGO® Movie -- Tegan and Sara feat. The Lonely Island (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 31, 2014, 06:54:41 AM
A slew of Bogus Lies and Shyt coming out today:

Date Time  Release Impact For Actual Expected Prior 
Jul 31 7:30 AM  Challenger Job Cuts  Jul - NA NA 
Jul 31 8:30 AM  Initial Claims  07/26 - 310K 310K 
Jul 31 8:30 AM  Continuing Claims  07/19 - 2525K 2525K 
Jul 31 8:30 AM  Employment Cost Index  Q2 - 0.4% 0.4% 
Jul 31 9:45 AM  Chicago PMI  Jul - 60.0 61.8 
Jul 31 10:30 AM  Natural Gas Inventories  07/26 - NA NA 

And the claims for sure always get revised!

Kabuki, just say "More, please!"...because no matter what you say that is all they hear anyway!  They'll be firing up the band and rearranging deck chairs till the end...

ETA - ( (

Job numbers - miss, miss, miss.  So worse than pulled out the PTB butt the first time, OK then, everything is still Awesome!

Good discussion here with Peter Schiff & Doug Casey on the real state of things...basically we are too far gone, to happily willfully ignorant and thus screwed beyond imagining... (

I like how they close with Argentina and how stupid their government and cronys are and that the people there are used to and prepare for the stupidity in contrast to us...and once again Argentina defaults (!

Don't be a Worrywart!  Everything is Awesome!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 31, 2014, 02:24:24 PM
This is good...

( (

I like the increasing compaction in the lag time between spikes...

Kinda looks the same here too for a historical snapshot for the past couple hundred years, the frequency is increasing -

( (

Latin America is hot, true, but that long drought for Spain is about to end and Greece may set a record for quickest repeat ever.

And soon we'll be on that list and no doubt will earn a really big dark menacing blob.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: trapeze on July 31, 2014, 11:15:04 PM
Annecdotal, I know, but my own business is currently the best it has been since just before the crash. I can hardly keep up with the demand.

Now...that said...there are "problems."

1) DumbassCare continues to be a drag on me. That is, me personally, but since I am being anecdotal, well, why not? My health insurance costs are still way higher than last year and in October I lose my insurance and have to choose between the DumbassCare exchange wonder-offerings or a health sharing plan. I will be going onto a health sharing plan.

2) Taxes are outrageous and are almost certainly going to go much higher. What good are increases in revenue when you don't get to keep any of it? The more business I have the less of it I get to keep. The incentives are all pointing toward doing with less because working for more seems to be a sucker's game.

3) Fuel/food/and other commodities are getting more expensive, not less. Inflation is not going away and it's more than just inflation. In addition to our money being worth less there are artificial (regulation caused) influences that are pushing costs of a lot of basic goods ever higher. Meat is more expensive because of mandated ethanol production making corn (feed) more pricey. Ethanol mandates make gasoline more expensive, too. Water costs more because of EPA mandated pollution standards. Energy will cost more because of EPA forced closings of coal power plants. The list goes on and on but the result is the same, stuff costs more, not less, in this economy.

4) I'm pretty sure that the public employee pension crisis hasn't gone away on its own. That is one of the big contributors to municipalities, of which Detroit is only the most well known, from going bankrupt. This is a ticking time bomb.

5) Last time I checked the federal government is still out of control with its fiscal problems. Even in this so-called "hot" economy that we now suddenly find ourselves in the federal government is still taking in way less than it spends and the spending is still going up at an unsustainable rate. Repeat: unsustainable debt and unsustainable spending. That word, "unsustainable," it does mean something.

6) Thousands of new federal welfare deadbeats are flooding into the country. They have not yet registered their negative effect on the economy but just like lead weights around a runner's ankles, they will.

Bottom line is that 4% economic growth (if that number is believable which it isn't) isn't that great and is really more of a fluke than anything else. Correct me if I'm wrong but that is probably the best quarter that BO has had in six years. But it's the only one like it and the numbers are almost certainly wrong.

So, things are going good for me personally right now. Yay, me. But I don't expect them to stay that way. I'm still expecting things to go right back into the toilet at any moment because I know who is driving the car. It's still Toonces behind the wheel.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on August 01, 2014, 01:13:19 AM
So, things are going good for me personally right now. Yay, me. But I don't expect them to stay that way. I'm still expecting things to go right back into the toilet at any moment because I know who is driving the car. It's still Toonces behind the wheel.

Yea Trap!
Eat Drink and be Merry. Enjoy it  while ye can for tomorrow we die :)

Seriously though, glad to hear things are going well.  Wish I was in a business where I could say the same..  its slow, and what work I have makes me question my sanity...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 01, 2014, 06:42:01 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong but that is probably the best quarter that BO has had in six years. But it's the only one like it and the numbers are almost certainly wrong.

So, things are going good for me personally right now. Yay, me. But I don't expect them to stay that way. I'm still expecting things to go right back into the toilet at any moment because I know who is driving the car. It's still Toonces behind the wheel.

Yes, I believe you are correct on the first point, for whatever that is worth to Obama, which isn't much.  Wasn't W excoriated by the Dems for causing a horsesh*t economy with a paltry 4.7% GDP once?  Well yeah the MFM carries that collar too.

And for your enumerated points 1-3 are felt now and will only get worse, points 4 and 6 are just ramping up and point 5 will never get better.

My BIL is lucky right now as his own health insurance is through my sister's plush MNA (nursing union) plan, and he does not offer bennies for his laborers, if anything in the (cough) law changes that he will throtle back to small jobs he will only do himself and dispense with employees.  Since most of his work is through municipalities and school districts (85-90%) once they start feeling the squeeze the bid opportunities will dry up and so will the income for all contractors...he sees the handwritting on the wall and he would like to find someone to buy out his business which has a super solid reputation and track record, but any prospective buyer faces the same challenges so, unless one with money and is a little dim comes along, he's stuck riding this thing down to the bitter end.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 01, 2014, 06:50:47 AM
Lovely little Friday dump shaping up here, the PTBs have all sorts of tasty skittles dropping out of their butts!

Date Time  Release Impact For Actual Expected Prior 
Aug 01 8:30 AM  Nonfarm Payrolls  Jul - 250K 220K 
Aug 01 8:30 AM  Nonfarm Private Payrolls  Jul - 240K 225K 
Aug 01 8:30 AM  Unemployment Rate  Jul - 6.1% 6.1% 
Aug 01 8:30 AM  Hourly Earnings  Jul - 0.2% 0.2% 
Aug 01 8:30 AM  Average Workweek  Jul - 34.5 34.5 
Aug 01 8:30 AM  Personal Income  Jun - 0.5% 0.4% 
Aug 01 8:30 AM  Personal Spending  Jun - 0.2% 0.4% 
Aug 01 8:30 AM  PCE Prices - Core  Jun - 0.2% 0.2% 
Aug 01 9:55 AM  Michigan Sentiment - Final  Jul - 82.5 82.0 
Aug 01 10:00 AM  ISM Index  Jul - 56.0 55.9 
Aug 01 10:00 AM  Construction Spending  Jun - -0.5% 0.3% 
Aug 01 2:00 PM  Auto Sales  Jul - NA NA 
Aug 01 2:00 PM  Truck Sales  Jul - NA NA

Place your bets, throw darts or just sit back and snort and laugh...

Lets ask all those laid off and not counted any more how they think everything is...lets ask everyone if they like paying more for less at the grocery store...

Or let the PTBs just keep lying and doubling-down on suicide...

What a circle jerk this all is!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 04, 2014, 11:41:06 AM
Nobody has pissed away a nations wealth not yet earned than Barack Hussein Obama! (


Let Hitlery/Fauxahontas/TheWookie or whoever earn the burn that is surely coming!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 12, 2014, 07:42:03 AM
Inside a FedHead's head...

Sounding a somber note even as the economic outlook in the United States brightens, the Federal Reserve’s No. 2 official acknowledged on Monday that global growth had been “disappointing” and warned of fundamental headwinds that might temper future gains.

The official, Stanley Fischer, who took over as vice chairman of the Fed in June, noted that although the weak recovery might simply be fallout from the financial crisis and the recession, “it is also possible that the underperformance reflects a more structural, longer-term shift in the global economy.”

In a speech delivered on Monday in Stockholm at a conference organized by the Swedish Ministry of Finance, Mr. Fischer also conceded that economists and policy makers had been repeatedly disappointed as the expected level of growth failed to materialize.

“Year after year, we have had to explain from midyear on why the global growth rate has been lower than predicted as little as two quarters back,” he said. “This slowing is broad-based, with performance in emerging Asia, importantly China, stepping down sharply from the postcrisis surge, to rates significantly below the average pace in the decade before the crisis.”

Mr. Fischer said it was difficult to determine how much of the slackness was because of cyclical factors and how much represented a more fundamental, structural change in advanced economies.

But he warned of three pronounced headwinds that have held back growth in the United States: a still anemic housing market, cuts in federal government spending and weaker global growth that reduced demand for American exports. (

Oh yeah, structural changes...I think they're coming soon.

And look at those Neo-Keynesian idols!  Housing, government spending, exports!  Bwuuhaahaaaa!!!  Are you sh*tting me, Stan?  Debt slavery works better when people have incomes that rise, not fall for what the 26th straight quarter?  Oh, and how about that inflation y'all hide?  Like you every go to a grocery store, pal?  Pay more for less much?  And then you just bundle up all the toxic waste for the taxpayer to cover and think, hey, let's fire up the fricken merry-go-round again?  You and your prog ilk effed up the housing market permanently, it will never have the kind of growth you need to fund your kabuki show!  Reduced earnings, reduced purchasing, less apetite for debt and bailouts, get used to it!  And exports, well, like housing, with unions and regulation and taxation, we have a primarily service-based economy with zero job growth, wtf we exporting, Einstein?  Capital, I think that is about all.  And the Holy of Holies - government spending!  Yes, Debtman, what will you do when the dollar implodes and nobody wants our paper anymore, dollars and bills and bonds will be useful for fires and bottoms, that's about it!

These morons are sealing the nations fate!!!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: richb on August 12, 2014, 07:40:07 PM
Before the crash,  the biggest home builder (not a national company) in my market market made a really good move.    Most of my fellow realtors at the time thought they were nuts (as they couldn't build what they were building at the time fast enough),  but this builder sure saw the crash coming.    They came out with a new line of homes that was substantially less expensive then what they were doing back then.    They spent a lot of time and money promoting this new line. 

They never stopped building throughout the worst of this recession,  they probably were the only builder to open a new subdivision during 2010.   Some of the national companies had to come to a complete halt on new starts.   Granted what they were building was going for $150,000 less then what they built before (they still have their line of more expensive houses,  though they don't sell many of those anymore).  They have done pretty well considering how housing is. 

I don't know whether the made the change back in 2008, because of this (at the time coming) recession in mind or just the overall decline we see today.  He danced around that question the time I asked.   I am guessing I know the answer to that,  but he doesn't want that going around.   
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 13, 2014, 07:14:34 AM
There is the old saying "Chaos breeds opportunity" and the wise person takes the meat of that saying to heart, there are ways to survive distruptions in the normal flow, it can be dicier now that the Puppetmasters are so perverting things that "normal flow" really doesn't mean what it used to...learning to keep your sea legs in choppy waters is a skill all people will have to learn or they will perish.

As for real estate in this neck of the woods, my nephew the realtor is seeing steady not spectacular work, the best news being the number of short sales has declined to near pre-2008 levels, but banks are loath to be as loose with the credit quality now and so the drive towards lower cost smaller units is going to be a continuing trend and I doubt existing home prices will bounce back anywhere near pre-2008 levels ever again as a result.

And it'll muddle along like that until the next wave of chaos throws ships on rocks...

Spin the wheel...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 14, 2014, 08:05:17 AM
Top paying jobs...for now... (

Figures.  Peoples guts n' stuff are gross, mouths and brains not much better...and can barely stand attorney's...

I should have become Pharmacist!   ::facepalm::  Oh well.

Meanwhile, most Americans are in JOB's like this (!

I'm sure the influx of more illegals will help the situation...


Claims numbers today were a miss too...cooked numbers cannot even meet bogus expectations...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 15, 2014, 08:08:55 AM
This news makes me nervous, there is evidence from previous episodes that PTBs like this jackass of prepositioning themselves, being insiders and fellow puppetmasters, it makes sense that that would be the case, but usually we find out about these moves after the fact, so is this a preliminary feint to sucker people in and fleece them on a dead cat bounce play and then move bearish?  It's what I would expect from a demon like this.  Could be a feint in a feint...and therefor a real move.  Bloody demons! (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 27, 2014, 08:23:06 AM
Easy peasy... (

WTF do I care?  Do it!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on August 27, 2014, 08:39:49 AM
Send in the Helicopters! (

A second factor explaining the persistence of the old way of doing business involves central banks’ balance sheets. Conventional accounting treats money — bank notes and reserves — as a liability. So if one of these banks were to issue cash transfers in excess of its assets, it could technically have a negative net worth. Yet it makes no sense to worry about the solvency of central banks: after all, they can always print  more money.....

Those who don’t like the idea of cash giveaways, however, should imagine that poor households received an unanticipated inheritance or tax rebate. An inheritance is a wealth transfer that has not been earned by the recipient, and its timing and amount lie outside the beneficiary’s control. Although the gift may come from a family member, in financial terms, it’s the same as a direct money transfer from the government. Poor people, of course, rarely have rich relatives and so rarely get inheritances — but under the plan being proposed here, they would, every time it looked as though their country was at risk of entering a recession.

You see its an inheritance-- passed from your unborn children to you, today! 
After all we can always print more money!
The economic ignorance here is just staggering.
There will always be more money.. that is what "more" means... ( I know I have heard that quote somewhere in a film- if anyone knows which one - enlighten me!)

you see its okay to debase the money ( by borrowing it no less!)
-- with fewer people laboring as the boomers retire, robots replace people, and  and the free money being dropped from helicopters  makes work something only suckers engage in... less value is created, and the the value per dollar decreases.

Oh wait.  A bit of savings and decreased demand from boomers isn't going to offset that is it?

But there you have it.. the first call to actually drop money from Helicopters because it won't cause inflation..
Oddly , I bet if I suggested that we use this same method to pay everyone's taxes this asshat would object...I wonder why..
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on August 27, 2014, 09:07:47 AM
An inheritance is a wealth transfer that has not been earned by the recipient, and its timing and amount lie outside the beneficiary’s control. Although the gift may come from a family member, in financial terms, it’s the same as a direct money transfer from the government.

NO, it is not the same.  Good grief!

Conventional accounting treats money — bank notes and reserves — as a liability.

And this is why so many people do not understand the "modern" economy because it turns everything people think they know about money on its head because it's not money, it's "money".
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on August 27, 2014, 09:15:25 AM
An inheritance is a wealth transfer that has not been earned by the recipient, and its timing and amount lie outside the beneficiary’s control. Although the gift may come from a family member, in financial terms, it’s the same as a direct money transfer from the government.

NO, it is not the same.  Good grief!

No, its exactly the same - except your family member worked his entire life to accumulate that money, paying taxes all of the while and another chunk to the government before you get it, and the government just had an employee type some zeros into a computer.  EXACTLY the SAME.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on August 27, 2014, 09:59:12 AM

Good news!
hyperinflation in the US is impossible! (

    Similarities [with Weimar]? What Similarities

        Germany lost World War I
        The Treaty of Versailles imposed repayment conditions on Germany that could not be met
        To enforce the treaty, France occupied parts of Germany
        Germany printed money so fast people burnt stacks of money for heat

    What part of that remotely resembles anything that is happening in the US today?

Um, the part where the economy is tanked, recovery can't occur for political reasons, and the government is printing money as a way of kicking the can?

    Summers notes that China, Russia, Brazil, India, and now South Africa are moving to trade more in their own currencies (not the US Dollar), saying "All of these items are real and documented."

    Yes they are real. They are also essentially meaningless. It makes perfect sense for countries that trade with each other to do so in their respective currencies. Even though oil is priced in dollars, oil trades in Euros right now. Oil trades in Yen now. Currencies are fungible. So if a few minor countries want to trade in Yuan now, it will not matter one iota in the grand scheme of things.

Yeah, a "few, minor countries" which make up the same percentage of the Wolrd GDP as the United States does. And you know, the US having the reserve currency DOESN'T MATTER in the grand scheme of things, because, you know, currencies are fungible.

 The problem is Oil is priced in Dollars which , however briefly exist when the customer converts his Yen to dollars to buy the oil..  The dollar is the middle man currency between a lot of countries and this causes dollar demand.  If that demand lessens, a lot of dollars return to America. But you don't want to address that do you? Just like you don't want to address what happens when a LOT of countries start using BRICS currency instead of US Dollars for the same operation.  When they keep BRICS debt in their vaults instead of US Debt because they now have a trade imbalance with the BRICS nations INSTEAD of the US. That won't matter at all, right?


    Inquiring minds are looking at the May 13, CPI Release from the BLS.

    The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.4 percent in April on a seasonally adjusted basis, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 3.2 percent before seasonal adjustment.

Yeah, because no one uses food or fuel.

    Mish Response: Once again we see the silly statements regarding the pricing of oil in Euros or some other currency from someone who does not understand that currencies are fungible.

    It does not matter one iota what oil is priced in unless one tried to do it in Yap Island stones or some other highly illiquid currency. Oil already trades in Euros and Yen just as gold does. One does not need dollars to buy oil any more than one needs dollars to buy gold.

Because, you know, someone else might have already supplied the dollars and is now willing to sell it to you in some other currency.  And why are Yap Island Stones highly illiquid? Is it because they are seen as worthless in most circles? They couldn't happen to the dollar why?


    Hyperinflationists have myopia. They only see (or only focus on) problems in the US. They ignore overheating in China, enormous problems in the UK, and huge structural issues in the EU.

    The US may have more problems than elsewhere (or not), but that does not imply the dollar might collapse to zero against the currencies of other countries.

    Intermediate-term, I actually expect the dollar to rise, but should it sink, it will not be a sign of impending hyperinflation.


    Massive Inflation in China

    Those looking for a huge inflation problem can find it in China. Credit growth in China is rampant. Please consider Ponzi Financing Involving Copper Trade Gone Wild In China

    China is building cities no one lives in, malls that are vacant, trains and airports no one uses yet Williams thinks the Yuan is better than the dollar. Why? For that matter why is the Euro or the British Pound?

    The entire global banking system is insolvent.

So hyperinflation can't happen in the US, but its is happening in China and the entire world  banking system is f**ked.  But you see, the US dollar sucks the least so everything is fine.. till someone else sucks the least, right?

    For all the massive amount of printing the Fed has done, note that total credit market is roughly 27 times the size of M1 and roughly 6 times the size of M2 (not shown).

    Can that credit be paid back? The answer is no and it will act as an economic drag for a long time.

    So another trillion in printing is going to cause hyperinflation? When the total credit market is $50 trillion? Please be serious.

Of course they don't even publish M3 anymore because the number is so bad, .
But hey whats another trillion in a market of 50 trillion?  2%  why do you ask? And two percent - andthe next year, and the next and the next.
Did they cover exponential growth in any of your classes in college? But right - they could print 50 Trillion and no one would notice because the credit markets wouldn't loan it out. Unless they did - because they now have enough to look solvent AND loan money out.


    Many of the socialist-Marxist regimes were Latin American populist governments who employed “revolutionary” anti-capitalist nostrums for economic policy. Chile (Allende) and Argentina are good examples. Argentina has had years of high inflation to hyperinflation since 1980. In Africa most countries were a mixture of strongmen with socialist-Marxist policies. I am not suggesting that these were pure socialist governments, but rather the typical situation where the government seizes or controls large parts of industry and issues regulations controlling much economic activity.

    These hyperinflations all had one common denominator: during a period of instability, spending was used as a political tool and it got out of hand. I understand that the circumstances of each country were different and that it is perhaps unfair to say, lump Israel in with Argentina. But each country faced political factors that created instability or a national crisis; the government spent heavily to gain popular support, and resorted to the printing presses to pay for their spending

Right, because there is no banking crisis or big socialist big changes happening in America right now forcing spending as a political tool.  NO Sir.
No massive health care systems, stimulus package giveaways or anything like that.

What a moron.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on August 27, 2014, 10:06:26 AM
Speaking of "because no one uses food or fuel", 93% lean ground beef cost me $5.55 lb. yesterday.

Yup, everything comin' up roses.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 27, 2014, 12:53:35 PM
We're going to make Zimbabwe look like a bunch of idiot babies in comparison...

Beyond epic...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 08, 2014, 01:36:47 PM
The Fed just lied its ass off! (

Any mistake is purely intentional...

The real march into oblivion continues unabated... (

I'll take $116T in unfunded liabilities going "POOF!" for $500, Alex!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 09, 2014, 06:48:20 AM
I don't think Neo-Keynesian's think this way...they may parrot some of the words...but actions speak louder... (




This is hilarious! (

Fed will raise rates!   ::laughonfloor::  BlackRock is merely being the messenger of disinformation for market manipulation purposes!

And this little gem... (

...tell me the Cabal doesn't exist!  Not everybody in the industry is a crook, but the ones with the power...many are corrupted by the system...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 17, 2014, 07:29:56 AM
Eh, so what!  what difference does it make? (

With the wave of a hand it could all be erased from could a lot of people, but hey, no pain no gain...

And hey, enhancement is all the rage we have "credit enhancement"!   ::whoohoo::  We're saved!  Happy Days are here again!

Everything is Awesome! (

...until the slightest little hiccup, then, ka-blew-eeeeeee, it all implodes!

...and the jackasses didn't even see it coming...again!


This is going to end so orderly and politely...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 10, 2014, 08:24:20 AM
"Satan Signal"? (


As good as a label as any for puppetmaster shennanigans!

Mention anything smacking of religion though and the ZHer's go apesheeet!  Browse the comments at your own peril!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: warpmine on October 10, 2014, 05:36:15 PM
Is there another way to view that page...I mean the format is horrible. Going from three inches down to about 1/4 inch is beyond a PIA
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 13, 2014, 11:36:15 AM
President Obola is winning on all fronts...from a sick, twisted evil "progressive" point of view...

US slips to 12th in "Economic Freedom" (

Way to go Prog's!


Wait, given these 5 categories...

1. Size of government

2. Legal structure and security of property rights

3. Access to sound money

4. Freedom to trade internationally

5. Regulation of Credit, Labor and Business. can we be that high?

No 1 - I mean, who has more government than us in terms of budget?  Nobody.

No 2 - Legal/property rights?  Seriously?  We are letting statists  grab whatever the frack they want to take from us ( and I am pretty sure we can compete with even the most fascist and totalitarian regimes on the planet for that dubious distiction, and I would argue in monetary terms we have to be up there is not tops...the openly fascist/totalitarian regimes might skew up via current value of nationalized/socialized industries, but on an acquistition basis from individuals we have to be more obscene that a nominally free nation should be!

( Link H/T to Glock32 - X-ref post - ( )

No 3 - Access to sound money.   ::saywhat::   ::laughonfloor::  Yeah, OK!

We get that one as default reserve currency...for truth there isn't a fiat on the planet that is going to be worth a damn at some point, so this category should be eliminated!

No 4 - Freedom to trade internationally, provided you greased the right wheels, kissed the right asses and don't have a government or a NGO frick with your stuff.  Almost like #3, let's see what real trade looks like with in-kind exchanges, m'kay?!

No 5 - Seriously, we can compete with anybody on this one!  Outside of maybe China (who has the sheer number of people) we can suck with the rest of them on this one!


Man, that is charitable!

From the article -

The 10 freest economies in the world are: Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Switzerland, Mauritius, United Arab Emirates, Canada, Australia, Jordan, and Chile and Finland tied for 10th.

Well, Honk Kong, heh...after they've been pacified the ChiCom way, let's see...

See anywhere worth relocating too?  I sure don't!  (No offense to Canada!  Y'all going the right direction...better direction than us!)

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 14, 2014, 08:07:18 AM
Small business in America continues to suck...and from my perspective as a moonlighting small business accountant I see nothing to change that view... (

I guess I find it tragically hilarious why anybody under these conditions and under the Obola Regime could possibly expect small business to grow let alone survive...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 15, 2014, 08:17:06 AM
OK, time for another update seems there is just a whole lot going on...oil markets in meltdown, treasury yields collapsing, Greece on the verge of collpase, Ebola, stagnat economies, currency implosions...yup, it must be October and a psuedo-election year in Amurikah...

And lest we lose sight of all the gains, er losses for us sane folks, that we've come to know and loath...a refresher for where we are - (

Yeah.  Everything is Awesome!  How can it be anything else?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 16, 2014, 07:27:22 AM
Volatility...there isn't anything but... (

...but whatever, today, tomorrow...crap can and will hit the fan...

...keep a weather eye out...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 16, 2014, 02:39:06 PM
Print/Monetize...QE 4-ever!!!   ::whoohoo::

SSDD... (

Go ahead, peddle to the metal!!!  What's the worst that could happen?! 

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on October 16, 2014, 09:31:54 PM
If they get this epidemic going its the Black Swan for the economy.  QE won't matter because the velocity of money is going to fall to zero.
Grocery stores won't be getting deliveries, because quarantine zones will prohibit them. Shelves will be bare - Seriously if you don't have at least 6 months worth of food RIGHT NOW, you better get it.  Even if the government is just incompetent and isn't deliberately trying to kill us, you will need to hunker down for MONTHs if this thing gets going.

No one will be going to work. No one will be going to malls or to movies or to stores. If anyone thinks the economy can survive that in the condition its in, they got another think coming.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 17, 2014, 07:03:15 AM
If they get this epidemic going its the Black Swan for the economy.  QE won't matter because the velocity of money is going to fall to zero.
Grocery stores won't be getting deliveries, because quarantine zones will prohibit them. Shelves will be bare - Seriously if you don't have at least 6 months worth of food RIGHT NOW, you better get it.  Even if the government is just incompetent and isn't deliberately trying to kill us, you will need to hunker down for MONTHs if this thing gets going.

No one will be going to work. No one will be going to malls or to movies or to stores. If anyone thinks the economy can survive that in the condition its in, they got another think coming.

Yeah, so far they are doing everything to ensure this things has the best chance to spread, and it sneaks up on most because most people in this country have an IQ below room temperature and what looks like simple incompetence flies low under the radar of the time people realize the stuff is out of control life as we know it will cease entirely.

But hey, the the Feds are cheering because more paper is being bought, the ChiCom's love us once again! (  So all is well, eh?

Well, maybe not everything...

What will send us reeling first?  Ebola or economic collapse ( or fiscal implosion (  Maybe all three simultaneously?

Frankly, it doesn't matter...prepare for the worst (as best you can) and hope for the best (good luck!) and we'll see what we will see.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 20, 2014, 12:08:16 PM
Once again, on Economic/Finance matters, Doc Engali nails the Fed strategy again ( - "I disagree, I think they know exactly what they are doing and the key word in your statement is "acting". Look at what they have accomplished , The cost of borrowing to .gov is virtually nothing, they've shaken out a lot of speculative positions by jawboning, and they drive the "market "higher by luring in shorts with their "skitzo acting". The merits of the fed are another discussion, but to me it's clear they know exactly what they need to do to advance their,an their owners, agenda."

Boom, nails it.  The psychology of the markets is the psychology of the people in the market, the Fed doesn't have to act, it just has to talk about acting and do nothing, it's a bad cop/good cop (well, OK, less bad cop really)/crazy cop/bored cop routine and they only have to act when all the tricks stop working, and then they usually ramp up the QE again...and until it all goes sideways this is not going to change, they will not change...

ETA - A prime example:

( (


And for those thinking it's always going to be nothing but unicorns with skittles dropping out their butts (, think again!

There's so many horses in the race to the end I can scarcely pick a winner.

Well, prepare accordingly, and wait.   ::popcorn::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on October 23, 2014, 09:57:42 AM
Time to stop worrying about our debt - the Fed collected 3 Trillion in revenue last year (

You know, because of the economic boom we have been having and all.
They are trying to claim its new taxes...

Its more likely  the Fed funneled printed money to a few cronies, who reported it as Income and then paid an 80% tax rate on it.
Seriously does anyone believe this number? Look we collected $6-800 MILLION more than we usually do - from an economy that grew at best 1%!
See now we had a deficit of "only" 500 MILLION....

Lies and more lies.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 23, 2014, 11:17:15 AM
What a steaming load of excrement!  But enough of Obama...and the tax hikes he rode in on!   ::mooning::

I don't see any DemonRat campaigning for more tax hikes to achieve fiscal nirvana, and if you look at the real source of all revenue only then will you get the real story...meanwhile, don't drink that poopy water they're offering!!!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on October 28, 2014, 07:43:41 PM
A hysterical bit with Peter Schiff (http://A hysterical bit with Peter Schiff)

Why are the markets going up even though the Fed might announce the end of QE? BEcause NO ONE believes QE will really end

Can you "make money" in dollar value by riding this fake market up? Sure.
Will its gains keep pace with the inflation after taxes? Maybe. Maybe not
Its probably a wash.
You have to take it out of the market and spend it the next day, and by the way, don't leave it in the market even an hour too long.  Or spend it now and buy the same stuff you would later at higher prices using your barely preserved wealth.

ITS NOT GROWING people. Real inflation is sitting at 10% at shadow stats according to the 1980s way of calculation it. Its at 6% according to the 90's version of that metric. If you are not getting a return on your stocks 6-10% AFTER taxes on gains,  then you LOST purchasing power.
How hard is this to get. Apparently - very hard.


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 29, 2014, 07:20:55 AM
Yes, this effect I rant into years ago, I forget when...I was killing time by crunching some stuff in a spreadsheet comparing what I thought was real inflation (a destroyer of wealth and purchaing power) with returns in various broad indexes for equities, bonds etc and then exploring the best options as to risk/reward within those cut to the chase I was horrorfied at what I found, I thought I had made a mistake, I tabled it for a while and came back, after a while I came to the conclusion that wealth creation along the old model is largely dead and since then it has been revealed as a complete fraud, a chimera out of some Neo-Keynesian tragedy.  The best thing you can do with your earnings is preserve them, in whatever it is that has real tangible value.  When fiat ceases to exist for anything but firestarter and TP, when digital transfers have gone dark...what do you have?

It is not to say I do not jump into the chimera now and then to exploit something I think I can take short term advantage of, but all that is good for is the quick conversion to fiat and then into tangible value.  There is nothing without risk, there is nothing without volatility, there is nothing with a return sufficient enough to actually grow what has been put into it at a rate able to overcome the corrosive effects of wealth destruction.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 03, 2014, 08:49:04 AM
This must be some of that volatility I hear mentioned in backwaters of the internets... (

...just be calm, all is well.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 05, 2014, 07:27:28 AM
Rates cannot rise...

( (


Idiot, meet corner, corner, this is the idiot.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on November 06, 2014, 08:48:29 AM
Dollar to 7 year High against other crappy fiat currencies (

Completely Rigged Market allows stock prices to surge! (

QE is Over! The economy is flying under its own power! (

Everything is Awesome!

Everything Is AWESOME!!! -- The LEGO® Movie -- Tegan and Sara feat. The Lonely Island (

Okay, for the sake of argument, lets say everything is AWESOME..  Did Fed interest rates go up?  No? Still near Zero?
So nothing is being done to "soak up" all of that money they printed and injected into the economy? So if the economy starts growing and the velocity of money goes up.. aren't we going to get double digit inflation even by the government F'd up system of calculating CPI?  The answer is YES.

If we start seeing that, do you think they will allow  interest rates  to rise when the government deficits are still over 1 Trilllion a year?

Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. And I betting they pick the route that kicks the can the farthest, and that is more QE ( official or clandestine ("loans" to banks to keep them in the black and commitments by those banks to "invest" their "profits" in the stock market)  and low interests rates.

Doing the opposite means deflation, as interest rates rise to 15% or more ( as they did when Reagan tried to fix Carter's mess) - more unemployment on top of the 20% who are already out of work, and in an environment where Obama care employment taxes are in full effect-  and savers are still screwed because 15% interest still sucks when inflation is really at 13% and your taxes are still high..)  and the government can now no longer spend- with more of its revenue going to interest.. and then they cut entitlement programs (over 2/3 of govt spending)  with the social unrest that causes, or they print even more and take the high interest rate on that debt... which will in a very short time eat up ALL of the official revenues.

Its a whole lot of pain and no political gain, thought I guess they might do it for a couple of years and then blame the Republicans so they can get Shrillary elected. But then , that is assuming there will be a 2016 election, and I am still dubious.

Its game over either way because MATH. They have some choice left in the form of the destoryer, but I am still placing bets on Kick the Can.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 06, 2014, 11:16:55 AM
Yeah, math...


Full speed ahead!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 10, 2014, 07:48:02 AM
Here we go...

Hussman says market is overvalued 100% (, sure, but hey, QE4EVR!  Enjoy inflation eroded everything!

And one of those things that look bad for the utes of 'Merica... (

Love the first comment by Pool Shark - "But, with NIRP, now they can earn negative interest on their negative savings.  A double-negative is a positive, right?..."

Cue the "Eveything is Awesome" track!   ::unknowncomic::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 11, 2014, 08:05:03 AM
What we all know and feel...



H/T - (


Will Obama's stagflation be any better than Carter's?  Probably worse...thing about icebergs is, you only see the tip...99% isn't in view, yet...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 12, 2014, 07:17:08 AM
Like a good overture...the climax is at the end...

"Speculation, once left to individuals and investors, is now federally sponsored, subsidized and institutionalized.  When this sham finally buckles and the next shoe falls and rates do eventually rise, the stock market will tank, liquidity will die, and the broader economy will plunge into a worse Depression than before. We are not there yet because of these coordinated moves and the political force behind them. But we are on a precarious path to that inevitability." (


Want more proof the Equity Market must be supported at all costs?

Thou shalt serve the equities, or perish!!! (

Yup, this has a happy ending....


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 13, 2014, 07:23:47 AM
If the script is still in play...

( (


While you can...prepare for "Trading has been halted" messages...even 2008 was too much for the Plunge Protection Team to handle...   ;)
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 14, 2014, 08:07:01 AM
Restraunt billionaire Tilman Fertitta sees Real Estate about to crash. (

Not sure about that $50 oil mark, things would hae to really hit the fan for that kind of a collapse, I don't see that.  But I see a lot of commercial real estate sitting idle even here, and typically we perform better than national averages on most things.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: warpmine on November 17, 2014, 07:32:59 AM
Restraunt billionaire Tilman Fertitta sees Real Estate about to crash. (

Not sure about that $50 oil mark, things would hae to really hit the fan for that kind of a collapse, I don't see that.  But I see a lot of commercial real estate sitting idle even here, and typically we perform better than national averages on most things.
With the economy stuttering and people still not able to find meaningful employment, the demand for goods is keeping inventories low not from activity but from little activity. Very few will venture out on a entrepreneurial limb when the govt is waiting in the shadows to pounce on your treatment of wage earners as in healthcare costs, minimal wage standards etc...

 ::cussing:: <---- what this guy says.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 17, 2014, 07:52:42 AM
Restraunt billionaire Tilman Fertitta sees Real Estate about to crash. (

Not sure about that $50 oil mark, things would hae to really hit the fan for that kind of a collapse, I don't see that.  But I see a lot of commercial real estate sitting idle even here, and typically we perform better than national averages on most things.
With the economy stuttering and people still not able to find meaningful employment, the demand for goods is keeping inventories low not from activity but from little activity. Very few will venture out on a entrepreneurial limb when the govt is waiting in the shadows to pounce on your treatment of wage earners as in healthcare costs, minimal wage standards etc...

 ::cussing:: <---- what this guy says.

Yeah, and 2015 is when all the nasty ObamaCare triggers go off, unless they are once more kicked down the road by Her Imperial Monstrosity, fem-man Obama.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 20, 2014, 11:37:54 AM
I'm shocked, SHOCKED!  To find corny-capitalist/Fedcoat economic conspirators conspiring here!!!

/ (

Don't worry fellas, once we go 100% fascist this will be so much easier for y'all....
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 11, 2014, 07:12:08 AM
Perhaps a bit overhyped... (

...but then this story on the same day... (

...gets me to thinking.  Although the latter article is not entirely correct, there is inflation, in stuff we need to live on for real like food, but this kind of makes it worse I think, in that they counterbalance each other somewhat with deflationary forces slightly ahead, which can only lead the paralyzed Poohbahs into continuing the same reatrded course...much like the Titanic chugging along thinking all is well...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 12, 2014, 07:40:59 AM
Bail THIS! (


Everybody get a big Tax Immediately Due bill from your loving pals at the IRS, remember, paying taxes is patriotic and proves you are not mean or racist!


Good luck with that!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on December 14, 2014, 01:28:14 PM
Some of you may remember a few years ago  when I was assuming 3-4% growth as a realistic number
 This guy just repeated it with a number like 7%  ( and of course is now getting the same result ( because we are trillions more in debt now than when I did it..)
There is NO WAY this ends well.  All we can argue about is how soon it will happen.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Glock32 on December 14, 2014, 02:30:26 PM
The genesis of all this was the desire by a depraved political class to permanently entrench itself by engineering multi-generation dependency classes with Other People's Money (either other citizens or, more nefarious still, that of generations yet to exist).

Everything they're doing now is to either kick the can further along so that it will blow up in someone else's face, or to lay the groundwork for slinking away scot-free if it does happen to blow up in their faces.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 14, 2014, 03:48:58 PM
Some may slink away...but one day they'll be found...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on December 14, 2014, 05:03:39 PM
The genesis of all this was the desire by a depraved political class to permanently entrench itself by engineering multi-generation dependency classes with Other People's Money (either other citizens or, more nefarious still, that of generations yet to exist).

Everything they're doing now is to either kick the can further along so that it will blow up in someone else's face, or to lay the groundwork for slinking away scot-free if it does happen to blow up in their faces.

Well, they're doing "it" again.  I just heard the house-loan down-payment will be lowered to 3% --- "so more low-income people can buy their own homes"; car loans go for zero down.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 15, 2014, 06:58:30 AM
Well, then...they can pay me to take a new S8 off their inventory and maybe I'll think about making one payment!   ;D
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 11, 2015, 08:01:29 AM
Oops! (

Is this poor guy still around?  Can't be having none of that truth stuff, we have to protect phoney baloney asses here!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 12, 2015, 07:26:54 AM
Greece blows rapsberries at the EU... (


This is a fun game.


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 12, 2015, 11:46:21 AM
Hmmm?  How long until some of these goods draw down to a point where Mr & Mrs DancingWithTheStars feel the pinch? (

More likely producers and shippers raise Hell first.

I can hear them now..."just give them what they want"?!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on February 13, 2015, 07:19:01 AM
The size of these ships blows the mind; many of them are over a thousand feet long.

I had a hotel on the beach in Manila a few years ago.  I can attest to that.  I spent hours just staring at the ships in the Bay.  They literally are the size of building and you can see them from miles away.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 13, 2015, 07:53:51 AM
The size of these ships blows the mind; many of them are over a thousand feet long.

I had a hotel on the beach in Manila a few years ago.  I can attest to that.  I spent hours just staring at the ships in the Bay.  They literally are the size of building and you can see them from miles away.

In my squid days, when deployed it was an carriers, plenty big.  Seeing two along side you was impressive.

For congestion Singapore and the Persian Gulf come to mind, a lot of supertankers and cargocarriers chugging along in a relatively confined space is hard to miss.  And these fully-loaded monsters don't even come close to agile want to slow down or turn, you have to think miles ahead.

I'm sure you've been to the lift bridge in Duluth, not quite the same scale but still fun to watch.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on February 16, 2015, 09:45:31 AM
The coming evolution of the SDR (

Well thought out for the most part.. but this is sort of hysterical

This movement is taking the “two steps away from the USD and one step back” approach, and with each turn and shift the USD is being further removed as the primary reserve currency used in global trade. The much promoted death of the dollar in the alternative media is largely based on misinformation and unintended breaks in analytical rationalization as the full scope of the multilateral structure, and the global support from all countries of the world for such a system, has been cleverly hidden behind a script of geopolitical tension, as well as the dual crisis of growing sovereign debt and currency imbalances.

It should be stated that the USD will categorically remain as one of many reserve currencies with it’s position secure in the SDR basket composition, alongside the Chinese renminbi, among others, potentially even the Russian ruble.  The path of the Special Drawing Right is being drawn along the transition points of the multilateral structure.  These transition points exist as both geopolitical and macro-prudential positions which have been carefully scattered across the global landscape.

If this were to happen, it would mean the federal government would no longer be able to print dollars without permission  of the IMF ruling elite ( which the article itself admits will probably be controlled by BRICS..)  They may use the SDR and the current world bank as a vehicle ( hijacked)  to give them more legitimacy off the bat than they would have just launching a new currency.  (But that legitimacy can be easily achieved by backing thier currency with Gold/Silver/Rare Earths, Oil  and other commodities that the BRICS have in spades)  But SDR or BRICS Bucks makes no difference

If the dollar is pegged  to another currency, it is the death of the dollar as the world reserve, and really that equates to the death of the dollar as we have known it.  This is like Greece entering the Eurozone  - the dollar is no longer a dollar. It is some fraction of a SDR.  The Fed can no longer print them willy nilly and loan them out to pay our governments debts.  The financial and economic disaster in the United States happens when the US cannot pay its debts... paying in devalued printed dollars is as much a (partial)  default as refusing to pay the full amount in an sound currency.  If SDRs impose a sound currency, instead of an inflatable one, it will MAKE NO DIFFERENCE. The collapse will simply be deflationary instead of inflationary.  Why do you think Greece wants out of the Euro? SO they can control their own monetary policy and print as much as they like!

I don't see our leaders going to deflationary scenario. It will be politically unpopular and will require the govt budgets ( and their opportunities for graft)  in half. That means the EBTs don't get charged and riots in the cities. Somehow, I just don't see American politicians willingly going for that, and they will only be allowed to be part of the SDR if they agree to it. Obongo might do it by fiat I suppose, but it would be a death blow at that moment instead of a Kick the Can opportunity. The SDR might prevent the wholesale dumping of US Treasuries abroad and slow the death, but it won't stop it.  If America can't print, it can't pay its debts with devalued currency and the US Treasury Bonds become junk ..

The real question is why would the SDR even want the Dollar in its basket with that sort of dynamic? Being part of the SDR means US Bonds are worthless today. Not being part of the Basket means the Dollar dies by inflation tomorrow. 

Its over.  Go home.

 Maybe there is something I am missing.  Yes there is a lot of people would like to keep some of the value of the dollars they are holding, but I don't see how the SDR can really help them achieve that - other than be establishing a fixed rate at which they can be converted to the new SDR reserve currency.   - a controlled demolition and rebuild of the reserve, instead of the chaotic panic and collapse scenario.  But that is what this would be - a meeting of America's creditors to determine how to handle  and divide up American assets in its bankruptcy. Where the parties all agree to take 20 cents on the dollar, which they will instantly transfer into the new currency at the established rate.  Sure the dollar is part of the mix - only no one is holding them, because they know what comes shortly after,  and that looks like Greece.

