It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Economy => Topic started by: Weisshaupt on July 04, 2015, 08:40:07 AM

Title: Income Mobility
Post by: Weisshaupt on July 04, 2015, 08:40:07 AM
He seems perplexed why certain PLACES seem to be bad for income mobility (

"So it should be no surprise that the researchers found that racial segregation, income segregation, and sprawl are all strongly negatively correlated with upward mobility. But what might surprise is that it doesn't matter whether the rich cut themselves off from everybody else. What matters is whether the middle class cut themselves off from the poor."

And they would do that because of Cultural Reasons.  It doesn't matter if you call that Ghetto Culture, or White Trash Walmart culture. If you don't value things the middle class values - education, stable families, ethics and morality ( often and probably best  supported via a religious structure)  and a work ethic  all foster a child's successes.  If  the parents don't vlaue these things, the child won't and because middle class parents want thier child to value these things they segregrate thier children from the children whose parents don't reinforce what they are teaching.

Its. Very. Simple.  The poor are poor of wealth because they are poor in spirit, poor in morality, poor in work ethic and  poor in attitude - long , long before they fall to the bottom of the heap.  You want to address poverty you must address the cultural attitudes that lead to poverty.  Oh, but that would be racist, so lets make sure those folks never lean and keep them dependent on govt handouts and therefore a reliable voting base for Democrats instead.

Title: Re: Income Mobility
Post by: IronDioPriest on July 04, 2015, 09:07:44 AM
You want to address poverty you must address the cultural attitudes that lead to poverty.  Oh, but that would be racist, so lets make sure those folks never lean and keep them dependent on govt handouts and therefore a reliable voting base for Democrats instead.

Oh, better yet, let's empower HUD to punish municipalities that don't do what it takes to bring the poor into their communities.
Title: Re: Income Mobility
Post by: Weisshaupt on July 04, 2015, 09:34:01 AM

Oh, better yet, let's empower HUD to punish municipalities that don't do what it takes to bring the poor into their communities.

Well - what better way to corrupt the culture of the successful and infiltrate it with the culture of poverty? They have been doing this for a long time.  I have a friend in Cheyenne, WY and he has been telling me how they have been importing the "Katrina People"  into his town. They stick out like a sore thumb-- not from color - but from dress and attitude.  They don't belong there.  The Statist have to interfere with everything successful and everything that allows someone to live independently of them- the HUD thing is just more of the same-- of course eventually it will promote a race war.. which of course the Feds could then step in an "quell" -- But the way Greece is looking I don't think any of the plans they are making now will amount to much..

Title: Re: Income Mobility
Post by: Glock32 on July 04, 2015, 12:17:13 PM
The referenced article in The Atlantic is from the northeastern echo chamber where certain opinions are held as an article of faith, and one of the favorite opinions is that the South is essentially a Third World banana republic within the borders of the USA.

I find it odd that so many people from elsewhere in the country would pick up their lives and move to a region that is apparently so backward and lacking in economic mobility.  One also wonders why they aren't favorably disposed to Southern secession.  Shouldn't they be happy to be rid of such a backward millstone around the necks of their awesomeness?

Just about every negative statistic in the South, whether it's economic, academic, or health, has a certain and consistent common denominator.  We're not allowed to acknowledge it though, unless exculpatory qualifiers are immediately thrown in.
Title: Re: Income Mobility
Post by: Pandora on July 04, 2015, 02:42:46 PM
The American Dream is alive in Denmark and Finland and Sweden. And in San Jose and Salt Lake City and Pittsburgh. But it's dead in Atlanta and Raleigh and Charlotte. And in Indianapolis and Detroit and Jacksonville.

Surprise.  Not.  We're told it's not race, but what do all those places have in common, other than statist-run governments?  That's right, the race(s) of people that vote for statist-run governments.

Fixing that isn't just about redistribution.

Oh, right.  It's not "just", because even adding other elements, redistribution has been working so well.

It's about building denser cities, so the poor aren't so segregated. About good schools that you don't have to live in the right (and expensive) neighborhood to attend. And about ending a destructive drug war that imprisons and blights the job prospects of far too many non-violent offenders—further shrinking the pool of "marriageable" men.

