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World/Foreign Affairs / Re: Gaza & Hamas vs Israel
« Last post by Libertas on Today at 09:20:40 AM »
In more important news...the push into Rafah appears to be commencing...

Screw Hamas-kisser FJB & the cheese-eating surrender-monkey Macron and his latest capitulation to Islamofascism...

They don't care about your safety, your people...your existence...

And there is plenty of trash in America that truly want your people wiped off the face of the Earth...'s looking a lot like 1930's Germany in too many parts of America.
General Board / Re: Baltimore Bridge Collapse
« Last post by Libertas on Today at 09:10:23 AM »

LOL, and is Chubb insuring the new bridge?  Are harbor security systems and protocols being enhanced?
Politics/Legislation/Elections / Re: "Fraudulency of the United States"
« Last post by Libertas on Today at 09:06:57 AM »

Neither the corrupt jello-headed puppet FJB or the corrupt compromised demonazis and cucks in Congress have the guts to (rhymes-with) buck the DeepState and stop doing everything they are doing to destroy the nation...




Start getting ready!
IIRC (and I believe I am) this was noted early on shortly after the FJB raid of his chief political rivals estate on bogus grounds unfolded before our eyes...

...and one would think at some point somebody would hold the government accountable for their rogue subjective acts...

So much treasonous trash to dispose of...!!!   How much more evidence do we need that the police state is real, that the BS of "protecting democracy" meme is a lie when what it means is "protecting the corrupt politicized status quo"?!
You celebrating or weeping?

I had not seen a concise description of what happened before.
Burning people alive kicked things into high gear.
NAZIs values are not nice. Who knew?
The US coup and resulting civil war will leave Ukr a wasteland.
Taiwan is next.


Nazi's in Taiwan, you heard it here first, folks!

As for reliving the past over and over and over again...I see no point to it.

Just enjoy the show dude, nothing you can do about it...

Raises a lot of questions...none of which I am interested in pursuing...
Why the question mark? 

BigBroTech censors everything, algos direct all traffic to They/Them's a de facto agent of the DeepState and this corrupt Gestapo DOJ...all of this is known...
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