This guy also has a 10 part series on SDR (

(that is part 10, links to the others below)

He seems to have an (unpalatable to me) metaphysical bent that sees human systems and the mind as unalterable and inherently corrupt.. that power corrupts I do not deny,  but I still think that the Founders had it right in trying to set up a system in which that damage is limited by the distribution of power over many locations.

In reading this series I came across this - (

Perhaps the United States is negotiating a shared risk instead of sole responsibility for maintaining the dollars SDR composition value on the substitution account as the transition from dollar reserves to SDR reserves takes place.

It is well known by all sides that the dollar cannot collapse without causing the collapse of the new SDR system before it is even fully implemented.  The I.M.F. and the U.S. both require this substitution account as a temporary transition point to ensure there is no sudden drop in demand for dollars.  The transition has to be slow and orderly....

et’s us go back to the beginning of this essay and think in term of the chess game again.  The complexity of this SDR system is not easily understood or explained.  It will be sold to the public at large as an extension of what is happening already.  In previous essays we have thought in terms of micro and macro patterns.  Let us do so again, as we consider that the Quantitative Easing through the Federal Reserve will slowly transition into SDR Quantitative Easing through the International Monetary Fund and accounts balanced through the Bank for International Settlements.

As the Fed tapers QE we can expect that it will mean an increase in SDR QE through the I.M.F.  In time this will become more obvious.

and this (

In short, the USD system is creating systemic instability and a new multilateral reserve asset is required to balance the international system of finance and create stable liquidity.  Some of the methods and components of this transition and new system can be found in the idea of substitution accounts.

The purpose of the substitution accounts is mainly for the exchange of IMF members foreign reserve assets, such as USD, for SDR denominated claims and assets.  SDR assets will, at least for a few years, enhance global liquidity and facilitate hedging.

He writes well and clearly and without a lot of bias.. For some reason he seems to think the the current oligarchs have this under such perfect control that this is being planned in advance. Rather I think its entirely reactionary in nature, and I do not think the current crop of Banker etc have real control of anything.  He acts as if this isn't East vs West, and that China, Russia  is just full-on-onboard with the NWO/COnslidation of power - all while citing human nature.
I can guarantee that China, Russia and the rest of the BRICs are participating not because they are in league with each other, but each sees an opportunity to advance their own status and power.  Sure,  they are all willing to call it an "international effort" and "consolidation"  - so long as they are holding the reigns of that organization.

He is correct that the western nations  will loose their sovereignty- but its not so obvious the larger players will, or that the IMF will continue to be used as the vehicle for their ambitions.

He also seems to feel the control of the one world  oligarchy is assured.  How can you be in control when large sections of the world are engaged in Civil Wars or wars with each other.  He suggests the consolidation is inevitable, because it will further the survival possibilities ( mutual defense, food production etc)  This will not be the case in Western Nations whose standard of living will drop precipitously. Where large populations of non-contributing Zeros cash government checks that suddenly are gone.  Then you see nationalistic movements. Then you see people LEAVING the consolidated Euro.

The EURO was a trial run for this - and it failed!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 16, 2015, 11:36:05 AM
There is no way to do this pain free (for them) without getting every major player on board with freezing out the dollar, and I just don't think they can do that through any vehicle, which means they need a Breton Woods type confab of all nations and agree to a transition framework.  And any framework will be dicked with by anyone thinking they can game it for an advantage.

The other big hurdle is once you start isolating the dollar, what do they think is going to happen to the rest of the foreign obligations held by the US?  Many have been reducing their positions in our paper but not all of it...they have to know that with nothing to loose and not going the devaluation route means we will just not pay.  Plus, what would they pay with?  The new reserve currency is likely to treat the dollar like the plague, so again, nothing to takey dollar, no gettey paid.

And I agree the BRICS and anybody lining up against the dollar will always be looking to gain advantage, new Friends notwithstanding!

But is economic wars become shooting wars, then the whole debate is shot into will be no-holds-barred global destruction on every front and naked self-interest will dictate every single move and the meek or slow to act will be thoroughly obliterated.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on February 16, 2015, 12:39:35 PM (

"Container ships wait at the dock to be unloaded at the Port of Oakland Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015, in Oakland, Calif. Companies that operate marine terminals didn't call workers to unload ships Thursday that carry car parts, furniture, clothing, electronics, just about anything made in Asia and destined for U.S. consumers. The partial lockout is the result of an increasingly damaging labor dispute between dockworkers and their employers. The two sides have been negotiating a new contract, and stalled talks have all but paralyzed 29 ports that handle about one-quarter of U.S. international trade, around $1 trillion worth of cargo annually.

... The waters off Los Angeles, Oakland and Washington state's Puget Sound have become parking lots for dozens of ships awaiting space at the docks.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on February 16, 2015, 01:04:12 PM
Yes, I feel so sorry for those poor union  dock workers earning SIX FIGURE SALARIES. (

Though the union, now representing 25,000 workers, has shrunk since jobs disappeared with mid-century innovations in the shipping industry, it still ranks among America's blue-collar royalty thanks to contracts that give full-time workers typical annual wages in the six figures. (

ILWU workers’ compensation package is believed to already be the most lucrative of any blue-collar in America. Full-time workers working 2,000 hours per year earn an average of $142,000 annually in wages and a benefits package that costs over $82,000 a worker. “Clerks” that work an average of 50 hours per week earn over $200,000. But “walking bosses,” the equivalent of warehouse foremen, can earn over $300,000.

The payroll for just 13,600 ILWU workers that man the West Coast ports was a stunning $1.4 billion in 2013.
from the comments:

PMA make that wage and higher $300000 starting wage according to thier website. We as longshore men do not make even close to what media claims. They are taking PMA claims and not using ACTUAL facts and figures. We make on average $74,214.40 most of us less due to shipping companies cut work from 24/7 to 8 hours and no weekends.

Sorry.. only $75K a year + benefits.
He says the shipping companies are cutting hours.. they might be-- because then they can hire more workers and move to a part time schedule where they don't have to deal with Obamacare regs.

Or maybe there just isn't enough stuff being shipped because the economy is failing.

Sorry - got what you voted for. Don't bitch.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 24, 2015, 11:48:16 AM
Only in the dying stages of a nation could the top official of your financial system come out and say they are flat-out opposed to any calls of independent review of their activities and "strongly any effort to audit" their operations... (

And these idiots (in the Fed and covering it) continue the kabuki that rates might be raised! (

Uhh huh, and in the start big work small strategy we see JP Morgan Chase ( preparing to charge customers for the high honor and fiduciary privilege of parking their fiat with their respected institution.

The stupid is about to pick up speed...

Screw it all anyhow...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 26, 2015, 12:03:04 PM
Uh oh! (

I'll bet dollars to doughnuts millions more serfs will be moved off the labor force participation population!

Ahh, the freedom of being nobody, eh?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 02, 2015, 08:15:09 AM
Another good Stockman breakdown...basically, "Shat meet fan, fan, this is shat" (!

But hey, no worries!  The PTBs have a new superfantastic trading tool ( to play with, so...the shearing can continue with even greater speed and efficiency!  Yaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 11, 2015, 07:19:03 AM
Former insider says equity market is rigged for insiders... (

...nothing new to us, might be new to someone who didn't think they were clueless before...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 12, 2015, 06:40:44 AM
I am finding it hard to come up with much criticism of this Cripsin Odey warning of immenent market chaos (http://[url=, he repeats the shorting opportunity too, which in such an event is the right direction to bet on, just know going in that a) the markets are still rigged for the big boys and 2) pick you targets and timing carefully.  If PMs get hammered in the carnage it could present another buying opportunity to take advantage of...and remember that it is going to be hard to tell when the last opportunity presents itself because the way things are now you will not know until the supply simply is just not there to deliver...and the retail inventory is likely to be the first to be noticed by regular folk.

And as a companion piece...I do not find it odd that the Fed could possible lose track of the peasants (, after all, Obama and Prog's haven' is their key strategy for the middle class...eliminate them...make two classes - the ruling elite and the rabble.

Oh, and remember, perhaps more than the banks they tell us about, it's the ones they don't tell us about that are failing ( that put things into scary perspective.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on March 12, 2015, 10:12:16 AM
he repeats the shorting opportunity too, which in such an event is the right direction to bet on, just know going in that a) the markets are still rigged for the big boys and 2) pick you targets and timing carefully. 

You can only Short if you fully know the timing.  Otherwise you are losing as the stocks keep going up via QE - official and unoffical.
If they have their way the market won't really collapse again ( by 6500+ points)  till the paper you could get from it is worthless anyway
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 12, 2015, 11:24:31 AM
he repeats the shorting opportunity too, which in such an event is the right direction to bet on, just know going in that a) the markets are still rigged for the big boys and 2) pick you targets and timing carefully. 

You can only Short if you fully know the timing.  Otherwise you are losing as the stocks keep going up via QE - official and unoffical.
If they have their way the market won't really collapse again ( by 6500+ points)  till the paper you could get from it is worthless anyway

It is safer to jump into a Double-short ETF now and then cash out once it starts bouncing off the floor...

But you are still in their casino...  ;)
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 16, 2015, 11:47:10 AM
“The real fiscal disaster that’s facing us, it’s right in our face. It’s not the fiscal operating debt per se which is 18 and a half trillion, it’s unfunded obligations. I calculated in ‘Liberty and Tyranny’ that we were talking about 80 to 100 trillion. In the ‘Liberty Amendments’ I said over 100 trillion. This economist says between 100 and 200 trillion. I ask you this: Is a country off the rails if it doesn’t know if it’s in debt $100 Trillion or $200 Trillion?“-Mark Levin

The man who has followed this for the longest time is Prof. Laurence Kotlikoff of Boston University. He has created a great deal of embarrassment for the government by his relentless pursuit of the statistical implications of the statistics released by the Congressional Budget Office.
The Congressional Budget Office has a way to avoid this, namely, to cease publishing the statistics that Kotlikoff has used to expose the real condition of the United States government.
Kotlikoff referred to this suppression of information in an article that appeared in Forbes.
The CBO has two sets of books. This is what any Ponzi scheme requires. It releases one set of books to the rubes in the financial media, who are perfectly content to quote from it, when they are even aware of it. This is called the Extended Baseline Forecast or EBF.
The second set of books is called the Alternative Fiscal Scenario or AFS. Here’s how Kotlikoff describes the difference.

In past years, the CBO simultaneously released what it calls its Alternative Fiscal Scenario. This forecast is what CBO actually projects future taxes and spending to be given not just the laws in place, but also how Congress and the Administration have been bending and changing the laws through time. In short, the Alternative Fiscal Scenario (AFS) is what the CBO thinks we’re facing absent a truly dramatic and sustained shift in fiscal policy.
Because of Kotlikoff’s ability to get news coverage for the AFS, the CBO decided this year not to publish it. (

But those trashy fat-assed Lebanese broads are on the Hell is Jack & Jill Schmoe supposed to give a damn?
When the rioting, screaming, pillaging, raping and dying happens it will be too late!

Welcome to "Too Late".
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 18, 2015, 11:12:31 AM
FedChimps anonymously toss their scat against a wall, put some lines on it and let people stare at it in wonder...

( (


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 20, 2015, 08:02:02 AM
( (

No more bailouts!!!

I'm quite sure the @#%&ing fools will bail them...any anybody else...out!  What difference does it make?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 23, 2015, 07:07:16 AM
Fed ignores Congress. (

Of course The Fed ignored Congress...everybody ignores Congress! 

Fed needs to keep on task.  It has many tasks, one central one is to facilitate the fleecing of its citizens.


Even Congress ignores Congress and everybody ignores the Constitution!

So, honestly...tell me how you think this will all work out?


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 24, 2015, 02:27:02 PM

CNS still thinks its odd that the Feds have frozen debt (, how cute!  Like laws and truth matter, silly goose!  They're "The Fed's", all the truth belongs to them...and all your wealth!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 29, 2015, 11:36:48 AM


 ::hysterical:: (

Obamanomics works like Ebola on the economy...massive hemorrhaging...and their cure guarantees more and faster death!

And this is the rosy Govt.Inc official number!


Team Destruction must be ecstatic!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 30, 2015, 07:10:22 AM
H/T - WRSA (

Heh, I really like this idea.  And don't fret over the bank secrecy transaction tracking, people trying to get around the significant transaction reporting fail to realize years ago the Feds changed that to be in aggregate, so if you take out odd amounts over several days it will still trigger a report, so don't worry about that, do what you want to do and be glad.



There is a connection between all of the destruction being purposely done by the Progs on all fronts - economic, social, political, everything!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 05, 2015, 08:10:12 AM
Trade defict was expected to be high ($40B) but we blew by it by #11.4B.  IIRC didn't the trade deficits go bonkers with a flood of imported goods right before the wheels started flying off the mortgage ponzi scheme in '08?

And all the (cough!) smart money left the casino long ago...mostly just those immaterial 401k's and related pension accounts trapped in the tar pits now...

This next round should really create more serfs and hammer more middle class folk...

I hear mortgages can be had for full equity, no money down!  Don't just sit there, get in hock up to your eyeballs!   ::whoohoo::

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 12, 2015, 08:00:00 AM
The top is near... (

If the PTBs hold true to form, they'll be fleecing like sheep are scarce!

Plan accordingly.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 14, 2015, 08:13:33 AM
Heh, another good Peter Schiff post. (

Asking Helicopter Ben to repent, heh, good try.

And the PTBs keep shelling out big bucks to hear the same old bullsh*t over and over again...just another way to reward the faithful in the oligarchy...while everybody else gets stepped on and ground deeper into the dust...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 19, 2015, 07:13:30 AM
Only the MFM could tout something bad as something good.

See if you can pick the odd (wrong!) city out, the one that should NOT be tops in "job" openings! (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 20, 2015, 07:34:34 AM
I find it ironic that the fiat-loathing ZHer's are condeming the demise of paper currency (, and I do not understand why they fear to voice their main objection - that it would be easier to transtion a fiat system to a real value (commodities-gold,silver,etc) system than risk the chaos of trying to implement a digital-only system upon a largely unwilling populace now trapped into a state-controlled enterprise that would pose an irresistable target for hackers.  In the end we devolve into barter-world and the state or what is left of it is forced to go genocidal on huge segments of the populace or slink away and accept a smaller fiefdom than they had hoped for.  I guess the ZHer's strategy is hope they try it.  There is a certain appeal to thriving in chaos that they share, not that there is an absence of validity there...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on May 20, 2015, 08:00:09 AM
  In the end we devolve into barter-world and the state or what is left of it is forced to go genocidal on huge segments of the populace or slink away and accept a smaller fiefdom than they had hoped for.

Getting rid of cash will ENSURE the rise of bitcoin or something very  similar - and foreign exchanges to move dollars in and out of it.  Push hard enough and no one will even keep money state side.  I  mean they may get their way and have everything be electronic,  but it won't happen where their grubby little hands can get to it. An entire shadow banking industry will spring up.. controlled via encrypted communications.

Of course this will lead them to try and "shut down" the internet.. maybe by prohibitive taxes on each byte of data sent? And watch how that effects the economy...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 29, 2015, 08:13:56 AM
It's getting harder to keep up with all the BS!

GDP shmeedeepee!   ::mooning::  It's all over-cooked sewage! (

They recently announced they would double seasonally adjust GDP (, because,*t, the model be fvcked up, youi know?

Pressure cook a turd...yeah, that's the ticket!   ::)

 ::cussing::  idiots!  And people yawn and say screw it anyway...

Schiff nailed it - "We prefer the ability to manipulate figures rather than allowing the figures to tell us things that we don't want to hear." (

Bam!  End of story.

Well, not the end end...we're almost there...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: warpmine on May 31, 2015, 10:32:43 AM
Beginning of the end or end if the beginning?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 31, 2015, 07:58:35 PM
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 01, 2015, 07:59:23 AM
And, use what you can while you can to obtain whatever you can for use/barter...because the direction we're going everything will be under state/crony control ( and good luck getting the right kind of goods then!

And look for this to be punished (, after all...what does personal savings do for the economy, eh?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 16, 2015, 07:27:11 AM
Debt freeze...90 days and counting... (

“Because Congress has not yet acted to raise the debt limit,” Lew said in his March 13 letter, “the Treasury Department will have to employ further extraordinary measures to continue to finance the government on a temporary basis. Therefore, beginning on March 16, I plan to declare a ‘debt issuance suspension period’ with respect to investment of the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund and also suspend the daily reinvestment of Treasury securities held by the Government Securities Investment Fund and the Federal Employees’ Retirement System Thrift Savings Plan.”

Got that?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 16, 2015, 11:45:48 AM
Once again, the MFM stooges have it wrong or refuse to publish the truth...

What's causing much of the consternation is fear that, like 1937, a desire to avoid bubbles and normalize rates will come too soon and plunge the economy back into a slump. The Fed took its short-term rates target down to zero amid the financial crisis and the Great Recession, and has been there since late 2008.

However, that recession officially ended in 2009, yet the central bank has not moved on policy. In addition to zero rates, it has boosted up its balance sheet to $4.5 trillion in a liquidity program whose effect has been to pump up the stock market by 220 percent.

Arone insists the 1937 versus 2015 comparison is not a valid one: Back then, consumer prices were falling and unemployment was rising, whereas the dynamic is the exact opposite now. The more relevant comparison, he said, would be 1999, where the Fed kept its foot on its pedal during the runaway dot-com bubble. (

What excrement!

First, the recession never ended...ask the millions left unemployed, ask the millions removed from the labor force participation calculations, ask the people who cooked the books to show bogus GDP, unemployment and growth numbers...and some prices have come down (oil, gas, PM's) but others people really need like beef, hogs and soybeans ( and ask any shopper if they are getting more of anything for a dollar than they were before Obama ran for office! 

And this stratospheric lunacy - "The Fed's exit from zero in 2015 will prove far less dramatic than in 1937: investors today have been raised on a dovish not a hawkish Fed; inflation is perceived to be under control, underscoring Fed credibility; and investor faith in economic recovery is bolstered by a virtuous cycle of rising housing activity, bank lending and small-business activity," Michael Hartnett, chief market strategist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, said in a note that expresses the most optimistic aspects of Wall Street sentiment.


Fed credibility?!?!?!   ::laughonfloor::

Housing still blows and the market values and sales levels are still well below pre-2008 levels, I do not know of any banks lending to people who could really put it to productive use unless they have money to begin with (everybody I know has been weening off of debt)...the rest of the swindle-racket with some low-income folk protected by the proglodyte pols and bureaucrats continues which ensures another wave of toxic waste taxpayers will get saddled with, so when the stock market bubble pops I think it should be worse than 2008.


More on the housing illusion pushed by idiots... (

Fannie - "Raccoon on a aligator"...   ::rolllaughing:: (

And, cracks in the Holy Grail of Fed policy...stawks! (

Real unemployment rate? 

ME/UE - 25% (

U6 with fictional denominator is 10.8% (

ShadowStats not surprisingly in line with ZH post - (

Yeah, everything is going to be awesome...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: warpmine on June 16, 2015, 09:28:31 PM
Those numbers depicting building permits are not housing starts or they would have stated as such, they are in fact just that building permits for upgrades, remodels etc.... Once again, they lie like the DemonRats they are. ::rockets::

Inflation is anything but under control. Ground beef continues it's climb in price sa does everything else. Mexifornia's command of all things chicken is boggling considering so many live outside the sh*t hole yet the market is doing everything in it's power to raise chickens according to progtard standards necessitating raising prices of both eggs and chickens.

How the hell can anyone take this govt's stats as truth? ::facepalm::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 17, 2015, 06:50:59 AM
They are, in Pink Floydian lingo, just too damn comfortably numb, but events are about to blow that comfort part away...then the question will be who do the numbnuts blame?  Government or who the government tells them to blame.  SSDD

The trends are obvious and inescapable (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 01, 2015, 06:58:12 AM
Debt Freeze 15 weeks and counting (

And our own Greek isle ready to sink - (

Gringo taxpayer bailout time, eh?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on July 07, 2015, 10:27:59 AM
 I guess I should be happy the MSM said anything (

True, our budget deficit this year will be lower than it has been, just $486 billion compared to $1.4 trillion as recently as 2009. But this is just a temporary respite. Within the next couple of years the deficit will start to rise again. By 2025, we will again face trillion-dollar shortfalls.

And even a $486 billion deficit adds to our ever growing debt. Our national debt currently approaches $18.2 trillion, roughly 101% of GDP. That’s right. We owe more than the value of all the goods and services produced in this country every year. It is as if your credit-card bills exceeded your entire pay check.That’s not quite as bad as Greece, of course, whose debt exceeds 177% of their GDP. But it is worse than countries like France or Spain.
nd give us time! Like Greece, the driving force behind our debt is the growing cost of entitlement programs for health care and retirement. If one includes future unfunded liabilities for Social Security and Medicare, our real debt exceeds $90 trillion. That’s more than five times our GDP. Greece is still in worse shape — their unfunded liabilities top 875% of GDP — but we’re gaining.

At the heart of Greece’s problems lies a government grown too big, too intrusive, and too expensive. The Greek government spent nearly half of the country’s GDP last year (49.3%), and that actually represents a decline from the 51.8% it averaged since 2006. The Greek’s may complain about austerity, but they’ve hardly practiced it.

Our government is far smaller than Greece’s today. Federal spending is just 20.5% of GDP. But, according to the Congressional Budget Office’s alternative fiscal scenario, that could rise to almost 34% by mid-century. Factoring in state and local government spending, which already accounts for roughly 14.4% of GDP, total government expenditure in the US could reach 48% to 50% in 2050, roughly Greek levels.

But of course don't mention the fact that the changed how GDP was calculated, and that there is really no reason to believe govt deficit numbers. After all - the government hasn't borrowed a dime in months now.  Now add in the economic drag and cost of Obama care, the fact that its driving only part time employment--  the fact that the Dollar is being marginalized....

Of course, the United States has some advantages that the Greeks lack. Greece owes a significant share of its debt to foreign governments, while the majority of American debt is domestically held. The United States also faces low borrowing rates, while Greece has been effectively shut out of capital markets. The US debt may be bad, but in many ways we are the fastest horse in the glue factory. As long as the euro remains in crisis, we will continue to be able to borrow money at absurdly low interest rates.

Yeah, we have the reserve currency. We can just devalue it by printing it. Yea!  And we borrow money at low rates not because the Euro is doing poorly, but because the Bureaucrats at the Fed set the rate so low that saving is now impossible and Treasury Bonds now have negative real returns.  But everything is awesome and there is still time to avert this train wreck.

No sorry, its over folks. And not in 40 years, but within 10.  The rest of the world is not going to continue blindly using increasing devalued dollars for trade.. and they are certainly not going to continue holding them in reserve.

The danger for the United States is that spending on entitlements will surge in the coming decades, which means that, absent reform, they take over the economy. Investors would respond to the weaker economic outlook by demanding higher returns in order to continue investing in US bonds, which would further drive up interest costs, making our problems even worse. And, of course, unlike Greece, there aren’t other countries or organizations available to bail us out.

Um, hey moron. The Fed is already Bailing us out. Remember too big to fail? That is why the interest rates are low. That is why they are loaning huge sums of  money to banks so they can ensure the Bond auctions do not fail....that is why the banks are paying huge percentages of the money they borrow back as "taxes" - its all just a huge money laundering scheme now to make the fed printing look legit instead of the criminal counterfeiting it really is.  We are already in the death spiral-- Yes Greece is in worse shape but 101%  or so is the tipping point as is shown in "This time is different"  ( and the unfunded liabilities are massive and 90 trillion is on the low side.. and this article doesn't even touch on the trillions of derivatives that have effectively spread the bad debt to every country - they are all dominos now waiting to fall because of it.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 08, 2015, 11:15:44 AM]Trading in all symbols was halted on the New York Stock Exchange floor Wednesday due to an apparent technical issue. (http://)

Technical issue!   ::hysterical::

"The NYSE said all open orders would be canceled, according to Reuters."

Mission accomplished.  Time bought to reset the roulette wheel...

Can't have good cronies take a hit now can we?!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on July 08, 2015, 11:39:36 AM
Yah, that's what I thought as well, "technical issues?"  Unh hunh.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Glock32 on July 08, 2015, 01:27:30 PM
LOL, yeah.  Right.  China's stock is teetering on what has been called 1929, and now the NYSE just happens to have a "glitch" that just happens to result in no trading.  Sure thing.

Another site I go to always refers to the stock exchange as the Casino.  It fits.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on July 08, 2015, 07:50:49 PM
Ann Barnhardt's take (

“There is no bid. There. Is. No. Bid.”

So the Chinese stock market is collapsing and has gone no-bid and is being shut down, prices on the street in Greece are already being quoted in Drachma, and now the NYSE has gone no bid, and it is being blamed on a tech glitch.  Riiiiiight.  United Airlines, the Wall Street Journal and ZeroHedge all had simultaneous “tech glitches” too.

Ask not for whom the Black Swan honks.  It honks for thee.

Here is the full version of my Economics Presentation from ARSH 2012, and I have it keyed to begin at the 2:09:40 mark, where I discussed how the markets would go no bid when the black swan event happened, and thus the urgency of getting out before that happened.

If you didn’t get out of the markets I simply cannot feel sorry for you.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: richb on July 08, 2015, 10:31:11 PM
It will be something like this that brings down the financial house of cards.   It will be something really small,  that no one has thought of,  not even us.   It will be the spark that brings it all down.   

Things will be running like they have been, and one day that something happens,  it will just stop working.  Just like that. 

They will try and try to get it back,  but it will never work again.   Not for one second.  That spark,  where ever it is,  will make it impossible to go back.

I think it will take everyone out.  The financials of the world are just too tied together to have anyone escape.   Every government money system on the planet is systematically corrupt so I don't see anyone really be able to take advantage of it.   Not even China.   One will collapse after another,  in a matter of days. 

Its going to be a mess. 

It could also be complete avoided with real reforms,  but the elite think they know better,  that they can control it.   It will be uncontrolable.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 09, 2015, 06:52:55 AM
There is no regrowth without a purging fire...

And a fire of sufficient ferocity will not discriminate between crony or serf...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 13, 2015, 07:42:59 AM
Casino action sucks... (

...yeah, way to go Captain Obvious.

The only "no sh*t?" Jimmy quote you need - "It’s very hard to find value".


But, not that holding fiat will get you anywhere...still better than entering the casino...

Oh, and in more good news...

Retail/Wholesale collapse. (

Did I say "good" news?  Purely an Obamian perspective...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 21, 2015, 07:58:16 AM
Food for thought...

( (

...our economy keeps getting "A" ratings too..

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on July 21, 2015, 12:54:55 PM
This is turd-world, banana-republic stuff.  Welcome to Amerikka.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 30, 2015, 06:35:08 AM
Greenspan barks at the moon... (

Yeah, Congressweasels are going to cut spending...


..."Plunder & Deceit" ( is funded by grotesquely wasting national wealth for generations to come.

Timely tome, that.


Perhaps somebody will be left to rebuild a sensible society and take measures that prog scum is dealt harshly with at the outset...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Glock32 on July 30, 2015, 11:41:18 AM
Food for thought...

( (

...our economy keeps getting "A" ratings too..


Good thing we spent nearly a trillion dollars on that "stimulus" that was supposed to be used on infrastructure.  Banana republic indeed.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 30, 2015, 11:48:51 AM
Can't be a good banana republic without massive corruption and fraud.


Come to think of it...can't be a good banana republic without a junta or coup either!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 04, 2015, 07:23:17 AM (

Puerto Rico goes tits up...

Looks like the perfect Obama state to me...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on August 12, 2015, 11:21:39 AM (

an interesting article (via zh) that basically explains, among other things why wage stagnation is inevitable.
4. The over-arching problem as we reach diminishing returns is that workers become less and less efficient at producing desired end products.

When an economy starts hitting diminishing returns, we find that the economy produces goods less and less efficiently. It takes more worker-hours and more resources of various kinds (for example, fracking sand and deep sea drilling equipment) to produce a barrel of oil, causing the cost of producing a barrel of oil to rise. Usually this trend is expressed as a rising cost of oil production:

Looked at a different way, the number of barrels of oil produced per worker starts decreasing (Figure 7). It is as if the worker is becoming less efficient. His wages should be reduced, based on his new lack of productivity

Because value is based on what people need or want. Not on how hard you work.  Welcome to reality.  And he has an interesting discussion of energy that is very much in line with my own thoughts on the subject:

The amount a person can produce reflects a combination of his own labor and the resource he has to work with. If energy products are available, they act like energy slaves. With their assistance, humans can do things that they could not do otherwise–move goods long distances, quickly; operate machines (including computers) that can help a worker do tasks better and more quickly; and communicate long distance by means of the telephone or Internet. While technology plays a major role in making energy products useful, the ultimate benefit comes from the energy products themselves.

We have been using a rising amount of energy products since our hunter-gatherer days (Figure 10). In fact, the use of energy products seems to distinguish humans from other animals....

In fact, Figure 11 seems to indicate that changes in energy consumption precede changes in world economic growth, strongly suggesting that growth in energy consumption is instrumental in raising economic growth. The recent steep drop in energy consumption suggests that the world is approaching another major recession, but this has not yet been recognized in international data.

and in the end it comes back to debt

Once debt defaults begin, commodity prices are likely to drop even further. Such a drop is likely to lead to even more loan defaults, especially by commodity producers (such as oil companies) and commodity exporters. Prices of equities can be expected to drop as well, because the problems of the debt system will affect businesses of all kinds..

Which really sucks because the real estate and preps you buy now will be worth less in real terms later -- especially when you consider  the drop in demand that will occur during a war/die-off.  This will affect both gold and silver as well - especially silver as 90%  of its current cost can be attributed to actual industrial demand.  Of course, if actually adopted as money, the money demand may far off set the loss of industrial demand. Or it may not. 

In the end "value" will still be the same. What can you  (or the thing you own)  do to get others what  they want and need. If you can't produce something others want in the new situation - then you are screwed.  However this contraction is likely to result in a full societal breakdown and loss of the rule of law - possibly even on the local level.  The good news is the lowered demand for fuel will probably make such fuel "cheap" again-- especially in the ares of the country were fossil fuels are extracted and refined.  The lack of rule of law may even make the starting of new refineries easier ( and the lack of regulation/law will probably also increase the local pollution as well. But then that is what the libtards voted for. ) But it will be like going back to square one again. Hopefulyl without the people who put us there.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 12, 2015, 12:11:09 PM
Yeah, interesting times ahead.

It's odd too, that while not unprecedented, the fact that the US as so far (beyond all those people culled from the work force and those still working who've had their real earnings and future earnings plundered) has avoided any major shocks, despite the best efforts of Team Obama, crony capitalists and sundry other neerdowells...but it certainly feels less stable and more contrived.  I think the PTBs know the wheels are about the fly off the cart which is now speeding toward a high cliff with no bridge.  I think the PBoC devaluation is a not too subtle jab at the American kabuki economy...a dare to the PPT and cronies here to take the bait.  I think people are off their rocker if they actually think there will be a last-man-standing here with anything but a handful of flaming sh*t in their hands.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on August 13, 2015, 08:32:25 AM
Its funny how ZH'ers always talk past each other... Look at this  ZH article (

and this comment...


The majority of the debts are written in USD, when you have debt you are short that currency.  We have a lot of USD debt and a lot of overpriced assets backing that debt.  When those assets start going down in value those short the dollar clambor to get some to service their debt and the currency rises.  Thus it always has been, and thus shall ever be.

Yes the first  part of this ride is  "deflationary"  because at first people TRY to pay their debts - like this guy says- the dollars become "more valuable" as people try to scramble to pay...  THEN it becomes obvious that there aren't enough of those cute little units and the Government steps in to devalue them by making more -   Which then creates a flight for security to the next domino currency that appears stronger (and in fact driving it stronger) , with the Currency of last resort still being the dollar.
This guy is completely ignoring the obvious next step - the govt bailout and money printing  to prevent its own banks from failing and its economy from collapsing.

Yes the money printing is always in response to a deflationary pressure where there aren't enough units to pay debts... Its also an admission that the debts won't be paid at the value those units previously held.  Money devaluation is an implicit partial default on the debt - without ever having to sit at a table across from your creditors to talk about haircuts. But as the dollar gets stronger this is an excellent time to be taking those dollar reserves and buying real things with them...and this recent devaluation from China is probably  about doing just that ---  they may even pump it a few more times. If China/Russia/BRICS whatever have enough gold and other commodities to create "better" money than what the US prints on "faith"  then it really doesn't matter what happens to the Yuan.  The Blue or Red dollars get issued and then China issues real(er) money based on things and not (soley) on promises of the labor of future generations. This, along with an established international trading  system secures the adoption of the new currency  and the dollar is no longer worth the ink its printed with.

It just amazes me how some people just stop their thinking at a point which is comfortable to them. It will be deflationary. The money in my bank account goes up in value. All is well.  You know,  till it isn't, and the spending power of that money begins to decrease.   Its a balancing act, but one the Fed has to loose eventually--and they will loose it by printing -- because its the only tool they have. The only question is if it will be controlled and gradual or sudden.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 13, 2015, 09:22:53 AM
Its funny how ZH'ers always talk past each other... Look at this  ZH article (

and this comment...


The majority of the debts are written in USD, when you have debt you are short that currency.  We have a lot of USD debt and a lot of overpriced assets backing that debt.  When those assets start going down in value those short the dollar clambor to get some to service their debt and the currency rises.  Thus it always has been, and thus shall ever be.

Yes the first  part of this ride is  "deflationary"  because at first people TRY to pay their debts - like this guy says- the dollars become "more valuable" as people try to scramble to pay...  THEN it becomes obvious that there aren't enough of those cute little units and the Government steps in to devalue them by making more -   Which then creates a flight for security to the next domino currency that appears stronger (and in fact driving it stronger) , with the Currency of last resort still being the dollar.
This guy is completely ignoring the obvious next step - the govt bailout and money printing  to prevent its own banks from failing and its economy from collapsing.

Yes the money printing is always in response to a deflationary pressure where there aren't enough units to pay debts... Its also an admission that the debts won't be paid at the value those units previously held.  Money devaluation is an implicit partial default on the debt - without ever having to sit at a table across from your creditors to talk about haircuts. But as the dollar gets stronger this is an excellent time to be taking those dollar reserves and buying real things with them...and this recent devaluation from China is probably  about doing just that ---  they may even pump it a few more times. If China/Russia/BRICS whatever have enough gold and other commodities to create "better" money than what the US prints on "faith"  then it really doesn't matter what happens to the Yuan.  The Blue or Red dollars get issued and then China issues real(er) money based on things and not (soley) on promises of the labor of future generations. This, along with an established international trading  system secures the adoption of the new currency  and the dollar is no longer worth the ink its printed with.

It just amazes me how some people just stop their thinking at a point which is comfortable to them. It will be deflationary. The money in my bank account goes up in value. All is well.  You know,  till it isn't, and the spending power of that money begins to decrease.   Its a balancing act, but one the Fed has to loose eventually--and they will loose it by printing -- because its the only tool they have. The only question is if it will be controlled and gradual or sudden.


BAM!  Nailed it!

And I don't doubt the ChiCom's will devalue some more, they are going to force the Fed to take the bait, and yes the question is only one of controlled, gradual or sudden...with controlled the least likely option.  It will look gradual until it becomes sudden.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 19, 2015, 09:10:28 AM
OK, so with everything that is going on...this September/October period was looking a little spotty to me anyway...and now the interesting Power of "7" ( seems to be in play this year.  Seriously, can we have more ominous indicators?  We made the "Death Cross" twice recently and there are all the other charts of doom we've seen updated and growing worse, the idiots in government keep spending like drunken dictators, the Fed is boxed in (todays FOMC minutes are likely to be yet another iteration in artful dodging!) and when those asshats meet again on 9/14 there could be blood letting in that gathering and coming out of that the Yellen conference on 9/17 is likely to be either one of the most pathetic performances on record or one of the briefest.  On the next day (9/18) we have the next "Triple witching Hour".  It could be entertaining, that last hour of trading.  If there is trading.

Anyway, it might be a good idea if you have plans to finish, to finish them soon.

ETA - Wow, is today a busy day...plenty of stuff to build upon going into September!

This will have repurcussions. (

Obama job/wealth destruction continues unabated. (

Non-viable in the long-run risky digital crypto-currencies are not immune from monkeyhammering. (

Equity turmoil... ( ( (

US fiat dropping and PMs climbing ( and the ChiCom's pump more Yuan ( while St Louis Fed says all this QE was a big fricken mistake ( we haven't got to the rate hike yet!

Oh, yeah...this is High Kabuki theater boys and girls!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 20, 2015, 10:49:47 AM


It is not just the Boomers who will struggle...the ZIRP to NIRPer's at the Fed, the free-spenders piling up more debt, the cronies living off the dying carcasses of the masses...they are all conspiring and sowing the seeds of their sooner-than-they-think destruction. (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on August 20, 2015, 02:11:48 PM


It is not just the Boomers who will struggle...the ZIRP to NIRPer's at the Fed, the free-spenders piling up more debt, the cronies living off the dying carcasses of the masses...they are all conspiring and sowing the seeds of their sooner-than-they-think destruction. (

If it were not for Social Security, half of retirees would be out in the street bringing back another Great Depression like atmosphere.  This is in stark contrast to that 401(k) dreams pushed by Wall Street investment banks of endless Margaritas and walks on nameless sunny beaches.

The sad reality is that retirement is no longer what people think.  And keep in mind this is happening to the baby boomer generation that lived through some mega US prosperity and stock market bull runs.  What about young Americans today that are starting in an even more precarious position thanks to the insane cost of going to college and the mountain of student debt?  Many people are realizing that retirement is a luxury only a few can afford.

No one tell this guy how Social Security is paid for... and how SSI is a debtor of the insolvent Federal government.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on August 20, 2015, 03:28:54 PM


It is not just the Boomers who will struggle...the ZIRP to NIRPer's at the Fed, the free-spenders piling up more debt, the cronies living off the dying carcasses of the masses...they are all conspiring and sowing the seeds of their sooner-than-they-think destruction. (

If it were not for Social Security, half of retirees would be out in the street bringing back another Great Depression like atmosphere.  This is in stark contrast to that 401(k) dreams pushed by Wall Street investment banks of endless Margaritas and walks on nameless sunny beaches.

The sad reality is that retirement is no longer what people think.  And keep in mind this is happening to the baby boomer generation that lived through some mega US prosperity and stock market bull runs.  What about young Americans today that are starting in an even more precarious position thanks to the insane cost of going to college and the mountain of student debt?  Many people are realizing that retirement is a luxury only a few can afford.

No one tell this guy how Social Security is paid for... and how SSI is a debtor of the insolvent Federal government.

The Baby Boom Will Never Retire - Half Have No Retirement Savings At All

A few of us would have socked that SSI "contribution" into savings of our own if we'd been allowed our own money, so thanks for friggin' nuthin', FDR.  Too many others counted on SSI so they frittered away, in nickels and dimes, what they could and should have been stashing/investing.

As for 401Ks, we were doing very well with that and if things had held, would have been sitting on a hefty pile come "retirement". Not having kids helped with that (I'd rather have had the kids).   As it is, I've been hearing "Social Security will not be there for you" for about half my life now, so we didn't and don't count on it. 

Coulda, woulda, shoulda, on many parts.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on August 21, 2015, 08:28:47 AM
So Political Calculations confirms the current period of (QE) induced order is breaking down (

So yeah, we may be starting the wild ride.

Also Mathiness in Economics (

Mostly noteworthy for these TEN WORDS.

Many econ professors know that some students only pay attention for the first few minutes of any course. So, some immediately tell them that it all boils down to three imperatives (ten little words). 1) at what cost? 2) compared to what? and 3) how do you know?

I don't know if Sowell was the inventor of those questions or not, but one of his columns introduced them to me.  I would add
4) Who is to decide?
5) And what is likely to happen after you do that? ( though really a sub question to #1)
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on August 21, 2015, 03:05:59 PM
Well with the down 500 and falling , I decided to see how premiums on junk silver at Apmex are doing. But I can't. They are sold out...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 23, 2015, 05:43:47 PM
Everybody this the beginning of The Great Unraveling or just another prelude?

Either way, plan the time things are truly bad, it will be too late.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on August 24, 2015, 07:34:03 AM
Another 600+ down in the pre-opening.

Is the stuttering clusterf(ail) off the golf course, yet?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on August 24, 2015, 07:39:09 AM
Everybody this the beginning of The Great Unraveling or just another prelude?

Either way, plan the time things are truly bad, it will be too late.

I think its will just be another notch down in Sept. And then in Oct. And then a War in Nov and a couple of notches.  I don't think we will get a sudden collapse. Sudden requires Panic and the sheep are too stupid to panic.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 24, 2015, 08:07:53 AM
Everybody this the beginning of The Great Unraveling or just another prelude?

Either way, plan the time things are truly bad, it will be too late.

I think its will just be another notch down in Sept. And then in Oct. And then a War in Nov and a couple of notches.  I don't think we will get a sudden collapse. Sudden requires Panic and the sheep are too stupid to panic.

True enough but once the dumb herd gets momentum...hopefully we are all where want to be and can avoid the stampede from a safe distance.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 24, 2015, 08:11:36 AM
Another 600+ down in the pre-opening.

Is the stuttering clusterf(ail) off the golf course, yet?

Still skanking up Martha's Vineyard aren't they?

I'm sure he is getting panicked calls from Wall St cronies begging for porkulus and another round of QE.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on August 24, 2015, 09:52:01 AM
Another 600+ down in the pre-opening.

Is the stuttering clusterf(ail) off the golf course, yet?

Still skanking up Martha's Vineyard aren't they?

I'm sure he is getting panicked calls from Wall St cronies begging for porkulus and another round of QE.

Nope.  Skanking up Washington DC, now.  A happy bunch, for sure.


And double for us.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Glock32 on August 24, 2015, 12:07:30 PM
I still can't believe that's what occupies the White House.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on August 24, 2015, 12:19:40 PM
Ain't that the truth!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Predator Don on August 24, 2015, 12:47:08 PM
Another 600+ down in the pre-opening.

Is the stuttering clusterf(ail) off the golf course, yet?

Still skanking up Martha's Vineyard aren't they?

I'm sure he is getting panicked calls from Wall St cronies begging for porkulus and another round of QE.

Nope.  Skanking up Washington DC, now.  A happy bunch, for sure.


And double for us.

I believe this pic deserves a "caption this" thread.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 24, 2015, 01:03:52 PM
"I don't care who has the fatter ass!  I'm sick of this bickering!"
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 24, 2015, 01:11:40 PM

Equity Casino tanks on China news...rebounds when the PPT jumps in... (

Interesting to see freemarketeers in PRC go after a ChiCom metals trader... (

...should be more of that going around...oh well, soon.

