Topics > Economy

Ending paper fiat...Mark of the Beast


This is a really good read.

What the Neo-Keynesian's have done to fiat is criminal...the system could have survived and been less volatile and corruptible had the greedy and power mad been kept at bay...

But as bad as paper fiat is better than being herded into nothing but vapor.

As always something more we know from history...will be the ultimate medium of exchange.

But it shows how desperate these idiots who've cornered themselves are that they are even considering this last act of insanity...

If you think things are bad now...just cede everything instead of most everything to these maniacs!

The big load of stink is getting real close to that big spinning blade doohickey!



It figures those morons who long ago shed whatever sense they had would be the first to run with something like it can be applied to anything...

But...when things go dark...or if it is switched off by PTB's...those folks will have...nothing.


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