It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => General Board => Topic started by: Pandora on April 21, 2011, 10:38:38 PM

Title: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: Pandora on April 21, 2011, 10:38:38 PM
6 Year Old Girl Groped By TSA (

The shock of a video of a Transportation Security Administration screener patting down a 6-year-old child has drawn anger and even a subsequent potential legislative response. But the TSA’s actions were not improper, says Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

On Wednesday’s “Morning Joe” on MSNBC, Napolitano described the rationale behind such screening – saying everyone must be screened, because otherwise an exempted group could be exploited for a potential terrorist attack.


An "exempted group"?  Would that be the ROPers, the 'muslims who hijacked our planes and flew them into our buildings?  The "exempted group" that is permitted to "pat down" their own be-hijabbed heads, so they're not defiled by the infidel touching them?

Green blasting ::overkill:: doesn't cover the contempt, outrage and hostility I direct at them.
Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: IronDioPriest on April 21, 2011, 10:42:40 PM
I just realized I have not seen a single solitary video on YouTube or anywhere else of a Muslim being groped by the TSA.

Where's the video.
Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: Pandora on April 21, 2011, 10:46:29 PM

What you will see is a hijabbed TSA goon frisking a nun.  "Google" it.
Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: charlesoakwood on April 21, 2011, 10:51:40 PM

One becomes aware the world is a little off bubble when a homosexual is in authority to pronounce what is and is not proper.

Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: IronDioPriest on April 21, 2011, 10:52:39 PM

One becomes aware the world is a little off bubble when a homosexual is in authority to pronounce what is and is not proper.

No doubt Charles. No doubt.
Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: benb61 on April 22, 2011, 12:37:36 PM
If I were a tsa employee and the boss told me to do this I'd hand in my badge and call him/her a pedofile and probably knock a few of his teeth out.  That is just disgusting!
Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: IronDioPriest on April 22, 2011, 12:50:33 PM
If I were a tsa employee and the boss told me to do this I'd hand in my badge and call him/her a pedofile and probably knock a few of his teeth out.  That is just disgusting!

I have this fantasy of waiting until the TSA agent is crouched down before me, and planting my knee in his/her teeth the moment the hand touches my penis, all on video cam. I have children and do not wish to spend time in prison, but at the same time, the issue needs to be forced. Make the federal government and its bureaucratic tentacles prosecute in a court of law an Internet hero who responded to sexual molestation with a warning and then reluctantly resorting to self-defense.
Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: BMG on April 24, 2012, 06:22:23 PM

First, a TSO began yelling at my child, and demanded she too must sit down and await a full body pat-down. I was prevented from coming any closer, explaining the situation to her, or consoling her in any way. My daughter, who was dressed in tight leggings, a short sleeve shirt and mary jane shoes, had no pockets, no jacket and nothing in her hands. The TSO refused to let my daughter pass through the scanners once more, to see if she too would set off the alarm. It was implied, several times, that my Mother, in their brief two-second embrace, had passed a handgun to my daughter.

My child, who was obviously terrified, had no idea what was going on, and the TSOs involved still made no attempt to explain it to her. When they spoke to her, it was devoid of any sort of compassion, kindness or respect. They told her she had to come to them, alone, and spread her arms and legs. She screamed, ‘No! I don’t want to!’ then did what any frightened young child might, she ran the opposite direction.

That is when a TSO told me they would shut down the entire airport, cancel all flights, if my daughter was not restrained. It was then they declared my daughter a ‘high-security-threat.’

They brought her into a side room to administer a pat-down, I followed. My sweet four-year-old child was shaking and crying uncontrollably, she did not want to stand still and let strangers touch her … A TSO began repeating that in the past she had ‘seen a gun in a teddy bear.’ The TSO seemed utterly convinced my child was concealing a weapon, as if there was no question about it.

Worse still, she was treating my daughter like she understood how dangerous this was, as if my daughter was not only a tool in a terrorist plot, but actually in on it.

The TSO loomed over my daughter, with an angry grimace on her face, and ordered her to stop crying. When my scared child could not do so, two TSOs called for backup saying ‘The suspect is not cooperating.’ The suspect, of course, being a frightened child. They treated my daughter no better than if she had been a terrorist ….