Most middle income folks don't want to live in denser cities -- even though the statists keep wanting to squash us all in there together -- and we don't want the 'poor of spirit' disrupting and destroying whatever education might be happening in 'good schools'.

You want to address poverty you must address the cultural attitudes that lead to poverty.  Oh, but that would be racist, so lets make sure those folks never lean and keep them dependent on govt handouts and therefore a reliable voting base for Democrats instead.

Oh, better yet, let's empower HUD to punish municipalities that don't do what it takes to bring the poor into their communities.

There was a study done some while ago wherein the researchers overlaid a map of high crime areas with a map of HUD housing.  Guess what?  To their shock -- shock, I tell you -- the correlation was plain to see.

So, what's a statist to do?  SSDD; moar, MOAR!
Title: Re: Income Mobility
Post by: Pandora on July 04, 2015, 02:53:19 PM
And as far as "the poor" attending the "good schools" they didn't pay for:  do the researchers referred to in this article not know about "bussing"?  'Cause it's still going on in some places, like in NC, based on 'economic' factors (they say) not race, although the racial make-up of those being bussed intersect, curiously, with economic status.

The social engineers have been working the same scam for, what?, 50-60 years.  Forcing middle income and poor people together does not create middle income values in the poor, and plunking down black kids in white schools does not make blacks any smarter.  This stuff does not happen by osmosis, outside the family.
Title: Re: Income Mobility
Post by: Libertas on July 06, 2015, 06:44:24 AM
The referenced article in The Atlantic is from the northeastern echo chamber where certain opinions are held as an article of faith, and one of the favorite opinions is that the South is essentially a Third World banana republic within the borders of the USA.

I find it odd that so many people from elsewhere in the country would pick up their lives and move to a region that is apparently so backward and lacking in economic mobility.  One also wonders why they aren't favorably disposed to Southern secession.  Shouldn't they be happy to be rid of such a backward millstone around the necks of their awesomeness?

Just about every negative statistic in the South, whether it's economic, academic, or health, has a certain and consistent common denominator.  We're not allowed to acknowledge it though, unless exculpatory qualifiers are immediately thrown in.

I read this crap the same way and I'm a damn yankee!  Well, I don't think of myself that way but geographically that's where common clay would lump me.  Ideologically I probably belong in the South.  And dang if these NE liberal ponces don't make a case for secession!  I say take their offer, shove their words down their throats...make them accept the division of the nation.  It is the ONLY peaceful solution left.
Title: Re: Income Mobility
Post by: Libertas on July 06, 2015, 06:45:44 AM
And as far as "the poor" attending the "good schools" they didn't pay for:  do the researchers referred to in this article not know about "bussing"?  'Cause it's still going on in some places, like in NC, based on 'economic' factors (they say) not race, although the racial make-up of those being bussed intersect, curiously, with economic status.

The social engineers have been working the same scam for, what?, 50-60 years.  Forcing middle income and poor people together does not create middle income values in the poor, and plunking down black kids in white schools does not make blacks any smarter.  This stuff does not happen by osmosis, outside the family.

The osmosis works the other lowers standards and makes more white kids stupid.  But hey, that's a win for the Left too, more future minions to control.
Title: Re: Income Mobility
Post by: warpmine on July 06, 2015, 01:46:31 PM
And as far as "the poor" attending the "good schools" they didn't pay for:  do the researchers referred to in this article not know about "bussing"?  'Cause it's still going on in some places, like in NC, based on 'economic' factors (they say) not race, although the racial make-up of those being bussed intersect, curiously, with economic status.

The social engineers have been working the same scam for, what?, 50-60 years.  Forcing middle income and poor people together does not create middle income values in the poor, and plunking down black kids in white schools does not make blacks any smarter.  This stuff does not happen by osmosis, outside the family.

The osmosis works the other lowers standards and makes more white kids stupid.  But hey, that's a win for the Left too, more future minions to control.
A big f**king hell yes ::thumbsup::