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Columbus Sailed Because of Muslims


Muslims had closed the land routes to the orient.  This good read also includes a list of muslim invasions and attacks in Europe.

Well, sure.  I don't know what they say now in schools...other than Columbus was a white devil you was sent by imperialist capitalist despots to rape, pillage, plunder and slaughter the poor indigenous souls in the America's...but even in my day they rarely went passed "needed to find a new route to the Orient for trading goods" and "the route around 'the cape' was long and treacherous" and so a new route was needed and a few like Columbus thought going West long enough you'll end up east...even though the Church put the Round Earther's on the heresy list wiser people knew this rock isn't flat.  Ask hard enough and you'll be told of the Crusade's and the Ottoman's.  Heck even the Barbary Pirates (Islaminals again!) got glossed over in my day.

Revealing the truth of Islam has never been a high priority these past several decades...but the denial has gotten much worse over that time.

Bleep them and bleep Islam! 

Pretty much the same in my day which is why I posted.  The details of the issues of the day make the story a precursor of today.  Still have to fight the same battles for the same reasons. 


--- Quote from: Libertas on August 03, 2016, 12:34:27 PM ---Bleep them and bleep Islam!

--- End quote ---

Yoasa! You betcha! Concur! Amen!

A little more Ottoman history swept under the Progressive and Mohammadan rug...


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