Topics > Science, Technology, & Medicine

Future Tech



Yeah, sure...swell.

1)  If we don't have global economic collapse and war.

2)  Pass on the AI crap, and the meddling with DNA crap...we don't need eugenics or any kind of master race, no chimera's to go genocidal on us...and holographic pets, seriously?...and back off on the eco-engineering crap, the earth is capable of self-healing!

3)  I'll probably be worm food before seeing widespread fusion power...oh well...

lol  to most of those things. 

Kinda hard to go forward when so many want to acquiesce to cults wanting to go back hundreds if not thousands of years...but the same crowd will have a full meltdown if their iCrap is interfered with in the slightest...

Sure signs the specie is in crisis...


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