And yeah, rate hike my arse! (

SS Neverhappen departing.

And, something you don't see out of folks at times like this -;topic=7154.380;last_msg=147415 (;topic=7154.380;last_msg=147415)

Don't forget lead!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 25, 2015, 07:04:51 AM
The new abnormal as normal... (

...nothing to see here...

Sumbich Cook is missing an "r" in his name!  Oh, and take your little dog Jimmie to the dungeon with you!

Jeeesh!  You believe this crap?!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on August 25, 2015, 07:18:36 AM
Giving inside information to CNBC is a no no.  But not to worry.  Tim Cook's crooked Apple is paid up to all the right people.  After all, laws are just for those who don't bribe every last piece of Democrat garbage.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 25, 2015, 07:57:08 AM

ETA - Ann B - How much lead warning would have been “right”? (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 25, 2015, 09:33:08 AM
Rule 48 in play for the second straight day (


Destination? (

Pah!  Still not a "correction", a lot of casino players have hot air for chips...many with no real assets have ridiculous value ratios.  (Not just picking on Apple!)

Anything going on with derivatives? 

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on August 25, 2015, 09:42:45 AM
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 25, 2015, 09:52:00 AM
That's a nice 99% spread...and we already popped the bottom?  Heh!

OK, enough innuendo!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 26, 2015, 08:12:03 AM
Things really popping now... (

There is so much going on simultaneously it can be dizzying knowing it all and how in relates to each other.

Sometimes it helps to sit back and just realize the big picture...which is only getting uglier.

ETA - (

Getting beyond the  ::foilhathelicopter:: hyperbole, the idea that this chaos is orchestrated by the Deep State isn't entirely off base.  Not enough info to tell if this is intentional really bad scary scenario or just the usual skullduggery to limp things along and buy time before the really bad scary hits.

But hey, the PTBs do have their regional differences in how they operate.  In China for example, they openly arrest those who refuse to toe the party line (, while in the West they merely just die under mysterious circumstances. (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on August 27, 2015, 08:18:48 AM
Good News! The economy is fine and growing at 3.7% in the 2nd Quarter (

And don't read the comments - the trolls are awful.  "It can't be true because a black man is in charge" and so on.
No its not true because they just had to change how they calculated GDP , Inflation and a bunch of other factors so they could pretend all is well. Any growth we had is due to lower oil prices, and it is temporary - since the power of the dollar is directly proportional to oil cost and demand.  Oh, and Obamacare is awesome and will teh mor awesome when "fully implemented"

Some are even saying the Fed will use this info to raise rates.  Bah! That isn't going to happen, and if it does, its because its a planned crisis that the administration doesn't want to let go  to waste.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 27, 2015, 08:25:58 AM


And let the deflationary implosion begin.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 31, 2015, 06:50:57 AM (


Rate hike my arse! 

Is there anybody left who believes this crap?

And if you like that you'll love this - JPMorgan: "Nothing Appears To Be Breaking" But "Something Happened" (

To hike or not to hike?   ::rolllaughing::

I'll buy "Punt!" for $200, Alex!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 25, 2015, 06:38:49 AM (

I'd feel ill all the time too if I had to peddle BS 24/7...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 12, 2015, 11:33:18 AM
This is stunning! (

Yellen just admitted they don't know what is going on or what to do about it!

Seriously...I don't know what will kill more people first...the economic collapse that seems unavoidable, the collapse of Judeo-Christian society that seems inevitable, the slouch into totalitarian servitude that appears certain or the suicidal appeasement of Islam...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on November 13, 2015, 08:59:33 AM
Ladies and gentlemen, I present a Northwestern Poli Sci student.

! No longer available (


Truly, The Dumbest Generation.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 13, 2015, 09:35:47 AM
Yup, saw that earlier.

By modern standards she is ready for a high government position.



Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 16, 2015, 12:21:42 PM
Fed announcement day... ( your bets, have your popcorn ready...

...I expect a paltry and meaningless increase, the details of which have already been selectively leaked into crony ears poised to reap the harvest once everyone else is let in on the news...and talk of "tightening" just makes me blurt our snorts and giggles...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 16, 2015, 01:55:21 PM
The Fed made clear that the rate hike was a tentative beginning to a "gradual" tightening cycle, and that in deciding its next move it would put a premium on monitoring inflation, which remains mired below target.

"In light of the current shortfall of inflation from 2 percent, the Committee will carefully monitor actual and expected progress toward its inflation goal. The Committee expects that economic conditions will evolve in a manner that

will warrant only gradual increases in the federal funds rate," the Fed said.

New economic projections from Fed policymakers were largely unchanged from September, with unemployment anticipated to fall to 4.7 percent next year and economic growth at 2.4 percent.

The statement and its promise of a gradual path represents a compromise between those who have been ready to raise rates for months and those who feel the economy is still at risk.

"The Fed is going out of its way to assure markets that, by embarking on a “gradual” path, this will not be your traditional interest rate cycle," said Mohamed El-Erian, Chief Economic Advisor at Allianz.

The dollar firmed modestly after the rate rise. Based on interest rate futures markets, traders expected a second hike in April.

The median projected target interest rate for 2016 remained 1.375 percent, implying four quarter-point rate hikes next year.

To edge that rate from its current near-zero level to between 0.25 percent and 0.50 percent, the Fed said it would set the interest it pays banks on excess reserves at 0.50 percent, and said it would offer up to $2 trillion in reverse repurchase agreements, an aggressive figure that shows its resolve to pull rates higher. (

How cute, these clowns think the economy is looking better...lets skip over the fact that much of their official numbers are cooked beyond recognition...and instead lets believe in nothing but hopium, unicorns, fairies...


WTF, the casino's are running with it... ( must be real!!!

If I hadn't already pulled out, I would have some short plays set to go.  But they rob people blind both directions, so...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on December 17, 2015, 07:35:01 AM
Now let's watch interest on the debt take off.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on December 17, 2015, 07:48:29 AM
Yeah, looks like they are trying to boil the frog. After a decade of "we might raise the rate" I guess the fed finally felt they had to prove they still could.  But .25 isn't enough to matter, and while loan rates instantly  took on the new value,  savings rates of course did not - because the Fed has caused so much "excess liquidity" such that they don't need consumer deposits- any bank with "insufficient reserves" just borrows from the Fed.. and this little hike will help absorbe some of that - slowly.. problem is there are still trillions in credit default swaps that  dwarf any reserves and as Europe continues to collapse,  those "reserves" will be swallowed in a heart beat.  The obviously are trying to burn through the bad debt slowly,  and the sheep are dumb enough to not panic, so maybe that will continue to work... until as MN Hawk pointed out, the Interest exceeds what can be collected in taxes.   

I predict the Fed will NOT raise rates again in the next year. They will probably want to lower it again , but can't now without admitting it was a mistake. So I suspect this .25 adjustment will stay -- at least till after the election. If a Pubbie wins, then they might raise it again just to serve the narrative and make it look like the pubbie is responsible for a "worsening" economy.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: warpmine on December 17, 2015, 08:10:31 AM
Ah, that wonderful "boil the frog by turning it up gradually" nonsense except, the frog is on the outside in full control of the ferocity of the flame and it is WE that are in the pot of water. Hot baths are so relaxing aren't they?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 17, 2015, 08:20:25 AM
I too am skeptical on their commitment to this path, I just don't think people this typically gutless who react only when backed into a corner will ever be able to respond intelligently when stuff really does start to break.  And I mean break, not some transient state they cling to with trembling hope, I mean a full-on rupture.  Their Neo-Keynesian insanity assures it.  They way economies were structured, the reliance everybody has on liquid fiat, fractional reserves, debt and deficit financing, assets hypothicated and rehypothicated out of existence, bogus economic data, bubble markets...

The sheeple have been rattled and while they may appear docile they could stampede at any time.  But the PTBs have no choice, they have to try to keep them as calm as they can...which means running this scam out a bit longer...which means trying to suck what resources they can suck from the masses while they are docile...which guarantees when this thing starts to crash, it will be globally epic, it will make Rome's collapse look like a quiet holiday.

MNHawk mentions the interest on the debt, judging from the treachery perpetrated by Speaker Ryan and the rest of the House leadership team (;topicseen#msg150779), another bloated budget seems to indicate they don't give a flying fornication about the debt or the interest on it...or for any of us for that matter.

Is it our turn not to give a f**k anymore?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Septugenarian on December 17, 2015, 03:01:22 PM
They are delusional.  All that comes of whatever they try are unintended consequences.  They can't do a dman thing about demographics (aging population, smaller successive generations, etc.).
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 18, 2015, 07:03:10 AM
Pretty nobody cares about consequences...beyond being able to deflect blame elsewhere...which won't hold up much longer...

Check this out, nothing says "Oh, sh*t!" like a graphic graphic! (Click on it to enlarge it)

( (

This is best described in crude vernacular...this is what f**ked looks like.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 20, 2015, 08:55:53 AM
I don't think Trump is wrong on timing... (

...I thought things might pop late this year, but the kabuki still has some play in it...but there is nothing but more bad news piling up and with the oil wars still raging along with real wars and Stymie bent on making more war likely and the fiat wars and everything else....the added bonus of a US POTUS election year...

...and if I was coming in new I would want the bad hitting Obama's face too...

...that useless little shyt got way with blaming everything on Bush for 7 years...and it will be 8 because he has never taken responsibility for anything his fault since he slithered down his momma's leg!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on December 20, 2015, 09:09:02 AM
I don't know.. I think we may even still have decades -- but I agree the pressures are piling up.  The underlying factors for dollar demand - mostly oil prices - are in decline. However, we  are still seeing a lot of "flight to safety" behavior and the dollar still sucks the least.  The system is certainly getting more volatile and unstable - increasing the chance that some random event will take the house of cards down.  Ironically one of those events would be an actual increase in GDP/Production (if idiots are dumb enough to place hope in Trump, they may place hope in the economy once he is elected) - and that might fore the Feds hand and make them raise rates - which the Fed can't pay with 18 Trillion in debt and climbing.  Or China could suddenly dump bonds in an act of war. Starting WWIII with Russia might also spur GDP  in the short term, while racking up even more debt - must might distract from the problem and get people to accept rations and other price fixing measures.  So many ways this could go.. none of them good.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 20, 2015, 09:41:48 AM
Yeah, and how whacked is it that legitimate good news could pose as great ro greater damage than something "bad"?

We're really running out of play here.  But every time I think we're baked...

Well, the kicker is the herd, as long as they can be strung along...

And in that regard, Obamanomics has forced most of them onto the Fed teat, so...some of the elements allowing for dependencies to continue will have to start to fracture...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 21, 2016, 08:03:34 AM
Forget Asian contagion, is the big one about to hit? Ever since yesterday's oil collapse roiled the casinos and sent people running it just keeps getting worse - Yuan is crashing & Chi-Com PPT is pumping in $60B, Ruble is pooping itself and people are dumping it for anything, EM markets are getting slaughtered, oil futures this morning look cautiously scared while VIX is having a litter of scared kittens...and the EU is teetering and the ECB is too scared to pump!

Goodbye Kansas?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 02, 2016, 11:38:26 AM
Obamanomics kicking into high gear... (

...obviously ProgTards will argue another round of minimum wage hikes and higher corporate taxes for the highest taxing nation on earth is called for...

...I call for chasing ProgTards down and treat them like vermin should be treated...but I recognize that might just be me and a handful of others that feel that way...the rest of America is too effing stupid... (

Eff it, LIB!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: warpmine on February 02, 2016, 10:28:04 PM
Obamanomics kicking into high gear... (

...obviously ProgTards will argue another round of minimum wage hikes and higher corporate taxes for the highest taxing nation on earth is called for...

...I call for chasing ProgTards down and treat them like vermin should be treated...but I recognize that might just be me and a handful of others that feel that way...the rest of America is too effing stupid... (

Eff it, LIB!

You're so right. ::thumbsup::
We can do this.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 11, 2016, 11:44:53 AM
Tremor or full rupture?

Oil inventories about to spill over storage capacity, layoffs abound, gdp's imploding, eurobanks in distress, PIIGS puking, casino's crashing, Boeing probed, Saudis wanting to kill folk in Syria...and PM's rocketing...

A blip? An ouch?  Something worse cometh?

I'd guess a preliminary act...a serious break cannot occur until a lot of exceptionally stupid people start doing stupendously idiotic actions to "fix" things!

Stir, add, mix...bake.  Rinse/repeat often.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 31, 2016, 07:23:34 AM
Heh, I like Schiff, always have...

"The economy already is in recession," he said. "The question is, when is the Fed going to acknowledge it." (

I know he won't hold his breath waiting for that admission...these people cornered themselves, just crack a cold one and go about your business.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: richb on April 08, 2016, 05:05:33 PM
When was it NOT in recession?   

As far as most Americans are concerned,  the over all economy entered recession in 2006 and has been that since.

We already have a FULL lost decade. 

Now if they were serious about numbers,  and went from place to place,  and did it locally it would be far more honest to boot.   But it would look far more terrible.   Which it is.    Sure there are local places with 2-3% unemployment,  but those places are rare and getting rarer.   There are far more Gary's in the US then Carmel Indiana's (Carmel is a nice Indy suburb).   

Places like Gary Indiana,  or Flint Michigan have been in recession since the late 1960's!  So a HALF CENTURY! You have to be a senior citizen to remember a thriving Gary or Flint.    The unemployment rate is probably at least 75% and has been like that for decades.    Gary isn't far from me,  and to be frank,  its worse there now then it was ten years ago,  and it was pretty bad then too.

For a lot of Americans the economy imploded a long time ago. 

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 09, 2016, 12:54:00 PM
Yeah, but the level of stupid is so strong that liars can go into these areas, lie their asses off some more, and the morons there keep reelecting these liars and nothing ever gets better only worse...and they don't blame the liars, they blame everybody but.

And then the liars extort or coerce all the non-believers to carry these morons.

The non-believers capacity for taking it up the arse time and time again is also beyond insane.

But hey, once enough communities get Detroitified and fiat goes full-tilt Zimbabwe and production (especially food) collapses then the fun starts.

Til then, prepare, and crack a beer.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 13, 2016, 08:33:42 AM
More rank discrimination by Duh Wun! (

Why not everybody?  After all, can't play favorites, that's just not Progressive, ya know?!

And since most colleges and universities are reeducation camps promoting the Progressive agenda, should that sh*t be free to like, everybody?

Come on man, free for everybody will work, just do it!!!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 13, 2016, 08:39:20 AM
In other news...Duh Wun wins again... (

...Gaia-raping Gaia-polluting industry destroyed, thousands more wretches going on the government dole, communities going to sh*t...


"Alright you racist tea-bagging motherf**kers, who's next?!" - B Hussein O after admiring his latest success.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 19, 2016, 11:37:31 AM (

Obviously, time for another bailout that puts more over-leveraged future national wealth (ha!) into the hands into the people who need it least...99.99% to crony-capitalists and DemoFascist filth.

Hey, it works every time, right?

Sheeeit, it's all free O'Bongo money right?  Ain't gonna hurt a soul!


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on May 02, 2016, 01:37:06 PM (

Yep, that's right folks.. they just found a way to funnel about a trillion or so into US Treasuries.  Financed that deficit one more year!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 02, 2016, 06:16:50 PM
Must have used that NSA metadata to force that retarded idea.  Going to be by maturities too I bet, which means penalties for pulling out earlier, which means people are also at risk of getting zilch if govt goes tits-up, or will they Ponzi their way out by firing up the presses?

I don't care, I am not very exposed in the casinos.

Crash this farce!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 09, 2016, 07:29:30 AM
It's probably not a bad idea to know what the Devil is up to, even if you don't trust him you can still follow the money. (

Other fat cats sitting on stacks... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 28, 2016, 07:51:24 AM
Apostasy!!! (

Probably not wrong...but probably barking in the wind too, the PTBs have plans...saving the little people from misery isn't high on their list of priorities...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 06, 2016, 08:42:21 AM


(The police state part is just a byproduct, don't worry about it...just be thankful for your true egalitarian utopia!)
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 04, 2016, 12:15:46 PM
( (

When?  Duh!  1913 at the latest!

We have to be at 5, sliding off the top, right?  I mean we've been declining each of the past 7-8 years, so...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 14, 2016, 06:10:37 PM
Owe-BAHM-ah drops another fat stinky one out his muzzie fun tunnel right before the election... (

$587B more right down the drain...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 30, 2016, 08:16:19 AM
I love this chart...


There is pumped...over-pumped...and can't-turn-the-effing-pump-off meltdown! (

And the Neo-Keynesian's have no escape plan...


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on December 15, 2016, 09:55:34 AM
Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.

Enthusiasm over Trump  as brought a lot of money off the side lines, Dow is soaring, and the Fed, well , they finally see inflation and raise rates, which normally might cause some people to buy gold  as a hedge. Nope massive gold sell off.  But is it? (

Gold difference over $50 today- silver is almost $2.

We  have a huge price difference between physical and paper prices, and this is with a STRONGER dollar.

I am standing on a beach, and it seems the tide is going out pretty darn quick. . 
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 15, 2016, 11:28:44 AM
Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.

Enthusiasm over Trump  as brought a lot of money off the side lines, Dow is soaring, and the Fed, well , they finally see inflation and raise rates, which normally might cause some people to buy gold  as a hedge. Nope massive gold sell off.  But is it? (

Gold difference over $50 today- silver is almost $2.

We  have a huge price difference between physical and paper prices, and this is with a STRONGER dollar.

I am standing on a beach, and it seems the tide is going out pretty darn quick. .

Everything is awesome!  Buy in London, sell in Shanghai!  Kaaaa-chiiing!!!

Wait, what?  Waddaya mean I can't play like that?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on December 15, 2016, 12:46:28 PM

Everything is awesome!  Buy in London, sell in Shanghai!  Kaaaa-chiiing!!!

Wait, what?  Waddaya mean I can't play like that?
Sure you can. People are doing it right now. Of course you actually get delivery on the comex contract to sell it in China.  If they can't deliver they have to pay in fiat + a penalty - saves you having to ship it to China.  But you can bet there are people playing this game...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 15, 2016, 01:13:24 PM

Everything is awesome!  Buy in London, sell in Shanghai!  Kaaaa-chiiing!!!

Wait, what?  Waddaya mean I can't play like that?
Sure you can. People are doing it right now. Of course you actually get delivery on the comex contract to sell it in China.  If they can't deliver they have to pay in fiat + a penalty - saves you having to ship it to China.  But you can bet there are people playing this game...

I was thinking in a grander scale...that game the insiders can play moving vast amounts of ones and zeros around and skim and fleece...the real profit to be made...House Rules, ya know?...I'm not privy to that action...

This crap tends to ebb and flow much as I would like it to see it enter the danger zone and have nowhere to hide...we're not there...yet...and some time may have been bought...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on December 15, 2016, 02:47:42 PM
Time for a Liberal economics lession: (
Here are the top ten reasons why it won't collapse. Included are rebuttals to the negativists' claims.


1. The U.S. debt is $19 trillion. That's more than the economy produces in a year. Though the debt-to-GDP ratio is in the danger zone, it's not enough to cause a collapse. First, the United States prints its money. That means it is in control of its currency. That makes lenders feel safe that the U.S. government will pay them back. In fact, the United States could run a much higher debt to GDP ratio than it does now and still not face economic collapse. Japan, another strong economy that has its currency, has had a debt-to-GDP ratio above 200% for years. It is in no danger of collapse.

Of course, we aren't going to mention the 80 trillion in  unfunded liabilities and the fact that being paid back in printed dollars is effectively the same thing as a default. Japan is doing SOOOO well economically too. True the currency hasn't collapsed, they just created an economic malaise that leaves the population so disheartened and hopeless they would rather play video games  than get jobs or have sex.  Where is the rebuttal to these points? Oh you don't understand the argument well enough to anticipate those objections?

2. Obama added to the debt to get us out of recession, not send us toward collapse. Many of these doomsters accuse Obama of deliberately increasing the debt to destroy the United States

And did it get us out of the recession? Actual employment rates and wage numbers don't say so. Congress doesn't even do budgets anymore.  the Debt has DOUBLED under his watch. How is it even relevant if Obama did that "deliberately" or not?

3. The United States won't default on its debt. Most members of Congress realize a debt default would destroy America's credibility in the financial markets. The tea party Republicans in Congress were a minority that threatened to default during the 2011 debt ceiling crisis.

See point 1. Printing money to pay a debt IS default. Oh, no rebuttal to that point is there? And no the Republicans in congress weren't suggesting default, they were refusing to let the government borrow MORE money. That is why its called a debt limit.

4. China and Japan are the biggest owners of the U.S. debt. But they have no incentive to create a collapse. The United States is their largest market. If it fails, so do their economies. Furthermore, China is not selling its dollar holdings. It's remained around $1.2 trillion since 2013. For more, see U.S. Debt to China.

Unless their incentive is to simply grab the world default currency from the United States when they are ready-- and their economy is already struggling, so their own economic woes may  force them to drop their holdings for ready cash

5. If anything, the dollar would slowly decline instead of collapsing. It fell 40% between 2002-2008. It's gotten stronger since then because of the financial crisis. Investors flock to ultra-safe U.S. Treasuries and the U.S. dollar as a safe haven.

You mean the world wide financial crisis in which the US currently "sucks the least" - what if the dollar starts to suck more compared to other options? Anyway, if  the dollar collapses slowly, then its not a collapse, right? No, If it ends up the same place, Its  a collapse.

6. The dollar won't be replaced as the world's global currency. The doomsayers point to gold, the euro, or Bitcoin as a replacement for the dollar. It's true that the dollar's value is supported by its role. But none of these other alternatives have enough circulation to replace the dollar. See Will the Yuan Replace the Dollar?

And circulation can't change can it?  I mean the dollar has been the world reserve for thousands of years... no wait, wasn't it Sterling that had that role just 100 years ago? Hmm, maybe these other alternatives will gain circulation and credibility as BRICS is working hard to do, and people will switch because they are tired of the dollar being defaultied on by money printing?

7. The Fed's Quantitative Easing program and low current Fed funds rate won't cause hyperinflation. If anything, these programs have created a liquidity trap. That's when people, businesses, and banks hoard the extra cash instead of spending or lending it. The real cause of hyperinflation has been debt repayments to fund wars.

And  when people Stop hoarding it because they become optimistic? And aren't we in foreign wars right now as well?

8.The stock market hit new highs in 2015 and 2016. That's a sign of business prosperity since stock prices are based on corporate earnings

They are based on what!?!
Yes, just ask anyone who lived through the Wiemar hyperinflation how high the stocks were and what their prices  were based on..  And no, with the federal government investing in the stock market via proxies (that is essentially what QE is and was)  stock prices are NOT based on earnings. Look at some Modern P/E ratios will ya?

9. Consumer confidence hit a nine-year high in 2016. Consumer spending drives almost 70% of the economy

Yeah, the 2008 collapse was nine years ago, so basically we are back where we started before that?  And if people are spending more money, won't that mean  that liquidity trap you talked about in point 7 is breaking up and money is flooding into the economy? You know after Trump was elected we had our second rate hike in 10 years as the fed fears that inflation.. but wait, what does a rising rate mean for a government that borrows a trillion a year?

Economic growth is slow but stable. Since the Great Recession, the economy has grown between 1.5% to 2.7% per year. According to business cycle theory, a bust only occurs after a boom. That's when GDP is more than 3%, which hasn't happened since 2004 and 2005. For more, see GDP by Year.

Mind this lukewarm growth has been created by the injection of over 8 trillion in government spending (debt)  into the economy. Were is that expected 2.5X Keynesian multiplier now?  Very impressive result, don't you think?  And small growth in our economy unable to keep up with  the growth of debt spending is supposed to be encouraging how? You do know its the economy that gets taxed to pay stuff back if you aren't defaulting via inflation, right? If the tax base grows by 3%  and the interest grows by 6%  how will that  help keep America solvent?

Go sip your latte, hon.. Maybe look up the meaning of the word rebuttal on your iPhone. Otherwise, shutup. The adults are talking.

About the Author: She received an M.S. in Management from the Sloan School of Business at M.I.T. in 1987, an M.S. in Social Planning from Boston College in 1978 and a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Rochester in 1976.She is the author of The Ultimate Obamacare Handbook: A Definitive Guide to Your Benefits, Rights, Responsibilities, and Potential Pitfalls.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: richb on December 15, 2016, 03:29:14 PM
Wow,  that article writer has her head deep in the sand.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 16, 2016, 07:05:24 AM
Wow,  that article writer has her head deep in the sand.

Sand...ass...out one and into the other...back and forth...

And yeah, it's no mistake she posted her dreck on a site that doesn't allow comments...any direct rebuttal the type of which Weisshaupt just unleashed would cause little Neo-Keynesian heads to pop and tears to flow down their precious cheeks!

Good takedown W, you know you can get a bit snarky when you're deploying logic...stay sarcastic my friend...especially with these manure spreaders!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 23, 2017, 07:37:04 AM
I have to admit...some key indicators are not looking good... (

...and what may be worse is Congress dicking around not doing anything on tax cuts or any kind of growth-oriented legislation...and instead of an effing ObamaCare replacement should just start with an ObamaCare repeal!

But, maybe the stupid is intentional, maybe they think more control can be had if shyt hits the fan...not dealing with stable types here...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: richb on March 23, 2017, 02:39:18 PM
if we end up with the current RINOcare in place of Obamacare,  the economy will only continue to be stuck in neutral.   Only playing into the hands that will bring us single payer social medicine.     

Republicans can be such dumba**es.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 24, 2017, 06:55:06 AM
The R&R bill is dying...and Trump is saying if it does then O-care stays...though not really in it's full form, it becomes a gutted entity and will die entirely once the last insurers have had enough loses...

Probably better than trying to replace the stupid thing!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: richb on March 24, 2017, 04:57:13 PM
form the circular firing squad.

Figures it's republicans that will let Obamacare stand.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 26, 2017, 11:57:39 AM
An untended garden dies quickly...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 18, 2017, 07:11:54 AM
Rome will fall...a "when" not "if" issue...

( (

That is kinda scary, eh?

I find this more frightening -

( (

At least I just fit onto the continuum, a counter-balance to the amoebas...

Catering to the lowest common denominator...and accepting key ingredient in national suicide.

And we see these morons everyday ( and they think because their butts are kissed and encouraged by leading Progs and weakling Pubbies that their actions will never have consequences.

All the statists and morons have left is a few more ticks of the clock...when the shat really hits the fan...the lowest common denominator isn't going to count for squat.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 19, 2017, 07:47:00 AM
More scary charts?




Winning!   ::bus::

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on April 19, 2017, 08:21:19 AM
I Always hated that Black vs White IQ test.. because I.Q. really doesn't ( and can't)  measure a person's native intelligence.

You will always do better with problems you have some experience with, and if you haven't seen that sort of problem, and have never pondered it,  then you will have a harder time.  If your background didn't develop the parts of your brain that you need for these tests, how could you expect to do was well as someone whose background did.  Some I tests have you mentally  folding bits of paper and putting holes in them.. something as simple as making paper airplanes will help you do better on such a test, and that has nothing to do with native ability, and everything to do wit why scores kept rising generation after generation..because more and more people had the opportunities to gain those experiences. . .. though better nutrition in general may also  be a factor.

Of course,  that doesn't help much when those who subscribe to a degenerate culture become a mob.

This ship is still going down.. Trump may work to try and stop it from sinking, and that may buy time. But that may just make it worse for us if that time is used to develop tech that allows them to simply sting us with a mirco-drone and take us into custody when we are drugged. 

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 21, 2017, 07:06:26 AM
There shouldn't be a difference in the in the measurement of or in the fundamental correctness of an IQ test...I assign no racial component to intelligence...but to say in general both are taught the same is an error...the progs would have everyone brought down to the lowest denominator as that is the only way they can quantify success in equalization...what we would refer to as dumbing down so as to put all the serfs into one equally miserable lump.  It is easier for despots to rule a dumb population...the human herd must be fully domesticated before the elites can achieve their dreams of domination and exclusivity.  The IQ test isn't the problem...the problem is in how and what people are taught...and much teaching today isn't about educating a fertile independent intellect, it is an indoctrination into being just another drone in the hive.  And the messages at home get even more twisted and those can be laid at ideology, race, environment, belief...

Here is another example of the current proglodyte MO in action - (

If kids are taught to be stupid or allowed to be stupid...guess what the outcome might be?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 21, 2017, 07:19:16 AM
The Millennials are contributing to the economic drag, yes?  I find it hilarious that the generation that likes to pick on the boomers for effing everything up as if they held a gun to the head of the younger generation and said: "You must incur massive student debt on a worthless over-priced degree in gender studies or some such rot, you must then go in hock more to buy a massive house you cannot afford and buy cars you cannot afford, yadda yadda yadda..." and be forgiven their own idiocy.  Sure, the hippie boomers retiring and sucking what is left of the ponzi scheme of social security dry is true, but that scheme was going to end anyway.  Sure, they and their ilk gave rise to the politics of taxpayer funded everything that is bankrupting the nation, but what did you do to fight it?  It's like these people somehow think their case is special, that they're being singled out.  Grow up!  The PTBs are going after everybody!

Now this...

( (

Basement dwelling jammy wearing was not meant to be a permanent life style.

If these people had an inkling of intelligence they would have gotten degrees in a practical study offering real benefit to themselves and society...or a vocation through a trade school or apprenticeship or something similarly useful.  They could have gotten a modest home, not a mansion.  They could have gotten a modest vehicle, not a luxury sedan.  They could have been productive.  Bottom line, they chose poorly and here we are.

They are not supporting the traditional economic model.  They are adding to the strain on that model.  Now, perhaps their stupidity and laziness is going to help speed along a collapse long hidden and massively overdue...but don't expect me to thank them for that.  After all, those who choose to be deadbeat people are the problem of those that created them...and it wasn't me or people like me.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 24, 2017, 11:40:17 AM
More Millennial stuff...



Lovely...crowd back into the cities...ripen the harvest for The Reckoning...see if I care.



Inequality! Disparity!   ::ohno::

Of course!  All by Proglodyte design!  Encourage urchins to get crappy educations with impractical applications...of course they're going to earn suck wage in a loser job!  Duh?!  Stupid should be penalized...problem is these butthurt nothings want everybody else to suffer too.


Double bubble toil and trouble...

There will always be Kabuki-economics how can there not be?  Even in a perfect capitalist society inefficiency is disincentavized in relation to efficient markets...the Kabucki merely makes it exponentially worse.

Know what I see?  Quiet suburbs one day that will retreat into their former rural nature.  It's a win-win as far as I am concerned. (

But I am not sure if things continue uninterrupted by big events that I will see much of it...

But, who knows?  I am actually somewhat surprised it has gone this far...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 28, 2017, 11:05:24 AM
With housing taking it in the shorts...where is the purchasing power going? (

Well, OK

That's one way to get those pesky 40-50 year old basement dwellers out on their own finally!   ::hysterical::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 07, 2017, 12:25:05 PM

The Neo-Keynesian "recoveries" are fricken killing us! (

The more you game things...the game gets crazier and more stupid and pointless...

Oh well...SSDD
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 12, 2017, 12:28:45 PM
Well...duh?! (

At least they pointed out her lack of honesty under Duh Wun We Wuz Warned About!



( (


And uhh....

"Buy Bitcoin"?

Something wrong with that guy...must hate a real store of value...

Whatev, more for the rest of us...   ::bustamove::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 18, 2017, 01:03:27 PM
This can't be right... (

How can the crypto currencies be up...and the Dollar Down Under, and the Yuan, and the Euro, and just about everybody but the Pound which is only down slightly...where's the other side of this balloon?!

Commodities?  Au Ag not too impacted...

Somebody dump a sh*tload of hogs for other sh*t?   ::laughonfloor::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 29, 2017, 11:10:23 AM
Blow Harder, With a Vengeance! (


Buyers market coming soon...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 07, 2018, 01:07:20 PM
Even after the last cratering of prices and a return to higher (but in many cases still not above past peaks) I find this incredible -

( (

Obamunism did so much damage to property values and jobs and wages.

If another dipstick like Obama gets control of the government again it could get fugly quick.

Still, another dipstick like that and it might not matter anyway...leverage up! (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on April 07, 2018, 08:15:43 PM
Now browsing real estate in Cedar Rapids.  Very nice to see I can get something for much cheaper than the Twin Cities.  And in that rare city that's Republican run.  And it shows.  There are no bad neighborhoods in CR. 
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 08, 2018, 10:44:44 AM
Now browsing real estate in Cedar Rapids.  Very nice to see I can get something for much cheaper than the Twin Cities.  And in that rare city that's Republican run.  And it shows.  There are no bad neighborhoods in CR.

Yeah that looks like a safe haven, might get some thru-traffic of a nefarious sort, hopefully they blow on through.  Some of the surrounding towns that have a high concentration of itinerant farm laborers primarily of Latino heritage and questionable legality have the attendant crime issues.  Cedar Rapids' primary challenge seems to be periodic flooding of the Cedar River.  I could see myself settling in the Czech Village under the right circumstances.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on April 08, 2018, 06:57:32 PM
Now browsing real estate in Cedar Rapids.  Very nice to see I can get something for much cheaper than the Twin Cities.  And in that rare city that's Republican run.  And it shows.  There are no bad neighborhoods in CR.

Yeah that looks like a safe haven, might get some thru-traffic of a nefarious sort, hopefully they blow on through.  Some of the surrounding towns that have a high concentration of itinerant farm laborers primarily of Latino heritage and questionable legality have the attendant crime issues.  Cedar Rapids' primary challenge seems to be periodic flooding of the Cedar River.  I could see myself settling in the Czech Village under the right circumstances.

The meat packing plants suck in the low skilled immigrants who are a net drag on the taxpayers.  Any of them near Cedar Rapids?

Ever notice that when liberals threaten to leave the US it is always to mostly white countries with stricter immigration laws than the US?

Do what the liberals do:

The median age in Cedar Rapids is 6% lower than Iowa. In Cedar Rapids 86.69% of the population is Caucasian. In Cedar Rapids 6.21% of the population is African American. In Cedar Rapids 2.66% of the population is Asian.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on April 08, 2018, 08:39:47 PM
Yes, just have to stay out of the flood zones.  I don't need that hassle.

I don't remember any meat packing plants.  The major employers are Rockwell Collins and the various oats plants. 

It's big enough to have all my favorite places, except Ikea, and small enough to not have the dysfunction setting into the Twin Cities.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 21, 2018, 08:44:39 AM
I think I am at the point where I am no longer concerned with stopping a bad the end if it helps bring about a reset...why stop it? (

This will pressure credit card companies...may lead to greater risk-taking and the several joys that that can bring to bear...pressure brick & mortar outlets who have taken one beating after another and driven many out of business...bump up the non-working populace...make short-sighted pols jack up taxes...

Oh, the obvious enhanced data-harvesting of users cannot be forgot about!

More things like this can accelerate some serious drain-circling.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: John Florida on November 21, 2018, 04:15:58 PM
I think I am at the point where I am no longer concerned with stopping a bad the end if it helps bring about a reset...why stop it? (

This will pressure credit card companies...may lead to greater risk-taking and the several joys that that can bring to bear...pressure brick & mortar outlets who have taken one beating after another and driven many out of business...bump up the non-working populace...make short-sighted pols jack up taxes...

Oh, the obvious enhanced data-harvesting of users cannot be forgot about!

More things like this can accelerate some serious drain-circling.


  Why the hell would anybody expose themselves with that thing.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on November 21, 2018, 11:00:13 PM
Speaking of data mining, I order a fresh turkey from Whole Foods (now Amazon) every year.  This year, as was last year, they asked for an email address.  I told them I don't have one, and the young lady with whom I spoke then informed me she couldn't place my order without one.

O rly?

I huffed, so she forwarded me to Customer No-Service, where the nice man took my order and used the Team Leader's email addy.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 22, 2018, 11:58:44 AM
It's like me using an FBI fax number with's still stored in the Best Buy database!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on November 22, 2018, 11:25:55 PM
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 07, 2018, 08:02:29 AM
This isn't that hard to figure out... (

...Donald surely knows the continued run up of debt is unsustainable and can only end in collapse and chaos.

Any reasonable course corrections have passed the point of no return...and it is a global game of mutually assured suicide at this point.

Anything he can do economically, fiscally, politically a stop-gap, a momentary pause-button.  That's it, nothing else to read into it.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 28, 2019, 10:50:34 AM
Greater corruption?  No! (

When I think global corruption I think Clinton Foundation, Epstein perv ring, Mueller and the DeepState...progressives in general.

If a thriving black market economy I'm OK with that...and am looking to engage in.   ;)
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: John Florida on February 28, 2019, 11:37:07 AM
  I see it as no more than a century note just doesn't go far so smaller bills like 1 to 20 dollar bills are only used to break a hundred but don't buy much.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 28, 2019, 12:34:17 PM
Anyway...must be older farts (younger crowd doesn't seem to care for cash...card & digital works all the time for them, and no I have no desire to turn my cell phone into a wallet!) or crooks!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 08, 2019, 07:23:51 AM
DoucheBank implosion... (

...self-inflicted wound says I.

Let them die...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: John Florida on July 08, 2019, 07:04:25 PM
DoucheBank implosion... (

...self-inflicted wound says I.

Let them die...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 13, 2020, 08:21:53 AM
The democommies want continued economic destruction so as to usher in more totalitarian control...Trumpers have had enough and want the charade to end and some semblance of a return to freedom...

And according to some data...the people are reacting like most socialist shytholes react... (

...but hey, I like my drink...but are they drinking for enjoyment or for depression and destitution?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on May 13, 2020, 11:16:23 AM
It's like me using an FBI fax number with's still stored in the Best Buy database!

Remember when Radio Shack used to ask for address info etc. even when paying cash?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 13, 2020, 11:36:26 AM
It's like me using an FBI fax number with's still stored in the Best Buy database!

Remember when Radio Shack used to ask for address info etc. even when paying cash?

1122 Boogie Boogie Avenue...

Oh..they went belly up didn't they?   ::smallestviolin::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on May 13, 2020, 04:08:08 PM
It's like me using an FBI fax number with's still stored in the Best Buy database!

Remember when Radio Shack used to ask for address info etc. even when paying cash?

Yes.  When I asked the guy why he wanted it, he told me it was in case I needed to return something and I lost my receipt.  I snorted at the guy and told him I don't lose my receipts, he wasn't getting my info, I didn't want to be in his damn computer and was he gonna sell me the doodad or not?

Just tell them no, all of them.  If they want to know your zipcode, ask 'em 'what's the zipcode for the store?  Put that in.'

Of late, the restaurants, instead of handing out pager/buzzers when there was a waiting line, they'd want your cell number.  Bullsh it to that, give me one of the few buzzers you do have or I'll go elsewhere.

Tell them nothing.  They turn around and sell your information.  They get paid and you get pestered.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 13, 2020, 05:03:30 PM
And on top of that...none of their damn bees-wax!

Oh, and they hate children, puppies, kittens...and don't know the difference between sauce and gravy!

Yeah I don't know what got into me...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Alphabet Soup on May 13, 2020, 07:39:42 PM
Interesting that youse be talking about requiring personal info. One of the (thousands and thousands) of stipulations our state overlord has dumped onto us as conditions to allowing us to resume our pitiful lives is the requirement of restaurants and bars collect name, phone number and email for each and every patron.

I'm not shytting!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on May 13, 2020, 09:32:52 PM
Interesting that youse be talking about requiring personal info. One of the (thousands and thousands) of stipulations our state overlord has dumped onto us as conditions to allowing us to resume our pitiful lives is the requirement of restaurants and bars collect name, phone number and email for each and every patron.

I'm not shytting!

I read that and then I read he backed off.  Yes?  No?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Alphabet Soup on May 14, 2020, 12:32:17 AM
Interesting that youse be talking about requiring personal info. One of the (thousands and thousands) of stipulations our state overlord has dumped onto us as conditions to allowing us to resume our pitiful lives is the requirement of restaurants and bars collect name, phone number and email for each and every patron.

I'm not shytting!

I read that and then I read he backed off.  Yes?  No?

Nope. Still slated to go into effect in Phase 3 (or 33 or 333).
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 14, 2020, 08:20:10 AM
It's almost like they want blood...

No.  They do want blood.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on May 14, 2020, 09:57:55 AM
Interesting that youse be talking about requiring personal info. One of the (thousands and thousands) of stipulations our state overlord has dumped onto us as conditions to allowing us to resume our pitiful lives is the requirement of restaurants and bars collect name, phone number and email for each and every patron.

I'm not shytting!

I read that and then I read he backed off.  Yes?  No?

Nope. Still slated to go into effect in Phase 3 (or 33 or 333).

So, what do you predict happens?  Eateries refuse, clientele refuses to patronize or refuses to divulge?

This is past ridiculous now.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on May 14, 2020, 10:53:22 AM
Interesting that youse be talking about requiring personal info. One of the (thousands and thousands) of stipulations our state overlord has dumped onto us as conditions to allowing us to resume our pitiful lives is the requirement of restaurants and bars collect name, phone number and email for each and every patron.

I'm not shytting!

I read that and then I read he backed off.  Yes?  No?

Nope. Still slated to go into effect in Phase 3 (or 33 or 333).

So, what do you predict happens?  Eateries refuse, clientele refuses to patronize or refuses to divulge?

This is past ridiculous now.
"John Smith, party of 4, your table is ready."
Radio Shack used to ask for such info all the time. I gave bogus info.
Some smart ass at covert conservatives said he used to give Best Buy an FBI fax number as his phone number.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 13, 2020, 10:05:05 AM
So far everyone is believing there is no such thing as "too high"...


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on November 21, 2020, 07:53:54 PM (
This is worse than it was - it used be to be nearly half and half
of course,  the dollar itself is now in question
Let's see who produces more when food, fuel and safety are the commodities of value
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on November 22, 2020, 05:11:57 PM (
This is worse than it was - it used be to be nearly half and half
of course,  the dollar itself is now in question
Let's see who produces more when food, fuel and safety are the commodities of value

As a leftist in my youth one thing jumps out. When the 1% is backing Biden I have no delusion that Biden has the best interests of the working class in mind.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 23, 2020, 08:16:38 AM
A KrakenOnSteroids recently commented about letting the chips fall where they may...that some of those chips will hurt more than others is the hurting will be universal and...probably biblical as well.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 14, 2021, 09:12:59 AM
Wow, all the good Trump enabled got literally blown away post-election-steal...

Food & energy especially. ( (

And please note that BLS usually likes to game these numbers, more so when things begin to given that they cannot hide it all it means things are actually worse than this.

Well, not like we didn't see it coming once The Steal was sealed.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on April 14, 2021, 10:57:43 AM
Food is going up:  yesterday, I saw a whole chicken for sale for $15.  That's ridiculous.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 14, 2021, 11:04:43 AM
Most meat getting ridiculous, glad I got my last order in a few months ago...I'm good for a while far as steaks and such...and I can always get hamburger...just buy the higher fat offerings, which I like anyway and are cheaper...

