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Do you suffer from Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder (TARD)?

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Man, I see a lot of TARD's!

I have their logo -


We need to help these poor people...I suggest a combination of ignoring them...rubbing their noses in it...and laughter.

Damn!  Sure didn't take long for the first high-profile a-hole to step up and join the toddler meltdown, eh?


What a douche!  Hey, good luck pissing in the wind!


Pablo de Fleurs:
True confession. I do suffer. I DO! I suffer from an urge to biotch-smack these bastards on the street or on campuses as they sip their hot cocoa & stroke their comfort animals.

What they're additionally pissed about is the the illusory world painted by the media that Obama had ushered in a platform that more & more people were agreeing with & that his popularity & policies were soaring...

...then reality hit in the form of the 11/08 election, make that a total repudiation of Obama-World, & the bubble was popped; the curtain pulled away.

That will move Charles Scott Johnson to threaten another mass banning at Little Green Footballs Powerline if anyone uses that, for sure!


Oh yeah?  Isn't that dude the resident Snowflake Oversight Czar for that site? 


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