But I’ve saved the best news for last. According to the website Consumerist, the TSA has reviewed the case and determined that its officers “followed proper current screening procedures in conducting a modified pat-down on the child.” Can we expect more of the same in the future? Does the president eat poodle chops?

Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: Pandora on April 24, 2012, 06:35:00 PM
And yet people still go to the airport, with their children and elders in tow, to submit.
Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: BMG on April 24, 2012, 07:39:37 PM
And yet people still go to the airport, with their children and elders in tow, to submit.

True enough. I'll be headed to the airport next month - ain't looking forward to it either. But I don't have much choice. I only have so much time and I need to be in Alaska and back home in that amount of time. I can't drive it and accomplish what needs done so I have to fly.

Regardless, the TSA has their tentacles into mass transit of all kinds at this point anyway. Subways, buses, trains and even random VIPER stops along the interstate highway system. Before long we'll have to submit if we wish to walk down to the corner store.  >:(

Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: Predator Don on April 24, 2012, 07:48:04 PM

First, a TSO began yelling at my child, and demanded she too must sit down and await a full body pat-down. I was prevented from coming any closer, explaining the situation to her, or consoling her in any way. My daughter, who was dressed in tight leggings, a short sleeve shirt and mary jane shoes, had no pockets, no jacket and nothing in her hands. The TSO refused to let my daughter pass through the scanners once more, to see if she too would set off the alarm. It was implied, several times, that my Mother, in their brief two-second embrace, had passed a handgun to my daughter.

My child, who was obviously terrified, had no idea what was going on, and the TSOs involved still made no attempt to explain it to her. When they spoke to her, it was devoid of any sort of compassion, kindness or respect. They told her she had to come to them, alone, and spread her arms and legs. She screamed, ‘No! I don’t want to!’ then did what any frightened young child might, she ran the opposite direction.

That is when a TSO told me they would shut down the entire airport, cancel all flights, if my daughter was not restrained. It was then they declared my daughter a ‘high-security-threat.’

They brought her into a side room to administer a pat-down, I followed. My sweet four-year-old child was shaking and crying uncontrollably, she did not want to stand still and let strangers touch her … A TSO began repeating that in the past she had ‘seen a gun in a teddy bear.’ The TSO seemed utterly convinced my child was concealing a weapon, as if there was no question about it.

Worse still, she was treating my daughter like she understood how dangerous this was, as if my daughter was not only a tool in a terrorist plot, but actually in on it.

The TSO loomed over my daughter, with an angry grimace on her face, and ordered her to stop crying. When my scared child could not do so, two TSOs called for backup saying ‘The suspect is not cooperating.’ The suspect, of course, being a frightened child. They treated my daughter no better than if she had been a terrorist ….

But I’ve saved the best news for last. According to the website Consumerist, the TSA has reviewed the case and determined that its officers “followed proper current screening procedures in conducting a modified pat-down on the child.” Can we expect more of the same in the future? Does the president eat poodle chops?

I would have been arrested if I saw something like this......I'm flying in a few weeks. Im not too keen on being frisked, so if asked, I will decline. I'm simply not going to allow it.
Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: Pandora on April 24, 2012, 07:58:18 PM
And yet people still go to the airport, with their children and elders in tow, to submit.

True enough. I'll be headed to the airport next month - ain't looking forward to it either. But I don't have much choice. I only have so much time and I need to be in Alaska and back home in that amount of time. I can't drive it and accomplish what needs done so I have to fly.

Regardless, the TSA has their tentacles into mass transit of all kinds at this point anyway. Subways, buses, trains and even random VIPER stops along the interstate highway system. Before long we'll have to submit if we wish to walk down to the corner store.    >:(

I see.  It's spread now, so "resistance is futile", right?

Bet me.
Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: LadyVirginia on April 24, 2012, 08:03:46 PM
If that had been my child I'm afraid I would have said shut the airport down.  And would have proceeded to call every media outlet and person I could think of.

That is when a TSO told me they would shut down the entire airport, cancel all flights, if my daughter was not restrained. It was then they declared my daughter a ‘high-security-threat.’
They want to make a circus I would have given them one. (I once had a hotel manager threaten to call the police because I complained about the  horrible, nasty room we had.  I looked her square in the eye and said, "Call 'em."  She backed down and ended up comping the room.)

These TSA agents are not bright people!

I flew into NY a few years ago and walked by a group of TSA agents talking.  Honestly, if you took off the uniform and stuck them on a street corner you would avoid walking past them, assuming they were up to no good.