ETA - Probably the understatement of the day for these destroyers...

WH Press Sec Says Impacts Of Biden’s Tax Hikes On Middle Class Families Are ‘Not A Concern’…. (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 16, 2021, 08:43:43 AM
Yeah, I don't see the corrupt, compromised, brainless, communist JoeFraud Regime doing anything but making this worse...

( (

Utilizing cheap communist labor and giving finished products to them (to reverse-engineer into their military applications, duh?!) is just the dumbest part of it all.  This to me is a far more immediate a danger than end-running the Dollar...and at least Trump put limps in their stroll...

And in disagreement on this Mises screed that while accurately saying France, Italy & Greece are more socialistic than the Nordic countries...and ignored as good examples while the Nordic countries business climate are nominally better... (

...Macdonald totally ignores the Scandinavian surrender to PC/Diversity/Multi-Culti insanity just like the rest of Europe and look the other way to Muslim raping, rioting and murder.  So, those economies are not long-term sustainable...

And here in America the DemCom's and their culture war on their enemies that has clear ethnic overtones looks the other way when back-birth Woke millionaire athletes avail themselves to exploiting Communist Chinese Uyghur slave labor camps to line their pockets... ( America isn't far behind...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 29, 2021, 11:06:58 AM
Wow, any acknowledgement of the obvious I thought was a thing of the distant pass... (

Social unrest you say?  Well, isn't that what DemCom's like to exploit?  Surely they had to snort and giggle writing that, yes?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on April 29, 2021, 02:18:44 PM
I saw a whole chicken for $19 the other day.  Food IS going up so stock up.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 29, 2021, 02:39:43 PM
Yup.  Top off what you can while you can...when you can't all ya got is what ya got.

We lake...

Old stock to consume before it goes bad, new stock needed to replace it...

Let the cat-herding commence!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 06, 2021, 08:07:01 AM
Lumber continues to rise, and I hear there is a run on portable mills...even the crappy Chi-Com Harbor Freight as we noted is been run up over all sectors...and PMs and rare earth elements can only snap northward if this continues and spreads...and as noted in the following link the canary in the semi-conductor mine may be chirping... (

...still not convinced Chi-Com's are not thinking they can take over Taiwan market even after a violent annexation...

ETA - Missed this earlier... (

Fear, the real renewable energy.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 07, 2021, 08:18:19 AM
No circus...thanks to statist despots using plandemic bread is threatened thanks to the same imbeciles... (

...can only be by design, yes?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on May 07, 2021, 12:57:27 PM
Yes.  By design.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Lady Virginia on May 09, 2021, 11:07:34 PM
I'm warning people about the rise in prices and they're not really getting it.....
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 10, 2021, 07:55:56 AM
Some people can only learn the hard way...or not at all...

History typically doesn't have flattering things to say about such...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Lady Virginia on May 10, 2021, 07:29:06 PM
Some people can only learn the hard way...or not at all...

History typically doesn't have flattering things to say about such...

I's easier when it's unknown "thems" but when  it's family.......hard
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 11, 2021, 07:55:02 AM
Some people can only learn the hard way...or not at all...

History typically doesn't have flattering things to say about such...

I's easier when it's unknown "thems" but when  it's family.......hard

Yeah...have a nephew who married poorly...looney-tune lefty...he knows better, but she controls him and the hope there on anything SIL cannot handle any adverse news, thoughts or chatter...if one cannot listen one cannot ever learn...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 11, 2021, 08:53:52 AM
JoeFraud and Jimmuh...


...bring back the worst economy in US history. (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Lady Virginia on May 11, 2021, 09:09:26 AM

...bring back the worst economy in US history. (

I hated the 70s...mostly because to me as a kid it seemed to be the result of the 60s....

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 11, 2021, 11:06:49 AM

...bring back the worst economy in US history. (

I hated the 70s...mostly because to me as a kid it seemed to be the result of the 60s....

Carter economy, fugly clothes & canned music called d***o I cannot say without becoming violent...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Lady Virginia on May 11, 2021, 11:18:50 AM

Carter economy, fugly clothes & canned music called d***o I cannot say without becoming violent...

and that canned music led to all that is bad about music today...imho
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 11, 2021, 11:39:52 AM

Carter economy, fugly clothes & canned music called d***o I cannot say without becoming violent...

and that canned music led to all that is bad about music today...imho

Yeah...too many laughing all the way to the bank too...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 11, 2021, 12:10:04 PM
Via WZ -

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Lady Virginia on May 11, 2021, 12:11:21 PM
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 17, 2021, 11:55:22 AM
JoeFraud doesn't put stupid people in power because they're stupid...that's just a side-effect of being Marxist trash...he puts them in because it doesn't matter...shots are called elsewhere, these are LARPers...they fill a role and read a reading that script their stupidity comes out... (

So, between wanton destruction on order of the elite and the stupidity of the puppets...yeah the results are certain...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on May 17, 2021, 02:25:10 PM
Feh.  These people don't even know how to read a calendar.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 18, 2021, 10:31:27 AM
So much going on and so much being made worse by JoeFraud and his merry band of destroyers... (

So much inherit dependencies in the chip making process its all too easy to muck with it as documented earlier.  Soaring gas prices due to imperial meddling will not help sales...which until recently, er Bidenly was robust. (

Well, DemComs and a heavily out of balance of imports to exports go hand in hand...makes the globalists richer and fills the DemCom political and personal coffers.

Wonder if a major "event" is about to the rush...? (

When it comes to future payment systems, it’s more than fair, as well as realistically cynical, to assume that governments will, when backed to a corner, get the final say of which digital currency prevails, and it’s most likely not gonna be BTC…

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) will most likely (and vastly) outpace BTC and slowly, over time, find their way into ever-more commercial and private uses, including currencies like an eventual E-Euro, E-Dollar, or E-Yen which will crowd out pseudo private (yet currently trending) currencies like BTC many years down the road.

This, of course, is not a fact, but merely a realistic assumption based on power-dynamics not fair currency markets. In the meantime, BTC can continue its rise, and alas, its bubble.

The axiom "government hates competition" has never been more true now that government, specifically the DeepState has so intertwined public and private sectors...they mean to take over the whole digital show.  Gold is a different animal in that it can actually be held...and cached in the dirt if necessary. (

"taper talk is the new taper"   ::hysterical::

High trade imbalance, inflation et al...yeah the dollar never had it so...ahh...umm...

Whatever.  The great fleecing needs to occur, elites demand it...what follows is immaterial to them...for now...

The "glorious world of next Tuesday" as TPC would say... (

Who could have foreseen this?  I know stop asking...   ::)

Is this the commodities snap we've been waiting for? (

In chaos there is opportunity.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 19, 2021, 08:54:37 AM
Ha! (

Poor Jason asking JoeFraud to trash his masters plans for more destruction, control and enslavement. 

I'm sure the DemCom's slavish devotion to the false idol of climate change will help accelerate the damage. (

The path the net-zero is the path to beating the 99% back down to immobile defenseless serfs.

The inflation tax is already ramping up and it by itself is enough to level the lower classes and make them more dependent on a not-so benevolent ruling class. (

And some biblical antics in play include some drought here in the US but due to La Nina producers in Brazil being hit with drought and it is also impacting logistics (river barge transport of goods) - (

This will impact China eventually too, as they've engaged in more South American producers.

Market chaos... (

Yeah, those FOMC minutes should be some classic Fed double-speak...

Big crypto slaughter has seen play shift to smaller player's benefit - (

Safe haven outlets - ( - experiencing heavy order volume...still.  Imagine that? \


Team Fraud can only make things worse.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: paulh on May 19, 2021, 10:18:56 AM
Looks like it might be time to take my evaporators to the salvage yard
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on May 19, 2021, 02:27:51 PM
That meme can't keep up with exploding commodity prices.  Corn was north of $7, last time I checked.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 19, 2021, 03:34:00 PM

Charts look like they'd kill Eddie the Eagle   ::hysterical::

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 20, 2021, 08:11:59 AM
Uhh, I cast a vote for tech yielding...

( ( some point the chip shortage, uhh, bites.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 21, 2021, 09:21:33 AM

Yeah, that was so pre-fraud ago...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Lady Virginia on May 21, 2021, 03:57:55 PM
 ::thumbsup:: ::thumbsup:: ::thumbsup:: ::thumbsup::

and we joke in our house when Biden does something stupid

"it's so worth it because no more mean tweets"
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 23, 2021, 03:04:11 PM (

The destruction and theft will continue until there is nothing left to harvest and the serfs know their place...

Kinda hard to feel sorry for the banks...all that lobbying and ass-kissing...only to be kicked to the curb and the Almighty Fed controlling everything overtly...I'm sure this will all be fine...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 24, 2021, 08:39:17 AM
End game approaching? (

Besides grabbing seems the move is to free gold without re-monetization, but if Luongo is urging that not a monetization?  Instead of fiat, crypto...frankly I see no difference...and from here to there it's going to create a lot of chaos and destruction...and less have triggered major wars, so...there is a lot more to discuss here than a mere transition to a new economic system that as far as I can tell will be little different from the old as far as control goes...

Frankly, I think the elites are playing with fire...but maybe fire is necessary...if the flames reach high enough the right perps get burned...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 03, 2021, 08:11:52 AM
Well, with the JoeFraud's bloated budget, taperless Fed and presses at Treas humming ensuring inflation stays hot...along with the pending Putin smackdown of jello-head JoeFraud in Geneva...tiffs with Germany over Ryanair incident...Ukraine still in flux...NS2 vs Southern Euro pipeline...the Arctic...etc etc...Russia's timing of this makes perfect sense... (

...the end game is in sight, the inevitable is unavoidable...

...I'm liking PM's even more here on out...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 04, 2021, 12:07:51 PM
JoeFraud jobs...

Dubious govt numbers, but...

( (

Enjoy grads!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Lady Virginia on June 04, 2021, 05:45:08 PM
there's a high demand for remote positions

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 09, 2021, 09:01:01 AM
The more remote the better.

Meanwhile the JoeFraud economy continues to struggle... (

 ::ohno:: (

That's the least of our worries... ( (

Forward!  Into the abyss!!!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 16, 2021, 08:42:50 AM
Seems to NeoKeynesian masters of the universe "transitory" is forever...whatever allows the shearing of the flock to continue will continue...

Paul Tudor Jones warned yesterday that things are "bat sh*t crazy" and if Jay Powell

“The idea that inflation is transitory, to me ... that one just doesn’t work the way I see the world."

All of which led to Burry's latest tweet warning this morning...

"People always ask me what is going on in the markets. It is simple. Greatest Speculative Bubble of All Time in All Things. By two orders of magnitude. #FlyingPigs360"

In other words: "Brace!"

So what are you going to do about it?

Tudor Jones had some simple advice: "buy commodities, buy crypto, buy gold." (

And all barter-world goods too!

And in other transitory news... (

Oh yeah?  Well did the big guy get his 10%?

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 18, 2021, 12:42:04 PM
Well, as far a witching hours go...pretty mild...

...most must be drinking the FOMC drizzle...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 21, 2021, 08:52:11 AM
Mmm...paper... (


Another sucking sound in Repo's... (

Most Ag commodities going up, so folks have to deal with that as well., (,

And the prospect of GovCrypto ( ought to send shivers down spines.

Other than all that...things are...mediocre at best...   ::unknowncomic::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 21, 2021, 04:51:57 PM
1 chair at the table... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 26, 2021, 10:04:23 AM
This is a pretty good rundown on the greater energy economic picture... (

It confirms what we've known a long time...much of the green crap people do is ineffectual, meant to appease small minds believing in the climate cult crap...and more importantly for this ESG bullsplatter - provides another opportunity to separate idiots from their money.

Killing the pipeline destroyed jobs throughout more than the energy sector and did nothing for the environment...the enviro-hoax merely through dirt in the air while crony capitalists schemed for more control and more money for themselves...

Follow the Money
The public story is that ExxonMobil was too slow in adapting its business plans to a world of solar and wind power and electric vehicles. The reality is more complicated.

There’s good reason to believe that solar and wind will never provide more than a small percentage of the power needed to run America. ExxonMobil is an oil and gas exploration and distribution company. They should stick to what they do best and let others build windmills. Oil and gas, nuclear and hydro-electric will power the country for decades to come or longer.

So, why did Larry Fink of BlackRock climb on the green train?

It turns out he’s promoting so-called ESG funds (for Environmental, Social and Governance) with higher fees to customers. Fink and others are just promoters using the green banner to make more money at investor expense.

What happened in the board room at ExxonMobil is an example of how private corporate resources are being hijacked by activists and do-gooder institutional investors to pursue social policy goals with little or no scientific evidence to back them up.

Research shows ESG funds and related ETFs do not outperform major index funds.

Fink just needed to bolster his ESG credentials and he did so at ExxonMobil’s expense. Concern about the environment is minimal or incidental. It turns out that Fink and the others are only in it for the money.

That’s the kind of green they really care about.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on June 26, 2021, 06:01:45 PM
1 chair at the table... (

I read that years ago Tpyota was harmed because they lost some chip making due to an earthquake, or maybe other components. So they bought chips ahead this time and are sitting on a supply of chips for their cars when others are not.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on June 26, 2021, 06:05:52 PM
I know little about bitcoin but I know that the IMF and Worldbank are fighting this. Remember what happened after Ghaddafi said he would form a gold backed currency.  I recall that all the Libyan gold disappeared after the west over threw and killed Ghaddafi.  The USD is currently the legal currency of the country.
Very smart, El Salvador to give $30 in Bitcoin to every citizen
Alex Christoforou Published June 26, 2021
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 27, 2021, 11:01:41 AM
The central bankers hate competition...led by the Fed the IMF & WB dance to the globalist tune...

And crypto coming under fire in UK - (

Maybe it's the shady Chinaman behind it...

In other news...3D printed homes to the rescue - (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 30, 2021, 08:57:24 AM
Inflation is accelerating -- every consumer in the country feels it every day. If there is any economic sense left in Washington, the rising inflation threat should grind President Biden's big-government spending plans to a halt.  (


Economic sense!


From Marxists!!!


"Congress must block Biden's runaway spending and debt agenda."

 ::laughonfloor::  Stop it!  My gut hurts!!!   ::laughonfloor::

To Zimbabwe and beyond!!!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 08, 2021, 12:06:58 PM
1 chair at the table... (

I read that years ago Tpyota was harmed because they lost some chip making due to an earthquake, or maybe other components. So they bought chips ahead this time and are sitting on a supply of chips for their cars when others are not.

Well, this kind of stupidity will make things worse... (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on July 08, 2021, 01:16:10 PM
What I read stated that this was a hostile takeover, not really a sale.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 08, 2021, 01:53:37 PM
Yes, the linked UK article mentioned "seized" and "forced to sell" because of "failure to deliver on a contract", I don't know what contract terms allow for an aggrieved party to be lawfully forced to sell...but it's the UK...and apparently they have no laws in place to safeguard national security or they don't bother mentioning their idiot government OK'd it...either way all this does it make it much much worse...

I as an owner would have gone Ellis Wyatt on the whole works!!!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 08, 2021, 02:17:36 PM

Meh, at this point what difference does it make?  All those willing corporatists goons going along with totalitarian BS...wait till the gravy train ends for those in office awaiting their kickbacks and insider deals...then they'll mandate actions via their version of the Bureau of Economic Planning and National Resources and hand-picked Wesley Mouch...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on July 08, 2021, 03:26:32 PM

Elon Musk got sucked into making stuff in China. They invited him in. Now they have stolen lots of IP and are making electic cars and batteries.The CCP is souring on Musk also. I hope he has lots of good patent protection to prevent import into the US.

Musk worked with an Italian mfg to make a huge "gigapress" to make huge castings for car frames. Kinda cool. This required a new alloy.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 20, 2021, 09:01:53 AM

People have been freaking out at Taco Bell's though... (

...of all the things to panic over...

Pretty sure brain stems are not fully connected to CPU's in too many folks' heads! 
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 20, 2021, 12:32:47 PM
FDR's (Not So) Great Society, LBJ's War (for) Poverty, Carter's Malaise, Obamanomics, Biden's Obamanomics Part Duh!

It's all rooted in Marxist ideology aimed at crushing resistance and seizing total control!



Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 26, 2021, 10:28:59 AM
SC crisis appears to be abating somewhat...I think some holding action on automakers has been part of it...though, relying on Red China... ( just insane and suicidal.

And if anyone thinks crap like this... ( going to deter continued Chi-Com activities, well they just do not understand the Chi-Com view of human capital.

Meanwhile, the VIX flashers remain confidential... (

...and the Fed/Citadel suspicion is likely well founded. 

And how about this insanity... (

Windfarm my ass!

Likely benefitted from Beijing Biden being a corrupt compromised POS to clear red tape!

At least Chi-Com pals here in the globalist and political class may see a temporary reduction in income... (

...though they'll gouge the flock to make up the gap. 
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 27, 2021, 08:46:06 AM
Well this can't be good... (

...herds of angry gamers fleeing for greener pastures...oh, the horror!

Wait...umm...this means leaving mommies basement...whew!  That was a close call, carry on, nothing to see here...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on July 27, 2021, 11:32:53 AM
The people who buy those are usually capable of building their own.  You can still buy the components.  You just can't buy a pre built system.  Dumbf***s think they've changed the weather by doing this...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 27, 2021, 12:09:43 PM
Yeah, there is that, I know a neighbor kid who did exactly that.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 04, 2021, 09:07:56 AM
No sh!t inflation... (

...the Big Pinch might be lurking around the next corner.

But then again in this miserable man-made disaster era...there's a lot of big fugly nightmares around the next corner...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 05, 2021, 09:37:01 AM
Crap, I have to expedite my plans to sell my house while I still may be able to!

I have to make a phone call...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on August 06, 2021, 12:12:33 PM
First off, congratulations to President Biden on the jobs report.

Yeah. Our neighbor's dog ran away at the end of July. But, praise God, it returned yesterday evening. Now our neighbor is exclaiming it's a new dog and have given it a brand new name!

#Biden #JobsReport #ReoprtDementia
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 06, 2021, 12:29:23 PM




H/T-WZ (


Need a smiley doing the Pee Wee Herman...

That must be it though... (

...the rest are militant cellar dweller's...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 12, 2021, 09:24:26 AM
The reign of JoeFraud and his gang of thugs punks and well as the personal corruption and deviancy making JoeFraud compromised and beholden to Putin is greatly exacerbating our oil needs (, and placing us in immanent peril!

This is NOT is intentional violence perpetrated upon citizens!

And adding trillions in more wasteful giveaways to cronies and imbeciles is only going to increase the intensity of the flames...

These flames can get out of control, I fail to see how they can be put out...nothing on the last horizon but ashes...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 19, 2021, 08:48:46 AM
I love long timeline big picture graphs...

Naturally, when still living inside the graph one cannot always be sure where one is in the grand scheme of things can be hard to see...the old can't see the forest for the trees...but in financial terms it appears we are at if not damn close to the closing act...the proof of unsustainability is approaching at a quicker pace...


Old time debasement combined with an overextended empire, floods of other (conquered, enslaved...capitulated) cultures, eroding ethics and morality...

It's an ancient recipe for total collapse.

And, well our seeds of destruction sewn well before Nixon...establishing any form of income tax was bound to be abused, 1913 was a banner year for current and future grifters to exploit to the detriment of people and national survival...

But the Nixon graph is a nice illustration of the pace of erosion during most people's lifetime...


...can't entirely fault Nixon, no doubt listening to Fed Head and Schultz and Haldeman who were having kittens over Britain and Germany demanding gold for foreign held dollars...

In hindsight why not split the (gold standard) baby in half?  Tell foreign (especially central) banks the gold window is closed, reserves to be held for collateral support only.

Well, whatever.  And the debt bomb keeps adding more fissile material in its core...

All is well, no need to panic...

They say that, you've entered "too late" territory...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 23, 2021, 09:51:53 AM
Again, I think closing the foreign gold window and keeping the gold standard would have been the smart play...

Here, in a albeit self-aggrandizing way Ron Paul gives his rundown of history lived...and for nearly all points he is correct... (

The wizards of manipulation took ascendance...and while I bear them no personal animosity for their replicated currency concoction, it was birthed by the death of the gold standard...I do hold the wizards accountable for their lack of honesty and courage as much as I hold the politicians to the same!

From the link - "Yet the Fed cannot increase interest rates as long as the politicians keep creating billions of new debts."

BS!  Neither wizards or politicians can do what is right!  And IMO the greater responsibility lay with the damned politicians for being untreatable debt junkies...but I blame the wizards for keep kicking judgement day down the line (both ensuring the day will be worse)!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 23, 2021, 10:09:33 AM
Update on chips - Chips ahoy, chips worried of a chip glut.  Yeah, seems like man-made stupidity is the order of the century... (

And DRAM issues on the horizon?  Swell, how much monkey-business we talking about?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 25, 2021, 12:24:56 PM
The Troubles have only just begun...looks like Christmas is going to be a total dud... (

This linked chart is horrendous -



And this hits a bullseye for what's hitting the common people...

Have global paychecks risen 31 percent over the past year to keep up?

No way.

As for markets... (

De-leveraging indications presage a bear market for equities and traditional investment advice is to stay diversified and balanced and ride it out, but that still means incurring loses...and the big known unknown is the magnitude of that one has to gauge their ability to take a hit.  And traditional havens like consumer staples and utilities might not be as effective this time since we know the shortages will impact staples it will likely be a muddled mess where some do well, some get by and others struggle mightily, so what's the blended impact really going to be?  Utilities look a little better, but as we've seen with our fragile and aging infrastructure, how well positioned are they to weather natural or man-made disasters from a resource and material level?  Plus, laws in place to protect consumers could lessen/delay revenues so it too could be a push as far as a ROI goes.  Plus, since most retirement funds are in 401K's...a lot of third party administrators offer limited investment accounts are mostly gone for them...closest relative to it are commercial paper funds, so good luck with that...they are pretty much forcing people into the diversify/balance/ride it out choice.  For investment of discretionary funds it's hard not to see PM's as attractive regardless of the current premiums.

And with J-Hole approaching Friday...all eyes are on the Fed... (

...and a modest taper of any kind is going to have little effect and won't stop massive monetization, especially in light of the DemCom Congress adding galaxies of debt to a universe comprised of nothing else...

...and I doubt Powell wants to risk blowing the windows out of the derivatives pyramid...

...more can-kicking...making certain the final break will be lethal and unrecoverable...


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 27, 2021, 02:00:01 PM
Hard to tell what among the plethora of plagues we are suffering will be the one to begin the rapid end...but this via WRSA@GAB seems an appropriate sign of the times...


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on August 28, 2021, 09:22:17 AM
“The Federal Reserve will build & test a hypothetical digital currency oriented to central bank uses.”
-- Federal Reserve Board governor, Lael Brainard (

Coinspeaker (,central%20banks%20may%20get%20issuing%20their%20digital%20currencies)

Brainard stated the Facebook Libra project “imparted urgency” to the conversation around digital currencies.
Translation: "We started sh*tting bricks @ the thought of a company issuing a digital currency -- so we shut that down ASAP -- because we want the control!"

Hmm . . . digital currency sounds quick, easy & "convenient" -- until they turn the tap off your bank account, or set up a social scoring system. They'll know where you spend every penny (bars, stores, charities). It may provide "greater value" -- but will insure "infinite control":

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 30, 2021, 11:02:29 AM
Reply - You are thugs and thieves...prepare for judgement!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 07, 2021, 11:57:41 AM (

Only bright least it isn't good cars...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 17, 2021, 09:19:39 AM
Last September, for instance, Jerome Powell bemoaned the "relative stagnation of income" for people with lower incomes in the United States, but then claimed the Fed "doesn't have the tools" to address this issue. Instead, Powell, being the chairman of this ostensibly "independent" and "nonpolitical" central bank, called for the federal government to engage in fiscal policy efforts at income redistribution.

Powell, of course, is wrong, and he probably knows he's wrong. In any case, if the Fed were actually concerned about wealth and income inequality, the Fed would stop doing what it has done over the past decade. It would end its ultralow interest rate policy and quantitative easing.

These policies have been at the center of the post–Great Recession economy, in which wealthy owners of stocks and real estate become ever more fabulously wealthy, even as ordinary people face stagnating employment, low economic growth, and a rising cost of living. This only accelerated during the economic crises of 2020, when endless Fed efforts to prop up the stock market meant that financial markets soared—and with them the portfolios of the wealthy—even as unemployment rose to record levels. Even Jim Cramer could see what was happening and declared Fed policy to be a part of "one of the greatest wealth transfers in history."
In her new book, Engine of Inequality: The Fed and the Future of Wealth in America, Karen Petrou looks in detail at how Fed policy over the past decade—especially quantitative easing (QE) and ultralow interest rates—have benefited the wealthy while leaving most ordinary people behind. (

You don't have to know all the details of modern finance and economics, you do not need write a book to understand, you don't even have to read a book or even (see Cramer above) be all that bright...most people know the elite are harvesting the non-elite...and from time to time feeding on each other...and it's not hard to see the political-economic power orchestrating it...if one wants to be ignorant then ignorant they will be.

Ayn Rand once said "You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the result of ignoring reality".  That I expect many will feel intimately...

Hey, maybe see more of this going on...but in higher-value targets...  ???? (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 17, 2021, 11:49:38 AM
Update - Wow, great timing on this news... (

I know, so shocking and unexpected, right?

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 21, 2021, 11:17:12 AM (

It's called "socialism" and it's spelled "bend over"...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 28, 2021, 09:26:39 AM
FedClowns dropping like flies... (

...corruption and/or ejecting from a doomed ride...

And the Fed won't End... ( any political will End when it's failure finally manifests in total implosion...

Meanwhile, the circle-jerking continues in The Swamp... (

...blah blah blah, PurpleTeam swamp dance...   ::mooning::

Some old hands still whipping the dead horse... (

...fiddling while Nero plays with matches...

It's getting easier and easier by the day to not GAFF...and ALL the guilty will pay one way or time or another...

About all the old hands got right is these CoC cucks will get what they deserve ( after the usual comprehension problem, the old hands realize in the end the big-buck-blowout is a foregone conclusion.  Man, these old hands like to torture themselves...


And with inflation not abating...Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years looking like a total roiling...the over-maligned carbon-based blood feeding the engines of the world show no signs of retreating from the stratosphere (

And the unlawful vax mandate thuggery et al has yet to fully ripple through...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 30, 2021, 09:17:15 AM (

It is entirely possible that the Big One is about to happen.  Then again every year (often many times a year) I say things to the effect that never have so few been so insane with the unsustainable...only to see the insanity get worse...

Certainly the unsustainable has to be ready to assert it's reality, yes?

Anyway...usual suspects are pointing at October...but a quad-witching hour hit already on the 17th of this month and has its next Dec 17th.

Quadruple witching happens four times per year when stock index futures, stock index options, stock options, and single stock futures expire simultaneously. (

Most people with 401k's could be porked...if like my Co and their plan administrator which is a huge Wall St outfit...investment options are severely limited...there is no escape from crashes...all most people can do is diversify between stocks and bonds which will still lose value...

Some only allow for more choices if one opens an affiliated IRA account with that same administrator...but then again you are wither investing in "paper" gold investments and the like which is not the same as owning best you can park it in cash and hope if the fiat survives it isn't Weimar useless...

I just shut my contributions off...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 04, 2021, 08:46:07 AM
Another Fed insider caught red-handed in the trading jar... (

...they're special...everyone else is not.

And as for meat shortage here and the higher prices... (

...has to be culling happening here too.

And cargo rates are already ridiculous...don't seem to be trending better... (

...every metric is bad...this is a total fustercluck that won't unravel easily or quickly...

And while the typical Russophiles bemoan the lack of Amerikanski inclusion in exposing the corrupt global elite (we know who most every one of them are and if you don't you are not paying very good attention!)... (

...the corrupt elite are global, are coordinating with each other when it benefits them and competing with each other if an advantage is to be gained.

ETA - (

May not even get a lump of coal on that is short in areas (, with stupid leftists running things especially.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on October 04, 2021, 06:41:52 PM
I watched the Duran and they said the trucker shortage was a result of treating the truckers like crap, under paying them, and a decline in rest stops. The pro EU people want to blame Brexit.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 06, 2021, 12:08:30 PM
 ::siren:: ::siren:: ::siren:: ::siren:: ::siren::

Check out this epitaph...

A trillion-dollar platinum coin could be minted "within hours of the Treasury Secretary's decision to do so," "Voila, we'd have bought ourselves the equivalent of a trillion-dollar increase in the debt limit, without any impact on inflation," (





Could this be it?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on October 06, 2021, 10:01:54 PM
If you don't care about folks, or the debt you've run up, or the long term implications of guaranteed pensions you can't pay, etc. etc. . . .

. . . and you'd like to enjoy your stash & lifestyle without the "little people" . . .

. . . what's the long term solution?


"This ain't Rock 'n Roll . . . this is Genocide!"
~David Bowie, Diamond Dogs
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 07, 2021, 08:21:52 AM
As per bent over and lifted up his tail... (

...and we were so close to Zimbabwe...

...well, postponed is all it is...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 07, 2021, 12:46:17 PM

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on October 07, 2021, 05:23:38 PM

I had to look it up/ (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on October 07, 2021, 05:51:28 PM
We contracted in April with a local company for six new windows.  They called today to schedule the install; the windows just came in yesterday, from APRIL.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 08, 2021, 08:40:32 AM
I got one with a pane cracked I taped with clear tape last winter...

Nobody wants to bother with one window...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on October 08, 2021, 01:29:55 PM
To  avoid confusion. Two oak stained LR double hung windows, one sash with cracked glass, both taken apart to replace broken sash cords. Two painted over oak windows, one sash with cracked glass and both with major hardware issues.

I had that issue with broken glass.  So I took them to Beisswenger's , a local hardware store. They fixed them. I paid an extra $10 each to get them in a few days. The problem is that the oak stained windows were hard to disassemble and I did not take notes on the order. I broke the parting stop/bead (1/2 in by 3/4 in) (a common occurrence with old windows)  so I needed to buy that, pine, and stain it (I left the stain on too long).

I have a problem on the order of putting in the stops, the metal flashing, etc. I have no skills in that area. You have to pivot the sashes to get them in place but they must slide up over metal flashing with ridges so maybe only have one small nail but then how to reach the other nail hole after you slide the sash in etc.  I took both LR windows apart to replace the broken sash cords. In the LR the sash cord access doors are under the flashing, unlike other such windows (I could not even find them)  and form part of the parting bead recess to make things difficult.

I also took apart two painted over windows, one cracked. One has NO sash cords and no way to keep them in place or a way to allow them to slide. The other is similar.

So, I decided to replace both painted over windows with pocket/insert windows after wasting time and money fixing and painting the windows. I had done 6 already to replace rotted windows years ago, custom sized. BUT now custom sized cost much more and would take until December.

So, yesterday, after carefully measuring, I went to home depot (I prefer menards) and bought two stock sized series 50 single hung American craftsman windows for $150 each. Stock series 70 double hung might cost $220 as I recall, and they have wider trim and look more like old windows.

One window is about 2 inches too narrow so I need to put spacer boards on either side AND make sure I extend the stops to keep them from falling out during installation. Normally you just push the pocket window in until it hits the stops. The other window is about 2 inches too short, so I need to put spacer boards along the top, an easier issue. One window is almost an exact fit in height but I have to tilt them in. If that is too high I will have to slide them in from the outside after removing the stops.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 08, 2021, 04:17:20 PM
I remember Beisswenger's in New Brighton when they first opened their old store...

Didn't think of that...these lift out, these are that white plastic lift out kind...   ::thinking::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on October 09, 2021, 11:44:28 AM
I wonder if those can be re-glazed or need to be replaced. I imagine a sash can be built to order by the maker such as Andersen windows. They do make custom sizes.

I managed to break some of my pocket windows. Some will not stay up. When I decide to fix them I wonder what to do.

BTW Beissweners also treads pipe for a reasonable amount. I replaced all my radiator valves years ago as they were all either stuck open or shut. Went to Gopher plumbing, the go to place.  A 1 inch valve is still a 1 inch valve but ........ It is shorter in height by maybe 3/4 inch so the galvanized pipe feeding it from below must have enough play to reach up. It leaked.  I had a longer pipe made but grew tired or wrestling with the radiator. It is hard to explain if you have not done it.

So I replaced it with 1 inch O2 barrier pex. Not real flexible but more flex than steel.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 11, 2021, 08:00:35 AM
If frustration is fun...I think most have had their share...   ;D
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 11, 2021, 08:28:40 AM ( ( (

Still in ramp up...all exits closed...

Holodomor (Stalin) 1932 H/T-CTH
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 12, 2021, 08:33:18 AM (

Yeah, well stagflation is the best the worst can be...

The consumer impact is sudden.  However, the supply chain impact is more akin to slowing down a freight train with thousands of boxcars.  It takes time. (

And the logistics remains sluggish.  Next, factor in the sickouts...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 14, 2021, 08:46:56 AM
The Green Death of the globalist-totalitarian elite... (

...and the brain-dead cultists will willingly line up and slit their own throats to honor their false god...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on October 15, 2021, 10:57:10 AM
The Green Death of the globalist-totalitarian elite... (

...and the brain-dead cultists will willingly line up and slit their own throats to honor their false god...

Lots of youtube videos of the climate change and green energy true believers in the MSM clinging to their faith while reporting on the impending winter energy shortage. Some blame Putin!
on edit: "The problem is that we are not moving to green energy fast enough." (
What is fuelling Europe's energy crisis? | Inside Story (
Germany demolishes nuclear power plant in a controlled explosion
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 15, 2021, 12:04:26 PM
The Green Death of the globalist-totalitarian elite... (

...and the brain-dead cultists will willingly line up and slit their own throats to honor their false god...

Lots of youtube videos of the climate change and green energy true believers in the MSM clinging to their faith while reporting on the impending winter energy shortage. Some blame Putin!
on edit: "The problem is that we are not moving to green energy fast enough." (
What is fuelling Europe's energy crisis? | Inside Story (
Germany demolishes nuclear power plant in a controlled explosion

The weeping and gnashing of teeth should be quite a spectacle...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 15, 2021, 12:47:58 PM
See this stupendous BS?

The White House has been consulting with the oil industry to seek a remedy for rising gasoline prices as surging inflation threatens to tarnish the economic recovery, according to three people familiar with the discussions. (



Has to be the most retarded conversation ever!

Illegitimate Biden/Harris Regime's Chief of the Central Planning Committee Directorship of Economic Activity, Wesley Mouch - "Hey?  We need you to lower gas prices?"

Oil Executives - (mumbling)

Mouch - "Just on a temporary transitional basis."

Oil Executives - "How long?"

Mouch - "Not too long, just till we get things turned around to the new normal earth-friendly sustainable ways of doing energy stuff."

Oil Executives - (mumbling)

Mouch - "Hey, we're all in this together, everybody has to do their share for the greater good."

Oil Executives - "You allowing more exploration"?

Mouch - "Umm, no...that's not environmentally friendly...isn't everything already explored?  Just drop the prices."

Oil Executives - "There is always new discoveries... Are you allowing pipelines?"

Mouch - "Certainly not!  They're ecological time bombs!"

Oil Executives - "Uhh point in informing you how product flows now...on aging infrastructure you won't let us repair, is there?"

Mouch - "Look, just lower the prices by half, that should be fine."

Oil Executives - "You can do that yourself...just end the taxes."

Mouch - (gasp) "Are you crazy?  The government needs revenue!"

Oil Executives - "And we don't?"

Mouch - "You have more than enough, you can sacrifice!"

Oil Executives - "Actually, used to be back in the DTD (Donald Trump Days) we could earn our usual 8% on gross revenue after a double-dose of taxes to put back into infrastructure, exploration and new reserves and merit increases for our employees...but thanks to your enlightened leadership we are lucky to have near half that...we have none to spare.  Reduce your taxes or pull your idiotic regulations."

Mouch - "You can't be serious?  This is not reasonable.  You must reconsider, or we will force you!"

Oil Executives - "Force away, we're walking figure it out."

Mouch - (Screaming, swearing...incoherent bleating)

Oil Executives - "What a dangerous little moron..."

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on October 15, 2021, 12:59:10 PM

Half of the U.S. trucking fleet is "non-compliant" with Ca. pollution standards, so, it's not a truck driver shortage, it's a shortage of trucks allowed into Ca.'s rarified air.

Plus, I saw a vid this morning made by a man who went to one of the ports and reported that NONE of the eight cranes were in operation while a bevy of tractor-trailers were sitting there, idling.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on October 15, 2021, 03:17:16 PM

Half of the U.S. trucking fleet is "non-compliant" with Ca. pollution standards, so, it's not a truck driver shortage, it's a shortage of trucks allowed into Ca.'s rarified air.

Plus, I saw a vid this morning made by a man who went to one of the ports and reported that NONE of the eight cranes were in operation while a bevy of tractor-trailers were sitting there, idling.

Vox Day said that trucks older than 2011 cannot go to the port?
Also CA AB 5 messed with drivers formerly classified as independent contractors?

I looked into CA AB 5
Can Truck drivers be independent contractors in California?
What Has Changed for California Truck Drivers? In June 2019, the California Assembly passed a bill aiming to make it difficult for companies to classify workers as independent contractors rather than employees, and in Sept. 2019, the governor signed it into law.May 14, 2021

Does AB5 apply to truckers?
"The court's ruling confirms that California's AB5 law can be enforced against trucking companies that misclassify their workers — and it should be obvious to everyone that drivers who perform work for a trucking company are employees of that company, not independent contractors."Apr 30, 2021
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on October 15, 2021, 03:21:42 PM

Putin is interviewed about nat gas 2:52 long. (
Russia President Vladimir Putin says Russia is willing to increase gas supplies to Europe, but "we need to understand how much they're going to buy from us," according to a translation of his remarks at Russian Energy Week. He was speaking to CNBC's Hadley Gamble.
Wed, Oct 13 20218:25 AM EDT

3:22 long very good I think he said the Europe failed to buy enough gas to fill up their storage. (
Russian President Vladimir Putin says Russia has already increased gas supplies to Europe by 15% this year, as the region's energy crisis deepens. Putin was speaking to CNBC's Hadley Gamble at Russian Energy Week.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on October 15, 2021, 03:27:00 PM

Very long version. 2:25:00 long
The Duran says France is staying with nuclear and even adding smaller reactors. energy shortage. Putin noted the lack of energy diversity in the EU, like Germany which has strong Green party influence.
Russia has no
Russia's Vladimir Putin talks energy and geopolitics
Streamed live on Oct 13, 2021
Follow live coverage as Russian President Vladimir Putin joins business leaders in Moscow for a CNBC-moderated panel at Russian Energy Week.

Hosted by CNBC’s Hadley Gamble, Putin will discuss a range of energy issues alongside BP CEO Bernard Looney, TotalEnergies CEO Patrick Pouyanne, ExxonMobil CEO Darren Woods and Daimler CEO Ola Kallenius.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on October 15, 2021, 03:35:39 PM

Russia does not have an energy crisis. Weird huh?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 15, 2021, 04:47:56 PM
Putin says Russia is willing to increase gas supplies to Europe, but "we need to understand how much they're going to buy from us,"

No sh*t?!


What idiot will let his people freeze and die so people held captive in some Euro nation can stay warm?


And yeah...France...bunch of little nuke reactors all a nation overrun already with the bloody cultural enrichment of Islaminals...


Say goodnight, Gracie!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on October 16, 2021, 04:26:48 PM (

Half of the U.S. trucking fleet is "non-compliant" with Ca. pollution standards, so, it's not a truck driver shortage, it's a shortage of trucks allowed into Ca.'s rarified air.

Plus, I saw a vid this morning made by a man who went to one of the ports and reported that NONE of the eight cranes were in operation while a bevy of tractor-trailers were sitting there, idling. (

... “In 15 years of doing this job, I’ve never seen them work slower,” said Antonio, who has spent hours waiting at Los Angeles County ports for cargo to be loaded. “The crane operators take their time, like three to four hours to get just one container. You can’t say anything to them, or they will just go [help] someone else.”

The Washington Examiner spoke to six truck drivers near the Long Beach/Terminal Island entry route, and each described crane operators as lazy, prone to long lunches, and quick to retaliate against complaints. The allegations were backed up by a labor consultant who has worked on the waterfront for 40 years. None of the truckers interviewed for this story wanted to provide a last name because they fear reprisals at the ports.

The crane operators are part of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, which also represents longshoremen. Veteran operators who have a set schedule make approximately $250,000 a year, while others who receive daily work assignments make $200,000, said labor consultant Jim Tessier, who represents longshoremen in disputes against the union.

... As of Wednesday, 59 ships were at a berth unloading cargo at one of the three Los Angeles ports. Another 88 are anchored off the coast stretching along Orange County and around Catalina Island, according to the Marine Exchange, which coordinates the ship traffic. The wait time to come into port can be weeks, including one ship that has been in a holding pattern miles offshore since Sept. 9.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on October 16, 2021, 04:28:43 PM
Vox Day said that trucks older than 2011 cannot go to the port?

Maybe he did, patentlymn, but I did not get the info from him nor did I post from him; I posted Sundance's piece from TCTH.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on October 16, 2021, 06:45:23 PM
Vox Day said that trucks older than 2011 cannot go to the port?

Maybe he did, patentlymn, but I did not get the info from him nor did I post from him; I posted Sundance's piece from TCTH.

from your link
As a consequence, that mean trucks cannot be older than 3 years if they are to pick up or deliver containers at those ports.
So it worse than vox day said. Three years is around 2018.

The longshoremen got a sweet deal to buy labor piece back when they introduced container ships.
Their union was/is(?) full of commies.

I recall Frank, Obama's commie mentor, moved from Chicago to Hawaii for some reason related to their union and commies. He was a card carrying CP USA member and had an FBI file. He was gay or bi and spent lots of time alone with teen age Barrack. He also wrote pulp pornography.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 18, 2021, 07:55:48 AM
Total sh!tshow.

See this? (

The Fed is in a escape...all they can do is make things worse.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 18, 2021, 11:37:59 AM
Vox Day said that trucks older than 2011 cannot go to the port?

Maybe he did, patentlymn, but I did not get the info from him nor did I post from him; I posted Sundance's piece from TCTH.

from your link
As a consequence, that mean trucks cannot be older than 3 years if they are to pick up or deliver containers at those ports.
So it worse than vox day said. Three years is around 2018.

The longshoremen got a sweet deal to buy labor piece back when they introduced container ships.
Their union was/is(?) full of commies.

I recall Frank, Obama's commie mentor, moved from Chicago to Hawaii for some reason related to their union and commies. He was a card carrying CP USA member and had an FBI file. He was gay or bi and spent lots of time alone with teen age Barrack. He also wrote pulp pornography.

Totally man made...and totally planned so IMO...

