It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Weather, Climate, & Natural Disasters => Topic started by: Libertas on May 20, 2014, 11:50:49 AM

Title: The cry of the common moonbat progressive-"What's the worst that could happen?!"
Post by: Libertas on May 20, 2014, 11:50:49 AM
"If we make the necessary efforts to address this challenge – and supposing I’m wrong or scientists are wrong, 97 percent of them all wrong – supposing they are, what’s the worst that can happen? We put millions of people to work transitioning our energy, creating new and renewable and alternative; we make life healthier because we have less particulates in the air and cleaner air and more health; we give ourselves greater security through greater energy independence – that’s the downside. This is not a matter of politics or partisanship; it’s a matter of science and stewardship. And it’s not a matter of capacity; it’s a matter of willpower." - Cocksucking moonbat progressive asshole John F. Kerry 5-20-14 (

Gaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I can't stand these bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a matter of crushing industry, crushing jobs, crushing the entire ability of a nation to survive as a means being the bitch of China and Russia and everybody else who will not spend whatever the equivalent is of one red cent on this psychotic nonsense!  Everyone will watch as the fools wasting time and precious resources on this boondoggle die before their eyes!  Only the truly brain-dead the truly f**ked-in-the-head jackass would even entertain acting on this massive lie!

These fools need to die, they need to die in batches before they kill every living soul on the planet!!!

Oh, and you progressive eco-nazi schmucks, read this! (

And this! (

Maybe if Australia loosens up their gun laws a safe haven might be found there some day...
Title: Re: The cry of the common moonbat progressive-"What's the worst that could happen?!"
Post by: ToddF on May 20, 2014, 01:03:18 PM
I thought this was going to be a thread on the cry of that species of animal known as Betamalis Pajamaboyis. (
Title: Re: The cry of the common moonbat progressive-"What's the worst that could happen?!"
Post by: Weisshaupt on May 20, 2014, 01:44:28 PM
Yeah I have seen that idiot argument made before.
We put people to work - KILLING ALL OTHER INDUSTRY and lowering the quality of life for everyone back the what it was in the 18th century -- I mean what is the worst that could happen? People die of starvation, cold, heat, and disease , never see their relatives in person again because travel too expensive.  I mean,its just the same as if we didn't do it, right?
Title: Re: The cry of the common moonbat progressive-"What's the worst that could happen?!"
Post by: Dan on May 20, 2014, 04:04:45 PM
Forget where I saw/heard it, but a good way to make these watermelons stutter and steam is ask them what's the right temp for the planet and when has it ever been so?
My theory is, since they hate humans, and warmer temps mean more food can grow, thus more humans, they have to destroy our ability to not just grow food, since co2 is plant food and also has a negligible effect as a heat driver, but also must ma,e as many surviving humans dependent on the governments which control the food supply (or soon will, to a much greater degree).
That's the worst that will happen if assholes like this elitist scum get their way.
Title: Re: The cry of the common moonbat progressive-"What's the worst that could happen?!"
Post by: ToddF on May 21, 2014, 07:28:55 AM
I'd answer the question honestly.

If you're wrong, the person who owns mansions on 5 continents and parks a massive yacht out of state to dodge taxes isn't hurt in any material way.  The peon who is now paying 3 times as much to heat and cool his home, to drive to work, and is now priced out of vacations is devastated.

Now, just what did your Poli Sci professor teach you will be the result of harming hundreds of millions to such an extent.  Just how much will the world cool by 2100, at what total cost, if we implement your policies?
Title: Re: The cry of the common moonbat progressive-"What's the worst that could happen?!"
Post by: Weisshaupt on May 21, 2014, 07:51:35 AM
I'd answer the question honestly.

If you're wrong, the person who owns mansions on 5 continents and parks a massive yacht out of state to dodge taxes isn't hurt in any material way.  The peon who is now paying 3 times as much to heat and cool his home, to drive to work, and is now priced out of vacations is devastated.

Now, just what did your Poli Sci professor teach you will be the result of harming hundreds of millions to such an extent.  Just how much will the world cool by 2100, at what total cost, if we implement your policies?

Thomas Sowell once said there are three questions to destroy any liberal argument

1) At what cost
2) as compared to what
3) Do you have any hard evidence of that?
Title: Re: The cry of the common moonbat progressive-"What's the worst that could happen?!"
Post by: Libertas on May 21, 2014, 07:57:17 AM
...aaaaannnnnd, their teeny-tiny little heads go "POP"!

Title: Re: The cry of the common moonbat progressive-"What's the worst that could happen?!"
Post by: AlanS on May 21, 2014, 11:09:48 AM
...aaaaannnnnd, their teeny-tiny little heads go "POP"!


Nah. They start name calling.
Title: Re: The cry of the common moonbat progressive-"What's the worst that could happen?!"
Post by: Libertas on May 21, 2014, 11:12:41 AM
...aaaaannnnnd, their teeny-tiny little heads go "POP"!


Nah. They start name calling.


Help them.

Title: Re: The cry of the common moonbat progressive-"What's the worst that could happen?!"
Post by: Pandora on May 21, 2014, 01:15:45 PM
I'd answer the question honestly.

If you're wrong, the person who owns mansions on 5 continents and parks a massive yacht out of state to dodge taxes isn't hurt in any material way.  The peon who is now paying 3 times as much to heat and cool his home, to drive to work, and is now priced out of vacations is devastated.

Now, just what did your Poli Sci professor teach you will be the result of harming hundreds of millions to such an extent.  Just how much will the world cool by 2100, at what total cost, if we implement your policies?

Thomas Sowell once said there are three questions to destroy any liberal argument

1) At what cost
2) as compared to what
3) Do you have any hard evidence of that?

Yes.  He also pointed out that most of what the Left considers problems cannot be solved, and that amelioration always involves trade-offs, which is a foreign concept to them, as indicated by those three questions.
Title: Re: The cry of the common moonbat progressive-"What's the worst that could happen?!"
Post by: Glock32 on May 21, 2014, 03:57:21 PM
The fact that most of what they consider problems cannot be solved is, to them, a feature not a bug. How much better off are black innercity families compared to the 1960s, now that we've fleeced generations unborn for the trillions of dollars spent on the Great Society? I don't know, because it seems to me every time there's an election we hear the same song and dance about poverty. It also seems that in the 1960s there was in fact such a thing as a "black innercity family". One of the biggest consequences of the Great Society is that the black family structure has been utterly decimated.

Why, it's almost as if it really has nothing to do with mitigating poverty and a lot more to do with reordering society as the Left sees fit. And what do you know, lo and behold, the "problem" is always just as bad as it was last year and the year before so therefore it's imperative that we keep giving up this and that.

Education is the same thing. It seems like every other year the local school system is pushing more education bonds. More, more, more. Always more, more, more. In almost any private endeavor, the demand for more, more, more will very quickly prompt the "what was accomplished with the last chunk of money you demanded?" question, but for some reason people treat public endeavors like they're immune to this line of questioning. Hell, to even ask the question means you want the poor chirren sitting at rickety desks under a leaky school roof, while their innocent little tummies rumble from emptiness.

All these pet causes of the Left are conveniently unsolvable, making them perfect vehicles for never ending moral grandstanding.