On second thought, keep the uniform and put them back in the airport and assume they ARE up to no good.
Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: BMG on April 24, 2012, 08:28:54 PM
I see.  It's spread now, so "resistance is futile", right?

@Pan: Futile? No. I was attempting to note the degree to which it has spread. Not trying to say that I was throwing in the towel because of it. I'm a bit more tenacious about that sort of thing.

If that had been my child I'm afraid I would have said shut the airport down.  And would have proceeded to call every media outlet and person I could think of.

@LV: That is exactly my plan. We'll be taking along some video cameras to document stuff just in case. And if something similar happens (because I will be traveling with a 3 year old) the airport will indeed be getting 'locked down' and I'll likely be headed to jail... and a couple days later the nation will be watching it on YouTube.

Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: Libertas on April 25, 2012, 07:22:14 AM
I told you, you want to not be groped and hassled?  Get some robes and wrap a damn towel around your noggin'!

This is the sick fvcking world we live in now!

Better get used to it, it shows no signs of letting up!
Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: Glock32 on April 25, 2012, 10:22:57 AM
All tyrannies form armies of lesser-tyrants as their enforcers. They cynically take advantage of the sociopaths who exist, to some extent or another, in any society. They grant them the one thing they crave, power over others. In the American tyranny nothing is more capricious than a busybody given a polyester uniform.

I am to the point now where I think it the duty of liberty loving Americans to shun and ridicule anyone who participates, by association, in these outrages. I don't even want to hear "they just need a job like anyone else" excuses. I'll go one further and say that I am very nearly to the point of extending this attitude to all government employees of any kind. I say it is time for the drawing of lines in the sand and let people settle onto the side of their sympathies. I would be embarrassed and ashamed to think that I earned my living from State Almighty.
Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: Libertas on April 25, 2012, 10:42:34 AM
All tyrannies form armies of lesser-tyrants as their enforcers. They cynically take advantage of the sociopaths who exist, to some extent or another, in any society. They grant them the one thing they crave, power over others. In the American tyranny nothing is more capricious than a busybody given a polyester uniform.

I am to the point now where I think it the duty of liberty loving Americans to shun and ridicule anyone who participates, by association, in these outrages. I don't even want to hear "they just need a job like anyone else" excuses. I'll go one further and say that I am very nearly to the point of extending this attitude to all government employees of any kind. I say it is time for the drawing of lines in the sand and let people settle onto the side of their sympathies. I would be embarrassed and ashamed to think that I earned my living from State Almighty.

Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: LadyVirginia on April 25, 2012, 11:18:39 AM
I know that if and when I ever have to make my stand I have to be ready to go it alone.  Hopefully, people like you here at IAL will come to my aid but I'm not relying on that.  I say this only because I know in the past when I've had to be vocal about something (much less risk a confrontation,etc) that I've been told by friends and family to lightened up--even "accused of being dogmatic!"  So I question how much support I'd get when push comes to shove.

Too many of my own family members think the TSA is there to help.  "Oh, they're so kind and nice to me." OR "They never give me any trouble." OR "They're just doing their job to keep us safe."  OR "You don't understand the fourth amendment."

Witnessing what's going on nowadays is like being awake during a heart transplant without drugs.  I get to see and feel it all and I'll still probably end up dead.

Everyone else seems to have blinders on and I'm always the odd one even in little things. When I get off an elevator I move aside aware that someone else may need to get by me.  Someone is struggling to open a door I help them rather than cruise by them towards another door.  I don't leave my cart in the middle of the aisle because I don't want to inconvenience someone else. 

Sometimes I wonder what would it be like to go through life so unaware?  And then there's the benefit of being face-down, room temperature and never knowing what hit them.

Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: Libertas on April 25, 2012, 11:39:42 AM
I like how you express yourself LV!

Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: benb61 on April 25, 2012, 12:00:05 PM
Everyone else seems to have blinders on and I'm always the odd one even in little things. When I get off an elevator I move aside aware that someone else may need to get by me.  Someone is struggling to open a door I help them rather than cruise by them towards another door.  I don't leave my cart in the middle of the aisle because I don't want to inconvenience someone else. 