She was head of the Navy’s Climate Change Task Force


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on October 18, 2021, 05:33:54 PM
It's at least two problems blocking things up at the port(s) there:

No trucks built after 2010 allowed - emissions issues.  (Not three years old)  Yes, I'm rolling my eyes.

Crane operators are working when and how slow they feel like it.

I can't remember the 3rd thing right now .............
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on October 18, 2021, 05:35:45 PM
Owner operators not allowed because of that stupid gig law California has.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on October 18, 2021, 05:38:36 PM
Owner operators not allowed because of that stupid gig law California has.

Yah, they can thank the unions for that.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 19, 2021, 08:16:18 AM
Yeah...stupid contractor/employee BS gamed purely for Unions!  And Union dues the shakedown indentured servants for funneled right back into the pockets of the ass-clowns who gamed it for them!

Corruption is one of the most destructive elements that lead to painful societal conflict.

They're accruing more pain...



And that fraud is but one puppet on the board...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 20, 2021, 08:27:45 AM
Bride of Chucky certainly is one back-birth red-headed split-tongued succubus... (

...sounds like the last 40 years of the Soviet Union...GUM department store shelves in central Moscow to the local shop in the outskirts...all bare...all due to too much demand...


And with the massive deficit blowouts coming out of the Pelosi/Schumer Duma spending bills inflation is not ending, but economic activity is...

This rogue illegitimate junta is LYING!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 20, 2021, 02:59:42 PM
Tucker is correct, it is the "shut up serf and lower your expectations" while they the elite live like kings, complete with despotism and lawlessness...Arkancide insurance sold separately...

Yeah...uhh...all these Ameriphobic Marxists can KMA!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 21, 2021, 08:44:49 AM (

Break Backs Better


H/T-WZ (

What a bunch of imbeciles... 

And I dispute the authority to federalize the NG for this...if these lunatics want them deployed...the stated reason could be masking an ulterior motive...



Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 21, 2021, 04:08:16 PM
Might be the only sector of the economy that will do well now... (

...hello gas pumps!**k+joe+biden (**k+joe+biden)

Great stocking stuffers.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 22, 2021, 08:12:03 AM (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pablo de Fleurs on October 22, 2021, 09:20:31 AM (


Planned, intentional insanity -- soap grabber Buttaplug just quipped that this could go away if every American would but vax.

Which got me to thinking . . .  ::thinking::



(#MyPillow . .  it's not just for napping anymore!)
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 22, 2021, 11:51:43 AM
WZ's on target as usual...


Off course the feeble-minded illegally-installed puppet is doing what he's told...but ya gotta cut the puppets strings first...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 26, 2021, 08:15:12 AM
The reckless deficit spending literally papered over by The Fed has eroded the quality of life since the betrayal of the Reagan Revolution and only hidden by the influx of cheap Chi-Com products that eroded our economic base and fueled Commuinist China's military and economic expansion...what is happening now is merely the bill coming due at a quicker pace thanks to intentional incompetence of this illegitimate puppet regime... (

What is truly transitory is them...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Miltrainer on October 26, 2021, 06:07:46 PM
It has been years since posting here. Been minding my own business recently. Had to post this picture but forgot how.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on October 26, 2021, 07:17:05 PM
Wow, there's a blast from the past.  Welcome back!

Now, where's John Florida been?   ::whatgives::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on October 26, 2021, 08:39:40 PM
Wow, there's a blast from the past.  Welcome back!

Now, where's John Florida been?   ::whatgives::

He's gone, never to return.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 27, 2021, 10:37:27 AM
Yeah, nice to hear from Miltrainer.   ::thumbsup::

Don't get the JF thing, Sicilian's, eh?  Whatchyagonna do?   ::whatgives::

BOT - See this?  Almost neti-potted my sinuses with Diet Dew...

( (


Their stupidity has always been hiding in plain's just people keep buying BS like it is the most valuable commodity in the known universe...

And speaking of stupid... (

As stated earlier, this ALWAYS trickles down, lower and lower...and uhh, do these stupendously brain-dead greedy Marxist a-holes any idea what will happen when that great sucking sound happens and the whales abandon the casino's?  Any idea what will happen to the working poor's IRA's and 401K's?

And then my prediction above comes into play...

Elon Musk, the world's richest person, also chimed in, saying in a Monday tweet that "Eventually, they run out of other people's money and then they come for you."

Yes, and what ought to catch people's attention is the malice of the Marxists...they do not care...they are openly calling people out by name...once those two things are accepted and legitimate - not concerned about accountability & not shy of singling out (I believe The Founders called this a "bill of attainder" which is forbidden in our Constitution)!t can only get worse.

Caveat emptor

Para bellum

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 27, 2021, 10:57:24 AM
And this...Oh, Lordy... (

His Fraudulency aka Bottleneck Biden...this scheme looks as typical as all money grabs...

And does ZERO to un-frack the gooobermint regs Fed & local (Californicated!) that cause sh!t to happen!  And good union labor can slow-walk with delight and run up the confiscation...all of which for certain will not be passed along to shippers being punished for things out of their control...

WWRDD(what would Ragnar Danneskjöld do)?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on October 27, 2021, 11:34:16 AM
And this...Oh, Lordy... (

His Fraudulency aka Bottleneck Biden...this scheme looks as typical as all money grabs...

And does ZERO to un-frack the gooobermint regs Fed & local (Californicated!) that cause sh!t to happen!  And good union labor can slow-walk with delight and run up the confiscation...all of which for certain will not be passed along to shippers being punished for things out of their control...

WWRDD(what would Ragnar Danneskjöld do)?

Yep, that's gonna work ...........     Good grief!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on October 27, 2021, 11:39:20 AM
Yeah, nice to hear from Miltrainer.   ::thumbsup::

Don't get the JF thing, Sicilian's, eh?  Whatchyagonna do?   ::whatgives::

BOT - See this?  Almost neti-potted my sinuses with Diet Dew...

( (


Their stupidity has always been hiding in plain's just people keep buying BS like it is the most valuable commodity in the known universe...

And speaking of stupid... (

As stated earlier, this ALWAYS trickles down, lower and lower...and uhh, do these stupendously brain-dead greedy Marxist a-holes any idea what will happen when that great sucking sound happens and the whales abandon the casino's?  Any idea what will happen to the working poor's IRA's and 401K's?

And then my prediction above comes into play...

Elon Musk, the world's richest person, also chimed in, saying in a Monday tweet that "Eventually, they run out of other people's money and then they come for you."

Yes, and what ought to catch people's attention is the malice of the Marxists...they do not care...they are openly calling people out by name...once those two things are accepted and legitimate - not concerned about accountability & not shy of singling out (I believe The Founders called this a "bill of attainder" which is forbidden in our Constitution)!t can only get worse.

Caveat emptor

Para bellum

Here's the thing:  the organization responsible for the "you'll own nothing and you'll like it" edict that I've seen around several places seems to have found the way to implement that.  Taxing the "unrealized" gains on one's house means those without the money to pay it will have to sell their houses in order to *get* the money.  Same thing for all investments, and other real property.

Ultimately, all but a few will own nothing.  But we won't like it.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 27, 2021, 12:16:12 PM
Same scheme perpetrated on family farms, yes?  Wonder why so many corporate farms?  Estate taxes!  So, realized drying up...go for unrealized and make it real for taxation...

Effer's never stop...

We warn day after day, year after year, decade after decade...

Apathy, laziness, stupidity...

Fall of Rome 2.0
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 28, 2021, 09:03:33 AM
Negative feedback loop you say? (

Negative?  Ahh, positive.  A banker laments sitting in his own waste.

If negative it would be correcting...

Remember, for these clowns up is down and bad is good...

Meanwhile...more discomfort courtesy of your self-identifying betters... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 28, 2021, 12:14:41 PM
Oh man, now this could kick off some riots... (



Meanwhile in Florida...Gov. DeSantis says all container ships welcome! (

 ::cool::   ::beertoast::   ::whoohoo::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 29, 2021, 12:03:17 PM

Way way more...Biden Doo Doo Economics' inflation alone is double to triple that...and climbing...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: paulh on October 29, 2021, 12:28:55 PM
Bought a 5lb bag of red taters today. $4.79 ::oldman::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 29, 2021, 12:59:39 PM
Don't wait, buy now...later may suck worse... (

Doo Doo's coming for you!!!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 01, 2021, 11:10:03 AM

More vultures summoned... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 01, 2021, 11:38:03 AM
Oh ohh, TPC has let the cat out of the bag...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 03, 2021, 12:01:42 PM
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 05, 2021, 08:11:06 AM
 "We cannot afford a bad year in 2022 for important crops." (

A UN bureaucrats kiss of death...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 08, 2021, 09:53:49 AM

Brandon happens...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 10, 2021, 08:17:19 AM
The only thing transitory about all this is the fiction of the illusionists... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 10, 2021, 09:14:22 AM
Here we have a Obamao-JoeFraud Marxist admitting the leftist economic destruction of America is 100% intentional -

Against catastrophic outcomes, we have been pointing out how the people within the Biden administration are not incompetent; they know exactly what they are doing, and they are destroying the U.S. economic system on purpose.  All of their economic damage is by design, it’s a feature – not a flaw.

An example today is so demonstrative of that point, it’s almost a parody. Joe Biden’s nominee for the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), a branch of the Treasury Department that polices some 1,125 banks, is a communist ideologue named Saule Omarova. She is directly from communist central casting and literally from Kazakhstan in the former Soviet Union. Ms. Omarova graduated from Moscow State University in 1991, and Joe Biden nominated her for the OCC job in September.

Today, Ms. Omarova is caught on tape saying it is the intent of the Biden administration to use the treasury department to bankrupt oil, coal and natural gas companies. This is what happens often with avowed ideologues; they are so focused on their mission to destroy the U.S., they often just say the stuff out loud. WATCH:

The FIRST STEP in defending against this onslaught is to stop excusing it by saying they don’t know what they are doing, or any version of the incompetency argument. They know exactly what they are doing.

Joe Biden is a disposable front man for the people organizing the objective, so they don’t have to worry about political damage. The Biden term was designed for a single set of four-year rapid advancements for the Democrat Socialist agenda. The Biden poll ratings and favorability, or lack therein, do not factor into the plan of action; those issues are irrelevant.

It's long been on their agenda...

Even before this POS...

All the pan-totalitarian NGO's have the same agenda...

In the end the West's sacrifice of their serfs will subsidize Chinese world hegemony and line the pockets of the 1%.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 10, 2021, 11:50:55 AM

And it is actually worse as we all know...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 11, 2021, 12:16:54 PM (

This is going to have horrific consequences...

And the intentional dithering indicates it is desired by the Mobocrats and Quislings...

And this... ( least shows intelligence...being in a game so skewed, corrupt and perverted is asking for ulcers you don't want...

Fraudulent elections...


...beget fraudulent leadership...combine that with entrenched traitors in the bureaucracy...corrupt politician's in Congress and AINO globalist oligarchs....and you are bound to get shat on nine ways to Sunday...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 12, 2021, 11:49:16 AM
H/T -_WZ & TPC
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 15, 2021, 08:32:52 AM
Wow, this sounds safe... (

...first consumer to find a finger in your pork wins the big money lawsuit...

And if the following doesn't turn your pooh white you might be clinically dead...

This nation is so screwed...first and foremost by the Marxists...but also by the DecptiCon cowards and the cronies of both infesting corporate America...

First -

Neel Kashkari is head of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve. If you know the financial lingo, you can see the dire forecast behind the opaque language.  In plain-speak, Kashari is saying when it comes to prices and inflation, “we’re screwed“…

In this interview with CBS talking head Margaret Brennan, Kashkari admits inflation is still going up, and it will get worse. Keep in mind, the lingo of the inflation conversation is discussing “percentages of change.” Kashkari claims the percentages of change will start to slow in a few years, but the prices will never return to their former level.

The percentage of inflationary change (this year vs last year) will continue going up, as prices continue to skyrocket over almost every sector. CTH points out this issue, because as the Fed continues printing current money, the value of future money drops and the price of goods continues to climb. The fast-turn goods rise in price quickest (now recorded at 6.2%), and the inflation on slow-turn durable goods lags but hits even harder.
The fed has no tools to slow the rate of current inflation, as interest rates are disconnected {Revisit The New Dimension in Modern Economics} from the cost of goods produced. The only thing the Fed can do is to stop purchasing debt (Quantitative Easing), stop purchasing our own bonds, at a slower rate.

Despite being a progressive himself, even Neel Kashkari is telling congress to stop spending money.
We are only a few months away from seeing massive inflation that will fundamentally change the way everyone looks at food shopping, or highly consumable purchases, and what the middle class formerly considered to be “luxury” purchases.   Inflation, in the background, is going to come through the supply chain like a thundershock…. and it’s not just food.

(See link for laundry list of commodity horror shows) (

This treasonous Congress will not stop spending, His Fraudulency will not stop punishing political enemies and ushering in full-blown despotism on his Masters' orders...and the Fed cannot stop monetizing, especially when nobody else around the globe wants to buy our TP any more!

As Sundance says, "this is all being done by design"...bringing us to...(brace for unbridled insanity and demonic evil)...

Item #2 -

JoeBama’s National Economic Council Director Brian Deese, the twenty-something central planner in charge of all White House economic policy, tells a curiously skeptical Jake Tapper that things are working swimmingly, exactly according to plan.

According to the Biden-Deese theory on sustainable economic policy, massive spending creates massive inflation; which creates an increased demand for government subsidy to afford basic products; which creates a growing dependency on the government; which creates a need for massive spending.  Wash-Rinse-Repeat.

This is exactly the expanding economic dependency model sold by socialists around the world for generations, which Barack Obama and his Biden administration promise they have now perfected in order to remove the pesky inequities always associated with unbridled capitalism.  Smile everyone, government cheese aplenty….

(See video of the malignant NEC Director admitting inflation while not admitting the Team JoeFraud/DemCom Congress role in causing it by their actions...and eagerly jumping into the government-to-the-rescue designs to use the escalating costs to make the American people more dependent upon government support and therefor more enslaved to the dictates of the ruling elite) (

This is merely the face of one of the demons behind this...and he cannot admit to previous blow-out bills having a role in driving up prices...just like they cannot admit to slamming the brakes on energy production, on logistics across all sectors, by creating instability with illegal mandates and making us hostages to foreigners who will soon see no benefit in providing anything to America at any price...

We are in a continuing coup against the American people that began with the criminal overthrow of President Trump...the mean to make every soul in America a serf dependent upon government and the government will do what it wants to any person it seems in their interest to do.

This is just more warfare on citizens.  This is the promised fundamental change of Obamao transitioning America into a statist dictatorship.


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on November 15, 2021, 01:24:39 PM
What crap from the admin spokesperson.
CNN actually asked hard questions.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 17, 2021, 08:34:46 AM
Welcome to the end my friends... (


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 18, 2021, 08:30:20 AM (

It's not a very invisible hand that props up government paper...with other paper...and it's not a surprise to see others losing enthusiasm to cover their stupidity...

Is this the beginning of the end?  If I had a dollar every time I said that...I'd have $100 in 1913 dollars!

As for the rest of the batshyt-crazy world...looks like other bankers not in a mood to raise rates yet and seem content to see where inflation goes...and Turkey seems to be crapping the bed on a daily basis as their fiat folds... (

In commodities...the bigger story seems to be in PM's., (,
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 24, 2021, 12:30:04 PM
The willful destruction continues...and note this is lagging information...with more totalitarian edicts not yet baked in...

( (

( (

All the while treasuries are cratering and will only get worse if this nefarious BBB deficit-blowing crap gets rubberstamped by the Senate!  And releasing the SPR for sale to foreigners may provide a blip to fed balance sheet it is have negative impact on prices as oil & gas bouncing up again.

Coffee, lumber, beef, grains still trending up...not impacted by more logistical destruction coming...

More jobs being destroyed...more people dropping from the poison jabs...everything is targeted for destruction...they intend to make everyone a ward of an oppressive state...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 26, 2021, 09:33:43 AM
WTI, Crypto and fiat up. (

Casino's down, nat gas down...treasuries still barfing

And blaming the Nu...

Yeah...well, squeezing the balloon unlike the trajectory they created is transitory...reckoning merely much more mayhem yet to unleash...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on November 27, 2021, 04:16:56 PM
Had to replace the outside icicle lights ... three times the price we paid two years ago, and one string had a faulty socket.   ::saywhat::

Maybe, someday, Americans will manufacture Christmas lights again.  Maybe.  Someday.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 29, 2021, 08:37:16 AM
Yeah...someday not under illegitimate socialist oppression...

See this?

I like Flynn, but he has a pesky habit of taking the long road to enlightenment...

Yes, Michael, it is all a design feature, not a bug...not a mistake...

Plan accordingly.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 29, 2021, 11:58:31 AM


Since Marxists hate coal as much as Christmas...they went right to sh!tt!ng on Americans...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on December 01, 2021, 06:46:36 PM
Welp, went for a Christmas tree.  $175.00 for an average size tree.   ::speechless::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on December 01, 2021, 11:57:16 PM
Welp, went for a Christmas tree.  $175.00 for an average size tree.   ::speechless::

Brandon Me!   ::speechless::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 03, 2021, 09:27:30 AM
Welp, went for a Christmas tree.  $175.00 for an average size tree.   ::speechless::

Brandon Me!   ::speechless::


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 03, 2021, 10:01:02 AM
 ::thinking:: (

...usually once the whales leave the fishing grounds the feeding is over...

...and not much scraps left for lesser creatures...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 06, 2021, 08:55:04 AM

 ::) (

Sadly, I agree with a person who expressed the sentiment they missed their chance to have a more descriptive ticker... SOYG

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 14, 2021, 11:33:09 AM
( (

And the nefarious BudgetBustingBullsh!t hasn't even reached peak waste yet and the perpetual debt ceiling raises are in play... (


...the level of destruction amassing is going to be as epic as it is wicked...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 15, 2021, 09:57:09 AM
Yeah, it's rare getting reality anywhere on talking-head shows...must merely have found someone not on the take...

And yeah, the PPI only tripled since JoeFraud was allowed to get away with The Steal...


Taper, rates...LOL...Fed is boxed in with no escape and can only do more to cause greater harm when the final bill comes due...

Sitting on cash right now probably the worst thing you can do...convert it to barter items or risk having Weimar Marks being good for only starting fires to keep you warm as you starve and die...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 16, 2021, 10:21:38 AM

The "ouch" of the pinch has begun...and the BidenBudgetBlowout has only just begun...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 17, 2021, 09:39:10 AM
Ahh, quad-witching time...always a nice Christmas gift when the season is already stinking up the room with destruction and misery... (

Dow down 538 so far...then popped up a bit... ( more bounce to lure in some suckers to fleece...or to make buy options juicier for harvesting...

Treasuries look like dog doo.

Dollar losing to everyone but the Yen.

PM's bouncing up a tad...

Euro EcoTards are making me chuckle though...

( ( (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on December 17, 2021, 10:52:56 AM

Euro EcoTards are making me chuckle though...


So - a sailboat.. but if we call it something else maybe they won't see it as retrogressive.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 17, 2021, 11:11:43 AM

Euro EcoTards are making me chuckle though...


So - a sailboat.. but if we call it something else maybe they won't see it as retrogressive.

I'm also looking forward to the ecological damage as a result of storms and the calm days without wind when they just sit there in the middle of the Pacific while an evil carbon-spewing Neanderthal comes to their rescue...


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 17, 2021, 04:07:22 PM
Ended down 532...not horrendous for quad-witching...

If bear has week into Christmas break will stink...

Other than handcuffed institutional funds not many with appetite for a personal beating..probably explains why it isn't worse...

More can-kicking...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 29, 2021, 09:17:04 AM
BigFood tells grocers JoeFraud's winter of death and misery includes food costs...


Then again, go generic and tell BigFood "thanks".
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 31, 2021, 01:43:14 PM
Well, I know the Globalist/Marxist axis of evil wants to end the eating of meat as part of their globohomo Gaia cult BS...but this... ( going to jack up veggie costs downstream...and make food inflation much much worse!

"Market prices" are headed for Venezuela/Zimbabwe levels...and all FJB has to offer is...


No wonder these despots are sending the message to start getting used to eating bugs...

Yeah, FJB!  And FD!

And this BS... (

Useless and will lead to rationing and perpetuate shortages as the economic ripples end engines of the world...and encourage more tyranny and oppression!

We could be in the beginning of the end...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 01, 2022, 03:24:39 PM
As usual, when a Marxist puppet says a corrupt government is going to make something ALWAYS makes things worse, and for the logjam at the Port of LA here is the proof...




2022 looks like it will suck worse than despot design...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 03, 2022, 08:27:12 AM
Way crap is going...people keep torking me off...I'll be adding to this dynamic sooner that I would like... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 04, 2022, 12:06:47 PM (

Again, like the above...I may be adding to the numbers in the coming months...

FYI - Just got official notice from employer of supply chain issues (Port of LA) impacting needed supplies traditionally sourced from Asia...and I am not buying the given 105 day will be way longer than that.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 05, 2022, 11:40:26 AM (

Nations have toppled for less...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 10, 2022, 09:12:36 AM
Obamaville's...Biden Burrough's...whatever the name... (

...a falling economy beaches a lot for is an indicator that Marxism is working, because it always has been and will always be about destroying...everything...and the oft-defeated belief that you can build something else by force...and keep destroying human will, human individuality and human hope and belief along the way...and think it will end well...

And remember, the government of JoeFraud...says this is all temporary...

( (

.and the illegal vax mandate, if allowed to stand or is un-resisted... (

...what little there is hitting our shores or coming out of our plants...will have nowhere to go.

When engines fail to run...then the panic will begin...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 12, 2022, 09:26:29 AM
Trans Sec (heh!) Pete Buttiplug heralds Operation Hide The Ships! (

Stupid Buttiplug...hiding is for children! (


Wait till this becomes more commonplace... (

And wait for the official (always gamed) Q421 inflation numbers to drop...they cannot hide all of the horror!

ETA - 7%, lol! (

Most grocery shoppers buying a normal mix know it is far far higher than a paltry 7%!!!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on January 12, 2022, 12:54:00 PM
$6.99 for stew meat, up from $4.99 the last time I bought it.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 12, 2022, 01:13:00 PM
Steaks have doubled.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 13, 2022, 08:38:10 AM
Well... (

...restrict opportunity...what'd ya expect?

But fortunately, condom-makers have identified an easy-to-pull-off pivot: they're shifting production from rubbers to rubber gloves.

In other news... (

If it takes 70 years (setting aside anything exists during this period to analyze) it will not be because of the time it took to recover from will be because several generations have so fouled things up that it will take that long to overcome...even if starting everyone at zero (an event that could be planned or organic) and assuming a much lower global may take near that long to get to a comparative global GDP in nominal measurement.

ETA - Please, do not laugh or discount... (

...the dumbest and most injurious ideas are what these lunatics thrive on...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 13, 2022, 11:56:12 AM


Proof that this leave-everyone-behind "new math" is 100% full-tilt moronic...


Cue the bleating imbeciles stating nobody buys that stuff in the list bullsplatter in 3...2...1...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 14, 2022, 07:52:13 AM
Hmmm...I think I've discovered why a recent CA order may be taking so long to get here...indirectly perhaps more than directly...

JoeFraud sh!tshow that never ends...just gets worse...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 14, 2022, 11:27:48 AM

2021 PPI 9.7% sets record. (


It's what Marxism does...

ETA - (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on January 14, 2022, 06:02:48 PM
Hmmm...I think I've discovered why a recent CA order may be taking so long to get here...indirectly perhaps more than directly...

JoeFraud sh!tshow that never ends...just gets worse...

There was a fascinating true crime story years ago. Some ghetto rat had a fascination with trains. He broke into one and stole the radio. He listened in and learned all the lingo and details. He later learned how to learn of what cargo was on what cars. I think he went after expensive clothing for resale He and his buddies would rob the trains. I THINK they robbed them while they were running. Elegant. Maybe in  Chicago. At night. Not discovered until later.

Here is a recent robbery, Not elegant.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 15, 2022, 12:39:57 PM
The Bolshevik Biden economy...

Well, more on that story...

Initial food instability signs in the supply chain.  Things to look for:

(1) A shortage of processed potatoes (frozen specifically).

1.a And/Or a shortage of the ancillary products that are derivatives of, or normally include, potatoes.

(2) A larger than usual footprint of turkey/ham in the supermarket (last lines of protein).

(3) A noticeable increase in the price of citrus products.

(4) A sparse distribution of foodstuffs that rely on flavorings (sports drinks).

(5) The absence of non-seasonal products.

(6) Little to no price difference on the organic comparable (diff supply chain)

(7) Unusual country of origin for fresh product type.

(8) Absence of large container products

(9) Shortage of any ordinary but specific grain derivative item (ex. wheat crackers)

(10) Big brand shortage.

(11) Shortage of wet pet foods

(12) Shortage of complex blended products with multiple ingredients (soups etc)

(13) A consistent shortage of milk products and/or ancillaries. (

I have seen evidence of #'s 1-4 & 8-11.

Especially 1, 4, 8, 9 & 10.

Scamdemic policies continue to impact employers...hospitals making critical staff work even if postitive for WuFlu, how long until others change tack? (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 16, 2022, 11:19:30 AM
Not perfect, but...

( (

...if you strip out the government spending everybody would drop...still, nice to see the 3D charts of private, govt and combined.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on January 16, 2022, 12:42:01 PM
^^^^I saw  charts of the world with the leading trading partner of each country color coded. Maybe 20 years ago and then now. Lot of countries has the US color 20 years ago and the China color now. That included most of Latin America.

The author was making a point. The US sanctions so many countries to provided incentive to avoid the dollar. Russia-China trade is settled more and more outside the dollar. What if the countries trading mostly with China now are given incentive to trade outside the dollar with China?

All these sanctions are like giving feed lot animals antibiotics. Incentives for mutations and changes to work around them. 

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 16, 2022, 12:51:18 PM
Domestic consumption, period.

Like banning something deemed goes underground.

It's a crutch for not doing something to address core causes.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 17, 2022, 08:47:12 AM
Not the only state/industry targeted by these usurpers... (

Raise hell, sue em, defy them!

It can (and is) only getting worse and worse each passing hour...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 20, 2022, 10:00:07 AM
Higher prices...

And more crippled logistics coming...

Port of LA still way behind...

Get your orders in now...or live off what land you have...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 22, 2022, 01:15:35 PM
Making things way planned... (

And Marxist Junta's response on everything... (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 23, 2022, 12:42:18 PM
More signs the destruction of socialism is working...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 24, 2022, 12:30:10 PM
This is probably one of the things they don't want people paying attention to, kinda hard not to though... (

Some BTFD happening...PM's liking it though... (




Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 24, 2022, 05:50:44 PM

Says the demented fraud destroying the nation from within...




Puppet is intimidated by everybody...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 26, 2022, 08:37:05 AM
The Fed boxed themselves easy exit ramp...

All of this debt is a feature of the Fed’s loose monetary policy - not a bug.

The Federal Reserve and the US government have built a post-pandemic “economic recovery” on stimulus and debt. It is predicated on consumers spending stimulus money borrowed and handed out by the federal government or running up their own credit cards.

Now, the Fed is threatening to turn off that easy money spigot. How is that going to work? How will consumers buried under more than $1 trillion in credit card debt pay those balances down with interest rates rising?  With rising rates, minimum payments will rise. It will cost more just to pay the interest on the outstanding balances.

Overleveraged companies have the same problem.

And so does the US government.

This does not bode well for an economy that depends on borrowing and spending to sustain itself.

The only reason Americans can borrow money is because the Fed is enabling them. It holds interest rates artificially low. That’s how the economy works. And that’s why I think the Fed will ultimately relent on any move it makes toward tighter monetary policy. As Peter Schiff put it, the Fed can’t do what it’s claiming it will do. (

...and Marxist pols are schizo on no way do they want corporatist America impacted as that will impact flows into their campaign coffers...but they probably would mind seeing some citizens destroyed if it translates into more slaves to the state...but any token measures likely useless (which is why a small tinkering is my prediction) versus half-measures that will fool no one and likely exacerbate some sectors going into another political silly cycle.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 27, 2022, 09:10:40 AM (

Civilian sector flat...

And... (

...the shot-callers cannot (will not) trust the economy to work itself out close to any admission anybody will ever get from these clowns that all of the unnatural gaming going on in the economy, markets & government is the reason why! (

So Carteresque stagflation it is.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 27, 2022, 09:21:58 AM
I gotta say, this "Freedom Convoy" in Canada is starting to take on mythic proportions...

The Canadian ‘Freedom Convoy’ of truckers, pushing back against COVID mandates, forced vaccinations and government regulations, began late last week and has gained incredible support from the public.  It is very challenging to put the scale of this grassroots effort into an adequate context.

The fundraiser for the effort now exceeds $5.5 million dollars and still climbing.  It is now estimated that over 50,000 vehicles are participating in the convoy effort, and the Canadian Dept of Transportation is doing everything possible to stop, block and impede the assemblies.

Every federal truck stop and DOT weigh station has been opened, and every truck is being required to go through the DOT checks.   This is not accidental.  The movement has now evolved into a conflict of the average Canadian, represented by the truckers, -vs- the oppressive government, represented by the activated federal agencies of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  It really has become an incredible example of THE PEOPLE -vs- GOVERNMENT.

The truck convoys started from British Columbia in the west, Newfoundland in the east, and Windsor, Ontario in the south.  However, cars, SUVs, vans, and small commercial trucks are now included in the massive convoy lines and joined with the big rigs.  On every highway along the way crowds are cheering and waving support for the Truckers.

Aerial views show some of the context for how massive these convoys are that are converging on Ottawa January 29th.  It is widely estimated, “If it gets there on time — and if the convoy holds together as it has in British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan — it could be 10 times larger than the world record,” for the longest convoy in history.

Good, hope they all make it to Ottawa.

“The small fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa, who are holding unacceptable views that they are expressing, do not represent the views of Canadians,” the PM said in a televised speech.

Says Castro's bastard...spoken like a true totalitarian who is sole judge of legitimate thought, eh?

Proving all the dystopian predictions prophetic!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 28, 2022, 08:29:20 AM
“Canadian truckers rule.”


Sadly, the totalitarians have them bugged!   ::outrage::

And the Canadian Coward his fetal in his basement...



Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 28, 2022, 09:16:49 AM
Man, even the I-tie's are setting aside decades long arguments with neighbors, associates and family members...the Canadian truckers are inspiring people around the globe!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 30, 2022, 11:19:41 AM
This could start riots... ( bacon, no peace!

 ::cussing:: JoeFraud Marxist economics!!!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 31, 2022, 08:46:23 AM
Given recent trends I've been waiting to hear more on this...not a fun read but a sobering one... (

...a time approaches when the locusts will be getting want to be elsewhere and prepared before that begins...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 01, 2022, 12:16:20 PM (

Marxist Puppet Joe Fraud...


Can't tell the truth..."That's what Oblowya & Soros want and I don't want to get you know, the thing..." (

Yeah, all is well, since like whenever have starving people ever triggered a revolution?  Like never, right?

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on February 01, 2022, 06:23:23 PM
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 02, 2022, 08:04:11 AM
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 04, 2022, 09:27:36 AM

...and a GDP at logistical nightmares...plandemic destruction...

...a total Marxist nightmare...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 05, 2022, 11:34:06 AM (

All trends are negative...

The damage as always is 100% intentional...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 10, 2022, 04:26:36 PM
Even the funny numbers are the worst in over 40 years...

Yeah...Jimmuh "lust in his heart"...

And here we are saddled with a dementia-riddled puppet of Marxist Oblowya and a merry band of fellow travelers and DeepState shot-callers wedded to their agenda over Americas survival...the total opposite of a Reagan and even if they move jello-head aside...what...Heels-Up Harris will do any different than ordered too?

So thoroughly porked this nation is right now...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 14, 2022, 11:41:55 AM
Kicking the can to March! (

Happy Valentine's Day...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 15, 2022, 02:52:22 PM (

The beatings will continue...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on February 15, 2022, 08:25:45 PM (

The beatings will continue...

Libertas is a Russian tool. I knew it! ;-)
jk (
 ZeroHedge accused of spreading ‘Russian propaganda’
The libertarian financial blog shot back by accusing AP of amplifying CIA propaganda

The Associated Press (AP) published an article on Tuesday citing unnamed “US intelligence officials” who accused libertarian financial blog ZeroHedge – which has repeatedly criticized US President Joe Biden – of “amplifying Russian propaganda.”

Nomaan Merchant, AP’s intelligence and national security reporter, wrote that the unnamed officials accused ZeroHedge of publishing articles “created by Moscow-controlled media that were then shared by outlets and people unaware of their nexus to Russian intelligence.”
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 16, 2022, 08:24:37 AM (

The beatings will continue...

Libertas is a Russian tool. I knew it! ;-)
jk (
 ZeroHedge accused of spreading ‘Russian propaganda’
The libertarian financial blog shot back by accusing AP of amplifying CIA propaganda

The Associated Press (AP) published an article on Tuesday citing unnamed “US intelligence officials” who accused libertarian financial blog ZeroHedge – which has repeatedly criticized US President Joe Biden – of “amplifying Russian propaganda.”

Nomaan Merchant, AP’s intelligence and national security reporter, wrote that the unnamed officials accused ZeroHedge of publishing articles “created by Moscow-controlled media that were then shared by outlets and people unaware of their nexus to Russian intelligence.”

Wow, that only took over a decade for oxygen to travel up into DeepState craniums and shoot their hands up MarxistMedia butts to make their lips move on command!   ::laughonfloor::

I've spent years there teasing Russophiles and peppering Tyler (or "the Tyler's) with questions about their sources and motivations and explaining in detail why Putin is no hero on a white horse and Russia is no Eden...for heroes are as rare as fist-sized diamonds and no nation is's all quibbling over degrees of despotism and degrees of freedom:slavery.  And the only reason I knew I was on target was by being vilified by the Russophile drones with name-calling, being accused of being a filthy Zionist, Neo-Con, Mossad or CIA spook...and totally ignored by Tyler/Tyler(s).  They/Them were so batshyt-crazy they saw Trump as no different than Obama or sensitivity to measuring degrees in their judgement...everybody is bad, all American's bad, all Euro's bad...yadda yadda...Putin is God incarnate and Xi is a swell guy even though the CCP can do silly things...still waaaaay better than America.  They are children, they carry the same genetic marker that makes the Rus fatally attracted to The Strong Man...they are incapable of independent thought.

Once you know that navigating their Russophile bullsh!t gets easy and you only need to glean the wheat and discard the remaining 90%.

And that is only on the geo-political, military stuff...their meat and spuds had always been economic news and while some lunacy can creep in here and there in those stories and the Rus-Fanboy posters will sew in their man-crush into things they're still pretty good, people who can think for themselves should be fine.  The latter not being good spook material for the IC surprise they didn't speak may have something to do with their culpability in treason (Trump spying, spying on all Americans) hitting the fan and their Marxist puppets in office under attack for all of their treason that more distractions are needed...

IC...  ::hysterical::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 17, 2022, 08:35:03 AM


How about "Up yours!"?

There are alternatives to buying most of your crap...people will use'll have less'll throw workers out...and down and down and smaller and smaller you will become...

And...probably a big if...if we survive all this and come out the other will you be remembered?

I bet your exec's are the last to feel any sacrifice...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 18, 2022, 09:05:55 AM
Sell Mortimer, Sell!!! ( (

But going to cash is not an option...unless you burn it for heat...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 19, 2022, 01:19:31 PM
Everything was fine...until The Steal and the Jan6 False-Flag... (

...and I lived a good while, and never have I seen anything this dramatic this fast...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on February 19, 2022, 03:10:44 PM
That's because it's being done on purpose.  Same with the inflation so they can bust the currency and issue digital.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: paulh on February 24, 2022, 01:33:55 PM
Just added a fuel charge for return visits on service calls. Can't eat the gas cost any longer.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 04, 2022, 08:38:44 AM
This is a good rundown on how with Trump out of the way the DeepState/Corporatist/Globalist cabal was back in business...

...and as a result the BRICS are back in business too.

But I am not comfortable with the idea of Russia "winning", I don't trust Russia...but with Trump we were at least not fighting Russia...and we made progress with India and had a soulmate in Brazil and there was stability...and as I stated long ago I would not be happy being tied to the end the Dragon will devour it's friends if any dare challenge its place at the head of the table.

But, whatever...

Like anybody listens to all their eyes we're serfs at best...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 04, 2022, 12:39:45 PM (

Make Marxist lives transitory...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 06, 2022, 12:27:34 PM (

It will get worse...JoeFraud and the DemCom's & Cucks will see to it.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 15, 2022, 09:11:42 AM (


And, the PPI for Jan gets revised, up, naturally...Feb I bet gets revised up as well for the Y/Y release for March! (

We are being intentionally slaughtered economically.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on March 15, 2022, 10:08:13 AM
Yes.  Intentionally.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 16, 2022, 08:59:58 AM
Margin call doom loop...

 ::ohno:: (

Well, masters-of-the-universe in on the Great Reset (Great Culling) having liquidity problems...oh, poor dears...


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on March 16, 2022, 01:30:33 PM
I read that the US has recently undermined trust in the world banking system worse than before.
They froze half of Russian foreign currency reserves. They stole the Afghan central bank assets and gold. VE gold (with UK help).

I heard that the Russian assets freezing scared the Saudis. So .... now the Saudis is exploring selling oil for Yuan and Rupees. They announced this. 

That is doomsday for USD when it happens.

Maybe the US just threatened India for not backing US against Russia. Modi just gave a speech backing Russia, again.
Modi just announced a done deal for oil for Rupees.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 16, 2022, 01:45:44 PM
And it all happened as soon as The Steal was sealed...

IMO a decentralized world banking system is not the end of the world...if managed properly...but to the trust issue...the Marxists are making it hard to find willing partners if they keep effing people, effing some over that are already effing you over is no big deal...but if you keep effing people over it is not going to be able to be managed at all...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 17, 2022, 10:20:52 AM
…”the war may fundamentally alter the global economic and geopolitical order should energy trade shift, supply chains reconfigure, payment networks fragment, and countries rethink reserve currency holdings.”

Sounds to me it is what the Elites want.  Watch for calls for universal cyber fiat.  It always comes back to control and something physical even if dubiously linked to a manufactured value isn't as controllable as vapor.  control = power, power = dominance.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on March 17, 2022, 11:09:02 AM
Just as the WuFlu did not "shut down the country", the Ukraine "crisis" will not fundamentally alter anything.  As always, it's the a-holes pulling the strings of those who are "running things" that are responsible.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on March 17, 2022, 02:29:29 PM
Just as the WuFlu did not "shut down the country", the Ukraine "crisis" will not fundamentally alter anything.  As always, it's the a-holes pulling the strings of those who are "running things" that are responsible.

Yes. It is the govt reactions to covid and Ukraine that is causing the harm around the world.
The US sanctions against Russia after the 2014 coup harmed Ukraine much more than Russia.
Ukraine used to trade with Russia then that was forbidden but they did not get replacement markets.
The Ukrainians were screwed. Russia moved some production inside the country.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on March 17, 2022, 03:35:46 PM
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 18, 2022, 09:32:20 AM
A typical schitzo opening on Quad-witching morning...DOW down a little, NASDAQ up a little...S&P confused... ( ( (

Cigna and that trading volume look squirrely.

Funny Fed quip of the day - Waller said he thinks the Fed needs to start reducing its bond holdings soon. (

Y'all crapped the complaining about the mess...

Cornered yourself and screwed everybody!

And, no truer wors spoken on our sorry state of affairs than this - “We know they are lying. They know they are lying. They know we know they are lying. We know they know we know they are lying. But they still lie.” And markets happily swallow it, it seems. ( that crap shakes out...see this?  This is giving me more concern this morning!  Our psychotic Marxist leaders and the Quislings in bed with them are setting everyone up for slavery and despotism -

“When we’re having this discussion, it’s important to dispel some of those who say, well it’s the government spending. No, it isn’t. The government spending is doing the exact reverse, reducing the national debt. It is not inflationary.”
To quickly break down Pelosi’s bizarre statement I will make a couple of root observations:

First, paying down the national debt has NOTHING to do with reducing inflation. Even if you could somehow gather enough assets to pay off the national debt without creating new dollars from thin air the current inflationary problems would persist. There would still be the matter of the tens of trillions of dollars already fabricated and floating around the global economy. Inflation is directly related to money supply and money velocity. The national debt is secondary to the issue.

Second, we need to ask the most obvious question: If government spending “reduces the national debt” by paying it down, then why hasn’t the national debt gone down?

The Fed and the US government created over $6 trillion in fiat money in 2020 alone, and the national debt only went higher. In fact, the explosion of the national debt correlates DIRECTLY to the amount of dollars created by the Fed to supply various stimulus policies and bailouts over the years. The national debt in 2008 at the onset of the credit crash was around $10 trillion. It took hundreds of years to reach that level. In the span of only 14 years of Fed money creation the debt has now TRIPLED to over $30 trillion.

I’ll say it again – Government spending and Fed stimulus has tripled the size of our national debt in less than 14 years. And, of course, inflation has spiked as the amount of dollars injected into the global system causes the buying power of our currency to decline dramatically. More fiat dollars equals less buying power. This is reality.
This narrative is not only about protecting the Biden Administration, it is also about protecting the Federal Reserve. As former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan once openly admitted, the central bank answers to no one, and that includes government officials. Many theorize that it is actually the central banks and international banks that make the majority of policy decisions for government, and politicians have very little say in matters. I’m inclined to agree given the number of banking elites and globalist Council on Foreign Relations members that seem to permeate every single presidential cabinet (this includes Trump’s cabinet as much as Biden’s).

Biden is an empty shell of a man barely able to maintain a semblance of sanity, who do you think really runs the country?

I have been writing a lot lately about how establishment elites and globalists actually benefit greatly from a stagflationary crisis, as long as they are able to divert blame to other sources and are not targeted for retribution by the public. One of these benefits includes a cover event for an agenda that the World Economic Forum calls the “Great Reset,” which is essentially just another name for “New World Order.”
The stagflation threat worries me more than any other for a number of reasons, and it’s not just because of the potential for extreme poverty. As we all know, the strategy of “order out of chaos” is about creating enough desperation within a target population that the people are willing to give up their freedoms in exchange for a semblance of safety and normalcy. But what specific controls would the establishment seek out?

Stagflation has the ability to trigger much higher prices in necessities, while it simultaneously drags GDP down along with wages, jobs, manufacturing, etc. There is also the very real threat of government price controls, which would suffocate production and reduce the supply of goods even further. We are not quite to this point yet, but the danger is approaching fast.

There are two initiatives within the WEF’s Great Reset agenda that parallel stagflation almost exactly and I predict we will be hearing about them often in the coming year.

The first initiative is the concept of Universal Basic Income (UBI)...UBI is a candy coated trap which breeds dependency in a population. Free money is an addictive drug, and America just had a big taste during the pandemic.

