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At some point...

...even the dumbest MFer has to realize they are NOT in a free state.

But, they being California stupid...not sure most realize that yet...

Uhh huh...sure, I bet the RNC has a plan for this...and mail-in ballots...and kicking observers out and blocking out windows...etc etc..

World/Foreign Affairs / Re: Gaza & Hamas vs Israel
« Last post by Libertas on Today at 09:14:10 AM »


Catch & Release!
#FJB Approved

Seriously?  Just what in the frack?  Why are any of the fracking traitors involved with this breathing free air?  Why?!
World/Foreign Affairs / Re: China
« Last post by Libertas on Today at 08:58:33 AM »

Blah blah blah...and we can't do anything to stop it cause we're ankle-grabbing wusses...blah blah blah...

Politics/Legislation/Elections / Re: 118th Congress
« Last post by Libertas on Today at 08:55:23 AM »

And as we all know too painfully well...the Senate filled with spineless gutless and outright treasonous Cuck trash...will see this abomination passed...and signed by the jello-headed corrupt puppet stinking up the White House...

American's will once again be donkey-punched by their so-called representatives...

Just remember that, remember them!
World/Foreign Affairs / Re: Israel vs Iran and its Proxies
« Last post by Libertas on Today at 08:49:23 AM »

Fear of war?   ::)

War has been going on a long's just been at a lower kinetic setting...

Telegraphing a response preps the battlespace, now comes the mind games followed by the spanking...

New statements from the Pentagon issued Monday have said the Houthis fired over 90 ballistic missiles and drones - most of which were intercepted by US and allied forces over the past 48 hours, once the Iranian attack kicked off in the overnight hours of Saturday.

US Central Command described that at one point during the attack the Houthis fired an anti-ship ballistic missile directly against US Navy and commercial ships in the Gulf of Aden. "There were no injuries or damage reported by US, coalition, or commercial ships," CENTCOM said.

And jello-headed corrupt to the core puppet FJB does his master's bidding and just grabs his ankles as says hit me again...


Yes, far too kind and polite.

It is not just leadership...leadership cannot lead if it is not followed...  It is obvious in latter day bureaucracies to see the career sappers of leftist filth in the rank and file has taken too much root...if any appointed leader wants to stay in office they have to keep their rank and file and fellow traveler lieutenants happy...  Such institutions are no longer work for We the People, they work for themselves and against We the People...  It is literally that simple.

Such institutions must end.  Period.  And if they bleat beat them in the face with the cold hard facts of ALL the dangers to America they have failed to protect us from over the the past several decades, the false flag events they've embedded and perpetrated against us...the Christians and parents they've terrorized...the political enemies they've persecuted...the AG's who've allowed our nation to be literally invaded at will...

They are not protecting America now...ending them at least stops them from abetting it.
World/Foreign Affairs / Re: Russia
« Last post by Libertas on Today at 08:15:07 AM »
And yet the Brits were penetrated first by the Russian Communist some went from so-called "haters" to "traitors" pretty damn easy...

And now days I see the long-suffering Russian psyche exploiting weaker minds to feel sorry for them as an avenue to convert them into Russophiles...

Yes, Russia is so superior to all other nations on the face of this Earth they cannot fend off the people begging to belong to it...

So tired of the word "hate" being bandied about casually...

Ask German Jews what hate really is...ask those shipped off to Siberia or shot in the woods or the basement of the Lubyanka under Stalin what hate is...ask the victims of Pol Pot what hate is...the victims of North Korean Un reign of terror...etc etc...

Poor fricken Russians?


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