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‘Ukraine Today Is Not a Democracy’: An Interview with Former Ambassador Jack Matlock
by Gregor Baszak Posted on May 01, 2024
I went to Kyiv, it must have been either 1993 or 1994, with a group of people who had worked on our National Security Council. We had an agreement with the Ukrainian government to come and describe to them how we operated in the National Security Council in Washington. When we finished our presentation, a senior Ukrainian official commented: “You are talking about foreign relations, but our problem is internal.” And then they showed us maps of where the voting had been, with one side beginning with 85, 90% of one party in the West and then in the East 85 or 90% in the other party. And actually these elections were split almost 50-50. Over the following years, sometimes one side would get 50.1%, sometimes the other side, but it was always very close.

What made this particularly dangerous was the Ukrainian constitution which had the President name what we would call the state governors, the provincial chiefs. There was no election at the provincial level the way we Americans have. Obviously, that would not work if the country is very much divided, but that was how the problem started there and they got deeper and deeper and by 2014 the violence was started in the west and primarily by these Neo Nazi groups who first of all started taking over the provincial governors’ offices.

This is why one of the requirements of the Minsk agreements was that Ukraine would adopt a federal constitution that would let these Russian speaking entities elect their own leaders the way citizens of American states elect their governors. If we Americans had had the sort of system Ukraine had, we would have broken up long ago. You need a federal system like Switzerland has, for example, or Belgium, or in Finland where the Swedish minority has full cultural rights. But this is something the current Ukrainian government, those who control it, never conceded and, as I said, that was one of the requirements of the Minsk agreement. Why Germany and France didn’t insist that the Ukrainians abide by it if they were going to get any more aid, I don’t know. The United States should have, too. We approved the agreement, though we were not a signatory.

The current tragedy is that it is bad for everybody. Obviously the people suffering most are the Ukrainians and we also know that a few weeks after the Russian invasion they came very near coming to an agreement but were discouraged by Boris Johnson. They were also, I’m sure, discouraged by the United States.

I thought that the 10 billion Euros the Finns want from EU had to do with NATO.
That was wrong. It is to help with the damage caused by Finns going along with anti RU sanctions.

The Finns joined NATO w/o a referendum.
🇫🇮 Finns don't want to fight Nato wars.

The number of people leaving the Finnish reserve has swelled to thousands.

“Until NATO membership, Finland had an independent, credible defense and I could have gone to the front.

But when we are part of America's military forces, we don't care at all anymore”

—one of the people leaving the reserve explains to MTV

[this seems too high/ Maybe percent of reserves?]
Lord Bebo
May 3
🇫🇮 Finns don't want to fight Nato wars.

The number of people leaving the Finnish reserve has swelled to thousands.

“Until NATO membership, Finland had an independent, credible defense and I could have gone to the front.

But when we are part of America's military forces, we…
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PeaceWarrior8423 🇷🇺💣🇺🇦??😄
The number of people that have left Finnish army reserves equals 40% of Finnish total military strength. That is huge!
You celebrating or weeping?

I had not seen a concise description of what happened before.
Burning people alive kicked things into high gear.
NAZIs values are not nice. Who knew?
The US coup and resulting civil war will leave Ukr a wasteland.
Taiwan is next.

Google is censoring this pro-Trump ad to protect Biden.?
Entertainment / Re: The "I Saw This Bit Of Music On The Net" Thread
« Last post by patentlymn on Today at 02:22:20 PM »
I found some traditional folk or folkmetal group Percival. The band changes members often.

The guy playing the Baglama or Saz seems to be having fun.

You celebrating or weeping?

10 year anniversary of Odessa.
Odessa Massacre Ten Years On: How Radicals Drowned City in Blood to Subdue Ukraine

Thursday marks the 10th anniversary of the May 2, 2014 Odessa Trade Unions Building massacre, in which 48 anti-Maidan activists were burned alive by neo-Nazi thugs. The violence, coming soon after Kiev kicked off its ‘anti-terrorist operation’ in the Donbass, demonstrated the new regime’s readiness to drown Ukraine in blood to cling to power.
The warm weather of the spring of 2014 was accompanied by the winds of revolutionary fervor across southeastern Ukraine, with activists from across Kharkov, the Donbass, Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk, Kherson, Nikolayev and Odessa rising up in opposition to the Euromaidan coup in Kiev that had taken place in February.
“These ‘guests’, under the guise of vacationers, filled the recreation centers in the Zatoka area [a suburb of Odessa, ed.], the Pavlov’s House Hotel in Odessa, and Dofinovka [a resort suburb, ed.]. A lot of them rented apartments in Odessa, and stayed at the Gorky, Lermontovsky and other sanatoriums. As a result, there were at least 1,500 people at these ‘bases’ who had gone through the Kiev Maidan,” Polishchuk estimates.
These forces were well-organized, the investigator emphasized, pointing out that as many as five checkpoints were set up around Odessa manned by Euromaidan activists, who took it upon themselves to inspect vehicles coming into and out of the city, and ignored the police and even government officials’ orders that the posts be dismantled.

World/Foreign Affairs / Re: Gaza & Hamas vs Israel
« Last post by patentlymn on Today at 01:09:32 PM »

I heard a weird story. I did not bother to read it. Pepe Escobar wrote some story maybe on twitter.
He claims it was from 2 good sources. Many detractors said he got played.

Story is that Israel panicked during the Iranian missile and drone attacks. They sent a F-35 armed with some sort of small nuke, maybe on missile. Sent to Iran to cause EMP. It got shot down.
Critics say this is too low to cause EMP.

World/Foreign Affairs / Re: Gaza & Hamas vs Israel
« Last post by patentlymn on Yesterday at 07:53:44 PM »
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