This leads us into the second WEF Great Reset program, which is the concept of the “shared economy.” The globalists think that you should own nothing, have no privacy, and be happy about it. The initial danger here involves rationing. A government cannot institute UBI measures during a stagflationary crisis without also instituting price controls, because otherwise the fiat stimulus used to provide the UBI checks would only create MORE inflation in prices. If UBI is meant to offset inflation but it creates more inflation, then UBI becomes useless. This is another little fact that people like Pelosi will try to gloss over when they claim that money printing helps “fight inflation.”

When price controls are implemented manufacturing will implode further, because price controls mean producers of necessities will not be able to make much of a profit (or they will make no profit at all). There will be no incentive to produce among the people that actually know how to produce, and these people are not easy to replace. The supply of goods will not be able to meet demand.

Naturally, the government will take the opportunity to limit the amount of goods any single person or family is allowed to purchase or stockpile through rationing cards.

These kinds of measures have been used in the past, usually during wartime or under communist regimes. But in this case the rationing will be digital and permanent, and it will be designed to further control food and other resources as a means to prevent rebellion by the public. If you can’t store more than a week’s worth of necessities at any given time, then your ability to defy the government is nonexistent unless you know how to live off the land or have access to black markets. All they have to do is cut off your monthly UBI checks and ration account and watch you starve. (

I have my issues with Brandon, but on this I am in 100% agreement.  This is the reality, this is the war we as citizens must face.  We are approaching the Go Galt point, and rapidly...if you are not prepared for will consume you and those you love and care about.  That's it.  Every other battle is secondary and I am not advocating abandoning them, I am only saying this is your top priority.  We are entering dangerous ground, ground we never thought we would really be thrust into perhaps, ground we did not create, but ground we have to deal with.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 20, 2022, 12:02:31 PM
( (

Yeah, well...just be sure who you are voting for, as McDaniel and the rest of the #NeverTrump Quislings will eff you over on everything else...including if your "vote" even counts...

As for the IEA et al... (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on March 20, 2022, 02:44:38 PM

Notice how the oil for rupees and yuan stories broke right after the US froze Russian central bank assets outside Russia?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 21, 2022, 08:18:30 AM
Hard to miss unless you're asleep...

Now, the fun of fiat fluctuation and the urge to manipulate will really test ones friendship...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 21, 2022, 09:48:30 AM

Rob a bank...Putin's fault!  Don't laugh...probably happen...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on March 21, 2022, 09:12:43 PM

The US freezes Russian central bank assets. About one week later there are proposals to pay for oil in Rupees, Yaun, etc.
Some billionaires are pulling money from the city of London.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 30, 2022, 08:56:31 AM (

Uhh huh, morons would like it if the sheep ran back into the casino's...


Wait till the currency wars wrap up...then it will be a fire sale, because everything will go...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 31, 2022, 08:56:48 AM
Heh!  Rooms full of cash can no longer talk up the folks they want to set up a table for in the casino's to uhh, ease their way in the door... (

...the bubble-squeezing will shift to traditional IPO approach and all that laborious tedious work...that is not without its own embellishments if the right access is this shifts the power into the big Wall Street outfits we've come to know and distrust via their masters of the universe analysts et al...

SEC shoring up Wall Street once again.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 01, 2022, 09:06:12 AM


Well played.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 01, 2022, 12:32:26 PM

Real and fictional, the former get to own a share of the latter!!!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 05, 2022, 09:04:56 AM

And, here we are ...with Obamao's hand up Biden's backside and one greenback blowout scheme after another rubberstamped by a Quisling Congress, a gagged and bagged energy sector...logistics and many other industries murdered by plandemic despotism...a corrupt electoral system still in place, wars being waged against citizens and their livelihoods and liberties...

Who cares?

Ask those being chased down the burning streets of the near future who cares...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 08, 2022, 08:31:22 AM
Lots of technical talk and charts... (

...basically, the Fed is porked, the sins of the past reach out and strangle options...FFR to 1% and then they have to ease?  LOL!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on April 08, 2022, 11:37:37 AM
Lots of technical talk and charts... (

...basically, the Fed is porked, the sins of the past reach out and strangle options...FFR to 1% and then they have to ease?  LOL!

Disclaimer: I do not understand this finance stuff.
I read the Russians increased their prime interest rate to 20% to help with something. Now reduced to 15%. They can do that because they have little debt?

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 08, 2022, 11:39:53 AM
The Californicated... (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 08, 2022, 11:57:59 AM
Lots of technical talk and charts... (

...basically, the Fed is porked, the sins of the past reach out and strangle options...FFR to 1% and then they have to ease?  LOL!

Disclaimer: I do not understand this finance stuff.
I read the Russians increased their prime interest rate to 20% to help with something. Now reduced to 15%. They can do that because they have little debt?

They've been propping up the Ruble, has to have an offset on rate side to mitigate inflationary heat.  They can do it because they aren't wedded to Fed Neo-Keynesian insanity, don't print fiat and monetize it and have a drunken-whore Congress spending more and more beyond their means for decades running to the point where the situation is approaching funny-money Armageddon...

Really, all they have to do is wait us out...we'll murder ourselves...

Unless, they eff everybody and wipe everything out and try to start over and not be slayed in the attempt by millions (or more) angry people...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 12, 2022, 09:09:44 AM
It's a real phenomenon... (

...can personally attest to the used car info...I get pestered all the time to trade in my car, they want used inventory and need to shed new inventory any way possible, then...demand for used dropped (less pestering)...wait the next impulse...increase in energy or release of energy?

With inflation still strong... (

...and the Fed self-paralyzed into small FFR changes only...we are in the middle of the swells wondering which direction is safe...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 14, 2022, 09:54:55 AM
I like this, Rabobank's Michael Every offers a counter-point to former Fed repo wizard Zoltan Pozsar's BW3 end of the dollar scenario...and Every is a self-described geopolitical status quo skeptic, so this is not coming from a rules based order fan, just someone disagreeing with Pozsar's BW3 end of the dollar scenario, and it makes the most sense to me of all I read so far...

This article is very busy and technical - (

Essentially, Every see's a return to mercantilism...and asserts a new reserve currency cannot be maintained without a nation (among other things) sacrificing a trade imbalance situation, something I think potential suitors would find difficult as it would be a 180 degree flip from historical (ahem, China!) and that a bifurcated global system, or further sub-division and a fractured and parallel value chains...and that this mercantile world would be a highly realpolitik global environment...that basically Pozsar's BW3 will look valid in the short-term but that it will lead to de-couplings that will destroy it and see this new mercantilism take hold.  The dollar will still be a major player, lesser but not dead and not replaced.

I tend to think nature and systems seek out equilibrium, and the Every scenario seems to be in harmony with that.  It may not always look that way with manipulative humans mucking things up...but over a longer time frame it should.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 15, 2022, 11:39:25 AM
Oh goody...another Bankster nominated for The Fed's top regulator (ha!) with deep ties to Clinton Crime Syndicate and Obamao... (

...more poop in the plugged-up toilet, how nice...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 25, 2022, 09:05:23 AM
Stuff is getting crazier...

BOJ handcuffed as the Yen implodes...Yellen staying out of intervention, cause we got our own problems...and we'll die on the monetization pyre...

Euro's are an economic and energy mess...

The big ugly is China...the Panda is sick as hell, people planning on eating people to survive, even if Shanghai drops lockdown it will be many many months before products ship out, and then is there any new output to flow or not? 

Their stocks are getting hammered, Yuan is plunging, commodities like everywhere going's all rippling across the Pacific... ( (

And this reserve cut will just be a speed bump... (

...the other pressures cited earlier are too great.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 29, 2022, 09:50:45 AM
Smart. (

Pushback rabid wokism, pay off your debts...buyback stock, strategically invest in capital where it makes the most sense...

Not every company is run by total morons...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 02, 2022, 08:32:42 AM (

Well, May 4th should be fun either way for the schitzo Fed...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 03, 2022, 08:41:31 AM (

Might be in a better position...but still, blowing rubles out with inflation is a us, our idiots started on that road, then stuck with it...

It becomes humans are immune...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 03, 2022, 04:27:57 PM
These monkeys can't have many of these moves left in them...or the grifters, skimmers and other sundry harvesters will be coming for their scalps... (

...these clowns were easy money happy days forever for so long...they have to feel dirty or something now...   ::laughonfloor::

...but, they're screwed no matter what...

Going from blow to suck...   ::laughonfloor::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 05, 2022, 12:53:18 PM
Well, that Fed 50bp move worked wonders!

/ ( (


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 06, 2022, 11:36:12 AM

El Presidente wrote: ?5/5/2022, 11:58 pm
Just think back to 1979 and you will be all caught up.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 11, 2022, 09:36:33 AM
BLS games car sales...pretends consumers not eating the retail-JDP gap! (

...and still the gamed up and down goobermint number came in 0.2% higher than target... (

Dollar is down against all major currencies.  Casino's are up...looks like another set up for a shearing of the demoralized head-down sheep.  Only good news I see is the beatdown in PM's providing a buy opportunity.

High inflation is not going anywhere, Fed cannot control it...economic downturn cannot be avoided, Marxist puppet JoeFraud will follow orders to make it worse...stagflation will continue until sanity and Liberty restored...or collapse occurs...and only one seems more certain than the other...


By their design...


FJB and his string-puller Obamao & Darth Soros!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 12, 2022, 08:56:29 AM
More inevitable has arrived... (

...I know in my area it is running behind though...places that used to go for $250-300k going for $300-350k or higher...local fella's Grandma bought a place for $325k...just 2 weeks later (this was about a month ago) practically the same house/same lot went for $374k.

And I believe we've all used the "transitory is transitory" line a lot...but it's true...


And for those unable to buy a good news to be had...

( (

I think some empty-nesters will become nesters again...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 12, 2022, 10:37:52 AM

Empty shelves...just like this POS's head and soul...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 13, 2022, 09:48:01 AM
April PPI



Yeah...the beast is not yet done rampaging...and The Puppet and his handlers purposely do nothing but exacerbate the destruction everywhere...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 14, 2022, 08:51:49 AM (

LOL, Minneapolis?!  Yeah...get a good discount in a crap area your loser neighbors loot and burn to the ground...   ::hysterical::

And as for this kinda stuff... (

...well, consequences and repercussions happen...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on May 14, 2022, 12:23:22 PM
Oklahoma City is trending for my final destination.  Relatively low housing prices, low property taxes, and big enough to have almost everything we need.  Anything they don't have, Dallas is only 3 hours away.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on May 14, 2022, 01:39:54 PM
Is this one cause for the food shortages?
The Greens in Germany want to turn down Russian gas and fertilizer and de-industrialize the country. In the US they want to end fossil fuels. (

LOL, Minneapolis?!  Yeah...get a good discount in a crap area your loser neighbors loot and burn to the ground...   ::hysterical::

And as for this kinda stuff... (

...well, consequences and repercussions happen... ( (
Riots in Sri Lanka after the local green movement’s ESG organic farming beliefs were implemented into law.

Crops failed. There is not enough food. People are beating up police and burning down politicians houses.

Don’t let it happen here, avoid ESG.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 15, 2022, 10:11:33 AM
Oklahoma City is trending for my final destination.  Relatively low housing prices, low property taxes, and big enough to have almost everything we need.  Anything they don't have, Dallas is only 3 hours away.

Just make sure ya got a tornado shelter and good insurance.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 15, 2022, 10:19:48 AM
Is this one cause for the food shortages?
The Greens in Germany want to turn down Russian gas and fertilizer and de-industrialize the country. In the US they want to end fossil fuels. (

LOL, Minneapolis?!  Yeah...get a good discount in a crap area your loser neighbors loot and burn to the ground...   ::hysterical::

And as for this kinda stuff... (

...well, consequences and repercussions happen... ( (
Riots in Sri Lanka after the local green movement’s ESG organic farming beliefs were implemented into law.

Crops failed. There is not enough food. People are beating up police and burning down politicians houses.

Don’t let it happen here, avoid ESG.

We haven’t written much about Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing, which is one of the evils of our time. Basically, it seeks to force publicly-traded companies to take left-wing policy positions. Perhaps the number one force behind ESG has been BlackRock, Inc., the world’s largest asset manager with $10 trillion under management.

Given BlackRock’s prominence in the ESG movement, this headline couldn’t be more welcome: BlackRock ditches green activism over Russia energy fears.

BlackRock has warned it will vote against most shareholder green activism this year for being too extreme, in a significant u-turn by the world’s biggest money manager.

The company said it was concerned about proposals to stop financing fossil fuel companies, including forcing them to decommission assets and setting absolute targets for reducing emissions in their supply chains.
In a stewardship report, the asset manager said: “We do not consider [the proposals] to be consistent with our clients’ long-term financial interests.” (

We shall see if deeds match words...if they do...that's $10T in assets speaking.  Personally, I see this narrowly...I think they mean the "E" in ESG...and only to the extent it impedes their ROI...a lot of the day to say "S" crap BOD's do I doubt they GAFF about...for now, as we see with DemonMouse and others...going woke means going either they push on that letter too or the divest and avoid the hits, yes?

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on May 15, 2022, 10:57:03 AM

In Sri Lanka the govt went green and stopped fertilizer imports a while back. They told the farmers to go organic.
What happened?

Reminds me of the failed ag policies of the commies in China and USSR.

Russia is now a major food exporter BTW.

Some non political Russian video blogs occasionally go into grocery stores or malls and look around.
Some food is the same price, some more, some foreign imports gone. The basics are there. Shelves are mostly full with some empty parts for foreign imports. Russia became self sufficient in most foods years ago.

In the malls high end foreign stores are gone.
I read that McDonalds say they are leaving but are still open. Burger King said they were staying.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on May 15, 2022, 12:29:14 PM
I read locals are just taking over some of the chain restaurants.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on May 15, 2022, 12:52:56 PM
I read locals are just taking over some of the chain restaurants.

Any links?
True in Russia for sure.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on May 15, 2022, 04:35:55 PM
In Sri Lanka the govt went green and stopped fertilizer imports a while back. They told the farmers to go organic.
What happened?

"Organic" is what happened.  Anybody who ever put a plant in the ground knows that one minute after, the bugs, blight, viruses, bacteria and the weather (drought, too much rain or too much sun) will try to kill it.  All soil is not alike and not all soil will grow different things without soil amendments, hence fertilizer, potassium, calcium, etc.

"Organic" tells you to pick the bugs off your plants.   ::saywhat::  Yeah, okay; what about acres of food in order to feed populations?  You try that on a small plot and then extrapolate out to big farms.   ::falldownshocked::

"Organic" tells you to put eggshells into the hole in which you put a tomato plant (clay soil needs calcium).  Around here, we can eat enough eggs (provided they don't get much much expensive -- current Avian flu anyone?) to bolster six tomato plants.  Try that on an acre or acres.   foottapping

That said, I don't care about Sri Lanka, Russia, Ukraine, etc., etc.  I care about what's happening HERE. 

HERE, our farmers can't get the fertilizer and other soil amendments in order to plant the fields that they're used to, in addition to the  ::cussing:: government bribing them with "subsidies" to burn or plow under their crops.  Even today, with projected food shortages!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 16, 2022, 08:29:19 AM
Yup, government, especially this one, is the primary problem...everything, from Ag policy to production and distribution...all industries...Fed policy, Fed regulations, trade, finance and monetary is killing efficiency and sovereignty...and their Marxist and Cuck puppets march to the same beat the CoC/Davos crowd taps to...

The consequences of abandoning your manufacturing base has resulted in dangerous dependencies on foreign suppliers...all because the will to confront labor issues intelligently at home was thrown aside once it was solved by moving production abroad...

And the rest of the sins followed in succession...

Cut their strings...

In other news...well, none of it is good news... ( expected given all the trends are horrid.

This contraction... ( probably good news for the general health for affected Russians...though other things may make that moot anyway...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 16, 2022, 12:40:45 PM
This is where reality starts to really slap the mushy-middle and the young newbs... (, (,


GIGO Puppet



Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 17, 2022, 09:13:31 AM

While Chairman Obamao directs from the tower...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 17, 2022, 11:51:52 AM (

Ya, the not so secret takeaway here is that no matter what the Fed and Bankers plead...porkulus, mostly to the undeserving negative contributors to society (aka the DemCom demographic) will be the usual ploy (along with lies more lies and even more lies) to their electoral strategy which is likely to backfire anyway and make matters exponentially worse...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 18, 2022, 09:26:53 AM
And this is absolutely the very worst thing possible people should do! (

This is how the elites OWN people!

Don't do it!  If you do, you have only yourself to matter what lies you may tell yourself!!!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 18, 2022, 12:21:12 PM
Silly... (

The floor is never long as there is floor... ( (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 19, 2022, 08:56:57 AM
Walmart crapped the bed, the Target... (

Ripple effect...folks buying necessities not all the other crap...thanks to stagflation...

And the housing bust has only just begun... (

...but seems to lag around these parts so folks around here got 2-3 months to buy/sell before it craters completely, right now heat is on sellers to satisfy buyers because of higher rates...slip more into recession and activity will practically end...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on May 19, 2022, 12:28:05 PM
The only way to sustain these housing prices (again, not so bad around here) is for Blackrock to scarf up everything, and that's not a good thing to let happen.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 20, 2022, 08:49:53 AM
More impetus for inflationary continuance... (

...but the realm fun happens at destination ports and the fugly fustercluck that is the Buttiplug led logistics lunacy of the JoeFraud occupation government...'s not just one despotic imbecile in this occupation government... ( (

...they're all this psychotic...intentionally so!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 20, 2022, 09:05:22 AM
The only way to sustain these housing prices (again, not so bad around here) is for Blackrock to scarf up everything, and that's not a good thing to let happen.

Yup.  And if not them in the past its been foreigners, like Communist China buying up all sorts of the real estate...or lunatics like Gates.  Basically, being made serfs is never a good idea...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 23, 2022, 03:28:19 PM
Brian Deese is a lying rat-bastard commie snake... (

Said inflation was transitory...SOB cannot spell endemic properly...

“The president has made it very clear that combating promoting inflation is his top economic priority,” FIFYLCA (Fixed It For Your Lying Commie Ass!)

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 24, 2022, 11:26:20 AM (

What oligarchs need...before they can "rescue" folks for pennies on the dollar...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 25, 2022, 08:41:29 AM (

The Walmart inventory comment makes me a normal cycle not a big deal...but what if the cycle is not normal...what if longer or more permanent?  That inventory could be worth gold...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 26, 2022, 09:06:09 AM

Yeah, and they're just starting...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 01, 2022, 09:00:29 AM
If protracted, this could just add to the suck... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 02, 2022, 08:46:38 AM
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 03, 2022, 08:25:55 AM
DeSantis launched into a damning list of Biden’s failures, starting with his “war” on energy independence.

“He immediately, immediately waged war against American energy production,” he said. “You see record gas prices in the United States? Well, that’s a big reason why — because of his policies.”

The governor then took aim at the soaring inflation, which has hit its highest level since 1981, as noted by American Wire News.

“You look at what they did in terms of fiscal and monetary, printing and borrowing trillions and trillions of dollars,” DeSantis said. “What did you get for that? The most sustained inflation this country has seen in over 40 years.”

As the Consumer Price Index hit 8.3% in April — compared to 4.2% in April 2021 — even State Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen had to admit she was wrong about her inflation predictions.

But, as DeSantis pointed out, printing money wasn’t Biden’s only crime against the economy.

“He advocated for and imposed mandates and restrictions related to COVID, including having people fired from their job based on getting a COVID jab or not,” said DeSantis, who kept Florida free from authoritarian COVID measures.

“That has had a hugely negative impact on the economy,” he continued, before pivoting to the supply chain crisis. “And he failed to take leadership and take decisive action to alleviate the supply chain crisis that we’ve seen, really beguiling not only this country but places around the world.” (

Soros and the rest of the Davos Men tell Obama to instruct his puppet to dance, he dances...that he can't remember his lines well and lashes out in anger at people for no valid reason is just extra...

It's planned intentional destruction of America from within...Yellen didn't get anything wrong...she just cannot tell the truth...

And the Praetorians have their thumbs up their butts...

Cucks have thumbs up their butts...

Crony capitalists have their thumbs up their butts...

Just wait...soon all butts will be truly equal...   foottapping
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on June 05, 2022, 03:10:26 PM

Don't worry. It is not permanent. It is only a "transition."
Reminds of the old soviet 5 year plans. Ignore the crappy present comrades. The future is glorious after the 5 year plan is complete.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 06, 2022, 08:04:24 AM
Well, when power goes down for an extended time...crime is sure to surge for an extended time...

Just another path to martial law and permanent tyranny...

People got some choices with consequences coming at 'am...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 07, 2022, 08:45:06 AM (

Zero impact on real energy supply, zero impact on taming impact on reducing the oppression of citizens by this illegitimate occupation government...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: paulh on June 07, 2022, 02:01:46 PM
I use GE white silicone alot in repairs on Sub Zero's. Went to Home Depot to get some as I'm low.
$9.89 for 2.8 fl oz tube. Never used to nickle&dime customers but now it's no longer nickle&dime
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 08, 2022, 10:28:16 AM (

Yup, right in time for the fall follies...and MoneyPox scare and useless face-diaperist bullsplatter...

And this? (

That is the absolute worst dumbest most insane thing anybody could possibly do!!!  You need to go into these planned economic destruction schemes DEBT FREE...

Morons will be slaves for perpetuity.  FOOLS!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Weisshaupt on June 08, 2022, 04:46:24 PM
Sol Ark is introducing a new 15K model.
Features 200 Watt passthrough.. so  no "backup panel"

Just meter to inverter to home panel.  Just saying.

If you didn't think you could justify Solar before,  just imagine electricity costs quadrupling?

A 6000W sol ark based system will run you 15K or so.  For that price you lock in a $0.06 cent a kw rate for about 20 years

The 15K supports up to 15 K in panels.  Batteries of course make this more like $0.12 a KW hr over the life of the system. But the sol ark will power the main panel even when it doesn't have a signal from the grid.  So even without bats - you have power during the day. .. Its time folks. Get ready to move off the grid.  Even if you stay grid tied and have to scrounge deep cycle batteries after SHTF, you at least can pump water and do sh*t during the day.. and of coure lights and power at night is a dead giveaway  you want to  avoid anyway.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 09, 2022, 08:48:04 AM (

The closest thing we have to an official kabuki production is The Fed...

Thinking they can nimbly navigate the bitter fruits they've sewn with the least amount of pain...

Pure theater!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 10, 2022, 09:11:32 AM (

I lived through a through something that shows all the signs of being worse than the Carter years...that's just inhumane...

I say try all the bastards in The Hague for crimes against humanity!!!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 14, 2022, 08:50:51 AM (

75bps fix?  Umm, no.

Would have to be much more substantial and that...and that scares the crap out of them as it would begin the recession immediately going into an off-cycle election when the corrupt occupiers of power are reeling from their self-made disasters across the board...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 16, 2022, 09:57:12 AM (

Perfectly timed to create the most havoc when all the backlog from Shanghai et al hits POLA!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 22, 2022, 09:24:49 AM
A fine example of the leftist maliciousness American's are suffering under... (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 22, 2022, 12:27:03 PM (

Sen Bill Hagerty (R-TN) addressed the Biden narrative, noting that "the problem [of inflation] hasn't sprung out of nowhere," before asking Chair Powell the following question:

"Would you say that the war in Ukraine is the primary driver of inflation in America?"

Fed Chair Powell's response - which we note was completely ignored by many mainstream media outlets who were writing real-time transcripts of the hearing - was shocking in its frankness:

"No. Inflation was high, certainly before the war in Ukraine broke out."

 ::hysterical::  Russia! Russia! Russia! meme obliterated.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 23, 2022, 09:35:39 AM
Airlines are getting worse...from clot-shot mayhem to undisclosed staff shortages still endemic in the industry...cancelling flights left and right, passengers often times screwed out of vouchers if the company sees a dark cloud on the radar "oops, bad weather, sorry!"...people stranded in airports for days some with kids...and now, labor disputes...routes cancelled... ( (

And the price of jet fuel has to be an increasing hit too, putting more pressure on...could be a really bad time for a contract dispute.

Anyway, with oil/gas going crazy and being made more painful by morons...,5094.msg197580.html#msg197580 (,5094.msg197580.html#msg197580)

The coming commodities crunch...not the least of which is food..., (,

What does the illegitimate occupation government have to offer?


Biden, Pelosi and other politicians rely on economic advisers and gatekeepers to write their talking points for them, and the narrative that government spending is a “good thing” that will eventually stop inflation is part of a much larger concerted propaganda effort; it is not just the ramblings of senile government hacks.

As we have seen recently from Biden's advisers, the all encompassing narrative is in support of massive spending as the magic talisman to ward off collapse.  In other words, the claim is that we can print our way to prosperity.  Cecilia Rouse argued that:

"The president is focused on inflation and in fact, Build Back Better is a long-run investment to increase economic capacity so that we're better able to address inflation. Parts of Build Back Better include addressing costs, such as prescription drugs. It includes making investments to make the transition to clean energy which we know we need to be making as well. So that's not the kind of dollars that is stimulus, it's investment, and it's the kind of investments that actually pay for themselves over time. So that's smart economic policy right now..." (

The BigGov psychotics are all addicted to deficit spending into oblivion...they have ZERO sense, ZERO credibility and ZERO ethics...they always pervert language...instead of deficit spending and printing dollars it lies and calls it "investment"...investment my ass!  It's blowing money to the wind!  It will produce NOTHING but more inflation and a bloated balance sheet it cannot print more (monetize) to deflate and literally fvcks every soul with a burden they cannot bear!  It's crap like this and traitors like this that will DESTROY the nation!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 27, 2022, 11:57:48 AM
Too many still do not get it... (

...what these folks are doing is what they are told to do...these are desired features and outcomes...not flaws and mistakes...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 28, 2022, 08:42:54 AM (

Spit in the ocean at the individual level...most will blow it on black market goods, drugs & whatever...

All it will do is make CA closer to bankruptcy, do nothing to tame raging inflation or solve things their state and federal level Marxist policies have wrought...

Call Mexico...tell them that can have CA back, cost...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 29, 2022, 09:09:15 AM
The first goal of Marxist economics achieved - Stagflation confirmed... (

Next up, deep pain of the serfs to exploit to consolidate Marxist rule for perpetuity...(or until all is ultimately destroyed in total)...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 30, 2022, 09:03:55 AM
These seem to be tracking together... (

Slows...not falls...

...and as things go to crap for a myriad of man-made reasons documented nine ways to Sunday...bottom lines going black to red always cause contractions in business operations... (

As stagflation digs in...on the horizon still is $200/bbl oil, food shortages, more nastier war (see Ukraine thread)...a recession that could be a depression or worse...

The literal pooh is starting to hit the oscillating blades...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on June 30, 2022, 01:20:57 PM
The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the second quarter of 2022 is -1.0 percent on June 30, down from 0.3 percent on June 27. (

The recession is now real.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 30, 2022, 03:25:05 PM
Ya shure...

Next thing ya know...they may redefine how crap things have to be for there to be a fo-real recessionTM


The worse news...the impacts of their planned destruction is just starting...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 08, 2022, 08:38:58 AM
The Marxist sanctions are destroying American jobs and earnings like nothing before...and now, yet more proof that the illegitimate occupation government continues to benefit Russia and punish Americans...

The United States ran a merchandise trade deficit of $1,049,100,000 with Russia in the month of May, according to data released today by the U.S. Census Bureau.

During May, the United States sold $77,400,000 in exports to Russia and purchased $1,126,500,000 in imports, resulting in the trade deficit of $1,049,100,000.

The last time the United States ran a monthly trade surplus with Russia was in December 1995, according to Census Bureau data. (

The Demoscat/Cuck agenda is nothing short of warfare against its own citizens!  I dare anyone to convince me otherwise...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 11, 2022, 03:58:14 PM
Still seems a bit optimistic to me...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 13, 2022, 10:34:09 AM (

This is pretty good - (


I like the dig at Kramer...his chuckle's...kinda long, but for the novice it's a good run down of how stuff typically works...

ATL Fed info show's recession may have already begun, I see the bifurcated prices now...gas, food et al (essentials!) still high/rising...discretionary low or falling...

But...and this is unsane (and I know I posted on it a while back)...I suspect not all people are not backing off non-essential purchases...people are maxing out credit cards and that is likely on essentials more than non-essentials...but the the addiction to the latest trendy thing is still strong in many as is the impulse to keep up with the whoever's or not look like they are struggling with "friends"...when tightening one's belt and being responsible should not be a friendship ending event. doubt more sugar rush is coming...politicians are cynical bastards and don't care if they throw the Fed under the bus...but the Fed morons sold their souls long ago anyway so no harm no foul...

Clown World marches on... ( (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on July 13, 2022, 03:16:51 PM
How the West brought economic disaster on itself
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 14, 2022, 09:28:27 AM
How the West brought economic disaster on itself

To be fair...they needed dance partners and got them.

Funny how these guys also use the "terror" term "weaponized" when describing Russian energy policy...yet that gets set aside because the West is so stupid...which they are...but stupid cannot exist in a needs stimuli to act upon or react to...

Just sayin'...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 14, 2022, 09:35:47 AM
Congratulations Demscats and Cucks...your inflation is higher than Mexico!

And recession...maybe a depression coming if they really succeed in trashing everything... (

Earnings hitting the skids...the rush to downgrade expectations is a stampede... (

And I think this is the ultimate in end game financial Armageddon... (

"Jonestown Economics"...surging dollar exporting inflation globally, vaporizing balance sheets of lenders by setting fire emerging markets ability to pay off debts, putting more pressure on rates and eroding credit markets that generates the death-spirals...

McDonald's closer is a punch to the face - If the Fed keeps its policy path promises, take the tragedy in Sri Lanka and multiply it by ten across the globe over the next six months. Check-mate FOMC.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 15, 2022, 01:17:16 PM
Of course we're being lied to...'s a central credo for the BLS, Federal Reserve, uhhh....well...all of government...   :o
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 18, 2022, 12:19:40 PM
And of course it is obvious they are using ESG green crap as a cover for destroying energy independence and make people immobile and easier to's so obvious they cannot hide it at all...

Biden's self-loathing Jewish advisor says EO's coming to force things faster - (

...which means faster destruction, more power for hostile foreigners and malignant domestic enemies...

...and they know time is quickly running out on them...they're getting more and more desperate, more and more obvious... (


Unfit to breathe free all traitors are unfit...

And, here's more unfit... (

...either that is the dumbest faggot on the planet...or the biggest lying faggot on the planet!  Electricity, produced by magic unicorns!!!

Plus...I heard those blades on those stupid wasteful inefficient wind mills are made of something not recyclable...that they just bury the damaged ones!

It's all a scheme, destruction, power and enslavement.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 19, 2022, 08:38:14 AM
I recall being aware of this at the time this was jammed always its the "how much goes where/to who" that is purposely murky... (

...and the tab is always going to be worse not better... used to be only the DoD got to get away with, everybody does's just a big pile of discretionary and endless funds!



On the plus side, Lockheed employment looking good... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on July 19, 2022, 09:04:07 AM
And of course it is obvious they are using ESG green crap as a cover for destroying energy independence and make people immobile and easier to's so obvious they cannot hide it at all...

Biden's self-loathing Jewish advisor says EO's coming to force things faster - (

...which means faster destruction, more power for hostile foreigners and malignant domestic enemies...

...and they know time is quickly running out on them...they're getting more and more desperate, more and more obvious... (


Unfit to breathe free all traitors are unfit...

And, here's more unfit... (

...either that is the dumbest faggot on the planet...or the biggest lying faggot on the planet!  Electricity, produced by magic unicorns!!!

Plus...I heard those blades on those stupid wasteful inefficient wind mills are made of something not recyclable...that they just bury the damaged ones!

It's all a scheme, destruction, power and enslavement.

Per Glenn Beck:  temps in Texas this past week over 100 degrees for days in a row; Tesla dashboards in Texas are showing messages requesting owners to not charge their cars during specific daylight hours due to burden on the power-grid.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on July 19, 2022, 09:22:46 AM
I recall being aware of this at the time this was jammed always its the "how much goes where/to who" that is purposely murky... (

...and the tab is always going to be worse not better... used to be only the DoD got to get away with, everybody does's just a big pile of discretionary and endless funds!


I did not read the article. I recall there was a law passed allowing the pension funds to reduce pay outs when funds got to a certain point rather than just run out some day. That point was reached during Obama but he stopped execution of this lowering pay out.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 19, 2022, 09:48:15 AM
And of course it is obvious they are using ESG green crap as a cover for destroying energy independence and make people immobile and easier to's so obvious they cannot hide it at all...

Biden's self-loathing Jewish advisor says EO's coming to force things faster - (

...which means faster destruction, more power for hostile foreigners and malignant domestic enemies...

...and they know time is quickly running out on them...they're getting more and more desperate, more and more obvious... (


Unfit to breathe free all traitors are unfit...

And, here's more unfit... (

...either that is the dumbest faggot on the planet...or the biggest lying faggot on the planet!  Electricity, produced by magic unicorns!!!

Plus...I heard those blades on those stupid wasteful inefficient wind mills are made of something not recyclable...that they just bury the damaged ones!

It's all a scheme, destruction, power and enslavement.

Per Glenn Beck:  temps in Texas this past week over 100 degrees for days in a row; Tesla dashboards in Texas are showing messages requesting owners to not charge their cars during specific daylight hours due to burden on the power-grid.

Nice, call your boss, tell him your car is telling you its hot and not to charge up...he'll understand...   :o

When all it takes is common sense... Oh, why bother...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 21, 2022, 09:22:05 AM
Hmmm... (

No to global war.  Anybody trusting anybody on the planet right now capable of keeping things conventional needs to have an MRI on their head.

Civil war...I can see some of that.  Revolution?  A bit harder, and likely only in smaller larger ones probably need to see who wins the civil contest.

But, all signs point to things worsening in the Fall and 2023 having the most shat hitting the fans...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on July 21, 2022, 04:58:44 PM

More of the same from Michael Hudson. How finance, not production, dominates US economy.

Finance Capitalism’s Self-Destructive Nature
10568 Views July 20, 2022 18 Comments

Posted with Michael Hudson’s permission

Transcript of Interview on The Left Lens with Danny Haiphong May 25th, 2022
MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, most people think of all kinds of capitalism as being the same and the assumption is that industrial capitalism of the nineteenth century somehow was always financialized because there were always banks but financial capitalism is you just pointed out is a political system and as a political system it’s very different from the industrial capitalism dynamic. In industrial capitalism, the whole aim or the hope of the industrial capitalists in the late nineteenth century, especially in Germany and central Europe was that banking would no longer be just usury, it wouldn’t be just consumer lending to exploit labor, and it wouldn’t be lending to the government somehow.
In other words, finance capitalism instead of trying to promote overall economic growth for the 99 percent, instead of financing the industrialization of an economy with rising productivity and rising living standards, is now cannibalizing the industrial sector, cannibalizing the corporate sector. As you’re seeing in the U.S., finance capitalism is the economic doctrine of deindustrialization that has occurred in America in England and is now occurring in Europe.

Well, the problem is how do you survive if you’re not industrializing, if you’re not producing your own means of subsistence and how are you going to get this from other countries? Well, the answer is you don’t go to war with them like countries used to go to war with each other to grab their money and their land, you use finance as the new means of war so finance capitalism is the tactic of economic warfare by the United States against Europe and the global south to sort of draw all of the economic surplus of these countries in the form of debt service and the debt service is supplied by basically economic rent seeking from land rent, natural resource rent,  and just plain interest charges on economy. So, none of these are really the result of industrial profits that are made by employing labor and uh selling its products at a markup.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 22, 2022, 09:34:32 AM
Like I said in the PI thread...they/them chose to yield industrial capacity to China and elsewhere...

I blame Kissinger for seducing Nixon...lured him with the China card to wedge them from the Soviets...what cold warrior wouldn't like that...but the payment in silver was surrendering your national security down the river by offshoring your industrial needs to a Communist nation...

It was even easier to seduce those greedy pricks in labor...and look at all those new customers...

After that it's all kabuki because your industrial base is not in enemy hands...they have you by the balls...all you can do is rack up debt and fend off with an ever-increasing military complex that is now being morally bankrupted with psychotic woke bullsh*t...

Rome's collapse is going to seem organized and gentle in history books of the future...if anybody is around to write or read them...


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 27, 2022, 10:11:52 AM (

Housing the last to fall here in my neck of the woods...perhaps I need to eject? (

The worst case, for bulls, is not if the US slides into a recession - after all that will prompt the Fed to panic and unleash the usual liquidity tsunami - it would be if Wilson is right: the Morgan Stanley strategist who has been among the most vocal bears on US stocks and correctly predicted this year’s selloff, said that even though inflation could indeed have peaked “from a rate of change standpoint,” the "demand destructive nature of high inflation that is presenting itself today will not easily disappear even if inflation declines sharply because prices are already out of reach in areas of the economy that are critical for the cycle to extend--i.e. housing, autos, food, gasoline and other necessities."

Snort!  That basket of goods the elites are purposely destroying?!

A recession is noting to fear...continued reign of terror by these SOBs, that is the real problem!

Look  - (

Just insert the next plug & play despot to stay on script!

So tired of this crap!  Fortunately, I don't think they have much time left before angry peasants are chasing them down...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Alphabet Soup on July 27, 2022, 05:37:58 PM
My 401K plan is hemorrhaging value and there doesn't seem to be much I can do to stanch the flow. So I'm researching cashing it out and paying off my mortgage - while there's still some money in the account.

Thank you Bidenomics!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 28, 2022, 09:30:42 AM
Yeah, a lot of 'em, even ones using big ass outfits with thousands of investment options...limit participation to a couple dozen different funds...unless of course you follow their bait and get a personal brokerage account...then magically everything expands...


I shut mine down back during the DemoCommie-stoked summer-of-hate-and-violence...figuring I needed more income for party favors and such...second...maybe third time I've done that...

Safest thing I could park into was  TIPS fund, not perfect...but whatever...

Suckworld gives only suck options....starting to make me want to pull a Claude Raines....

ETA - second straight quarter with negative growth... (

...staglation confirmed.  And DemoCommies put the screws to Manchin and he caved and McConnell threw in the towel (his favorite and only move) on Build Back Broker-than-ever... the suck can only get much worse...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on July 29, 2022, 12:31:38 PM

Tucker just nails it. I noticed the same thing. To many people words mean more than reality. He starts with Biden video clip then features all these admin people redefining recession.
"Is reality optional?" - Thomas Sowell
"You can ignore reality but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality." - Ayn Rand
"The New Left-The Anti-Intellectual Revolution"-book title by Ayn Rand

 Tucker Carlson: It turns out we're insane
774,864 views  Jul 28, 2022  Fox News host Tucker Carlson rips President Biden for denying the United States is in a recession despite what economists say on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on July 29, 2022, 09:26:50 PM

More of the same from Michael Hudson. How finance, not production, dominates US economy.

Finance Capitalism’s Self-Destructive Nature
10568 Views July 20, 2022 18 Comments

Posted with Michael Hudson’s permission

Transcript of Interview on The Left Lens with Danny Haiphong May 25th, 2022
MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, most people think of all kinds of capitalism as being the same and the assumption is that industrial capitalism of the nineteenth century somehow was always financialized because there were always banks but financial capitalism is you just pointed out is a political system and as a political system it’s very different from the industrial capitalism dynamic. In industrial capitalism, the whole aim or the hope of the industrial capitalists in the late nineteenth century, especially in Germany and central Europe was that banking would no longer be just usury, it wouldn’t be just consumer lending to exploit labor, and it wouldn’t be lending to the government somehow.
In other words, finance capitalism instead of trying to promote overall economic growth for the 99 percent, instead of financing the industrialization of an economy with rising productivity and rising living standards, is now cannibalizing the industrial sector, cannibalizing the corporate sector. As you’re seeing in the U.S., finance capitalism is the economic doctrine of deindustrialization that has occurred in America in England and is now occurring in Europe.

Well, the problem is how do you survive if you’re not industrializing, if you’re not producing your own means of subsistence and how are you going to get this from other countries? Well, the answer is you don’t go to war with them like countries used to go to war with each other to grab their money and their land, you use finance as the new means of war so finance capitalism is the tactic of economic warfare by the United States against Europe and the global south to sort of draw all of the economic surplus of these countries in the form of debt service and the debt service is supplied by basically economic rent seeking from land rent, natural resource rent,  and just plain interest charges on economy. So, none of these are really the result of industrial profits that are made by employing labor and uh selling its products at a markup.

I read most of this today.  From what I understand, Hudson is advocating for socialism most of us don't understand what socialism really is.

Do I have that right
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on July 30, 2022, 08:11:35 AM

More of the same from Michael Hudson. How finance, not production, dominates US economy.

Finance Capitalism’s Self-Destructive Nature
10568 Views July 20, 2022 18 Comments

Posted with Michael Hudson’s permission

Transcript of Interview on The Left Lens with Danny Haiphong May 25th, 2022
MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, most people think of all kinds of capitalism as being the same and the assumption is that industrial capitalism of the nineteenth century somehow was always financialized because there were always banks but financial capitalism is you just pointed out is a political system and as a political system it’s very different from the industrial capitalism dynamic. In industrial capitalism, the whole aim or the hope of the industrial capitalists in the late nineteenth century, especially in Germany and central Europe was that banking would no longer be just usury, it wouldn’t be just consumer lending to exploit labor, and it wouldn’t be lending to the government somehow.
In other words, finance capitalism instead of trying to promote overall economic growth for the 99 percent, instead of financing the industrialization of an economy with rising productivity and rising living standards, is now cannibalizing the industrial sector, cannibalizing the corporate sector. As you’re seeing in the U.S., finance capitalism is the economic doctrine of deindustrialization that has occurred in America in England and is now occurring in Europe.

Well, the problem is how do you survive if you’re not industrializing, if you’re not producing your own means of subsistence and how are you going to get this from other countries? Well, the answer is you don’t go to war with them like countries used to go to war with each other to grab their money and their land, you use finance as the new means of war so finance capitalism is the tactic of economic warfare by the United States against Europe and the global south to sort of draw all of the economic surplus of these countries in the form of debt service and the debt service is supplied by basically economic rent seeking from land rent, natural resource rent,  and just plain interest charges on economy. So, none of these are really the result of industrial profits that are made by employing labor and uh selling its products at a markup.

I read most of this today.  From what I understand, Hudson is advocating for socialism most of us don't understand what socialism really is.

Do I have that right

I do not know what Michael Hudson is advocating. I have never heard him lay out any plans.
I recall he may have advocated a tax on land but am not sure.
I do not believe he has some secret subversive plan up his sleeve.
I do know he has visited some countries including China and they listen to him.
He believes that China, and maybe Russia(?) have taken steps to prevent the financial interests from taking over the govt. That means internal AND foreign financial interests. Financial globalists want into those countries.