Common courtesy is something the libs just don't have.  I see it every day on the roads, in the grocery store, even at work.  I like you LV am aware of my surroundings at all times and attempt to not be a hazard or hindrance to anyone as I hope/wish they would do for me.  Common courtesy and respect is something most of the younger generations have not been taught or they just don't care about showing, all the while demanding it from everyone else.
Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: Libertas on April 25, 2012, 08:22:39 PM
And now, a 7 year old girl with cerebal palsey is public enemy #1! (

These sick bastards are way out of control.

Yet, the deafness from The Hill is loud and clear...they don't give a damn.
Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: Glock32 on April 25, 2012, 09:04:36 PM
The asininity behind it stems from the same mentality that gave us "zero tolerance" policies in schools. It's absurdism that even Python can't grasp. I know someone whose 8th grade son was arrested, yes arrested, for using a pen and rubber band to assemble a spitball shooter in class. Not given detention or something like that, no, arrested by the police at the insistence of the school "administration".

The ability to discriminate, as in intellectually discriminate between different concepts and their contexts, is one of the fundamental components of Reason. That's also precisely why it is forbidden in the soft tyranny of PC America, because it necessarily defers to individual judgment and initiative, and State Almighty has claimed that monopoly for itself. So the result is we have schoolkids shooting spitballs being treated exactly the same as if they had produced a real firearm, and we have toddlers and handicapped grandmothers being treated like 25 year old Arab men with no luggage and one way last minute tickets at airport security.

And it won't stop until we make it stop.
Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: LadyVirginia on April 25, 2012, 10:31:53 PM
I like how you express yourself LV!


Thanks, that made my day.

Common courtesy is something the libs just don't have.  I see it every day on the roads, in the grocery store, even at work.  I like you LV am aware of my surroundings at all times and attempt to not be a hazard or hindrance to anyone as I hope/wish they would do for me.  Common courtesy and respect is something most of the younger generations have not been taught or they just don't care about showing, all the while demanding it from everyone else.

I've told this story before here at IAL I think but hey, I'm going to tell it again.  My residential street opens out to a 4 lane highway--actually there's 5 lanes because of the center turn lane.  Anyway, to cross 3 lanes to go left often takes 2, 3 or 4 minutes when traffic is heavy.  My neighbor ( yeah, the one that drives the Pruis and insists on having a second waste hauler come down our private street every week to get her recycled paper and glass) drives as if she's the only one that has to get anywhere.  One day I was waiting to turn left and she pulls up on my left to also turn left completely blocking my view and my opportunity to turn and then shoots out into the turn lane heading the opposite direction of the marked direction of the lane.  I then had to wait even longer to turn.  There's no way she didn't know that I had to be a neighbor -- not that many people live on our street.

A few days later I was in a Target that also has a grocery department. I was in line with about 3 or 4 others when the woman checking out (with all her organic products and her "green" reusable bags all over the place) realized she'd forgotten onions. Onions are right up front where the produce is as you come inside the store. Okay, she dashes to get it.  You hurry if that's you right?  No, she decided she'd forgotten several things.  I look over to see what's taking her so long and she's going down several aisles picking up stuff while we all waited. But by golly she had her bags to save the earth. 

Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: Pandora on April 25, 2012, 10:57:05 PM
Normally, LV, they're called Oblivions.  In the case of your neighbor, she has a case of the "my sht don't stink".

There's a reckoning coming for the sht-don't-stink'ers.  Maybe you'll be the one to deliver to her hers.
Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: LadyVirginia on April 25, 2012, 11:43:54 PM
Normally, LV, they're called Oblivions.  In the case of your neighbor, she has a case of the "my sht don't stink".

There's a reckoning coming for the sht-don't-stink'ers.  Maybe you'll be the one to deliver to her hers.


I could make a long list of the stuff they do like have bottled water delivered every week and jetting around the world fairly often. Classic liberals using the earth's resources and inflicting their guilt on the rest of us.

Title: Re: "Pat-down" of 6 year-old not improper .... say what?
Post by: Libertas on April 26, 2012, 08:08:27 AM
"Oblivions", good term.

Back in my day, like a lot of things, it fell under the aegius of "asshole".  But "Oblivions" is pretty descriptive too.

Local radio guy here has a couple blanket terms - for anyone buying into AGW/green stuff its "Mysterians" and for anybody who is just full-tilt left-wing kooky "Euphorians".

In the description LV gave, these people are probably both!