It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Weather, Climate, & Natural Disasters => Topic started by: patentlymn on March 18, 2021, 10:22:58 PM

Title: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: patentlymn on March 18, 2021, 10:22:58 PM
In short, think of these US govt data plots the next time you hear that this is the worst year for forest fires and it is due to climate change. Just click on the three links below. In recent weeks the US govt has deleted forest fire data prior to 1983 because 1983 was a low year and the 1930s were much worse. It will take less than one minute. If you do not like Tony Heller then just view the official US govt links and the archived one.

Remember this when you next hear about the record setting forest fires. (

The above plot is based on the US govt plot below
p 113 fig 16-1 still exists at the link below (

And look at pages 13-14 in the US Forest Service document below (

In short, US govt records and newspapers report the horrible forest fires in the 1930s.
In recent weeks, one govt source  has removed all records prior to 1983 as not in keeping with current methods. However other govt records and newspaper reports remain.

I checked, the link referenced before now redirects to a new page having only data from 1983 onward and the old link only exists as an archive.
New link starting at 1983 (

Archived link having data before 1983 (

I tried the old link (

And sure enough, I was redirected to the new link. The data now starts with 1983.
Prior to 1983, the federal wildland fire agencies did not track official wildfire data using current reporting processes. As a result, there is no official data prior to 1983 posted on this site.
Source: National Interagency Coordination Center ( ( (
or (
"Record Forest Fires"
8,845 views•Oct 16, 2020
There are scientific papers that say that many more acres burned every year before white people came to CA.
Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: Libertas on March 19, 2021, 08:38:54 AM
I do not trust BLM...or BLS...or....well I don't trust ANY of the  ::cussing::  zampolit-filled low-life traitorous scum!

Want real numbers?  Try going into the deep web. 

TAILS/TOR will open the door....
Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: patentlymn on March 19, 2021, 04:58:57 PM
The gif below is right out of 1984. NASA cooled the past temp record to show warming.
Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: patentlymn on March 19, 2021, 05:22:13 PM
There is so much of this available. The reasons the govt gives for changing the past are vague, even when asked. They use a word "homogenization." I recall some AU govt scientists were asked by the AU parliament/whatever to explain how and why
they were changing the temp record. They refused. They said it was too complicated to explain. (
Are Official US Temperature Graphs Credible?
tonyheller Published March 10, 2021 344 Views (

If you want one example of a temp record change, check out this column below. It for a remote site near a river and a very old small hydro power plant. Mostly unchanged over time. Note that if you want to correct for urban heat islands (this is not one of them) you would increase older temps or decrease newer temps. (




Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: Pandora on March 19, 2021, 10:43:25 PM
Too complicated to explain?  Which means they are unable to craft a lie that won't be seen through.

Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: patentlymn on March 20, 2021, 10:31:17 AM
Too complicated to explain?  Which means they are unable to craft a lie that won't be seen through.

The evidence of dishonesty noticed  by me just piled up over the past decade. You don't need a PhD to know that half your county burned down in 1936.

Tim Ball said that Michael Mann belonged in the state penn, not penn state, for creating his fraudulent hockey stick plot. Michael Mann sued him for slander in Canadian BC court. After much time the judge ordered Mann to produce his raw data and methods. A real scientist would do that anyway. Mann refused, the judge threw out the case and assessed Mann some court costs.

To get into real details, in case some warmist knows this stuff.
1. There are adjustments for time of observation bias. Min/max thermometers that are reset in the afternoon can double count some hot days. The adjustment may or may not be the right amount.
2. Some temp stations are moved so adjustments may be made which may or may not be mischievous.
3. Corrections for urban heat island effects would heat the past or cool the present, not the other way around.

Tony Heller went through the temp record and only used temp records that had not been adjusted. Little warming was seen.
Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: Libertas on March 22, 2021, 08:36:34 AM
They like to play with heat?

Me too!

Let's dance!


Oh, and...


And Climate Fraud is just another tool of economic warfare and totalitarian control...

Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: Pandora on March 22, 2021, 11:37:24 AM
We've been living there for a while more than now.  The Dept. of Energy produces no energy, just the opposite; the Dept. of Education hinders education; Homeland Security provides no security; and etc. etc. etc.
Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: Libertas on March 22, 2021, 12:19:18 PM

Are we there yet?

Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: patentlymn on March 26, 2021, 10:01:32 PM

Downloads are free. So global warming is not to blame. Maybe the forest service is.

He says that  "70 years of fire suppression policies has shifted resettlement fire regimes from frequent low-intensity surface fires to infrequent, but increasingly numerous,
large catastrophic crown fires. "  So the acres burned but did not burn down all the trees.
So blame Smokey the Bear. (
Fire History and Climate Change in Giant Sequoia Groves
December 1993Science 262(5135):885-9
DOI: 10.1126/science.262.5135.885
Thomas William Swetnam
The University of Arizona
Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: Libertas on March 29, 2021, 08:20:12 AM
The Fedcoat agencies all conspire to ruin economic productivity and good paying jobs while also making fire mitigation as worse as possible and oftentimes make the environment more toxic (remember Obama's orange river?)...and people let them get away with it...

The current paradigm has not been arrested yet...

Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: Libertas on August 18, 2021, 08:08:48 AM (

Blah blah blah...

How about people stop kow-towing to a bunch of eco-terrorists and climate-doomers and thin forests of overgrowth?  No?  Well, tough sh*t on you then!
Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: benb61 on August 18, 2021, 09:57:00 AM (

Blah blah blah...