From memory, he has described how the rich avoid paying taxes by taking out loans against capital???? He can go into great detail.

Socialism? If we had capitalism in this country all the major Wall Street big banks would have been wiped out in 2008, with Goldman Sachs being the last one to go. NN Taleb said that in France the govt took over the banks but in the US the banks took over the govt.

It would be a mistake to call him nasty names until you have paid a lot of attention. He mentioned once how he quit some place because it was a bunch of left wing flakes. Some low rent places he spoke at had lefty posters on the wall, like Marx or Lenin, but I would not put much weight in that. He worked for Citibank, Standard Oil, etc. .

If you have the time, there is a video below where describes his interesting life. I watched this more than once. He has other videos.
 Michael Hudson - Life and Thought 20180507
83,052 views  Jul 11, 2018  The interview with Professor Michael Hudson was conducted on 7 May 2018 in Beijing, by Professor Lau Kin Chi and Professor Sit Tsui Jade.

He is big into Vol 3 of Marx's Capital, whatever that means. He says no one reads that volume.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on July 30, 2022, 09:09:46 AM
I did not mean to say that you were calling Michael Hudson nasty names BTW.
I found myself waiting for him to say something which would reveal he was a commie but was disguising or hiding it. I never found that.

He describes in detail how he understands the financial world works.
I read some of his books a while back.
One big idea of his is that incomes cannot keep up with the compound interest of debts so there has to be a crash or rest of some sort. (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 01, 2022, 09:26:16 AM
"I do know he has visited some countries including China and they listen to him."

So he advocated for the thuggish response to the mortgage rebels?

It's so funny watching Communists use the conveniences of capitalism but only so far as it does not threaten The Party and its leadership.

If this mortgage rebellion expands...those red devils could find themselves in a position where they either have to capitulate to peasant demands or slaughter millions of them...we know Mao and his early heirs favored the latter...Xi has in the past with Uyghurs and rebellious covid-captives in Shanghai et al...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on August 01, 2022, 11:27:57 AM
"I do know he has visited some countries including China and they listen to him."

So he advocated for the thuggish response to the mortgage rebels?

It's so funny watching Communists use the conveniences of capitalism but only so far as it does not threaten The Party and its leadership.

If this mortgage rebellion expands...those red devils could find themselves in a position where they either have to capitulate to peasant demands or slaughter millions of them...we know Mao and his early heirs favored the latter...Xi has in the past with Uyghurs and rebellious covid-captives in Shanghai et al...

No he did not do that. I am always on guard for closet pinkos to say something that reveals them as leftists.
He has not said anything like that. He is quite the scholar and spent most of his professional life advising large corporations and banks. It would be wrong to view him as a flaky leftist.

I read a few books by him. It is a complicated subject and I do not understand international finance stuff.
In short, with the current tax code and laws financial interests will own almost everything. This could be changed but that is unlikely as finance controls the US govt. Finance says this is just capitalism. He says it is finance capitalism not industrial capitalism.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 01, 2022, 11:37:54 AM
"I do know he has visited some countries including China and they listen to him."

So he advocated for the thuggish response to the mortgage rebels?

It's so funny watching Communists use the conveniences of capitalism but only so far as it does not threaten The Party and its leadership.

If this mortgage rebellion expands...those red devils could find themselves in a position where they either have to capitulate to peasant demands or slaughter millions of them...we know Mao and his early heirs favored the latter...Xi has in the past with Uyghurs and rebellious covid-captives in Shanghai et al...

No he did not do that. I am always on guard for closet pinkos to say something that reveals them as leftists.
He has not said anything like that. He is quite the scholar and spent most of his professional life advising large corporations and banks. It would be wrong to view him as a flaky leftist.

I read a few books by him. It is a complicated subject and I do not understand international finance stuff.
In short, with the current tax code and laws financial interests will own almost everything. This could be changed but that is unlikely as finance controls the US govt. Finance says this is just capitalism. He says it is finance capitalism not industrial capitalism.

Yeah, I know what he is saying...and despite what he may not want to admit...there is the implication in what he is saying..."finance capitalism" for the elite vs the people compared to the "industrial capitalist" for the people vs the elite...has a (not liking the word) "democracy" versus socialist implication that is not even correct because the elite in socialist (especially) communist nations fleece the people quite well...and in the communist/fascist totalitarian states have the added benefit of employing physical violence to ensure the orders of the elite are obeyed.  It's a mixing of terms that is at best oxymoronic and at worst disingenuous and deceptive...I reckon if someone tried to pin him down on it he would rationalize out of it...

Easy test...trying to convince me the Communist Chinese have better government and business models will not matter how effective they may be vs the competition that is largely assisting them by killing themselves...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 03, 2022, 07:44:54 AM

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 08, 2022, 11:49:48 AM
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 08, 2022, 12:05:15 PM
A new variant of the original contagion of [ur=]]the Chi-Com mortgage rebellion[/url]...this time in the UK... (

The spread of rebellion to statist insanity wherever it is IMO is not a bad thing...especially since they all really got it coming!

This should help jump-start rage here...

The latest in porkulus mainly benefiting the well-heeled vs everybody else...


*Wealthy (The get the rich campaign was a hoax)
*Private equity fund managers (Loophole protection assured)
*Manchin & Sinema (un-green pork)
*IRS (Add'l $80B and 87k more agents to go after the 99%)
*Green (Marxists)
*Medicare (Obamacare premium hikes punted out 3 years)

*Everybody not in the above (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 13, 2022, 01:05:48 PM
Getting closer to the SHTF moment... (

Of course they cornered...they had to corner themselves...the BigGov DemoCommies and Cucks spent us into Hell, and the Fed gets to hold the bag as it all goes to sh*t!

Goodbye currency, goodbye personal wealth held in (dis)trust outside your direct physical control...

Don't have Au/Ag or other barterables on hand?  You're a goner...

Literally, the elite will have no use for you... ( are expected to perish quietly...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 15, 2022, 08:40:29 AM
Netflix, TikTok...PayPal(istine)... (

...if they're trying to make me care about the DemoCommie/Cuck economic sh!tshow's destruction of jobs...listing leftist orgs probably going to generate only a derisive snort...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 09, 2022, 08:59:35 AM (

It means business as usual...from the corner in which they put themselves in long long ago...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 13, 2022, 08:35:57 AM
27th straight month of the corrupt government unable to game & hide rising inflation... (

...nothing (new) to see here. move along, slave!

JoeFlation sweeping the nation...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 15, 2022, 08:59:47 AM (

I like Peter, blessed with a healthy dose of common sense.  But the Fed may have officially sold it's soul in 2008...but the seeds go back to 1913 and everything that followed leading up to the installation of the Halfrican bi-sexual closet Muslim Marxist POS.


The corner they put themselves into will be their and our demise.  The cannot stop easy money, they cannot raise rates sufficiently enough to offset increasing inflation and they cannot to both at the same time...and they cannot monetize the entire national debt that is about to eclipse $31 trillion ( without rendering the dollar worthless.  They would need to confiscate the entire wealth of every citizen in the nation and every corporation to wipe that out.  This is what totally screwed looks like.

( (

Production seems to be fading at a time when the (temporarily financially beneficial for wholesaler's) inventories finish their purge and when shipping has virtually stopped...the coming shortages ensure all other things being equal inflation is far from over, but all other things are not equal...and with the worlds war machines gearing up...the coming several months look pretty awful. (

10 years looks wildly optimistic.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 16, 2022, 09:29:23 AM
“I think so. But you know, these numbers, they don’t portend very well,” Subramaniam said in response to Cramer’s question about whether the economy is “going into a worldwide recession.” (

"Facts are stubborn things" - John Adams

And most importantly, remember -


It is being systematically being murdered by totalitarian scum!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 22, 2022, 08:37:38 AM
Another 75bps not going to be long as politicians are allowed to spend like crackheads and as long as rogue administrations squander trillions its all just piss in a hurricane...

Big stupid clown-ass world...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 26, 2022, 10:02:13 AM

Just more proof corrupt third-world electoral shennanigans have consequences...this just might be one of the more common variety...the lethality of totalitarianism running amok renders it so...

Still, an educational chart regardless...

Also, bonds are puking...

Pretty much everything looks one version of vile or another...over time energy & utilities look better...but too much volatility to find any safe havens...

Though Au & Ag are coming down, so there is those buying opportunities for something that will never not be valuable...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 28, 2022, 11:19:34 AM (

I'll take option F...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 29, 2022, 09:38:38 AM
Ian fallout, insurance/repairs...logistics...quite a while...

Just remember...


Just say no to debt.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 30, 2022, 11:47:07 AM (

Usually a pretty good indicator. (

Foreign holders IMO more than anything have any nations fate in their hands...usually the globalist script is to hang together no matter what...but things are starting to strain typical dance partners, nothing is a given any more, though I expect in the short-term to mutually-assured-destruction pact will hold a bit...a bunch of hungry freezing people in areas not typically prone to hardship could start snapping everything in Dornbusch's latter quote  style...

In economics, things take longer to happen than you think they will, and then they happen faster than you thought they could. – Rudiger Dornbusch

And...there is always the sully underbrush of high finance and its corrosive impacts that skew things and make any normalcy near's one good example when folks fought back against the evil... (

Bad people make the world far more dangerous and destructive than it should be...

Well, The Great Reckoning will sort out everything...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 04, 2022, 12:20:02 PM (


Stinking Marxists always like using inflation to put the yoke of collectivist slavery on the masses...but when it goes too far and threatens to upset the herd (and collectivist leadership) they always pull out the price-control card!  control price, reduce supply, people have to get used to less...and some jobs will be lost, but not all...but the slave-labor pool of the future keeps growing...


Well, till the impact of the real supply chain issues out there come home to roost, at the same time as the impacts of less energy hit...

The collectivist leaders day of reckoning is probably unavoidable no matter the idiots do...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 05, 2022, 08:26:18 AM
Strangling your domestic energy industry and making yourself the bitch of NATO at a time when your post-plandemic despotism already crippled economic life and you decide to start global conflict and sanction yourself into more economic suicide while the treasury printing presses hum endlessly and now the worlds less idiotic baron's and turning the vise on your balls shoot prices higher... ( (

Great plan...

If your plan is not only to kill your nation, but several nations...and perhaps the entire planet...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 06, 2022, 12:17:30 PM (

Caution - before plowing your life saving into it...just know that Cramer is also insane enough to throw the kitchen sink as a recommendation now...with the aim of torpedoing the fund designed to profit from his errors...

Could be just another vehicle TPTB's use to fleece an increasingly skittish and battered sheeple...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 07, 2022, 09:09:36 AM
Got shipping issues down South... (

...holding up shipments from up North.

 US Army Corps of Engineers, eh...they make things better or worse?   ::whatgives::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 07, 2022, 09:12:26 AM
As for this... (

...strap in...this is going to hurt...

...just remember all the "who's" behind it...for sporting purposes, naturally...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 12, 2022, 09:49:22 AM
“When the central bank steps on the brakes, something goes through the windshield. The cost of financing has gone up and it will create tension in the system." (

LOL, nice description!

Credit spreads and fiat hedging...oh yeah and wait for winter to bite harder...the Euro's will be in center ring first...

As for chips... (

...who is going to make them, and where?

South Korea, Japan...Taiwan?  Still too close to China for comfort?

States?  Labor too expensive for Corporatists.


Anyway...those are not chips you can eat... (

Pork, soybeans, OJ (Florida!) and lumber been running up lately...futures market seems to stay on that tack...

Some offsetting with less demand...people shifting what they consume...but all trends point to continued high prices...and distributions woes just around the corner with other cans kicked down the road...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 12, 2022, 12:15:56 PM

“If unemployment goes up, that’s unfortunate. If it goes up a lot, that’s really very difficult,” Evans said. “But price stability makes the future better.” (

Translation from totalitarian BS to common American English - “If unemployment goes up, that’s what we're trying to do. If it goes up a lot, that’s really very good,” Evans said. “But price stability makes the future for the elites better.”

Casino stawks, baby!!!  Gotta re-open the fleecing window!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 13, 2022, 08:59:28 AM
Ben Bernanke Winning The Nobel Prize In Economics Is A Sick Joke (

Sick joke?  Welcome to latter day psycho-run planet Earth....

It's merely on par with leftist politicized everything...

It's no more a sick joke than The Kenyan getting a Nobel Peace Prize merely for being half-black and Manchurian'd into leadership of Amerika...

It's no more a sick joke than changing the race, sex or sexual orientation of historical figures or cartoon figures in movies et al...

Everything about latter day Earth is a total sick joke...

And while the media pretends the fraudulent jello-headed puppet is fully dressed and the economy has never been better and after they (not so mysteriously) survive a mid-term slaughter it is poised for an epic rebound crash the likes of which the world has never seen! (

They gonna say "transitory" again?  Their crippling of domestic energy production, transportation...lives, "winning"? (

Rate hikes and spinning presses...oh yeah...the future looks...Hellish...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 13, 2022, 11:46:12 AM ( (

Naturally...if it is insane and destructive...national DemoCommies have to run with it...

 ::doublebird::  them all!!!

Time to cut the tumors out...


As for this - (

A risk to them is an opportunity for us to get necessities still i stock while we can...because on the other side of election day the clownworld sh*tshow could go into hyperdrive...and inventories will be zilch...with little prospects of coming back anytime soon...

More takes on inflation - (

Naturally, the nucking futs markets (aka Casino's) are all up...and gold is down...   :o

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 14, 2022, 10:56:52 AM




And the fugly has just begun... (

Uhh huh...well, the official chatter in the casino's is...the drop today is solely poor bank earnings...maybe that inflation stuff...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 20, 2022, 08:24:57 AM
This could tip things over...

25 days of diesel left... (

So, somewhere near the start of the 3rd week of November, when the Mid-Term's may still be tallying fraudulent ballots (barring a false flag or WWIII beating it to the punch)...the transportation of goods ends, infrastructure projects and repairs rots...people starve...society collapses...

The bitter harvest of overregulation and enmity towards all domestic energy production...choosing to be a hostage of a hostile OPEC cartel...and a unnecessary war in Ukraine and backfiring sanctions that slit your own economic throat...has given its predictable misery...and it could all have been avoided if 2020 wasn't stolen...

Remember your oppressors...

ETA - Advance the false-flag warning to red... (

...better see matching data for these flights to overseas destination...otherwise it seems to indicate foreknowledge of some coming badness, and how can that foreknowledge exists without somebody knowing and issuing orders?  That and the flights in question are not overseas capable platforms, so...

I think everybody ought to plan accordingly for all its possible forms...

I don't think the totalitarians want to have their allies thrown out on their asses...looks like Order 66 and cancelled elections...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on October 20, 2022, 08:58:39 PM
They cancel the elections and they're gonna have totes more trouble on their hands than no diesel.   foottapping
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 21, 2022, 08:27:16 AM
I hear chatter about the illegitimate government making a move to arrest Trump...I have no doubt they ache to do it, given every low-life corrupt thing they've done to date its not a big leap to see them go full-Stalin...but I do not see this limp-dick document nothingburger issue being a very good vehicle given other living ex-POTUS behavior on that score that in some cases is far more "interesting"...which brings back the "plant" concerns around that unprecedented illegal raid at Mar A absent some larger false-flag scheme this arrest stuff seems a reach...but in these lawless times one cannot put anything past these lunatics...they obviously do not care if they start a nuclear exchange with Russia...seems obvious in everything they do they have zero interest in citizens...but, there are many ways they can trigger a civil war...and they are fully insane enough to trip several...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 21, 2022, 11:45:20 AM


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 21, 2022, 11:47:17 AM
They cancel the elections and they're gonna have totes more trouble on their hands than no diesel.   foottapping

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on October 22, 2022, 02:58:40 PM

I do not understand all this stuff.
U.S. supply chain looking mighty shaky right about now

[much more at link]

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 24, 2022, 08:21:57 AM
It got hammered, on purpose during the plandemic got hammered by Chi-Com's flipping from exporting abroad to replenishing got further hammered by intentional mismangement and prior idiocy of giving foreigners (cough, China) administrative control over port operations, shipping has cratered and in such times when your domestic oppressors decide to utterly trash every sector of the economy it slams the brakes on discretionary consumables...and when inventory of staples depletes then the real horror begins...

It means the last chances to be a have vs have not is playing out...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 24, 2022, 11:48:03 AM (

Not everybody is at eleven...

Taiwan, you're on the clock!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 26, 2022, 11:58:27 AM
Well, red alert in SE USA now... (

Scrambling to other terminals cause they're empty?  Yeah, this is getting fugly...

In other news...Boeing's 737-MAX problems not over...I see some earnings revisions coming... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 27, 2022, 08:31:08 AM
Logstics nightmare hasn't taken full effect yet...most of the smaller players likely will collapse... (

More UniParty chickens to come home to roost...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 28, 2022, 09:50:39 AM (

Agreed, we went off the constitutional rail in just takes a while for a full derailment to occur...

And sane states/counties et al should be putting plans into place because when it hits the fan it'll be too late...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on October 29, 2022, 10:52:26 AM (

Agreed, we went off the constitutional rail in just takes a while for a full derailment to occur...

And sane states/counties et al should be putting plans into place because when it hits the fan it'll be too late...

I recall some quote that no country survived more than 100 years after the establishment of a central bank. Is that true?

Also, a short summary by Michael Hudson (
Michael Hudson: China's Monetary System Challenges US Dollar Imperialism
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 31, 2022, 09:43:27 AM
Everybody has a central bank...

Can call it what you will...central, imperial,'s what they do, what governments allow them to do that creates dangers to liberty and true prosperity for all without picking winners and losers...

Everybody has government banks, everybody has government fiat, everybody has corruption in government and businesses and markets...


It's a game of musical chairs where people who think they are winners because they still have a chair...even while chairs start to disappear and believe their chair will not disappear...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 02, 2022, 12:08:35 PM
East coast down to 20 days of diesel... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 03, 2022, 09:05:50 AM
3/4, that'll tame the beast!


Well, the debt/derivative behemoth slouches forward... (

All is well...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 04, 2022, 11:46:15 AM
More politically-driven BS by the DemoCommies infesting the BLS... (

...wait for the post-MidTerm "adjustments"....

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 07, 2022, 08:32:07 AM
Interesting reads here... (

Cannot move to Govt-only crypto without first banning private...and a window to surrender private will take time, and enforcement...

As for this... (

...kinda doesn't matter...systemically, they created too many Frankenstein's....even if the Fed did the right thing and tamed inflation and Treasury stopped the presses...there is Congress and the UniParty uncontrollable impulse to make things worse and color them falsely as better with more handouts...and possibly mandated un-QE-ending orders...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on November 07, 2022, 10:09:13 AM
More politically-driven BS by the DemoCommies infesting the BLS... (

...wait for the post-MidTerm "adjustments"....


So the govt queries businesses for one set of jobs numbers and households for the other set and they differ greatly?




As an aside, it appears this is not the first time the "apolitical" Bureau of Labor Statistics has pulled such a bizarre divergence off: it happened right before Obama's reelection:

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 10, 2022, 12:16:54 PM (


People know necessities are crushing them...

But all is well, not like the same people are still...uhh, calling the shots...umm....err...






Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 14, 2022, 08:25:55 AM (

I believe we settled this here long ago...

They/Them...are not true Keynesians, the are true Keynesian economics...things such as pump-priming and deficit spending were supposed to be temporary/emergency measures...not endless buttons to push.

Lacalle should know the difference.

Also, once LBJ created the grotesque modern welfare state and politicians became terminally addicted to ever-increasing spending the end was written...and the Neo-Keynesians chose to placate political/globalist interests of the elite over sanity and national interests of its people...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 16, 2022, 08:08:33 AM
Go woke, go broke...

And the hilarious part is they have such severe cranial rectal inversion they think the losing billions and looming layoffs are driven by "macroeconomic" factors and not their toxic woke crap, led by their sick groomer crap! (


Die, DemonMouse, die!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 22, 2022, 11:06:42 AM
As I said months ago when this data started to appear...the absolute wrong thing to do...


Idiots!  This is going to hurt...real bad!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 25, 2022, 11:41:46 AM

Pagan cult, everything with them...the scamdemic, climate hoax...all of it...demonic cults!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 27, 2022, 11:43:58 AM

New York City?  San Franfeces?  Chitcago? 


How much is attributable to horsesh!t DemoCommie economy and how much is attributable to DemoCommie capitulation to criminals causing fear among would-be holiday shoppers?

Either way...100% DemoCommie attributable!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: paulh on November 27, 2022, 12:19:39 PM
I went to Walmart Friday about 9AM to get jelly and never saw the place so empty?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 27, 2022, 09:07:16 PM
The Grinch Effect

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 28, 2022, 08:40:28 AM (

Interesting...genesis goes back to 2018, who was around in...doesn't matter...

Something smells funny...if I had to guess I'd say this is something that gets offered back as a concession on something bigger that humps as harder...that is the DemoComie way anyway...we get humped...UniParty shot-callers get richer...

I mean this "the company’s ties to the Chinese Communist Party" line clinched it for me...what isn't controlled by the CCP and who are these idiots not aware of it?

My BS-detector is blaring...

File this one for follow up!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 02, 2022, 11:40:39 AM (



Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on December 02, 2022, 12:56:32 PM
And where did they get the money to splurge again, you ditz?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 02, 2022, 04:43:32 PM
The ditz must be tone-deaf to the whirling of the presses...and well as nose-blind to the pork spewing out of the Pelosi-Schumer Congress's!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 06, 2022, 12:15:27 PM
The half-assed efforts to tame inflation that includes still-humming presses seems to be, well...


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 14, 2022, 08:49:51 AM (

So, the red lines up with troubled years?

B-b-but we're told "all is well"?

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 15, 2022, 08:49:22 AM (

Cut through the noise...

They reserve the right to do whatever they want...and when the time comes to crash things so that the CBDC can enslave the population...

First they have to hard-tip their hand by banning all private DC...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 16, 2022, 09:11:09 AM
$4T quad-witching hour is upon us... (

Casino's look like they climbed some short stairs and leapt into the caldera... (

So very much chatter about the "R" word!

I wonder if the folks (whoever is left) at WaPo are still saying all is well and the JoeBama economy has never been stronger?

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 23, 2022, 11:13:41 AM (

Wait till the impact of Crimenibus hits...


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 27, 2022, 11:20:50 AM
The following are 15 facts that prove that a massive economic meltdown is already happening right now…

#1 Existing home sales have now fallen for 10 consecutive months.

#2 Existing home sales are down 35.4 percent over the last 12 months.  That is the largest year over year decline in existing home sales since the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

#3 Homebuilder sentiment has now dropped for 12 consecutive months.

#4 Home construction costs have risen more than 30 percent since the beginning of 2022.

#5 The number of single-family housing unit permits has fallen for nine months in a row.

#6 The Empire State Manufacturing Index has plunged “to a reading of negative 11.2 in December”.  That figure was way, way below expectations.

#7 In November, we witnessed the largest decline in retail sales that we have seen all year long.

#8 Even the biggest names on Wall Street are starting to let workers go.  In fact, it is being reported that Goldman Sachs will soon lay off approximately 4,000 employees.

#9 The Federal Reserve is admitting that the number of actual jobs in the United States has been overstated by over a million.

#10 U.S. job cuts were 417 percent higher in November than they were during the same month a year ago.

#11 A recent Wall Street Journal survey found that approximately two-thirds of all Americans expect the economy to get even worse next year.

#12 A newly released Bloomberg survey has discovered that 70 percent of U.S. economists believe that a recession is coming in 2023.

#13 Inflation continues to spiral wildly out of control.  At this point, a head of lettuce now costs 11 dollars at one grocery store in California.

#14 Overall, vegetable prices in the United States are more than 80 percent higher than they were at this same time last year.

#15 Thanks to the rapidly rising cost of living, 63 percent of the U.S. population is now living paycheck to paycheck. (

Read the stuff after that (Crimenibus) only if you want your calm severely damaged...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 26, 2023, 12:58:53 PM
Stupid?  Insane?


But... ( you in any way think anything stupid and/or insane is outside their SOP's?

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 26, 2023, 01:01:56 PM
Take woke Boeing, add in woke NASA...create a woke POS... (

...see commercial airline business crash.

PS-Who's going to fly these?  Once all the serially-vaxed pilots have been culled?   Who's going to ride them, for the same reason?  ::whatgives::

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 30, 2023, 09:24:09 AM (

I suspect such an action (that should have happened about 30 years ago to matter a damn) would belly-flop...many, like myself who probably won't see 75 given all the ways the totalitarians are trying to murder us with right now from starvation, the culling and war...will opt to retire immediately and enjoy our favorite beverage as the world is murdered...


You expect me to work and pay taxes for such a sh*tshow?

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on January 30, 2023, 09:45:46 AM
My neighbor keeps cheering on my husband going to work to keep paying for his SS.  He said it one too many times and I told him to F OFF, my husband is paying for MY SS, not his.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 30, 2023, 10:19:41 AM
Heh.  Some people just cannot MTOB!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 07, 2023, 09:53:42 AM
Something to consider... (

...should we stave off nuclear annihilation, totalitarian eco-schemes, civil collapse...blah blah blah...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 11, 2023, 10:53:10 AM


The various numbers across the board, we've posted them...this is just stocks and bonds...FJB is worse than the Great Depression...

And people just whistle past the graveyard...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 14, 2023, 12:21:36 PM (

Cooked numbers ugly...revisions will be coming as usual and revised worse...and the reality will be typically much more worse than advertised...

The intentional destruction of America from within continues...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 20, 2023, 08:13:27 AM
The blurt out the truth...

...because they know people don't listen or don't want to...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 14, 2023, 09:41:10 AM (

All ordained by your masters...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 22, 2023, 09:07:36 AM
I love this!

Right after The Kenyan's jello-headed butt-puppet veto's the anti-ESG bill...the smart money says, nope too much risk with that stupid-ass BS! (

Besides, the PTB's sucked all they could from idiot sheeple buying into this bogus scam...the first sheeple desperate to tout the nobility of this investment philosophy plow more into it...only to be sheared yet again...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 06, 2023, 11:27:28 AM
FJB Economy hasn't even plunged all depths yet...

Corruption has real painful violent consequences...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 12, 2023, 08:28:58 AM (

Given the proclivities of the Masters of the Universe and free-spending UniParty politicians there is plenty reason to expect the "improvement" is merely a pause before returning to batshyt-crazy...

This dovetails nicely too...

Trust your senses! (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 20, 2023, 09:19:08 AM
Nuke this retarded BS... ( boycotting FHA!

 ::doublebird::  FHA & FJB!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on April 20, 2023, 09:22:16 PM
Up is down, pretty is ugly, evil is good.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 21, 2023, 08:25:45 AM

I aim to misbehave...

Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.   ::thumbsup::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 24, 2023, 03:28:42 PM
The bitter fruits of radical socialist un-American energy, business, fiscal and monetary policies just keep mounting... (

It's not just clownworld, it is evil and lethally destructive clownworld!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 27, 2023, 10:58:17 AM
All those dues extorted from workers and into the coffers of liars is really paying big returns!

But, they keep accepting it and ask for more...

They are abuse-addicted battered-unionists...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 02, 2023, 08:31:38 AM (

"fundamental misunderstanding"?

No, we fully understand and do NOT agree!

As always everyone in the demoscat party has a fundamental misunderstanding of American Founding Principles and is a warped demonically-possessed POS!

 ::doublebird::  FHA  ::doublebird:: demoscats & FJB!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on May 02, 2023, 12:13:23 PM
The bitter fruits of radical socialist un-American energy, business, fiscal and monetary policies just keep mounting... (

It's not just clownworld, it is evil and lethally destructive clownworld!

WOW. Someone close to  me works for a Lexus dealership.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on May 02, 2023, 12:18:06 PM
All those dues extorted from workers and into the coffers of liars is really paying big returns!

But, they keep accepting it and ask for more...

They are abuse-addicted battered-unionists...


From the link.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 04, 2023, 08:16:36 AM
What?  That 25bps bump in Fed Funds wasn't the panacea for inflation or banking confidence?

But Jamie Dimon promised all is well?!

/ ( ( (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 04, 2023, 11:57:44 AM
Now they're messin' with my $!   ::outrage::  Might be matress-stuffing time now...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 05, 2023, 08:56:14 AM
( (

Things get worse...then suddenly go nightmare...

You will know who to thank...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 10, 2023, 10:05:22 AM (

Yeah, nobody shorts like big fish...

IIRC airline stocks were shorted just before 9/11...the "commission" deemed it profiteer doing 95% of the shorting had zero ties to terrorists or terrorist orgs, so they said without identifying who...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 11, 2023, 09:01:40 AM
Things getting squirrely at PacWest again... (

...I deem it luck more than anything else (certainly anything the Masters of Disasters do!) that prevents the contagion from spreading...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 18, 2023, 08:49:39 AM
The idiotic woke companies struggling are the only ones fully deserving of the destruction wrought by The Kenyan's puppets...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on June 05, 2023, 08:40:01 AM
I remember posting on this back when it first came out, not sure where...but worth a revisit...

...seems collapse of the Western economies will be the start of the new dark ages...

...and before the rest of the world cheers, well screw them...our people followed demons into the abyss...the rest of the world can enjoy what they wished for without any care so the favor is returned...

I bet they won't end up liking their new world very much...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 06, 2023, 01:34:21 PM (

This FJB economy is banging (people into destitution)...

It's no surprise really...just the rectal end of the GIGO principle...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 20, 2023, 02:45:59 PM (

Get ready to short-sell, Mortimer!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on July 20, 2023, 05:00:31 PM
Phoenix is also throttling the construction of housing due to water shortages combined with too much growth.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 24, 2023, 08:59:16 AM
All this strike-happy stuff is going to help muck things up too...Yellow likely DOA, UPS looms, one airline so for poised to face a strike...St notes still paying better than LT ones...Fed still plowing ahead with digital in a runup to final power grab ( weaponized IRS targets taxpayers in 4 storm victim states with threats ( threatens gas-powered everything ( will start a panic...idiots continue to earn more that actual productive people ( and going after everything energy-related is stupid and likely to cause economic chaos and piss people off ( in wars and pending looks like a target-rich environment for doom...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 24, 2023, 10:28:04 AM
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 25, 2023, 12:41:16 PM
Leave it to the globalist totalitarians in the IMF to perfectly define "financial repression"!

When I first heard the term “financial repression,” I thought it had to be a joke. Why would governments and central banks use a term with such a negative connotation? Even people who are financially illiterate will still understand that financial repression is a bad thing. Nonetheless, financial repression is real and will destroy the bond market.

Simply put, financial repression is strategy governments use to reduce their debt burden by manipulating interest rates below inflation. It allows them to borrow in dollars and repay in dimes.

Here’s how the IMF describes it:

“High public debt often produces the drama of default and restructuring. But debt is also reduced through financial repression, a tax on bondholders and savers via negative or below-market real interest rates. After WWII, capital controls and regulatory restrictions created a captive audience for government debt, limiting tax-base erosion. Financial repression is most successful in liquidating debt when accompanied by inflation.”

For example, if inflation is 9% and governments fix interest rates at 4%, there is an ongoing wealth transfer of 5% from the lender to the borrower that compounds over time.

I think financial repression is how the US government will try to manage its otherwise impossible debt situation by siphoning off the wealth stored in Treasuries.

The idea is to stealthily confiscate wealth from bondholders without causing too much alarm. However, there is a good chance that bondholders will figure out this insidious scam and dump their bonds, pushing interest rates higher.

Since the Fed cannot allow rates to rise much further without sparking the bankruptcy of the US government, they’d be forced to print more dollars to try to counteract the rising rates. However, that would cause inflation to increase and bondholders to seek an even higher interest rate to compensate for the inflation, creating a self-perpetuating doom loop.

That could invite a disastrous financial collapse or even hyperinflation. I expect the US government understands this and will implement measures to block the exits (capital controls) and corral more people into Treasuries through various mandates and regulations as they impose financial repression.

Many countries have forced private retirement funds into unwanted government debt. I have no doubt the US government would do the same under pressure.

They could try to sell it to the scared and ignorant public as a safety measure, to help people protect their retirement savings by putting them into “safe” Treasuries amid a stock market collapse. They could try to sell it with patriotic lies and then push War Bonds, as they’ve done in the past. They could mandate that some amount, say 25% of new contributions to private retirement accounts, must consist of Treasuries—for your own good, of course. They could forcibly convert existing assets held in retirement accounts into government bonds.

No matter the method, the result is the same. These schemes corral more wealth into Treasuries, where financial repression can easily take it. At the same time, I’d expect the mainstream media to ramp up its propaganda and gaslighting on inflation.

They’ll blame supply chain problems, Vladimir Putin, and greedy corporations… anything but the Fed’s currency debasement as the source of inflation.

Further, we can expect the government to change how it calculates inflation—to show fewer price increases—and raise its official inflation target from 2% to 3% or higher.

In Argentina, the government made publishing inflation statistics that differ from the official government numbers illegal. I wouldn’t be surprised if the US government did something similar.

At a minimum, discussing inflation statistics other than the official, crooked CPI might be deemed disinformation and cause you or your business to be de-platformed.

In short, expect a whole slew of shenanigans to rope people into Treasuries and lie to them about inflation to maximize the wealth they can steal with financial repression.

Here’s the bottom line. I think currency debasement is the inevitable outcome of the US government’s impossible debt situation.

The only question is whether the currency debasement will occur in a relatively controlled fashion (financial repression) or it will spiral out of control (potentially hyperinflation). Either outcome is catastrophic for bondholders.

Only sane response is to exit the trap.  Hello bartertown.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on July 31, 2023, 10:59:49 AM
Poof! (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 02, 2023, 10:04:42 AM (

Corrupt government has consequences...

Lucky it was just to AA...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 02, 2023, 02:43:00 PM
Corrupt compromised illegitimate FJB spews venomous lies yet again...

( (

Scum is always devoid of shame...why would Evil be ashamed of being Evil?

Speaking of scum...

In any event, it is very unlikely that red states will allow BlackRock to use its so-called Voting Choice ruse as a shortcut around its fiduciary obligations. (

BlackRock dumbocracy will not shield shareholder lawsuits.  Enjoy the pummeling!   ::effu::

And, ALWAYS defy unconstitutional despotic bans of despots! (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on August 02, 2023, 09:08:35 PM
If you have a gas stove, buy components and parts now.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 07, 2023, 09:44:20 AM
Obama-Biden economic theory loves destructions... (

...pretty sure they are all cackling with glee and releasing more missives for the MFM lapdogs to run with blaming Trump...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 07, 2023, 01:16:00 PM
The casino exuberance and hopefullness for the future seems too rosey by some and not so bad by some...

Too many troubling signs bode ill for the future...I do not see easy ways out for most if not all of them...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 09, 2023, 12:16:41 PM (

Bad, with worse being if those 6 under review get lowered...

The Kenyan's economy via his FJB proxy is doing the damage it is intended to do...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on August 09, 2023, 03:22:26 PM

Anna from Poland had Michael Hudson on for a fast paced Q and A.
When I heard of Michael Hudson I heard the word "Marx."
My thought process was Marx = Marxism - Communism = hundreds of millions dead. Plus Marx was a flake.

Hudson never says the flaky parts of Marx. When he does mention suggested changes he mentions ways to change the tax system so capital gains are not able to escape taxes in the US.
Not all of Marx analysis was wrong. Hudson often mentions Vol 3 of Kapital, which is seldom read.
Through the eyes of

35 min. He describes his book Super Imperialism written  in 1972, after the US went off gold. Most of his books sold in DC went to the CIA and the DOD. Herman Khan offered him a 4x raise to work for his institute to teach the WH and DOD how this worked. Elsewhere he said that he meant the book as a warning but they used it as a "how to manual."
This is over my head.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 11, 2023, 09:11:08 AM
Of course there is still inflation sticking to the walls of the pipeline... ( do you think this Lightbringer economy was going to do...improve under all the intentional destruction being wrought upon it?

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 14, 2023, 09:32:08 AM
Hard to argue with... (

...and the BRICS are set to knock down the world reserve status of the dollar a bit...dollar won't go anywhere soon...but the impacts will conspire with others over the longer term and hasten the unsustainable day of reckoning...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 15, 2023, 08:42:32 AM (

Yeah, confirms everything I've been seeing...

The planned destruction will continue until all serfs know their place...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 16, 2023, 09:33:31 AM

Dang if that doesn't apply to everything being thrown at us!!!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 21, 2023, 11:37:23 AM
Yeah... (

The have to raise to stave off worse pain later...but the problem is the contracting economy is not bringing down inflation enough or at all...those other pressures and problems remain...expanding debt...idiotic energy policy...idiotic taxation policy...idiotic, well fill in the blank...

Traditionally a point is reached where the pols/cronies demand a replenishment of liquidity...and the can gets kicked...building up the tsunami and the poor citizen lucky to be able to afford the basics and have a job before all is washed away...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on August 21, 2023, 02:20:33 PM
$2 trillion deficits with no end in sight.  No interest rate increase will offset that.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 21, 2023, 03:19:12 PM
No tax increase either...

And sure as sh!t no ESG scores!!!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 23, 2023, 08:40:39 AM (

Another miss...but I think the consensus was a bit full of hopium so self-inflicted delusion driven, so typical...

As for inflation...despite what the corrupt lying FJB puppet regime tells you, what the lying DeepState lapdog media tells the people living under this oppression know exactly what your purchasing power is...


...and the Fed question is when not if they abandon fighting inflation and go back to the stupid hot-press crap again...

...and while opting out might be the only sane action... (

...not everybody is positioned to make that kind of pivot...when things really pop there will be many suffering adverse effects...

...and, well, we still have not seen the BRICS de-dollarization "market" (basically equal in world GDP to the West's G7) impacts yet...but it seems obvious that inflation and continued fiat debasement is inevitable...

...which is why I think the statist push for CBDC is going to go into hyperdrive.

ETA - Not surprising that the biggest hits in terms of cost of living is hitting the DemoNazi hives... (

...proof that stupid is permanent and terminal...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 23, 2023, 05:02:31 PM
Seems a Rubicon is being crossed... (

...hard not to see a rush to SkyNet, Replicants/androids/droids/Gort/Ultron, The Matrix, Ex Machina, Supreme Intelligence and other thinking machines necessitating a Butlerian Jihad coming about with so much money and enthusiasm flooding into it!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on August 23, 2023, 08:13:20 PM

The Vidia CEO seems like a solid guy. Looks cool in his leather jacket. They almost went out of business a few times. Graphics processors do a  lot a matrix math. So do the machine learning algorithms. So they developed some "CUDA" interfaces to their boards that do not even use the graphics. Now it is huge. I read all the computer time on this big stuff is booked out months in advance.

I recall that Musk help start OpenAI to be open but then they went private but there is some open source outfit closing in on them. I may find the video of him showing off some hardware.

I found some 8 year old interview of Alina Gingertail on a Russian TV station and wanted AI to generate English subtitles. Without knowing anything I did it just uploading a video file. It was mostly the TV guy talking too much and trying to understand what St. Patrick's Day was and why she was introducing it to their city on the Amur river. Turns out it is her birthday. Some Orthodox did not like the foreign holiday. As if Russians need another excuse to drink.

So there are videos of the drunk Russians playing Irish music.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 30, 2023, 01:00:59 PM
Do not trust anybody and their AI...

See this? (

...another recession is likely as we get into 2024...but get used to more headlines like this, it could be creeping closer...

As for this... (

...I had a hand in May data.  Those who cannot pocket their equity will be seeing it harder to hold on to...

On a positive note...the globalist greeniac crap seems to be imploding... (

...let loose the dogs of panic!

And this is just straight up funny! (

Get used to frustration.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on August 31, 2023, 08:22:34 AM (

For FJB zombies inflation is an economic Medusa, they dare not look lest they perish...

I'm all for their perishing...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on August 31, 2023, 11:32:31 AM
On a positive note...the globalist greeniac crap seems to be imploding... (


I had heard that in the UK, contracts said that wind farm providers had to sell electricity for a certain price. Someone said that there was no way they could make that that price and the real price would be much higher. The govt would have to let them go under or pay lots more for electricity. Bait and switch.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 01, 2023, 09:34:36 AM
On a positive note...the globalist greeniac crap seems to be imploding... (


I had heard that in the UK, contracts said that wind farm providers had to sell electricity for a certain price. Someone said that there was no way they could make that that price and the real price would be much higher. The govt would have to let them go under or pay lots more for electricity. Bait and switch.

They are a waste of money, costly to maintain and those offshore ones slaughter marine life... 

Jimmy crack corn and leftist trash don't care...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 01, 2023, 09:37:55 AM
And in typical fashion, bad news...and more bad news requiring a full YTD re-bullsh*tting of the bullsh*t previously reported...and the casino's cheer... (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 06, 2023, 08:44:09 AM
It was never about success, viability or profitability... (

...all that matters is the chaos and destruction done... it The Maui Effect...when they/them want to take something over, what preceded it has to be destroyed first...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on September 11, 2023, 10:50:34 AM

The Two Faces of Economics

Michael Hudson explains the difference between Western neoliberal economics based on prices and debt, and historical economics based on actual production of goods and services.

    Economics is not really a science as it’s taught. It’s a lobbying effort by the finance, insurance, and the real estate sector: the FIRE sector. It’s a lobbying effort by the parts of the economy that don’t produce goods and services, that only collect income without playing any productive role at all. Empty prices – that is price without any underlying value. And that is being promoted as economic growth.
And that’s why in graduate economic courses they no longer teach the history of economic thought. They no longer teach economic history. Because if you had the history of economic thought, you’d know that contrary to what Margaret Thatcher said, there is an alternative, that things don’t have to be this way.

There is a reason why China is growing so rapidly, and the American economy is being squeezed tighter and tighter. And that’s because its basically using its revenue to create new means of production and create a broader environment.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 11, 2023, 11:49:53 AM
What is truly lacking is common sense...

A normal person would not take whatever is being fed them as prima facie truth...perhaps some lacked it from birth, but I contend it was breed and beaten out of people in their youth...

I always read a lot, always was skeptical of others certainties...

I guess now days it is easier to be lazy and regurgitate falsehoods than think for ones self...

Sad...and it condemns others to be infected by the same contagion...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 13, 2023, 10:07:19 AM
I can already smell the panic... (

So much for the soft landing chants...

Fed will have to raise rates, and squeeze this economy even more to suck the inflation oxygen from the fire...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 15, 2023, 08:42:22 AM
A visual representation of FJB Economics...


Should be a fun day in the casino's too...$3.4T triple-witching day, 13k UAW folks decided it is a great time for a strike and crApple is telling employees to say nothing about concerns about the iPhone12's excessive radiation problem...

Good day to be a shorter...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 21, 2023, 08:52:21 AM (

It is nothing new, following the moves of the elite...the "system" is designed to lift as many boats as possible to make the fleecing more profitable...but the chickens are coming home to roost and the shift to hard assets with the best prospect for holding value commences.

Or, do as they do not as they say.