How about people stop kow-towing to a bunch of eco-terrorists and climate-doomers and thin forests of overgrowth?  No?  Well, tough sh*t on you then!

I live in CA and agree 1000%.  I have been close to fires, but have never had to evacuate (knocks wood), these tree huggers want everything to be done as it was 10,000 years ago when there were no people around the forests and Gaia did what Gaia wanted, but there are people living all over Ca even in the forests and if we are to be concerned with human life, clearing underbrush should not be against the law!!!
Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: Libertas on August 18, 2021, 10:30:08 AM (

Blah blah blah...

How about people stop kow-towing to a bunch of eco-terrorists and climate-doomers and thin forests of overgrowth?  No?  Well, tough sh*t on you then!

I live in CA and agree 1000%.  I have been close to fires, but have never had to evacuate (knocks wood), these tree huggers want everything to be done as it was 10,000 years ago when there were no people around the forests and Gaia did what Gaia wanted, but there are people living all over Ca even in the forests and if we are to be concerned with human life, clearing underbrush should not be against the law!!!

Yup, not as bad the lake a couple bad storms did damage, people clear their land of fallen timber & brush all the time (I admit to being behind in this regard...but my patch of forest is relatively thin...but we'll be getting to it soon as we need good dry wood) but where they go apesh!t here in MN & WI is if once dry ground gets wet...then its a protected wetland...another load of stupendous eco-scat!!!   ::outrage::
Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: ToddF on August 18, 2021, 11:01:01 AM
We are STILL clearing dead wood due to last year's storm.

Take for example, this area.  These trees are pretty much gone.  The ones left are alive, but missing large chunks.  The cleanup is still ongoing.  No one is calling to leave the dead trees as they are because, well just because.,-91.5997917,3a,75y,185.42h,85.76t/data= (,-91.5997917,3a,75y,185.42h,85.76t/data=)!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sw-H1uhDa07mbwW4h0EUQ2w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: Libertas on August 18, 2021, 11:45:23 AM
That looks more tornadic...ours were maybe tornadic side winds and mostly straight line...weak rooted trees knocked over...strong trees sheared off mid to top...some areas just a mile away look more like your view...whole tracts of land literally into big sticks of murdered vegetation...some areas look war-scarred and barren now...
Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: ToddF on August 18, 2021, 02:20:40 PM
Derecho is the magic word and ours brought 130mph winds at it's peak.
Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: Alphabet Soup on August 18, 2021, 10:51:26 PM (

Blah blah blah...

How about people stop kow-towing to a bunch of eco-terrorists and climate-doomers and thin forests of overgrowth?  No?  Well, tough sh*t on you then!

I live in CA and agree 1000%.  I have been close to fires, but have never had to evacuate (knocks wood), these tree huggers want everything to be done as it was 10,000 years ago when there were no people around the forests and Gaia did what Gaia wanted, but there are people living all over Ca even in the forests and if we are to be concerned with human life, clearing underbrush should not be against the law!!!

I hope that it doesn't change for you. In my neck o the woods I have more to fear from a volcanic eruption than I do forest fire.
Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: Libertas on September 28, 2021, 02:16:40 PM

Ban leftists...for the greater good!
Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: patentlymn on September 29, 2021, 10:31:46 AM

I hesitate to judge CA fires sometimes because I do not understand their ecology(?). Some guy at covert conservatives describes how his lawn mower blade hitting a rock could start a major fire. Also his angle grinder spark almost did. Catalytic converters over dry grass same thing.

Here in the land of 1000 lakes a spark would usually die of loneliness. Exceptions are train sparks in the spring amongst dead grass or swamps. Usually OK to let them burn absent nearby valuable real estate.
Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: Libertas on September 29, 2021, 10:53:10 AM
CA and most states take a enviro-whacko stance on clearing brush...thinning overgrown know "tinder" for fires.  Throw in morons throwing gender-reveal-parties or crazy pyro ladies calling themselves a shaman...well...karma...

As for the mower blade...would need some feldspar present or something akin to it to spark...anyway, don't most people mowing have access to water...lawn hose...something?  Hard to see how that could get out of hand unless you let it.  I've had old mowers get clumps of dry clippings on exhaust and start smoking...stop, take care of it...mow on...

Pretty sure it is more to do with laziness and stupidity than product liability...
Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: Libertas on October 25, 2021, 08:44:03 AM
See this weeping and gnashing? 

Atmospheric river, BOMB CYCLONE...

 ::ohno:: (

Yeah, well...if you damned Marxists would stop the tinder-creating eco-cult crap and stop setting fires maybe God won't send his rain to put that crap out...

Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: patentlymn on November 15, 2021, 03:39:54 PM

Just lying from NASA. 1921 was hot so NASA rewrites the past.

The Climate Of Gavin
Tony Heller
111K subscribers
The long term temperature record from government agencies doesn't match the historical record, and has nothing to do with reality.
Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: Libertas on November 16, 2021, 08:09:39 AM
Lies get funding...the truth gets them shut down...welcome to the retarded end of America...
Title: Re: US govt tampers with historical data, recently forest fires
Post by: Libertas on May 31, 2022, 01:21:42 PM
Government also starts a lot of fires...if not by idiotic forestry like, you know, actually starting them...for the greater good, so they say... (

A controlled burn of socialism is in dire need...