And this is a decent rundown of the food problem - (

More reality surfacing... (

And there is this too -,913.1100.html (,913.1100.html)
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on September 28, 2023, 10:20:44 AM
UAW ranks are filled with idiots...clapping that brain-damaged serial-lying Kenyan puppet's gibberish while his (master's) policies, especially the bogus green crap like EV that is ending their jobs...

Know what?  Maybe they should lose their jobs...maybe management should increase use of robotics and AI...whack even more morons...

What about the inventory of EV's so many don't want?  Who cares?  Then management hits the skids too...  Poetic justice for all.

Turn your back on organic energy, turn your back on what works and what people want...we will turn our backs on all of you!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 06, 2023, 03:50:44 PM
Corrupt fraud FJB crowing about jobs report... (

...but scratch beneath the bogus BLS number shows the darkness of Bidenomics...

*Drop in FT employment
*Increase in PT employment
*Increase in multiple job-holders (

Gonna be fun seeing the next batch of revisions.

Meanwhile, the non-elite keep getting squeezed with perma-inflation, high loan rates, costly commodities also impacted by shortages real and man-made in stuff they need like food and energy...with the next round of inflationary pressures lining up to burst loose...

Yeah, keep crowing crazy old corrupt fraud...


...judgement cometh for ye all.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on October 06, 2023, 08:13:04 PM
Corrupt fraud FJB crowing about jobs report... (

...but scratch beneath the bogus BLS number shows the darkness of Bidenomics...

*Drop in FT employment
*Increase in PT employment
*Increase in multiple job-holders (

Gonna be fun seeing the next batch of revisions.

Meanwhile, the non-elite keep getting squeezed with perma-inflation, high loan rates, costly commodities also impacted by shortages real and man-made in stuff they need like food and energy...with the next round of inflationary pressures lining up to burst loose...

Yeah, keep crowing crazy old corrupt fraud...


...judgement cometh for ye all.

Can you explain the six sigma comment? I understand the concept but what is he referring to?

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Pandora on October 06, 2023, 08:24:25 PM
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 11, 2023, 09:28:11 AM
Bidenomics, Kenyanomics...same nation-ending BS... (

...the nefarious IRA, grotesque federal spending adding to lethal debt bomb and ruinous energy policies are ensuring inflation lives on and a recession much more likely...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 12, 2023, 11:38:42 AM (

The items going down are due to struggling people cutting back (less demand)...while things like shelter keep going up...

Things are not getting better...

And that last jobs report showed struggle too...FT dropping, PT increasing & 2-job people rising...

Now, more out of work... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 13, 2023, 08:39:39 AM
Both sad and infuriating at the same time... (

...and it is a painful life lesson that most people go through and not enough properly assess and pivot out of.

"They did everything they (them!) told them to do"...

Therein lies your chief problem.  Never, ever listen to they/them!  You were groomed by a failed public education system filled to the brim with rotten Marxist/Radical filth that filled your head with nonsense on race, history, religion, politics, sex...everything.  Your parents likely were negligent spoiled brats of the 60's & 70's who were too hands off on your upbringing and of the non-judgemental derrangement school of failed parenting that basically did what it was told in order to destroy the nuclear were never taught about real life, real history, real anything.  Nobody held a gun to your head to incur mountains of debt for a degree in whatever boutique radical dreck that only propped up corrupt negligent politicized institutions and faculty...and now you bemoan your fate all too late.

You should have gone to a trade school and learned a valuable skill capable of generating an income, maybe for some of you it isn't too late...for others doing whatever you can to extricate yourselves must be attempted, giving up is not a valid option...a last resort may be in pooling together to find ways as a group to extricate yourselves.

This is so sad and so infuriating because it was not necessary if just one sane parent, teacher, neighbor, friend...somebody...broke through the bullsh*t.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 16, 2023, 10:11:31 AM (

Consumer cutback was always inevitable...

The PTBs made this mess and will likely not make things better sans huge political and economic changes.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on October 16, 2023, 03:21:22 PM
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 16, 2023, 05:49:12 PM
Janet is always Yellin and Screamin' BS...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 19, 2023, 08:31:09 AM
Fed/Treas sold their soul to limitless spendaholics in the UniParty and get to hold the bag....they willingly let themselves be cornered... (

And a lot of PTB helped fund this trucking software behemoth... ( it alive, dead or just in a coma?

And this is just criminal..., (,

...that will have zero positive impact and can only have negative impacts!

FJB!   ::outrage::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 27, 2023, 09:32:13 AM
Too early for the PPT to act?  Without the stock markets aka "casinos" are the PTBs to reap harvests?

Only thing rising lately is gold and oil...nothing they can do about oil since the Obamian puppet FJB murdered domestic exploration and exploitation and made us hostages of OPEC+/BRICS...but they can monkey-hammer gold, they've done it numerous times before and no doubt will do it again...matter of when not's just that persistent inflationary pressure keeps asserting itself again and whatever hammering goes on is likely to be short-lived, so I expect sporadic attempts and well-timed harvesting in the casinos...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 30, 2023, 09:51:31 AM
Have to see if any of these are undervalued... (

...given the trends business could be picking up...might as well see if any can be exploited...

And given the utter failure if not outright collapse of electric nonsense...these may need to be looked at for bargains as well... (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on October 31, 2023, 11:02:10 AM
Looks like things are trending worse... ( ( (

...and the lag effect may show a recession in Q1 but revised data for December when it comes I bet shows it all started really skidding in that month...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 01, 2023, 02:12:51 PM
Watching Powell's Fed statements and Q&A sessions made me chuckle...he made a nuanced answer to the question on the Treasury yield movement that to those who understood it clearly was a backhanded slap to Yellen's BS trying to distract people from the fact she is pumping liquidity for a spendaholic government while he (the Fed) is leaving Fed rates alone and letting the QE tapering tighten things...

So, where economic, fiscal and monetary policy in a sane sense would see all three working in concert we see fiscal and monetary policy working one direction and economic policy going another...perpetuating the dance of slow death...leading to sudden expiration...

And since Powell and the Fed seem committed to waiting to see more positive persistence in the data and getting to the target 2% inflation level...the risk is on failing on the risk mitigation side of their goal...if they strangle things too hard they will be adding more hurt to the middle class and not alleviating it...another difficult dance step to maintain...

If the spendaholics do not restrain themselves (and when pray tell in history has that ilk ever shown that kind of enlightenment?) then yields will climb, long-term rates pop and we'll be lucky to have a recession vs depression and if the spendaholics fire up the presses inflation could go full-Zimbabwe and it will be a complete meltdown... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 08, 2023, 08:41:49 AM (

Bodes ill for downstream costs to producers and consumers...offset by less income for Panama and less fees for their Chi-Com overlords, er operators...lil' slip o-tongue there..but everyone should know they have deep ties in nearby port operators, certification firms and local infrastructure projects...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 09, 2023, 08:54:47 AM
Sick! (

All those who stood on the way of term limits, balanced budget amendments and super-majorities for debt ceiling increases and tax hikes and instead allowed continuing resolutions and omnibus bills over appropriation bills, grotesque spending and pork, cried over so-called shutdowns and did nothing families do in tough times are condemned to the depths of Hell for allowing this!!!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 14, 2023, 08:43:14 AM (

Uhh huh...let's wait for the revisions...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on November 14, 2023, 12:16:00 PM
Gas is way down and still falling.  Until spring when it will shoot through the roof again.

As low as $2.799 in my neck of the woods.  Nothing else has dropped.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 20, 2023, 04:29:02 PM
Well, with the corrupt puppet FJB making us hostages of the OPEC+ despots...and the latter not increasing is obvious the drop is due to cratering demand due to the horsesh*t FJB economy...

More on the subject of stupidity...

Goolag good, BigOil putre evil! (

Stupidity is what keeps us stuck with corrupt leaders...all part of the death-spin into misery...

On a happier note...nice to see rebellion to 1% assholes anywhere... (

...the narcissists that pollute most Boards being what they are, I expect the rebels will need to live up to their threat...and another outfit goes the way of Project Veritas, Disney...crap like that...

Let them die...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 21, 2023, 08:43:53 AM
The logistics implosion looks a lot scarier when you see all the bankruptcies, closures and layoffs piled up... (

And hammered citizens struggling in this man-made disaster FKB economy are reaching for the last life preserver left to them - their 401K's... (

...and that after exhausting expensive debt options...

...look at all the misery wrought by a corrupt government and the globalists... (

Typically, planned destruction is followed by the recycling of materials for the creation of something different...given the extent of the destruction it is painfully obvious that what may come next is likely to be immensely horrible.  Plan accordingly.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 22, 2023, 09:03:22 AM
These EcoNazi fools are looking to meddle with the private sector to end coal plants... (

...and to Hell with France, in the US this cannot be done legitimately...government force to financial starve and murder clean coal plants?  Screw them, should be massive pushback on this!  Where's Joe Manchin?  I think he found a cause to champion, eh?

And, in a perfect picture of how things are gamed... (

...a slip up in the hiding of the pain.

And this will cause more negative downstream ripples... (

The planned destruction of America by The Kenyan's puppet FJB continues to roil towards its intended chaos and dystopian fix...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 22, 2023, 09:09:57 AM
Heh, the rebellion at OpenAI seems to have succeeded... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 22, 2023, 12:03:27 PM (

How come the Fedheads aren't chirping?   ::pokeineye::
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 27, 2023, 10:49:05 AM (

Probably not very widely shared with the captives...

IMO this can only increase in pace the longer the corrupt stay in power...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on November 30, 2023, 08:51:40 AM (

The squeeze continues...

Naturally, the casinos are going up to start the morning...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 04, 2023, 09:31:20 AM
Negative job impacts never good at any time for people...but at Christmas time is a pretty low blow... (

My niece worked for a Cali based outfit...just gave her the pink slip...   ::outrage::

She's still young and will bounce back, but still, crappy timing...

And for too many more of this will no doubt accelerate - (

The Kenyan's puppet and his FJBeconomics making everything suck, but destruction was and remains their plan!   ::cussing::

And this BS should be easily deflected... (

( what democrats do...skirt the BS!  Don' ask, you can just tell, OK?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on December 04, 2023, 12:27:04 PM

I recall the DOJ went after SpaceX for checking immigration status of Chinese.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 04, 2023, 01:44:18 PM
But allowing a US company to control information is upholding American ideals...

...both Dems and Commies like Satan's ideals...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 11, 2023, 01:17:53 PM

The Kenyan's puppet executes his master's orders without question...


Pauperizing the middle class, ending the American Dream, fomenting suffering and hatred...all part of their plan...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 12, 2023, 08:50:56 AM (

More cold water on the misplaced optimism of some and a clear sign we are nowhere near the level 2% inflation target...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 13, 2023, 09:24:16 AM
Core PPI drops to 2%, but food remains high and energy will not stay down forever, and could spike anytime given several conflicts that could jump-start it... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on December 13, 2023, 10:02:37 AM
I just cashed out and went to all CDs.  I might as well take advantage of the recent runup in stocks.  Market is back to its highest and the inflation just isn't going to go away.  $2 trillion deficits forever as the pigs of America will never let their own personal welfare payments be cut, whatever they may be, nor will they be on board for a massive increase in taxes to pay for it.

The yield curve is very inverted right now.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 13, 2023, 02:55:54 PM
Smart, I put a chunk into a 4.5% APY CD at my credit union and moved another chunk into my bank's money market yielding the same.  I have my IRA's parked in cash because everything going on in my life I haven't had a lot of time for research so its all in cash/money market I missed the recent market runup, and now worried a lot is over-priced and overbought due to rate cut euphoria that may not come.  AI-related is all the rage, everyone talking about the Magnificent Seven (NVIDIA et al) which makes me leery...but I see it somewhat downturn resistant so I might dip a toe in for a small piece...commodities has always been my bread and butter and there may be more opportunity in energy (organic) as we pivot into 2024 and I see it gaining more steam in Q2 and with prices low will do some buying there.  If there is a pullback in PM's I will buy back in there too.  Anything retail and real estate I think I'll avoid, still not convinced a recession, perhaps a deflationary one is avoidable.  Will do some selective value & stable dividend hunting too probably at an equal weight with AI-related.  I think it will be key for folks to be flexible and not lock anything except maybe these attractive CD & $ Mkt rates.  Want to stay liquid.

ETA - Just saw this - (

Making no move was expected...there is NO promise Fed will ease rates come's ran wild-bull today...

All of that hot air can vent too but they don't care about that.  Wonder if Warren sold some more...?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on December 13, 2023, 04:14:07 PM
I'm not going to agonize over a lost day.  It was down 20% just a year ago.  Various banks, none longer than 9 months, all getting between 5.2% & 5.5%. 
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 14, 2023, 08:37:43 AM
True, just be discriminating in our selections.

Something the overexuberant tend to ignore... (

...ask the average working American...but those ignoring this have little in common with them...they'd rather just fleece them.

As for bonds...seems there is a full point of juice above trend and prospects seem favorable for bonds over stocks in the next 10 years... (

...and while I wouldn't go in heavy, I'd include in a balanced portfolio.

And it appears Buffett bought in a sizeable chunk of Occidental... (

...again pouncing when they acquire somebody else.

As for this... (

...job squeeze continues...and nobody even talks about WPR any longer, eh?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on December 15, 2023, 09:34:46 AM (

Fed best stop its double-speak...and any speaking really...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 02, 2024, 12:38:04 PM
Who do demonazis love? (

Government, of course...all totalitarians love their serfs...

Meanwhile, those not sharing that love get more burdened to give unto their oppressors out of the mouths of their families...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on January 02, 2024, 01:17:26 PM
Who do demonazis love? (

Government, of course...all totalitarians love their serfs...

Meanwhile, those not sharing that love get more burdened to give unto their oppressors out of the mouths of their families...
I recall feds get a step increase every year plus more if they get a promotion. Maybe 3 pct each year and they say they do not get a raise. do they get cola on top of that?  Biden just bumped the entire pay system up with a raise.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: paulh on January 02, 2024, 01:51:27 PM
My VA disability went up $27.00. My medical ins. went up $65.00, I'm $38.00 in the sh*tter. Same with social insecurity.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 05, 2024, 07:58:06 AM
BLS is so full of sh*t... ('s the revisions, stupid!

A-holes keep trying to make Bidenomincs look good when it reeks coming and going...

If these jobs (mostly $%#@ing government!) are so awesome why have we lost so many workers?! (

There's your Bidenomics!!!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 11, 2024, 11:37:20 AM (

Core up, food returning to going up...average America keeps getting kicked in the teeth...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 12, 2024, 08:18:20 AM

The End is near...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 15, 2024, 09:37:08 AM
More data documenting the destruction and suffering of Bidetnomics... (

Suffering in the name of socialism...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 18, 2024, 10:41:59 AM
I think overexuberance in the unreasonable Fed rate cutting front met reality with revisions... (

...and with some of the hotter print data of yesterday and recent pop in oil (which the latter may wane as OPEC+ reaches the point where members break limits on sales that always happens...) and continued offsetting stats in coming weeks/months people will realize a waterfall of rate cuts is likely not in the cards...just probably more backdoor stimulus when QT ends and QE resumes...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 18, 2024, 12:43:50 PM
Well, I said this could spell our doom (,19707.msg205007.html#msg205007)...among many competing things...

But, give it access to financial systems...

...obviously it could wreak havoc.  But since when have TechLords or Megalomaniacs with dreams of domination or regulators and politicians cared about bad outcomes?

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on January 26, 2024, 08:42:20 AM
The fracking short sellers the past coupe weeks have been annoying me...but, that is what they do...

As for the perils of loose money and insane federal spending and all that noise...

I knew this was getting bad...seeing the numbers though is horrifying...and if the same lunatics keep calling the shots it will only get much much worse...

Q4 GDP rose by $329 billion to $27.939 trillion, a respectable if made up number, what is much more disturbing is that over the same time period, the US budget deficit rose by more than 50%, or $510 billion. And the cherry on top: the increase in public US debt in the same three month period was a stunning $834 billion, or 154% more than the increase in GDP. In other words, it now takes $1.55 in budget deficit to generate $1 of growth... and it takes over $2.50 in new debt to generate $1 of GDP growth!

Needless to say, this is unsustanable, and is why even the St Louis Fed FRED database now admits that total Federal interest payments have surpassed $1 trillion for the first time ever (and are about to go exponential).

Oh, and before we forget, a reminder that all US jobs created since 2019... have gone to foreign born workers. (

That is what the intentional destruction of America from the inside looks like...this is totally unsustainable...all exits involve pain...and there is almost no time left to save this patient...

In the meantime we can entertain ourselves with another round of 20% ratio betting... (

I will take the over.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 02, 2024, 09:56:14 AM ( (

It's all fun and games when data gets funnier, when Presidential election year politics silliness kicks in and collisions with reality happen...

Strap in...Fed butts are about to get hot...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on February 02, 2024, 01:28:51 PM
Not only that, but while the US allegedly added 353K jobs, and employment dropped by 31K, full-time jobs actually declined by 63K and part-time jobs surged by 96K,

That's when I knew the 353,000 was bogus.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 05, 2024, 08:16:11 AM
Not only that, but while the US allegedly added 353K jobs, and employment dropped by 31K, full-time jobs actually declined by 63K and part-time jobs surged by 96K,

That's when I knew the 353,000 was bogus.

Yup, it's the same crap they've been pulling the past 3 the numbers, see the new numbers and be forced to do a prior period adjustment and blame it on x,y,z...rinse/repeat...

And the real shift from FT  to PT and the steady flow of people out of the labor market continues...

And some of these outfits reporting good quarterly returns is through allowable accounting gimmicks like restructurings and such and the layoffs that they spawn...

Same BS that keeps happening at my crap run outfit...but, I don't care...I'm near the end...retirement/layoff...can't say I really care what happens next...although a layoff might have me walk away with a few more bucks...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 06, 2024, 08:32:13 AM
While American's struggle to afford any kind of energy...corrupt puppet sells our coal to India... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on February 06, 2024, 01:07:36 PM
When US decreases US CO2 emissions they just get moved to other countries. Also., India imports RU oil then resells it to EU who boast they are not importing as much RU oil.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 07, 2024, 08:12:35 AM
That is just the ponzai scheme side of things you are not allowed to look at or mention...that knock on your door is the local thought police with a helpful offer for rightthink to correct your wrongthink...


In other news...get ready to sell DIS stock...if anybody had that woke crud... (

...make them hurt and cry!

ETA -  Casino's open on a up-swing...DIS down 2.14 already.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 09, 2024, 10:16:51 AM
Saw this coming long ago... (

...which I why I recently sold off my last financial stock...

And, want to blow up the banks...following demonazi policy will do it... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on February 09, 2024, 02:50:55 PM
Saw this coming long ago... (

...which I why I recently sold off my last financial stock...

And, want to blow up the banks...following demonazi policy will do it... (

I think I posed a link earlier. Some UK trader was lower class but smart. Made a fortune. He said mot of the covid money went to top ten or one percent. Now they want to use it to buy real assets, often housing.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 09, 2024, 04:45:05 PM
Saw this coming long ago... (

...which I why I recently sold off my last financial stock...

And, want to blow up the banks...following demonazi policy will do it... (

I think I posed a link earlier. Some UK trader was lower class but smart. Made a fortune. He said mot of the covid money went to top ten or one percent. Now they want to use it to buy real assets, often housing.

I saw a chart of that, it is 1% overall on all investment earning destroyed the 99%...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 13, 2024, 08:45:57 AM
Going to be a suck day in the casinos unless your shorting... (

Bidbamaflation returneth and sloucheth towards all of thee...

And, don't forget...they try to game the latest data...the revisions are always worse...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 16, 2024, 09:25:25 AM
Thought we levelled off on inflation?  Ha!  PPI numbers see inflation surging and housing is in distress... ( (

The Obama/Biden destruction continues...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on February 16, 2024, 03:20:26 PM
Importing millions while not building housing is going to be a great combination.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 19, 2024, 07:57:30 AM
I think Chicago has plenty of room, long-time proud sanctuary city...August looks promising...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 19, 2024, 01:20:50 PM
CapitolOne absorbing Discover?

Dang, BassPro/Cabelas cardholders may need a new bank...if the combined writeoffs for uncollectible accounts hits critical mass...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on February 29, 2024, 08:53:49 AM
Begun the proxy wars have... (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 01, 2024, 10:42:52 AM (

Easy, somebody is full of BS...and being a Presidential election year I am dubious of the favorable number...

As for this I just find it funny... (

Either the agreement is explicit or it is isn't...should be easy enough to determine...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 07, 2024, 08:48:33 AM
I hope Speaker Johnson goes Pelosi on Biden's up it by throwing it in a trash can and light it on fire...

This economy is limping at best, prices remain high, energy remains handcuffed, people can't afford homes or cars or find rental units let alone afford them...fees going up from banks to hospitals...idiots raising taxes and goons chasing down kids' lemonade stands and Amish crap running amok and destroying industries, jobs and families...trains derailing and spewing toxins in air and water...farms and food plants and distribution centers going up in flames...cyberattacks and personal/private data being held for ransom...Chi-Com's flying balloons over our sorry sh!tshow story after another...

Jobs.  They game those numbers like crazy (all numbers really, but jobs are worse)...most "new" jobs are government, not the kind of growth conducive to a healthy economy or a healthy society...many working more than one job and mostly good jobs being created but layoffs make Wall St happy...and continuing claims keep climbing as does the labor force non-participation levels they do not even talk about anymore... (

Anybody wantng more of this is an imbecile...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 07, 2024, 11:34:45 AM

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 08, 2024, 08:53:48 AM
Unemployment ticks up and naturally WallSt is happy...

And the numbers good this month/oops revised last month down game is getting so old... (

The economy is bifurcated...normal folks are struggling or significantly impacted and changing their purchasing decisions...the 1% notice nothing...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on March 08, 2024, 02:50:38 PM
This guy is some lower class real smart trader from England. He was expelled from school then went to the LSE and made a fortune as a trader. He talks mostly about rising inequality. Entertaining. Almost 2 hours long. This applies to US also. (
Britain’s Economy Will Only Get Worse. Here’s How | Aaron Bastani meets Gary Stevenson

206,482 views  Premiered Mar 3, 2024  Downstream - NEW episodes every Sunday 6pm UK
Gary Stevenson (aka@garyseconomics) went from being Citibank's most profitable trader to one of the world's most incisive critics of the financial system.

Gary sat down with Aaron to discuss the lightbulb moment that led him away from trading, how economists can't predict anything and why the UK middle class is doomed.

Gary's book, 'The Trading Game' is out on the 5th March - you can pre-order it here:

00:00 Intro
03:32 Gary's Origins
13:41 The Trading Floor
24:24 Gary's First Bonus
33:34 Were You Happy?
36:41 The World's Best Economists
44:26 The Economy Will Get Worse Forever
1:01:25 How Do We Fix It?
1:20:45 Will Labour Change Anything?
1:24:34 Mental Health Impact
1:35:41 The Problem With The Media
1:43:50 What Does The Near Future Look Like? (

The Trading Game: A Confession Hardcover – March 5, 2024
by Gary Stevenson (Author)
A vivid, blistering memoir that takes readers inside the high-stakes drama and hubris of the trading floor, a rags-to-riches tale of Citibank’s one-time most profitable trader, and why he gave it all up
“Darker than [Liar’s Poker], but if anything even more of a rollicking read . . . the clearest account I’ve ever read of how trading desks really work.”—Felix Salmon, Axios

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 11, 2024, 09:12:47 AM
People don't like dark subjects...and I mean not just morons, even smart people recoil at darkness around them...but at least the latter are not as easily sucked into the mindless drivel dominating socialist media platforms filled with mouth-breathing morons relishing in the beat-down the state indoctrinates them to despise and relish in their suffering...little knowing they are pawns in a dying system...

OK, maybe reading dark truths is jading me more than usual...

Anyway, economics, markets, fiscal policy...yes, yes...well not devoid of kabuki there, are they?

And the casinos are open, let the fun begin... (

Expect to see some profit shaving on NVDA designed to scare the nervous into dumping so big fish can swoop in and feed.  See, the big fish make money regardless of the direction of the markets and its produce, though a too downward period eventually impedes their opportunity, leading to the quick pump & dump strategy...we're not at the latter yet...and a whole summer of fun including intense Fed-watching and a fall filled with political hooliganism...

And pivoting to gold, we see an entirely rational rise in price... (

Banks have been buying, a clear sign that inflation remains a concern as does having something real if stuff goes sideways (see harseshat fiscal situation and adding $1T to the national debt every 100 days!)...and still, the Feds refuse to say how much it actually has on-hand...with another handoff of German deposits returned to Germany in recent months.

What remains a surprise to me is the lagging nature of silver compared to gold, right now we are at a ratio of almost 89:1...levels not seen since the 1940's...  It is obvious more demand has kicked in for gold, but it isn't as if demand for silver is is still used extensively in jewelry, electronics in computers, cell phones and a host of other electronic devices like batteries and fuel cells, solar panels, RFIDs, etc...and naturally collectors comprise the balance of demand.  So this increasing ratio indicates there is still some manipulation hiding, and its shifted largely to non-US entities, and I say that in wink-wink mode as it is akin to clean US IC hands given the Five Eyes relationship (FYI - see the nefarious "Trump Dossier"!).
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 11, 2024, 11:11:08 AM
This is good, Trump tariffs debunked and FJB's BBB & energy destruction driven by greenie insanity BS nailed for rising food costs globally!

And the FJB spending spree that didn't need to happen (driven by weaponization of policy and DeepState follies) added fuel to the inflation fire!

Good read, read it all.  All part of the Cloward-Piven crisis creation and destruction scheme!

Organic energy is good!  Say it loud and say it proud!

And more on Trump tariffs here -

The DeepState and Trump Derrangement Syndrome drives everything these idiots do!

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 12, 2024, 08:30:06 AM
Again, remember that numbers are cooked...always have been always will be...having said that CPI remains high and core went up a tick...and the "super core" went up more. (

Bottom line - Finally, we note that consumer prices have not fallen in a single month since President Biden's term began (July 2022 was the closest with 'unchanged'), which leaves overall prices up 19% since Bidenomics was unleashed. And prices have never been more expensive...


And for a second kick to the groin...real wage growth sucks -


Bidenomics continues to annihilate the 99%.  They ought to be righteously pissed off.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on March 12, 2024, 08:03:51 PM

I kinda like this guy. Some smart brit who grew up poor, got kicked out of school, graduated from London School of Economics, and made millions as a trader. Gary Stevenson ( (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 14, 2024, 10:03:37 AM
Lot of bad news this morning for Bidenomics...

Retail puked  - (

PPI showing inflation remains hot - (

Looks like a Fed soft landing may be getting harder...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 15, 2024, 08:12:51 AM
Demonazis, Cucks, imbeciles and fools love a stagflationary sh*tshow...*tshow (*tshow)

This looks like success to those psychotics...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 18, 2024, 10:18:11 AM
Goodbye jobs...goodbye livelihoods...goodbye freedom... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on March 18, 2024, 05:38:08 PM
Goodbye jobs...goodbye livelihoods...goodbye freedom... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 19, 2024, 08:32:11 AM
Goodbye jobs...goodbye livelihoods...goodbye freedom... (

Yup, her essays were a good takedown of what the various tribes exercising cultural Marxism of today originated from.  IIRC she did a lot of talk shows back in the day on a lot of the topics she discussed.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 19, 2024, 09:14:53 AM
This may help people plan now for what will be coming fast as AI rises in use... (

Plan now or suffer.

And something "stackers" have known from the start...

Trusting governments to moderate spending after an expenditure binge is simply an extremely dangerous bet that always ends with worse conditions for citizens. Once they start, they cannot stop, and the inevitable end is higher taxes, weaker growth, lower real wages, and a decline in the purchasing power of the dollar. All the figures in the U.S. economy scream “buy gold” because the government will always prefer to destroy the currency than to moderate the budget deficit and government size in the economy. (

I have to believe the number of buying opportunities before things go monkey pooh are a lot shorter than people think.

And this has been a concern of mine for some time...they way They/Them are destroying things CRE is the banking industries canary-in-the-coal-mine and we've seen some near collapses already...and the conditions are not getting better...

( (

The big banks should be building up cash reserves to cover potential loses though they always attract Congresscritter bailouts too (grrrr!) but the Regionals...the article mentions Wells has been building up cash...what about the others?

M&T 40.1%, Huntington 33.2%, Zions 29.3% & Citizens 23.1%?


And this I do not get at all...

Nvidia (NVDA) slips 1% as analysts noted that its much-anticipated AI event had no major surprise announcements. (

The Goldman right up lists all the good reasons why NVDA is still a solid target for 1,000 by year end and their last quarterly earnings were just gargantuan...yet OMG no new big news and it's down 2.4% so far this morning?  WTF?  These people and their batshyt crazy likely over-spoiled expectations are not rational...but that is casino world for ya.

I see the Bidenflation, war against energy, grotesque defecit spending without end, job destruction, banking stress, brainless warmongering and weaponized government run amok a lot bigger risks overall.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 21, 2024, 09:27:56 AM
Hide the damage... (

And according to the as usual is not going to tame inflation... (

...but they are scared sh*tless to hike again or tighten money...they're trapped in a web of their own design...and FJB just keeps spending on boondoggles like a drunken fool...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 22, 2024, 09:09:49 AM (

Gosh, what impact on "spoilage" will this have?  Ya know there is a certain demand group that doesn't pay for products...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on March 22, 2024, 09:32:43 AM
You mean the demographic that isn't exactly looting Red Wing Work Boots?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 22, 2024, 11:09:08 AM
Heh, yeah.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 26, 2024, 11:27:51 AM
So... long until this corrupt government starts persecuting this company?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 26, 2024, 01:08:30 PM
Bidenomics and Gruesome Newsom stupidity keep piling it on... ( (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on March 26, 2024, 01:45:41 PM
Bidenomics and Gruesome Newsom stupidity keep piling it on... ( (

PREDICTABLE: California Fast Food Restaurants Slash Jobs as New $20 Minimum Wage is About to Take Effect

I see that places like McDonalds only provide specials through their ap as a way to reduce labor.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 28, 2024, 08:51:46 AM (

Better start watching the banking sector closely for those tied up with significant CRE risk!

And the nation continues to ascend on a Zimbabwean trajectory... (

...and The Fed, Congress...everybody just thinks all is peachy... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on March 29, 2024, 09:00:51 AM
Another SITYS I harp on often...cooked government data - confirmed by Phili Fed - payrolls overstated 800,000 thru Dec'23!!! (

We all know people are working more than one job to make ends meet, most new jobs being part-time...and any increase in FT almost always led by fricken government we even have proof of replacement - foreigners replacing indigenous workers...

All government data is games...ALWAYS.

And adding a $1T in debt every 100 days is not going to make anything in this fundamentally poor economy better, it will however make it a lot worse.

The Fed is boxed in, part self-inflicted part other idiots (Congress & WH being spendaholics) and under enormous pressure for rate cuts this year...have no good options... (

And, who knows what lurks around the corner?  As for me I continue to bet on reflation and see energy and precious metals the only safe haven...just not sure if there is a light at the end of the tunnel or an onrushing train of doom that cannot be avoided... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 01, 2024, 10:18:23 AM (

Employment is likely to not improve...especially in insane places like Gruesome Newsom's California...Hochul's New York...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 02, 2024, 12:34:45 PM
Higher T rates and the casino's are puking...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 04, 2024, 09:31:11 AM
The government really gets exposed here... (

...people see this their belief in the FJB regime will collapse.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 05, 2024, 08:28:46 AM
Some are filling their diapers over this... (

For me it matters more how much hot air is in these election year numbers, what sectors and is there underlying economic capacity for these adds to be productive to the economy...

And I've never believed the BS unemployment numbers...they've suppressed those for decades and totally ignore those who've given up...nobody reports the labor force non-participation rate anymore...

As for this.... (

...there is something to be said for uncertainty, but really who the F ever promised that?

And yes, I am a believer that the Fed should always say less and speak rarely...but...politics!   ::cussing::

And, regarding oversight and We the People... (

...the bureaucrats are telling everyone they answer to nobody but themselves...

Can you name the political system this behavior belongs to?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 09, 2024, 08:44:24 AM
Well, along with most individuals not in or near the 1%...the biggest target of Bidenomics destructions was/is small business... (

...much of those 87k new armed IRS goons are especially aimed on small business folks...

...and I would like to see a geographic and demographic breakdown of whom those agents are examining...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 09, 2024, 08:57:50 AM (

Well, sheeeit, if liquidity is seems pretty obvious what the Neo-Keynesian response will be...

Best load up on PM's while you can...the stuff could hit the fan just around the next corner...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 10, 2024, 08:49:45 AM
Oh yeah...if this BLS # came in "hot" we know it is hotter than reported...

And even this data shows stuff people need - shelter, energy account for half...other necessities rose as well...and food being unchanged is NOT the same as good news since prices just stay elevated... (

And the casino's interpretation is that at most 2 cuts are priced in with odds of cuts dropping to 20%...and the puking dollar caused other  asset pukes...and bond yields are spiking and well...come on...Powell will come to FJB's aid no matter what it does to the economy so more bad news is coming... (

And nobody wants our crap paper anymore so all this debt will have to be monetized...

The total sh*t-show has yet to reach peak insanity...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 11, 2024, 09:08:12 AM
Games games games... ('s the politicized bureaucrats have in their bags...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 12, 2024, 10:03:53 AM
Uhh huh... (

...seems Dimon is signaling to Powell that rate cuts have to come by late summer or there will be Hell to pay...and after all why should parasites pay more than the hosts they prey upon?

As for this... (

...fracking hilarious!  FJB is NOT Donald Trump!


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 18, 2024, 09:18:38 AM
In the real world labor market, 2024 has been a sh*tshow of layoffs..

It has been true, is true and will be true as long as JoeBamaNomics exists...

As for this...I kind of agree...

( (

10YT may be a directional indicator of broader movements...but, well in kabuki world nothing is ever certain or rational...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on April 18, 2024, 04:27:21 PM

The US strategic petroleum reserve is down to 17 days?

Let's go to war!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 19, 2024, 01:15:35 PM
Don't tempt the criminally insane...probably do it...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 22, 2024, 09:35:33 AM (

Well, if it is contained to California...not all bad...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 23, 2024, 08:46:22 AM (

Meh, whatever...FJB said economy is banging, suck it up buttercups!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 24, 2024, 08:52:55 AM
Heh, with the Chi-Com's devaluing their currency, suffering from a at-best stagnant real estate situation, and stagnating living standards...they are now trying to hide outflows...but that capital has to go somewhere and it looks like crypto is it... (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 25, 2024, 09:06:28 AM
Casino's are puking...BS claims numbers released by the corrupt lying-ass government, GDP also likely still cooked but still a big miss, 2YrT breaks 5%...


There are still layoffs happening! (

And the dipsh*t Fed has boxed themselves in hard...they've always been politically oriented to tack a growth economy and a liquid money supply and capital, in a year where they desperately want to lower rates (good for incumbents and good for growth) if they do they exacerbate inflation for little gain and the lower & middle class gets kicked in the crotch for it...and they'll kill themselves before raising rates...I think they've paralyzed themselves into doing nothing...

Now all we get to see is if they can keep their mouth shut or say very little or start yapping and saying contradictory crap that makes all the markets totally schizoid?

Place your bets!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 25, 2024, 01:39:55 PM
Heh, this is pretty good! (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on April 25, 2024, 01:45:18 PM
Now would be a great time to visit Japan.  I didn't find it expensive at all at 100 yen to the dollar.  But 155.  Wow!
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 26, 2024, 09:52:30 AM
Now would be a great time to visit Japan.  I didn't find it expensive at all at 100 yen to the dollar.  But 155.  Wow!

Yup, BOJ decided to stand pat, Yen took the hit.

And, in other news... (

...I do not see the Chi-Com's helping our inflation woes at their expense, so...yeah...

Our Fed remains cornered...
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 29, 2024, 01:42:59 PM (

Yeah, so?

The price for monumental stupidity should be high.

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on April 30, 2024, 10:13:19 AM (

And guess who is to blame for the rise in employment costs! The Government, where compensation is up 4.8% YoY (re-accelerating back near its fastest in history)...


The absolutely wrong jobs to add and compensate!!!   ::outrage:: (

We'll see if it sticks...  Heh, little Fed-humor there...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on April 30, 2024, 05:22:50 PM
Interesting woman.  Interesting to hear the perspective of someone from outside US.
She was born in Hong Kong to a Russian mother She grew up there and went to school in the US. 
She lives in Russia and has a video blog.

 The REAL Reason Why I Left the USA (and Won’t be Moving Back)
Sasha Meets Russia
58.4K subscribers
69,177 views  Premiered Apr 27, 2024  MOSCOW
Many of you have wondered exactly why I moved away from the USA. 🇺🇸 I left the USA back in 2017, and haven’t looked back. Living abroad has not been easy, but it has given me a life full of new possibilities. I decided to change my video format a little bit and film an open and honest conversation about why I left the United States, and why I probably won’t be living there again. As an American living abroad, I have been able to see the USA from a different perspective, and I encourage all Americans to travel and see it for yourself. In this video I will highlight some of the key reasons why I left, from politics and division to woke culture and the insane costs. Although I am grateful to be an American, it makes me sad to see how much the United States has changed. This is my personal story, my personal experiences, and I hope it will give you a better understanding about who I am 🇷🇺🇺🇸
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 01, 2024, 08:00:36 AM
Not to Russia, interesting...

As for runners, fine for them, people can do whatever they want...

Me?  I am not interested in leaving, I was born here, I'm dying here...on my terms or not is in part up to my enemies...I won't have others fight my fights.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on May 01, 2024, 12:14:46 PM
Not to Russia, interesting...

As for runners, fine for them, people can do whatever they want...

Me?  I am not interested in leaving, I was born here, I'm dying here...on my terms or not is in part up to my enemies...I won't have others fight my fights.

I thought she had been living in Russia for years. Moscow? Maybe I did not pay close attention.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: paulh on May 01, 2024, 01:20:15 PM
You want insite on Russia go to the treehouse, Sundance is there now
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on May 01, 2024, 01:47:33 PM
You want insite on Russia go to the treehouse, Sundance is there now

How do I find it? I found some posts from Mar 22.
Are there videos?

BTW it seems that the young woman's parents have been living in Russia also for 4 - 5 years. Mom from Siberia Dad from Texas, lived in Hong Kong, then US NH, now Russia.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: paulh on May 01, 2024, 02:19:51 PM
Wow, you find all this other wacky sh*t and can't find the treehouse, where was your computer made?
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on May 01, 2024, 02:43:17 PM
Wow, you find all this other wacky sh*t and can't find the treehouse, where was your computer made?

I found the treehouse fine and found hits for Sundance and Moscow. It seemed to be reports on the Crocus thing. I did not see him being there but maybe I did not look hard enough.
I get YT hits for many video blogs given my watch history. Bald and Bankrupt is back at his best. Bulgaria. Tajikistan. (
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Syzygy on May 01, 2024, 04:33:27 PM
Wow, you find all this other wacky sh*t and can't find the treehouse, where was your computer made?

I found the treehouse fine and found hits for Sundance and Moscow. It seemed to be reports on the Crocus thing. I did not see him being there but maybe I did not look hard enough.
I get YT hits for many video blogs given my watch history. Bald and Bankrupt is back at his best. Bulgaria. Tajikistan. (
Here ya go,  today's posting: (

Read all the post before watching the interview--he details his observations about the people and such while visiting there.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 02, 2024, 08:19:57 AM
Yeah I only post links there like at least one every damn day...

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 02, 2024, 08:51:40 AM
( (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on May 02, 2024, 01:14:59 PM
Wow, you find all this other wacky sh*t and can't find the treehouse, where was your computer made?

I found the treehouse fine and found hits for Sundance and Moscow. It seemed to be reports on the Crocus thing. I did not see him being there but maybe I did not look hard enough.
I get YT hits for many video blogs given my watch history. Bald and Bankrupt is back at his best. Bulgaria. Tajikistan. (
Here ya go,  today's posting: (

Read all the post before watching the interview--he details his observations about the people and such while visiting there.

I read the link and watched the whole thing. That was good.. I had not read close enough to see Sundance was in Russia.
Some people trash Dugin and use real old statements that he no longer holds.

The car bomb that killed his daughter was organized by Kiev. Maybe meant for him.

I recall Solzhenitsyn was disowned by the US liberals when he turned out to be traditional. Then he returned to Russia and pissed off Russians somehow.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: patentlymn on May 03, 2024, 11:56:19 AM

I do not understand this stuff.
America After the Decline of the Global Dollar

"One of the more interesting, and unexpected, findings we came across in our work is that the United States is an extreme outlier when it comes to the relationship between its current account deficit and its income level (living standard). We found that in general there is a robust relationship between the current account balance and the income level of a country. This relationship held for both BRICS and developed countries.

This finding confirms the fact that there is a strong case to be made that income levels are at least in part determined by a country’s capacity to grow its exports in line with its GDP – a relationship known in the literature as ‘balance of payments constrained growth (’.

If this is the correct interpretation, it gives us an opportunity to model what the United States economy might look like in a world where the US dollar is no longer the global reserve currency. This is important because there is increasing evidence that... many countries are preparing to move away from the dollar (

Currently, the average daily income of the United States is just over $74 despite its current account deficit of around 2.7% of GDP. In what follows we will allow American living standards to fall to their equilibrium level when we allow the impact of the current account to have its impact – that is, if we assume that the US dollar loses its ‘exorbitant privilege’ (as global reserve)...

As the graph above shows, if we allow American living standards to fall to their full equilibrium level, they fall by around 57%... If we calibrate the model not on the entire sample but rather on the wealthier countries, it shows a decline in American living standards of around 27% if the country was forced to equilibrium by a decline in the US dollar as the global reserve currency.

This seems a more sensible model than the 57% decline we saw using the full model in that it drags American living standards down to roughly average European levels."
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 03, 2024, 01:22:48 PM
Bidenomics' main brain...


Thanks, assholes!!!


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 13, 2024, 12:43:42 PM
Govt - create a problem, then hide the fallout by removing reality!

( (

As for 2024 because of inflation the percentages are worse! (

Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: ToddF on May 13, 2024, 02:54:23 PM
Canned coffee is hard to come by now?  Like the big can of Folgers?  I still see it, especially in Costco as that big green can of decaf is the only decaf my local store carries.  I have to order online to get the beans.
Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 14, 2024, 08:10:39 AM
Don't know about hard to get but coffee cost is inflated...

And with PPI coming in hot this morning, FJB can kiss his election year rate cuts goodbye!


Title: Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
Post by: Libertas on May 15, 2024, 08:49:55 AM
We note that consumer prices have not fallen in a single month since President Biden's term began (July 2022 was the closest with 'unchanged'), which leaves overall prices up over 19.5% since Bidenomics was unleashed (compares with +8% during Trump's term). And prices have never been more expensive...

( (